J i Oil t-,r tbo cure THURSDAY", F2RKUARY lO. 149. THE OFFICIAL PAPER Of OIIXIAM COUNTY. OREGON. - PI fJrl? I T!, War Department has Ku wait Ji ULliiiU. Uioriscd the" Quatefnfttcr, De- i partauent to secure at once a iron tihip, of from 1000 to 1200 tons burden to lay cables to connect the islands of the Philippines. The War Department has already ordered 1G6 wiles of cable, which weighs 525 tons. It will he- eoil- etl ii skeleton tank in the various holds of Hie vessel. It is consider ed very important by the govern ment to connect the various islands ofthe Philippines by cable. Scien- titi"Amorieam. The Chinese government does not take- into account bravery on the part of its military and" rmval eomtiianderswhott. dotached" from victory. No allowance for condi tion or circumstances is made for defeat, and' the fucKles commander who Buffera it find suicide the (uickeeO-nd easiest way m of his troubles. The theory of the Span iards in this regard appears to be airailar to, if not identical with, that of the Chinese. Thus Admi rals Montojo and Ccrvera, whose fleets were destroyed after a gallant fijiht it the late war, were- coldly received .t Madrid, and both are awaiting trial by court martial for allowing an overwhelming, force to overoome them. General Jaudenes, who snrrenderedf to our army and navy at Manila, baa been arrested and imprisoned at Madrid by order of a court-martial; General Toral, according to all accounts as brave a soldier as ever drew his sword for his- country, is awaiting the rWisinn of a court-martial for apitulating at Santiago, and Colo nel San Martin, who retreated from Ponce on the approach of General Brooke, has gone to the penal settlements of Centa for life. Brave men all, who, having borm the brunt of battlo for a corrupt and incompetent! goverexnent, are pun- xehecT because they could' not wrest tictory from foredoomed defeat. Cregonian. Thi legislature is going down n history with the credit of re fusing to do a lot of foolish and injurious things it was asked to do. This will be the sweetest flower on its more or less, honored grave. Salem Statesman. ARLINGTON. EM. Redford and Coe packed Ice enough, hiriu the cold spelt to tinman the town with ice nil neit trimmer. The river it ftee from ic once more. nuking the terry people happy. The river nan beeu closed three timet thi winter. Sit below tern was the coldest regis tered at thit place the last cold spell. the coldest that has been known here lor many years. The farmers on Shatter Flat say the lnt treee killed imwt ol the wheat which will necessitate reowing. Mr. Wealherford it preparing to resow l'-00 acres. To the great satisfantioo of the people of Arlington, there will be no ho al lowed In be kept within the city limits, Hereafter, people who contemplate keep inn hoite can itovern themselves accord- inglv. Tha Indians have begun to bring In wool and nelts. f which thev sell tons everr spring at this place. Tnev gather them trom sheep that (lie On tne ranges daring the winter. It is not an nncoin mon siitlit to see twenty or thirty horses packed with wool and pelts, in charge of two or three old squaws, npon our streets in spring time. We onderatand that anile a nnmher of theepdied along Willow creek dnring the last siorm. It Is also reporter mat Mr. Reah hast 1600 head in one night. An extreme cold spell after a few weeks of warm weather late in the winter, especially after a long spell of bad weather.' is verv disasterons on sheep, and in fact all stock that are poor in flesh. ' It Was Pretty Breezy. The Ontario Advocate fiat the follow' ing account of an Oregon lephvr that fanned the whiskers of that barg a few nights since: "Ontario was visited by it wind storm a few night ago, which was likely the fag end of the .rip-snorter the Bnrns papers have been telling abimt of late, At any rate it blew. The wind came from a aoothweaterlv direction, and hurled alfalfa Hay and sprigs of sage Bromo Laxative! Quinine Will Cure a Cold in One Day. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. H. Hudson CONDON. OREGON. The wornerof Oregon may soon it on dry goods boxes in front of the corner grocery and? hold her own to political discussion with her masculine brother. A resolu tion providing for women suffrage was passed by the 1895 legislature and was again brought up and passed by. the 1899 legislature on Tuesday of last week. The matter will be submitted to the voters of the state at the next regular elec tion and if it receives a majority vote the elective franchise will not thereafter be prohibited to any citizen on account of sex. Th's is the way Rev. Sam Jones sympathizes with Hobson: "The newspapers may aecry nooson ana brnah ,hrotlgh fte ,ir ,t , 29 mile gait speak ill of him, but he bas toe 'and the gate went too. Many stoves profound sympathy of my heart. Why, to kiss everybody that comes along, from the old maid with moss on her lips to the gray widow; to kiss the old sister whose nose and j chin are"n!eeting; to kiss the bad and the indifferent. Gentlemen, I like kissing, but I want to pick the time, place and cause. Poor Hob son. He needs the prayers of the church and the sympathy of his comrades-" It is not for anyone to question the underlying feelings or motives that prompted Claude Branton to make a profession of relf giof, and to conform with the ritea of the charch. He stands in a perilous position, life is all but lost, and it is to be hoped the consolation of religion will sustain him on the gallows, from which he has little hope of escape. Eugene Guard. The expert telegrapher is said to be doomed. A printing telegraph has been invented that will do the work of six operators and can be run by a boy or a girl. The ma chine can be manufactured for 10. It is ftaid the Western Union com pany will take the machines as fast as they can be turned out, and will save a million dollars a month when all its offices are equipped with them. were drawn oat through the stovepipes the strong wind blew in at the neck of beer bottle back of Tom Weetlake's wet grocery and blew the bottom oat of the bottle. Harney county wagon track paused over the town by thousands The strain on wire fences was so great that staples were drawn oat of the poets, A coal oil barrel etan'lingJn front of the O. K. Co. store was sacked oat throngh the hanghole and tnrned inside oat like a half-eaten banana. The dirt blew from around a poathole mt at Rnther ford's ranch and left the hole sticking ont of the grnnnd abont two feet." H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uork; a Specialty Plansand Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon C. S. PALMER, prtistif; Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground CONDON OREGON Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the toltoerlnf Demons: V. H.Colwell, Arlington. L. B. Townaeuil, Condon. Pred A. Unix. Koaail. K. N. Johhuok. Lone Rock. Stock Inipector lor GUUam County, Oregon WE EXPECT To control our share of the trade during the year we have just entered upon and we expect TO MERIT Your patronage by courteous treatment, low prices, first-class goods and square dealing. YOUR PATRONAGE Is most respectfully solicited. Call and see us. It will be of mutual benefit. The Arlington Cash' Stoie COMPTON & GEORGE Propr'sy Arlington. iirmru wuuu u un vAVUT 1 cAnncnQ' ATTcrmnrr riWnmi.4i-..tf ill ILi.SaUler We are prepared to Gil air orders for the following gooda at shortest notice and lowest prices: Superior Broadbeam Seeders, Hoe Drills, Single Disc Drills. H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. orrtccs AT COHDOK AMD roMiu oasaoM. Careful attention to office eoaneel and roart I Brat-tire. Vi III be In bin one at Condon on I Monday and Tuesday ol ih week till further I llotlca. HIiaiMll (mail are lunmm, rn-i day and tfatnnlayt. There will be clerk and notary in bis otnot al roseu in uia aoaenra. w. H. DOBYS8, Attorney at Law, " Notary Public, Arlington, Oregon. Will nraetlee In all the Coarta of tha State. Collection aud Probata Buatnee given eerefsj attention. Treasurer's Notice. All coontv warrants registered priori to Mav 8. 1897. will he paid on omen tal ion at ai y office. Interest ceases after I this date. 8 B. Barkib. Treasnrer of Gilliam conntv, Orpfton. Dated at Condon, Ore., Jan. 9, 18m. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LAHDOrrtcB it Tm Dallb. Or.. Jan. 2i. 1M. Notiee la hereby siren that the followiiiK named aettler hat Sled notice of hla Intention to make final proof In auport of bit rlalm, and that laid proof will bt made beloie N. J. Hale, I", a. CommlMloner, at Iune, OregoOi on Monday, Man-D ft. imw. tu: WILUAM R. WARD, of Goowberry, Rd. K. No. 4401. for the teU. aec a tpt a. rZSe. W. M. He name the following wltoewee lo I prove hie eonuunoue realaenoe npon ana enm- . i . . . j i 1. o . : u w J. O. Mama, J. J. Miller and N. K. McVey, all of I Oooeeberry, Oregon. jat r. liUCia, Mrum. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nntlrc la hrhe rlren that the anderatcned I ha. been dnlv aonoltited. by the Conntv Court of I Gilliam County. Mate of Oregon, anmlnlalrator I ol tne eauie ol jonn a. Linn, aei-eaaeo. aii penona bavins' elainia amlnat aald oepeaaed. or hla eatatv. am herebv uotltted and rea neated to recent the aaiae to rae, ilMly vennea. at Minaon, iregon, withlu atx month, from tne date hereof. I Dated at Condon OrefTOn. I P. H. SraraitMaow, Janaaryj, 1. Admlniatrator. KOTICE FOB PUBUCATI0N. LiKn Orrica. Thi Dallss. Ob.. Jan. 21. 1K99. Notiee la hereby given that the following-1 named e tier baa (lied notice of hi. Intention to make final proof In mpportof hla elaim. and that aald proof will be made before J. W. Morrow. V. S. CommlMloner. at Heppner, Orefou, on Thursday, March 2, im, vis: JAY D. BALL, of Oooeeberry. Hd. K: No. 6971. fortheswU. aee 11. tp S ,, r 23 e. W. M. He names the fnllowina wuneeaea to I prove bis cotitinnoaa reldence apnn and ealtl-1 ration of aald land, via: Ovonre Parman, to-1 gene Myers. Jacob Brmind and Alex Beiaatrom, I all ol uooaeoerry, Oregon. )j& M jat r. i.pca. rwgiater. KOTICE FOB PUBUCATION. LandOfotcs at Ths Dallis. Oa.. Jan. 21. IMS. Notice la berebv given that the followlna- named aettler ha filed notice ol hit Intention to I make final proof in rapport of hit claim, and that aaia prori wtu oe maaeoeiore j. w. Morrow, u. . CommiMioner, at Heppner, Or., oa Tharwlay, narea i. lew, via: JACOB BBOCSD, of Oooeeberry, HI. C. No. 413S. for the ne. aee 22, tp 1 a. r 28 e, I W. M. He names the billowing witiieaaea to) prove hiacontlnaoaa renlrteoce npon and culti vation ol aald land, vis: Oeonte Parman. En- gene Myers. Jay D. Ball and Alex Bergatroat, all ol uooaeoerry, uregon. jardl . jit r. LAicae, neaiaier. OTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Timber Calture, Flual ProoL IT S Laud Omca. Ths Dallso. Oa.. Dee. 12. 189H Notice la hereby given that Frank Ward, of Hardman, Or., ha. Hied notice of intention to make flnal Drool Detnre J.w. Morrow. V. e. Commlwiooer. at hla office In Heppner, Or., on Friday, February 24. 1809, on timber culture application No. DMA, for the nw'i. eecza, ip a. r at. n. Jt. ne namea a. witiieaaea: John T. Tarley. of Heppner: Joseph O. Magga, Tboa. Parman and George Parmau, of Uooaeiwrry, uregon. o l . J. r. i.pcab. ategiaier NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lako Omci At Ths Dai.lhh, Ob.. Jan. 21, 1AM. Notice la berebv given that the following- named aettler haa Hied notice of her Intention to make final pioof In support of her claim, and thai aald proof will be made before H. N. Kraser, eonnty clerk oi ollliam county, at Condon, Or., oa weonesuay, Marco s, im, vis: VINA I.t'ELMNO, (formerly VlnaTullla) Hd. E. No. 4637. for the sU eeli and r. see. 4. tp 4 s, r 2i e. W. M. she namea the following ( PLom. mm?. Scotch Clipper, Double and Triple Gangs, Steel Beam and Wood Beam Plows, Chilled Plowa. We can furnish either Cast or Steel Shears with all Gangs. CANTON AckanwMirad the mptrlor ef all aukat. . kghlaal dran, i aoU peffcctlr. Caa he adj' eat kaadiad. The i aioAt durakla aad tare the rk a aide kiu. where other, tail. Have dual srwa' auk fceada aa4 ill wean. Man M a aaaav ttointa of lunarioetiv eiaaiwltkSTEEI.vCHlLLEIIbatwaMand Ridiaa AuachMaaL Coaapaie the with whan aad tea thaat week aad yon will buy a Caatoa. MaavaKtarad by ruuii zmmn co, uxisx, ilukssi CANTON MU,r BAR LEVER vHAr,r.3VS as ' in ill a A ii ' "-J, Ate lae beat because they are aade ef the beat Mail aad am eWabla. The sseih caa ke adjuaasd aa a daptk aad the edges ravened, rnau a uinaagary Haoe la an sisaa. aaaaa ey We also have a full line of the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON. OREGON. -eAv'V -., Of ArlinRton, Or., No. 3918, i Transacts a General Banking Business.: Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. i SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. -e WE SOLICIT YOUI t'JSlXESS- D. M. FRENCH, President; W. W. 8TEIWER, Vloa-Prealdantj FRANK T. HuRLBURTi Caehlejr. IRECTORSD. M. FRENCH. W. W. 8TEIWER. W. LORD, L. C. ED WARDS AND A. C. HAWSON. J, H, PUTNAM, GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. luttont to sew I j neatly dreued.Vy clothes. Made a, . .11 Boys' Clothes that wear well ana are twa oaaa iiu.." ...... .. " 'L,to. A Uion to motiiers: no pcuisi 00, jour coye eiwaya mj rt threads, ail parts reinforced, feuWe seat and knees . . . m.' avi i va a hi ii i i KrariTiriii hid h usiau' very steam correct K Pan. KAKa-WEAR6uTrmt. are gu teed. Knee pan aulti at $.80, $3, 3'5 rirment2SMMntee4 made of wtarmiatlngcloth.tte ihrunk. sewed w tn siik auu hw uhu. I ylos. money tetuoded II not perfectly satisfactory, Aik roMroaaisr mr ain vmnn . "x, : llto.loenutlieoplt, aeotlier. Write we will sea that imr enler is ttll4. Be si tuok lur Uila trade atark, riotalur i to Ull i sue to riAURBr ai coitri, tTEnri ct., cmicaco. witiieaaea to prove bereonttntKHtt resldern'e vpou W illlama, all ol Condon, Omcon. and cultlvallon of laid Uwl, vis: . A. Thomp son, 4. J. fnrtwood, . h. PleU'her and 1. VI. CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM. SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERIES. ETC. Atml oroof In mibnort of his rlaim. ttnd thmt aafri 1 and chopped feed in any quantity for sale ill P. Lcc.s, Beaister. KOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lamd Orrica. Tas Dallc. Or, Jan. 21. ISM, Notice ia hereby irhreu tiiat the following-named I eettlerhaa filed notice of hie Intention to aaake I elerk of '.IIIIUbb ronntr, at Ceatton, Oregon, on iDuranay, Maren . law, via: REUBEN McKlNHEY, of Ceodoo, Hd. E. No. mi. for the nV4 ne! awU and Lota 1 and S, aee 13. tp 4 a, r 21 e, . M. He names the fullowlns witneewe to prove b(s eontlnuona residence npon and eultivailon of said land, vis: a. . onier, a. B. Darker, u. vi . Klnehart and W. A. OariliiK, all of Contlon, Or. J6-5l Jit V. VttCkt, tteaiatai. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lard Orrica At Ths Dalle", Oa., Jan. SI. 1SW. Notiee If hereby aiven that the followlne. named settler baa Sled notice of hla Intention lo I make final proof in s ipport of his rlalm, and I that aald proof will be made before H. N. K niter, coHn ir ciera oi umiara con my, n vxinaon, or., on rniay, nanrn t, isw, via: DANIEL M. K1NEHAUT, of Condon Hd. E. No. m, for the n'i n ntfsi and ne'4 -4. see U, tp 8 a. I 21 e. W. M. He names the following witneMea to prove hia eontlnuona residence upon alio oniuvation oi saia lana. vie: (. I.. Nenli-, H. V. Moore, J. H. Knox and Wil nam mpDeu, all ol Condon, Oregon. fv-W Jay P. LucAa, Bglater. vOR TRADE.. Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. F.T. HURLBURT, Pr... SMITH FRENCH. 8o. DAN THOMAS, Mtn'fr Arlington Warehouse Cb. (Incorporated ) (Successors to Wasco Warehouse Co.) General Storage and Forwarding. HIGHEST PRICE P'lD FOR WHEAT, HIDES AND PELTS. Barbed Wire, Naile, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHINGLES, $2.00 PER U. taiiw Jor th Advances made on wool and wheat at any time BeovKln. of Kossil: M. Withers niranfnrai r aa ir..HAi. tu 1 ai.i. e?x.k n ti..... m f u..-ii...a .r.A i.h.M U'lth... M u..lll. .nrf l,k. U..I. .-. w. . w. w., r , . r. iinwiwiri Hum, of tondon, Oregon. I (ff . MoU.ie. ' A.linn4A n ii r, wtM, llfjiiw. I VHIVV III VV Ol 131 I UUSUi n UlU yiCJkUII NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture Final Proof. fj 8 l.AKD Omnr. The Dai.lxs. Oa.. Jan. 81. lno. Notice Is hereby aiven that Oeonre T. Annell. of Mayvllle, Or., baa filed notice of intention to make Hnal proof before H. H. Hendricka, U, 0. Uffnmiaaioner, at ins omce tn roMiL, or., on Saturday, March 18, !8eo, on timber culture enpli sec ?. to 6 . r II e, itneaaea: i. A. BOOKgin, or ro.ni; at. withers lira .11 S Am m. m THBSPANI- THEY HAVE; I DOUBLE SEAV DOUBLE KNEES RIVETED. BUTTONS . RUBBER BELT5' WARRANTED NOT TO RIPr SOLD OIILY BY SHURTE & WEIR CO. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON. DROP IN AT COB'S Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, whew you feel like enjoying a flrat-claae CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. R I IE HART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better tccommodationi can be found iu this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN. CONDON MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal of first -quality. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Fruit and Vegetables bought and sold. We handle only first-class meats and our prices are reasonable. No credit gir en. It takes money to buy fat beeves. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, H. G. JORDAN, Propr. Pries List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1808.) Rnttgti lumber, pine, $10.00 per M Broidh lomber.flr, 12 00 " Hliiplap, erond clan floor log, ruatle, celling end nrfed, 15.00 ' Flretclete flooring, culling, roatle and AnlNhlng, 22 60 " " Slab arixid, er trord, .75 All bl I If diariiantrd 10 tier rent for ipntmh. ' Same price end Mine Hla count to all, lUaav IUutiad, Lou I Valley, Or. Auctioneer. I hereby offer nir acrvicat to the pro pie of Ullilam roanty In the rapNclly of KPnvial anctionerr. All tmaliirva en-troaU-il to my fare will rvcrlva the iiuiat rarvfnl tlvntion. Will attr-ml to ad vertiainir, ItilHiiK and all pri-liiiilnariea when rieaired. Will attend alf In any part of thla or adjoining cmintii!. Term reasonable. Call on or ailrlrr. tf Uko, h. Nralr, Conilnn, Or. Notlos to Taxpayers. All lasee nut paid at once will br colleetfd by levy and tale. l'ltat remit and mvi coats and trim hla, W. L. Witcox, Bheriffof Olllliu Co., Or. Dated Jannary 30, 1R0. 17-48 ACTIVE ml.miTnRS WArTTEI EVFKY wh.re for ' Th HUiry nf tlm I'IiIHmiIh.'s" by Marat HatatraO, pomuita.lutH-d by Inn Uov. crnnint aa omi-lal HUuirlini u th. War ! partinvnt. The Ixx.k waa writlon In armr ramiis hi nan Kriinolaco, aa ibr l'acllto with Humml Urrrltt, In tha hnapltala at Hiiliiilulii, III linn Kniii, In tha Am. Mean trowhas at Manila, la the liniiruunt ramiia with AKiilnakln, nn tha o k of Ilia olympla with Ktwuy, and In tha roarofhaitleatlliflalliif Manila, rl.inansa for Kola, Hrimfiil of orlnlHal (ili tun'S takril hy aovernnieiit vhiilmfraiiliars un thmpii I .arm boo. Ixiar prima, ilia profits. Krvluht paid, t'rtxilt lvfn. Iirop all Irashy nnnfflrlal war books. OulHtfrve. Aitilniaa, K. T. barlwl, Me'y aur Insurauce Bkla., CbkaKO. Ilk Through Tourist Cars to 8t Louis. A tonriit tlreplng ear will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. Pae, end every, Wediifela via the Burlington KouteatSP. M. via tha O. K. A N. thniuiyh Halt Lake and Denver without cliari(fr tu tit, lHiia, and nnder the aa-(M-rvision of eipririencrd condiictom. No change of rart to the ritiet, Kaniai City or Ht. Lmiit. Keep thla wrvle In mind when giilne Eaat and comult O. K. A H. agenta or adilreaa. - W. II. HeuiuyS General Paiaengr-r Agvnt, Portland, OrTT Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. H. N. Frajer, County Clerk, gives leclal attention to abatrarts of title, nd If al. prepared to receive U. 8 government bind fllingt and proofa, as well ai applications for the purchase of forfeited railroad landa and itate school landa, at his office In Condon, Or. NON-ALCOHOLIC. o maa bo iivs on meat was ever known to lick bla wife, or ask for a divorce. A venerable diet woman Is as cow and clammy as a tornlp. If yon want your girl to have roay cheeks and vitality tn her motion, feed her on beef steak with occasional don of Dr. Haw- on lonio Itinera. Hold everywhere WANTED AOKNTR KOR "(It.ADBTONI!, HIS Life and I'Hhllc Harvltea," by The. W, n wiMHiitrini auirv oi a aionoHS w IW. Over nnulamw. radiant naaaa. lis! .iiimtI. rare annraviiias. hleheat, hl(nat, liest and only jnilorsnt "OladaUMifl book'7 piiiillslied. ttuljr ll.i t:imiaslon,Mt par cmt, trwllt alvan. rrviaht mUiI. Otitit Inn. Urup all trash and clHarMwa Binnth with the only true and food "WiMliitoiMi liook." Addmsa TIIB UOM1NIDN ( IIMI'ANV. .,. I a.1 wj in .tu Chicago. ' WANTEP-HEVER AL TRUSTWORTHY PER anna In till state ta nmnaa our bnalnas In their own and nearly eoHiitixa. Ill Mainly wfleawork eondui'M at borne, rialary sl,lgi,t WHO a year and expenses di-llnlte, tionallilv.no more, no leae salary. Monthly $75. Helerenee. Unclose aelf-addreaaed suinified envelnne, tier trr E. Hoas, Prent,, tlnpt. M, Rblnafo' III. Notice of Final Settlement. Nntlne Is berrhv aivaa that tha MniWIumiul adinlniatraUir of ll.e estate of Jaenb Johnson, ivcvnn, has II d-d la the Couiity Court of Oil lUat Cminly. atate of ( esnn, hh Snal am-OHnt a such adialnlalmltir of said estata, and that Tuesday, the 7th day of Maroh, I860, at Ihe hoirr ef 3 o'clock P. M. haa boon tlxnd by akt court as the time for beartne of nhjwUoui w aaiu report, ana lae ssilrameul inereoi, K. Ii llruin Administrator of tha ettata of Jaevb Jolmaon. le4aev4, fi.jg