THE CONDON GLOBE THURSDAY, August 10, lt9. - "notice".'"1 Th ypurly mthorlitlon to tliuOu)l fl.BO, 1 1 twill In rtynoe, ir not puld In xIvhiiu $2 will Iw ulumuil, A potioH irurk uro-inl tlili uotli InillcMittt) that your miUonptlon faM ex pired. I'Imhm renew rnm t tly. I - -' -- . LOCAL NEWS. Mra. J.'U. Frusar vliltori Mr, I'ronit lt wt'k. Trtko your repnlr work to II irbln, Jtuttiiumi ginl (llnitch It liis style. Dr. Limn mid futility Imve moved in to Dr. lingua' roildtiiioe. (loo, Noal'd bthy wat drtiiacouily 111 hint woe hut it now better. John Mml'lfx-k went to Arlington Ctrdy on ft bul new trip. Tli cool woMtlifr of tlie firitl of the week was all right for Imrvcut work. 'flqtlr WllkliiBon White, of Trail Fork, waa In town the flmt of the weak. II. W. Ilartman will tills week flnlnh ft Aim new duelling for Win. VVetirll near Mnyvlllo. 8. U. Barker and F. M 1' I Iter left for Orant nminty Tiir-inluy morning on iliutttt buylnir expedition, Dr. l.ii ii wmh called to Lone Rock, Monday, to prowrll for Mr. Jamet llemiptt w ho terlotiMly III. The iiiihIIK)i genre at ilepner teem to lie abating. Editor Khult I conval exfiitmid no new ( are reported. II. W. llurtmiui will loon coiniiipncc work on a new reoldt'iice for hlmmilf on hi ranch a few mile north of town. K. A. Nil nch Hold, of Mayvllle, pained through town Friday with a bunch of choice beet cattle (or the Portland mar ket. Joe Harbin th blackiinith who rented the Clark hop will remain permanent ly In Condon and will move hi family here In a lew weeek from Yjnlna. Him of Umlin'i bet linger ere naded the town Saturday night, and by the way, Condon ha wine of the beit vocalist! In Kaiturn Oregon. LnuU Couture will ran the engine for McLaughlin' new threilier thl teuton. The outfit will begin threading at Ited uiond ranch next Monday. Mr. C. W. White, of Trail Fork, who ia Iwen auffering nearly all tumnier with hip joint diteaae I (till confined to her bed. 8he 1 Improving ilowly how ever. A fltlilng party contlttlng of Mr. P. II. Hlephentoo, Mittea Mary and Mag gie Maddock, Iiell Darling and Khoda lietner, drove out to the Maddock ranch Sunday. It. M.Johnson wa In town Sunday on hi way home from Arlington where he drove a band of cattle which he had purchased for Mr. Beyoold the Nebras ka buyer. John F. Rvitachcr and Mias LIuie Hoover visited friend at Futall last Sun day. Mr. Ileiaacher who ha been vial ting friend there for sometime came home with them. An Item appeared In this column latt week willed tinted that "th frame of the new Baptist church is up." It wat an error. Our Intention wa to tay that the lumber for th building U on the ground. The Wiloo and Van Vactor families went dawn to Thirty mile Saturday to enjoy the pleatnre of camp life for a few day. Van and Coney drive in from camp each morning and back in the evening. W. L. Wilcox bat gone Into the chick en butlnet on a large scale. II ha lately been making an effort to get hi big thorough bred rootter "Into print" but ha failed to agree with the ofTlce devil a to term. Jas. King, an old timer of the Fossil connlry.and one of Wheeler county' hett known stockmen wa In town Sat urday night on hla way home from Ar lington where he delivered a band of cat tle to Reynold. P. II. Stephenson returned from hi Knstern trip Sunday, having gone a far a Omaha. He report having had a fine time and ay Nebraska I booming thla vear. The corn crop will be the largett ever grown In the tate. . One of our good looking yonng bache 7C.m rlinied himself up In a sailor suit 9 , Monday morning and tried to lmperon ate Hobson but It it wouldn't work. Condon young ladies don't practice their oaculatory performances on the street In broad daylight. Lew will have to get an evening suit if he expects to make hi game work. II. L. Propst loft a aample of wheat head at thl olllce a lew days ago that would be hard to beat In ny country. A sample of blue-tein inca ures ix Inches In length and the grain re a plump and large a any one could denlre. Mr. Propst' entire crop of sum mer fallow will easily average 20 bush el per acre. He will harvest about 300 acres. . Dr. T. L. Nlcklln, ono of the best "known dentist of Portland, will visit Condon the latter part of the month on profetslonal trip and will guarantee aatlsfaotion to all who favor him with their patronage. The doctor ia presi ; dent of the state board of dental exam iner and la one ol the most prominent ' member of the profession In the atnto. See hi card In another oolntiin. 0. 8. Palmer well drill I atlll at work on Cook Rro. ranch sinking a hole Chlnawards In aearch of water Some delay wa occasioned last week by the cable parting, the drill dropping to the bottom. It was recovered the next day however and the work la going right along. If the boys chance to atrlke an artesian flow they will be two of th proudest heavy weights In Ollll nui county, . wa Joe Harbin the blacksmith. A fine shower of rain full Tuesday night. Mlsslilrilio Ilenshaw is on the sick list this week. Patterson, the insurance hustler, In town last' week. me ureyhis trial is In progress at Itemios I1 ranee, bulilnd closed doors Miss Nora Miller, of Rck Creek, Is visiting Mrs. II. N. Fruxer this week, Charlie Fix has about completed the changus and improvement In hi build Ing. II, II. Turnercame in from Prlnevllle yesterday. Ho will leave for Salem Mon day. J. It. Fraxer Is having a new barn built on Ills property near the school house. H. K. Darker has had a neat new cellar and storeroom built at the rear of hi tesidence. W. II Dobyns, the well known attor ney, late of Arlington, ha removed to lone, Morrow county Mis Mabel Halttead ha returned from Lott Valley where the lately com pleted a uccesful term of school. W. T. Campbell, the golden haired Insurance hustler, is in town with his smiling countenance and winning way. The Ladles' Aid served ice cream, cake and lemonade last Saturday afternoon and evening thereby realizing a neat sum for their society. Don't forget that Joe Harbin 1 on deck at the Clark black smith shop, prepared to do your work on short no tice and in first class style. Missel Carrie and Mary Danneman, Miss Hurlburt and Mn. Harry Ladd drove up from Clem Monday evening and returned Tuesday morning. Workmen are engaged in repairing the Itarr building, corner of Main and Spring street. It Is understood that a now drug store wi II be put in at once. Mr. Ueorgo lilake of Rock Creek, visited her parent, Mr. and Mr. J. K. Fitxwater, thl week. She was accom panied by her lter-ln-law, Mr. Harvey I!lake. KmoiiTsor Pythias Attxhtiok There will be an Important meeting of theMge on Tuesday evening, August 15. Every member 1 urged to attend. 20J21 C. S. Pai.mkr, C. 0. J. II. Thompson, supposed to be the tame party who sold organs in thl vi cinity lately, I in Jtill at Portland on a charge of embezsleuient from the Estey Organ Company, at Ashville, North Carolina, A. tietmor took Mrs. Oesner and Mis Khoda to Arlington Monday on their" way to their home in Salem. Mr. Oea ner will remain here for some time to tettle np business matters. Mrs. and Mist Oesner made many friend during their ojnurn here. Wm. Kettle wa in town Thursday night on hi way to hi old home In Scotland. Mr. Rettie I only "going on visit" bat if he ha a good luck as Dytart did Inst year he will come back to America content to itay hero. We wish him bon voyage. The Lost Valley Lumber Co' mill 1 running right along and has large stork of all kind of lumber on hand. The company is prepared to fill order for eclal sizes and lengths on short notice. For prices of lumber consult price list of lumber in another column. Charlie Earhart has returned from his outing in the mountains. He 1 fat and bronaed as a back woodsman and as oou as he get ovor the effect of moun tain air and scenery so that he can trust himself to tell a perfectly straight atoiy, he has promised to give us a true bear story for publication. W. 8. Myor ha "turned In" lot of stock on hi wheat field and will let them run for the next thirty day or ao. It may be added that it is all work stock and that the the stock I attached to headers, wagont etc. Mr. Myencrop will go about 25 bushel per acre, and the quality will be hotter than last year. I.. W. Drairer. of Salem, was here for a few day last week visiting hit brother Davo, and looking at the country, ine boy both left (or Salem lart Saturday but there I a chance that they will come back sometime ami uecome per manent resident of the banner county fo Eastern Oregon. Our Wheeler countv neishbors should beware of common ordinary cold water. The Journal last week report two citi- xens of Fossil having "close calls" from ninnkevinu around a swimming hole in Butte creek. They should confine their attention to other liquid wiucd tney may be butter acquainted witti. Van Vector ba promised os a sensa Mon for next week In the hape of a trout story three feet long. He haa a trout corralled In adoep hole in Thirty mile and is waiting for liim to grow an Ini'h at two to make the full three feet. If Sam brings that fish to our back door we will give the public a rish story worm reading. Snnerintondent Dauirett is holding teacher' examination this week. Alias es Urace Raiding and Stella Adlard, of Condon, and Nora Miller, of Olex, are ink na the examination tor countv cer- t cates. out none are trying loreiaie or nrlmarv untile papers. Sunt. Dag irett la aas sted by Miss Mauet uaisieau and Mr. Grace C. Thomas. Howard Propst, who with hi family rnr-nntlv returned from a visit at Spo kane, innklng the trip overland, reports that from beyond Pendleton to the Oil Ham countv line the crops are badly damaged by drouth. Mr. Propst ho felt pretty blue wnun on ins home rather expecting to Hud bia own nrnn burned out. but lie was agreeably surprised on reaching home to find the wheat green anu ninny. LOST VALLEY. The measles have disappeared and every one is feeling better. John Wllllans Is np and aronnd attain having recovered from hi recent Illness Frank Pllter of Condon was up last week on business in Duckhorn district. Miss Frankle Ward came over from Lone Rock last Saturday to visit Miss Florence Ward her sister. 0. R. Miller, the engineer at the Lost Valley saw mill, took a run ovor to May vllle Saturday on hi bike. Mr, James Brennan haa been very III the past week with stomach troub ie. Mis Mable Halstead, Condon' favor ite school mistress, closed a very suc cessful and highly satisfactory three months term of school here Tues day the 8tb. Mis Halstead will teach the Condon school the coming term. LONE ROCK. Mr. J. R. Bennett had a very tick spell the first of the week. Kd Wineland has sold his mail con tract from Lone Rock to Condon to J. 11. Bond. Several of our folk expect to attend th M. E, qurtorlv meeting at llardman at which time the church will be dedi cated. Notice are potted for a grand picnic and Sunday School rally in the grove scroll ule of miles south til lawn on Thnra- day Aug. 24. J. 11. Bond has made a purchase of some town property of Ed Wineland coniistiinr ol a dwelling barn etc. The Hund family will soon move into their new home and become town folk. The Wineland and Nuckolls families started for a trip to the mountains Mon day and several other families will join thorn from this place in a few davs. They expect to go to Dixie Butte here theysar the buckle berries and bears are thicker than fiddler iu Purgatory. ATTENTION SHEEPMEN. ' ;i bucks' V SALE, ft W. H. COLWEll. I will have at my ranch, at Lone Rock, a collection of the best bucks ever effered for tale in this county, They are adapted to the wants of the sheep raisers 'of this section, having been picked from the Charles Cnnningham band. I w ill have Delaine, Merinos and Coarse Wools. Parties wishing bucks this fall shonld correFpond with me at once audi will get just what they want. Don't put off buying backs until it 1 too late. ARLINGTON, ORE. T. Il KICK MX DENTIST Wilt rUlt Condon on or about Angnit 25, vm. Location of o flics will be announced later Portland Addreaa 301 Marie. Building. When You Are Cooking omhu world) , think of the fine line of ready-to-cat delicacies that re-, quire no cooking, and which are just the thing for hot weather lunceons, you can get at P. H. Stephenson's. We don't know of any merchandise, that you can get, that will help you in the other world, so get these while you can. Our summer underclothing will also be appreciated this month. Suits from 70 cents up. Terms Strictly Cash. )R. OEO. W. FRANKLIN PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON AU calls promptly attended to Special attention liven to dlaeaw of women Offlct In Condon hotel Condon, Oivgxin T. O. Earhart, QR. 8. K. LUNA . PHYSICIAN. Day or night calls promptly aniwered. Office, front room over Stephenson's store, CONDON - - - - .OREGON. QR. J. W, VOOKL Specialist for Refraction and Defect of th Eye, Will VUlt Condon Every Three Month!. Watch Local Column for Dates. Uir;e8, Ijquors ar;d (ars. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. EARHART & MOORE, Propers. CONDON, ORE. Notice. I am now located at lone, Oregon, but will continue to attend to business In Gilliam oounty a heretofore. 22d25 W. II. Dobyns. - Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1808.) Rough lumber, pine, per M $10 00 Rough lumber, Br 12 00 Shiplap, 2nd class flooring, rustic. ceiling or surfaced 15 00 First-class flooring, ceiling, ruslio , and surfaced flniahing 22 60 Slab wood, per cord 75 AIL bill discounted 10 per cent 'or pot cash. Same price and same dis count to all. Tii a Lost Vali.iy Li-mbr Co. University of Oregon. Tuition Free. First term begins Sept. 19, 1809. Ex cellent courses in Ancient and Modern Languages, Science, Mathematics etc. Graduate from the tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without eiamlnation. Student not fully prepared to enter, can take studies in which they are defl cient, In the Eugene High School. For catalogue and torthur inform' tion address the President, or Hon. J. J Walton, See, Eugene, Oregon. 22 d 27. Mitchell In Ashes One half of the town of Mitchell, In Wheeler Co., wns destroyed by Are last Fridnv aftornoon. Ten buildings were destroyed inol mil ng one store, one hotel livery stable and saloon. The loss is e' tlmntod at $20,000. The fire wa suppos scd to lie of Iricenilinry origin. Attention Flrementl Until further notice the Condon Volunteer Fire Company will meet on Friday evening of each week, at 5, o'clock sharp at the engine house on Main street for drill and practice. All inembera are expected to be present at the meeting or present a valid excuse W. L. Wilcox tf Chief Engiueer. Purely Business. Fin line of wall paper for season of '99 at W. A. Darling'. Price cannot be duplicated this side of Chicago. U. L. Neat, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If you have property to sell consult him 12lf W. A. Darling haa just received a fine Hue of wall papers direct from Chicago, The pattern are stylish and up-to-date and the price can not be duplicated this side of Chicago. Paper hung in workmanlike mannor. tf For Sale 100 acre of good wheat land, deeded and fenced, 12 mile from Condon. 70 acres under cultivation Fine well of water, good house and barn young orchard of 100 fruit trees. Price 750 For term and particular call on or address, Ihbui.ohk, London, Ur. The famous D. M. Sechler Wagons, Hacks and Buggies, built at Moline Illinois, will be found at F. M. Pllter vehicle store, In the Itarr Building, cor ner Main and Spring streets. First-class quality. Low prices. Agent for the Portable Pantry. Finest piece of kitchen furniture on earth. Call And see it. CONDON MEAT MARKET REOPENED BY ORIN JACKSON Only First-class Meats Handled The Patronage of the People of Condon and Vicinity, is Respectfully Solicited TERMS STRICTLY CASH 8. V. Moore. CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, kFOR FINEST BRANDS OFJ Young and old to know that JOHN JACKSON has just received a fresh supply of Confectioneries and Canned Goods of all kinds at bed-rock prices. Give him a call.. ONE DOOR SOUTH CONDON HOTEL CONDOH, ORECON. ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard ai)d pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught! Main St., Condon, Oregon. This is S, B. BARKER'S Space. Keep Your "1" on it. Stockmen's Saddles A Special ty lt J. F Reisacher's Harness Shop, New Masonic Building : : CONDON, : OR. T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OF Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHARGKK VERY REASONABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cafer to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. Proprietor. CLOSING OUT SALE. Having decided to retire from business on account of ill health, I will proceed to close out my entire line of General Merchandise at cost. My stock of goods is full and complete and all bargain hunters should ava:l them selves of this opportunity of securing good goods at low er prices than ever before offered in the county. I mean business. Call and see me. It will pay you. P. L. HAM, Lone Rock, Or Balfour, Guthrie & Co. NOW OWNERS OF. AND OPERATING THE BRICK WAREHOUSE, ARLINGTON, OR. GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Barb Wire, Nails, Salt, Lime, Cement, Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks for Sale. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR GRAIN, PELTS. HIDES Etc. Advances Made. Mark Your Goods Care B. C. & Co. CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOLROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE Large Scales, price 25c a draft: reduction on contract weighing. JHE. (JC0BF JOB Ofpi has just received a now series of up-to-date type faces that are just the thing for stationery, visiting cards, fine circu lar and program work etc. We carry a complete stock of fine stationery and feel confident v e can please you if you will give us a trial. Every lady should have some ntatly printed calling cards and every man needs a printed letter head and his name and address on the upper left hand corner of the envelopes he uses. We can supply all these wants, and many others, if you will give us a chance. Call and inspect our stock and samples and get prices. ARLINGTON, OREGON. MILLER "THE REGULATOR." THAT'S THE PLACE TO TRADE. We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO CERIES. We call particular attention to our line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS which is the most complete line in Arlington. We are also agents for the celebrated SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located at the old Coffin corner. THE OLD RELIABLE RECULATOR. GEO. MILLER, : : ARLINGTON, OR. CHARLES HABESOKH BRICK and STONE MASON, Plasterer and Flue Builder. Cement Work a Specialty. All work attended to promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed, Condon - - - - ' - Oregon. NOTICE FOR l'lUSUUATlON. LANDOrru'K at Tn Dai.lkp, On., July s. Notice In hort'tiy nlvi-n thnt the fi llim lur nitmwl aetUiT tiuu IHt-d lattice of his intention to mHktfnmil pntof in R-tpportof hi. i laini. utnl Unit ftititi irH( will ins muic buf.H-e H. S. Kntar, roiiufv clerk t Cuintoii, tr., on Thtirmltiv, Aug. IT, IW9, rU: OKOKtiR H. PH.I.KN, of UmP Co. k. H. E. So. WI7, lor -the n't ni.'i .ml tS nw'.J or lota I, J. St ninl I, .'-. 4. t). .", ., r, J I v., . M. He llumei the rnllowttne witm.' lo nve hi.contlnuoiiM rcKliliMn'e nwn nl cultivation ol mihl I. nil, via: limnit rrv. V. 1. KoMhhoii, Otto W li k, All WliieUnii !' 0! I om: Hock, lire. Mii Ja V. UK a, Ktuicr. AI.TIVK SOLICITOUS WATKO KVKRV wheNi for "the tory of the- rhilii.piiic'' by MtlrHt llllnct, cnnilniMiioiic.1 hy Ihc Oov ernment its otliciul HiHtotiau to the Wm IV. I imt'ttncnt. Hie book win written in nrmy cutii : nt Mrtii Kninciseo, on the PmcIIW' with t;eiinl ; Merrit in the hnnnihtl. .t Honolulu, In Hong Konic, tn the Anifricrtn truncn. ! Mtinlln in the inttiiruent CHinns with Au'iitnitMfl, on th ileekofthe Olimplit with Dewey, anil In Ilia I rotir ol battle t the lull of Munihi. Bnn.nM tor aHnUk Hrhnfulol nriKlnnl picture, ukru h , 3ovcruinenl photrriiiieni on th .not, Ijtrna lKik I'W pni'". bin piolit.. treiKht imM jCrmilt given, Drop nil tiHhr tinolticltil w.f ; hook. Outfit tree. Ailrireiw r" T. Hiitkwr V Y, ( sut iiwutsnc blrtg., Chifii' III. 1)