1 :CF.(::LMA t,;-.-ry. nit mmn ULUdt. THURSDAY, MARCH a. I9. NOTICK. , Th ytwljr inbiorlptton to Iht 3ui U fl.60. II ptld In adranot. If not paid In dram fa will ba ohcrgwL A panoil mark around tliii notivt Indloaut that your tnbaonpUon hastx plrtd. riiMMitnaw promptlr LOCAL NEWS. mil jour Weir Co. II. N. UoulJ, of The Dallet, It here thlt wtek vltltlng frttmit. For the driest tin ol wall paper and border Id Arlington," tee Sliurie & Weir Co. itoRH 'Friday, February 24, 1809, to the wife of George Blake, of Elglitmlle, daughter. New wall papera arriving all the time for "neaton of 1890" at the atore of Hhurte 4 Weir Co. Henry Martman haa Sled home etead claim on 100 aorea of good land about Ave ml lei north of town. Make no purchase! nor place a con tract for your spring wall paper nntil you we the line of Buorte A Weir Co. Charlie Pinkhaiu, who but lately re covered from an attack of the grlpp, It again terlouily III. Dr. Hogtn la alien 1 lug htin, Condon aheepmen have been rattling round the peat few daye getting ready Tit the lambing teaeon which la about to commence. 6yl Palmer baa bought a one-half lolereet In Brltt White'a well drilling machine. The machine it now at work for Cooke Broa., aaat of town. County Surveyor T. L. Stewart la In thlt vicinity turveylng. Ho Intende to retlgn toon, and all wiehing aurveylng done thou Id barf it done now. Win. T. Matlock and Cbarlee Frater, of Lone Rook, were in town Tuetday. Mr. Matlock waa making arrangemeute to make Anal proof on bit bomettead. City election will be held neat Tote day. There teema to be a prevailing aentlinent that the pretent city olfioere ahou Id be retained In office for another year. Mra. 8. Slater waa taken tuddenly and aerioutly III latt week, and ber condition la atlll eontldered rather critical. Dr. Shaw, of Fuetll, waa called to aee ber on Thoreday. At the primary bold latt evening the following oSlrsre were placed In nomina tion: Mayor, Ed Dunn; Coancilmen, S. V. Moore, Cbae. Fit, T. U. Johntoo, U. W. Rinehart; Treaaurer, J. U. Hud ton ; Recorder, Geo. Tatom. Quiut Did March come in like a lamb or a lion tbla rear? The Ulob wonld like to have thlt qnettlon antwered, to at to be able to tell tha poblle nesl week bow the womb la going out. New aubecri here to the Uuat recently received are: R. Froman, J. W. Clark, Sam E. Van VacKir, N. Ward, Alburn Moore, Condon ; Flillllpt Broe. end Geo. IlaMIe, Loet Valley ; Geo. F. Rodgere, Kaletn. Frank Fortiter, who killed Fbillp Brogan, at Antelope latt fall, wat ac quitted at Tli Datlet on Tueeday of latt week. The evidence all teemed to Indi cate that I be killing we done in aelf detente. 8hnrt & Weir, the well-known firm of Arlington merchant, have a new ad in thlt lieu which It well worth your attention, - Thla firm It thoroughly reli able and tell good jutt at tbey adver llte them. B. K. Searcy wat over from Beecher Flat latt Friday for the firnt time ttnce recovering from a eevere tuatl with the grip. B. K. le glad now that he didn't die, eince he i atlil a retldent of Gil liam county. Farmer and teamtten who are In need of new barnete for the coming teaton thoold make a not of J. F. Reieacher'e new ad in thla Ittu and then call and siv him their order. Hi catb pricet are all right. Bert Piertol came In from Monument and Long Creek, Monday evening, where he hat been for a con pie of week villi Ing friendt. lie reporte a contlderable Iota of lock in that taction and a tcaroity of bay. Several buncbet of cattle were being driven oat towarda Pendleton at th only mtant of eaviog them from atarvation. Our Job department haa been kept bnty th paat week turning out ilatlon try etc. for a nam ber of our butineet jfnien. Our etock of fine ttatlonory, vltlting cardt etc. It complete, and we will take pleature in thowlng ttock and giving pricea at any time. Don't tend away for work you can have done at well at home. At will be een by the annonncment In hit advertltlng paoe, P. H. Stephen- eon, on yeaterday, adopted th catb avttem In bit butlnett, and will in th future tell only for cath. Mr. Stephen eon bat made liberal reductioni In pricet and he eipecta the change to b of mutual benefit to himtelf and bit p1 tront. Call and te bim. Jacob Beibl, living a few mllea out from Mayvill. In Gilliam county, re' cently bought 800 head of yearling ewet from C. W. White, at 2.25 pr heed the theep to b delivered after thearlng time. Mr. Beibl alto bonght 1183 head on the 27th of January, to that th two banchei, with what he already haa on band, will make hint a very nice little band of theep. Tinit-Mountlneer. The Pad flo Northwett Wool Grdwert Aitoclatlon will meet in annual con vantlon In Pendleton, Oregon, on March 7. 8 and 0. At thlt meeting, there will be gathered reprettmUtive eheep breed' en from all part of Oregon, Washing- ton, Idaho and Montana; experta from experimental ttatlont; prominent rail road repreeentathetj at well at several eihihitt of blooded theep brought from the Eatt. An attractive program hat been arrangnd, In which lilt Excellency Governor T. T. Geer, of Oregon, will up . .. pear, and deliver an address. fihVK oil wall papvr to pxKket-book. 8e Short A about it. Colambnt Glider wet very low yetter day and It wat believed he could latt bat a few hoar, lie it a .victim of con tnmptlon. A. N. S. Cottln wat In from Ferry Canyon yetterday. While In town hie team got away from him and took a tpin around the block. Mo damage other than a broken whlfHetree, Profettor R. A. McOnlly, principal of th Condon public icliool, It an atpirant for th position of Superintendent of tchoolt for thlt county, toon to be made vacant by th resignation of W. W. Kennedy, now of Wheeler county. Mr. MuCnlly it an efflulent teacher, and th Glob believe the county court will make no mlttake In appointing htm to th potltlon. Th reported death and finding of the bodlet of Profettor Andre and hit two companion!, who attemped the tome what foolhardy feat of approaching the north pole in a balloon, aeeni to be reliably confirmed. The wrecked balloon and the three dead hodlea are tald to have been found in the wlldt of North ern Siberia, and already arrangement! ar being mad for conveying them to clvilliatlnn. And yet th north pole remalnt undiscovered, Next! . Thw Treasurer's 8alary. Th Fowl I Jonrnal gav vent to ar Invidiout howl latt week in regard to theealary of th treatnrer of Gilliam county, which wat raited by the late legislature, from I'.'W to 400 per annum. The Journal eayt that Gilliam connty people "were to buy watching the Wheeler connty bill that they allowed thlt onneceteary ralte to go through on noticed." Everybody knowt that the Journal li no longer Intereited In any way in th aalariet of Gilliam county ofliclalt, and that the rval ranee of the aforetaid howl It that the Gilliam coun ty people wer "to Itutr watching the Wheeler connty bill" that the Fueail delegation found It iuipoetihle to awtp one-third of lb county without being canght in the act, and became Gilliam refoted to tarn over Mayvllle, Trail Fork and Lon Ruck to Wheeler county In order to aatur Foeeil th permanent connty aeat, the Journal feelt tor. We have not heard a tingle taxpayer In Gilliam connty make any objection to the raiae in the eaUry of th treat nrer, bat during the past year we have heard a number of cltixena etprete lliemtelve to the effect that the office haa been underpaid. Th following table give the salaries of th varioat county tretturert In th itat under the new lew: Baker t 800 Lan 800 Hen ton. Clackaina.. Clatanp.,.. . Colniuhia . Coo Carry Crook 1000 400 800 eoo fiOO 760 800 650 We learn Hint nnt of the peach btnls are dead, alto tome of th pear. Ap plet are not hurt to any extent. Th weather ha been somewhat warmer for the latt few dayt and the gratt hat ttarted to grow again. The Record will tay with on, Mr, Maxwell having bonght on t the Review. Ho, the town it with bnt one paper now. The ttreet committloner hat had most of the ttreett cleaned and th dehrla hauled oat ol town, helping the ap pearance of the town very luimh. Mitt Nellie Cornleh gave a very Sue tnaaical entertainment at the Hall lait Monday. She hat been teaching tiiutlc her til winter, and ber tcbolart tliow much Improvement. W. II. Colwell put the fl re-bell in good ringing order the Brut of the week. It had been In poor thape for tome time and hardly answered th porpoee for which It wat Intended, On II. Clint, of Portland, and one Tnben were tried here Monday before Judge Eh! on a charge of procuring tome cattle from Mettrt. Cecil and Delce, of Willow creek, nnder fala pretence. Mr. Clin bonght the cattl and gave draft on Toben. Toben had no money bat took th cattle and told them bat would not pay for them. Cecil and Deolce had them both ar retted, and, at thlt writing (Monday), Clin ha not had hla hearing. Toben wat held in (600 bnndt. ...... Laat Monday morning, about 6 o'clock, a few stroke on the Ore-hell brought the people out In force-to light what atflrtt appeared to be th rtartufa big Are. One of the employe at the Hotel Grande wa In the building which con taint the gatollne light plant of the hotel, and In tome way the gatollne caught tire from the lantern which the man carried with him. lie wat thrown tome ten feet by tha explosion that on cured, hot wat not hart. The firebar toon had a it ream on the Ore, hnt did not extinguish it until the machinery wat a total wreck. The building wat not daniHged to any extent. The lota will be aeveral hundred dollar. 600 Unn 10(10 Lincoln BOO Marion 6(10 Malheur ... 600 Mnlln imah. 800 Morrow 400 Polk 000 Sherman.... tillliaru.. 400 Tillamook .. Grant 800 Umatilla 12U0 Harney 700 Union 700 Jarkaon 800 Watco 800 JoecDhln 400 Wathlnirton . 000 KJeniein. ...... too waoowa. . .. sou La.. 400 Yamhill 600 A oompariton of Gilliam with the other coantie thow that thit it among th cheap eoantlet, at far at the treat urer'italary It concerned, there being bat three coantie that pay a leva aalary and they are th thrwe malleat conntiet in th ttata Th Journal wonld better contlgn Gilliam county to lit fate. It may hav it handt full looking oat for th Interval of the taxpayer of Wheeler county. i w Wheal or County Officers. Wheeler county' firat offlcera were ppolnled latt Friday, Governor Geer naming th following, in accordance with th law creating th county: County Judge, W. W. Kennady, Fos- II ; theriff, P. L Keeton, Caleb; clerk, G. O. Butler, W aid ron ; treasurer, teo. S. Carpenter, Fottil ; t jhool tuperintend- ent, O. B. Milet, Fottil; aaseaaor. I. F. Shown, Waldron; anrveyor, T. L. Stew art, Foeeil; coroner, Dr. MoOorkle, Mitchell ; romiuluionert, Eugene Loon- ey, Mitchell, ana U. 14. wagner, wag- ner. All are republicani, excepting Sheriff Keeton and Committloner Loon- ey. who ar touna-money aeinocrait. Th county teat it Fottil. Fottil seta four county offlcera and tha county aeat. Change In School Law. By the provition of th Read bill (Senate Bill No. 8) which Wat patted by the lat legislature, school diatrict way now retain tha amount of money on hand at th tim of th anunal meeting, provided th amount doet not exceed t&0. Th bill carried an emergency claut and it now a law. School trut- teet should make a note of thla. OLEX. Prof. E. L. Cabala uiatie cltit it protesting nicely. Prof. Randall, of Portland, wat teen on our ttreet latt week. T. C. Mobley la having qnlte a tut'le with the "grip" at pretent writing. Mrt. Cooke it again abb Jo be aronnd, after a revert attack of genuine grippe. Mit Matti Woodland haa been quite ill the patt week, but it tome better at pretent. Mr. Cabult and titter, Mitt Weel, v lulled frleudt In Olex the first of the week. Ed Tohey. of Slmttler, visited hit brothers F. T. and W. Tobey the first of the week. Farmers are quite boay reaowlng grain where the late cold map destroyed the fall towing. Miseet Rtndall and Cook tpent Run day afternoon at the pleaaant home of Mra. T. O. Mobley. Mite Edith McKinney entertained a number of her friendt at her pleasant home on the 25th alt. Olex. the future county teat of Gil liam county, baa already taken on an important I-told-you-ao look. Th anniversaries of Washing. n aiel Longfellow't birth rlsys were appropri' ately commemorated by the pupils of our public tchool. Mrt. Crum, who haa been vititing relativei in Gratt Valley, returned laat week accompanied by her brother, who will tpend the eummer with her. The ball given at tha Hall on the 22nd of latt month wat a complete tocrett. Charley and Claude are "the boyt when you want a good old-fashioned dance. The ttreett of Olex are being put in Hrat-clasa order, one of the most notice able Improvement being the Iron hitch- Inn rack, erected by our "tuiitby" of Longfellow fame. Oneoithemnet pleating, at well at instructive lea tn ret of the program ren' dered on the 22nd nit., waa the forma' tlon of words from the name "Washing' ton," a number of pnpila composing as many at tevetitv-flv word during the thirty nil notes given to thit exerciae. Ohnkbvkb, No; Schilling1 Best ' tea baking powder Coffee flavoring extract aoda andtpicea arc not "just as good" as other brands they, arc better. 'in For sale by Dunn Brothers. Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1898.) Rough lumber, pine, flO.OO per M !,.., l. l..r.,K. A 19 no " o - a" .... , v w Bhlplap, tecond clatt floor ing, rustic, ceiling and anrfaced, 16.00 " Firat clatt flooring, celling, rustic and Onlthing, 22.60 " Slab wood, per cord, ,75 All blllr discounted 10 per cont for rnot cash. Same price and snmo dis count to all. Harry Halhtxao, Lost Valley, Or. Wanted: Every person in Gilliam County to know that 5 E they can buy DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, SZZ FURNISHINGS, SHOK8, HARDWARE and "ZSm g- GROCKRIES in Olex, at Arling.on prices. ZZlm We have purehaaed the ttock of L. O. Ralston, ad and can and will sell you all good as cheap as gT" ' in Arlington Give us a trial, and be convinced. iTobey Bro s . S (SUCCESSORS TO L 0. RALSTON.) OLEX, OREGON. 35 luaiumiuiuiuiimiiiuiiuiiiiiimiiR ON A' CASH BASIS. I wish to announce to my friends and patrons, and the public generally, that on and after March 1. 1899, 1 will conduct my General Merchandise business on a strictly caah basis. My stock bas all been marked down to such figures as Are in keep ing with the cash system, and I am firmly convinced that the change will be to the interest of both myself and my patrons. The reductions are, in many instances,' somewhat startling, and I am sure my new prices will interest you if you will call and investigate them. . Yours for business, ' . P. H. STEPHENSON. Fresh Candies and Nuts New line Canned Goods Choice Reading Matter 50c Novels for 30c I 25c Novels for 2Uc j Only First-class Goods Sold JOHN JACKSON. 1 'JssvsxanSTFt!SZT Begi n the New Year Right By purchasing your supplies from r S B. BARKER. Keep it up all year and you will be well Satisfied With Yourself. Condon, - - - - Oregon. For First-class HARNESS, at bed-rock: prices, Goto J. P. Reisactier, New Masonic Building : CCNCCN, : OR- T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OP. ONE DOOR SOUTH CONDON HOTEL, CONDON, OREGON. MILLER "THE REGULATOR." THAT'S THE PLACE TO TRADE. We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO CERIES We call particular attention to oar line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS which is the most complete line in Arlington. We are also agents for the celebrated SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located at the old CofSn corner. THE OLD RELIABLE RcCL'lATCR. GEO. MILLER, : : API If J r -r Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large Sew Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHABOCa VERY kliBOXABLI. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor. P. L. HAM, LONE ROCK, ORE., DEALER IN- General Merchandise aAT SUCH LOW PRICES THAT WILL ASTCNISH YU. BEFORE C0INCT0 THE SAILltOD. IT WILL PAY YflD. a ( FOSSIL. (WhevlerCo.) High wlnrit and ciM rain. Cunntv coart uieett nett Monday, March 6. School meeting neit Monday, March 6th. Every one it ffqnested to cine out. R. M. Johnson, ttwk tiitpet'tor ol Gilliam county, It in Fottil lor a few dayt. Frank Prindle, the well-known watHi- maker, will auln locale in Ftsil in tin near (oture. City (flection next Tuetday, March 7lh. Mayor, three con nut I men, treasurer and a recorder to be elected. L. C. Keltay't children have tl t scar let fever, alto one ot Ueorae Kn. V lanuhlcrt It down with the snine coin- plaint. Wivid UltmHil it in town, on hit tray hack Iroin Tha Dulles, where he hax jntt delivered 80 head of hevf cattle that were fed In the Mayvllle country. Sam Thompson, of Cottonwood, who landed in Portland one week agu with 14 head id Hue work li'orscs. wrote home last week he wnt offered khhI prices for hit horaaa, anitthontiht ha wonld have no Iron lla in disputing of ail he had at good tlgnret. When the appointments arrived for the county 'officer,- Monday evenlitu, tliere waa much rejoicing. Men who, in all their livet had never stock a rmar in their own face or looked their friends in the fnce ttironirh the hoitoni of whiskv glass, set 'em up to all the hovs and rushed thronith the ttreett with a kind of a Senator-i'iilton unit. The only on now with tha .wllcehnlder Is. MOODY'S WAREHOUSE. -Fire-Proof Brick Buildings- Arlington and The Dalles. Highest Market Price Paid For All Kinds of Grain. Grain Sacks For Sale... See Us Before Disposing of Your Crop. S. G. HAW SON, Arlington Aem quest In 'Tan h WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS GALL OH AL. HENSHAW. He has a complete stock of the following goodn on hand and more coming on every train. Furniture, Hardware. Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Blankets, Gloves, Wall Paper, House - Lining. Stoves, Stove-pipe, Window glass. Crockery. Trunks, Handbags, ( , Undertake! 's Goods. Renieniborl He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice Active" wmcit ks wastri ,kvkk-: where tor " he .-tory ot Uio I'hlllrpliies' by Mtirst llslalosd, rommlimUmiett ty IlieOov ernmcntas OWi-ial IliiUorhui In the War De prnnent. The tKxilt was w ritten tn armyenti at San Pranrlsro, ou the P eitt with Oeneral Merrill. In the hiltals at Houul ilu, III lluiK Koiik. In the AiiktIi an trem-hes at Mniitla. til the InimrKont enrnpt with Aniiliiakin, on the ilerkot the olvmpla Willi Dewuy, mid In the hm ot battle at the fall ot Manila. HtmaiiM (or nein. Ililinnil m orlnlnal iU'turea t.noiiby tvernnient phoiograiihers on th npnt, Uirire book. L" frlees. Btr proltca. FrelaM paM. he ever hope to be cuj to thaili'' 1 V'tZ ; W.tNTED 15VEKA:. TUCSTWMRVH Y PKIt oie tn thla atu to mniiHireoHr Ims-lm'.- In their own and nearhr iiniitle-. it In in Inlv oinee woik eofiitnote.1 at home. riliiv atrutk;ht two a year and vxiieuaee ilennltf, b.mnr!'le. no more, no teas alHrv Montltlv 175. Reference!.. Kni liwe aeli'-atlttrvaaed atamMrt eiiTeluiie, Her. oert K. Htiiw. Iveal Dept. M. Clili'. gi. 111. I hav 12 li ; I'Jetl f w : T Oile M..ruh 6, . fill! "li ' . 91. 1 For Sale. lid . t f . V"il Wi Ml fl tv I DUNN BROS. Will take pleasure in showing you their stock of Gen'l Merchandise. Condon, Oregon HARRY HALSTEAD, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER " I oTer a c- niplete UKk of fine snrfuced Luuiber. consisting of H.airinn. ceilitij;. rut-tit1, sliip lap and all kinds of rough Lum ber. Careful attention iriven to bills of special sizes and dimension stuff. . MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFFICE, LOST VALLEY. - - - - - - - OREGOr 5 ARLINGTON SALOON JZANLEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard and pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draugh Main St., Condon, Oregon T. G. Earhart, S. V.Moor .!'' til ll.l.',.!,. .'1 CALL AT THE Si i m rn it Saloon,. latllllT'in FINEST BRANDS OFABMn. Uiijes, Ijquors ar;d Qiars. n FIXE BILLIARD A. D POOL TABLE LV CONNECTION. EARHAHT & ?r 'r:: w wiw w w '. ' v. 'Vi.;