will aid the cook as no other agent will, to make The dainty cake, The white and flaky tea biscuit, The sweet and tender hot griddle cake," The light and delicate crust, The finely flavored waffle and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut, The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll, Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR and is absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. rhere are msny imitation baling powder, made from alum, mostly told cheap. Avoid them, a they make the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YOftK. ttaVtaV. , Crop II. porta n Probabilities the Main Factors I Trad. " ' " Bradstreet's trade review says! Crop reports and probabilities have constituted an important conttilmtion to general trade and business advice thia week. Among the unquestionably i favorable features have been the ie- ports regarding the corn crop, govern ment estimates pointing to a yield of probably 3,200,000,000 bushels a heavy increase over hist year ami almost within touch ot the tetord of the total ot 1896. Spring wheat indications ap- parently bear out earlier traile advice in showing a decrease iu condition dur ing: July. The (eduction of 26,000,000 bushels in the probablo outcome, esti mated, however, considerably smaller it is true, than last year, bnt with the exception of 1898 and 1891,18 the heaviest teoorded. ' - ; . : 1 A German lieutenant who la touring America aava England would like to aee the United States go to war with Germany, because Great Britain would get more commerce, s lie ; also says Dewey and Deidricha weie friends; Hides, leather, boots , :nl shoes are sympathetically strong, and at a con vention ot shoe manufacturers at t'nii- adelphia this week a practical agtee- ment to advance prices ot the finished product was reached. , . ; ! , - Wool is firm, as is also snear, for rhich an unprecedented demand is looked for in the ourrent canning st son. me outlook in tne canneu-gooua trade generally is repoited a very good one. . ." Business failures tor the week in the United States number ISO, as com pared with 15G last week, 157 a year ago, and 214 in 1897. Since July 1 this season the exports ot Wheat a(!K'gate 22,125,000 bushels, against 18,354,738 bushels last year, and 16,115,543 bushels in 1897-93, PACIFIC COAST TRADE.' ,. did that men want" "He wanted a correction made." "Did he leava his address?" - ;. '" "No; he didn't want to," "All right; make the correction,1 Correction,- "John Smith wishes It stated that he 1 not the John Smith who was sued for, boat d by hi land lady." Puck. ;, : i ; Look the Same. Yeast Did you ever take any of those mud bathef. Crimsonbeak Well, I tan for Office once Yonkers Statesman. ; Stilt MM t'aauterreltlae. Tha Secret Service has lust unearthed another band of counterfeiters and secured a quantity of bogus bills, which are very cleverly executed. Things of (treat value are alwavs selected for (nutation, notably HustuUer's Stomach Hitters, whioh has inanv Imitators, but no equals for disord ers like indigestion, dyspepsia and consti pation. ' . i .' Pennsylvania ooul mines are prepar ing to substitute compressed air for mules as tha motive power for the oats la the underground workings. 44 Actions of the Just Smelt Sweet " " The frtgrtnet of lift is vigor tnd strtngih, neithtr of which cn be found in ptrson hotte blood is impure, snd -whose nxry brtth sptAks of internet troubles. Hood's SrSApritl purifies the blood nd nukes the axk strong. PORTLAND-CHICAGO SPECIAL. K. Is. WINNING OVER AN AUDIENCE PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. A Story of the Presidential Campalga la 1896. A clever bit ot campaign repartee is accredited to Lee Fairchild, the Cali fornia orator, who leaped into nation al repute in 1898. He was sent into a Southern state to advocate the gold Standard. At a certain place he was informed by the committee that the "rally" would begin and end about the same time, and that not since 1883 had any republican speaker been per mitted to finish a speech there. Upon learning, that the speakers, as rnle, had been able to get out of town and fill their next appointments, I'airchilJ determined to make the at tempt as billed. He advised the chair man to have no music, and to intro duce bim by saying to the audience: 'You are the people and here is the speaker." The chairman followed in structions a little too literally. He 'simply pointed at the audience and then at the speaker, and disappeared behind the scenes. Fairchild began bis speech at once with one ot his famous stories. The audience was separated, the colored folk all being in the gallery, and only white people below. In about five minutes the speaker made pointed thrust at the opponent party, when an orsanized body of young men in the center of the theater shouted in con cert, "Bats!" - Fairchild paused for moment, and then, waving bis band at the gallery, said: "Waiter, come down and take the Chinamen's orders!" The effect was electrical. The speaker, in relat Ing the incident to the writer, said: "You should have seen that black hill side of faoea sloping heavenward break into ledges of pearls.' Denver Times. Stmt. Tartlee. Turtles are very largely lonnd along the coast line of Burma and the impe cunious government has found means to make money out of it The right to collect turtles and eggs is sold by sue tion annually by the deputy com mis sioners within whose districts the tanks are situated. The revenue from this source in tha Irrawaddy division alone was about 28,000 rupees. For come time past a decrease in the num ber of turtles and tortoises has been noticed and the government now pro poses that the islands on which the tor toises lay should be completely pro tected from January 1 to May 15 (the laving and hatching season) one in very five years and that small estab lishment should be maintained for tbi purpose. Calcutta Amrita Bstar Pa trika. Congressman Tawney, of Minnesota, began life as a blacksmith's helper. " When Captain Coghlan was in com mand ot the Raleigh he was the small est man in atatnie on that ship. , A Fall River (Mass.) lover has se cured a writ from court to compel the parents of his sweetheart to permt the latter to wed him. A Lawrence (Ky.) man fell from a small flight of steps and struok the side of his head on the pavement. , The blow deprived bim of sight. A Waldoboro (Ma.) bachelor, while watchinir beside the couch of : his sick father last winter, made three as fine quilts as were ever produced at an old' fashioned quilting bee. C A St. Louis woman, after searching for six months for ber -husband, found his body in an embalmei's office, where was doing service as an exhibit. The man had . been, accidentally drowned. Perhaps the most extraordinary lam ily in the world is one now living at Arkansas City. The mother has been married five times, and for each bus- band she has bad a ohild. The five children are living with her and each bears the name of his father. Professor G. K. Gilber, who appeal s to have been Investigating qnietly for several years, says the city of Chicago is sinking into the lake at the rate ot nine or ten inches in a century. 'This is happening because of a gradual tilt ins of tha eaith'a crust in the lake region. ff The Camel asloa. "And yon say the idiot of a teacher told yon that you had an extravagant fool of a fatheiJ" "That's what be meant." "But what did he say?" "He said it was criminal folly to waste money on the education of such a chump as I am." Indianapolis Joui nal. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at wur Grocers An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect Of the well known remedy, Strut or Flos, manufactured by the CixiFOKHiA Fia Sritur Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It its the one perfect strengthening- laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colda, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and Its acting; on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating; them, make It the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, aa they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the rema'dy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Califorhia Fia Syrup Co. only. In order to get ita beneficial fTacta and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AIT FEAHOiaOO. OAU Trrrrsvrr.r.. IT. HtW TORE. . T. foi sale by all Drufglsts.-I'rks Sic. per bottle, Reporting the Weddlag. A reporter on newspaper was given the task of writing op a very swell wedding. He oom posed fine account of tha wedding ceremonies, but like many young writers, he tried to nse too Bow ery language, and, becoming exolted he forgot to be accurate in the use of words. The description of the bean' ties of natuie read something like this: "The silvery moon boVered over the scene and the stars twinkled merrily; the soft sighing of the wind in the trees near by came like a benediction of love to the happy couple entering upon tha voyage of life together." The reporter sent in bis copy but iust as the paper was about to be sent to press be rushed into the editor's room all excitement saying be wished to mske a correction in the account of the wedding as according to the alma oao there was no silvery or any other moon on that nigbt. ' . f , ' And the reporter also said that h had blundered in writing of the "con testing" parties instead ot "contract ing" parties. After a few more corrections the ac count of the wedding was found avail able for the editor's waste basket. Tit-Bits. ' Ma Tobacco tor Worweglea Beys. A law was recently passed in Nor way prohibiting the sale ot tobaoco to any boy under 10 years of age without a signed order from an adult relative or employer. Even tourists wbo oner cigarettes to boys render themselves liable to prosecution. The polios are Instructed to confiscate the pipes, cigars and cigarettes of lads who smoke in the publio streets. A fine for the offense it also imposed which may be anywhere between 60 cents and , f 25. Chicago Inter-Ocean. ' -. .1 ; Baattlo Marhots. ;. . Onions, new, $1.25 per saok Potatoes, new, 1 (5 1 So per lb. Beets, per saok, $191 85. Turnips, per sack. A0(360c Carrots, per saok, $11.5. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower. 40o0o per don.- Cabbage, native and California $1.60 per 100 pounds. Cherries, 75c(S$l. Peaches, 75c Apples. $1.25 1-75 per bos. Pears, $1.75 per box. , jf Prunes, $1 per box. ) t. Watermelons, $3(33. Cantaloupes, $23.60.?,3;& Blackberries. $1.76J. Butter Creamery, 83c per . pound; dairy 1518o ranch, 18lc per lb. Eggs, 83c. i ; ' " , '." V '' Cheese Native. 1012c. Poultry 13(8 14c; dressed, 18e. , Hay Poget Sonnd timothy. $8 9; choioe . Eastern Washington tim othy. $1400. i I f Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked, $2; feed meal, $25.00. Barley-rdtolled or' ground, per ton, $88(384; whole, $23. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.35; California $3.36; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel. $3.60; whole wheat flour. $3.75; rye flour, $4.50. Millstuffs Bran, .petv ton, $li shorts, per ton, $17.' .' ' Feed Chopped feed, $1.60 per ton; middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal, per ton, $33. Portlaad Markat. Wheat Walla Walla. 6758c; Valley, 68 69c; Bluestem, 60c per bushel. ! . Flour Best grades, $3.35; graham, $3.65; superfine, $3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white. 43 44c; choice gray. 42 43c per nusnei. Barley Feed barley, 117; brew ing. $18.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid- dlings, $22; shorta, $18; chop, $18.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8; clover, 8; Oregon wild bay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 43(35c; seconds, 8540o; dairy, ' 80 85o; store. 83 K 27 Uo. Cheese Oregon full cream, l3o; Young America, 18o; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00(35.60; springs, $3 83.00; geese, $4.0035.00 for old, $4.50(35.60 for young; dncks, $5.00(3 5.50 per dozen; tnrkeys, live, 130 18 We per pound. Potatoes 75c$l per sack; sweets, $8kc per pound. VeseUb es Beets. 11 : tnrnips, woe l per sack; garlic, vo per ponnu; cao- bage. lW3c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 66c , per , pound; celery, 7076c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 8 4c per pound; tomatoes, $1 per box. . Hops liaiSo: 1897 crop, 4 6c Wool Valley,' 13318o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(8 13c; mohair, 17 3 80c per pound. Mutton lirosa, best sheep, wettien and ewes, 8kc; dressed inntton. 66c; lambs, 8!c per lb. Hogs (irons, choice heavy, $4.60; light and feeders, $4.00; dressed, $5.00 6.00 per 100 pounds. , Beef Gross, top steers, 4.003$4.25; cows, $3.00(33.60; dressed beef, 66 Vc per pound. Veal Large, 607c; small, 70 8c per pound. A Cllt-Kdra Traia Tut an by O. All Modei Kqalpmeau, and Kua , Through Without Change. ", i i Buffet-library cart of the latest build have been placed in service on the O. R. & N. fast mail trains. The library car embraces a spacious smok ing saloon, furnished with easy chairs, riting deBks, well-eeleoted library of standard and popular books, guide. books and current periodicals, a well stocked buffet, a barber shop and an apartment tor baggage. The Oregon Short JUine nave also in augurated a modern dining-car service, giving uninterrupted dining-car setv- ioe via the O. R. & N. and its connec tions to and from the" East New chair cars xtl ihe latest pattern and new bag gage and mall cars are to be added to the present through servioe ol new Pullman palace and Pullman tourist sleepers, which have recently been placed In seivioe and just out ot the builders' bands. The entire tram win be vestibuled, making East and West bound tralue equal if 'not superior to many ot tho widuly advertised .Jiiuitod tiains in the East For about 10 years the Carnegie Company at Pittsburg has maintained . t ''i t . i a. I i. a S'AViugs iuuu tor mo ueueu vi ia vui- ptoyes. This fund now amounts to over $1.00Q,000. f The (savings fond is the creation ot Andrew Carnegie, who, in order .to induce the workmen to save their earnings," obliged the Car negie Steel Company, Limited, to pay the depositors a higher rate of interest on their savings than could be obtained from any bank, building association or other savings institution. , Tue ,coiu pan? has met this obligation t all times, regardless of adverse business conditions, of fluctuations jrr Inereet rates, paying every one of its workmen who deposited bis earnings with the company 0 per cent per annum. The American locomotive manufac turers from 1890 to 189S inclusive ex ported 3,389 locomotives,' of Value of I bore than $20,000,000. All people make a pretense that they do not oare for a fortune, but want just enough to make thorn oomfurtablo. Washington (la.) Democrat. The two oldest maids In Una country live in Indiana. One Is 111 yams old, the other 103, and both oluiiu never to have been kissed. lll Nature Hlp Vunl ' Vitality cannot cure dlsesse, unless your hotly kept clean Inside anl out, t'amarels Canity Cathartic kovp It uluau luslOe. All druggists, lOe, iljfl, Mo. ,(" During the first week in May 300, 000 pounds of cKlai wood were shipped from Navarro oonuty, Texas, to pencil factories in Cincinnati and New York. Plso's Cure for Consumption Is our only medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. 0. Uettx, 430 8th ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8, 'W. Bouthey. A good man and a wise man may, at times, be angry with the .woild and at times grieved for it, but Do) man was aver discontented wilh the world if he did his duty in It. . Lames Can "Wear Shoes One slse smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ace. Cures swollen feet, blisters ana cal lous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease Is certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart ing, hot. aching feet. We have 30.000 test! monials. All druggists and shoe stores sell it. 25c. Trial paeksge FKEK by mail, Address, Allen 8. Olmtted, Le Koy, M. Y. English speaking people are said to have the Lest foreheads and eyebrows. ra to lkie'rrnitiiieS The exhausted traveler, fainting and half dead from thirst, and all unused to the climate of the tioplos, lay gasp ing. They brought him a coooaruit. "We will crack this," they said. "The contents will revive you." "What is Inside ol It?" he asked. "Milk." "I won't touch Itl" ho said, honrso ly. "I'm a vegetarian I" Chicago Tribune ; Mothers will II ml Mrs. Window's Sooth ing Hvrup the best remedy to ue for their children during the teething period, Ot 54,000 adult Immigrants admit ted to the country In the last throe months of 18H, 41,000 had money Less than 0,000, though, had more than $30. ; Rernemher that you can buy Jcs Moore . A. wiuhkcv lor tue same nriee wiat is paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by all Lrst-chMS dealers and druggists. Vnvla uiiY's Ideas. The best laid sthenics of mica or men generally catch a woman. Borne follows aim high enough, Din thoy haven't tho energy to pull tne tilgger. A sensible fellow isn't a Iraki anoth er will win his best girl because he's used to holding his own. It is always dangerous to leave your front door unlocked all night; you may And the cook gone in the morning. Cleveland Leader. BOW TOUT. luiUSTiWlOCt.. Menlo Park. Ban Mateo Co Cab, red at the universities. '1m"'7'V,"Y"7J and careful attention to Menlul. Morslaiia l'hveu'al training, places lloltts anions; the foremost Schools for ; ovs on the (oast.-.S K .".Vf. Will re-open in the new building Auyii-t llith, 19th year.) IraO. lloitt, I'll. IV. Principal. The two puddling fimi'ions of the Mahoning rolling mill t Danville, which have been umWuKoittg repairs, are toady (or work again, and 100 ad ditional 'men will be employed. ! ROBERT DOWNING Tells the Secret of His Great Endurance. CITS) PermanenUy Cured. ' No (Iteornerreuwus Nla aflrr Hrrt aT' ye or lr. Kllt' Urw. Nerve H.lor.r. tMnd fur BKB 91.00 trinl bottle and trrallM. Oil. K. U. KLttfe. LuL,M Acch sweel. riillatieiithia, ra, The magnitude ot the Carnegie Steel Comnany's operations may be under stood from the statement that in 1888 tha com ran v made IT per cent of the pig iron produoed in the United States, 36 per cent of the ptouuel ol rennsyi vania and 66 per cent of the product at Alleuheny comity. They mmiuUc tured 33 per cent of the Bessemer steel production of the United States and 43 per cent of the like product ox reun eylvania. ' A new industry is springing up in Northern Mexico the sinking of wells for salt water, from which salt Is man ufactured for mining and domestic pur poses. One com pan v has secured 130, 000 acres of salt water territory at Camaron, 130 miles sooth of Laredo, and has struok water containing 13 per cent of salt, worth from 1 to 8 cents a pound. ..triiii niimlri.il Dalian Reward for anv ease ol Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. , . - w n,a,,ilrainl. huvo known K. J. Chillier fnr the peit IS veers, ami Inhere him perlectiy honorable in alt biittn Irantaetioui and Un anclalW able to carry out any oblliaUous mails by their aria. Wboleaela liruitrbts, Toledo, 'X W iiDiNU, KiNNtN A MasviH, Wnnl,.lu Drin litl. Toledo. O. TT.ii'rirrh i:nra i.i ku .m-rtiallv. eaUtil 5lreoil on tbe blood and ro.eous urluea ol trie system, rrt e sc per uo ue. nta uruKjim. leatlraonuis iree. Uail sramuy nut r in vest. A Bate Kefuga. "Tom." said Jimmy, "do yon know that soma day the world will be burned up with the!" "So I have heard," replied Tom. "Uut. Tom." went on Jimmy, who was deeply concerned about the ap proaching catastrophe, "what wilt you do when the world la burntd up?" '"Oh." renliod Tom with an air ot one who has provided for all the con tlnnencles. "I shall go out to Uncle billy's and stay." Detroit Journal. Never Rattened. Fuddy Joggles has moved ou' to the suburbs." lie says he does it for the exercise that working about the place will give him. He bought Shandy's place. Shandy has moved into town. Duddy What induced him to sell? "To set tld ot tho work about the place." Boston Traneoiipt. Nothing, perhaps. Is so bitter as olives freshly picked, yet after they turn purple and bluck, bogs soon learn to devour them. An analyst has made the discovery that California roses contain 80 per cent more peifuuie than those grown elsewhero. -jlU -.s l-jjife Robert Downing, the Tregeillsn. Robert Downing was recently Inter. viewed by the press on the subject ol s splendid health. Mr, nowiiing promptly arid emphatically gave the hole credit of Iris spiemuu puysicai condition to I'o-ru im, saying: "I And it preventive against ail sudden summer ills that swoop upon one In changing ill mates and water. "It Is the ftuest traveling companion and Sttfegimid against malarial Influ ences. "To sum It up, Pe ru na has dona . . . i me more good man any tonic sv ever taken." Healthy mucous membranes protect the body against the heat of summer nd the cold of winter, re-u-iia is sure to bring neiuin to trie uiuuuua membianes of the whole body. Write for a copy of Dr. Harlman'a latest book entitled "Summer Ca tarrh." Address Di. llarttnan, Colum I us, a Remember that cholera morbus, cholera Infinitum, summer com plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysontory are each and all catarrh of the bowels. Catarrh is the only correct name for these affections. Pe-iu-na Is an absolute specifio tot these ailments, which are so com mon In summer. Dr. llartiuan, In practice of over forty years, never lost a single case of cholera Infan tum, dysentery, diarrhoea, or chol era morbus, and h's only remedy was IVrti-na. Those desiring further particulars should send tor free copy ot "Hummer Calarth." Address Dr. llartman, Columbus. O. H L i'! tl U li r-a -' ' ' m ' n - - ' ra v ' I All ages hail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the Ills . of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear your life out Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find Just what you want, convenient In ' form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and'of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place In every ' well-regulated household, and, are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from baby to good old grandpa. Don't to fooled vvitH substitutes for CASCARETS I I a respite. Cinciuu Enquirer. ' ' it la ruiaa nw al- M'AUKTS. I and aif whole llr froai the Sr. Maell hoe at i. ahrar ml' tinot pho diff enca mo S J? f I laaiilr rla r. i ' i Jf f M - I Tell e ertea. I earuinir raenaaieoe imkiij ' i I 1 I 1 I for Ue earee eae an trunl Utar will g t i - i j : V J Vnt CedaiwaT Bstioa. I mo" r SSSy ANNUAL SALES. 6.000.000 B0XE3. THIS IS f1 THE TABLET lOc. 25c 50c DRUGGISTS C1KAMTS ore aesetately kanalees, a aersly vsretskto eempoeaa. He awresrUl er etker mlseral em-selses la Cssearets. Cssesrets tremptly, "tivsly n4';"" cere trtrr disorder et tke SUauck. Um ao4 Uteetlsee. Tkey sot oatr eare eeastlastloa, bat eerrsct aay ana every rena inefaiamy m w .w., --- PlMuaat, eaUUble, aeteat. fasts tool. U too. Wntt slckea, weakea er frlpe. Be ears yea cet tke (esaloe I te-eay, aa4 If aot eleased la every reesect, get year sseaey back I Write as lof booklet aa4 tree Sasiple I Beware el ImlUtleas sa4 sabstltates I Bay s bos ol CA8CARBTS A4drees STIitLUO BBkUOT COMPART, CHICAGO er BBW T0BK. m an Vranaieea Market. Wool Hpiing Nevada, 10 12e pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 14c; Vai ley, 1718c; Noithern, olUc. Millstuffs Middllnirs, 17(g 19.50; bran, 16 18.60 per ton. Onions Hilverskin, 7oc(gfl per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 20)i 9 1 o do seconds, 1 0 (3 20c; fancy Uiry. 18 19c do seconds, I4iuc per pound. . EgKS Store, 16(3 1 So; fancy raucb, 21(9320. ',. i. .',,.,.. . .-. Hops 1898 crop, 170. Citrns Fruit OranKes, Valencia, 3.768.26; Meiican limes, 14(4.60: California lemons. 76ot1.60i ' d Choioe, 2.762.00 per boi, J Hay Wheat, $7.9.26; wheat ai oat, $6(38.60; oat. $B39: best ba lev. I57; alfalfa. 16(37 ier tot. straw, 16(S85c per bale. Potatoes Early Kose, 7Rc(2l Oreiroa Burkanks, 11.65(311.85; iIvcj Burbanks, 78c$l; Salinas Buibanks 11.1531.60 per saok. Tropical , frnits Bananas, 1.60 Co 8.60 per bunch; pineapples, 'id 4.00; Persian dates, 66o p- LATEST T"7l?n n A and BEST l J tlLLUA "J DillLLING 200011. UA0HII1ES Looauj k rxuAM, tunx, oxio. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fenea and Wire Worki. 1 ' w- db. atAJrrBZs book. ; eKelief for Women" Wa. Bntfm.tn pkJn,ttJr1 emTHoTek. WrtM iHKkrX i-dj fur thia Baik,otmiiniam Partim- French tmm Pills. PtIm4 by UMVswUsda ot mtiiUM lavdtHi m tit; wwr)ibi tnd trltbout avn id1. oldbwsilf druafirii'elia tniavl buL Frwutik fsiuek DruM Co.,l A WWI rmzl ( Kw VorkCltjl PORTLAND WIRB 1ROM WORKS! WIRB and Iron fencing; office railing, eta. KM Aider. Machinery and Sii.ll. CAWRTOM At CO.; KNfllNF.H, BOII.KRH, MA. cblnerr, supplies, es-tu VlretHl., Vurtland, Or, MACHINERY. ...TATUM A tt te M First Street AIL KINDS BO wen... PORTLAND. OS, J Beat Comrb ferap. fxw oooO. TJee f J in time. S'ihi ;r "irasir''". f 1 JOHN POOLE, roRTLASD, Orcoon. can rive you the best bargains In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by bim, Is un Wholesale Oruggleta and f butugraiihle Kuppllae, BLUMATRR MASK fjftlKJ CO. let AND 144 Fourth Btrret, l'ortlsnd, OreKoa. Is what the largest and bast . school systems use. THE SECRET OF STRENGTH Ol most strong, healthy tieople Is their pcrect dlitentlon. Drpeptlo and lninire blmided peo ple will And permanent and iiuma reuei m . Moore's Revealed Remedy it bHlids on the system. It's a wonderful streueih giver II per bottle at your druggists. Rupture C. H. WOODaau t CO., treated Men- llrlcal I r end eonltdontl ! ly. ttnumlutt hlielM. 101 fseend St., e IlinS. SURE CURE FOR PILES rriJIll Nd PilM pra'ifft motatur tna mil itiililna. thu (urn, si .M illlnil, Hi.dn,cr Protruilmg rilM ar curcl ir Or. soinnko'l Pll Stopa lichlne AII4 bUaRinf . Al.'rb tij Jar ! dmeei.t or Mut Ur mail. Tr-atU, 'lie named lutnura. mm a laaiata or Mut Wr inall, 'I'r-atua rraa. write Beaboaluaieaw. Pit. BuHANKO, flnlada., Pa, IMPS10VID no niititnoi Ull.UUlill 9 LIVER ONE FOR A DOSE. and Dapepila, llemoire l'l PILLS Cure Sink Hasdsehe aiDlaaaad Purllv tha Blood. Aid l'iiritionendPrereiil Ulliouanaia. l)n sat Gripe ortlicken. Teeenrlace rna, we will mall ample free, or full hoe lor Jfto. IB. llOHANaVO CO., Flillada., fonaa. Bold by Pruggliu. YOUNG MEN! for (InnnrrhM and (Matt eat Pabat! Okay Spactflfl. II ki trie onl.Y uiaUinine ehltk will oure tarh and efery taat. HO CASK kauwa II kaa ar.r (all.'l l eura, lie eiattar bow aatioua ar of buw kug Handing. ItMinlte front IH uaa will aatnnlak rail. II le abaol'iMlr aala, Sravanta atrlnmra, and flan 1m takaa wttliuiil Utnoiiva. tanra arid drunuon (mm bualnaaa. PHn :g. el.es. pqe aala br aU rallablo dniral.u, or a.al pr.aaia, a aapcaaa, ' " ' ,m(. cuiaiCAt; oo. oueag e, m, Clnmlar Bulled oe roiuaat. CLAIMANTS FUR Write le NATHAN SICKPuNO. Waihlnal. reive aulck reiilles. H. 6tb N. H. Vols. staff ituta torus, frosesutlns slaims since U7I. IF IPENGIOM hlnglen. II. 0., tliey will re. ..OO EAST -VIA- Mf I Tbraurh Falara anil Tonrlat Nleepars WiuiiiaT ami itiirrnt MuiuKiug Library Cars ....FAST TIME.... Perries ami Keener? Vnoqimlled, For Tick.'la anil all information apply b your nearuat agent, or sddniM A, M. C, DKNNIHTOM, C, 1. smtT. A., Forilaiid. R. 0. STEVENS. 0. W I'. A., Hvutlla. CURE YOURSELF! i I'Mrnt I . Uaa lllge. fur nnnatural ' la I u l J.,. 1 dl liar(i, Innaiuiiiailuna, OMra.l..4 U Irrltallnll. ur UlcniallitliS BM la aoiamra. ef Hi II o n u a Inamliru,,.... Irrafaau M.Miiaa. PalnlMa, and nut aatiiu. iTHItVANS OrllatiCSI OS. Seel or P"l.iioiia. L8m0issTl,.f, SJlil.y Itrnajcleta, . a ii.ii, wrappar, 'td J.' espraae, prapald, fo f H ft '" '"'"I". . S dliciulnr arm n rvuiiMt. N. fl4-'9. a n. r. N. u. VUHBff writing tn advertisers please , aaiwia.iuia aula i yeper. 'jjoansV . . . merilivia(feiB-:,'s