G'-flfi?? P! ftr? TrlURSDAY, MNUHY 28, 1839. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GltUAM ! COUNTY, OREOON. A FEtt QUESTIONS. The last issue of the Fossil Jour nal demotes two coluiiw or more f its space to the propped new ounty of Wheeler, giving in fJl the boundaries of said count', and petting forth at some length alleged! reasons why the new cou-nty should ho organised, closing with the slf- eoiniuendatory remark that "win er lose, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we have fought a jpod fight in an honest and up right way."' Had the Journal, as the repre sentative and advocate of this measure, made the fast public a few weeks earlier that a scheme was on foot among a few citizens of its town to-divide GilTiaui county with a view to forming the propos ed county of Wheeler so as to in sure Fossil the county seat, and then proceeded to make a straight up fight, open and above-board, for what it considered to be for the best ;nterests of its own town, it could reasonably have claimed for the people whom it represents, that they were making an "honest and upright fight" The Globe holds no ill feeling whatever towards the Journal, save as that paper is the representative and advocate of a measure which, if enacted into law, would prove sorely detrimental, if not fatal, to the best interests of Gilliam coun ty, and from that standpoint we desire to ask the Journal a few questions: Why was this measure kept a carefully-guarded secret from the people of that portion of Gilliam county which it is proposed to cut fTt and even from tbe mass of the people of Fossil, if those who are behind the measure really believed ; that the people of that section are "practically unanimous" for the change? How does the Journal arrive at the conclusion that the people of Mayville and Lost Valley precincts who signed the remonstrance would have signed the petition had it been presented first? Is not such an assumption an insult to the intelligent people of those sections? Why did 40 orSOcitizens of Fos sil and of the territory lying south of that town sign the remonstrance against any change in tbe present lines of Gilliam county? Was the mistake in the "editorial mention" in the Oregonian, to which the Journal refers, in which the word ' Morrow" appeared in the place of "Gilliam" intentional or otherwise, and did that "mention" appear at the solicitation of some resident or residents of Fossil, or was it really a spontaneous outburst of feeling on the part of tbe Oregonian? While explaining "mistakes" "biade by. the Oregonian in regard to this matter, why does the Jour nal not explain the big mistake made in the alleged map of this proposed new county, as shown in the Oregonian a few weeks ago, in which it was made to appear that the proposed county would not take one inch of Gilliam county? Was this map published with the intention of misleading the people of Gilliam county, and in the hope that the bill would be passed and the county divided before the peo ple could help themselves? If the theory of the Journal is correct, that Wheeler county should, and will if organized, com prise strictly stock growing inter ests, and that Gilliam county should be altogether an agricultur al and wheat growing community, why did the framers of this bill in WE EXPECT To control our share of tbe trade dtirirjg the year we have just entered upon and we expect TO MERIT Your patronage by courteous treatment, low prices, first-class goods and square dealing. YOUR PATRONAGE Is most respectfully solicited. Call and see ns. It will be of mutual benefit. i iiy lining tun uttbii oturu -." :PTON & GEORGE drilling the bmrndarit'S of the new I parallel at a 'point a few miles eust !!of Mavville and ioir two- miles north, tfvus placing the town of Miyvilld and a larga area of strict ly agricultural land in tho new county? Why did they not rather go farther south and follow the divide-between. May villo and Fos sil whwe "Nature has fixed the destinies" which divide the wheat growing and tbe stock raising sec tions? Is not the eftirt naJi by the Journal to show that Gilliam coun ty will be almost if not quite as rich, in taxable property", after los ing one-third of her territory, a lit tle far fetched, and must not the writer have done his figuring by the Dutchman's multiplication ta ble whieb avers that "von from two, and tree is left," to arrive at such a conclusion? The Journal refers to the op position of the people of Gilliam to the mutilation of their county as the "utter selfishness of central Gilliam county," in spite of the fact that such opposition is general, al most unanimous in every section of the county north of the Fossil divide, and that a large number south of that line are opposed to any change in the present county boundaries. The truth of this assertion is evidenced by the re monstrance signed by 750 legal voters of the county, which is now before the leslaturs at Salem. With regard to the county of ficers which the Journal charges have "deserted their offices and gone below to work against this measure," the Globe wishes to say this: The offices are not "deserted." They are each in the hands of effi cient, capable persons, and every dutv is being performed in a way that is satisfactory to the people who have business there. Further; no naa loses his rights as a citizen or the right to defend his home and his best interests, as a citizen and taxpayer, by being elected to a coontv office, and it is as citiiens of Gilliam county who have at heart the best interests of the entire county, not in the capacity of public officers, that these gentlemen are at Salem. They are there at tits earnest solicitation of a large somber of taxpayers, and their presence there may be said to be en dorsed by 750 voters whose signatures adorn the reuvntraiice to the division and mutilation of Gilliam county. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orric At Thk Daluw. Oil. Jan. 21, 1899. Ki.tlre Is ht-rehv eiven (bat the following. named aettler hu Sled nnUee of bet intention to make tiiutl oroof In million ot tier claim, ana thai niii i. roof will be roaiie before H. N. Fruer, county i-lerk 01 (.llllarn comity, at Condon, Or., on e.irjeaay, Marco a, iw, t: VIXA Ll'ELI.ING. (formerly Vina Tulllsl Hit E. No. 4SS7. for the ae'4 awl wi. see. 4. tpa a, 1219, W. M. She namea the following witnesses to prove hereontinitoiM renidente upon and cultivation of aaid land, via: S. A. Thomp son.!. 1. Fortwood, B. D. Fletcher and J. V. William, ail of Condon, Ornfon. jai-Sl Jay P. Lucas, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.Ann Ornrc. The Dalles. Or.. Jan. 21. 1X99. Notice it hereby ri veil that the following-named aettlerbaa tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof in aupport of hi claim. and that aaid proof will be made before H. N. Krai r, coauty clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon, on Thumiay, Match 9. Infi, vii: REUBEN McKIXSEY. of Condon, Hit. E. Xo. 4417. for the seli nwV neW w'-i and Lota 2 and 3, aee 1.1. tp4a, rZl e, Vt. M. He namea the following witnesnea to prove bin continuous reaidenee noon and cultivation of uid laud, via: A. . I. filler, s. B. Barker, ti. V. . Kinehart and YV. A. Darling, all of Condon, ur. J26-5I . Jay P. Lucas, Kegiitei. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Orncc at Trb Dalles, Ob., Jan. 2i, 1W Notice la hereby given ibal the following named aettler hat filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of bla claim, and that aaid proof will be made befote N. J. Hale, U. H. CommlMloner, al Iune, Oregon, on Monday, March , vis: WILLIAM E. "WARD, of Oooaeberry, Hd, K. No. 4401, for the v4. sec 8, tp 3 s, r 23 e, W. M. He namea the following witneaaea to prove hia eontitmoua realdenrre upon and culti vation of said land, via: Thoina t. Graham. J. O. Maggi. J. J. Miller and N. K. McVey, allot Gtioaeberrv. Oreaou. jjri-Sl JaT V. Iajcas. fteglster. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WASTED EVFRY where for ' The Story of the l'hilippinea" by Mural Haktead, commissioned by tne Gov ernment aa Official Historian to the War De partment The book was written in army camps atMin Franciaco, on the Pacific with Generul Merritt, In the hospibils at Honolulu, 111 Hong Kong, in tbe American trenchea at Manila, in the insurgent eamiui with Agtiinaido. on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in Die roar of battle at the fall of Manila, bonanza for agent, brimful of original picturea taken by government photographers on the spot, targe book. Low prima, big profits, freight paid. Credit given. Drop ail trashy niioftieiel war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, rjec'y., Btar Insnrauce Bldg., Chicago, III. Propr's, ArIintton. tvonaivnp iBromo Laxatives iOuinine Will jCure a ICold in i iOne Price 25 cents. For sale by J. H. Hudson CONDON. OREGON. (3ruuuvvruvnuAuuinJunAJVi'L H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll UorK a Specialty. Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon. C. S. PALMER, prtistK Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON OREGON. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the following persons: W. H. Oolwcll, Arlington. L. B. Townseud, Coudon. Fred A, Hale, fossil. K. M. JoHUfON, Lone Rock, Stock Inspector for Gilliam County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. rT VIRTT E Of AN EXECfTlON Pt'LY D tuned by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County ol (illliam, Mate of Oregon, dated the 'Ann day ol ueceinwr. ify. in a cenain anion in the Circuit Court fur aaid County and titate when-ln Isabella Whvte. aa plaintiff, recovered judgment against Joi- h Wbyte, defendant, for the inn of line Hnuored and Forty-Five Dollar (IHA.0O), on the 12th day ol March, irMJ. liotice la hereby given that 1 will on Saturday, February II, 1899, at the Court Hour door in Condon. In aaid Comity, at 2 o'clock in tbeafternoon of aaid day, avll at public auction to the hlxhi it bidder for can. me lonowing iiewnwru prui,y, bp-hh. AllofJoarph Wbvte'a lnteret in and to the NEii NEJ4 NW! rF.' j, See. Twenty- five, Township Four South, Uange fweiity-two Eaut of the Wlllnmette Meridian. Alio r-V' S of Sec . an, Tp. 4)ath, Kange 22 Kaat Also of NE'4. and lt No. 1 in S'tion one, Tp. 5 eoHth, Hange 'ti Eaat. Alio SK of SW1,. and Lot No. 4 in Hection Thirty-one, Tp. 4 bonth, liange 2S Eaat Alo NWi of Section Six. Tp. S rJouth, Kange 23 EaaL Taken and levied npon aa the property of the aaid Joseph. Whyte, oimi much thereof aa may be necennary to aatiafy the aid Judgment in favor of Isabella Wht agalnat aaid Joseph Whyte, with intereal thereon, to gether with all trail and atatiureementa that nave or may accrue. W. L. Wilcox, HherlCT of Gilliam Co., Or. Dated January 2, im. J5-48 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the wnderaigned has been duly appointed, by the County Court of Gilliam County. Mute of Oregon, administrator of the eatate of John A. Linn, deceased. All persona having elaima against said deceased, or ilia estate, are hereby notified and requeated to present the same to me. duly verified, at Condon, Oregon, withiu.il months from the date hereof. Dated at Condon Oregon. I P. H. BTEr-HEKaoK, January 4, 1K. j Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica. Th Dalles, On., Jan. 21. 1f. Notice it hereby given that tbe following- named ae'tler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in rapport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, I". H. Commissioner, al Hcpnuer, Oregon, on Thursday, March i, Itm, vie JAY D. BALL, of Gooseberry, Hd. E: No. mm. for the iwW. sec II, tp S s. r 23 e. W. M. He namea the following witnesses to prove hia continiiona residence npon and culti vation of aaid land, via: George Parman, Kn gvne Mvera. Jacob B round and Alex BerKatrom, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. jat r, l,vca8, itegister. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Jan. 21,1899. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler haa tiled notice of bla Intention to make final nroof insmtnortof his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. .Morrow, V. A Commissioner, at Heppner, Or., on Thursday, Jiarcn i, imv. vu: JACOB BROUND, of Oooaeberry, Hd. E. So. 4135. for the ne1, aec 22, tp S a, r 23 , W. M. He names the following wltneaaia to prove hiscontiniioHa residence upon and culti vation of aaid land, vis: George Parman, Eu gene Myera. Joy D. Ball and Alex Bergatrotn, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. ja-31 jat r. i.ulas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture Final Proof. C S I.awd Office, The Dau.es, Oe Dec. 17. 189. Notice ia hereby given ttiat LohIs It. Boyed, of Hood River, Or., Ias filed notice of intention to make final proof brloie t). A. D. Gnrley, L. S. Commissioner, at bla office in Arlington, Or., on Thursday, January 29, 1 899, on timber culture application Ko. 27W, for th se'4, aec Ti. tp 1 s, r 21 t, W. M. He names aa witneaaea: Jo mm F. Thomas, of Arlington; William E. Reed, George R. lianas and John Mlkkalo, of Olex, Oregon. - dl&-i Jat P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office At The Dalles, Ob.. Dec. 12. IW Notice la hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of hia intention 10 make final proof in support of hia clHlm. and that aaid proof will be made before II. N. Fmier, county eiera 01 uiuiam county, at conaou, ur., on Friday, January 27, viz: ROBERT B. POAO. of Condon, Hd. E. No. fi92T, for tho nw'4. ace 22, tp 4 a, r22 e, W. M. He namea the following witneaaea to prove hia continuous residence upon and cul tivation of aaid land, via: J. W, Miller, Fred H. Allen, W. L. barker and John 11 an Icy, all of uimiim. dl5-4S Jay P. Lucas, Rglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. U R La Office, The Dalles. Ob.. Dee. 12. wo. Notice ia hereby given that Frank Ward, of Hurdmon, Or., lias tll-d notice of Intention in make final prmif before J.w. Morrow, U. b. Commiiwloner, at his office In Heppner, Or., ou Friday, February 24, 1869, on timber ctiltnro application No. iSuWi, for the w4, sec 2H, tp , r 2.ie, iv. M. He rwirii'S nl witniMMis: John T. Turlny, of Heppner; Joseph O. Mxgga, Thus. Parman end George Parman, of uooieoMrry, vreott, Ur4S . 3. V. Lvcas, Ilrglster j i 9 OUR AHI1UAL STOCK We are making our Annual Cash Clearance Sale, in every depart ment, which our patrons are quick to see and take advantage of. We quote a few prices on staples. DRY GOODS. snows mou. WiMii A per yard . . ... ..... Aurora C (. h Ctit W Cabot A .. Wilum 4 4 6 BLEACH KD MC8IJK. Dairy Cloth............. Hrii alirnc '4 . 0 . 7 . 8 . 8 .10 .10 12 County Club...... , Hope ..; fruit of Loom...,. Lonsilnle Dwight H Bleached........ Lousilale Camhrio, . . .; Hcrkeley Cambric....... ,,....., N'iohtgown Twilled.. WIOB ISIIKKTIXOS, (BROWN.) I'epperell 45 inch............ .10 .10 .18 .17 .18 .10 .14 .15 .18 .20 .10 .UK .20 .22 .15 " 9-4.... 10-4... rjaot8 4. " 8-4..... WIDE FIIEKTINOr? (BLIACHED) repperell 48 Inch.. , " 7-4 " 84....... " 9-4.. " 10 4 Peqnot 42 inch... " 45 " " 9-4....... " 10-4...... Rochdale 9-4 OCTTNQS. ' Large line Light and Dark Oulinga. 12si ct. Outings reduced to. ...... . 10 " " " " , " " " FLANNKLrmS. 15 ct. Flannelette reduced to. ... . jot ' ' " JQ 5 10 6i .11 .10 8V ALL GOODS MARKED LORD ARLINGTON. S) aV 'aV a Of ArlinRton, Or., ' No. 3918, I Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest SPECIAL ATTENTION CIYEH TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS' O.M.FRENCH, President; W. W. STEIWER, Vlce-Preeldentj FRANK T. HURLBURT. Cashier. ! DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH. W. WARDS GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL,' Gent's Clothing, Furnishings, Mitchell Wagons and Cheap. Call and CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED Large Scales, price 25c a draft; F.T. HURLBURT, Pre, SMITH Arlington Warehouse Co . (Incorporated ) (Successors to Wasco Warehouse Co.) General Storage HIGHEST PRICE P ID FOR Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Pouts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood . Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHINGLES, C2.C0 PER M. I Office in Warehouse. CLEARANCE SALE. AM. WOOL KIDKHDOWNS. Kednced from 75 cU. to. ......... . .50 " " 60 " .35 40 " " ,....,30 ' 33 , .... .25 PK1NW. American Indigoet , , , 5 Turkfy Bed 5 Mourniiiir .5 Silver Gray. ; .5 Comfort, and all Dress Print.....,. 6 All Mackinaw Tw 111. ... , .'. . 10 FUUSISUINU GOODS. LADIKS' VMION Bl'IT. No. 7457 reduced from 75 ct to. ... .50 " H00 " " 75 " ".....50 " 7747 " " 85 " ".....65 " 1404 1.00 75 1408 " 1.25 95 7157 1.50 "....1.25 7m 2 25 "....1.75 " 7171 " " 2.50 "....2.15 LADIKH' JltKSEV RI11IIK1) VrBTU Ko. 7062 reduced from 1.25 to.,... 85 " 7G40 " " 85 . 00 KATt'KAi GRAY VBKTrJ. No. 3707 reduced trout $5 to..... 05 3000 '' " 1i0 '..... 60 GROCERIES. 20 lb. Sago 201b. Tapioca.. ., SO lbs. Rolled Out... 40 bar Savon Soap 1 gal. N. O. Molatae Al Table Syr up per gal.. . . 20 lb loose Muscatel 1 gal. Vinegar 1 2 lb. Can Oyster....... 3 1 lb " " 1 lb, Honey..,,. ...... 10 can St. Charles Cream. , 1 case Tomatoes.. , ...1.00 .. 1.00 ... 1.00 ... 1.00 ... .65 ... .40 ... 1.00 ... .25 ... .15 ... .25 ......12, ... 1.00 ... 2.40 Men's Underwear at Cost. See Display on Our Counters IN PLAIN FIGURES. & CO., OREGON. SSBv -'.' Banking Business. Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. W. STEIWER. W. LORD, l C. ED- RDS AND A. C. HAWSON. 2 jxnruxrtnnwijinnnjvuann OREGON. Boots and Shoes Neckwear, Etc. All Kinds of Vehicles see for yourselves. IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE reduction on contract weighing. FRENCH, Seo. DAN THOMAS, Man'gr and .Forwarding WHEAT, HIDES AND PELTS. - - - Arlington, Oregon iYr mm DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Notions, Trimmings etc, purchasod here are superior in quali ty and style to any they can obtain elsewhere and tho prices are smaller. We have resolved to commence with Bargains We have resolved to continue with Bargains We have resolved to eud with Bargains One Aim To keep the Best. One Ambition To Please our Trade. One Principle Fair Dealihg. One Price The Lowest. One Welcome Word For All SHURTE& SUCCESSORS TO ARLINGTON, - DROP IN AT COB'S $00fK Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, when you fl like CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of The "DELMONICO" restaurant fer0:';:) 1 the ITirst-class meals day, from 26c tip. The only Short-order house in Condon. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS IK CONNECTION FOR LODCERS. Bread, pies and cakes on hand for sale, or baked to order. Chickens dressed to order. Butter and eggs bought and sold. , T.J.JORDAN, - - Proprietor. R IN EH ART'S Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodations ran be found iu this country than at this house Meals 25c; beds 25o. HEADQUARTERS CONDON MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal of first quality. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Fruit and Vegetables bought and sold. We handle only first-class meats and our Tl 1-1 il f vu. it in (; in one to uuy ini uceves. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, H. G. JORDAN, Propr. Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1808.) Rough lumber, pine, f 10.00 per M KoiiKh lumber.flr, 12.00 " " Hhlplap, second elm floor ing, rustic, ceiling and nrtocert, 15.00 " " First cIbs flooring, ceiling, rustic mill HniHhing, 22.50 " " Slab worxl. per coref, .75 All bills discounted 10 per rent for epoteesh. Shimo prlee mid smne dis count to nil. Uakht IIai.kthaij, iMtt Valley, Or. Auctioneer. I hereby offar my services to the peo ple of UIIIIiiiii county In the cnpHcily of gcnernl Hiictioiieer. All hnslnea 'en trUMted to my curt) will receive the mo't careful attention. Will Httend to ad vert ini hilling and all prellniinarie when ditKired, Will attend "Hies In any part of thla or adjoining enmities, Terms reaaonahle. Call on or address Oko. L, Nrai.r, tf Condi. n, Or. Lost. Lost. Lost, one red and white, mnlley cow, abont 7 year old, branded LE on lelt hip, aquare crop on right ear. Uangca on II v creek. A snittihle reward will tx paid for information that will lead to her recovery, W. I. Eiiiif.itr, fi-Hi Condon, Or., Jan. 6, 18t, r,iAianc RESOLUTIOriS for the new year ia not a masculine trait only. Many Indies havo decided to confine their shopping to our store because they have learned by past experience that -BARGAINS. WEIR GO. JAS. W. SMITH. - - OREGON. enjoying flrt-cl. first-class liquors on hand. place to at all hours of the RESTAURANT FOR TRAVELING MEN. pricos are reasonable. No credit givyaJ t I ' -J Through Tourist Car to St Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. ln. and every Wed lay via the Burlington KouteatSl". M via the O. It. k N. thrtmgh Halt Lake and Denver without change to St. Lonla, and under the su pervision of experienced conductors. No change of car to the cities, Kansas City or 8t. Louis. Keep this aervlc In mind when golnv East and consult O. it. 4 N. agent or address, VV. II. IhlKI.BCRT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, O'. Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Frazer, Connty Clerk, give apeelal attention to abstract of title, and I also prepared to receive U. S. government land filing and proof, a well a application for the purchase of forfeited railroad land and state luhool lands, at hi office In Condon, Or. NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who live on meat wa ever known to lick bla wife, or eek for divorce. A vegetable diet woman I as cold and clammy aa a tiirnlp. If yon want your airl to have roav cheeks and vlladty In her motion, feed- her on beef steak with nccHnional dotes of Ur. Haw oti'i Tonio IMtter. Bold evctfln)ro,