THE GO'IBOH GLOBE.! THURSDAY, Jum I, IS99. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. 2'Kusrs socr.tusM, .... ,Wi aaniotuu! womler if tUp mqn wtn are no b isy those days organ izing trusts ami (moIs and combines, ever read a book wbich waa writ ton uiua ten yi-ars agv by the late Edward Bellamy, in which the-happy condition of An.erica 100 years hence, under a system of advanced socialism, is set forth, and in which w given what purports to be a his tory of the event? which led up to that -enviabla condition. The author advances a theory which, viewed in the light of present events, amounts almost to a proph ecy. Itisthis: During the last year or so- of the 19th century the cen tralization of w ealth in the form of trusts, combines etc., by which competition was abolished and ab solute control or all the necessities of life was vested in the hands of a few, reached such a degree of per fection that about the beginning of the 20th century a universal trust was formed which speedily absorb ed all the other combines and at once the control of every article of commerce passed into the hands of less than half a dozen men. hen this point was reached the people wrce reduced to such extremities of want and suffering by the cupidity and oppression of the half dozen managers of the universal trust, that they finally became convinced that a system of government which permitted and encouraged such a condition of affairs was primarily at fault and they proceeded forth with, by uvjans of a "peaceful revolution," to so reconstruct the government that the principles up on which the universal trust was founded were perpetuated, compe tition was abolished and the bene fits of this great economic system, instead of being enjoyed by only a few millionaire trust magnates were enjoyed proportionately by every citizen. If the trust managers and pro moters were avowed disciples of Bellamy they could hardly follow out his theory or assist in putting the same in practice more rapidly than they appear to be doing in these closing days of the 19th j century. NOTICK roii rUHl.ICATION. Uwo orFicit at Thk Daub, Or., Apr. 2i Notlin in herrhv Riven Unit flic tnllnwiitit mim ed wttler Iihk Mot noitiwof lilx Intention to make riiutl iiooof hi mmoFt if hlneltitm, ami Hint MM iinxif will lie made unfa . N . Kinwr county clrk of ulUtam county, Hi Coudou, Or.., on Tlmnxlay, June H, torn. vi: ; I.l'THKR B. TOVNKX!, of Condon, " till. R. No. sia (or the w i n w ' and .," s w , c. a, ti. 3 nrJie W. M. lie nnnte the follmvlinr. witnesses to prove his roiitlntitmit rot.ltloni'' upon Aiidi'viUlvti lion of ntl bind, vi: II. S. Rrown, K. V. Cooke, J. K. !' mid K. M. litown, nil of t'onUmt, Xlrt'tiriu , ' tklia J.v 1'. Vreut Keetster. NOTICE FOR l'UHUCATIOX. Land Officii at Tub, Oh., Apr. I, isw. Notice Is hereby given that the f.'!liw1ns nmittit settler but tiled notice of lii hitvntlon to miiae Una) pr,t.)f tntippuftof tilH tlttim. wnd tliHt u,id proof will bo inad before H. N. Krnscr, county clerk of liillimn enmity, t Condon, Or,, ou srmay. juih. isai, vi: , J AMKS A. W. SOHJlilN, of Fossil, ' lid. K. No. l, for the wi mrV n'tiliid Kt'i, sec. .'t!, tp . S ., r, u., '. M, He mime tin following winiessra to prove hi eniitiuuoni, resMemo nipt enlti vation ol iwid bind, Yin: John lirnhiim, of Muyvltle, imwii . r Armstroiur, Tim Connelly and K. fc. Armstrong, ol Condon. Oregon WW Jat V. I.IVAS, Reirlster. NOTICE FOR lTLSLICATlON. Lanb Officb At Thk Daulks, 0., Apr. 21, 119. Nolle la hereby iriren Unit the followiiiK named settler has riled iiotic-3 of hit inb ntion to uniko final proof in support of IUh chtlm. Anil that said prool will be made before H. X. Kraavr, county clerk oftiilllam county, Bt I'uudonOr., ou Thursday, June , ls.i vu: . MIXXIE LOOXKY, of Condon, Hi). E. Xo. 6.M4, for the n; nei ndi noi and nd4 ae tee. iA, tp. 4 r. -Si e.. fr.M. lie names the followlnir witniMeii to tinive his continuous residence upon and cultivation of mid land, vi: 11. (iiede, K. K. Looney, I'lms. lliuH'Mihn und Frauk Knrsl, allot Condon, Ore. iMU . Jay T. l.ur.A. Kgister. NOTICE FOR l'UBIJCATION. Lakr Offick. Tita Paij.ks, Oa., April ?4. ism Noticeis her.'by given that the foll,,winit namtKl aettVrbak tiled notire of his Intention to niuke tliml proof in support of his claim, and that said prooi will lie mude before H. X. Kraner. comity elork of (.illinni eoimtyat Condon, ure., 011 Friday, June , lA'i, Ti: MARTHA J. ARMSTROXS, widow of M. Ijifnvclte ArmstMint. deceased, Hd. K. Xo. 4412 for the e1 uefi aud eji sej. sec. 2, tp.:l s. r 19 e W. St ile names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of iaid laud, vii: J. K. Fiuwater. Tim Connellv, S. Lainbersnn and J. A. W. ScoKgin, aU of Coii don, Oregou. sU3 Jat P. LfCAS. Res;lstcx NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Dalles, Or., April 17. IS99. Kotice is hereby given that the toUoinjr named settlers have Med notice of their intention to make filial proof on their respective claims, and that said proof will be made before S. A. D. Gurley, C. 8. Commissioner, at Arlington, Oregon, on Saturday, June 10, lS'.Ml, vii: EFKIE RANDALL, of Oleic. Homestead Entry Xo, 50rS3, for lots 1 and 2 and H n e Si, sec. 22 tp. 1 1 r 31 t W. M. WILLIAMS. rillLLll'S, of Ole. Homes tend Entry o. 5W7, for the s w n w nljit'-J and niric of see. 11, tp. 2 s, 21eW.M. CHARLES W. "MARTIN", of Olex, Homestead Entry No. 504, for the n w of sec. 23, tp 1 s, r 21 e, W. M. They name the following witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon and cul- ration of said land, viz: - Henry Wllkins, of Clem; William 8. Phillips, Charles W. Martin. Oliver O. Boyd, James H. Phillips, Henry D. Randall, Ernest S. Taylor, and Effie Randall, of Olex. Oregon. 27-11 ; . Jat P. Locas Register. qnnjvxruxrvrd-Lrii utru Lrvnnn siuit druggists: , siwvaves, 'PA TEXT if HITE LEAD, BOILED AND 1 iC.H OIL; -COZOKST"''"-' "Thi ahve list ' JnJi- v tates the class of goods which I carry. If I hart not in u , . stock any , article , . . which a furchasir requires, I will get it at once. J. H. Hudson 5 . 2 LONDON, OR. imruinjutruTnjmnmrvnjvnnri JR. E, E. BAILEY . . r -RESIDENT DENTIST .i . . " Office at Rineharfs Restaurant, CONDON, OREGON R. H. HESDS.1CKS. JAY BOWEKIHN, HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW. fikst mui-mxu WEST OF FOST OFFICE, COtlDO! FIRST POOR NORTH OF fTEl WKR'a VKH K, FOSSIL Careful attention to leRnI business In Oillltim aud heeler counties. A .Notary in each otlke. you to compare the following price list with what you can get elsewhere in order that you may see whether you can save money or not by dealing with us. The goods we carry are STRICTLY THE BEST. We could easily get inferior goods to sell for cheaper prices but we will not.. We have demonstrated to oar entire satisfaction the fact that no matter how cheap an article may be, if it is inferior in quality, our customers remember how inferior, and forget how cheap, the goods were. For that reason we buy only the best, and prices quoted below are on absolutely high grade goods. PRICE LIST. Floor, Heppner or Peacock, perbbl.. 3 25 Salt, half ground stock, perewt. 75 Sugar, western refined dry granulated, per sack 6 50 Bacon, bellies 14 to 18 lbs., per pound , 10 Lard, leaf, kettle rendered, 5 and 10 In cans, per lb..... 11 lVans, sra'll white, sk I'ts per lb . 3 -" large " 3 " pink : " " " " S " bayo, " " " " Z)i Bice No. 1 Japan, sack lots per 100 lbs 6 50 Coffee, Arbackles, 8 p'k'gs for 1 00 " Lion, 8 p'k'gs (or. .... . 1 00 " Royal Java Koast 8 lbs 100 " AViudsor7 packages.... 1 00 V Mocha and Java, 4 lbs. 1 00 " ; Mocha and Java, 3 lbs. 100 " ' Green Favorite, 7 lbs., 1 00 " Caricola, 5 lbs 1 00 Oatmeal Nudavene Flakes 20 lb 1 00 Corn, canned standard No 1 f per ease 2 do. 2s. 2 50 Tomatoes, canned standard "So 1 per case 2 doz. 2. 2 50 Trunes, pitted Batter Creek 1st . quality 50 lb sacks per lb. 7 Flunis, pitted Butter Creek 1st quality 50 lb sacks per lb. 6 Raisins, 3-crown 50 lb b'xs lb. 8 Fickles, mixed or plain, per keg 1 25 y rep, rock candy drips 5 gal. jackets.... Same, 3 gal, jackets. .. . . . ... . , game, 2 gal. buckets. ........ . Syrnp, Pride of Oregon, 3 gal. jackets Sauie, 2 gal buckets Xails, 100 lb kegs, base 20 to GO " " " " " 12 to 16 " " ' " " 8 to 10 Wire, El wood Jr., per cwt. .'. . '" (Jlidden, painted perewt Fleh Bros. Wagons, high grade weatern wagon heavily ironed, complete, 2' Same wagon, 3 inch Same wagon, 3!4 incb. . Same wagon, 3), incb......... Winchester Rifles, 32-40, 24 and 26 inch octagon barrels Same rifle, 30-30 Same rifle, 22 special Same rifle, 22 long Savon Soap, 20 cakes, per box. Diamond C Soap, 14 oz cakes, per cake. Cake's Golden Star 20 bar b'xs Borax Soap, 20 bar boxes, 'o 1 Axle Urease, Fraser's, 3 cans. . , " " Mica, 3 cans..,.. Babbitt's Con. Lye 3 cans . Arm and Hammer Brand Soda .3 packages for 1 75 1 50 1 00 1 40 80 3 75 3 80 385 4 00 3 80 75 00 00 00 9 5 00 100 00 14 00 16 00 12 00 12 00 75 5 1 00 1 15 ' 25 25 25 . 25 Throughout the entire stock there is the same uniform, close, pr-eee. Later on we will quote you prices on Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing Etc., Etc., so that you can "size ts up correctly. We are agents for Butterick Patterns,' Queen Quality !r'3.00 shoes, for women, and Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets. Drop us a lino and let us talk the matter over with you. We , wili be glad to send you samples. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the fotlofflng W. H.Colwell. Arlington. L. B. Towimfini, Condon. Charley White, I'sjierSack. H. M. Johnson. Lone Rook. Stock Inspector fortiilliam County, Oregon, H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. SeroJI Wfor a Specialty Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon C. S. PALMER, Irtish Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground CONDON - - - - OREGON F. F. CLARK, Boot and Shoe Maker. . njepalrii fJeatfy Dor?e eTsjsT Give me a trial, jjri Next door to Clark's blacksmith shop Condon : : Oregon THE FINE IMPORTED CAIECCNIAH JACK r if niiiitin t Will be found dur ing the season of 1809 at Cooke Bros' ranch 4 miles east of Condon. For particulars call on or addrees, Wiluam Cooke, or G. G. Tahmax, CONDCN, ORECON , For Sale. nrn a on1 1U rrm a iiiuuvu Akn;ftB. .uni iu me i.uv Dime, ibyo UfULis Bb Vii IB UilJUe. They Gonae . - i 11 Pai rs. Treasurer's Notice. All conntv vrarrantM tvcriatorurl h.ini tO Julv 1.'!. 1RH7. will a nui.l nn nraun. talion at my office. Interest ceuees after . 1. : u .1.. . o r . nun uutc. I. DAKKER, Trfaanrer nf (villinm i-nnntu CWnnnn Dated at Coudon, Ore., Mar. "31, 18U9. ' NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man uhn livpa nn innat u-a ml.. Known tn lirtr nia iL-ifn nr alr f. divorce. A. vegetable diet woman is cold and clammy as a- tnrnip.. If you want yonr girl to have roay cheeks and vitafitv in hpr motion U.tA hop r.n Ut.t steak with occasional dotes of Dr. Haw eon s Ionic Uitttrs. - hold everywhere Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Frazer, County Clerk, cives special attention to abstracts of title. and is also prepared to receive U. S. government land Clings and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of state school lands, at his office in Con don, Or. i . - , , Through Tourist Cars to Louis. St MINOR &GO., Heppner, . Or. A tourlat. alpptiina sur irlll lo.rA T . 1 ry - .. ... , . 'j 1 v land everv Mnndav via Mn Van o,,l every , VVeiliifcii'lay via the Iiurlington iwuieaior, uj. via me U. It. A JN. through Halt Lake und Di'nvor wit uiiBiigB m nt, iotiiR, ana ntmer the su- frprvipion rif pvriorlonpprl nr,ti,li,,.l.pu v. change of cars to the cities, Kansas City or St, Louis. Keep this servic in mind when gold? Eaat and consult 0, U. & S. agents or address, W. II. Ht-itf.tumT, General Passenger A sent, Portland, (.)'. SHOES; SHOES . They conio iu pairs ami we have thom in all the styl'mli shapes, " ; ; ' .v. - ; The popular toe this season is tho "Athons," and we also tarry them iu other styles. ' " t tho best 'ohtiiiiiable, soft anil pliable, tho workmanship the finest hand labor. 7. We also carry a full line of ladies Queen Quality Shoe' which for style, finish and price, can't bo beat. - . Our lines of Infant's, Children's, Missess . Boy's and Men,s shoes are full'and complete and in endless variety. We are sure we can please you in anything you may need in the shoe line. Give us a trial. SHOES SHOES ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON. bsMMssW W P-sV 5 RUNCTOfi bW j m iM, 1 w . ui Arlington, Ur.; Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States' " curupt. inierebi auowea on time deposits. j SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. r SATISFACTION ; '. . 1 . . ,, 7, mn hm ffi ml I sv a i. i : " ! m IS GUARANTEED to each and ovory customer who makes a purchase at our : "', lleneral Merchandise store." UVe not only carry every thing, but everything we carry is tho 1UCST tho market affords. Everything we offer i well worth looking at and, , btter worth buying. Wr9 ondoavor to carry tho VERY BEST, the NICWFST IDEAS, from our implements to our . clothing, and this will bo found true in every department. We are traking every effort to crowd plenty of buslnost . into tho month of Maywo want to mako it a record month and already our enlos are abovo our anticipations. i;. We are backing our desiro by prices having the right jinRle. " There's a winning tone to our May prices and we hope to v have them just as winning in June. Wo are backing our guarantee by EARNEST VALUES, tho kind that really ' influence your buying Coming here to make your pur- chases gives you every benolit the items you'll prefer 'at prices you'll cheerfully pay. Don't forget tho place- SHURTE & WEIR CO. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON. DROP IN AT COB'S Next Door to Bowling Alley-ArlinRton, when you fl Ilka anjoylng a flrt-olo CICAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUCHT. ' All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. RINEHART'S RESTAURANT Condon, Oregon. GEO. W. R 1 N EH ART, PropY. The publio will find that no bettor accommodations can bo found iu this country than at this house. Meals 25o; bods 25o. ' HEAOaUARTERSFlRTiAVELitlC MEI1. 1 D. M.FRENCH, President! W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlce-Preeldont; FRANK ' - T. HURLBURT. Cashier. ! DIRECTORS -D. M. FRENCH. W. W. STEIWER. W. LORD. L. C. ED 11 A Dnc . Kir, a r. ..... . . rjuxnjxnjxnjxnruuuuvuTJi ENCH. W.W. STEIWER. W. LORD. L. C. ED. 3 RDS AND A..C. HAWSON. 5 JvwruxnAxnnnAnJuirmnnnAruuuinrt CHAR LBS FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY" QUANTITY FOR SALE ' Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing.- EXECUTRIX NOTICE. nuinu in Kivf.'ii xnut ine nnntwwtwil tms Ihjvu duly apiiuiiitil cxw iitiU of tint will of . mv ,.i 'iiiiimii 'uuiiiv iimji'im- hnwMi Hit jeM cl. All )riiis Imvlux clnlins UKuliitt the vstti of suiil Uw i-'li nt ma Uwri'fore liiirvby uirl. tteil to prc.'ht tlm smite, rlnly vvrlllffl, to iiiiiltrrslKiitil, lit Miivvillu, (, lllln in comiiiv, Oiu Kon, or to Ikt atUinii;y, id-ii'lru lin A Jdm.'r- , w,,.,,,, nti'ilil Fl. Ill,, null, from till! flute nnij ftret ptiMlwiMoti ol this iiotliie, , vuuju lull ilu Mat Ol ..lily, l!..rj, Malimia WlTHKRW, FhitiiMv rtl thn T Will ,.,! T...I.. ........ ,.l EUUCh llll'.T. iCC'l!UL'(l. , F. T. HURLBURT, Pres. SMITH FRENCH, Seo. DAN THOMAS, Man'jjr Arlington Warehouse Co. (Incorporated) WOOL WOOL SACKS FOR THE PRODUCER, 30 CTS. EACH. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Sash, Doors, House Trimmings etc, Always 1 on Hand. HIDES AND PELTS. BOUCHT AT HIGHEST CASH PRICE. SHEEP PAINT. BEST IN THE MARKET GUARANTEED. Advances made on wool and wheatatany time Directors; D. M. French, W. Lord. Smith French. D.Thomaa. f.t. u,.,ik... Office in Warehouse. - - - Arlington, Oregon. E. T HOLLENBECK, M: E. Consulting Engineer. v Estimates made on all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water Powers, Pumps and Pump ing Plants. Repairing a ' Specialty; If you havo any thing you think past fixing, bring it to me. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING. CONDON ORFROfJ SUMMONS. F. H. RALSTON, (SUCCESSOR TO RALSTON & SON) ' DEALKIt IS- ... Geri'l Merchandise Invites an Inspection of His Stock as to Quality and Price OR. LONE ROC1 V In I hit l rVllft ti rl .r a t)rom,,y 'or oiiitaw". O. H. Kill mid A. J. Crw, plalnlirfli, vs. H. f. Condon, Ktnms Ciiiiiloii, Ms lt, N, A. t'liriilah II. J. fViml.!, iiU urf 11 I' I' I..- . . ... -. ., ... , w,,,,,,, ,, I.ontiill. A. t,HMtl. Ulltln. II .... ... Ciiiiilon&Coriilnli, W. V, (Jstllii, m rmu-iwruf cur urHicoii p. Htl.nml Bntik, coriMimiloti, ml O. K. Imniiy, 1.'li-iutniit. T,, II i ,., I.... k ..... ., ... .. ... ..,,., Ml. Willi, Pt. A. ( ornluli, . J. ConiUh. Ms ll, suil Ciimlnn 4 C'orul.h, irtiier, il. finUnl. .txivw imlui'il 111 ItlA linill, Itf I tin Ilulni.l I n u.... - .. .. . - .. "(VKiill, J ,.11 a III I Bill' II of yon urn h.-r.'hy rfiiilrl u niir .ml hiihwhi- ihn I'flintiliiliil of i,luli,lllfH i.i. iilu i. ii... .. i - Mitlunl iimii' mn court, on or Iwforo tho mtnlra- nonotslx wki from the nui. of tlm first for suramoiis, KMrit,. on or tie- June I, 1809, ' ' ' - i: snrt If jnn full to nppi'nr unit miswnrsnlil eoiro mu "I'l'iy io i no ronnior hfl 11 I't fnl In .1,,. ,.M,..l.l... ul.l..l. , I. . . ' ' . "H"inilll, Wllli:U IU, III SllustnilKU, B IlllloH'S, to-wltl , Kor b iIiit! tlmt tUDtilHlnllllli ri'fov(.roir n1 - .... ... .. .. ... .j, ..,i,i,ru nun II. I,. ..... ....ii nun , a, uorniKn, ss iinrtnur., anil IM.'ll l,f llwiln IliA man. r.4 t t-'JL ,y. I.. . . Informs thcrton bIiipo Mnrrh In, ftt thu rutij i,J.J,""l.'M"t P"I '""" 1 for ttm sum ,4 Ittl.M attorney's fci-s, iinil fur n fiirtliiTilmTfij lorBflmliiK rcrUIn morlii'iKn i-xwnti rt h ilp. ffnilimU, H, (;. Cimitnti .in) (kiniloii A Cornlult, niiHltiini. Hint A.Hvi.r..A 4 1. U u... ' ' -: '.- "-. ... ii. r. riiiTIIIlin, lis security for the tiny m rut tit tlm promlmury not aliora mcntioiiMl, wh..h n,f iiiorlKiiirii .... . . . ''t "'I'l iM " nrm. urn III). " r?t "t ! "lu tlHl'1 ' "e i",n,'"i of lot In bloi'k S all In tlm flly of Arlliminn, llri'irnn. Hint nil nf I.. I lu ln I.I....I.' ... ....?....,' ii Itlon to tin) town of ArlJriKtoii, OriiKim, wlili'h wilil morlifUKu Is found ruponlwl on piufii iDilnlwokodJuoils volition V county riwonls ol (illllsin comity, Orison, r or a dwri-e tlmtiiluln Hrls' mortirairn lie (IWtiirnd a first Join on tlm almva iti'tHtrils-il h-hI phUiIo oihI Hint tlw Intiirtwt ,..i 1 i.iini 01 imi'ii mui mi ni inn siiovo iimmici! dvfunilMiiU and of all ppmnus .cliilniiutt. by Lliriuiirh iiiul... it.n.A ... ..1,1.... ....... ' " ' " . ,,i, ii .-iuht ui liii'iji , .iifi sciin.iit to tint rtiitii of plnlntllls1 morliWKe ho IWlMllfl Mtnl (jifituna fii.uliib..J .t .1 . .......... . t,,,w ntnvn nnu 11 mu, mm nwr(Ki(i prt-mlw-ii bo Hold uim, tho vtmwA ui Hltm II tt in Mir tit, f.tii.iil li... lb... ..lui...iu .....I.. . JK ,4'tor,"1iv Iw HHl1 il-Binrmim!iiU noii nnit;iii"r wiiii Hiir-ii fiiimriitiri 1111 1 m,m Iif in thu prHinlUMt nn to thu oourt inuy Min nu'oUml cfjii.tnlilfj. , Thf MMtrillwifitl tuttm Hrut niil.lLki,,! ... .1... 'rtoi. dnVof AprlijMW. riTvi''' 01 mis summons fs rnwla uiion you by piilillf'iitloii tliernol, iiiirKiiiint Uj an oritur of thu Iloll. W.' I,. ItrMilHliMu. l.l.. ... .1 ..i.J... ... ... .. t , ,,i inn 1:111.1111 mnirt 01 tho stiito of Ori'toti for nn. SKVUttli Juilli lHl dlstrlrt, Mmli) and lm,., t Condon, oii-Koit, In oiiuit court, 011 tlm lltli, Inyo April, IMi), ;.. W.i H. DonrNs, Altortiny lurl'lal mill's. WAN J'KIt HfCVKRA , TKILSCWOin il IV I'iciT SOllslutllls StlltO t) IIIIMIIIKO Olll' I)l1lll( III t lll.l f own mill 1 1.u ,ll,,a .1..1.. ..........( ,. , 1 ,a iiiqiiiiw olllie work coiidui'U'il at lioinn. rlnliiry stiaialit ..! a year aim eiioni'S iioiliiltn, bonundi-, no niorit, no bus snbiry, Monthly T1. Kiiforvnuos, KlII'lllNI' MI'ir fiJll'l'lhi"1 HtllllllH'll IMIVl'IOMll II,... Ctl t. Ili.'hs, I'll!., Jilpl, M, ChU'NKO, IJ,i i ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NoUoa Is henly (riven llmt lha andnlfnet has bevn duly apmliitt by the county coart of ilUlmcotiiity,ritte( Oukjob. adnilnl.tmlrU of lh MtuW of Thomas J, Yoiuik, dcoossad. Jiil jwrsoti bavltiK claims asnlnst sold d eea.d, or his estate, ata humby uotlflixl and ro. .,.. ,. , jiri-m-m n samo to ma duly yarlflixl, at Condon, 0n g0l, within six moptbs from th daUi hereof, Allpvrsons Induhted to said dwomod, or hl ostnta, ara hcrabjr ritiit. to eomo lorwanl and sottle their aoeounts without dntay, Condon Orron. j jAy A. ynmn, MurfhW.iHOa, j Admlnlm.lrlK. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice la horoby rlvim ttint rha n,i 1 has been duly iKilntd by tho oomity court of OHIlara emtnty, Htatoof Onwoii, ciutor of lbs estate of II. Ilerk, duueawd. . All iKirsoiis havJnlt: claims aitalnst said da ceased, or bis estate, aro hereby notified and. requested to iircsunt thiisiirua to me dttlyyorl fled, at my homo near Mnwllla exrem.., six monlhs from the date hereof. Mii'vltli, rin Mareb 2i, ItnVj, C. ). QlMHH, Executor Af'TIVK HOI.IfMTOlm WANTED EVKKY. kouK, tu tlw American trenelirs at Manila, lis l Zk'.7'.T''L """",' wl1" Altialdo. n IV. dock of tun oiympla with Imwey, and tilths BKenui,. flrlinful of oiIk nal ilcliirea taken by fovernment ,.boto)(r..t,l,Hr. in the M "ih ;i'r"pi'', lr,u,,,'r MlHchil war hi? , r:.. """ ''Wi A,l,'",. V. ilarlHir, Moo HturJnsliratics JIIiIk., ChlcaHo, III "' !t :K0Ticji Fon ruHucATios. ' Timber Culture Until Troof, ' I.ANn Olwira itTh. Ii.ouu f.. 1... ,,. Nnttcels hereby kIvcii thai Mat llulvorsini. heir ol Hlmrt llulvonen, doceaaed, nf lona, 'iri'Kon, bus tiled notice of Intention In maka IImhI nroof before N. J. Il.ili- 11. H. r,,mi.ui..,.- it Ills ullleo III lone , OirKon, oil Thursday. Juns ft. IHfla. on (Imhoroiiltnro aiiiilloiitlon No. 2ie.l, for tho '4 "' '""I wW sult, siiu ti , fd , W, m .... ..n,,'n wiMiiNiiH'q; Anorew arisen,. All. -. . "u'-'a-a. f'l'fivr? .niim-II,. All Ontw Andunum, UnmQ Pttrman nn4 W. K. Wnnt hii 'iiiurttfuvrry, uivytHt, i 'aijl