1 nratk TIIE COiiDOIl GLOBE. THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1899. NOTICE. Tli rvrlr iuWrlptlon to th Olouk la 91,00, II pnlii In !vniio, Ifnutpnlil In mlvunco fa will be elurRMl, A pencil murk hmhiii! tlila hoiim iniih'MMi Hint yimr iilw;ri,"uii bun plri-4, i'lvitM renew lromptly, LOCAL NEWS. Cuttto biiyor's contract! for lo at the Gluok uflk. 0. V. Burr went to Tho Dulles Tum Any un limine, Rev. Millor, of Arlington, preached in Armory lull latt Buniliiy, Another "ileolalve battle" w (ought in the Philippines lent week. " MUe Velton i teaching a terin ot choul In I). S. Drown' dietrlvt. Circuit court will convene here one week from nett Monday, April 10th, For the fluent Una of well paper end Imrdart In Arlington, ee Sburte A Weir Co. HylPnlinor he lied a neatly painted sign placed iu front of hi place of Ininl- HOC. - Considerable wheat l, been moving toward the railroad withla the paet week, ; . - ; . . rrteei cn wan paper to in', yocr rocket-book. Sua Bhurto it Weir Co, abcutlt, Ceo, Echottand Mr, Howard Tobey Vlalted their liater, Mr. T. U. Johneon, nn Sunday, New wall papers arriving all the time for "Seanon of 1SC" at the atore of Bhorte A Weir Uo, The Foll Journal report that Father Prlody, formerly of thl place and Fos sil, N sick at Portland. II. N. Frawsr went out to hi ranch Tuctday niornlr.g presumably to eow a crop of early pumpkin, IJ. V, Tunnii, of Arlington, was In town during the week looking after the interest of the Arlington Warehouse Co. Alei Uardle, th well-known sheep man, of Trail Fork, wa to turn for a few day during the week. V, L. barker hae finlahed III Job of spring seeding on GhnttW Flat. II ha lu 800 acre of wheat there. Kin line of wall paper for teaunn of '08 at W. A. Darling'. Trice cannot l duplicated tlill tide of Chicago The well drill belonging to Palmer 4 White which I at work atOooko'i place et of jown I temporarily tied up, The drill was put to work In the bottom of a 00 foot well and aftnr linking aliont 30 luet It became fastened o tlgtitly In the hole that It could not be . moved with the .machinery. Home blasting will probably have to bo done before the drill can be recovered William (i. Davidson, the clnntiflc Optician-, will boat the' Condon Hotel during court Wfvk, end all pomnnrnf. ferlnif from weak or defective nilt should e him at that timo and have irlassea -luiilitkallr adjiiHted to suit their particular cave. Nervous or elck headache can lie remedied bv the aid of properly fitted glarse. Thl I Mr. Ilavidsofi'f third visit to Condon, and ills former work lisnllklent guarantee of mi awiiiy. mUDl) Frank Edwards Wounded. The list of casualties occurring among the American force In the Philippine during the' recent engagement, a pub lished in the Portland Telegram, con tain the name of Corporal Frank K, I'M wards, of Company M, Second Oregon, who wa severely wounded In the thigh. He is a son of W. J. Edwards, of Mav villa, and left a position in the O, A. C. at Corvallls to enlist. Later Tuesday' Oreeonlan contains the following: "No hd wards in M comrmnv: mar be Fred I. Kdwards, a corporal In compa ny I..' The latter I a Portland boy and Is well known In the city, lie ws a member ot company K, . N. U., Iiavlnir etiUotcil In that oruanir.atln In Juno 'Do, Telephone Rumors. Sr. O. Ctarkn apont a part of latt week In the Ioi)9 F.ock country on business. He snys the new telephone line between Ume Hock end Heppner I working fine end tho people of the former place are anxloua to have the line eitended to Condon. The Company do not ask any bo n ns from the people, other than the purchase of a stated amount of coupon, which can be used afterward for pay ment of rvice over the line. Thl would teem to be the easiest way for Condon to secure telephone communica tion with the onteide world ami we hope to me our people take bold of the proposition and make It go. Hinc the above was put In type a let ter ha Incn roclcvcd from the Blue Mountain Telephone .Co., which states that thl territory I looked upon by them as lielonglng to the Inland Tel ephone Co. and that they i peel the Inland to build a line from Arlington to Condon and Fo!l thl snmmer withont Mike no iurel.... '"" from H'O people. If sash I -i - r-r you tee the line of fhurte & Weir Co. W'm. Cooke report that the wheut In Ms section I not Injured by the winter. A good stand 1 beginning to show up. J. W. Barr left Tuesday (or Wyoming, llobt Beekainp went with him and will work with the sheep there thl summer. J. F. fteliacher ! had a neat ign painted on the show windows of hi place of builni', Etniuott (Jwacn did the work. Iter, Horllmrt arrived from Free water last Sunday morning to take charge of the Congregational church at thl place. Before the honaecleanlng Mason, ex amine W. A. Darling' line of wall paper. Price tower than anywhere west ot Chicago. 8. H. Barker and J. M. Cameron have old to J. W. Itlake 4400 head of yearling ahecp, to be delivered in May. The price paid wa $2 per head. Mr. Townsend wa adjudged insane last Thursday In Justice Neale'a court, and on the same day the wa taken to Kalein by I? her Iff Wilcox and 2r. J. F. KoUacher. And now our neighbor over In Mor row county bare atruck gold. Thomas Morgan, whose farm adjoin Heppner, 1 eald to have etruck a gold bearing ledge that assay fl .43 per ton. Two Ane new back have been received by the Fossil-Arlington fcUage Co. and Lave been somewhat remodeled by W. M. Dunlap to make them more con venient for carrying freight and passen gers. K. W. Crane, of Mayville precinct, waa In town Monday looking for a remedy for neuralgia, Mr, Crane said ho had been inhering (or a week with the pain, and thought It time to consult a doctor. Dr. Hudson prescribud for him. A William Looney ha leased bis ranch, in Ferry Canyon, to T. B. Ferguson, a ho lately arrived from Kansas, and who is a brother-in-law of Charlie Baker, Mr, Looney will spend the summer disposing of hi band of horses, which be mny drive to Wyoming if he doe not fltda market nearer home. The people of lone eeem to be hustlers. They held a mans meeting last week and decided to have a depot and station agent at their town, aluo to builds road and a telephone line In "Condon. Condon will lie strictly In it acme of these day if the plan of our nolghbors ! don't miscarry,. ' The initial number of the Proeser Record I a on our table. It 1 a bright, clean, Ave column folio, all home made and I a credit to the publisher, W, A. Maiwoll, of the Arlington Uecord, I the responsible party and 11. I!. Turner i manager. We wish our new neighbor euccei. " F. T. Hurlhnrt, cashier of 'the Tin,: National ilai.k, of Arlirgton, and R. B. Miller," Atalstiuit Uenurul Freight Axeiit of the O. E. dt N, Co., were in thin vicinity last v.'cek takliiK a look at the wonderful resource of Gilliam county a a wheat growing section. It 1 under stood that the object n( the gentle men' visit wa to determine, approxi mately, the amount of freight tonnage thl county will furnish, the present eoason, with a view to tacurlng a belter freight rate from Arlington, The gentle men left here Sunday morning for Moro, In company with T. Q. Johnjon, of this R,'C M.T. Co. will not build here, otherw ise they may. A line direct to Arlington would suit Coivlon better than any other but the general opinion here is that we must have a telephone. Coats and Portage Roads. Flnce the government Is ahowlng little activity In the matter of removing ob struction to navigation of the Columbia above The Dalle, and neither Oregon nor Washington ha taken the matter cpnsa state enlerprlmt, it rest with private individual to accomplish tM end it It ia done at all. That the work will be done a a private enterprise seem likely, a company having been organlted 'or that purpose, and suffi cient capital ha boen cured to carry tho plan Into execution. Dr. Blaiock, of Walla Walla, one ol the mover In the matter, has given o.it the following eU.tement concerning what 1 proposed to be done : I "The incorporators of the new com-! pany are N. U. Blaiock, of Walla Walla; W. J. Mariner, of Gilliam county, and J. Hmlth, of Blaiock, ami the capital! sallon I to be ,000,000. Regarding the ilnanelal feature ot the enterprise, I will say only this, that the money tc construct the rail line and to build au-i equip the Ixats comes thrnuuh the P.utseli Knge interests. A gentleman who act a Uussell Sage's attorney In New York, an old associate and ac quaintance of mine, was the one through whom I enlisted Mr. Sage In the plan, and, of course, It need not le said that with such backing the supply ot sudl cient funds ia beyond question. "We propose to put on a line of boat on the Columbia river, to ply lietween Astoria, Portland and the foot ot the rapid of the Columhia, construct a portflgj railway to transport freight around the rapids, and have also a boat line to ply from the rapid to point! farther up, at leant as far e Umatilla. ''All along the Columbia river are various places, which, If thev could be reached (ruiu the nt"', would poor into the coast porta a steady stream of ai;r culiural and livestock producte, in ni:iri largar volume than they now do. We propone, therefore, to build spur rmi II io3 from the rivor to Pendleton, Waila Walla, Heppner, Condon nnd other points, to connect with the boat llnun, tr.d to surve a feeders. "We have been anenred by casipt'nt rid I way men that the scheme is fcattilie, and that, once under operation, it ri not fail to Ih a paying propositi tir. The main advantage in the plan la that it gives us water transportation to the BMkPoard, except for the small distance ca the spor rail Hue, and then. too. it brines all the Columbia river inlands into direct communication with the market of the seaboard. Any one will at onoa recounlxe this a an ideal trans portation projoct, and the scheme is bound to bo a enccess from the start. ' "The hcudmiartera of the new conv pany will be In Walla Walla, and the corporation is orpanlxed under the law of u.a acta cf Washii kot.nliiiuppr. OLEX. Quite a band of cattle passed through Olex fundiiy, Frank Lltt Iw mado a business trip to Arlington this week, Mirs Cooper, of Waila Walla, Is visit ing her slater, Mrs, J. O. McKinney. M!a Hill and Mr, Pnrdy were the guests of Miss Cooke Sunday afternoon. The social given Saturday evening was welf attended. Kvery one spent a pleasant evening. Mrs. Martin, who ha been In Arling ton for the past three weeks, is eapectd home in a few day. Heboid closed last ' Friday, after a successful si is months' term, with a very interesting program, MiV Cynthia and Carrie Weather ford, of frclmttler, vittitod friend in Olex tne nrat ol the week. . . 11. D. lUndall went to Arlington on Tuesday to write a deed (or the lots sold to Wade Bros., on which they will build a eeneral merchandise house and a grist mill. Onmkkvkr, ii -r -- LOME ROCK. The weather hae been fine for the nast few days, but the night are cold and irosty. Almnt every one Is now wlllina to venture a slich of relief at the thought of bflng done with the lung, disagreeable winter. Mr. Donaldson, cf "cisll. snent a few day in our town lent wek vinitirig menus. un tvun loos her home Saturday. Otho Wick broncM in a load of freight from Heppner this week, tt being the first freight to arrive fiow that place thia npring. The furmers arc becnmipir inpatient lor the ground to gt dry enough to flow. Very little dIowIiik ban been dpne this spring. The wm'A'ng c?nrt!rance of our cocn- ty assx'ir wa vVi 'e about our town iiiotit ol the week fryiig Into the busi ness affair cf the people. t rank Robinson accidentlv knwked a Imttle ot muriatic aeid off a shelf, break ing the bottle and causing the acid to fly on the side of Ids head and fat, burning him terribly. It seems almost a miracle that hi left eve was not de stroy ed. Our town has new blacksmith, whose name I Ueorire Viekers. This is a lood stand for a first-class blacksmith ami we hope Mr. Viekers ran do good work so that the people w ill not he compelled to send their work to neighboring towns to ifi't it done, a has been the custom heretofore. FOSSiL, Wheeler Co. Assessor I. A. Sharon is In town. A special session ot Wheeler count t court meets next Monday, April 3rd. Wa cnderstr.nd Horn A Helms launch- el their new ferryboat at Twitl.ei.hi.oi ;asi w?a. W. T. IIIs'sp, reprenenting Fleiciher, Vayir Co , of .Voitland, ts rtgirtered at t;, M,;.eTxle ilottl. E. B. Sr;:b, c" Thirtynile. reertlv idd 9 bond n g-m'ti Hereford hulis to an tsatttn tayer ! r jxr head. r.alfh Fisk, of V.'aitiicr. wa In tiwn last week, tie reported stock of all kind wintering well in the Hsyitack country. Conntv Commissioner Loonev passed through Fossil last week on bis wav to the metropolis. Joe Chapman, of Twickenham, was in tAwn the first of the week with a hwd of Ann apples which he (old out at f 1 per box. Miss Gertrude Putnam, dangler of W. N. Putnam, o( near Mayville, was taken sick Monday at school and went home, ami now ' she ha broken out w ith Starlet fever. J. W. tiilman passed through town last week with 40 or 50 head of steers that were fed in the Mayville eonnlry ttiis winter for the market, which the hovers relused to take for beef. Mr. fit'lwe! Hr'. week completed a very nice :oub'e io I t' eheritfa and clerk's o!ik-8, a i J. J. l. MeFar'and. the artist, l.n lt?, j.ctt'.np the tiniahing touches on the interior ct the two rooms. Newton Burgtsr, of Antelope, well-to-do cattleman, wa in torn a few 4ay a-a trying to 'ouy cattle. Mr. Bnrircss ay sheep an.l cattle are dying fust in 0,'Owk am, Wanco com tier, and mo;.l of the utrc!;men in the Prir.evilie and Ar.telofe eoi.r tries will eed offall their stock tliis cpring. Hon. C'-as. Hilton waa a p.npfeneer nn last Katurdnv'e si sire on hi wav to hi slierp ram hen on Pine creek, where he will superintend the linn hi nn and shear i ni of his several thousand sheep. Mr. Hilton Is one nt the moat successful sheep raisers in Oregon, as he always tint up plenty of feed and employs the best of help, and the consequence are til loea I next to nothing. . Wanted Every person in Gilliam County to know that they can boy DRY GOODS, 'cLOTIHXO, 3 . FURNISHINGS, SHOES,' HAKDWAKE nd ZSm GROCERIES in Olex, at ArJing.on pricea. g gp-' We have' ptirchafled the etock of L. O. Ralston, ' g sw and can and will eel! you all goods as cheap as IS jy SSTT In Arlington 3S ' g Give us a trial, and be convinced. s iTobey Bros. I s,ss asusssijp (SUCCESSORS TO L. 0. RALSTON.) 3 OLEX, OREGON. 3 uuuiaiuiaiauiuuaiuiuuiiuiiuu Do You Wear Pants c mt and vest, in other words a "suit"? We take it for granted you do and also that you prefer to buy clothing t'liai combines tleganct with service and at a moderate cost. We therefore invite you to call and inspect our new stock of FINE CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING which are the bent value for the money ever offered . in this section. lT SUITS $4.50 TO $13.50, FOR CASH, flrj We sell for CASH and our price's are EYE OPENERS. Spring Goods Rolling in by Every Freight Team. Too Busy To Write "Ads." Call and Sea Us. S. B. BARKER. Condon, - - - - Oregon. P. H. STEPHENSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. We wish to announce to the U.bes of Condon and vicinity Unit vth are pre pared to Inrnish anything in the line of millinery, chiiTon, la-e, ribbons and all the novelties of the eeaeon. We can compete with any in prices, and pride ourselves on the quality and ttyle of car stock. JfiST Vkti. I'er.shaw acta as our agent in Condon, and will carry a fine line of hat through tho casna. ' Mas. W. 8. Cuirr, Arlington, Oregon Kent door to Post Office. ni30-7 ACMVK mi ICtT K WANT3I' FVKltV wleret:;r" he eiorjr nf til I'hlllnines" v Ilium Hiilftiml. eiiininixKlmieil ly Ihjlloe- MlllltMIt hd I trrlitl llltoriMU to tlm WhT Ik fmrtmrnt. The hutk whk rilton In Hriniri'Min, nt Sim Kriiui'liivo, on the l irllln with ticnenil .' vnlt. In lliu hovlltil st Iloimlulu, In Hong Ki'iiK, In I he Amerlrsn trt'iirhc nt MhiiIIm. In the iiiBiintvnl I'Minpi with AkhIiiiiIOo, oh the ileuk nt Ihe iilvinpln with IVwey, Hiid In the nwt ol bulili" t lh IhIi of Munllii. IIiiiiiiiiih for KKi'iim. iiiiiiiIiii ol oilKlnal ili'limw hikcu by f ovvriiini'iii inoinKrHMitni on ine poi, iJirve HHik. Iiw iirlitw. llhi nmllt. Kn'lxhl mM. Crttltl kIvimi. I'rop nil trmhy imnAli'lHl wsr Slar lnaumiive lllitif,, chlc'Mtfu, III, ington." 1'lmoa- 1 - When price is low, the chances are quality is low tco. The prices of Scut h'ttg's Best baking; powder tea coffee soda flavoring extract and spices are not low they are.fair. The quality is high. For sale by Dunn Brothers. u lANYKI-HKVKRAI.TKt'HTWoKTHV PKK V miiu In thin mnle to uiHUHKCOiir buatnonn In Ihelrown and noarliy coiiiiUt'H. It In mnlnly iitllu woik ci.iiilMi'td Ht homo. HhIiov lruluht i M your nntl cioiirr iLMIultc, Uniuiiiiv, u ttmre. no li'iii KHlriiy. Monthly v&. Kvh'rtMiro. Kih1om KUlimlitroAaid iiihiiiw1 vnveloiio, Uer- nen a. u. I toki.. ivih. m, i iiiciiko, iu. NOTICE. Have yon a farm for sale or for rent .'- do you know of any person IvIdiuK ('D ilute iHinta that thev wish toiiisposi' of V It en, (ili's writo to any avrcnt u( lift U. it. & . Vo. ami tie will swnd you niriMji ar anion win itit?rtit vo. H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ornc at chin don ano yufiiiL, naReoa. C'srudil e.h'ntliin to nl'htt couiikuI mid cunt prvpilfo,' V. Ill be in ma othe nt i'iumIoi: on Mrmnay sill Tanwlav of e..oa wnrk UK (UMiii nC'Ilco. Jiiteii Ht Fo:eH nit Ihu.'&tlv.. b'ri (lays and iulu.yn, 'Ihetz will hu aclvrk nJ ; r.otr In t;lf cfSoe at Fesull in l.ii t Vscd.cs. Fresh Candies and Nuts New line Canned Goods Choice Reading Matter Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large Sew Barn on "orth Main Street. Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHAROP.a VERT REAKOXABf.E. i .? T" First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A ahare of the public patronage is rpertr'nlly nolicited. 50c Novels for SOc i 25o Novels for 20c Only First-class Goods Sold JOHN JAGKSOH. CHE 0 OR SOUTH CONDON H3TEL, C3N2CN, OREGON. MILLER "THE REGULATOR." THAT'S THE PLACE TO TRADE. We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO CERIES. We call particular attention to our line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS which" ia the most complete line in Arlington. We are also agents for the celebrated SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located at the old Coffin corner. , THE OLD RELIABLE REGULATOR. GEO. MILLER, : : ARLINGTON, OR. This Space Reserved For Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Now Owners of, and Operating, The Moody Brick Warehouse, ARLINGTON, OREGON. WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS GALL OH AL. HENSHAW He has a complete stock, of the following goods ou hand and more coming on every train. Furniture, JIardware, Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Blankets, Cloves, Wall Paper, House Lining. Stoves, Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. . Trunks, , Hand-bags, Undertaker's Goods. Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice J. H. PUTNAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ' Gent's Clothing, Poots and Shoes, Furnishings, Neckwear etc. Mitchell Wagons and all kind of Vehie!es Cheap. Call and 6ee mo Fossil Get My Prices on Pack Bags, Pack Saddles, I-I obb les etc., Before Purchasing Elsewhere. J. F Reisacher, New Masonic Building : : CONDON, : OR T T X X -!V T yv "IV T .pnoPRiEToa of- This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cuter to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor. ' Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. L. H AM, LONE ROCK, ORE., DEALER IN General Merchandise AT SUCH LOWi PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. CET MY PRICES BEFORE COIHC TO THE RAILROAD. IT WILL PAY YOU. DUNN BROS. Will take pleasure in showing you their stock of Gen'l Merchandise. Condon, : : : : Oregon. HARRY HALSTEAD, .DEALER IN. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. I offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lum ber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HAL MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, - - - - - - - OREGON ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard arjd pbol Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon. T. Q. Earhart. S. V.Moore. CALL AT THE m Summit Saloon, LFOR FINEST BRANDS OFJ Uiijes, Ijcjuors arjd Cars. FINE BILLIARD A AD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. EARHART & MOORE, Prop'rs. OregonJCONDON, ORE. If i