JSa J3a THE OFFICIAL AMD LEADING PAPEB 1 OF GILLIAM COUNTY. AS TBI1I TUES TBI CIBCULATIOr OF ANY PAPEB IN THK COUNTY. ' - ADVBKTIIINa BaTBa. " ruiMtxiD tvtkv tuvhday tv ...8. A. -ATTISON.... Iilltor anil Proprietor. rrefaarlonal oanU oo pm atoatk On square ... Hw iDoBik One-oniiOT colnmn.... I KMrmoutk re ae kail ooleia a...-..... IHDHt month aoloniD................J0 oo mi mania IUIISCKIPTION ItATKRl Bail aas locate wW k ekarcafl at 10 sank) .at Una (at IK laeertioa aad I oeata per line Um aftat. Legal ad-rerttaements win la all aaaaa ha ehaied to the part; ordarint them, at legal Mas, aad paid (or before aadavlt la faialakad On year (In advance).., If nut I'dlil lu advance,,. All lltlltllliB H M IHIIIHIHUIMhli 00 1 lireo inontlit., Ingle oila..., 1 uu VOL. IX. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27 1899. NO. 20. t. ,1: CONDON GODBE Knttrfd at thi JVwloJUu ai Omdea, Orayea, at ' Umtt clitM mnil mallttr f O. II, K. . Tlma Card. AM.INOTCIM, OHKIOH. ' Kew tlma card, taking effSnt Sunday, Fekfti. ar tilth: , , , , No, 2 Via 1 1 ii ii 1 1 iik Ion, loavos J:Ut m. Kif. 4-Via Huokaiie, liiavmi ,.,.....7:a p. m. Ju. IM-I.ucaf freight, leave. .....7.JV p. m. witr kounD. . . V No. ) Cortland, leave .... I:47 a, m. Nil. S-1'i.rllHiirt. leaven 4 :M a. m. No, uu-Luval liulKlit, lt'Rvei . .11 M a. at. i. K. ( HANK, Agent, Arlington. II. DOBYNo , O Attornoj-t-Liw, Notary Public ARLINGTON, OK. , , M ill praiitlca In all ilia courts of tha atata ttfiina ami Probata Uutlueat (ivau oaralit' aiumluii, 1 jR. J, J. IIOO AN t " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Coadoa, Or, miH0reirnn ava., batwetn Catholic Charat ami rr.uli-iiuu o( S. I'. WiulL IW.UAKL1NO J. Attorney at Ut, Notary Public and Conveyancer, ; Oondoa, Or, (.'nilcctloniaiid Itiuiratine, Tcrmi reasonable OBIi-e In rar ul puaUidtcobulldlug, Main streak . II . j. In, LI A. FAri'lriOM Cil'ri ROTARY PUBLI0. ODlna In Utobt aullillog. CONDON, ? . - UKBOOM. s. J A. D. UVKLKY Attorasy and Oonni!r l Law ' " ; ArllM(ioa, tr, ' . , V. S. rnmmlulnnor and Nntarf Pnbllo It ofllc. frartK-a III all Ilia Mala anil Iclmal court. o( ori'Koii and Wanlilnaiwl. All klkdi ol U. H. land aud legal ou.luvu Irantaulvd. gAM K. VAN VACTOH - - ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Ofllc ecriirr Kprln alrtat and Org oo atcnoa HON DON, OKKOUM. The Regulator Line. Ik Dalles, Ptrlland S Astoria NAVIGATION CO. ; ' THROUGH FREIGHT , ? AND PASSENGER -'-LINE.... Daily Lin of Stcamm Brtwrrn PortUnd, Vancouvrr. Cuctdt Locka, Hood Rivet V and all Point on thr Taihlngloa tkU. Tha ataamf t)ll rily and Rfnlalof laavt " ' lrtland nVftf inoriiltia (cir(.l Huml.ylall ' anilTIi laliH at 7 a. ni.. arrlvlui at datliiia . tlonlo no plu Ulna lor oiilguhiii Iraina. rralikl KaUtUrratljr Hetlui-cd. ' VI. C AlX'AWAT.Ofn. At.. foot ol l ourl Mlraol, Tti Halloa, Or. iOJ olauo iilo rp mpr- - "p - 1,1 ' 1 " .' PartitT IIMI UNIOULII , Aaaitra . i.K roa fran Arllnataa 1 raoa . -" Ft.t Halt l-aka. Pantar, rati Mall Ft.Wnrtli, Omaha. Mall. ,11 a. at. Kaiiaat Cltr, t l:Mp.av. ., ' ' . . , l.nul., C nloaio, and Kul. r ; - ' tookana Walla Walla, Inn- Ipnk.na Vlrar kana. kl I iiimaim Klyor f-JUu. bv lla. 81, On- 1:11a. at ; , ; Itikh. Mllwankao, . , ; , ' - fblcao aud taat ' ' ' s tiWt.m. qcaaaMaiaiiMot ' tMf.'m. ' fnm rarMaad. - . , . ... Ball ararr r- (:00 p.m. Coluaikla ila , 4 00 p. at. gi.tiumtar kltamfi't. - Is. lundaf gtinilr , 1U:U0 p. m. To Attorla and Way , Laudliiga, :0Ua . WlllaaiarM llnar. 4:Mp. m. - ts.tuodar E.0ttda Or.ton Cilr, Naw. bart.Balaai Way lAiidlni. T:00a.m. WlllamaH and Yaav 1:10p m. Tun.. 'I'""'' am llvara. Maw.. Wad. . anil Bat. aadrti. Oretoii City, Dar- ff tun, a Way Laud- - luga. -i " . ! . ;ooi m. Wlllamatta PJIvar. ' 4:Wp.Bi. Vraft tua.. llmr - - T.i Jkoa a' Bi. nrtland ta Corval- aad lal. lit a Way Laud- . log. tA.RIparla tnakt Rlvar. LT.lawl.tok l:4fia. m. 4:46 a. m. Dally Klparla ta Uwltlon Dally Bx.Katurday fx. Friday I. E. CRANE, Agent, Arllugton. W. H. HURLBURT, Saaaral Faataagai Aamt, rortlaad, Ot EVENTS' OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic :; . News of the World. TKltSE TICKS KKOM THK WIRES tf Aa Intaraatln( Oollaetloa of llama Froa; tha Tt llamla'pharaa Praaantad la A Coadanaad Form. lUportg o( Jurol(ii grain ciopo are mifavomblo. ' w f . A KOTernroent intay offlue will be odtttbilMbwl tt Heattlo. ' Kanaaa liaa tht blKKt corn crop in light In the lilnlory ol the tute. ' Lot Aiigelea will lxmio $2,000,000 In bondi (or fturolituie of watorworkt. Three tont of gold dust wpra depoiit ed in one day in the Seattle Imnka. Admiral Dewey will be banqueted by the Americana at Triente, Auatria. The bnttlonliip luwa lias received or- deie at Reattle to tail lor hen Fian oiaco. : .. - ' ' ; A reciprocal treaty between Ibe Unl tod Btatei and the Wett I ml let hut beon Igned. .--j ' The riillippine commiaaion lenort encoaraglng ptogreaa toward pacilica- tion ol natlrea. The Additon (teal loundry at C'in- cinnRti, eio ploying 100 men, burned: lota, $400,000. i V The Shamrock, in a' race with the Prince of Waive yacht Urittanie eatily boat her 13 rulnutoa. f..; ' Three were killed and ihroo Injured In e railroad wreek near Porteuiouth. O., earned by a heavy log. The edniiniitration will Ignore the Manila oorretpondontt' "round lohin," and await favorable now. ,' The royaltioa paid to the Canadian government by Klondike mine ownert will amount to over $800,000 thit tea ton. , . ' Five thousand Immigranta were landed in Han Franaitco lat year. They brought with them a total ol $887,754' :-f r f, f: s Tha Filipino junta will be moved from Hong Kong to the itlaml ot La baun. a Uritiah colony, tii in.ilet from the nortbweat toait ot Uoineo, at the Amorlcan oniciali ' have watched the metubert of the Junta to eloaely at Hong Kong that the latter have lomul it imposaible to tupply.tbe Itianrgenta with armt. Admiral Dowry- hat filed hit claim for naval bounty. . .- . " Agolnahlo la aaid to be negotiating with Uoueral Otit for peace. Saorametito river t'.eamera are tied op on account of a dock banda' ttrike. Tbe new French cabinet wantt to end the Dieyfua agitation aud lamb Hie sandal. W W. a . ' Near London, Ky.. aa the reault of a feud," five men' were killed lu a pitched battle. ; ? n Eonatort and reproaentativoa are aaid 10 have dictated appointineuta of now volunteer offloen. U. D, Winn, of Albany, hot beon ap pointed cen i m tuperviaor for tha flrtt district of Oregon. Americana have gained another vic tory at The liable in scouring the right of revision of arbitral rowarda. ,. MoKinley will reoumiaoud l int con grosa give Kighth armv eorpt inuni tiers, including Urogou volunUote, tpeoial biavery me(lalt..w, .. , 1 All of the bodiet of the dead in the Second Oregon regiment , will be brought home for burial ut the govern ment's eipente,- ? Dissolution of tbe O. R. A N. voting trust meant that hereafter the road will terve Union Paoifloond ittolt lath er than Northern roads. The Colorado supreme court hat de cided the eight-hour law unconstitu tional. .The smelturs will resowo operation! on the phi schedule. . There are now 'at fH, Michaels be tween 300 and 800 stranded prospoc tois, who-do not know whore tUoir next meal it coining from. ' ; The gov ernment stitliou on the island it be sieged with pi toons appeals for aid... Attorney-Uonernl Blackburn has rendered nn opinion at the rwjueet of Wowt . LIvlngHtoii, slierifl.ot ; Urant county, Or., in whloh he expresses the Opinion that sheriffs are not entitled to conalrootlve mileage In serving pa pers. ' Newspaper correspondents in the Philippinet have made a vigorous pro teat against the olote censorship of dis patches, and tay they are forced to in ilulge in misrepresentations. Otis hits appoluted a new censor and piomiset t more liberal policy will be pursued in the future. A fruit cannert' combine, including 11 corporations and 83 plants, hut just boon formed In Ban Francisco. The new combine Includes uIiiiohI every Important cannory ln California, and will cut a prominent llgnre in the fruit Industry of the ttato, hosidoH controll ing prices and dictating tortus to the fruit-growers. . , Minor Nm Hama.i Mrt. .Celestina JNIgro,' of f Fhiladol. phia, celobrated her one hundredth birthday by dnnoing three wultaes. Edwin C. Dounell, the' 16-year-old grandnophew of Ilotace Greeley, lias Invented a wireless telegraph of his own. ( - . Probably the richest person in Cuba It a woman, Mrt, Rose Abien. She ownt millions and vast estates, but it democratic in taste and favors the Uni ted States. LATER NEWS.. '"Forty additional surgeons are needed In the Philippines. ;'v V . tered on the , Koyukak and other branohet of the Yukon. Ellhn Root, a Now York lawyer, bat accepted the portfolio of war. People with money are ooming into the Northwest in great numbers. A big elevator burned at Toledo, O., with a property loss of $1,000,000, President MoKinley aud Mrt. Mc will take an outing at Lake Cham plain, Oregon'a bop crop will prubaly roach 85,000 bales, according to latest esti mates. At Cleveland tbe militia resorted io a bayonet charge to clear the streets of riotous strikers. The battleship Iowa, recently over hauled at Port Orchard drydock, it now at Ban Franaitco. Secretary Alger clairni the credit for the tuggeation to send tbe Bpanish cap tured at Santiago back to Spain. About 3, BOO clothing workeit are ot a strike In New York, and it it said thi number will be twolled to 25,000 with in two weeks. ' Two ' rapidly moving eleotrio cart orasbed into each other at Lot Angelet. The cart were crowded, but no one was seriously fnjnred. , Governor Tanner, of Illinois, killed a deer while in Coloiado. and the atate came warden it after bis, scalp (or ihootiug game out of season.'-' ' President Diaz, of Mexico, and hit cabinet wilt be formally invited to attend tbe ceremonies of the laying of the corner stone of the new federal building in Chicago on October 8. The Dominion government telegraph line it now completed to Five Fingers, and is progressing to rapidly that mes saged may be tent over it from Skag way tqDawton in lest than two months. The president bat itsued hit procla mation publishing to the world the reciprocity agreement between tbe Uni ted Statea and Portugal, the first of the agreements under the Dingley act to be concluded tii.ee that made with Franco last year. Throe negroet were lynched near Saffold, Qa., and the mob it hunting for five moio, who are believed to have been members of a gang that robbed J. E. Ogiltree, agent of tbe Plant system, at Saffohl, afterwards binding him and assaulting hit wife in bit presence. Twenty-two Chicago bookmakers have been indicted. . - - Italy bat subscribed 8,000 lire to Texas flood sufferers. The Onion Pacific's Ogden-Omaha line will bo donhle-traoked. , v.., ; Secretary Alger has tendered his resignation, to take effect in two weeks. Prince Heury of Prussia it in Cores looking out fur the interest of Oor- The secretary of the Chicago school board hat confessed embezleineut of $84.600.. Fianoet W. Mealy, of Vancouver, hat been appointed a lieutenant in the reg ular army. Pietident Angnt Cannon, Mormon loader, hat pleaded guilty to unlawful cohabitation. Spanish prisoners are to be ran tomed. the money to be placed in a bank until the war it over. A Are, origin unknown, destroyed more than $960,000 worth of property on thf Brooklyn water front. - The 'wrecker ot the Perth Am boy bank baa been sentenced. to tlx yeart in the New Jersey penitentiary. The Oregon volunteers think Otis it Incompetent and nearly all are ot the opinion , that Qenoral Miles should be in charge. A Rome dispatch says there , was an eruption of Mt. Etna, accompanied by ubtorite an noises and a nuaibet of se vere earthquuke shocks. ( , , New .York frolleymen have joiirtd the Brooklyn trolley men in theii big strike. In Brooklyn dynamite wus used to blow down the elevated struc ture. The price of flour hat dropped 80 csnta a banal and it now cheaper than for sometime. The drop is laid to be doe to the steady deoitast .in the price of wheat.""1" 1 Abe Rothschild, known throughout the couutry as a crook and diamond thief of the first water, hat been con victed in Texaa and given- three yeart in tbt penitentiary. Friends of Major-Geiieral Shatter nVe endeavoring to have him continued i bit present position after hit time of retirement. It it not thought,, how ever, that congrest will aocede to this. The Petrel It cruising around Linga yan bay, about 800 miles from Manila. The orew it unable to got any Iresh food or fruit "from snore and Is coin polled to subsist on . the regular thin'i rations, A statement piepared at the war de partment shows that of 68 officers and 1,810 men enlisted ot the Second Ore gon regiment, only 40 wore killed in battle or died of disease during the campaign in the Philippines, a percent age of 8.03. Admiral Dowey't oabin is stored with remembrances from admirers. Two titters, the Misses Wilhito, have formed a law firm in Grant City, Kan. M. Waldook-Rouneuu, Fiauce't new premier, li the most famous orator of the French bar. Dtnlsl Fawoett Tiemann, the oldest ex-mavor of New York oity, died at the agt of 95 yenn. Senator Vett, of Missouri, Is the sole turvlvorot thetonato branch of the con federate congress, ANOTHER COMBINATION. fhl. Tlma It'a the" llaltlmora A Ohio aad O. K. A N. With Union l'aina. Now York, July 32. The Herald lays: A deal la under way involving the combination of at least four prom inent railroads, and perhaps two or three mors, making a complete trunk line from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The scheme involves a merging of sev eral of the properties in which Kuhn, Loeb A Company, E. H. Huirlman and Bpeyer & Company are Interested, and, with their friends, exert a controlling influence." v Among these properties are the Un ion Pacific, the Illinois Central and tbe Chicago As Alton, the Chicago Ter minal Transfer Comapny, the Oregon Short Line.the Oregon Railway & Nav igation Company and the Baltimore & Ohio. It is asserted in some quar ters that the Great Northern will come In, but this It considered doubtful, al though James J. ilili is closely asso ciated with several of the gentlemen who are prominent in tbe railroads mentioned. Tblt combination will give a com pact system, aud will bring about a revolution in traffic alliance. The Un ion Paclfio la the keystone. Itt olosest connection at present it the Chicago & Northwestern, and , for long time it bat been the "prevailing opinion in Wall street thai the Vanderbilts would attach both the Northwestern and the Union Pacific, and weie not aware un til a few weeks ago of what was going on. The Northwestern directors have hurriedly considered the advisability of extending their Fremont branch to Ogden to a connection with tbe Central Pacific, which it controlled by the Southern Pacific. Cut off from tbe Union Paclfio. the Northwestern will find no toad to turn to for Pacific coast business that doet not parallel it lor a considerable dittanoe. Thus, with the Northwestern ex tending its Fremont, Elk Horn & Mis souri River railway from Casper to Ogden, in order to fight the Union Pa cific, and the Northern Paoifio forced to protect itself against the Oregon lines, which have recently been acquired by the Union Pacific, there is likely to be grest time among tha great trans, continental roadt In the near tutor. DEWEY IN AUSTRIA. Greetad at TrUata by a Saluta From Many Ouna. Trieste, Austria, July 23. The cruiser Olympia with Admiral Dewey on board, arrived here yesterday. The principal newspaper, II Pioolo, has a flattering article welcoming the ad miral to Austria.. Tbe Olympia will remain here about two weeks. Dewey's health is perfect. He hat not decided whethii he will go to Carlsbad, aa had been announced, but il is not probable he will do so. ' The admiral, intends to visit Vienna. . Upon her arrival here the Olympia fired a salute of 81 guns, which was returned from the foit and one Greek and four Austrian war ships. . Subsequently Dewey, received visits from the poit authorities. United States Minister to Austria Addison Harris, and the staff ol legation and consuls of United States in Austria. The for eign consult were received by Dewey on board the Olympia during the fore noon. The Olympia had a bad run to Aden against a monsoon, but from that point on the weather was fine. Dewey expectt to remain onboard bit flagship, with the exception of occasional tiipt on shore. American! here find weath er cool and refreshing. Most ot the chief government official! are absent on loave. British .Consul Churchill was ths first caller on Dewey, and was sa luted In a most cordial manner.' A HORRIBLE DEATH. Laborer la a Morthport Smaller Roaated Alive. Nor Ui port, Wash.. July . Martin Smith, a laborer employed at the North port Mining & Smelting Company'! plant, met with horrible death last night about midnight. Smith wai em ployed In wheeling -ore from the out side roait heaps to the furnaces. The ore was red hot at the time, and there wai danger ot it caving. Both the general foreman and the yard foreman had warned tbe man of the danger, and advised him to woik elsewhere. 6mlth replied to these admonition! that ai soon as hs removed a portion of the heap that Interfered with the tracks be would, A few moments at teiwardt fellow workmen heard agonis ing shrieks from where Smith was laat seen, and upon arriving on the icene the unfortunate man wai found pinned down by a mat! of burning ore that reached to bia hips. The men worked like demon! to extricate him, but in vain, the poor fellow absolutely roast ing, alive before theii eyes. Ton min utes of hard work resulted in the re ooveiy ot the charred remains. Murdarad la a Park. Portland, July 83. The body of Clara Fitch, the 19-year-old daughter Of George A. Fitch, a Southern Paoifio engineer, wai found In ' Cycle Park about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and four hours later tbe police jailed Frank MoDaniel, a truckman, on sus picion of having murdered the girl. McDanlel admitted that be was with Miss Fitob about 10 o'clock Wednesday night, when aha is supposed to have been killed. , Strangulatiob was the ap parent oause of death. Horrors or Alaska.' ' Seattle, July 83. F. Spellacy, ol St. Mary'i, Ohio, a recent arrival from Alaska, reports muoh scurvy In ths Koyukuk district last winter. In his opinion 80 per cent of tbe miners on Allenkeket -river bad it. Though a large number died, he oan only reoall two names, Goff, ot San Francisco, and James MoUraw, of New York. Both died at Arctio City. Three mem ber! of an English party that went up tha Koyukuk on the small steamer Reiearoh to have gone Insane, ingersoll: is dead Passed Away Suddenly, a Victim ot Heart Disease. ESD CAME WITHOUT WARXISO Only Pcr.oo Frxaent at tha Tlma a it Veeoaaa Was Ilia Wlf HI, Laat Worda. New Yor, July 24. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll died at his home, Walston-on-lludson, near Dobb's Ferry, today, His death was sudden and unexpected, and re-ulled from heart disease, fioin which he had suffered since 1890. In that year, during the republican na ional convention, he was taken ill and bad to return home. ' He never fully recovered from the attack of heart dis ease, and was under the care of physi cians constantly. For the last three days, Mr. Ingorsoll had not been feeling well. Last night he was in better health and spent a portion of the evening playing billiard! with Walston H. Brown, bis son-in-law, and C. P. Farrell, his brother-in-law and private secretary. He seemed to be in better health and spirit! when he retired than he bad been tor several daya. Thii morning he rose at the usual hour and joined the family at break fast. He then laid he had spent a bad night, but felt better. He had been suffering from abdominal paint and tightness about the chest. He did not think his condition at all dangerous. After breakfast he telephoned to Dr. Smith, hia physician, who is at Bell Haven, and told him of bii experience duriug tbe night. Dr. Smith told him to continue the use of nitro glycerine, and that lie would see him during tiie day. Colonel Ingorsoll spent tbe morn ing swinging in a hammock and sitting on the veranda with the members of hit family. He laid be was better and had no pain. At 12:30 be itarted to go op stairs. On reaching the bead of the stairi, Col onel Ingesroll tnrned into bit wife'i room. Mri. Ingersoll was there. To gether they discussed what they woold have for luncheon, and Colonel Inger soll said be bad better not eat much, owing to the trouble with bii stomach. He seemed in good spirit! then. After talking for a few minutes, Col onel Ingersoll crossed the room and sat down In a rooking chair. Mrs. Inger soll asked hlin bow he was feeling, and be replied: "Oh. better." These were hii last words. A second after they were uttred be was dead. The only sign noticed" by Mrs. Ingersoll was that the whites of his eyes suddenly showed. There was not even a sigh or a groan as death came. Doctors were hastily called, but their veidiot waa that death had come instantly. BREAK AWAY FROM TRUST. Jobbara Dla.atl.flad With tha Demor alisation of Trad a. Chicago, July 34. The "factor" plan in tbe distribution ot refined sugar that is. on teimi dicUted by the sugar trust is in jeopt rdy and may be dissolved at any time. A meeting of wholesale grocer l and job bers heretofore interated in furtheiing the plana of the American Sugar Re finery Company, wai held at tbe Com mercial Exchange, and the trade situa tion ai affecting sugar was discussed The thing sought to be accomplished was either wavs and means of potting a atop to the present demoralisation in the trade, or the abandonment of tha factor and the substitution of "what ia known aa tbe "equality" plan, under the operation . of which a jobber regu lates hii own prices. The present trouble began sereral months ago, when jobbers showed a disposition to break away from the thralldom of the truat. The bars were let down later by the Havermeyer tes timony, that the factor plan had been abandoned. Western grocers then de cided to get together and agree to woik uniformly on somo clan satisfactory to all jobbing interests. D.w.j aa tha I'oaoa Conference. Vienna, July 34. In tbe course ot an Interview had with him by a repre sentative of the Neue Freie Presse to day, Admiral Dewey, when asked what he expected would be developed for the international peace confeience at The Hague, said: "Who is to disarm first? The exper iment wai tried in the United Statea, aud loos what it cost ui to get ready iu time and how we had to feat the lsiAie. We now think differently, and are building 40 men-of-war. We shall not be taken by aurprise and found unprepaied again; and it is hard to be lieve, in view ot our terrifio exertion!, that the other powera will abandon the advantage of their armaments and give thorn up." Head Waa Cru.hed. Walla Walla, Jnly 34. In replacing a pile of overturned lumber iu Cham berlain's yard this morning, the body ot a man wai found, his head smashed by fallen lumber. He had evidently gotten under them to sleep. He had a little com and was a laborer. The body wai late rin the day identified ai thatof William Woody, of Milton. 11a left a family. i Japa and Chtueas Fight. Faithaven, Wash., July 84. War broke ont last night between 60 Japa nese on the one side and 800 Chinese on the other. The fight raged Inter mittently all night and today, kuivei, rocks and iron bars being the weapons used. The total list of casualties thii evening was 10 Chinamen and on Japanese wonnded. The combatant! are employee of tbe salmon cannery here, and the fight ia the result ol a drunken debauoh, TRANSPORT INDIANA ARRIVco, Itrlngre Sick Boldlare From Philippine ItegJinonte Sn n Francisco, Jnly 24. The Uni. ted States transport Indiana arrived to day from Manila, the journey occupy ing 83 days. The vessel was sent to quarantine. The Indiana bag 858 sick soldiers on board and a number of Red Cross nurses. The sick soldiers were taken from the various regiments, and a great many of them are suffering from wounds received in battle. Private Edward Crawford, Twenty third infantry, jumped overboard while insane, and was drowned. Among the bodies brought back form tbe Philip pines was that of Major Diggles, of the Thirteenth Minnesota. Captain W. Van Patent, assistant snrgeon, First Washington,, and Second Lieutenant Richards, First Montana, are among the passengers. . , , After t.ie'qnarantine officers bad aat iafled themselves that there was no in fectious, disease on the Indiana, the anchored off the Harrison street wharf. The steamer has on board a party of Filipino men and women for the Oma ha and other Eastern expositions, but it is possible that they may not be al lowed to land. The crew of the Indi ana ia mostly composed of Filipinos, among them being two graduates of the Manila university. Among those who returned on the In diana was Dr. Day Wait, of Ban Fran cisco. According to him, a Filipino wounded in battle il insensible to pain. One man had his eyes torn out by a bullet and bis jaw shattered. When the wound wai dressed he tore the bandagea off, and two or three dayt later war breaking in a horse, at thougli there wai no .gaping ' wound in hii head., The doctor cites other similar cases. A bandit named Rias it giving the soldiers at Ilo llo a great deal of trou ble. He scours the country and mur ders all who will not assist him. Six native policemen were lent to confer with him. Five of them were brutally mnrdered, and one returned more dead than alive to tell the tale. The Cali fornia boys made a forced march of 25 milei, hoping to capture the bandit, bnt be escaped and waa still carrying on hit depredation! when the Indiana tailed. Sergeant Jonea, of the Tennessee reg iment, is credited with one ot the ftiost daring exploits of the war. He cap tured a Filipino flag by making a soli tary charge on a band of insurgents. who thought be bad a largor force be hind him. SAILED FOR MANILA. Klaa Trained Nnreea Leava Haw York for tha Phlllpplaee. New York. Jnly 24. The 0 o'clock through train on the New York Central last night for San Francisco, carried nine more trained nnraes for the Phil ippines, sent out nnder the auspices of auxiliary No. 8 for the maintenance of . trained nnrsea. Following ia the list: Miss DuenBing, Miss Barbara Zcigler, Mii Amy Pope, Mis9 Carlotta Marshall, Miss Lydia E, Coakley, Miss Mary Murray. Mies Mary M. Suinmey. Miss Helen Eraser, Mies Katherine Yeakel. These nurses are sent in response to an appeal for more nurses cabled last Saturday from Manila to Mre. White law Reid, chairman of the committee on the maintenance of trained nurses, to which auxiliary No. 8 turned over the caie of closing up ita work. Adjn tant-Ueneral Corbin, ai soon aa advised of the appeal, informd Mra. Reid that the secretary of war would tend in ttrnctioni to San Francisco to forward the nurses at once on army transports on the tame condition! aa formerly. that they begin work immediately for any sick soldiers on the transports dor ing the voyage. He also suggested that, with a view to making tins serv Ice as useful as possible, it would be desirable to divide them into two de taohmenta and send on separate trans porta. Miss Duensing was accordingly placed in charge ot one patry of five and Misa Fraser in chaige of tho re maining four, .and in accordance with the adjutant-general's direction they were insrncted to report immediately to Major-General Shatter in San Fran cisco on their arrival next Tuesday morning. WASHINGTON VOLUNTEERS. Will Probably Leava Manila abont Auguet 10. Seattle, Jnly 24. Tho war depart ment at Washington-, has given out tho following information in regard to the Washington volunteers: "General Otis hat cabled that heavy etortni are raging around Manila, cans ing much dealy in loading transports now there with the volunteers to be re turned. The transport Giant leaves thit morning with the First North Da kota, First Idaho and First Wyoming volunteers. It is probable other regi ments will leave in the following order: Thirteenth Minnesota, First Montana, First South Dakota, First Washington, Twelfth Kansas, First Tennessee. This supposition is based on the order given General Otis to return the volunteer! in the order in which they left the United State! for the Philippine inlands. There aie other transports now at Manila with a capacity sum oient to return the regiments men tioned above, and it is probable thai. by the 10th ot August the First Washing ton will have loft." Lynching or 81a Itallane. ' New Orleans, July 34. Special dis patch from Tallulah, La., lays: Six ' Italians were lynched there last night. Tha names of the lynched wets unob tainable. Yesterday, Dr. Hodges, a prominent physician of Tallulah, quar reled with an Italian. The latter ' wounded the physician with a shot ' gun. The shooting created intense ex oitement. A mob immediately round- ' ed np tbe wonld-be assassin and five ol i hia Irienda ROOT HIS ACCEPTED New York Lawyer Becomes Secretary of War. ALGER SENDS CONGRATULATIONS Tender or tha Office Made Aftar ths Conference Between tha Presi dent and Senator Plait. Washington, July 25. Elihu Root. of New York, haa accepted tbe war portfolio in President McKinle.y's cabi net. The telegram of acceptance was received shortly after noon, while Sec retary Long wai rwlth the president. Secretary Alger bad juet loft. The tender of the war portfolio was made to Mr. Root last niuht after tha conference at the White House. At tho president will leave for the Adiron- dacka Wednesday or Thursday, it is probable that Mr. Root will come to Washington to confer with him before that time. It it regarded as more like ly that Mr. Root will meet the presi dent at Lake Cham plain in the latter part of the week.- (Flihu Root wat born at Clinton, N. Y.. February 15, 1845, and graduated at Hamilton college and the New York university law school." He was admit ted to the bar in -1867, sine which time be bai been in active practice in New York city. He was one of tha most prominent member! of the New York itate constitutional convention, where he served aa chairman of tho judiciary committee.) , . Washington, - July 25. Seoretary Alger- thit afternoon addressed the fol lowing telegram to Mr. Root, at South ampton, on hearing of his acceptance of the war portfolio: "Accept my best congratulations and thanks." - - RIOT AND BLOODSHED. Crowded Street Car Blown Vp ia Cleve land. Injuring; Sevaral. Cleveland, Jnly 25. A Euclid ave nue car, loaded with passenger!, waa wrecked by an explosion of nitro glycerin or gunootton shortly befoie 11 o'clock tonight. Tbe injured were aa follows: Mri. E. C. Martin, 79 Alabon street; compound fraotme of the skull, right arm broken and internal injnries, which may prove fatal. ' E. C. Martin, right arm badly cut, and bruised about the legs and body. Mrs. Catherine Harris, 25 Cornell street, suffering from nervous prostra tion. F. A. Smith, 69 Vienna street, in jured about leg! and body. Albert E. Fasset, 12 Wallace place, legs injured. Dora Schessler, 11 Oakdale street, bruised about the body. Late tonight it was learned that Mrs. Martin, one of the injured, would probably die. She suffered a com pound fracture of the skull, had one aim broken and was otherwise injured. Iie was with her husband, who waa Ito badly hurt. The force of the explosion was so great that it shook all the houses in the neighborhood, and it wat iieard for a distance ot two or three miles. There ia not the slightest olne to tha identity ol tbe person who placed tha expletive on the track. Waa an Important Victory. Washington, Jnly 25. The war de partment received today from General Otis another dispatch, giving addition al particulars of the fight between Cap tain Byrne, with 70 men of the Sixth infantry, and robber bandi in tha island of Negros. It ehowt that tha victory of the soldiers will be greater than that reported in General Otit' dis patch of July 31, and that the lost suf fered by the robbers was considerably larger than before stated. Much satis faction it felt by General Otit over tha result of tbit preliminary effort in deal ing with this disturbing element in the islands, and he reports it as already having a salutary effect on other bauds inleating the locality. Laorler Talks of War. . Toronto, Ont., July 25. A special to the Telegiam from Ottawa, says: A violent criticism of the American position concerning the Alaska bound ary question by Sir Charles Tupper, at this morning's sitting of the house, brought forth a statement from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, "It ii clear," he said, "that there are only two wayi by which the diffi culty may now be settled arbitration or war. 1 have no hope at this moment that we oan settle the matter by com promise. No one wants war. We mutt exhaust overy means of removing tbe difficulty by peaceful methods. I have not given up hope that it - penti ble to agree to aibitration. . folia tions are still going on. We i. i. tt hud tome means of bringing abou a tcrt'it'. tul tettlement." Kapa Fiend Lynched. -St. Louis. July 25. A Post-Diapatoh special fioin Mexico, Mo., says: Frank Embree. a negro, charged with assault ing 14-year-old Miss Dougherty near Benton a few weeks ago, wat taken from the officer! by a mob at Steiiituiti and hanged to a tree. Compreaaad Air Comblno. New Yoik, July 25. The World sayi: It is stated on good authority that there is to be a complete consoli dation of the various compressed air power companies and a 'filiated con cerns, and that they are all to ba merged into one cential corporation, with Harry Payne Whitney, son of William C. Whitney, as president ot the new company. The capitalization of the central company, it la taid, will be In the noighboibood of $100,. 000,000.