"TVar Sir:- Th rw.-pt? of .notics rem runucATioN. rut tnmnn ninsi: i I iM V yJiJ Usl lu VI U lm tp ft(Uthwer-t part of Grunt OonntV I In hff v rvn tbtMn TwwWortn. l . i t rtnti iim inn tire t'ommlKMonwr w UK itMttT THUH&DAY. July 13, IStM, ubeep U PUiUUier OU ibo head of l - ; the Houth' fork of Heaver creek, V . E official paper of Gilliam lestr and Warm Spring creeks. COUNTY. ORKGON. This is intenJ.nl to give due . i - -1 . . -M..'. . . j i notice in time; as the old paying Portland ri.Kvrtd tlw.hinfteh-iS0" n'"1 "V .. "V, I ours JI 081 rtespt. wiMxiriKn. These letters are iiof .iue UriK(li iHmt destroyer, ' (i l ,"h'i"h' m aft attraction fir trirt boiUi. anl then to remind lhe people thiit the bmt would not 1 finished before Hepte'rt'ber,ditiul el lur prop-illor on a wagon in lue i.iradi. "Anything in draw a crowd" is the way Portland j HilvertiHHH Irnr blowouts. . ' t typewritten, I and while the author may occupy i a high position among his fellow i cutthroats he is a most miser iable grammarian,'., and for this I done d . -serves swift punishment, j It is signed "Committee." Committee of what? Can it be the committee which for years have : .dominated affairs in Grant county ' and the result of whose handiwork I is best shown by the statement What the county's indebtedness is lover $1S0,0'J0. A "committee" in j deed! "Not a going to allow sheep" M'tniii :.l t!. s, Kev. Mnt.. mih.mhIh1 by the net oi inhibits niijm.vt i'oHrnHi'y t, IS'A wo will in'wwi lo niVcrnt lie ante on Wednesiinv tin. SiitU itv Jnlv. next, t 10 o'cIim k a.m.. nl thl offiee, the- folh'Wtiig iniet of li,t, tn wit: the S. W. X. W. S. , Ty. S,, It. 21 K, W. M. Any ami nil r-er'ntm rlslmlim adveift'ly the Hov.Mloi'rilH(1 laiut aro iiilvisott to tile their chilm in 'Ma oitlre mi or before the day (testa nMe.l for iho eoitnnoneement of unlit chIo, other wise their rishlK will be forfeited, .1. P. Uca Replnter. . t'. S. I.n(l Office, RtThe OnlltWi Orvpon .Mine "th, IS'.h.i. Mil It) Tliev Come Pairs. 'I'lie nineteenth annual conven tion':', of the National Editorial Assoc'ation met in Portland last week and enjoyed a pleasant and profitable meeting. Many ' , i , 1 on the public domain. By what fession were discussed ana many ; , ..... , , . .. , t authority is this order made? in d smrsjest ions were made as to t , J . ,. , , , . I There is none, except that which the iiroiier wav to conduct a news- . . , , , , , . 1 man or the sneaking bands of ikuklux that once infested the half (civilized districts of Missouri and Arkansas, sorce of which seems to have been transplanted to Ore- paper. The visiting editors werei delighted w!th Portland and Oregon and there is no doubt but that the advertising the state will receive as h result of their visit will consider nbly increase the recent large in flux of desirable settlers to the state. , EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Votlw t hn;l)V stvon Ihot tln wmUvralimM h,i txoii lnly H)ti"ltitr il vxvontrlx of the will o( Kmit'li Wltt.en, Ik'u of Ullllmn comity, ilfcwi;' cil. All jvMonn hiiviiiR plim ntmint tln tninH of iiiiiil iliMnntont nro llii'ivtorti liervby notl til in tmwnt th wim, ilnly verilHil, to the undiTi-k-iHMl. nt Muvvlllo. tilil;ini voiiuty. Urn- Kon.or to her mioriioyn, lli'mtrii'k (.' How mnn. ut I viiilon, inx-Ron, wiinni hix inonuis Mm Ihn ilnH- Hurt rt inilliitloii oi till uoilr. DiitiM tins illi uy ol iiy, i Mll.lNI' Withkrii. Kxi-cutrlx of the t-MUt Will hiii! Toslaiiimtol KiiOilv Wither, UihvmikiI, . A f-TTVR SOLICITOUS WANTE1 KVFRY- A whvtv for "I'he Smry o( tho I'lillioiilm-H" bv Mnrtit lltiUtoHii, I'oniiniNslotieil by On. Oov- rrnment a OWoIhI lllstoiiim to the Wur IHv jwrtniiMit The Iwok w written in anny vuiii at iSrtit Krniu'io, on the I'aeilie with (irm'ml Morrltt, in the tnnvii""1 at Itoiiomm, in uong Koni!. in the Ami'iii'Mii treuoln" Ht MnnllK, In tlui iumiruvnt iMintiii with Atmiitultlo. ou tlm iln k of tin olvmiiin with Ivivuv. mid III tin1 ronrof tutttle nt Uw lull ol .Milium, itntmnm rnr asoiit. Hrimful ol oititlintl l.W't'W tKti'ii ! aoviiriitnciit iihotmtrniiiwrs on the Bot. lree ikiok. u w nriiH.8. niir oronin. rreiKin i'wivi. Cmllt Klven. Drop all trashy tinortli'lHl WHr books. ttHttlt free. Aililreiw, F. T. Barber, Si-e y Star linmraiue lUdjr. , CliieHgo, III. Toe sword which is to be present ed to lirigadier-Geueral Summers by pjjie of O.egm, up.m tha arrival oi the Secoud Oregon from the Phdlippiues. has arrived in Portland arid is said to be a beaaty. Tiie handle is of an-! tique silver, " the ' hilt of Ameri cau gold,' bearing the seal of Ot-egon, aad the bladd is of fine Damascus steel heavily plated with silver. The blade . bears an appropriate inscription and the sword is said to be, one of the liuest ever seen in the United States. Tiie .first cost (manu facturer's price) was $350. frriend-j of the Oregon volun teers will hope that the people of Portland will do a better job cele brating ''when the boys come marching home" than they did on the Fourih-of-July. Portland people seemed to be satisfied with the recent patriotic demonstration, but the "country cousins" who happened to be in the'eity on that dav. and who are. accustomed to g0n,i Crook County Journal. Donfs for Married People, Don't nag. ' Dou't gossip before childlen. Don't refer to vour wife as "the old woman" , .. Don't use slang or profanity be fore your children. Don't keep harping on the sub ject of "motherinlaw." Don't get in the habit of sewing on your own buttons. , Don't let your children talk dis respectfully of their elders. Dou't forget the promises you made when you were married. Don't leave the house in temper. It will upset your whole day. Don't imagine that yours is the only baby on the face of the earth. Don't neglect to raise your hat when "you meet your wife out of doors. Don't allow your : children to know that you have ever had oc casion for altercation. Dont be afraid to apologize, even if you have not been the cause of the quarrel. qjinnnjTjmnAnnjruunxuxnu-uuur DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, FA TENT MEDICINES, UNITE LEAD, ' SOILED AND RA 11 OIL, colors: The abort list indi cates the class of goods which I carry. If I havt not in stock any article which a furchas?r requires, I will get . it at once. J. H. Hudson CONDOM. OR. duuririJruxnuvnjvinnjtnjnruviv Mrs C T. Piukhain, and children, are visiting Mrs. Pinkhatn'a parents at Pine Creek this week. t .artinla of tfmirtbf-j-KevTKTC. Cafiwf. iU preach In the July, as dished up in country vil lages and small cities were sup prised at the tauienes8 of the affair. Any town in . Eastern Oregon can give the metropolis cards and tspade and beat her celebrating, difference ia population being considered. WHERE WILL IT END1 Many pheep owners in-Crook county are in receipt of letters of which the following is a f ie copy, except ths name of the person receiving it which is here left blank for obvious rea sons: " June 1st, 1899. To Mr. Congregational church next Sunday evening at 8 p. m Sam E. Van Vactor and W. L. Wilcox with their families spent Tuesday on a fishing excursion to Thirty Mtle. They report a good catch. Clyde Fraier, oldest son of J. R. Fra- zer, was taken suddenly and alarmingly ill at Trail Fork last Friday, with billions cramp colic. Dr. Lana was eammoned to attend him and the yoong man wag able to be brought to town Monday, since which time he has been slowly i dj proving. Charlie Fix is starting in to improve his property on a somewhat large scale The main building will be raised to three stories and will be fitted np for sleeping room a In connection with the Delinouico restaurant. A square front will be pot on the entire length of the property and also a doable porch. CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St.. Condon, Ore. POOLROOM, SOFT .DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED . FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE Large Scales, price 25c a draft: reduction on contract weighing. ;alooi1, PROP. ARLitJGTOfl JEAN LEBOUS, Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard arjd pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon. When You Are Cooking & world) think of the fine line of rcady-to-eat delicaciee that re quire no cooking, and which are just the thing for hot i ealher luuceous, you can get at P. H. Stephenson's. We don't know of any merchandise, that you can get, that . w'll help you in the other world, so get these while you can. Our summer uuderclothing will also be appreciated this iiivuik-' SuiL frc-Ui 70 coi.U U'i. r.Vv'.r Caifi. H. U. HENDRICKS. JAT BUWBKJItll HENDRICKS & BOVVERMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' FIRST BDU.OIKO WEST 07 POST Omc'S, CONflOil FIRST DOOK KOBTH OF STEIWER'S BRICK, f OMII,! run-fiil Attention to leiriU tmnineM In Ollllura and Wheeler couuuea. A Mury tu enctt omce, Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed & my deputies the following pemuiift: n. ii. i.itirii, AMMmKni, U E. Towniiid, Conilnn. Charley White, Paper Hurt. K. M. Johnhow, Iine Rook Btock Innpector forUilUam County, Onuon H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uor a.Specialty Plansand Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon .C. S. PALMER, prtisti; Barber. Sleetc Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and're-ground CONDON OREGO THE FINE IMPORTED CATELONIAN JACK, "PININO, iitriwy WiI,bel foond dor- season of 1890 at Cooke Bros' ranch 4 miles east of Condon. Pasture (or mares $1.00 per month. Due care will be taken of tnares bat we will not be sponsible for accidents. For particulars call on or address, William Cooke, or G. O. Taiwan, CONDON, ORECON, For Sale. Pare bred chickens and ckks. Brow Leghorns, Buff Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Kicks. Kqaal to the bent in the state. Leave orders at this ofiice. Treasurer's Notice. A4I county warrants registered prior to October 1 1897, will be paid on presen tation at my ofiice. Interest ceases after (his date. ft. B. Barker, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated at Condon, Ore., June 3, 1899. NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who lives on meat was ever known to lick his wife, or ask for a divorce. A vegetable diet woman is as cold and clammy as a turnip. If yon want your girl to fiave roy cheeks and vitality in her motion, feed her on beef Bleak wilb occasional doses of Dr. Haw sou's Touic Bitters. Hold everywhere. Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. , t, II. K. Frsser, County Clerk,' gives special attention to abstracts of title, and is also prepared to receive IT. f. government land filings and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of state school lauds, at LI office in Con- j dun, Or. Ill SHOES SHOES They coino in pairs and we have theua in all the stylish shapes. The popular toe this season Is the "Athens," and we also carry them in other styles. The leather is the best obtainable, soft and pliable, the workmanship the finest hand labor. Ve also carry a full line of ladies Quoen Quality Shoes which for style, finish and price, can't be beat. Our lines of Infant's, Children's, Missess' Boy's aud Men,s shoes are full and complete and in endless variety. We are sure wo can please you in anything you may need in the shoo line. Give us a trial. SHOES SHOES ALL COODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. DflifT TAKE ft HEADER. f)nn't tnk. "hilr" until yoa. luive soon the Old UnlUbls Hodges No, , 2 or Uoiitor-Drlva Header, We can furnish either, and a cttriifnl examination nt the hitnst type ol llD(l(ri Hluol Klead rs will uonvlni'o you that they are t what we claim tlmm t'l tho most perfect'. nmiit'l in tho Ilender line yt prodiiucid. In spite of the nnwnr rnittud Asmrtloiis of sonm. It is a well known fuel that mora IhnlRi's Head era are iiihiIo every year and sold and stay sold than of. all other makes roiiihlned ; that mora ll'idtf" Himdurs mako murry miisio In the har veil fields of both ooiiil-' limits than wore ever ci'iiistrunitid by all othor maiinhicturori of thU type of harvesters. For si years lloilos Hnadert liavs been the leaders in their class. . No feature of these ma chilli's has been considered good onontth that oou lit ba huprovud upon, Midi we now say wllb cmitl diiuce, that It Is, as evnr boon, tho pnorolall alluKcd rivals Insiiiipllcltjr of construction, ease of operation and beauty of llnl-h. If you are notintereslod In headers it us show ymi the Mllwaiikuo Chain Jirlvo Mower, or other good mowers we have, tho Lad and Lle Hteel Hay Bake, or other xood rakes we have, the Powell der rick and nets, which ro duces harvest expenso, In short lot us show you the lalDsl Ideas from a thresh tug machine to a repair link. . IvORD & CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON. a. V' PBk' w -v-.-sw' Of Arlingtonr Or., No. 3918, i Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. D. M.FRENCH, President; W. W. STE1WER, Vlce-Prosldnti FRANK T. HURLBURT, Cashier. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH. W. W. STEIWER, W. LORD, L. C. ED. WARDS rjinijvruvuuinuvnjuvru' IDS AND A. C. HAWSON. P vnuirumnvrinnnxumr Remember we are headquarters for machine f atras. Call and see us. SHURTE & WEIR GO. ARLINGTON, - - OREGON. DROP IN AT COB'S 5R00fJ , Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, when you fl llk njoylng a flret-claae CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER OH DRAUCHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. RINEHART'S RESTAURANT Condon, Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. Tho public will find that no better RceommodiUion" can bo found in thin country than at this house. Meals 25c; bedB 25c. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEII. F. T. HURLBURT. Pre. 8MITH FRENCH. Sec. DAN THOMAS, Msn'gr Arlington Warehouse Co. (Incorporated) WOOL WOOL SACKS FOR THE PRODUCER, 30 CTS. EACH. Barbed Wire, Naila, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Sash, Doors, House Trimmings etc., Always on Hand. HIDES AND PELTS. BOUGHT AT HIGHEST CASH PRICE. SHEEP PAINT. BEST IN THE MARKET GUARANTEED. Advances made on wool and wheatatanytime Directors: D. M. French, W. Lord, 8mlth French, D. Thomas, F. T, Hurlburt Office in Warehouse. - Arlington, Oregon. E. T HOLLENBEGK, -Consulting Engineer. Estimates made on all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water Powers, Pumps and Pump ing Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you liavo any thing you think pant fixing, bring it to me. . HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILOINC. CONDON OREGON. F. H. RALSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO RAL8T0N & 80N) DEALER IS i GenT Merchandise. Invites an Inspection of His Stock as to Quality and Price. LONE ROCK OR. NOTICE FOR FUBLICATION. Timber Culture Kinal Proof. Laud Orrx'e at Tim Pam.ek, rw., Jiinn, 7 ITO, Notice In hereby Klven Mint Ralph Krommi ol Ton (loll Oregon, im. Ilb'il noMreof Intention to mnkfi (Inn! jirool lM-fore H. N. KmnT, Co. Clark nt lilt oflice in Coii'lon Oregon, on Friday, July 21st 189f), on timber niiltitre iiipll'Mon No. B13I. for Hie w(i riB'ijiin'l i;'4 ni, (!, tj3 a, iwi, V. M. Hi; tiunio. h. wiliifHiie.: Ocortfe Iliuifton, lmi. Meek, W. K. Kurmr, n1 ". W. Brown, allot Condon, Oregon.'' (Jat V. Li'i ak, lleglntcr. IKIl'J ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notlee l hereby given, In tho mutter of the Kmiite of Jiuon L. Oiry rteceiineil, thut tlid Hn rteralirnefl liu. Iieen itiily kiiioIiiUmI Hiimlnliitrn trlx of the of thu nilil deeedent, mil to all piimoii liavliiK elalm. Kilimt the mil, I eatute to prenent the teme U lu.rl theolhceof ilenilrlek. Alluwfnnuti her iitloineyiiHt (Joiidon, (MeKOii, Kltliln nix monthii frnm the lny ef thvdiitv ami Unit publication ol tint) notice. oii'lon Oregon, I Jennie A I'lin'. M21 JulyOlwO. j Ailiiilnlbliiitilx. DUNN BROS. Will take pleanuro in showing you their Block of Gen'l Merchandise. Condon, : : : : Oregon. WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS GALL Oil AL. HENSHAW He hag a complete stock of the following goods on hand and more coming on every train. 1 Furniture, Hardwaro, Carpenter's TooIh, Taiutn. PilanketB, Gloves, Wall Paper, Houee Lining. Btoves, , Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. Trunks, Hand-bags, Undertaker's Goods.( Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. D. M. RINEHART, PROPRIETOR- LIVERY & FEED BARN. 'V Good Rigs for Hire. . Careful Attention to stock. Corner Spring nd Church Streets,. iCondon Oregon. l(iiaeWfli3"f,f(K