jmiimirnmmmiamBmmBHmt m mmi HUM m mi h fi imi m i wm in mmm in fn I ill IWiMWBrilCWwOiMiaiWtMWiW wmWWtfUWilH HiMIV Ha MiLKm WrttMaMSWfiiMaa- , . . ... , mvna A 451 AAA mi T. I forms cart, without the harmful f. I FALL. TRADE ACTIVITY. I --."..-. wT'.I.',l.''.''.J.. THE C0!!00il CLOBL THURSDAY, CC1CEEFS, 186. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREGON. THE C0li.UK W At EXE TROUBLE About 100 men are ("till confined in the "bull pen" at Wardner, Ida ho, for alleged complicity in the de struction of the Bunker Hill A Sul livan mill fust 'April. According U the Idaho State Tribune, t he offi cial organ of the Miner's Union, of that district, thefie men have been, and are still being persecuted and mistreated in a manner thatshould make the keepers of Russian ex iles in Siberia turn greerr with envy From the paper above referred to we make the following extract: "About a week ago the inmates of the bull pen were discovered in the act of tunueling out and while it must be generally admitted that persons imprisoned on charge of crime forfeit in a great measure their standing and respectability by attempting to escape from the oflicersof the law. Nevertheless pelf-preservation is the first law of nature and to escape is the natural inclination, and after remaining in the bull pen for five long weary months, without charge or trial, while two sessions of the district court of Shoshone county have been held, and with the further 'knowledge that the civil courts have been barricaded against them by the Krag Jorgenson rifles of Governor Steunenburg, the attempt to escape was but natural and we doubt if in all Idaho there can be found ten persons who would not make the atterrpt under like cir cumstances, but for this attempted escape a punishment is imposed upon them. They were ordered to dig a ditch nine feet deep around the entire prison, which order they Btubbornly refused to obey. Their refusal was not only human but just. The prisoners in the bull pen are convicted of no crime and un der the law of this country are pre sumed innocent until proved guilty and no officer, however great, has any moral or legal right to compel them to do manual labor against their will. They are entitled to wholesome food, comfortable beds and decent treatment and can in no sense be rightfully treated as felonB until judgment has been passed upon them by the courts of the country. But it appears that the authorities have no regard for law and decency, and when the prisoners refused to work at man ual labor at the command of Cap tain Edwards and without remun eration they were placed ou a bread and water diet. All the straw was taken from their bunks and they are compelled to sleep on the hard boards. Refreshments . of every kind are denied them. Those ad dicted to the use of tobacco are re fused it. They are compelled to stand up in line in the boiling sun seven hours per day and denied the right to take a step or move a limb . under pain of death. Such cruelty is without a parallel in this age of Christian civilization". Every man who was implicated in the riot of last April should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law but, if the above statements are correct, it would seem that per secution and not prosecution ia'the method being employed by the state and military authorities in the Coeur d' Alenes. If the charges which have been iterated and reit erated by the Tribune for the last five months are true, there can be no doubt but that the state author ities have trampled the law under foot to as great an ex tent as the rio ters did. If they are not true why do the authorities not stop the pub lication of the paper. If the Trib une's charges are false the office should be closed and the editor should be locked up. If they are true the governor and his subordi nates should be impeached, remov ed from office ard sent to the pen ltentiary. . The Oregonian quotes a New York paper to the effect that the high price of beef to the American consumer is due to the fact that American packers are selling beef in England at a loss of $1,000, 000 a month in order to drive Aus tralian beef from that market and tt "play even" they have raised the price to the consumers at homo. That is the method employed by trusts in more cases than one. The "dear people" pay all sorts of pro fits and expenses to the trust mag nates and then shout themselves hoarse for the politicians w ho wink at trusts and make their robberies legal and respectable. A Car-load of Superior Disc Drills The legislature of Oregon could protect ' the people of the state against the outrageous charges of the express companies for services between points within the state. Particularly are these charges ex cessive on smaller packages sent from Portland to points in Eastern Oregon. For carrying and deliver a package under eight pounds from Portland to Pendleton the charge is beyond reason, being nearly as much as for a similar package from Chicago to Pendleton. The Port land merchants should use their influence with a view of lessening these charges of the express com panies, as the discrimination against Portland has the effect of driving a considerable business east that be longs by right to Portland trades men. In matters of this kind the Portland business interest is dere lict, not seeming to care to what extent extortion is resorted to so long as it is not directly attributed to it. The express companies should be made to reduce their rates on the smaller packages to some thing near the level of rates charg ed for similar service by the express companies in the East, and the bus iness men of Portland should take the initiative in the matter, and if necessary, correct the abuse by act of the legislature. Since the ex press companies take advantage of every opportunity to cinch the pub lic the least they should expect is that the people will make use of their powers to protect themselves against extortion. The charges of these companies concern every cit izen of the state, as they unneces sarily add to the cost of living, so that big dividends may be paid to stockholders who have no interest in the country or the people, other wise than to exact all the traffic will bear. East Oregonian. curntrr-p eniE In tlx Circuit Oourt o the Swte I Orrii, lor JUST" REC HIVED -mj'llfc th County of (JHUnrav PrrU-kskeUjrrprlntlir, TiChrk. Wllsou, defcimlunt. KoUro toberaby Ktvn, that n wieeaMon and imlet ot tnh; was issnod ont of the Clsnutt Court of Mm Stata of Oregon, milium CoHntjr, on th. 1ml any of October, 1S9, apooa dwiroe therein Tondercd on the ISth day of September, m, In furor of Patrick Skelly. plaintiff, d aKslust Cnnrk N, Wilson, defendant, which auld execu tion aud order ot h U In w directed and commanding me to tell the property hereinafter described, for the purnow of wtlefy lnt tha Hi.ismi.Mit of the pluiuUfT la laid caune for the moot Throe Hundred Seventy-lire and Ptt-100 dollar, with Intercut thereon at' per cent piir an num from the Wth day of September, 1S9, and the cost aud disbursement! ot ald unit taxed at KUtht Dollar. H0O and iVI attorney fee. Therefore, hi compliance with said execution ami order of sale, 1 will on Saturday, November 4, 1899. at fire hour of 3 o'clock, p. m., at the court House door tn Condon, Otlllam County. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, for the purpose of satisfying the judgment and decree aboya mentioned, the fol lowing described premises, to-wit The H' of the n e i and the H of the se i of sec 7 IntpS south of range 20 east of Willam ette Meridian aud situated in Gilliam County, State of Oregou. Dated this 2ud day of October, 1K99. Sam K. Vah V actor, W. L. W itcox. Att'y for Pitt Sheriff of Gilliam County, Or, 9UdH The British government has sen a rush order to a firm of Chicago horse dealers for all the 1200 pound horses, suitable for artillery pur poses, the market will afford. They will pay f 123 per head. Thus far should we go towards an '"Anglo American" alliance but no farther We can well afford to furnish Joh Bull with horses and mules, and other war supplies, but for heaven' sake don't let us tangle up with hira in any brotberly-love-conquer and chrislianize-the-world busi ness. We have enough troubles of our own. SHERIFF'S SAIL In tbr Ctrcoit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Qilliam. Lester Coffin and It, Stanley Coffin as Cofftn Bros, and James W. Smith, plaintiffs, ts. W.A. TesternvHn,;nnle B Testerraanjhis wife and The I American Mortgage Company, a corporation, defendants. Notice la hereby given that an execution and order of sale was Issued outot the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,. Gilliam County, on the 30th day of September, 1S9D, upon a decree I therein rendered on the 18th day of September, 1SS9, in favor ol The American Mortgage Com pany of Scotland Limited, defendant aud against W. A. Testerman and Annie B. Testerman, the defendants, which said executloa and order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described, far the purpose of satisfying the judgement of the de fendant In said caaae for the sum of One Thous and Three Hundred and Seventy-one and 10-100 Dollars (US71.40) with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, from the 18th. day of September, 1899, and the costs and dis bursements of said suit taxed at 15.00 and 1100.00 attorney's fees and f 16.00 paid for taxes. Therefore, In compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will oa Saturday. November 4,1808 at the hour of 2 o'clock' p. m., at the Court House door In Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, I sell at public auetiou to the highest bidder for rash In hand, tor the purpose of satisfying the Judgment and decree above mentioned, the following described premises to-wlt: The east half (e H) of the northwest quarter 1 (n w fcfl and the east half (e') of the southwest I quarter (s w Q of section ten (10) township one (1) south of range twenty two I'iiJ east of the Willamette Meridian, in Gilliam County, State of Oregon. Dated this 30th day of September, 1899. A. A. Jaync, W. L. Wilcox Atty for defendant, Sheriff of Gilliam Co. Or. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the nnrteinlewd hn been dulv aoDohited bv the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for Gilliam C tuiity. as admlniatmtor of the estate of i. . Grisliam. late of Gilliam Coutitv. Oregon, now deceased. Ail perons having clHinis agalntt said estate are hereby notilied to present the same properly verified, to me at ray residence near Mil)-villi", uri-eon. wiinin six mourns irora me cate of mis notice. . K. SEABCT, Administrator of the estate of 1. F. brisnara deceased. Dated this 17th day of August 1890. Z. T. DODSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of women and children a specialty. Office next door to Condon Drug Co's, store, COXDOS - - - OREGON GEO. W. FK AN KLIN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All calls promptly attended to Special attention given to diseases of women Office in New Drug Store, Barr Building, Condon, - - - Oregoh QK& KEVES A LUNA PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Day or night calls promptly answered. Office in New Masonic Building. CONDON - - - - .OREGON J. W. VOGEL Specialist for Refraction and Defects of the Eye, Will Visit Condon Every Three Months. Watch Local Column for Date. Price List of Lumber. (Adopied September 1, 18'J8.) Rough lumber, pine, per M $10 00 Eoogh lumber, 6r, 12 00 fchiplap, 2nd clans flooring, rustic, ceiling or surfaced 15 00 First-class flooring, ceiling, rustic and surfaced finishing 22 50 Slab wood, per cord 73 All bill discounted 10 per cent for spot cash. Same price and same di count to all. - Thb Lost Valley Lumber Co. Land Applications, Proofs an Abstracts. 11. N. trazer. County Clerk, gives special attention to abstracts of title. and it also prepared to receive U. government land filings and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of state school lands, at bis office in Con don. Or. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to March 1, l&m, will ve paid on presen tniion at my office. Interest ceases after this date. S. B. Barker. Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Paled at Condon, Ore., Kept. 15, Hoe Drills seeders Best in the Market. The Superior is warranted not to clog:. The Superior gives satisfaction. Buy it, try it and be happy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Notice is hereby given, in the matter of the I estate of Samuel Slater, deceased, that the an-1 dersiirned was on the 9th day of September, A. D ltm, appointed by the County Court of Gilliam County, Oregon, the admiuiatrator of the estate of the above named decedent. A U persons hav ing- claims against the said estate mast present the same to me at the office of Hendricks A Bowerman, my attorneys, at Condon, Oregon, or to me at Mayville, Oregon, within six months from the date and first publication of this notice. Condon, Oregon, Geo. B. Dukik, October 3, lm Adm't'rof the Kstate of fJamuel Slater, deceased. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PATENT . MEDICINES, UNITE LEAD, BOILED AND RA If OIL, COLORS. The above list indi cates the class of goods which I carry. If I have not in stock any article which a purchaser requires, I will get it at once. J. H. Hudson 5CONDON, lvnvAiAJVUviinjinAnnnj OR.! taortv H. B. HKHDaiCKI. AT BOWiaMsH. HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. riBST BUILDIKO WIST OT TOUT OTTICT., CONDOH. riBKT bOO 8 WORTH OF STEIWIB'I BB1CB, FOSSIL; Careful attention to legal business In Gilliam and Wheeler counties. A Notary in each office. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the following persons: W. H. Colwell, Arlington. L. B. Townsend, Condon. Charley White, Paper Sack. R. M. Johhsoii. IOne Rock. Stock Inspector for Gilliam Connty, Oregon. H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Ufor a Specialty. Plansand Estimates Furnished Condon : Oregon. C. S. PALMER, rtisti Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts, Razors honed and re-ground, CONDON - - - OREGON. . Our stock of fall and winter goods, now arriving, has never been surpassed in elegance and va riety in this county. When you come to Arlington call and inspect our goods and learn our prices, whether you wish to boy or not. You will be sure to be pleased. DON'T TARE A HEADER ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON. '.V sV J Of Arlington, Or., PfO. 3918, i Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIYEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS M. FRENCH, President; W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlc-PraWrrtj FRANK T. HURLBURT. CtshLr. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. W. 8TEIWER, W. LORD, U C. ED. WARDS AND A. C. HAWSON. g P, T. HURLBURT, Pre. SMITH FRENCH. 8c. DAN THOMAS, Man'gr Arlington Warehouse Co. (Incorporated) CENUINE CALCUTTA GRAIN SACKS AT LOWEST PRICES IMUFATCROP OF THE UV lli.fl I SEASON OF 1899 HICHEST MARKET PRICE FOR THE ADVANCES MADE ON WHEAT AT ANY TIME. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Sash, Doors, House Trimmings etc., Always on Hand. HIDES AND PELTS. BOUCHT AT HIGHEST CASH PRICE SHEEP PAINT. BEST IN THE MARKET GUARANTEED. Director! D. M. French, W. Lord, Smith Frenoh, D.Thomas, P. T, Hurlburt Office In Warehouse. - Arlington, Oregon CHARLES HABES0HI1 BRICK and STONE MASON, Plasterer and Flue Builder, Cement Work a Specialty. All work attended to promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Condon - - - - - Oregon CONDON MEAT MARKET REOPENED BYj$ ORIN JACKSON Only First-class Meats Handled The Patronage of the People of Condon and Vicinity, is Respectfully Solicited Don't lake , "hadfir"(untll you have inn the Old Kilabl,llod(itNo, 8 or Outr-I)rlv Header. VS't rn furnish either, and pureful examination t( the laiast tytiaol llixlK BUmjI Head' en will convince von that they art Juit what we vlaliu thairt to liethe mom ierlec mrx'elln the Header lint yet irnduoed. In ilte of the unwar ranted assertion ol some, It la a well known larl that more Hodge Head era are made every year and sold ami atay aoM than of all other make combined; that more HodKs Headeri make merry niuiio In the har vest fluid of both oontl nenta than were ever cimstrueiwl by all othar manufacturer of this type of harvu.ter. For 3t ?ear Hodges Header lav been the leader In their claw. Ho (nature of theae ma i-hinet ha bean considered, rood enough that could be improved upon, and we now aa with astftifl. dence, that It la, aa It hat ever been, tht peer ol all alleged rival Inaimpliuitr of construction, ease of operation and beauty of (Inlaw. If yon are not Interested in header let n ihow yoaj tn fttllaeukta l'lal 1 rive akaer, or otter ?r0 nu aei e I a, the d ai d lle Mel lUy Kake, er itlti rdi, we I ate, ti e Itwell ill r rlik ard trie, width ie. (hit re I irre,ln dot If! t rl'W j" tit latest idiaa fwm a thresh ing macklat to a triair link. Remember we are headquartera for machine t atra. Call and tee ot. SHURTE & WEIR GO. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON. DROP IN AT COB'S Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, . when you feel Itkt enjoying m flrat-claea CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. R IN EH ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodation, can b found in this country than at this bouue. Mesla 25c; beda 25c. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELIHC MEW. E. T HOLLEMBEGK, E. Consulting Engineer. Etiniatos made on all klnda of Buildings, Machinery, Water Towers, Pumps and Tump ing Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have any thing you think past fixing, bring it to me. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING. CONDON OREGON. WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS CALL Oil -AL. HENSHAW- He has a complete stock of the following goods on hand and more coining on oyery train. Furniture, Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Blankets, Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining. Stoves, Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. Trunks, Hand-bags, Undertaker' Goods. Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. D. M. RINEHART, aWPROPRIETORaW LIVERY & FEED BARN. Good Rigs for Hire. Careful Attention to stock. Oregon. Comer Spring and Church Street, Condon F. H. RALSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO RAL8T0N & SON) DEALER IN TERMS STRICTLY CASH Gen'l Merchandise. & Invites an Inspection of His Stock as to Quality and Price. LONE ROCK OR. .ja