he gqiidq;i CLOBL THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. IS99. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. TUB DIVISION' QUESTION SETTLED. House Bill No. IV, ititmduceJ by Mr. Donnelly, of Grant county, creating the county of Wheeler from portions of Grant, Crook and Gilliam, after being amended in an important particular, passed the enateon Thursday of last week and, the amendment having been concurred n by the house, the meas ure became a lavr. To the residents of Gilliani coun ty and of the portions of Grant and Crook which are included in the new county, this measure has aroused the most intense interest of any which was before the late legislature for consideration. The contest has been waged fiercely by both sides and, at times, was rather acrimonious both in this section of country and at Salem, but, a compromise having been effected, the bill was allowed to pass, and, it is believed, will give pretty gen eral satisfaction to the people of Gilliam county, and perhaps also ti the people of the new county. The compromise, as embodied in an amendment to the bill as it finally passed the senate, fixes the boundary line, between Gilliam and Wheeler counties, on the sec tion line one mile south of the first standard parallel south, which is just one mile south of the town of Mayville, the line running straight from east to west without a jog. This leaves the greater part of Mayville, Trail Fork and Lone Rock precincts in Gilliam county, and will leave the county about 11,000,000 of taxable property. It was the desire of the Gilliam coun ty delegation, at Salem, to retain every acre and every resident of these precincts in the old county because their wishes in the matter bad been made known in a way that could not be mistaken, but after a careful canvass of the situa tion it was decided that the greatest gool of the greatest number would be best conserved by the adoption of such a compromise. The result may be considered a victory far Gilliam county, inas much as the original bill proposed to take from us nearly all of May ville, Trail Fork and Lone Rock precincts, three of the very best communities in the county. Had the entire measure been defeated this year, the same fight would have coma up at the next session of the legislature and the same un pleasant and expensive contest would have baea forced upon the people of our county. Gilliam is still, and always will be, one of the very best counties in the state, and her resources and possibilities of future wealth and greatness have hardly been touch ed. Her people can now settle down to their usual avocations and, with this old-time element of dis cord removed from among them, their ways will be ways of pleasant ness and their path the path of peace. They can now greet their Wheeler county neighbors as friends and brothers and sympa thize with them in the many trials and tribulations that seem to be the inevitable portion of all new counties in the first few years of their existence. ingaway to the Columbia river, can it be wondered at that we think the dwellers in the southern por tion of what was Gilliam county have lost more than they gained by the change? The inhabitants of what remains of Gilliam county need have no fear of their future prosperity. Their interests and pursuits are identical with those of Sherman, which is to-day one of the most substantial counties in the state so far as its financial condition is concerned Moro Leader. The charges of bribery and cor ruption coming from the legisla tures of so many states this winter are truly alarming. It begins to look as though the day has almost come when all legislation is to be manip ulated by the man or combination of men who possess the longest sack. The American people are long suffering and slow to wrath, but there is a limit even to their forbearance, and if these things continue there will be such a turning over of dry bones and live boodlers around a number of state bouses some day as will make the grafters think the day of judgment has come. It would be something awful if the people should some day conclude that this boodling and grafting business is a twin brother to treason, and should take matters in their own hands and punish it as such. There are well authenticated instances of just such things having happened in the past, and who can say that they will not happen again? Hon. E. B. Dufur. Joint senator for Wasco and Gilliam counties, is one of the strongest as well as one of the inost highly respected men in the senate. Mr. Dufur is above the tricks and trades of ordinary politics and, although a democrat and in a hopeless minoritv in . the late legislature, his strong person ality and unbending honesty made his influence strongly felt whenever questions of right and justice came up for consideration. To Mr. Du fur is due the credit of effecting a satisfactory compromise in the Wheeler county case, and we believe that his action in that matter all the way through has won for him the respect and esteem of all fac tions and interests in that contest. A NEIGHBORS OPINION. while we wish the new county of Wheeler all prosperity, we are not in sympathy with the dismem berment of Gilliam county. Look ing from the foothills in the north ern part of the new county over the mammoth grain fields stretch- H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll UorK a Specialty Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon C. S. PALMER, prtisti Barber. Sleelc Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground CONDON OREGON NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Timber Culture Final Proof. UntOrnn atThi Dalles, Ob., Feb. 21, 1899. Notice U beieby given that Michael Summer, of Condon, Oregon, haa Sled notice of intention to make flnal proof before H. N. fraser, county clerk, at nia omce in unaon, Oregon, on Friday, April 7. 1899. on UmbeTCnltnra application No. SKM, for the ' nwW eU nw'i. sec M. tp 4 1, r 22 e, W. M. He nameaaa witnesnea: Kaloh Mar. Harry NaT W. J. Hraltta and W. 1. Buasell, all of Condon, Or. ta-fA jit r. ureas, Kegisier. ivrxnnAAJVuinrirvuuvuun uvwrusi Bromo Laxative! Quinine Will Cure a Cold in One Day. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. H. Hudson CONDON. OREGON. 5uuvruvuunnvuririnnrunji i AM E. VAN VACTOR Attorney at Law. Office corner Spring Street and Oregon Arena, Condon - -- -- -- - Oregon, H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. omen at condor and rontu ouson. Careful attention to office counsel and coart ntai'tire. V, ill be In hit once at Condon on Monday and Tuesday of each week till further notice. His datea at Fossil are Thursdsys, Fri days and Satuniart. There will be arlerk a ad notary In nia odlce at Fossil in his absence. FARMERS' ATTESITIOSL eS(SI y H. DOBVSS, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Arlington. Oregon. Will nmctipe In all the Conrts of the State. Collection and Probate BuKlnees given careful attentlou. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAifDOmr. at Till Dalles, Ob., Jan.Ti, 1W9 Notice Is hereby Kiven Ibal the following- named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make linal proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made befoie N. J. Hale, L . o. commissioner, at tone, vregon, on aonuay, Mert-b , lr. Tit: WILLIAM R. WARD, ol Gooseberry, Rd. K. No. 4401, for the se'-i. sec S, tp 8 s, r 23 e, W. M. lie names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation oi aapi lana, via: tnomaa r. vrmneoi, i. O. Mhxks. J. J. Miller and N. &. McVey. allot Gooseberry, Oregon, rjoai J at r. l-ccis, nemeier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the anderslmed has been duly appointed, by the Connty Court of Gilliam Connty. elate ol Oregon, administrator of the estate of John A. Liun. deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased, or bis estate, are hereby uotilied and requested to R resent the same to me. duly verified, at Condon, regun, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Condon Oregon, I P. II. Stsphikaow, January 5, WU9. I Administrator. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lakd Orrics. The Dalles, Or., Jan. SI, 1W9. V aHm im h.mhv mivn that tl, fattlnwina- named ae'tler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow. I', a Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tnursaay, Marco i, im, tie: JAY D. BALL, of Gooseberry, Hd. C: No. 6071. for the swVi. see 11. tp I , r e. W. M. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation ol aaid land, vis: George Carman, Eu gene Mirers. Jacob B round and Alex Bergstrom, an ol uooseberry, uregon. 126-al JaT P. Ureas. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAKDOrncE at The Dalles. Ob.. Jan. 21. 1W9. Notice la hereby riven that the followinK- named settler has Sled notice of his Intention lo make final proof in support of bis claim, and that lam proot will tie maoeoeiore i. w. Morrow, u. s. commissioner, at neppuer, ur., on inursoay, March 2, If?, vis: JACOB B ROUND, of Gooseberry, Hd. E. No. 413ft. for the ne'i. sec 22. to S s. r a e. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove niitconiiuuous resilience upon ana cum ration of aaid land, vis: George Parmen, Eu gene Myers. Jay D. Ball and Alex Bergstrom, all ot booeeoerry, uregon. J-J6-51 JaT P. LlCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd OrrtCE, The Dalles, Ob.. Feb. 21. IMS. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler haa tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of disclaim, and that said Droof will be made before H. -V Fraser, county clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on Thursday, Aprils, 1W, via: OLIVER W. BARB, of Condon, Hd. t. No. S2WV, for the tui. see M. tp S a, r 1 e, W. M. He mimes tbe following witnesses to Srove his continuous residence upon and culiiva on of said land, vie C, C. Burroughs. S. II. Couture, William Musgrove and P. F. Cason, all of Condon, Oregon. eo-45 J at P. Local Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Flual Proof. C 8 Laed Office. The Dalles. Ob.. Dee. 12. ISM. Notice is hereby given that Frank Ward, of Hardman, Or., has Hied notice of Intention to make final proof before J.w. Morrow, u. . Commissioner, at bis office la Heppner, Or., on Friday. February 24, 1899, on timber culture application No. W5, for tbe nw'4, seczu, ip s, r ar, n. as. He namea as witnesses: Jobn T. Turley. of Heppner: Joseph O. Maggs, Tbos. Parmao and George Parman, of uooweuerry, uregon. (115-4S J. P. Lpcas. R-gister Treasurer's Notice. All coanty warrants registered prior to Ma 8, 181)7, will be paid on presen tation at ni office. Interest ceases after this date. 8 B. Babeeb, Treasurer of Gilliam conntv, Oregon. Dated at Condon. Ore.. Jsn.'fl, 1800. WE EXPECT To control our ebare of tbe trade during the year we bave just entered upon and we expect TO MERIT Your patronage by courteous treatment, low prices, first-class goods and square dealing. YOUR PATRONAGE Is most respectfully solicited. Call and see us. It will be of mutual benefit. The Arlington Cash Store COMPTON & GEORGE Propr's, Arlington. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office At The Dalles, Oe, Jan. 21, 1)109. Notice Is hereby given thst tbe following- named settler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and thai said proof will be made before H. N. Fraser, eounty clerk ot Uilliarn connty. at Condon, dr.. on neanesuay, Jiarcn a, law, vis: , VINA Ll'EM.ING, (formerly Vina Tullls) Rd. E. No. 4637. for the sU seVi and a! twV.. s 4, tp4 s, r 22 e, W, M. she namea the following witnesses to prove ner continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid laud, via: 8. A. Thomp son, J. J. Portwood, H.. D. Fletcher and J. w. v iiiinms, all ol Condon, Oregon. f-51 Jay P. Lucas. Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office. The Dalles, Ob., Jsn. 21, I8M. Notice is hereby given that the following-named setllerhaa filed notice of his Intention to make Sua proof In support o( his claim, and that said proof will be made before H. N. Fraser, county ciera oi biiuam county, at uonaoD, uregon, on inursnay, starcn y, mw, via: REUBEN McKl.NNKY, of Condon, Hd. K. No. 4417. for tbe se' nw4 nt rV and Lot 2 and a, see 13, tp 4 s, r 21 e, W. M. He namea tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlx: . B. ftrider, 8. B. Barker, ii. W, Hinenart ana w. A. imriiiig, all of conaon, ur. J'26-51 Jay p. Lucas, Reglstej. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office At The Dalles, Ob., Jan. Si, ISM. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following- named settler has tiled notice of bis Intention lo make flnsl proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before H. N. Frazer, county clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on muay, Marco ii. iww, vis: DANIEL M. R1NEHAKT, of Condon, Hd. E. No. 43X2. for the nU nc'.i sei ne'i and m- se4, sec 31, tp 8 s. f 21 e, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon sun cultivation oi said lana, vis: Ii. L. Neale, . V. Moore, J. U. Knox and Wil liam Campbell, all ol Condon, Oregon. l-63 Jat P. Ldcas, Rglster. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Timber Culture Final Proof. C S Lakd Office. The Dalles, Or.. Jsn. XI. 1899. Notice Is hereby given tbat George T. Angell, of Mayville, Or., has filed notice of intention to mnke nusi prooi oeiore u, H. Henaricka, c. a Commissioner, at bis office In FowiL Or., on Saturday. March 18, 1809. on Umber culture application No, for tbe sc'i, sec 12, lt 6 s, r lit e, W. M. He mimes as witnesses: J, A. ncoagfii, oi rixsu; a. miners and Iniiiim Wltheis, of Mayville, aud Jobu i'ui liam, of Condon, Oregon. Jar P. Lvc'Ag, Eejillor ( I We are prepared to fill all orders for the following goods at shortest notice and lowest prices: Superior Broadbeam Seeders, Hoe Drills, ' Single Disc Drills. na mnff. Kl I I r ), 1 B.U Is if w ((G)) VS3 Scotch Clipper, Double and Triple Gangs, Steel Beam and Wood Beam riows, Chilled Plows. We can furnish either Cast or Steel Shears with all Gangs. CANTON A Acknnwkdgsd the suptrlot of all nakss. Ths sail ett ajuxusd, lighHsi draR. araai dursbla aad na the snil psWsclly. Caa bs adjusttd to work an side kills, where othsis fail. Hsve dust proof Sub Ksnds and Mny points of superiority ovsr all mhstm. Madt in all sitsswiikSTEEI.orCHlLLCO bottom sad Riding Attachment. Conpsie trisss with oihm sad ass thsas work aad you will buy a Canton. Manufactured by FABIM 4 ORENDORFF C0n CANTOR. ILURQtS. CANTON "U" BAR LEVER v HARROWS -; -.nti.ct,t? Are ths best becauss tbay ara aiade of lbs but stsel aad ana durabls. The ssaik caa bs adjustsd as to 4Mk aad Iht sdgas levarssd. Fraass is Urarougaly bncad. Made ia ail sisss. Mads by PARUN CRlKDOnff CO. CANTON, ILLINCI1 We also have a full line of the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON. OREGON. 'EV'efc''4 rO'aV--k- Of Arlington, Or., No. 3918, I Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. e ' ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT TOUR BUSINESS D. M. FRENCH. Pr.Eldwnt; W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlo-Prldntl FRANK T. HURLBURT, Caahlar. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. W. 8TE1WER. W. LORD, L. C. ID. WARDS rjvwnniwruwrinnnixni- RDS AND A.'c HAWSON. " ' " 2 jfirnnnnnnnnuinruur J. H. PUTNAM, (eTaTsaBwawa DEALER IN -asassaS GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Cent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. F.T. HURLBURT, Pr. SMITH FRENCH. 8o. DAN THOMAS. Man'gr Arlington Warehouse Co. (Incorporated ) (Successors to Wasco Warehouse Co.) General Storage and Forwarding. HIGHEST PRICE P'lD FOR WHEAT, HIDES AHD PELTS. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Liuie, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHINGLES, $2.00 PER M. Advances made on wool and wheatatanytime Director.: D. M. French, W. tord, Smith Frenoh, D. Thoma., F, T, Hurlburt Office in Warehouse. - - - Arlington, Oregon. . . ' ,l ii A ... mlil In alt first Claw Ciouung .ior m w 7 . --, Cost no more -than ordinary clothei. Made ol vl .7 . "T , ......J .ulfti K.( llnB and Dill jiyiisn aii-wooi worn-. --J-'- .rT" .71 VEAROUTpurmenti r fnnn k .aV A aM, tftak 4t fa ft V ISbIW teed. Knee pan euiw aj.o, wj. wj.p-. irrtrment guaranteed made of wear resisting cloth, iteam slirunk, tewed with .Ilk and linen thread, correct styles, money refunded II not perfectly satisfactory. . . . . . . u. Bl f?lhlH. A roar oeaiar ror a.anwaroii. , f.V"r- ff l.Kws nokkar.pl, taaBoolW. VVrllJJus ni Im filid. Ha sturs la WtlllW I""' " ' -" iraus saara, jguttfurUtlil iff A V IIJA wh CAUSE, COMI. STERN & CO., CHIC ACO.J, THESE PANTS THEV HAVE? DOUBLE SEA DOUBLE KNEE RIVETED. BUTTONS s:- DIIRRFD R PITS' WARRANTED NOT TO RIP- Mm Mi... mnffl 4( SOLD ONLY BY SHURTE 6 WEIR CO. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON, DROP IN AT COB'S Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, when you feel like enjoying- a flr.Ucl... CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. R I tl Ell ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, PropY. The public- will find that no better accommodAtioni can I found iu this country than at this bouse. Meals 25c; beds 25c. m m HEADdUARTERS FOR TRAVELIIIC MEII. CONDON MEAT MARKET. Freeh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal of first quality. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Fruit and Vegetables bought and sold. We handle only first-class meats and our prices are reasonable. No credit git en. It takes money to buy fat beeves. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, H. G. JORDAN, Propr. Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1808.) $10.00 pr M 12.00 " Rough lumber, pine, Kmiich lumber. fir, Shlplap, smind class floor ing:, rustic, ceiling and surfaced, 15.00 " " First class flooring, ceiling, rustle and finishing, 22.60 " " Slab wood, per cord, .75 All bill, discounted 10 per cent for spot cash. Same price and sums dis count to all. lUaar Hauitiad, Lout Valley, Or, Auctioneer. I hereby offer my services to the peo ple of fjilliam county in the rapacity of Keneral aunlloneer. All business en trusted to my care will receive the most carefnl attention. Will attend to al verti.inn, billing and all preliminaries when desired. Will attend smIks in any part of this or adjoining connties. Term's reasonable. Call on or address Uico. L. NKAMt, tf Condon, Or. Notice to Taxpayers. All laies not pHid at once will l col Ih-ted by levy and sale. Please remit and save costs and trouble. W. L. Wiujox, Sherlffof CJilliam Co., Or. Dated Jannary 80, 109. f2-48 c3tivk solicitors wantkd kvk ii y- whre for ' The Hmrjr of lliv I'lilllpiiliifs" bjr Murat llnl.l'il, poininlssliinsil by the Hoy. urnmviit as Oltlrlnl lllstorlHii to (he War IM pnrtinent. The book was written In army camps ntnan Francisco, sin III I'aclltc with Itcnoriil Mcrrltt, In the hoapltsls at Honolulu, In Hoiik Koiik, In the Amirlcaii trenches at Manila, In Ihe fiisiirKuiit cnmiis with AvhIiihIiIo, on the dmk of the Olympla with Dewuy, and In lliu roarof battle at Hid full of Mmillii, lloiiansa for aacnta, llrlmfnl of orlidnal pictures taken by (ovcrnnicnt phiitoirtihura on the spol l-aruo book. Iw prli-o. HlK prollls, Krclifht palil. I'rwlit given. Drop all trashy hikiIHcIhI war bmiks. limHt free. Aihlress, K. T. Uarber, Meo'y,, rJtarlnsHraui;. Ulils., CblvnKO, III Through Tourist Cart to St Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. I'an. and every Wednesday via the Burlington Route at 81'. M. via the O. R. A M. throuuh Halt Lake and Denver without change to tit. Lonls, and under the su pervision of experienced conductor. No change of cars to the cities, Kansas City or til. Louis. Keep this servie In uilnd when golnr East and consult O. K. A N. agents or address, W. II, Iluaiai'ar, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Fraser, County Clerk, gives special attention to abstracts of title, and is also prepared to receive U. B, government land filing and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of forfeited railroad lands and state school lands, at hi office In Condon, Or. NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who live on "meat was ever Known to lick his wife, or ask for a livon-e. A vegetable diet woman I a cold and clammy as a turnip. If you want your girl lo have rosy cheeks and vitality In her motion, feed her on beef slesk with occasional doses of Dr. Haw- ! son' Tonlo Hitlers. Hold everywhere. WANTED HKVERALTUCHTWORTHY I'KR.. sons In this soil to miinaxa our business in their own and nearby comities. J Is mainly ifflea work eonrlHetert at boma. Haliiry straight Isifl a year and expenses ! Unite, bonHflda, no note, no leas Bnlnry. Monthly 7A, References, tnclosa self-addressed stamped suvelupo, Hur ertlS. Uoaa, I'rest., Duot, H, (Jblcatfu. 1U. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby (riven that tbe nndcrlsirnrd administrator of Ilia eitsta of Jacob Johnson, riecand, has tiled In th County Court of Oil Ham CoHiity. Htata of O egiin. his HiihI account as such administrator of suld estate, and that Tuesday, the 7th day of March. 1899. at the lumr of i o'clock V. M. has Iron Hied by smd court ss the time for hrarluK of nbjetitluus to said report, and til sattleiaeut thereof. , K. I). Kooo, Administrator of tbs- estate ol Jacob Johnson, deceased. fa-fij Deputy Stock Inspectors. 1 have appointed as my deputies ths following peraiitis: W. H.Colwell, ArtltiKton, 1.. II, Townsenil, t'oucloti. ' fred A. llale, los.ll. It. M, Jorhsoii, line Rock, Stock lnspeotor forUllllam County, Oreaon. Subscribo for tbo Glooe.