Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 14, 1899, Image 4

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    05 m t rtr '.en a mm 9w
JrpHE "family treasure," aa It wu
J K called, for tbe Brudda were ex
' tremely proud of It, waa a tiny
Jeweled case containing a portrait of
Queen Victoria. It represented her as
a Uttle girt of about 17, and waa a val
uable title work of art.
Id obedience to bis wife's request, Mr.
Brudd unlocked the cabinet and took
the medallion from the secret drawer
In which It was kept.
"Someof thefllagree work at the back
Is Injured," aald Mrs. Brudd, "and we
ought to hare that stone replaced."
"Tea; I shall take It up to town to
morrow," aald her husband, ''and hare
It properly examined." '
lie was about to replace the medal
lion In the cabinet when hta daughter
remarked, in a tone of mild protest
"MRS. bbcdd bakdbd thb mbdalliox
"You hare not shown It to Mr. Matlock,
His position was an unfortunate one.
He had had the misfortune, or good for
tune, to fall In love with hla host's
daughter, but Mr. Brudd refused his
sanction to the match, and although his
wife lent her daughter a certalnamount
of half-hearted and hesitating support,
Mr. Matlock's prospects were not at
all rosy.
In the meantime, he waa working
hard to make a career for himself as
an artist There were many who be
lieved hlej work showed promise of
great distinction, but Mr. Matlock's In
come was microscopic.
In reply to his daughter's protest Mr.
Brudd handed the medallion to the
young fellow In chilling silence. It
was an unpleasant situation, but Mr.
Matlock was too tenaciously In love
with bis host's daughter to fret much.
It Is always a great step toward vic
tory when a man haa the women of the
family allied on his side.
"Has Violet never told yon how we
came to possess the medallion 7" asked
Mrs. Brudd.
Mr. Matlock replied In tbe negative
and begged to bear the story, while
Mr. Brudd gave an Irritable "Plshr
It appeared that Mrs. Brudd'a mother
had occupied a position In tbe Princess
Victoria's household, and her royal mis
tress had given her this little miniature
of herself as a wedding present
"Mrs. Brudd wouldn't accept 1,000
for that," said Mr. Brudd, pompously,
as he finally replaced It In the cabinet
and turned the key.
"No more would I, If It were mine,"
said Mr. Matlock, to which his host
gave another significant "Plshr as
much aa to say that what be would do
for 11,000 was f no consequence to
anybody, ij . v:- . ..
"When I am married It Is going to be
given to me," aald Violet, with a sly
look at her mother.
"Who aald so, I would like to
know?" said Mrs. Brudd.
"It was given to grandmamma when
she married, and she gave It to you
when you married; mo of coarse It will
be given to me when I marry," aald the
young lady.
Later In tbe evening It happened that
Violet and Mr. Matlock were making a
pretense at playing billiards, while
Mrs. Brudd good-naturedly performed
the duties of "marker." Suddenly It
occurred to Mrs. Brudd that her hus
band had left the key of the cabinet In
tbe lock, and she sent Violet to fetch It
Five minutes later she returned with
a white face. GIri-Uke, she had opened
the cabinet to hare a peep at the medal
lion. It was not there.
Mr. Brudd was shut up In bis library,
where be had been since dinner. Tbey
decided not to give him tbe alarm, but
to go at once to tbe drawing-room and
make a thorough search. It might be
that It bad not been replaced, though
each felt nearly positive that tbey had
seen Mr. Brudd put It back In Its recep
tacle. Tbe search was unavailing.
"It will do no good to look here any
longer," aald Mrs. Brudd at . last
"Somebody has taken It from the cab
inet That Is quite clear. Whoever did
It probably thought we should not look
for It again to-night But It must be
somewhere In the bouso. We bad bet
ter go to Mr. Brudd and get his help."
Tbe two ladles, of course, passed out
of the room first; but Mr. Matlock, In
stead of following them Immediately,
returned on tbe pretense of turning
down a lamp.
The moment he waa alone be picked
up a tiny object lying under a chair
near the cabinet, examined it closely,
and put It In his waistcoat pocket Then
he followed the two ladies to the li
brary. "Charles, the medallion Is not in tbe
cabinetl" . , ' ;
"I don't suppose It Is," aald ber hus
band, still without looking up. "It bap
pens to be In my pocket" , ....
"Thank goodness! I waa In such a
fright You are quite sure you have It
afelyf 4 -' -
"Ob, yes," he said,
j "May I look at It?" sbe asked.
' "There's no need for that," aald Mr.
Brudd, shortly. ,
If anybody bad been watching Mr.
Matlock's face they would have seen
a namused smile flicker across It
An hour later, the two ladles having
gone to bed, he went to the library.
Mr. Brudd was evidently annoyed to
see him. but tie young man declined to
notice It ' x
, j
r fwe-a e- a j ie- r- lyi
"Can I speak to you for a few mo
ments?" "Certainly," said bis boat; "but, of
course, you quite understand, Matlock,
that If you want to speak about the
subject we have already discussed you
are wasting your own time and mine,
too. I shall not consent to an engage
ment between you and Violet" ,
"Oh, It Isn't that" said the younger
man. "I want to apeak to you about
the medallion. I think you have had
the misfortune to drop the medallion
and break It"
"What makes you think that?"
"I found a portion of it underneath a
chair In the drawing-room. Here It Is."
He produced from h'.s pocket the
fragment of Ivory he had picked up
unknown to tbe ladles. Mr. Brudd
looked crestfallen. Like most over
bearing men, he hated to look ridicu
lous. He had dropped the little orna
ment tn taking It out of the cabinet,
and had gathered up the pieces, hoping
It would be possible to get It mended lu
such j way that his wife would not
kuorof the catastrophe
"I dare not tell my wife what has
happened," he said. In a tone so differ
ent from hla ordinary tone that Mr.
Matlock could scarcely restrain a amile.
"She Is almost superstitious about It."
"Anybody will be able to see that it
has been mended. Let me paint a new
portrait I could do It within a few
days, and I will undertake to say that
It will be so like the original that no
one will be able to detect the difference.
You could have these pieces put to
gether, also."
"Yes, yes," aald his host, "but what
about Mrs. Brudd? If you were a mar
ried man, Matlock, you would know
how unpleasant It Is to admit to your
wife that you have deceived her. You
see, I told her It was quite safe In my
pocket As a matter of fact at that
moment It was broken Into twenty
small pieces."
"I think that little difficulty might be
avoided by exercising some tact" said
Mr. Matlock. "I shouldn't say any
thing to Mrs. Brudd about It until the
medallion has passed out of her pos
session. When It Is no longer ber own
property she won't mind so much."
"I don't think I quite understand
you," said Mr. Brudd, genuinely pux
aled. "Didn't I understand that when Vio
let was married the medallion would
be given to her?"
"Y-e-s," aald Mr. Brudd, beginning to
see what waa coming.
"Then get Violet married as quickly
aa possible. Give tbe medallion to ber.
It will be much easier to explain It all.
I shall be very happy to help you," be
continued, obligingly. "I will not only
provide you with a new portrait to re
place the one you have broken, but I
will undertake to find a husband for
Miss Brudd, who will be glad, to marry
her to-morrow morning If necessary."
Greatly to her astonishment, VloJet
was Informed . the following evening
that ber father had decided to sanction
ber engagement
There were now two Ivory medal
lion tbe mended original and tbe
copy. Forget-Me-Not
Old Plant,
Some twenty-five years ago, when the
scoriae (or slag) produced by the an
cient Greeks In working the silver
mines of Lawlmur, near Athens, was
removed. In order to be reworked by
more efficient modern appliances, tbe
seeds of a kind of poppy of the genus
Glanclnon, which had lain underneath
tbe slag in a dormant condition for at
least 1,500 years, sprang up again all
over tbe uncovered ground. Unknown
In modern times, this plant waa de
scribed In the first century of our era
by DIoscoridea and Pliny, and had dis
appeared from the face of tbe globe
for 15 or 20 centuries. The fact that
these seeds should have retained tbelr
vitality so long seems very extraor
dinary, but there are other Instances
quite aa remarkable. For Instance,
raspberry seeds found In 1835 In an
ancient tumulus, In a coffin burled
thirty feet below tbe surface, and be
lieved to have been there since tbe
second century, were successfully
planted. And In another case seeds of
tbe Polygonum Convolvulus, dug up
from tbe bottom or a sandpit where
tbey were believed to bave been burled
for 2,000 years, were still vigorous and
produced healthy plants.
Cavalry on the Want.
Carefully collected figures show that
the proportion of cavalry to other arms
has been steadily diminishing for a
long period. The artillery has been In
creased, tbe cavalry diminished. Aus
tria, Turkey and Spain are tbe only
countries wbose cavalry exceeds their
artillery force.
Tbe Oat Waa All night,
"Mary, I hope you took good care of
my animals while I was away,"
'Indeed I did, ma'am; only once I
forgot to feed the cat"
"I hope sbe didn't suffer?"
"Oh, no, Indeed, ma'am. She ate the
canary and the parrot" Tit-Blta.
"oh, it ism't that," said thb totjso
thirty Ttlalrlcte tternri Injury to rail
sown IS rain.
Reports received by R. G. Dun &
Co. fioui their ooriesiondeiits in the
grain center of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, show that the damage to
wheat in 44 districts runs from a uom
inal figure to 60 per cent ot the crop,
and, in a few instances, 60 per cent
is exceed. Sixteen districts stated
that there ha been no loss whatever.
Out of the 44 centers mentioned, 80
reported the injury to tali wheat and
33 the injury to spring wheat a ex
ceeding 10 pei cent The greatest
damage was caused by heavy rains, and
in many cases the correspondents de
clared that if the storms continued tbe
crops in their neighborhoods would bo
nearly destroyed. In a lew fields in
Washington and Idaho, hot weather
also had an injurious effect, and in
some instances cold weather causod the
freezing of lall-sown wheat last win
ter. Reports ot the prospects for fall trade
partook of the discouragement of tbe
farmers in the damaged districts. The
predictions, as a rule, were "fair,"
"not very fair," and "not flattering,"
while one correspondent thought it
necessay to add to these lines, "there
will be no distess," and another
tempered bis opinion "fair" with
"considering." Many who are sta
tioned in thriving places said the out
look might be called fair if the rain
would stop.
Portland Mark.
Wheat Walla Walla, 68 69c;
Valley, 69($60c; Blueeteui, 60iJ81o
per bushel.
Floor Best grades, 3.85; graham,
13.65; superfine, (3.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 43 (3 44c; choice
gray, 8940o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $18,
brewing, $18.50 per ton.
Millstuffs liran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $23; shorts, $18; chop, $10-00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $89; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4660o;
seconds, S5($40o; dairy, 800850;
store, 32 i (3270.
Eggs 1 7 3s 18c per doien.
Cheese Oregon full cream, Ho;
Young America, 13o; new oheese,
10o per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,503
4.60per dozen; hens, $5.60; springs,
$3. 26 3.50; geese, $rt6.60 for old.
$4.60(36.60 for young; ducks, $4.00(3
4.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13)9
13)c per pound.
.Potatoes 75c$l per sack; sweets,
33c per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, l2o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1
beans, 60 6c per pound; celery,
70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 8 4c per pound; tomatoes,
60c per box; green corn, 12)$ 16c pel
Hops ll18o; 1897 crop, 48o.
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair,
37 30c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wetben
and ewes, 8 )ic; dressed mutton, 6f
7c; lambs, 7'c per lb.
Hogs Grots, choice heavy, $5.00,
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.00
S.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60$4.00,
cows, $3. 00 3. 50; dressed beef,
67fc per pound.
Veal Urge, 6XTc; small, 80
8g'c per pound.
fleattla Market.
Onions, new, $1.60 1.65 per sack
Potatoes, new, 90c$l
Beats, per sack, $110.,
Turnips, per sack, 75c
Carrots, per sack, 90c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1 (31.75.
Cauliflower, 75c per doa.
Cabbage, native and Californit
$101.35 per 100 pounds.
Cherries, 75c $1.
Peaches, 7 5 (3 Due
Apples. $1.25(3 1.75 per box.
Pears, $1.75 (3 per box.
Prunes, $1 per box.
Watermelons, $1(33.60.
Cantaloupes, 60c $1.
Blackberries, $1.50 1.75
Butter Creamery, 25o per pound;
dairy 1720o ranch, 13017e per lb.
Eggs, 26c.
Cheese Native, 13 3 18c.
Poultry 18 14c; dressed, 16e.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $79;
choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $14.00.
Corn Whole. $33.60; cracked, $38i
feed meal, $23.00.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton
$21; whole, $23.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
blended straiithts, $3.35; California
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour.
$3; rye flour, $4.60.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $10;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.60 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Ban Fraaeleeo Market,
Wool Spring Nevada, 12014c per
pound: Oregon. Eastern. 10a 14o; Vat.
ley, 14 19c; Northern, 8(3 10c.
Unions siiverskin, 90c$l per
sack. '
Butter Fancv creamery. 27a2n;
do seconds, 22 2 6c; fancy dairy.
2326c do seconds, 1922o per
Eggs Store, 1922o; fancy ranch.
22 260.
Hops Nominal
Citrus Fruit Or an ores. Valencia.
$2.76(33.25: Mexican limes. I4(as no-
California lemons, 7 So $1.60; do
choice, $1.76(32.00 per box.
Hay Wheat, $69; wheat an
oat, $708; oat, $89; best bai
lev. 84.60(37: alfalfa. $0.00(37 nor t.n:
straw, 20085c per bale.
Potatoes Ear V Rose. 60(3 nOr:
Oregon Burkanks, $1.26(31.60; tlver
Burbanks, 45(380o; Salinas Burbanka,
$1.2601.60 per sack.
Tropical fruits Bananas. $1.60(8
9.60 per buncb; pineapples. $2 a
4.00 Persian dates, m per
I he Laborer is
Worthy of His Hire.
Dt ngt-ftntr cm tm mort if ht
AjU V&orous htslth. Tht blood 1$ tht
UftMng and stnngih-mAkmg part of tht
system. If 0 b pun, U b i if not, it
should it purifitd tuilh Hood's Srs
ptr&A, tohkh rrukts tht nuth strong.
Llyod MilUln, the poet, is a man of
such retiring nature that few of his
fellow-townsmen of Columbia, Pa,,
would recognise him on the street A
correspondent recently visited the
town and asked fur the house ot Mr.
Mifflin, the poet. "There's a Mr.
Lloyd Mifflin lives here," said the
trolley car conductor, "but I didn't
know be wrote books."
Owing to a shortage ot pig iron the
rail mill at the Pueblo steel works
baa been shut down and will not re
open for two weeks. Sufficient orders
are on hand to keep the plant' running
as fast as pig iron can be produced.
Contrary to expectations entertained
a week or two . uo, there is little
ohanoe of the Seats for Shop Assistants
bill passing through England's parlia
ment this session.
Popularity Gaagol by No Particular
The fact is now established that the
most successful railway route, whether
you take it in the spring, summer,
autumn or winter, is the Rio Grande
Western Railway, the only transconti
nental line passing directly through
Salt Lake City, that quaint and pic
turesque oily on the shores ot Ameri
ca's Dead Sea. The climate of Utah
and Colorado is tempeiate the year
round, which makes the travel over
the Rio Giande Western Railway, in
connection with either the Denver A
Rio Grande or Colorado Midland rail
roads, an unbounded success and de
light. The Dining Car servioa is tut'
paralleled. The road operates only the
newest ot Pullman Palace and Ordinary
Sleeping Car equipment, as well as
Free Reclining Chair Cars. For illus
trated matter apply to 3. D. Mansfield,
853 Washington street, Portland, Oi.
At Chippewa Falls, Wis., the bar
bers have buried the hatchet A reso
lution has been adopted allowing every
shop to keep open Sundays hereafter,
and the price of shaving on that day
wilt be 15 cents.
CITS PrmBnUT Cnrt, No fltaoratrvoMMa
Ilia anrrHrat duv't uae of Dr. lutne't Ufml
Nero restorer. Send fur FBKB SS.OO trial
bottle and trnttlae. Da. R. H, y ,tsii LuL,M
rca wreet, fuUxleiphla, fa.
In Germany potato bread is used by
the natives of Tburingla to feed their
horses, especially when tbey are worked
hard in very cold weather. The ani
mals thrive on it, and their beaitb and
strength are excellent.
Sick headaches! Always trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, Instead of being
thrown out, Is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion
and that dull, awful, throbbing, sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making
the poison move on and out, and purifying the blood. The effect is almost Instantaneous. Ladies, whose sensitive
organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, do not suffer, but find relief in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic
Look-out for Imitations and Counterfeits 1
CiSCABBTS are iheohrtelr Uratlees, a eerily TireUkU eomjMua. Re awrrarlal er ether avhwral alu-aolaea la Casearets. Cieartti aramptlr, inactivity an permantiitt
ears wry disorder ef the Stomach, Liver aad taUstlaes. They sot esly ear eotutljutioa, tat garnet say aad every form f inecslarlty ef the bowels, Ueladlsg alarrkoa sad dyeestery .
Fleaasat, peUUbU, fotoat. Tut. rood, U food. Sever stckea, weskm er gripe. Bt sere yea get the genila I Bey a bos el CASCARBTt
te-day, aad If aot plasaed to every respect, get year amuy back I Writ as for booklet aad tree samsl I dddree ITBRLWO BIMgDT COMPART, CHICAGO or W YORK.
mF MmM wJ w-TwJMJTa-irW-riiJIwI
MACHINERY, all kihds
19 I 35 First Street PORTLAND. OR.
To good and too cheap to be with
out it.
TV til NliPllaa pruCnva moltfir and hdh Ttciiiua.
Tan furm, aa w.ll aa rlllnd.aia.tflu. ar Protruding
Film aro eurei ur pr. BooanUo'a le Remedy
Stou. Ithm. and ulaodin.. Ak.cirka Unori, Uui i
Jar at dru.(i.u orient nr null. Treatlx fr. Write
meabeutvuroaee. lR.DOSARKO,rbllade.,i'a
Beet Cou.k hrrue. TaauaOvvd. Cm t 1 J M
1 . " mm m inimna. P I
Prince Cbllkow, the minister for
railways In Russia, commenced his
career by making a tour of the world
in order to take note of all the latest
Inventions, and especially to study the
inner workings and control of ioreign
railways, tie first took a position as
an ordinary niechaulo in the locomo
tive works at Liverpool, and, after
serving some years as a laborer, was
raised to the post of railway guard, and
afterwards station master at a small
suburban station. When he returned
to Russia he again worked his way
from niechaulo to station master, and
after working for several years lu the
latter oapaoity on the Frana-Caapiau
and Vaisovie systems, he was made In-spector-geneial
finally minister ot rail
ways. Chicago Tiiutis-IIoiald.
ftliaiovorjr of I.lfo Plant
So full of vigor that if one of Its leaves h
pinned to a warm wall another plant will
li row, It is tliene same principles which
enable Hoatctter's rjtomuch Hitters to
arouse to life and duty the overworked
stomach. The sutterer from dyspepsia or
any Uomat'h trouble needs it A private
Reveuut Stamp covers the neck of tlia but
tle. Preparations are now being nude to
start a co-operative colony on the
shores ot Lake Erie, near Toledo, O.
Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore
A. A. Wbiakey for the same price that is
paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all
tret-clam dealers and druggist.
It is said that the peasant of the
south of France spends on food for a
family of five an averago ot two potioe
a day. .
By local application", M they cannot teach the
dlnvaaod portlun ol the ear. There la only one
way to euro dralueaa, ud that la by eottatliu
tltmal reuiediea, Peelueas le earned by an lu
tamed eoudlilon til the ntucoue llulug ol the
Euatavatan Tube. When this tube (vie In.
rlaaivd yen hao a rtitublittir eotind or Impor
ted hearing, and when It le entirely eloaed
di alnru li the remit, end unieaa Ihellirlam illa
tion can be taken out end llila tube reetnred to
tta normal condition, bearing will be dnatroyed
lorerer; nine caaea out ot ti B are caused bj
catarrh, which la nothing but an luHamed
condition ol the niiieoiiaaurtavea.
We will dive Una Hundred Pollers for any
Can ol Peameaetraiiard by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall Catarrh Core. Maud lor
circulars, Iree.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Pruigl.ta, 7M
Mau'e Vanity rtUa are the beat.
Improved Trala Rqulpmoat.
The O. R. A N. and Oregon Short
Line bave added a buffet, smoking and
library oar to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining car service
has been inangnarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious flrst-olass
and ordinary steepais. Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
ciflo, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points In Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
anr O. R. A N. agent, or address W.
II. Burlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth.
Ins; Herup the beet remedy to una for their
children during the teething period.
The Cincinnati too refuses to sell
any more bisons and its directors ex
pect to have in a few vears the largest
herd of buffaloes in the world.
(rv ) s
wvUilA Viilllir VfJalll! &V&00
1ST fg-aW wtwt.aBVwl Jf If bTW WTM WW taTWaT BeTW 'mrfmWWWmUwMWM
Rneb a person Is lb eomtant envy of the
weak, nerroui person ol tbe peraon with thin,
Impure blood. The way to build up bulla li
thiough the blood.
Mdore's Revealed Remedy
Makes Impure blood finre. It treat a good
appetite and inlili digestion, f 1.00 per bottle
at your driiKitleu.
I u Hi. 41 f. ...... .....I
dlichar.M, liilliiniiiatluiii
Irritation! or ulcarallnoi
of mil eaii a m.oibraaiti.
..lann, snii rial aairitt
STMI IrKI OHIlllCm 0, Sat er eoieunolll.
Keltef for Women"
,-gVV Sontr., la plain , nalod enveloe, Wrfie
f ' "7 lormii KHia,euutinin. r.rtica
I Ian aad r lir-rtlafa ef itt. M.kTalL'S
Trench ftr.zh PiSls.
Praiaa. kr UKiBaudaef aaUrSa. hvdlaaaa
aafa.ajwalrol labia aad without an wiual.
All eattlnm of be drill la elay, aaed, gravel, rerk Ac
trt.1l?,,4 at rl. wllkeet r.a.,1., lk
tiH le VMiawi,a."i1.,iV,-H- !"".''L
HJ a -viat-rt.
S.g, J " T en-aawiaia,
, J if n S'alu wrapper,
erW f Jxv"! fpald. for
as Circular aunt vn rauuaiL
i.i i' 1 1 mew kuwnwm t i '
Itaek letaad Road Adopts a amoks-Con-auuier
for Their Salinas.
The Rook Island Railroad has estab
lished a precedent In the West by
qui pplng their engines with smoke-con-sumers,
whioh entirely do away with
the heavy volume of black smoke
whioh Is so disagreeable to passongers.
This experiment has been thoroughly
tested during the past few months, on
theii Colorado Flyer, and has proved
to be such a suooess that the Rock
Island has adopted It over its entlie
system, and, as soon as possible, all of
tlieli engines will be equipped with
this new device and Immediately be
put back Into set vice.
This smokeless firing, as It is pot per
ly called, will be valuable to both pa
tron and the road. To the patron it
does away with the black, sooty smoke
and cinduis, thus adding much to the
pleasure of traveling; and, to the road,
It is a saving In fuel as well as making
the appearance and equlment of the
traiu up to date. The good results
from this new equipment are anliinit
ed and everything is favorable and for
tbe best tutorests ot all. To make this
smokeless firing a itioceas, two things
are necessary) the equipment of the
engine with the proper apparatus neces
sary to consume the hydrocarbons,
thtown off from the coal, and the
thorough training of engineer and fire
man in the manner ot filing and the
best methods ot proceeding at all
times in ordor to obtain tbe desired re
sults. The manner of equipment Is briefly
as follows: In the fire box of the en
gine Is built a hollow b-ick arch. Be
low this and about a foot above the
grates are bored (our holes In the sides
ot the fire box, lu each ot these holes
is inserted a Sharp's patent deflecting
air tube, connecting with the hollow
arch. Through these tubes the out
side air is drawn In and, aftei being
bested, is allowed to mix with the un
cutieuuied gasses or hydiocaibona. lly
this mixing the games are transferred
into a parlect state of combustion and
in this state tbey aie consumed, and
thoroughly disposed ot, thus prevent
ing them from being forced out into
the air as is the oase today on nearly
every railroad in the United Htatea.
Assistant-General Manager W. I.
Allen, and Superintendent of Motive
Power G. T. Wilson, of the Rock
Island, express themselves as more
than pleased with the results of this
new move on the part of the road.
General Manager McGowsn, ot the
Indianapolis Street Railway Company,
has arranged for the ereotion of a ear
plant, and the the company will build
and repair all of its own oars.
PUo's Cure for Consumption is the onlr
rough medicine tmej lu me houe. 1), 0.
Albright, Millllnbiirg, l'a.,'I)eo. 11, W.
David Wark, the oldest member ot
the Canadian senate, who recently ex
pressed the opinion that that body had
too little to do, is a physical wreck
and has to be carried in and out of the
senate .chamber and remains in his
seat when addressing the chair.
funeriTrT-i-KVnii UtyTndepend'ent." " " "
-moth say wire and aaveeir Dave keea
aiaa CASCAKETH. aad that are the beat
meolulne we have ever bed la tbe house. Laei
week my wife waa fraaue with headaehs tor
twodejeisbe triad eome of ourCASCAKSVra
nd the? relieved too pain tn her head almoat
Immediately. We both recommend Cneoa
reie." Ceua frrsoaroar,
Pltteban Safe A Depoelt Oa, Cltteburf , Pa.
as r
feline and Wire War hi.
and Iron fencing; office railing, eui, HMAIrter.
Machinery and Suppllm.
ehiaery, eiippllea. 4k-to flrat Ht., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, PoaixAitn, Orioor,
can civ you the best bargain In ceneral
riiachinry, ngtn, boilers, Unk, pumps,
piti, belt and windmill. Tbe new
steel I XL Windmill, sold by htm, Is un
equalled. Wholesale Urugglata and Photographic
fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
for Oonnrrbea and Oloet gM Pabet'i Oaar HmSo. II
l the ONLY isadlitlna whlik will aura eu and ererr
oaM. RO OAS kaown It kaa evar filM te aura, no
matter how arMoua or of bow long eundlnf. luaulu
Iron Ma nH will aWoalah roe- I' K alwilutalf aafa,
Erareaia atrtrmro. and eaa ha takaa without lnoaur
Irnra and noWnUon Irani kudniwa. PKlraglH. Kor
aalo br all rllabla dnieglita, or OHUi erepaia kf axpraaa
plalaly wrapped, en m ii of arira. (,r
, ... ra"tl1oai;oo.,Chleege,lU.
treated teleti
lineal It and
conSilentl al
y. larmftntiaM
0. H. VYOODhlw CO., tot aesnlt., Ptl na.
Miss Cordelia Moore, of Malone,
N. Y.j uutil rwently, has tieeu a life
long Invalid n-om palpitation of the
heart and weekuees or the blood.
1'hyalelane were Bustled over her
caae. their most aklllful effort! were
berried. Varloua remedies were tried
wlttioutavall. The proverbial "chanire
ol climate'1 wee adeieed, but the
eonetaml ehauiie wore upon her
nnlll, to quote her mother s wnrila.
"ahe became a living ghoul." M la
Moor aaldi "Upeu advice ol
friend I began taking tr. Wllllame'
Pink I'lila for Pale People eud before
the flrat bos was need I aollced a
Sreatchange, I began to regain my
ppetlta and felt better generally.
After finlahlng Hie flrat bos I took
J Is more. The deft wee wonderful,
grew etmng and tallied In fleah.
"never felt heller In my life tlwn
I do now 1 weleh mora than aver
before and I ennalder pivaelfcured "
From tht (VawMe, ilululu, ft. r.
Dr. WIHIssia' Pink fun let Pale People
re aeter aald fey Ike Seiaa er handrail,
M SKais la paokaaee. At ell SruaallU,
er sireci irem ine ur, ruiiaate meaieine
. lehenertasi. N. T.. H seals ser feet,
In Utirlin the pawnshop is a royal
and phllanthroplo institution. Any
profit that is made Is spent In charity,
A lUllgbtful Trip.
A journey East via the Denver Jit
Rio Uraude Railroad through the far
famed Rocky Mountains Is ill luolf a
marvel ot scenic grandeur attain passed
in the world, crossing mountain
ranges, deep penetrating canyons, scal
ing stupendous cliff, and. In a word
familiarising the tourist with the
grand ami beautiful in nature. Pas
sengers going East should by all means
take this road as it aflords a trip void
of the dull monotony ol desert and
plain, with equipment opto date In
every reepoctl Perfect dining car serv
ice, thiough sleeping cars end free re
cllnliig ohair cars. For tickets or any
informal On regarding this line oall on
or address R. C. Niohot, General
Agent. Denver A Rio Grande Itailioad
951 Washington street, Portland, Or.,
orauy agent of the Southern I'solllo
Company, O. It. A H. Co., or Oiegun
bbort Line.
Women as well as men can ride on
the cars such la the translation of
paragraph No. I In the rales to the
public, prepared by the Korean presi
dent ol the rleoul electric railway.
25c. 50ct
...dO EAST
Thronrh Falaea and Tourlet Rleepers
lilulug and llutTet Miuoklug
Library Cars.
....FAJT TIME....
Rerrloeand Rcenery Unequalled.
Kor Tlokete end all Information annly to
your Resrest agent, or sihirew " '
II" IICKeuRu. Wuhlnsten, 0. 5 they Slilw.
J... TiTLV?. '"' fc"l'li". B. ftlh NH.Vol..
bisfl lh tor. Proietiiitlng olalmi ilucelri7S.
dr. GuwrrsT;0 pills
H?ifr.lL?Ji,.D08,f, Cu'mi! Henrlaohe
M. P. M. I).
1 I
W"la;tfer.,.l.vru,', "