Tiit GGiiDGii GLOBE. THURSDAY. Jly CV 1999. T IE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OHEGON. :,':litar y trm unals. T m ml,,v,l inviwfVniinn ! mid its conclusion are a surprise to jare not likely t0 a U a,ul the the American people. Military "Ptaeles through which they tribunals in navy and army, al-jean everything wrong in every Ibojab very distasteful especially l,od els0 Rre fonifched by the cV especially whe.i they take jnrisdicion of any matter relating to civil life, wore never regarded necessarily corrupt. But the hope of im lartial investigations afTeeting job bers or politicians wilt no longer bs indulged. The conclusion of the meat trust investigation is bused...' upon the idea that all who were compelled to eat un wholesome beef or starve were liars and alt those who were in the po rtion to supply themselves were truthful. The people were not prepared ' to believe that the beef trust magnates could not under any circumstances find tools; and dependents, who would prevaricate for sutlicieut consideration. They nnposed that the meet trust had willing witnesses equally with all other trusts and that it wonM be no more dillicult for tho great Chi cago combination to find wit nesses who would lie than it would be tor the ordinary railroad in case of a collison. But a military tribunal has found that every thing T?onaectel with tho meat business is perfect &ndi every person- having an interest in that con nection is pure as an angel, and every person who dislikes to eat or to have his fellow soldiers eat rotten beef has affinity with, the devil. The question is, how have milita ry tribunals been furnished with the kind of spectacles they can sea no good in honest and no truth in tho testimony of faithful offucers and can Bee everything perfect ir the stock jobbing fraternity? It may not be easy to account for all this, bat we do know that Shafter jumped from the bottom of his profession to the top and that hi three hun dred and fifty pound avoidupois did not retard this upward progress, ft is suggested that General Mer ritt is expecting to supplant Miles Did he not know that in order to supplant Miles be must indorse Algerian and swear by AJger and McKinley? There ia- no doubt that if f?ampsoi has been called, although none-"of the objeclional meat was used i a the- navv, he would have given bis testimony as readily as Shatter that every pound of meat was of the best pos sible quality because no one has yet attributed to Sam peon a want of gratitude for. favors to come even if he was a little hard on Sohley for furnishing ham a vic tory upon which to build bis- rep utation. As long as the administration exercises at will the power, which CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St.. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED Jin Tmnr m(m Large Scales, price 25e a draft: reduction on contract weighing. ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aijd pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon. Do You Wear Pants coat and vest, in other words a "suit"? We take it for granted you do and also that you prefer to buy clothing that coinbints elegance wih service and at a moderate cost. We therefore invite you to call and inspect our new stock of FINE CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING which are the beat values for the money ever offered in this section. &CT SUITS R50 TO 13.50, FOB CASH. We sell lr CASH and tmr prices are EYE OPENER;.'. P. H. STEPHENSON I've law Ins ret proliibUed but does not confer of promoting fav orites Jot political services, court nfnftiala will desidc ns the execu tives desires. It is too great a strnin on ordaniary humane nature to call upon them in the capacity of witnesses or as members of a court-tnartiul to swear or decide themselves into oblivion. 1 hey ecutive who promotes according to political services and not according to military merit. National Watchman. Items of Interest. Tight clothes and indigestion cause red noses. Tooth brushes should be washed jin strong salt and water. Ink spilt on the carpet is re movable by milk. Take a light meal only -before setting out on a bicycle trip. After eating onions munch a sprig of parsley dipped in vinegar! Powdered rice applied on lint will stop a bleedin'g wound. Thin, nervous women require ten hours' sleep every night. Ammonia and water cleans mud off an umbrella. It ruins a piano to keep it stand ing a draught. Bruised cloves kept among furs frighten moths away. Whiting and lime juice cleans ivory knife handles. Wfcen. yon want to cut whale bone warm it by the fire. . Soot covered with salt is easily brushed up Wash cane seated chairs on the underneath side only. Apply arnica to a bruise if the skin is unbroken, if broken, wash the bruise and apply vaseline. In the earlier days dancing was advocated as a cure for sickness. Out of every three persons struck by lightening two recover. - A Hungarian violinist in Penn sylvania confesses that he has been married twenty times. He had such an artistic soul. No fewer than ten per cent of the Hawaiian natives today are lepers. It is estimated that of the whole population of the globe, about 90, 000 die every day. Mexican children are allow ed to smoke during lesson time provided they have attained a certain standard of excellency The inventor of matches was a country doctor. Charles Marci Tauria. His memory was honor ed recently by the erection of a monument in the village of Saint Lo thai re in the Jura. The muscles of the calf of the leg is capable of sustaining seven times the weight of the body. It is the strongest muscle of the body, The queen's income from her wealtk ia less than 11,000,000 a year. Rockefeller's income is f 12, 000,000 a year. Condon. Ore. CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE jcoTrrs ror. rrnLtc.mox yvt'"? ;s ' v rtrw tVt ! pwwrf of tn rtmef'on fm ih Cmrotitnmr of rh titir nl jiintOfflw (it!T-,t'linrity vested in him hjr neertnn ''', V, S. Iter, stnt., n nmetxleil tv t!w) set of Corier"W njjiwrrt rYhrtnry ve will pnwn ii "in r hi pwi II" win i' i ptinwiny the ait h tin? of July, next, nt tna'elork i.n.. nl this oillei1, the following 'troet of land, to wit: tho S. W. U, X, W. 4 Svc. , Tp. I S K. 81 B, W. Anv mil! nil perentxti el! mine wlvorwlv tho aliove desert hed Unilt rm mlvtR'itto Hie their eltum In 'hl olllee on or before the ilny deslir- hHUHt for tho enmmem-einetu of sew sale, other wise Uwir rUttiU will be forfeited. I. I'. lx; Hi'ifintor, 1". S. I-anrt Office, t Tho ills, Okisob June Tth. W. I4"tl9 EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice In hereby nil that the nndendtrned hiiK hem duly nppolure.1 eneeHtrlit of Hi will of KniH'h Wither, lute of outturn county. deeei et. All persons hwvinir chilm tmrihtht the estute of xihl deeedont an) therefore herehy ni-ll-tied lo pieseirt the t, duly rerdiod, to the HiidemKiiod, at Mavvlllp, milium eotinrv, Ore gon, or to her attorneys, Hendrteks & Howxr man, at t'midon, nrem'nt, wllhln alx moiitha from thi-ildte and tint imMlcatlonottliia iiottee. IaN-d tills 4111 day of May. IK MUNW WlTHRIta, Kxeeutrlx of the t Will ami Teatainent of rtinK'h Withera. deooaai'd. ACTIVK SOMCtTORS wantko evfry whrp for -The Story of the I'hilivplnea" eminent aa Otlirtal Historian to the War De partment. The hook wa written tnarmy eampa at San Kranrlat-o, on the farlHe with tieneral Merritt, tn the hoapilahi at Honolulu, III 11mm Konir, tn the Aiuerieuii tKenehea at ManlU. in the Inanrvent ramp with Aetitntldn. on the deck of the Olvmpiit with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at the tall of Manila. IhxHinn for aitenta. Hrimfnl of orlslaal nk turea taken by by Miimt IfalKteail. eomnihti'touett ty meuoV' government photographer on thenpot. lirce book. low prlroa. ltiit proHta. Krelvht paid, t'redit KiveiK llrop all trashy nnoHleial war hooka. Onttlt fne. Atldreaa, T. Barber, Se'j (ar iinsHiaiHe fiwg, inu-ago, mi ojuvwirvnnnnfwxrinruuiniruixui- 5 - DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PATENT MEDICINES, WHITE LEAD, BOILED AND RAW OIL, COLORS. Tht above list indi cates the class of geoJs which I carry. If I have net in stock any article which a furchaur requires, I will get it at once. J. H. Hudson CONDON. OR. 0iunnsxrssnifjrmjnsrunnv II. H. HENDRICKS, JAY SOWKKIUX HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW. riRST BUILDIKO WEST Of POKT OrriCI, CONDON riutTDooa kokth ornnvii a iru.k, foskil Carefnl attention to legal btttineu In Gilliam and Wheeler counUea. A Notary lu each olllte. Deputy Stock Inspectors. 1 baTe appointed u my deputies the fullowlng peraoim: n. II. oiweii, AriiiiKuiii. L. B. TownsenJ, fouilon. Charley W hat, rptr Suck. R. M. Johnhon. Lone Rork. Stork Impeetor furCiillUm I'ounijr, Oregon. H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Mfor a Specialty. Plans and Estimates Furnl9hed Condon : : Oregon. C. S. PALMER, prtistK Barber. Sleelc Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-Kround. CONDON - - OREGON. THE FINE IMPORTED CATEIONIAN JACK, "PININO," Will be found dar ing the season of 1800 at Cooke Bros' ranch 4 miles east of Condon. Pas tare for mares $1.00 per month. Due rare will be taken of mares bat we will not be re' sponsible for accidents. For particulars call oo or address, William Cooke, or G. G. Pakmam, CONDON, OREGON. For Sale. Pare brerl chickens ami eg(?. Brown Leghorns, Buff Leghorns and Barred month Kocks. Kqnal to the best in the state. Leave orders at this office. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to October 1 1897, will be paid on presen tation at my office. Interest ceases after this date. (i. B. Barkkb, Treasurer of Gilliam conntv, Oregon. Dated at Condon, Ore., June, 181)0. NON-ALCOHOLIC. Mo man w ho lives on meat was ever known to lick his wife, or ask for divorce. A vegetable diet woman is as cold and clammy as a turnip. If yon want your girl to have rosy cheeks and vitality in her motion, feed her on beef steak with occasional doses of Dr. Haw son's Tonic Bitters. Hold everywhere. Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Frazer,' County Clerk, gives special attention to abstracts of title, audi also prepared to receive U. B. government land Clings and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of state school lands, at bis office in Con- r. .- . ! don, Or. Tley Come in SHOES They conic ia pairs and we have them in all tho stylish shapes. , Tho popular toe this season is tho "Athens," and we also carry them in other styles. The leather is the best obtainable, soft and pliable, the workmanship the finest hand labor. Wa also carry a full line of ladies Queen Quality Shoes which for style, finish and price, can't be beat. Our li nes of Infant's, Children's, Missess Boy's and Men.s shoes are full and complete and in endless variety. We are sure wo can please you in anything you may need in the shoe line. Give us a trial. SHOES ALL COODS MARKED LORD ARLINGTON, WW WR bmk e-.-.- Of Arlington, Or., No. 3818. i Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest i SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVENTO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. D.M.FRENCH. President) W. W. T. HURLBURT, Cashier. DIRECTORS--D. M. FRENCH, W. WARDS JslJunJuswJITurul F, T. HURLBURT, Pre. SMITH FRENCH. 8o. DAN THOMAS, Man-gr Arlington Warehouse Co (Incorporated) WOOL WOOL SACKS FOR THE PRODUCER, 30 CTS. EACH. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Saeh, Doors, House Trimmings etc., Always on Hand. HIDES AND PELTS. BOUCHT SHEEP PAINT. BEST IN THE MARKET GUARANTEED. Advances made on wool and wheatatanytime Directors! D. M. French, W. Lord, Smith French, D. Thomas, F. T, Hurlburt Office in Warehouse. Arlington, Oregon. F. H. RALSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO RALSTON & 80K) DEALER IN Gen'l Merchandise. Invites an Inspection of His Stock as to Quality and Price. LONE ROCK NOTICH FOIt PUnUCATION. Timber Cultiiro Flnul Proof. l.tNDOrnne ATTrt:'. ni.r.xt Or., Jnn, TIM!), Notlcf U ben by irlven tNol Rnli.h Frotnnn of Cnn don Ort-fton, hi HIpiI nolle of Intrntlnn to mnke n mil prrc.f boforo It. S. Fmscr, Co. t'lcrk nt Mi oillro in Condon Oipgon, on Friday, July 2lt 1809, on tiinbrrenlt'ira pplirstlnn No. 3i;il, f-.r the wi ne'aml r.'.i n cc34, tp .1 , i ;0o, IV, M. Hi; numn i. ilnin r: "jcorge Hti'on, Ixtnfs Mwk, w. K. Fmrsr, nl C, W. Bron, .11 of Condon, Oregon. ix P, ,ut, Rcgltr. IW!9 Pairs. SHOES SHOES IN PLAIN FIGURES. & CO., OREGON. Banking Business. Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. 8TEIWER. Vlo-Praldanti FRANK RDS AND A. C. HAWSON. ' ' " Jiruiinnnjxnutnnnnnnjvuvu W. 8TEIWER. W. LORD, L. C. ED AT HICHEST CASH PRICE OR. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NoIIor tn licrcTiy alvcn, In tVsmntfcf of the rrntn of Jnon f fury rtpnninwit, IhMt tho nn (InnlRnKfl h bi""n duly npn'Hti'c l nnmlrilxtrii. trln of lh Kxtiilo of tho mil' I rtiwdotit, iinrt to nil ppron hnvlnif I'lnlmn mgntrnt tho skM ctte to pr-wnt the us me to horut the olHre of Hundrlcks ARnwrrmnn hr Httoriipvunt Condon, Orotrnn, wlililn mix month) from the day of the ditto anil (I rnt puollcnllon of thin notice. Condon Oreron, I JcnPle A. C1-'-', July leiJ. ) Admloibtrtrlx. DON'T TAKE A HEADER. Hemomber we are tirad(iinrters for SHURTE & ARLINGTON, - DROP I N AT COB'S 5R00fJ NextDoorto BowlingAlley Arlington, when you feel like enjoying flret-claee CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. R If Ell ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - . Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better sccommoJutions can bs found in this country than at this house Meals 2."c; bed 25o. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN. E. T HOLLENBECK, M. E. Consulting Engineer. Kstinmtcs made on all kinds of ltuildings, Machinery, Water Towcra, Pumps snd Pump ing 1'luntfj. Repairing s 8wcialty. If you have any - thing you think past fixing, bring it to me. HEADQUARTERS IN CONDON DUNN BROS. Will take pleasure in showing you their stuck of Gen'l Merchandise? Condon. WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS GALL Oil AL. HENSHAW He baa a 'com pie to stock of the following goods on band and more coming on every train. Furniture, Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Paints, Blankets, Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining. Stoves, Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. Trunk?, Hand-bags, Undertaker's Goods. Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. D. M. RINEHART, LIVERY & FEED BARN. Good Rigs for Hire. Careful Attention to stock. Comer Spring and Church Street,.. Condon Dm't Mn n " "hinder" until ynn h ied moo the Old ttllttltl 1 nd(es No, a or Gnti'r-Urlv linir. We can (ni'tiUtl either, and A cmrcfiil exaiiilimtlon of the IntoHt type of HnltfxR Mtuol ltad era' will convince yon thiit thy are jtt wlnit w (tlaim tliuiit l b tha moot rrr',H.'t m i '! In tht lluadur line yet prodoiu'd. In sit of the nnwar rxiitHil ntHf Ttlone of rtn( it Is a well knovtn furl thitt n, or td(t Iknilk nr are mado every year and sol I and stay sold than of ail ntlinr imikuif cuii'iinud ; tlmt more H'nlrfi'i lli'iidnrs nnlit nmrry mitslo in the lmr vent liulds of both (xnitl- iftifM trrnn w.i. .u.p conntrnoiHd hy all other timnufiiotnrurs of thU type of hHrvesUr. Kor 3D yniiri ll.xlif'S lleiulora have Ikii the Wadors lit their clan. No (nature of lli tin olilnoi hat mm consider t K'lol enmiKh that coui l Tit linprovod niMiii, and wo now any with contl d.iiic.., that it la, as it ever lxn, the (mernfalli Ik'tfnd rivals In simplicity of oonstrnctlon, eae tif operation and beauty of finish. Jfyou are notlntretel In htdrs lift ns show you the MHwaiikio Chain l)rlva Mowor. or othitr f Hxl iiinwera we have, the d and Lhh Storl liay Kiiae, or oIIiitkihhI rakes we have, the IWHI der rick and mH, which rv l noes harvest expenses, in short lot ns show yon the latest I'li'iu front thresh iiiK tnachine to a repair Iliik. machine rifras. Call and tee as. WEIR CO. - - OREGON. THE FIX BUIL01NC. OREGON. Oregon. Oregon..