Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 23, 1899, Image 1

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    riMWt .-...Wii.l.. I IIMWJ wuwn
' -" mfr:I
Editor Mid Proprietor, '
Preftealonal earda...
OMngin -
.41 00 BMtt
1NW oau
, I 60 w aaoatk
Onqnair oolojaa...
ukiui comma...
. 00 Ml BIOMh
Oa alamo.......
-.10 00 mt swath
fns yaar (In edvane)!,......,,.,,....,........!! M
i II uoi paid tn aliases
its tooaiin,.,IH. ..iHiiMfMMmii tit
' 1.r reJtthJ..,...t. tl
; Vinyl MpiM .......,...... .........,. ...... 14
Sariaeaa local will he charred at IS ont m
Ma (ac In latent b and 1 oeata mi Um Um
Las! ad.etlttaituuj win la til BUM kt
afcanred M) lit party ordering thara, M legal
mm, sad Mid lor ketor i81daTlt la taralihed
NO. 50.
' JPnlwid nl (to Poio si Omrfon, Ortoea. (
Momd-alan awwl nailer .
O. M. N. Ct. Tim Card.
I 1 ' ASMHOTOII, OmuidH. t .
Now time sard, taking efTeul Bunday, F.bru
i try Mlh 1 ,
" lui sonar).
No. -VI Hunlliil.n, iMvmi,.,,;,,.;,! . m,
; No. 4-V ln Hrtiklie, luavea .M.,T : p. m.
I no. at Local freight) Ihvm .,.7: p. in,
No, -Portland, lava.......,,,. 12i47s. m.
,0 rurUmnA. , ,, 4:M . m.
i ho. 28-l.ucnl freight. lvi..., 11 M 4. M.
P. U. HI.NDUC, Agmt, Arlington.
CondoB, Or.' '
Office Oregon are., twtween Catholic Chunk
and mldtuu ol U. P. skulk
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public and Conveyancer, '
.-, . , Coadeo, Or.
rolirrttloniandlnaurinee. Tmi reaaonabla.
OOlva lu rear of poalotllua building, Main iuwl
; ' Attorasj and Ooaaielor at Law
f-,. ..1-..- rtiBgta,,- or,.
V. a. fommlmlnnpr and Notary Puhlle la
office. Prentice In all lb aula and federal
court! of limnn aud Waahlugiod. All kind
oil), a. land aud legal ba.tnuM trenaeolcd.
yy it. wobon
Attorney and Gounielor at Law.
i , Tks Dallet, Or.
.Will attend to local bualnatt la all eourtt In
is a
Para Irom Arllugtoa to
Pnatll (00 mllM)..v. 00 Round lrlp... a)
Krlll(fJllnlli) 4 W Hound trlp. 1v
Condon W mil.). in hound rlp.... Iti
Imo (Jt mlln... 1 U0 Hvund trlp.... IMI
Ula (1 Bill)..., l.M) Itouud lrlp..... .)
(Kara litanw Arllnrinn avary morflln((.unday
a irpudi at all a'clorki ltdtiaat Coadun at I
p. in. and airli at Koaall at 7 p. m,
umloiiabla ooaclit.and caralut,aiparlooad
The Regulator Line.
Ths Dallsi. PurtlantJ S Istsria
LINE.... , .
Dally Lhw of Sleamm Bdwcca Portlani,
Vancouvtf, CatraiW 1 At In, Howl River
and all Poiata oo Um VaaUnftoa aida.
I Tha Dall. City and R.fulator laava
Portland .r.rjr niornlna (aacapt Kuadarlatt
and Tha Dallat at ..
Prelght Ratal Oraatly Raduead.
W. C, ALLA WAT, Oca. Aft,
Foot el Court Mtraat, Tea Pallet, Or.
wJoUHd M1o TIMI iCHIOUtH Aaaiva
roa tnm Aillntta raoa
Fait aalt Iaa, Itanvar, Paal
Mall Kl.Worih. Omaha, Mall.
l:Wa.ia. Kanaat City, Hi 1:03 p. at
Loud, Colaaio,
and Catt.
Rpnkana Walla Walla, Ipo- Bpokana
Plyar kana, MlnntajKt. Pljrar
7:117 p. a. Ill, 8t. Paul, fu- l;Ua.a
. loth. Mllwaukaa.
Chicago aud tvaat
l:Wp.m.' OotanltaaaiialM 4:00 p. at.
tnm Partland.
Bait every tva dayt.
1:00 p.m. Gelenbla Rlar 4 00p.m.
Hi Mumlay aiaaaiara. Es. Buuday
lu.uo p. to. To Aatorla and Way
6:00 a.m. Wllltmlte tlvtr. 4:80 p.m.
Ki.Muoday Ex. Buuday
Orfon City, New.
twra.ltal.m d Way .
7:00 a.m. Wllltmattt end Yatv l:Wp. m.
Tiiri., Thur. kill Rivera. Mon.. Wad.
and Sab .. eudPrl.
, Oregon City, Day
ton, A Way Land
Inge. (:00a.m. Wllliiaitte Biter. 4:p.m.
f lira.. Thai. Tn.t.. Thur.
aud val. Portland to Corral- and Bat.
lit 4 Way Laud
lngt. Lr. Rlparla tnaka Rlnar. LT.IitwUtoa
l:4ila.m. :4a. in.
pally Rlparla to Ltwlatoa Dally
Pi. Saturday . Ex. Friday
J. E. CRAKE, Agent, Arlington.
' Aeaaral FktttBf at Aftat, Portland, Or,
Oregon L.glalature Artjonra.d aina Die
at Bevea tl'aluali katurday.
Although the liuur aet fur the final
adjournment of tha Oregon lpii)uturo
wai II o'clock noon Hatordar, tlid tea.
Ion waa prolonged till 7 o'clock.
Aalde from the fornuillttua of flnlih.
Intf up neooaaary mat ten In Land, the
paaeage of tha apeelnl appropriation
bill waa the fatur of the day,
Tha home rofnaed to concur In tome
ol tha aenate'a reductlona of itema in
the bill, and it waa neewwary to ap
point confeieiice . oommitteee before
agreomont oonhl be reached. Title
prolonged the aurwlon till 7 o'clock In
the evening, when the teen Ion waa de
c tared ended. -
Rioting la oocurrlng In different
parti of Parle, the teault of the election
of LoubeL
The Clauibla river fish cannery
combine will cloae half of thecanneriea
the coming aeaaon,
M. Lonbet wai elected preaident of
Franon on the Slat. The aaaembly
caat 819 vote, of which Louixtt re
ceived 483 to S79 cart for al. Molino,
and 60 aoattoring.
A battle haa occurred at Talien-Wan
between Ruatian aoldiera aud Cbineae,
In which 800 of the latter were tlain.
The trouble i aatd to bave oiiginated
over the qnoatlon of taict.
Grading baa begun on the 8nake
River Valley railroad, between Union
fiat and the head of the aoutb fork of
the Peiiewawa creek. A large force of
men and teama ia working on the big
out between thoce two olnta.
A dlipatch from Cape Oharlea, Va.,
oaya 50 oyater alooia and achooneta
have been carried out to tea by diift
ing loe from Magothya bay. It la bo
lleved many are manned, and thecrowo
may luffer from expoaure and hunger.
Tuga will be pent to overhaul the vea
Mla. -
It ts expeoted that Oeneral Otia will
ohortly begin an eggreeeive campaign
in the Philippinea,aa the recent battlef
bave not inbdued the Inauiganta, aa
waa expected The rainy aeaaon will
toon eat In, when military operationa
can not be well can led on, and a deci
aire blow in out be given belore that
The torpedo-boat Fox, built by the
Wolff A Zwiuker iron worka, at Port
land, Or., it the flrat torpedo-boat in
the world to come up to the requite
monta eoooifled In the contract upon
her flref official trial. For two conaoc.
ntive houre In ber flrat trial alio main
tained an average apeed of tiX knot a,
ber engiuea turning at a rate of 881.4
revolotlona per minnte, which exceoda
the reqnirementa by J 1.4 torna.
A fire at the Brooklyn navy-yard on
the 15th deatioyed 11,000,000 worth of
property. ;
The gravee of tha Maine victlina at
Havana were decorated with flowera
on the ISth, the aunlveraary ot the ex
ploaion. A Ilritiah ayndicate baa obtained a
conceeaion fiom China to bntld a rail
road from Haokau to Canton, along
the coaat.
Col. Miller,' who captured Ho Ilo
without the loaa of a man in hia com
mand, haa been promoted to be brigadier-general
by the preaident.
The Cunartl liner Etrotia and the
crniaer Marblehead narrowly averted a
colliaion dniing a blinding aleet and
anow atorm about 70 in Ilea off Sandy
Hook Monday morning, .
Representative Stalllnga, ot Ala
bama, haa Introduced In the houae a
bill to authority the preaident to ap
point General Wheeler a major-general
In the regular aimy.
Terrlflo weather ia prevailing on
the coaat of Jamaioa, The winda are
high and the tea la encroaching on the
land. Coaattng veaaola have been
wrecked, and teveral hundred acrea of
banauaa awept away.
Naval ordnance offloera In Washing
ton are elated over the remarkable re
lit Ha aeonred with the new emokeleee
navy powder for large caliber gana in a
teat at thu Indian Head proving
grounda on the Potomac.
State Eutomologitt 8coltof Georgia,
eaya the peach crop haa been utterly
deatroyed, and In all probability the
gorwera will be ao tllROonraged that
they will abandon the boalneia. Last
year'acrop wai valued at 91,000,000.
A battle took place near Ho Ilo on
Sunday, when a ; battalion of the
Eighteenth Infantry met a large (orce
ol inaurgenti and put it to flight.
Lieutenant Bow lot wai ahot in the log,
one private larioualy and two alightly
Ex-Conaul Duckert, of Buligum, hat
been com miaa lotted to make a tour of
China in the interettt of Belgian mauu
ftioturert at a salary of 130,000 a year.
The idea of the tour emanated from
King Leopold, who will contribute 8,
000 to the talary.
Preaidant Zelaya haa ittued a decree
declaring the republiool Nicaragua to
be in a itate of teige. A battle la
expeoted to take place at any time
weal of Chile mountain, the dividing
line of the Coidillerai. The preaidont
ia aendii.g troopt to the front aa rapid
ly aa collected. The United Statot
gunboat Marietta, wlhch arrived at
Greytown February S, hat a.tiled for
BlueOledt, the headquaiieia of the
revolution headed by Ueu iral Rajn.
A depoait of earth ttiontlan hat
been found on Pot-in-Bay lidaud in
Lake Erie. It la many aorei in extent.
The nitrate of itroutia la of pure white
' The Hamburg-American line iteamer
Adria arrived at New York Sunday
from Hamburg after a moat tempeatoua
pant-age. During the night of January
80, Captain Levetaow, while tiying to
go from the bridge to the cabin, wai
thrown down into the cablu pattageway
and killed,
Mean Work Crowded In tne Olaalag
Hour. r tha "alon-The Lata
Working Iay.
The laat working day of the Oregon
Ingiiilature waa foil of bail new, moetly
devoted to tbe routine of paeeing bills.
The general appropriation bill waa
punned by both hotiara.
In the annate the bill to provide for
execution! of murder era at the peni
tentiary waa indefinitely postponed,
became It carried objectionable matter
relating to appeal-.
Three billa touching military affaire
were patted, aa foilowt: To cover into
tbe military fund all moneya received
from tbe United Statea on account of
transportation, etc.; to reatore to tbe
military fund tome $8,000 expended in
auppreaaing liabertnen'i riota in 1896;
to it-organ I ae the official ataff of the
Oregon National Gnard.
The following billa were paaaed: To
regntate licente fire intu ranee com
paniet; to protect the fruit and bop
induttry by requiring the deatruction
of potta; to core certain defeota in Ju
dicial talea and deeds; to prevent the
maintenance of armed bodies of men
other than the duly conatituted author
itlet; to amend the charter of Mewberg;
to provdie for criminal protecutiona ou
information; to protect trout and cer
tain other food fltliea; to relieve the
itate of the neceaaity of advancing tbe
coati of giving a bond In proceeding
to which the itate it a. patty; to
amend tbe law relating to irrigation
right! and ditchei; to amend the law
relative to lieni againat mines (or la
bor or in ppliet; to amend tha ohaiter
of Arlington; to fix the annual aalary
of the luprorae court clerk at 18,000,
with one deputy tn Salem at 175 per
month and one at Pendleton at $50,
and providing that the feea be paid
into the itate treatury; to fix the tal
ariea of Columbia county officer; to
regulate the manner ot atorgeon Sailing
and making a cloae aeaaon on the Co
lombia river from March 1 to Novem
ber 1; to provide for Impeding aheep
brought In banda into Oregon from an
other ttate (tame aa the Waabington
law); to amend the law relative to the
dutieaof public road viewers; to fix
the annuual talary of the Linn county
aatcarior at $2,400, inaluding the pay
of deputlea; to regulate the practice of
the vocation of barbert; to provide for
tbe appropriation of water to bo need
for mining purposes.
; -; la tha Hanee.
In the houae a long diaonaaion occur
red on the bill to adopt the Torrent
tyttem of land title. The bill, when
put upon iti passage, wai defeated.
Bills patted were: To authorise
construction of tk'.dt scrota county
roads for logging purposes; to provide
for sobtnisiion to the vote of the peo
ple the ptopoeed constitutional amend
ment!; to authorise tha tale of agri
cultural auhool landa on the market for
85 yean at leai than the ptlce fixed by
ttatute; . to proride ' for payment of
taxea in coin, inatead of county war
ranta; to provide for the manner of te
curing the releate at turety upon
bondt; to reduce feet to be charged by
county olerkt in probate oaaea; to
make the law prohibiting tha fraudu
lent use ol labela or trademarks mora
effective; to fix the salaries of county
clerk, sheriff and recorder in Wash
ington county; to amend the code ao ai
to give partiea the right to give notice
of appeal without alignment of error;
to authorise tbs printing of 800 copies
of supreme coutt reports at $8.50 per
oopy; to prohibit the running of push
cart upon railroad trackt; to crette a
ttate board of equalisation, consisting
ot the governoi, secretary of ttate and
ttate tieaturer; to authorise the work
ing of county prisoneri on county loadt;
to fix the talariei ot county treasurer!,
after amendment incresaing the aalary
of the treasurer ot Lane county from
$500 to $800, and the salary of the
treasurer ot Wallowa county from $350
to $350; to amend code relative to at
tachment! making the filing of a writ
with tbe county clerk antwei the pur
pose of posting a notice on property;
to amend the oode relative to action for
adverse possesion; to fix the compen
sation of county commissioners alter
amending the bill by increasing the
per diem In Union county from $4 to
$5; to reduce the mileage of jurors and
witnesses in cities of 60,000 population
or over, from 10 to 5 cents; to give
preference In the employment in pub
lio servioe to honorably discharged sol
diers and sailors; to appropriate
$1,000, in aid of the Oiegon Historical
Society, and to authoriae printing at
the state's expense to the tame amount;
to provide for the payment ot certain
feet to recorder! of oonvejanoet; to
constitute aix dayi' publication ot a
notice a weeka notice; amending the
law relative to the appointment ot offi
cial stenographers; to sbolish the office
of recorder of Clatsop county, and re
quire that the dutiei of that offloe be
performed by the county clerk; to leg
ulnte the purohate, tale and tianafer of
ttookt ot goods, by requiring the pur
ohater to exaot from the vendor a liit
of creditora and the extent ot llabil
itiet; to ptohibit the running at large
of italliont.
State Fair Approprlatloa.
In the Oregon teuate Wednesday tbs
bill to repeal the annual appropria
tion of money to the state fair waa de
tested by vote of 18 to 10. ,
The Daly School Hill.
Alter the most exciting and dramatic
halt-day of the teision, the Oregon
house ahortly before t o'clock Wednes
day noon paaaed the Daly text-book bill
by a vote of 83 to 80, only one member
being abaent. The bill, whioh had
been made a tpocial order ot businett
for 10 A. M. did not come to a vote
without tentational inoidents.
The debate was paitioipated In by
all the oratora of the house, and the
lobby and gallery were filled with in
terested spectfttoii.
Billa That Bave Pataad Paring- tha
Bills psssed by both housei previous
to the last day are as follows:
To authorize the town of Antelope to
borrow $5,000 to build water, worka.
To incorporate the city of Pendleton.
To amend charter of town of Adams.
To regulste pilotage ou Columbia
and Willamette rivers.
To create offloe of itate biologist,
without salaiy.
To reduoe sslarlea of Douglas oounty
To incorporate Nehalem.
To provide that summsriea only ol
oounty assessment tolls be transmitted
to secretary of itate.
To amend charter ot Ilillsboro.
To amend tbechartei of Albany.
To incorpoiate town of Tillamook.
To incorporate tbe town of Canyon
City. . I ....
To conatitute beach ot Clatsop ooun
ty a publio highway.
To amend tbe charter of G rants Pass.
To authoiize Jefferson institute to
sell out to the school district.
To amend chatter of Oregon City.
To incorporate Port of Tillamook and
provide for the improvement of Ho
quiam ilougb.
To incorporate the town of Lakeview.
' To incoporrate Cottage Grove.
'- To amind charter of town of Tangent
To provide clerical aid for Judgea of
the aupretue court ,
To incorporate Drain.
To incorporate New Astoria, adjoin
ing Fort Stevens.
To amend charter of Monmouth.
To Incoporrate Die oity of Ontario.
To incorporate the town ot Bay City.
To incorporate the oity of Heppner.
To incorporate tbe city Warrenton.
To incoiporate the oity of Wallowa.
To amend chatter of Gold Hill.
To regulate and fix tbe aalary of the
assessor of Jackson county.
To inooroiste tbe town of Maish
field. To amend charter of Woodbnrn.
To lediatrict tiie state for senator
and representatives.
To create the offloe ot tax collector in
Multnomah county.
To amend the charter of Corvallia.
- To prevent production and sale of un
wholesome foods and medicines.
(Looney pore food bill.)
To incorporate the town of Seaside.
To raise the salary of sheriff of Ma
rlon county.
To regulate and to fix salaries of Til
lamook county offloe rs.
To fix salaries of county officers ia
Clackamas, Morrow, Wasco and Yam
hill counties.
To amend the charter of Eugene.
To amend the charter of Astoria.
To incorporate the town of Can by.
To create a separate commission tot
tranaaction of county business in
Clackamas county.
To amend the charter ot Arlington.
Incorporating Weston.
Incorporating Dufur. ,
Incorporating Enterprise. .
Withdrawing school lands (torn sal
and placing interest on school fund
loans at 8 per cent
Incorporating Dalles City.
Incorporating Moro.
Incorporating Brownsville.
Incorporating Lebanon.
Incorporating Burna.
Incorporating Carlton.
To protect salmon in Alsea bay and
To create a trust fund in Moltnomah
To provide for the election of toad
To create the office of clerk ot the
justice court in cities of 60,000 popu
lation or over.
To authoriae Multnomah county to
lease the upper deck of tbe ateel bridge.
To provide for tbe tale of tide landa.
Protecting talmon in the Rogue
river end Curry oounty.
To reorganise the state board of hor
ticulture. Creating park commission In cities
of 8,000 population or over.
To amend section 5 of the mining
laws. ,
Amending tbe code relative to sher
iff's deeds.
Requiring oounty clerks to adminis
ter oaths without charge, in pension
Appropriating $15,000 a year for fish
To amend the chatter of Salem.
To regulate horse shoeing in Portlsnd.
Providing for normal sohuols at Ash
land and Drain.
To provide tor the registration of
votera. ;
To provide for a tax colleotoi of Mult
nomah county.
To change tbe manner of governing
the Soldiera' Home.
To codify tbe laws relative to state
school landa.
Paitial codification of the school
. To encourage the use ot wido-tire
To amend the act incorporating the
Port of Portland.
To change the time ot holding court
in the second judioial district
To cure eertsin detects in deeds.
To permit suiety companies to qalify
aa sureties on bonds.
To change the time ot holding court
In tbe ninth judicial district
To prevent the adulteration ol candy.
To provide for boarding the prisoners
of Clatsop, Washington and Clackamas
counties by contract.
To provide for the reconveyance of
land to J. E. Sating.
To fix the salaries of the sheriff and
clerk in Lincola oounty.
To create the county of Wheeler.
To regulate the practice of dentistry.
To regulate mutual insurance com
panies. .
To provide for a scalp bounty fund.
To amend the law relating to the
dntiea of the state laud agent.
To constitute Willamette and Port
land boulevards Multnomah county
Now Lies Dead From an
Attack of Apoplexy.
Paart of Dlatarbaaeea la Parla-M.aa-
ares Takes to Preveat
Paris, Fab. 18. President Faure
died from apoplexy tonight
It haa been known for some time
thst bis health waa weak, but the first
intimstion that he was siok waa given
at half past 0 this afternoon, when a
meassge wss dispatched to the pre
mier, M. Dupuy, announcing that the
president waa ill. M. Dupuy immedi
ately tepaired to the Elytee. All
medical efforts proved futile and tbe
president died on the stroke of 10.
It was not until 13 o'clock that the
news began to become known to the
general publio in Paris. - From this
time began a continuous arrival of pub
lic men. Strict orders, however, were
Issued, and only members of tbe cabi
net weie admitted to the Elysee.
The report spread rapidly throughout
the city, and large crowds soon assem
bled in the vicinity of the palace.
It ia i e ported tbat tbe recently
formed league, known as La Patrie
Francaiee, will actively puab M. de
Beanrepaire't candidature.
UnJer the present exceptionally ex
citing conditio! -, anything may be ex
pected to happen. Much depends
upon whst Geneisl Znrlinden, military
governor of Paris, as the bead of the
military element may decide to do.
M. de Freycinct has ordered tbe
troops confined to barraoka today.
It Csnaed Lose; D.bata la tha Na
tional Houaa.
Washington, Feb. 18. In the house
today the senate amendmenta to tbe
agricultural bill were nonoooourred in.
and the bill was sent to conference.
Without further preliminary business,
the bouse went into oommitteeof the
whole, and resumed consideration of
the aundry civil bill.
When the paragraph appropriating
$30,000,000 for the payment to Spain
under the treaty ot Paris waa reached,
Wheeler made a point of order against
it His point of order wss that the
paragraph waa obnoxious to rule 31,
Invoked yesterday against tbe N icaragna
canal amendment If the treaty of
Paria waa completed, if it was vital
ised by the ratification of tbe Spanish
oortee and the exchange of ratificationa
had taken place, be confessed that the
treaty would be the law of the land
and the amendment would be in order.
He cited numerous decisions of the su
preme court in support of his position.
Then followed a long debate on tbat
portion of the bill, and without get
ting beyond that point the bouse ad
journed. '
fa tha SeBate.
Soon af tei the senate convened today
the house joint resolution authorising
the secretary of the navy to pay certain
laborers, workmen and mechani c at
the United Statea navy-yards snd naval
atationa 50 per cent additional for work
performed in excess ot eight hours per
day was called up and adopted.
The military academy appropriation
bill waa passed without debate, and
consideration of the naval personnel
bill begun.
Morgan offered the Nicaragua canal
bill aa an amendment to the river and
harbor bill, and had it referred to the
oommittee on commerce now consider
ing tbat measure.
The- military affairs committee re
ported the army reorganisation bill,
which brought out an extended disout
sion. A bouse bill setting apart a certain
tract ot land, containing 10 aoree, in
Oklahoma to tbe Stella Frienda Acad
emy and Church Association was
Consideration was then begun of the
postoffioe appropriation bill. Praotio
ally the only ohstscle encountered by
the bill waa the oommittee amendment
providing for special mail facilities on
the trunk lines from New York and
Washington to Atlanta and New Or
leans, and from Kansas City, Ma, to
Newton, Kan.
The amendment which appropriates
$171,383 special mail facilities from
New York and Washington to Atlanta
and New Oi leans, was then agreed to,
43 to 10. The amendment appropri
ating $35,000 for special mail tacilitiea
between Kanaas City, Mo., and New
ton, Kan., waa also agreed to. Mantle
ot Montana, presented the credentials
of Wil iam A. Clark, and Turley ot
Tennessee, presented the credentials of
Hon. William B. Bate, each eleoted aa
senator from hia state tor the term ot
six years fioin March 4, 1899.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the postofflce appropriation bill, it waa
allowed to go over.
A bill providing for an additional
circuit judge in the third judicial oir-
cuit waa passed.
Washington, Feb. 18. General
Brooke today cabled from Havana, re
porting three doaths among the Ameri
can soldiers in Cuba since February 14.
Tha Rebala ltetreated.
Manila, Feb. 18. A large body of
the enemy, presumably reconnoiteiing,
waa discover! on the right of Brigadier-General
King't position, near San
Pedro Macati, tins morning. The en
tire bigade turned' out, and after au ex
change of vol ley a, the rebela retreated
Into the jungle and disappeared.
Washington, Feb. 18. The depart
ment ot state hits been officially ad
vised ot the settlement of the great
itrike at Colon.
lanata Committee Adds It to tha Klver
Bad Harbor BUI.
Washington, Feb. 20. The sennto
committee on commerce decided todny
to put the Morgan Nicaragua canal hill
on the river and harbor bill. Tho ac
tion of the committee was preceded by
a brief argument by Senator Morgan,
in which he went over the general
grounds favorable to the construction
ot the canal.
Aaide from the Nioaragua canal, the
committee increased catb appropria
tion! to tbe extent of about $3,000,000
over the house catb appropriations,
wbiie the amount of continuing con
tracts is increased to the extent of
about $10,000,000.
In the senate the only businett of
importance waa tbe consideration of
billt on tbe peneion calendar, which
waa begun under a special order.
Among the billt passed was one provid
ing procedure in certain pension cases.
It provides that no pension shall be
withheld, modified or cancelled except
for fraud, or mistakes in facta, and
prov'des a scheme of procedure. The
piivste pension oalendar waa complet
ed, 74 billa being pasted.
Ia tha Hooaa.
Washington, Feb. 30. In tbe house
today several railroad right-of-way billa
were patsed. Among the bills was one
to authorize the construction of the
Clearwater Valley road through the
Net Peices reservstion.
The census bill was tent to confer
ence. A bill was passed authorising
the president to appoint five addition
al cadeta-at-large to tbe naval academy.
The sundry civil bill was then passed.
Tbe naval appropriation bill was for
mally reported. Tbe house went into
committe of the whole and took np the
bill. No general debate was demanded
on tbe bill, and its reading for amend
ment under the five minute lule was
immediately commenced.
No Dleordere la Parle Followed th
Death or Faon.
Paria, Feb. 30. Everything is quiet
in Paria tonight. There ia no danger
of a coup d'etat The favorite candi
date for the presidency ia M. Emile
Loubet, now president of the senate.
Still tbe ministeis think Faure's death
it a misfortune at the present juncture,
and this is the conventional talk.
They bad all looked forward to bis re
signing, and they spoke today of the
possible effect of hia death on the
courts of Europe.
If M. Loubet be elected, European
sovereigns would soon trsnsfer to bim
their friendly regards. He is a good,
unaffected, level-headed man of hon
est, open life, and of far more intel
lectual culture than poor Faure. He
ia an advocate and practiced at the
Montilemar bar, in tbe department of
tbe Drone. Montilemar ia bis native
town. .
Tha Amarlean Flag to Cover tho Phil
ippine Ialaada.
Washington, Feb. 30. The adminis
tration haa determined to extend rap
idly the jurisdiction of the United
Statea over tbe Philippine group in its
entirety, acting on the theory that de
lay in this crisis is dangerous, and
that anarchy and general paralysis ot
such interests ss the islands support
would be brought about through failure
to replace promptly Spanish sover
eignty over tbe islands with that of
the Unnited States.
Low Ratee For Homeeeekere.
St. Paul, Feb. 80. The Northern
Pacific and Great Nothern have decided
to sell half-fare homoseekers tickets
February 31, March 1 and 7, on simi
lar rates aa made by tbe more southerly
lines to the Pacific coast. Heretofore
the rates have applied only to near-by
atates, and it is now intended that
they shall apply to the entire length
of the roads named.
Gomel Ooaa to Cardeaaa.
Havana, Feb. SO. A dispatch from
Cienfuegoa savs that Major-General
John C. Bates, military governor ot
the department of Santa Clara, and In
spector-General Breckinridge, yester
day paid a visit to General Gomes,
who was expecting to leave today for
Cardenas. - -
Katltnatea Output at St, OOO.OOO.
Vancouver, a C., Feb. , 30. M.
Marks, an Australian expert direct
from Dawson, places the output of the
Klondike at $19,000,000 this year. His
estimate is aa follows: Eldorado and
Bor.anaa creeks, $5,000,000; Big and
Little Bonansa, Gold and French
oreeks, $5,000,000; Hunkei and Quarts
creeks, $5,000,000.
Steamer, to MbbIIb.
Tacoma, Feb. 80. Jamea Ward, ot
the shipping firm ot Saunders A Ward,
has returned from a visit to England,
and announces tbe establishment by
himself and others of a steamer line
between this port and the Hawaiian
islands. Tbe British steamer Manau
ense will be the first vessel out, and
will sail next week.
Nearly Froaea to Death.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 30. A special
to the Post-Intelligencer from Forty
Mile river, Alaska, saya that William
Matheson, formerly ot Los Angeles,
Cal., narrowly escaped being trosen to
death recently. It waa necessary tr
amputate both bis handa and feet.
Waterworha Fur Hawaon.
Los Angeles, Feb. 20. J. A. Acklen
ot this city, has been granted the privi
lege of maintaining a water works at
Dawson City by the Canadian govern
ment He will tap the Klondike rivor
tour miles above Dawson.
Four Manila Trasaportt.
Ssn Francisco, Feb. 30. A fleet ot
four veasels will leave San Fiancisoo
for Manila within two weeks. No less
than 6,600 tons ol tieight ot all de
scriptions will be taken.
Oregon Soldiers Sent to the
Fighting Line.
REBELS NOW CONCENTRATING rtntFalo Bernhardt tho latotv
geott, Drlvlag Them Inland Heat
iBteaie and laereailng.
Manila, Feb.' 31. Tbe California
volunteers abandoned Guadeloupe
cliuich at 5 o'clock this morning, which
has since been set on fire, and retired
to San Pedro Macati. The rebela still
hold the oountiy in the vicinity of
Guadaloupe, Pasig snd Patero, despite
tbe efforts of the gunboats to dislodge
them from tbe jungles on both sides of
the river.
Tne beat is intense, snd Is increasing
perceptibly daily. Under present con
ditions, it is impossible to provide
shade for tbe stioops in different partn
of the line, particularly McArthur'a
division. King's brigade Is also ex
posed from San Pedro Macati to Culi
cnli, where it joins Ovenshine's brig
In view of tbe fact that the enemy
wero concentrating on the American
right preparations were made last night
to give them a warm reception in the
event of attack.
General Ovenshine's line, consisting
originally of tbe North Dakota volun
teers, the Fourteenth infantry, and two
troops of the Fourth cavalry, stretching
from the beach at Camp Dewey to Gen
eral King's right, was reinforced by two
battaliona of Oregon volunteers
three troops of tbe Fourth cavalry, as
The Buffalo's searchlight discovering
the rebels unusually active about 10
o'clock in the evening, signaled tbe
flagship for permission to fire upon
them, and, this being granted, bom
barded the enemy's trenches tor 30
minutes. The only effect of the fire
was apparently to drive the rebela fur
ther inland.
Beyond a few ineffectual volleys from
the trenches, which were returned
with interest, the enemy made no dem
onstration, and all is quiet along the .
rest of the line. v
Scouts claim to bave seen General'
Pio del Pilar, who commanded the reb- '
els at Paco, with hia arm in a sling,
directing the troops. General Monten
egro, tbe insurgent commander-in-chief,
ia reported to be personally con
ducting the movements lu front of
General King'a line at San Pedro Ma
cati. , . - '
Oaerrllla Taetiea.
' Manila, Feb. 31. Tbe enemy bave
apparently realised the hopelessness of
attacking tbe American position, and
are occupied chiefly by occasional
sharpshooting from the jungle, when
ever feasible. Fortunately, their ig
norance ot the use of sights minimises
the effect of their guerilla tactics.
The retiiement o! General King'a
advance posts upon San Pedro Macati
baa evidently been construed by the
rebels as a sign of weakness, aa they
pressed forward along both sidea of the
river, persistently bsrrassing tha occu
pants of tbe town.
Last night the rebels poured volley
sfter volley into San Pedro Macati
from the brush on tbe adjacent ridge;
but fortunately without effect. Gen
eral King's headquarters in the center
ot the town wss the target for scores of
Remington and Mauser bullets.
The rebls are using smokeless pow
der, and it is extremely difficult to lo
cate individual marksmen.
Flrat Rupture Occurred at Talleai-vFaB
-30O Chlneto Killed.
Peking, Feb. 31. A serious conflict
has taken place between tbe Russians
and Chinese at Talien-Wan, 300 of tha
latter being killed.
The trouble Is said to bave originat
ed in a question of taxea.
Expected by Lord Beretlurd.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 31. Admiral
Charles Beresford waa seen while pass
ing through Detroit tonight in refer
ence to the battle reported at Taliuo
Wan between Russians and Chinese.
Lord Char lea said that such a battle
waa only what be had been expecting
for aome time. Ita effect, he believed,
would be to shake the Chinese govern
ment more than anything that occur
red, and he asserted that trade would
also suffer as a result ot it.
Orgaolaed Peinonatratlona Againat tha
New Preaident.
Paris, Feb. 81. Police measure tor
the maintenance of order bave been
taken on au extensive soale.
M. Louhet did not quit his residence
at the Luxembourg until 6 o'clock thia
evening. '
Toward 7 o'clock demonstrations oc
cur red in front ot the office of Zehas-'
tlan Faure's anarchist paper, the Jour
nal du Peuple, on tbe Boulevard Mont
martre, for and against Loubet.
There was a collision between rival fac
tions and several persons were injured.
Altogether, 100 arrests have been
made in connection with today's dis
turbances. Spain Once Owned It.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 81. The Post
Intelligencer today publishes the fac
simile of a Spanish document which
shows that the Spanish were in actual
military possession of Vancouver island
between 1790 and January 1, 1793. It
is stated that the document, if it bad
been , In tbe possession ol Emperor
William of Germany when he arbi
trated the Canadian boundary between
England and tbe United States, would
have i noon test ably proven the tight of
the United States to Vancouver island.