Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 26, 1899, Image 4

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    , Writ It Di.w.
V.'rSt it down It) book, so Tod can
o it every day, that St. Jacob Oil it
M sure to cure Lame Buck or Lnmbngo
M you write it down. It does it best
ftiitt it and leaves behind cure that
A Frank of Lightning.
A stroke of lightning has been the
means of an extraordinary archaelogie
l disooverv la Voltara. The light
ning struck an old pine tree which
crowned the Summit of a hill, and the
owner of the property ordered the tree
cat down. When the workmen began
to dig at the roots they unearthed a
magnificent Ehruscan grave. It con
listed of a spacious vault supported by
fonr Immense pillars. All around the
grove weie laige marble tablets, and
above them were urns placed In niches.
This unique necropolis measured CO
feet in length and 40 feet in width.
Good on cy
Should Buy Good Medlclno That
Will Bring Good Health.
The best medicine money can buy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine brings
good health, because it makes good blood.
It cures salt rheum, scrofula, rheumatism,
dyspepsia, catarrh and other diseases that
l ' . : : ... : i.. i i 1. 1 i 1 . . .
cuius, levers, pneumonia ana me grip.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la America's Greatest Medicine. Trice ft.
Hood' PHIS cure U liver Ills. 25 cents.
Mew Ornamental Fanel.
A new form of ornamental panel de
signed for interior or exterior
decoration or utility, is placed upon
base of wire network, on whioh the
panel is built up in relief in whatever
design may be desired.
Stats or Ohio, Crrr or tolioo, I
Lrvxn Ootrvrv. 1
FaANK J. Chwst makes oath that he Is the
senior parter of the firm ot F. J. Chskit A Co.,
doing business in the t'ltv o! Toledo, Countr
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pair
thesumot (INK HUNDRED DOLLARS for cac h
and every ease of Catarrh that eannot be cured
ox toe use oi ti all s vatarkh otkb.
8worn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this tU day of December, A. D. 18SS.
I I Abtar Public
Bal I's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
direct It on the blood and mucons surfaces oi
we system, eena tor testimonials, iree.
F. J. CH ENEV 4 CO., Toledo, X
Sold bv druggists, 16c
Mail's Family fills are the best. .-.
It is reported that there it a current
order in the Pittsburg market for about
13,0000 tons of steel rails for East
When coming to San Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 2US-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
board 1 1.00 to fl.&O per day ; rooms SO cents
In tl Oil no. rla.. n.o. I. )".
re coacn. mas. Montgomery.
Great Britain, belaud not included,
has, according to the latest returns.
8,500.000 cattle and 26.314,000 sheep.
If yon want the best wind mill, pumps.
tanks, plows, wagons, oeiis ot ail sizes
boilers, engines, or eeneral machinery, see
or write JOHN POOI.K, foot of Jaoniecn
Street, Portland, Uregon,
It is announced that an extensive
copper field has been discovered in the
Cjlony of Natal. South Africa.
Klavatars for Sapid Transit.
The new iron elevators just installed
in Chicago's Banid Transit Electric
railway system, are models of inven
tion and mechanical construction
Two of them, capable of hoisting pas
sengers to the platforms of the "L"
road, at the rate of 100 a minute, have
Just been placed. These elevators are
nine feet square; are provided with
satomatic sliding doors, and are operat
sd by hydraulic power. - They will be
used to transfer from the platform of
the surface road to the third floor of the
new station, which in tmn connects
iirect with the elevated platform by an
ornamental iron bridge nine feet wide.
New "Oroek Vire."
A new and what is considered a
highly important invention was tested
in the Gnman Haw recently. It con-
lists of a sort of chemical combustible
or "Greek fire," invented by a Berlin
engineer. It ignites on contact with
the air and water, and cannot be
auenched by either water or earth.
It burns with a brilliant flame, exceed
ing the big searchlights, and it can be
unk under water or beneath the
(round, and when brought to the Bur
pee Instantly bursts into flames at any
lesired point. - It was tested at night
svolutions of the navy and proved most
tincient id Detecting me presence oi an
apposing force.
What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say
About It
Dxab Mm. Fixkham: When I wrote
to you I had not been well for five years;
had doctored all the time but got no
better. 1 had womb trouble very bad.
My womb pressed backward, causing'
piles. I was in such misery I could
scarcely walk across the floor. Men
struatlon was irregular and too pro.
fuse, was also
troubled with
leucorrhcoa. I
I had given up all
hopes of getting
well; everybody
thought I had
After taking"
' five bottles of
arc's Vegeta
ble Compound,
I felt very much better
and was able to do nearly all my own
work. I continued the use of your medi
cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to
you. I cannot thank you enough foryour
advice and your wonderful medicine.
Any one doubting my statement may
write to me and I will gladly answer
all inquiries Mrs. Nkix Hubst, Deep
water, Mo,
Letters like the foregoing, con
stantly being received, contribute not
. a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs.
rinkham that her medicine and counsel
are assisting women to bear their heavy
All suffering women are invited to
write to her for advice, which will be
given without charge. It is an ex
perienced woman's advice towomen.
...ML '"I
frtifl h rtrnv'Ttwu.
Items of General Interest Gleaned
Fro w Mm Thriving PaelBa
States. '
Cruelty on the High Seas.
At Portland, Or., on the 18th, sailors
on the German ship Margatetha told
startling stories of allpgod cruel treat
ment on the part of Captain Ranch.
The sailors, to a man, telate a series of
outrages perpetrated since the vessel
left her borne port some eight months
ago, that if true, whether committed
with or without cause, are exceedingly
startling, cruel and inhuman. They
allege that ever since they started out
they have been in danger of getting
killed one way 01 another, and they as
sert that not for anything could they
be induced to again go to sea under
command of Captain Kasob. The
crew, 35 men all told, have laid their
complaint before the German vioe-
Portland Baser City.
Portland is now a reserve city, and
thousands of dollars heretofore kept in
San Francisco and New York by the
bankers of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho will come to Portland. The con
dition imposed upon national banks in
reserve cities is that they shall carry
S5 per cent of their deposits in avail
able funds, instead of 15 per cent.
Portland banks bavj been carrying
from 80 to 60 per cent ever since the
panio of 189a and '93, and the new
condition will not - be a haiship to
them.: .
Steelhead Salmon Scarce.
Steelhead salmon are becoming
scarcer as the season draws to a close.
So few ate being taken that the cold
storage plants at Astoria have refused
to receive any more, and the Quantities
delivered of late weie so small that
they did not pay tor the tiouble of
handling them. Private buyers are
paying 6i and 6 cents a pound, but
the supply is only sufficient for local
demand. The season ends Februaiy
15. "
Fogei Sound University.
' The new management of the Puget
Sound university, of Tacoma, propose
to pay the debts of the univeisity and
endow it under a subscription scheme.
to be known as the 20th century fund.
All endowment notes given will be
made payable within 10 years, and
will drsw interest at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum. It will require but
$50,000 to settle all debts and put the
college in good financial condition.
Waterworks for Elgin.
H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, has con
tracted to put in a gravity water sys
tem and an electric light plant in El
gin, Oi., construction soon to com
mence. The water will be carried
through a flume for a distance or over
two miles. A part of this power will
be used in running a large flouring
mill. Mr. Gates has contracted to em
ploy local labor in the construction of
the plant.
Geo. W. Dent Dead.
George W. Dent, brother-in-law ol
GeneiaT TJ. S. Grant, and uncle of U,
S. Giant, it., candidate for United
States senator, died at Oakland, Cal,
He was 79 years of age. For 16 years
Mr. Dent was appraiser of customs at
San Francisco. Be was appointed by
President Grant, and held office until
retired by President Cleveland. Mr.
Dent came to California in 1852.
Barring Fishing nt Port Towasend.
On the 18th the docks of Port Town
send were lined with people watching
an u lor s catchinn hernne. -wnicn were
' a, nlantlfiil in tha hav that in a ninola
haul of the jigger one to four herring
w ,av....u - - j - - - - - o
were landed. The fishermen enjoyed
the sport, while the onlookers secured
a mess of herring by simply picking
them up off the dock.
A Thief Caoght.
About a week ago $500 in coin and
some valuable articles were stolen from
an old man named John Weaver, near
'. Canyonville, Or. Curtis Haitline, 23
, years of age, was arrested there by Con
stable T. J. Butcher on a charge of
having stolen the money. After bis
arrest Hartline admitted his guilt and
was held to answer.
Boggs Makes Revelations.
Ex-Treasurer Boggs testified in court
recently that about $70,000 of the war
rants involved tn the warrant snit
gainBt the city were not signed by
him whiie be wa. treasurer of the city.
but were signed
three days after his
term expired.
Soldier From Walla Walla Dead.
F. J. Carlyie, oi Walla Walla, re
ceived a telegram from Manila, inform
ing him of the death of Allen Carlyie,
his brother. The deceased was a mem
ber of company I, Washington volun
teers, now at Manila. His death was
ascribed to typhoid fever.
Tho Astoria t-aah Clnb.
Secretary Lyman, of the Astoria
Push Club, has been authorized to visit
the creameries at Albany, Rainier and
Skamokawa for the purpose of making
observations and reporting to the
creamery committee of the association,
First Colombia Blrar Smelt.
The first Columbia river smelt of
the season were offered for sale in an
Astoria market on the 18th. They
were taken at Catblamet, and the con
signment did npt exceed over 60
The Dallas Slot Machines.
As a result of the semiannual license
recently placed upon all electrical slot
machines by The Dalles council, $250
has already been collected and turned
into the oity treasury.
F. E. Thompson, who left a trail ot
bad checks on a local bank from Seattle
to Kam loops, in the interior of British
Columbia, is under arrest at the latter
point. He has drawn between $500
and $1,000 on a $10 deposit made at
Seattle the day before Christmas.
There will be more new fishing gear
on the Columbia river dnring the next
season than there has been fur several
years. The price for raw fish promises
to be good, and in anticipation of it,
nearly every local fisherman is knitting
himself a new net, and, what is a more
promising sign, the canneryrnen are
not hesitating about giving the fisher
lien plenty of credit for twine.
The total rainfall in Ashland thus
far in January amounts to 2.06 inches,
within half an inch of the average lot
the entire month of January, as shown
by the records for 17 years past,
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 60c; Valley,
6s!c; Bluestotn, 63o per bushel.
Flour Beet grades, f 3.20; graham,
$3.65; superfine, $3.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 4041o; choice
gray, 39 40a per bushel.
Barley Feed barley. $22(324; brew
ing, $23.50 per ton.
Millatuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $18.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $910; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60(9650;
seconds, 5($50o; dairy, 4045o store,
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12,0;
Young America, 15o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultrv Chickens, mixed, $2.25(33
per dosen; hens, $3.60(34.00; springs,
$l.253; goose, $6.00(7.00 for old,
$4. 60 j)5 for young; ducks, $5.00
5.60 per dosen; turkeys, live, 15(9
16o por pound.
Potatoes 70 85o per suck; sweets,
2c per pound. -
vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 760
per suck; garlic, 70 per pound; cao
bage, $1(31.25 por 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 6o per dosen; parsnips, 75a
per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery
70(9750 per dozen; cucumbers, fiOeper
box; peas, 3 (3,4o per pound.
Onions Oregon, 75o(g$l por sack.
Hops 1617o; 1897 crop, 46o.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 (9 12c; mohair,
26o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 4o; dresiwd mutton, 7c;
spring huubs, 7c per lb. .
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25;
light and feeders, $8.00(34.00; dressed,
$5. 00 6. 60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 3.u0f3.75;
cows, $a. oo ( a. uo; aresseu oeei,
5 6 i'c per pound.
Veal Large, 66c; small, 7Q8c
per pound,
Seattle Market.
Onions, 8590o per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, 20$ ( 35.
Beets, per sack, 75c
Turnips, per sack, 60(9 75c
Carrots, per sack, 45 60c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 60 90o por dos.
Celery, 35 (3 40c
Cabbage, native , and California
$1.00 1.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples. 85 50c per box.
Pears, 60c $ 1.60 per box.
Prunes, 60a per box.
Butter Creamery, 27o per pound;
dairy and ranch, 18 22c per pound.
Eggs, 27c
Cheese Native. 1213$c
Poultry Old-hens, 14o per pound;
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, lGc.
Freeh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 617c; cows, prime,
6)c; mutton, 7c; pork, 67o; veal,
Wheat Feed wheat. $22.
Oats Choice, per ton, $24.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.00
11; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $15.
Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $33.60.
Barley Boiled or ground, per ton,
$2526; whole, $32.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
straights, $3.25; California brrnds,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham, '
nav Korral '1 f.lV wlmla wliAat flnnr '
U . 1 VI, , u. u u uv.w mMWH. www,
$3. 76; rye flour, $4.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $10.
Feed Chopped feed, $2022 pet
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
San Franeiaco Market.
Wool Spi ing Nevada, 10(3 12c per
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val
ley, 15(3 17c; Noithern, 9llc.
Millstuffs Middlings, $1831.0O;
bran, $15.50(3 10.50 per ton.
Onions Silverskin,6075cper sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 28c;
do seconds, 25 26c; fanoy dairy, 2 do;
do seconds, 20 23c per pound.
Eggs Store, 25 30o; fancy ranch,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3
3.&0; Mexican limes, $8 6.50; Cali
fornia lemons, $2.00. 800; do choioe,
$3.504.60; per box.
Tha Saven Davlls.
It is currently believed that the
Northern Pacilic is making strenuous
efforts to establish a line to connect
with the Seven Devils railroad, and
thus tap a rich copper region. The
Northwestern Railway Company has
also three crews of suiveyors in the
field, and is preparing the way for
graders from Huntington to the Ox
bend of Snake river, and from there
to the Peacock mine. There are now
28 O. R. & N. surveyors working from
Keating, on Loner Powder river, to
Eagle valley, arranging for the con
struction work from Baker City to
Seven Devils.
A Good Showing.
The Whatcom creamery has turned
out 82,840 pounds of butter, or over
lb tons since May 1, 1898. Patrons de
liver their cream and receive 24 cents
per pound for the butter yielded. The
sum ot $6,803 has thus been paid out to
Whatcom county residents since May.
The oreameiy will continue in opera
tion all winter.
It is said that the elect lio cabs ir.
New York city did a recoid business
during the blizzard and proved their
entire efficiency.
The Golden Spike.
February 1 the citizens of Globe,
Ariz., will celebrate the completion to
that point of the Gila valley. Globe Sc
Northern. The regulation golden spike
will be driven, and the citizens of
Globe will make the event an auspi
cious one. The probabilities are that
the Southern Paoifio will make special
ratets to Globe fiom all points between
Los Angeles and El Paso, and that the
inhabitants of that section of country
will torn out in gala attire. '
According to the Electrical Review,
Prof Henry A, Rowland, the distin
guished physloist of John Hopkins
university, believes be has perfected a
12 message telegraphic system a de
cided advance on the quadruplex so
universally used.
According to a recent compilation,
Germany has 711 miles of eleotrio rail
ways, equal to those of all the rest of
Europe together. England is ctedited
with only 98 miles. Most of the
larger towns of Germany have electtlo
linns, and the whole system of Berlin
will by the year 1901 be conveited to
Fair are the flowers sad the children, but
their subtle suegestton Is fairer;
Bar Is the rose-burst of dawn, but the
secret that clasps it Is rarer;
Sweet the 'exultance of song, but the
strain that precedes it Is sweeter.
And never was poem yet writ, but the
meaning outmastered the meter.
Never a daisy that grows but a mystery
guldeth the growing;
Never a river that flows, bat a majesty
scepters the flowing;
Never a Shaksncare that soared, but a
stronser than he did enfold him,
Nor ever a prophet foretells, but a might
ier Beer hath foretold him.
Back of the canvas that throbs the paint
er is hinted and hidden;
Into the statue that breathes the soul of
the sculptor Is bidden;
Under the joy that Is felt lie the infinite
issues of feeling;
Crowning the glory revealed Is the glory
that crowns the revealing.
Great are the symbols ot being, but that
which is svmhollcd is greater;
Vast the create and beheld, but vaster the
Inward creator;
Back of the sound broods the silence,
back of the gift stands tho giving;
Back of the hanu that receives thrill the
sensitive nerves of receiving.
Space is as nothing to spirit, the deed is
outdone by the doing; 1
The heart ot the wooer l warm, but
warmer tho heart of the wooing;
And up from the pit where these shiver,
and up from the heights wncre moBe
shine. .
Twin voices and shadows swltn starward,
and the essence ot life la divlue.
Washington Star.
A 5
J- X. xi.
BAG and a bone and a hank
hnlr,1" cynically quoted
Marlon. The next moment
bo repented his words, when he noted
the hurt look, accompanied by the flash
of resentment. In Warren's eyes.
Marlon meant to bo sympathetic,
after the manner of men, by uttering
philosophical platitudes as a balm for
sentimental heart troubles, but he
quickly realised that the case before
blin was too genuine ana severe to oe
cured by such superficial ointment as
quotations from cynical Kipling. So
ho took another tack.
"Of course, old man, there are women
and women. Some can be had for the
asking, while others play for aU the
line they can get. It's Just like fish.
Ins" his metaphor suggesting an 11
lustration from out his sporting pro
clivities "a hornpout will bite at al
most anything, but a gamy trout in
sists on a nice fly for an attraction,
and even after you've got one really
hooked you've got to play It until your
patience Is almost gone. Now, you'd
rather have a girl with some spirit,
one who'd stand you off for a time,
than one who was all the time throw
lue herself at your head, wouldn't
Warren vouchsafed a weak, doubtful
"By the way, have you asked herr
"No. That's the difficulty. 1 don't
really get a chance. Just as I get my
splf snurrcd ud to the mark some con-
founded Interruption interferes, or she
switches me off on a sidetrack with
some remark or other.
"You think the girl really cares for
you?" asked Marlon, dropping bis rail
lory and becoming serious.
"1 think she does," frankly answered
Warren, "although sometimes I feel
as If I didn't know whether she did or
not," ho continued, somewhat dubl
"Well, there's only one wsy to find
out," remarked Marlon, "and that Is
to say, I have a plan," breaking
abruptly into his sentence. "I have a
nliin." be slowly repeated, "and I be
lieve It will work if you follow my ad
vice. Put yourself In my hands," he
continued, bis face brightening as his
plan was unfolded to his mind, ."and
I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that you'U
win out." Then he buttonholed War
ren, pulled him into a corner, and ad
dressed him tn a low, earnest tone, In
tersperalng his remarks with emphatic
gestures. When be bad finished War
ren still looked dubious, but somewhat
more hopeful.
"Oh, good evening, Mr. Warren. I'm
so glad to see you. We're just pack
ing up, getting ready to go to the moun
"Indeed! Lovely weather, nope
you'll have a pleasant time." But he
might have been a phonograph, or
I'unih-a ml-Judy operator, for all the
expression be put Into bis words.
"Oh, I've no doubt we will," she an
swered, with a . toss of ber head.
"There's so much going on there all
the time, and so many Interesting peo
ple to meet," she continued, with
bored air, as ir ner immediate sur
roundings were productive of nothing
but ennui
"Yes," be assented, in a listless mono
tone, which might mean anything or
She pretended not to notice his ab
stracted manner, and rattled on.
."My friends write me there are ever
so many nice people there, and with
golf and driving and dancing there'll
be no end of fun."
Again Hint tone of polite Indifference,
"Well, I'm going for a trip myself,"
he added, rousing hlm-elf fiora bis leth
argy, and almost blurting out bis re
"Indeed! Where?"
This was her turn, and she countered
forcibly In tbo matter of polite Indlf
"To Hongkong."
"To Hongkong V
This time she was Interested, In splto
of herself. She repeated his remark,
with distinct emphasis on the words,
and a rising Inflection on the end of
each. "Oh, come, now, you're Joking,
"No, really," he asserted; "there's on
opening there In our house. They want
a young man to take charge of their
branch banking-house there, and I cau
have the place. It looks like a good
opening, and I thought I'd take it Of
course, It means" clearing his thsoat
"tearing one's self away from one's
friends, but then, I probably will not be
greatly missed."
"Oh, Mr. Warren," broke In tbe girl,
Tbe coquettish manner was - gone.
Tbe genuine woman was sneaking.
Well, foi a Any or two a. 'few mnj
remark my absence, d thon "
lie finished the scntcuce with a cure
less wave of tils hand, to denote tin
ephemeral nature of the friendship be
conceived was felt for hlru.
"But there are no nice girls there,"
she remarked, mischievously.
She was trying to get back to the
coquette again. But her eyes were
"That Isn't a consideration," he an
swered, gloomily. "There's only one
girl In this world for whose smllo I d
give the hopes I entertain for my busi
ness future, and I'm afraid that in her
eyes I'm but as all the rest ot tbe
Who Is the young lady, may I ask:
do I know her?" she queried, with an
attempt nt gnyoty. Wnrron glanced at
her, but she wasn't looking at him.
She seemed to be manifesting nu ex
tra ordinary Interest In picking at the
end of a rlbbou on her dress.
"I've just been reading the Social
Gossip," wrote Marlon, who had gone
West for a month on a business trip,
"and I congratulate you. But why tn
the name of nit that's absurd did you
hesitate to call for a show of hands,
when you held a flush? One ot these
fine days you will want a crest How
would this suggestion meet your ap
proval: 'A bold bluff painted ou a field
of bluer"
And he underscored two words in tho
last sentence. Boston Herald.
No bird can fly backward without
turning. The dragon fly, however, can
accomplish this feat and outstrip any
Oysters, after they have been brought
away from the sea, know by Instinct
tbo exact hour when the tide Is rising
and approaching their beds and so, of
their own accord, open their shells to
receive their food from the sea, as If
they were still at homo.
The tongues of tbe cat family are
covered with recurving spines. In the
common domestic cat these are small,
but sufficiently well developed to give
the tongue a feeling of roughness. But
In the lion and tiger tbe spines are
strong enough to enable the animal to
tear away the skin of a man's band
merely by lk-klng It
There are several species of fish, rep
tiles and Insects which never sleep dur
ing their stay tn this world. Among
fish it Is now positively known that
pike, salmon and goldfish never sleep at
all. Also that there are several others
of the fish family that never sleep more
than a few minutes during a month.
There are dozens of species of flies
which never Indulge In slumber and
from three to five species of serpents
which the naturalists have never yet
oeen awe to catch napping.
h Pig Was Htolen.
nether "a lie told and stuck to
afterwards Is as good as tho truth"
was debated at the dinner table where
a man was sitting one day, and it
brought out the following atory from
a rather dyspeptic-looking man who
had eaUn very sparingly;
"I used to live In the country," said
he. "One of my neighbors, an unlucky,
tintnrirty sort of a man, killed a pig
one aay witn the aid or a local butcher.
'By jinks, Sam, I bate to cut up that
pig. 'Whyr "Cause, you see. I'm
owiu' most everybody here a piece of
pork, and If I cut np the pig I'll have
to give most of him awoy.' 'I tell you
what to do, said the butcher. "What's
that? 'I'd have the pig hung tin out
doors till twelve o'clock at night, then
take him In and give out the next morn
ing that he's been stolon.' 'By jinks,
I'll do It'
"It was a wonderfully fine plan, the
farmer thought and be left the pig
banging out as the butcher suggested
"At eleven o'clock the butcher him
self came along and packed tbo pork
Into his cart It was not there when tbe
farmer went out after It
"The next day, with a long face, ho
addressed the butcher in a hoarse
whlsiier: 'I say, Sam, somebody did
really steal that pig. That's right,
said tho butcher, nudging him and
winking wickedly at the same time,
'But by Jiuks, the pig . was really
stolen.' That's right; you stick to that
and you'll be all right said tho
butcher, encouragingly, and ho hurried
off, leaving his friend in a most lie
wtldcred state of mind, from which I
don't think be ever fully emerged."
Muslo Hath Charm.
A couplo of sailors, returned from a
long voyage, strolled Into the bar parlor
of a public house near tho docks.
Above the rumble of tho traffic In the
street could be beard at Intervals
harsh, unmusical voice.
After listening Intently for a moment
one of the sailors turned to his com
panion and said:
"Eh, Jack, lad; it's a long time since
we beard that song."
"What song?"
"The one that fellow's singing In the
strect-The Light of Other Days.' "
"Stow It!" ejaculated the other gruff'
ly. "That fellow ain't singing The
Light of Other Days' at all, man. I've
been listening to him. lie's a-plplng
'Tho Banks of Allan Water.' "
Each sailor was certain he was right
and, with characteristic contempt for
money, a wager was mndo a month's
wages depended on the result
"Here, Tommy!" called out one of
the men to the little son of the land
lord, "run out and get .to know what
that fellow's singing."
Tommy departed on bis errand, which
did not tako many minutes.
"Well," demanded Jack when the
youngster returned, "which of us Is
"Naytkur," replied Tqsnmy, grinning,
"The feller's not singing. He s hawk
Ing fly-papers!" Answers.
"I must be getting o d," sa d a wares
to-duy. "All the friends I go to see
are in trouble. I can remember when
1 didn't huve a friend who bad
If there Is anything particularly use'
less lying around the bouse, you can
make up your mind It was v. oil as
prize at a card partr.
t LI C.uu'toi Cut!) IftilL jl
This tsla la Often Asked fey the
tjlteptlt Overwhelming prowl ot
Thrlr rermaaener, ,
To th Editor: Bay in your csptr thst
Pr, Darrin cured me six ysnrs a so ot
sclatlo rheumatism of years' standing,
and I wish thst others should know It.
Electricity eured mi, and It has nevar
returned. My address Is SM Minnesota
kvenus, AlMna. K. W. OODFKilr.
Dlaehargine; Kara sad Deafness
Or. Darrlni Seven years ao you treat
ed me for dtsoliarslna ears and drat-
ness or IS years' standing. I waa totally
deaf. You cured me In a short time. I
am glad to sea you back to Portland
again. Itefer peopls to me at KUQ Cluve
lund avenue, Allilna.
Another Rout Mad Happy.
To the Kilttor: For about una year
prior to going under Dr. linrrln's elec
trical treatment, I had Wen troubled with
kidney and liver complaint, had rrvat
pnln tn my bnck so I could not ork
during that time. Dr. Darrln cured m
In less than ono month. Refer any on
to me at 14 Second strtet, Portland.
Dr. Darrln'a l'lnea of ftnalneaa.
Dr. Darrln can be consulted at W5
Morrison street, I'ortlnnd, from 10 to til;
to o: 7 to s. no treats an comma
ehrnnlo, acuta and private dlseiuies, with
electricity, and sclent Mlo medical treat
ment, such as Rye, lUieumatlam,- Asthma,
Consumption, Cutnrrh, Dyspepslu, Indi
gestion, Scrofula, Female Weakness, Dvaf
ness. Sexual Disease, Lost Manhood, Ma
laria, Urinary Troubles, riles or any
other ourabls disease. Low charges, with
in the reach ot all, combined with tbe best
medical skill, A friendly talk may save
you thousands of dollars or year of suf
fering and perhaps your life. Young,
mtddln.aged or old men suffering from I lie
effects of follies and excesses restored la
perfect health, manhood and vigor, Kanh
visitor seen privately, and all communi
cations received In sacred conlldenee.
Out-of-town patients can wrlta for ques.
lion blanks and circulars free. Hy thut
means many may be saved tho expense
ot a trip to Portland.
Tha 'Custar Hoys." '
"Tom' Custer, 10-year-olJ lieuten
ant in the Sixth Michigan oava'ry, was
every whit as brave as his elder brother,
the general. Twice he captured colors
from the enemy; on the second occasion
at Sailor's creek, only three days before
Lee s surrendor. Dashing up to the
Confederate line In a pel feet bail of
bullets he full back upon his horse,
ball having pasced through his head
from his cheek to his eat. Never
checking his hone, he dashed on over
the riflo pits from which the enemy
had been driven, and, just as the Con
federate oolor-bearor iseled back from
a well-aimed shot, Tom grasped the
flag and made off with it at full gallop.
When he reached his own line be was
so full of fight that be Insisted on go
ing back into action, but General Cus
ter ordered Inn under arrest and sent
him to a surgeon. "Fighting for
Didn't Mean To.
Little Bessie, having been punlsbhed
for misbehavior, walked to the other
end of the room, ciying.
When ber sobs had subsided, bet
mother turned to view her i epeutance.
bat found her eugsged In making faces
at her.
Why, Bessie," said her mother,
'how can you do so?"
Oh, mamma," answered the girl
quickly, "I was tiying to smile at yon,
but my fuco slippedl" Cincinnati En
quirer. From oork ohipplngs, onoe thrown
way, thousands of yards ot linoleum
are now made at Dulmouhorst, tier
A nowder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feat feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you nave
smarting tuvi or tight shoes, try Allen's
roni-MM. it rests arm eonuoru; makes
walking easv. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots, ltelievea
Corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Bwraltng, damp
or frosted feet We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it (. Sold hy
ail druKglsis and shoo utorsc for 2So. Trial
package FHEK. Address, Alien B. Olm
sted, o Boy, N. y.
The Jewish year book estimates
that there are in tho world about 11,
000,000 of that inco, more than half
being undor Kusslan jurisdiction.
To Care a Void In Out Day
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund money if it falls to
curs. !,
Late Australian advloes report a wild
rush" to tho now diamond mines
discovered at Nulllgane, in the North
western part of Western Australia.
flTf rarmnnenuy Cured. Mo aieor nervooinea
me aflat Hr lr' us of Ir. a Hue' (treat
KtmuMKifi. Spud for rRKtl as.oo tl
botUa and weetlMt Hit. K. U, kiOJlfa. lid,, wu
ajdittrws.t'lUladelphla.tsr '
A Spanish newspaper announces
thst the last two descendants of Chris
topher Columbus ate now occupants of
a poot-house at Cadis.
T.kea Hold.
We can wake up from sloop and
find that soreness and stiffness liavo
taken hold ol us. We can nao Bt
Jacobs Oil and go to sleep and wake up
and find ourselves completely cured.
There are 100 roads of one kir.' or
another over the Pyrenees between
Franco and Spain, but only three of
these aie passable for carriages. ,
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey, It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physiclaus. Don't ne
glect this necessity. --.
A statue of tho noted violinist, Ole
Bull, deslnged by Herr Binding, of
Copenhagen, is abuut to be ereoted at
Bergen. '
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is our only
medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. 0.
DelU, 4308th Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8' 05,
For a number of years Great Brit
ain's imports of batter have shown an
annual gain of some 800,000 hundred
1 1tS '09 AGENCY FOB
40, $30. S28, 122.00, $20.
II you want a paring seemiy wrlta at ones ba
lers all territory It taken,
f (JUTLAND, 0U. . n
, ,M, ,.. . - -
h, U. J Ail Aliivn.1, . I
A correspondence is being published
In the Times on the subject ot "Ftmich
Fueling Toward Englishmen." A Mr.
Jnckaon has written to thst inpr to "
repeat that at Csoti recently a student
went out ol his wny to publicly Instill -Orest
Britain. As a boy I was first for
some years at school In Faris. I was
then kicked for bolng an Englishman;
after I was transferred to a school In
England, where I was kicked for being
a Frenchman. Conimuut is uiincooav
sary. London Truth.
In tha Kleetrleal World.
A press dispatvh from Little Rock,
Aik,, says that an eitiaordinary long
distance telephone test has been made
by Charles J, (Hidden, president of the
Hotithwestorn Telegraph & Telephone
Company. Mr. Ulldden holds dlstlnot
and clear conversation over the wlie
with Frederick F. Furrar, ol the firm
ot Four A Oremiongh, Boston. Tim
distance fiom Little Book Is 1,000
miles. Mr. Ulldden says this is tho
longest circuit in the world.
Shalt I'orta Kleo Ha a Slat.
Our public men am trying to deciU what
action should be taken renarding the status ot
Porto Moo, We have never before had to del
with a luillsr eomltiton w here nearly a million
iiiiitt nl a forviiu tonmte liavo been Slimmed.
Neither hsva we ever lied 1Iop eh a rellnhlo
niodlehw lor malaria, lever and atpte an lli
teller's Hlomaeh Hitlers. It drives the pobtoiis
out ot the alem and oatnlillNliu lreliUl to
twlt future attacsm .
Japanese economy Is one of the olilef
causes ol Japanese prosperity. Even
tha charcoal dust Is savod and moulded
iulo balls with chaff or straw lor fuel.
Easy Chanees.
A slip may sptain, a thump majr
bruise; easy ohanvvs for pain ami
trouble. An easy way to oure right off
is to use 8t, Jacobs Oil, It takes no
chances and knows what it oan do,
Tho total length of the streets, ft ve
nues, bouvolards, bridges, quays, ami
thoronghlsies ot Furls Is set down si
about 600 miles, Two hundred uilloa
aie planted with trees.
Jipan Ceylon
EngUh Creak fast
Oo'cng ' Ideal ClcnJ
. Itaw Knglnnd flats Reerull.
The English have always been enter,
prising in their methods ot recruiting
and keep themselves np-to-duto. Cap
tain Kaidley Wllinot. ot the British
navy, is giving lectures on tho develop
ment of that eorvlro. They are pouu
lar lectures, illustrated with lantern
slides, and the object evidently is to
present the nsvy to tbe puhliq In an
attractive and houorable light In his
looture Captain YVilmot dealt with the
seamen and marines, explaining their
duties and manner ol living on board
ship. Together those two loot uice have
been a great stioceaa. A similar course
would be valuable in this country.
When rcoruits are wauted In the navy
the government could well afford to try
this system as a method of recruiting,
Much could be done with Isntern slide,
and it tbe vltasoope were used therst
would be no doubt of the extreme pop
ularity of the nieasute. Army ami
Navy Journal.
An excellent onpurinnlty for a msa wlrk a
JobBTtmlfif AtitHl and taio in eab, tosnsas
tn a ael.ylii business III furtlsnd. i)ts
money lor the right man. Call on or sdilreus
N. N ear rsciuo Coast Co., ll!
first Slrest, Portland, Or. '
Moora's Revealed Remedr will do It, Three
doses will task you teat better. Get It Irani
your druggist or snf wlmleeale dm houas, of
trout Stewart A ilolmes iu Co Beauts.
for Mills, Mines, Shops and farmij Steel tag.
gins sad llirtstlns Engines;' tlw fhieet
TiMitli Haws, Albany (tresis, tin, .
S7 to SA First Street Portland, Or,
v JH-ilO Fremont Htrsut, Sail rrsnclseo.
Knots Crowned. II rid see Made,
I'alnlaes aillnar and aatraation.
Dr. T. H. White, O.r
ITshU Htm aU ,. . a
Mb I to Hays
ai:hftrsti, lnftaiiii(
rttitfiiH ur uuttmijMiBi
KrvttU i
l awstMioa. I
ui in uo uni ni-ii.i.r.tir...
'illtli. kiitl tml suLiiisav
THfEvAHl flm atirtli tin C'llt ur
fcmwiMiT,,o.ri wow- w nniitiiti.
vf prmt Drvtalil. fui-
til sJ
We aiiarsntra In Hi every en nmlertaka.
Don't put II off; wrlta lor particulars at mica,
). II. WOOItltl (in,, Ksnort Truss
Fitter., 108 Second Htreet, Portland, Or. .
ParttmHrs and tentl
nfinl.iH In pl.t n Healed
fflENCH OUtiS CO,, IS I a SSS Pearl St., Dsn Tars
N. I, N. II.
NO, -'.
i wrhtmouaraMaso-thelrnime, I
1 1 eere every year as ttte wwea t 1
ami w w mini M,M a,OT f r
J tha best. er sal fc uwliug L
I oaiere wvwrywlMtrw. live ei-uiel
p-r pmfut and slean warts n.
inalet vn bavins iIirhi. Hun
ao rtak-buy Perry'.
Xa. m. rr.HHV Atojf
rltlna tn advartlsars pleas
nuatiuJi tUi
U yea ,.. i