i ! u lies. ut iiuo of St. ! t bUh'P and t ti - .' tent TruvtlR 1 H Avrltt frco on fflcial tour in v rottirn journey .n alary ' calculates eoel if psid lor At ' sunt ii banded i smong tlte poor- ..,1 lie.' . .iV'S, i!.l in) (liHlnlmt of the ratlvtv.y rnon. Tit-tMe. Jew 5 kur 4,1 "mra From 8. any Horr.ee Made Mppys-"Djfppla la Curtd." For year Hood's Baraaparilla has been ruling dyspepsia. 11 Ii curing it today and It ill' continue to wr it when given a fair t t fiortunitv bv those who etifter from this .ill lr'von have dyspepsia take , f3 innparilia. If you have a friend stilt .. - iruiu it, leu waiiricna iu umo Garsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine lor Dyspepsia. Hood' Pllla cure all liver Ilia. 25 cent. . ''At iast Speaker Reed has been oyer ruled. At recent annual meeting of the Daughters of tha Confederacy, at llot Springs, Ark.? a lively debate arose aa to whether the minutes of the previous meeting should be read before business could proceed or not One danghtef Tetrtured to quote Speaker Ileeii o 'the subject, but she was promptly overruled and the reading was diepensed with n the motion of another; daughter, who asserted ve hemently thai "Tom Reed didn't known what be was talking about." !TBT!AI.I.:jra FOOT-MASK. A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. voua and ii!miforUilIe. If yott have smarting Icet or tight Uioes, try Allen's toot-Kit. ..It rests and r mfora; makes " WftiknpiH'!iy. Cares ss"iltT. nd sweating feet. Iv.iatsr and callonn roots. Believes t ur'ua and bunions of ail pain and is a ccr lam Cure for Chilblains, tSvteartng, damp oTiTwfoit'foet.' We bave overtlnrtv tuou- osnd teRitmoniala. Trv it fsvfav. Sold bv aUdruetfistsandahooctorecfofiBc. Trial pn m FREE. Address, Allen 8. 01m- . -.I... H I. I . . , Among the many mysteries of bird t in grMion Js the fact that over-sea jour t.cv are eeneraii? conducted !a the il.ii Vness, and invariably against a bead Y -. - l t.. m 3 o ran aia in irww tmj Tike Larsuvn liromo Vimnine lameta. ' 11 drutrtiitts refund money u it lulls to cure. aM, - ' " - ,4 I. !! ' J i ' I There is some talk of a tonnel uhder , nealb the straita of Oihraltar, and a it would have to be only 20 miles long, there is no.reaiotr whyit should not bafciftiLTe, Wrtioolarly aa there it a bo J of bard rock all the way. - I, Vn innuhnll in mm nlete without bot tle of the famous Jesse Woore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended bv all physicians. Don't ne glect tills necessity. When a young woman gets a new bat he it never satisfied until the man she loves most and the girl she bates most have both seen it. r?Y- Yvrmmnemuj Cored. o fiuor nerroosnee aOxt beta, day's dm of Dr. KI1ik's Ureal i.'t-rTo iitisKrriT. 64 for V BI S ll.00 trial bnnlaiKl trentlee. HR. L U. iiiiiJi, LbL, as At-M He, f tiimiwpma. rm. ' When a woman bays canned mince meat she chops a few more apples into it and adds a dash of brandy and then , -i - .i :i i. u... ; tuv liiiliM Raid nam ' ; When coming to Pan Francisco jo to r.x,klyn Hotel, 31(8-212 Bush street. -nr.'in or European plan. Boom and M 1.00 to tl.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents !.(W per day single meals 25 centa. .ee cacli. t-liaa. Montgomery. Georya Knox, who died in London recently, called himself "the last ol the Roaicrucians." He spent a long lite and a great fortune in looking for the philosopher's stone, the elisirof - i io iml. olbar myths ot "the rosy jMirrT'8 sciwot fob nors. Now at IMrlSngaroe, will . remove to its beautiful new home at Alenlo l'arlc, ban Mateo County, Cel., and re-open January inih, WU. Address ira vt. tioiw, i u. u. iienlo 1'ark, CaL Instead of reeheeing horses with hatper fllioes when the gronnd f ieeea an Ohio 'jnsn baa invented a device which screws on the under side of the shoe and can be removed easily when ttie grouuu mawsr . ;,ld;cecf otltcf riGS lad ii ft ii -.it only to the originality and eimpli'-ii - of the combination, bnt alsr toth . ' and skill with which it is man i ' red. by scientific processes know i ' ' o CUuroBBiA Fie SrEtrp Co. . i we wish to impress upon all t..45 , n t trice of parchasing the true iii.' tuiginttt : remedy. As the genuine . v rupof Fig is manufactured by tli'3 ..AJtoHwiA Fia Brnur Co. ' only, a kaoivloliro of that fact will aw et one in avoiding: the worthless iniilntioriM manufactured by other par- tev 'Hie bif,h standing of the Ca.Ll roiihJA I -1 btuvr Co. with the medi- eu V".)f. ,lijn, and the satisfaction wliif :i 1 '::! (rcnuine Eyrnpof Figa has i t . idi; lions of familuts, makes I;;;' ; 3 of the Company a guaranty ' - 'i Uentse of 1U rt- nedy. It is mce of all ofhur laxatives, , ., on the ki '. i, liver and v. .ihrjiit lrrii-ii .ff or weaken ' !..!, and it 1m h iA, gripe nor .$, In ordft to gtiita beneficial i, ;.!,-ae rewicfldbcr tlie name of if a net strup co. : i.ii-ti.. ; r , -ajKW veitK. x.T. i A..!. HJ't f'i t 1 trtrua. Tn!.. wwu Use; I ( flrn. .''.'il. I I f ' a ,-r:)'VuUAU1'- '...!... 11EG0RD OF A YEA1L jsportant Events Crowded the Past Twelve Months. MUCH HISTORY MADE. The Year 1893 Will Be Remembered at Most Notable One, A Chronological Review Show It to Have Been Remarkable In Many Ke-pecta-War with Spain Take Fore ntoat Ptae In the Interesting Record Concise Btory of That Victorious Conflict International and Internal Itlaeenalona Among Knropean Coun-trlea-Dlsaeter and Ieath at Home and Abroad. . ' To him who Is concerned with history la the making there very rarely comes a year more heavily laden with Important events than the year 1S9S. It has seen every state In Europe, except peaceful Scandinavia and the Dutch communities, face to faca with cither war or internal dissolution some of them within meas urable distance of both. Yet the greatest effects have not been In Europe; 1S0S has seen the United States forced, not by any greed of power, but by its humanitarian ideals, to take its part la European rela tions. A brief but glorious armed conflict with Spain has been begun, prosecuted to Its end and settled by a treaty or peace upon which the ink is scarcely dry. The inception of great political clianges nus been witnessed in China; two European rulers have come to their death; several men and women prominent in statecraft military affairs, reform, literature and mnsic, hare passed away: the year baa been marked by some terrible marine dis asters, causing great loss of life; and fire. flood and storm have numbered their vic tims by scores and caused extensive loss of property. The chronological table that follows gives the most Important happenings of 180S, foremost among which are those of the war with Spain. CONFLICT WITH BPAIX. E rent a of the War Lately Won by the United States. Jannarr. 2517. 8. battleship Maine, Capt. C. D. Slgs- , bee, U. a. la ordered to Havana, .... Cuba. . February. Tee publication of a letter written br 8imr bnpoy de Lome, Spanish minister to the United States, speaking dispur ' aglagly of President MrKinley, leads to the Minister's resixnacioo of bis post nd the appointment of Senor Luis I'olo j Bernabe. 16 The V. 8. battleship Milne, lying in the harbor of Harans. is destroyed aud sank by an explosion between 0 and 10 o'clock p. m. IT Rear Admiral 8lcard. commanding the North Atlantic squadron, orders a court of Inaolrv Into the loss of the Maine. 19 The request of the Spanish officials In Havana for a Joint Investigation Into the loss of the Maine is declined. XI The United States Senate orders an In vestigation into tne aiaine muster. March. M Congress votes to place tSO.OOO.OOO at the nnqaallSed disposal of President Mc Klnley as sn emergency fond. 16 Spain remonstrate sgalnst the presence of tbe L'nited States fleet at Key West and against other measnrea of defense by oar Government. 17 Facts concerning Cuba stated In the Senate by Senator Proctor, of Vermont, as tbe resnlt of personal observation. 28 Court of Inquiry's report on the Main eat to Congrrsa. Anrll. B Consul General Lee recalled. 10 Consul General Lee leaves Cuba. 11 President McKlnley sends a message to Congress recommending armed Interreu- tlon in Cuba. IS Armr ordered to mobilise. 16 Senate belligerency resolutions passed. 18 Congress votes against Cuban recogni tion. 19 Congress passes resolutions demanding toe withdrawal or Spain rrom cuds. 20 Queen ooens Cortes jaith war speech. Government announces Its opposition to privateering. President signs uotinca . tloa to the nations of Intention to block' ade. tl Our minister at Madrid, Gen. Stewsrt L. Woodford, Informed by tbe Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that diplo matic relations between Spain and the L'nited States are terminated.... presl .dent McKlnley cables our ultimatum to Fpam, demanding a reply oy April ... Senor Polo y Bernabe, Spanish minis ter, receives his passport and lea res Washington. t2 Cruiser New Tork, Sampson's flagship, captnr-s Pedro, 2,000 toos, fifteen miles east of Havana... .Cuban ports oiock " aded by tbe Americas squadron. 23 Tbe President Issues bis proclamation calling for 125.000 volunteers. 24 (Sunday) A Spanish decree declaring war against the United States was arazetted at Madrid. 25 Congress passes a resolution declaring tsat ae state oi war existed irom Aorlt 21. 28 Recruiting volunteers began In New lork City. 27 United States vessels bombard Matan sas.... Seventh New lork Regiment de clines to enlist. 28 Commodore Dewey's fleet sails from Hons-konc for Manila. 29 Spanish squadron sails from Cape Verde for the West Indies... .New Tork shells Csbanas forts.... U. 8. cruiser Kale (Paris) arrives la New Tork. SO Commodore Dewey's squadron arrives off Manila.. ..flagship New York Ores oa spantaa cavalry snarpsnooters on Havana. "' - May. -. 1 V. 8. ernlser Tnpeka arrives at New I oik from Falmouth.... Commodore Dewey's squadron destroys tbe Spanish fleet at Manila. 2 Cable from Manila to Hongkong cot by Commodore Dewey. 4 Battleship Oregon and gunboat Marietta sail from Hlo Janeiro. T Commodore Dewey Informs State Ds- psrtment of the seizure of carlte. ft Concress thanks Rear Admiral Dewey. 10 The Gnsal expedition sailed from Tsmna. 11 Ensign Worth Barley snd four of the crew or the torpedo boat winsiow Killed by a shell rrom the gpanisn forts at car denas 12-Admlrar Sampson's squadron bombards th forts at Ban Juan, Porto Rico.... . - The Spanish. Cape Verde fleet arrives at Tor, de . Prance, Martinique. .Uussle exoedltlou reunited. 18 Commodore Schley's fleet sails south to meet the Spanish squsdron. 14 Spanish Cape Verde fleet sighted off Curacoa. 15 Rear Admiral Dewey reports on fall of Manila.... S.igasta s cabinet resigns. Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer Terror aisauieo at fort oe rrnnce, Martinique, ....Spanish fleet leaves curacoa. .. .Gen, Merritt ordered to the Philippines ss mil Itary governor.... Gov. Black authorises Be Careful How Ton Sit. Recently an eminent physician gave utterance to tbe opinion that appendi citis is more common in this country than in. others because of the Yankee custom that men bare and mon are more frequently eufferers fioin the dis ease than women of habitually sitting with one leg thrown over the other. Tbie habit, the physician was quoted us saying, restricts the aution of the di gestive appurtos, and especially of the lower intestine, and oauaes stagnation pi the contents and the stretching of Keif tmeim. . 17 HaiTRSta'a new cabinet announced at Mailrld. 18- N.iiety thnnsnnd troops ordered to mobtl le In Cblrkamaui?. 20 Spanish fleet arrives at Santiago de Cuba.. ' I 23- Cruiser Charleston sails for Manila. SS-Troops A and C arrive at Camp Alger, Kalis Oburr-h, Vi, ' 24- The Spaolab fleet la bottled up at San Hugo. 25- Three transports with 2.(188 men start ror Manna... .I'reaiueni issues a can iur f 8,000 more volunteers. 20 Oregon arrives In Key West.. ..One ot Spam a cabinet minister aaiu tne conn try was willing to accept "an honorable peace.".. ..Commodore Schley Is In touch with the ttisurgent loaders. .. .Florida expedition landed without opposition near Guantanamo. Cuba. ST Spanish scout ships chased by American warships near Key west. 20 Commodore Schley reports the trapping of lervcra in the harbor ot Santiago ue Cuba. .. .Cruiser Columbia arrives at New York, having been In colllslou with the British steamship Foscolla, which sank. SO Troops embark at Tampa for Havana. 81 Rear Admiral Sampson's fleet bombards forts or Santiago de Cuba. . Tuns. 1 Transports for Manila arrive at Hono lulu, Hawaii, and the Boys In Blue be come the guests of the city.. ..Monitor Monadnock ordered to Manila from San Francisco. 2 Spain again appeals to the Powers to Intervene. 8 American squadron bombarded Santiago de Cuba. 4 Lieut, Hobson sinks cruiser Merrlmac In the mouth ot the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. 6 Fortifications of Santiago da Cuba re duced. T American sunadron bombards and si lences batteries at Santiago. .. .Monitor Monterey and collier Brutua sail for Maulla. 8 Arault oa fortifications of Qnantanamo Bar. 9 House agrees on war revenue conference renort. 10 Admiral Sampson rsporta he has held tinaatanamo Barber sine in (in.... - Senate sgrees on confers oca report on ' war revenue MIL 11 Four Americana at Cwhnanera are killed In a fight with the Spaniards. IS Thirty-two tramrporta wtth Shafter'a troeps sal) for Santiago. ...President McKinlev signs the war tax bill. 14 Two Americans sad several hundred Spaniards killed In s battle at Cal- manera. IB Second expedition sailed from San Fran Cisco tor Manila... .Great destruction results to Santiago forts through the nse of the dynamite guns oa the Vesuvius. IT-Spanish squadron sailed from Csdis sod nassed Gibraltsr. 20 Transports with Gen. Shatter's troops arrive on Santiago. 2? Part of Shatter's troops landed. 23-Balance of troops landed without acci dent. ...Admiral Camara'a Cadta (teat arrives at Island of Pantellarta. 24 Sixteen American soldiers killed and forty wouuded In driving back Spanish soldiers at Santiago. 27 Commodore Watson to command fleet to attack Spanish home territory. .. .Presi dent McKlnley recommends thsnks of Co: stress for Lieut. Hobson, and that be be transferred to the line. 28 President proclaims blockade of South . em Cuba from Capt Frances to Cape Crux. 29 Gen. Bhafter reports he can take 823 tlago In forty eight hours. ...The Senate thanks Lieut Hobson and his men. nam ing each one personally. 30 Egyptian Government refused to let Camara coal bla fleet at Port Said. Jnly. 1 Shafter'a army began the assault upon Santiago de Cobs, capturing the enemy's outer works. 2 Shaffer renewed the attack npoa San tiago, losing sbout 1,000 In killed aud wounded, and making 2.000 Spanish prisoners. The Spanish casualties prob ably exceeded those of the Amn-rlcane. 8 Cerrera'a fleet destroyed at Santiago, with great loss of life. 6 Spanish transport Alfonso XII. blown up off Muriel by American gunboats.... Hobson. the hero of tbe Merrlmac, aud his comrades exchanged for Spanish prisoners outside Santiago. 7 President signs Hawaiian annexation resolution. .. .Admiral Dewey took Sublg and 1.300 prisoners. 11 Cruiser Bt. Lools brings Admiral Cer vera and 748 prisoners to Portsmouth, N. H.... Admiral Sampson's fleet bom- barded Santiago. 13 Announced that yellow fever has broken ont In Gen. Shatter's army. 14 jen. Toral and the Spanish army sur rendered Santiago at 3 p. m. 17 "Old Glory" raised over Santiago at noon. 18 President Issues a proclamation providi-l Ing for the government or Santiago..., Seven American vessels bombard Man aanllio and destroy seven Spanish ships. 21 Gen. Miles, with 8,413 men on trans ports, convoyed by warships, starts to take Porto Rico. ...American gunboats capture Nlpe and sink tbe Spanish cruis er Jorge Juan. ...Gen. Calixto Garcia, commander of the Cuban army of East ern Cubs, owing to discontent because the American Government has Ignored him and his troops In the surrender of Santlago,wlthdrew....News reached this country that tbe second expedition to re--iforce Admiral Dewey bad arrived at Cavlte. 22 Aguinaldo declared himself dictator of tbe Philippines. 23 Another expedition for the Philippine Islands sailed from Ssn Francisco. 23 Gen .Miles and 3,500 men reach Gnan Ico. Porto Rico, and effect a landing. 26 Secretary Day, M. Cambon, French am bassador, and bis first secretary, M. Thlebant, confer with President McKln ley In regard to terms of peace. 2T The port of Ponce, Porto Rico, surrend ers to CapL Davis, of gunboat Dixie. 30 News of Gen. Merrltt's arrival at Cavlte received at Washington.. ..Pewey In forms the President that Aguinaldo, the Philippine Insurgent chief, assumed a defiant attitude. 81 The Spanish foreea at Cavlte made a sortie during a fl rce storm on tbe Amer ican troops in the Malate trenches. They were repulsed with heavy loss. Ten of Gen. Merrltt's men were killed and forty-eight wounded. Antnit 2 Pres'dent McKlnley makes public tbe terms of peace offered to Spain by tbe United States. 4 The monitor Monterey and Its consort Brutua, arrive at Manila Gen. Shaf fer and his subordinates ask that tbe fever-stricken army at Santiago de Cuba be removed north. 8 Formal orders Issued for the removal of Gen. Shafter'a army to this country, 6 Bpsln accepts the terms of pesce offered by the United States. .. .Gnsysmo, Porto Rico, captured by Gen. Balnea,' forces. Three Americans cornered. 8 Bpsln accepts President McKlnley's peace terms. Certain representations were made regarding Cuba which were not accepted, however. ...Spaniards at Guantanamo lay down their arms and surrender to Brig. Gea. Ewers. 9 Gen. Ernst's brigsde captured Cosmo, Porto Rico, after a lively fight. In which seven Pennsylvania volunteers were wounded. Two hundred Spaniards were taken prisoners.. ..Spaniards attempt to retake tbe lighthouse at Cape San Juan, but are repulsed with heavy loss. 10 A protocol covering the peace terms of tbe United States has been agreed upon by M. Cambon, representing Spain, and President McKlnley.,. .Gen. Schwan's forces defeat Spanish troops at Maya guez, Porto Rico. Loss on our side two ' killed and one wounded. 11 Rpsln's cabinet formally approved Pres ident McKlnley's peace protocol and a cablegram was sent to M. Cambon au thorizing bim to sign In behalf of Spain. 12 M. Cambon, French ambassador to tbe United States, signs the protocol and a cessation of hostilities Is ordered. 13 Surrender of tbe city of Manila, after stiff bombardment by Dewey. 30 Geo. Merritt leaves Manila for Paris to aid the Peace Commission. feptcmber, 8 Spanish Cortes convenes to consider pesce proposals. 9 Gen. Otis, United Stales commander at the opening of the vermiform appendix, making it possible for obstructions to reach the latter, and thus giving rise to appendicitis. There Is no other dis ease, if we may judge from the atten tion given to it by current publica tions, in which the general public takes so much interest as in this one, which is comparatively new to medi cal practice. Probably mod) of the popular interest Is due to tbe fact that only within a few years what may be called the literature of appendicitis baa reached the reading coinin unl ty.Lef lie'i Weekly. I Inguritenta from that city. AO npMulMU rsruaiv ieiii tuv peai: pvuiv col. 12 The situation at Manila reported crit ical. IS Spanish Chambers of Deputies adopts the peace protocol. 16 Spanish Peace Commission appointed. Wltn ennr Klos, rresiueui oi tne oeu ate. aa President. IT The Peace Commission ot the United States sails tor Paris, 19 Spanish Government Issues sn order for all troops in the west indies to return home. 20 The evacuation of the outlying positions In Porto Klco begun by the spanian, 20 American and Spanish Commissioners meet In Paris. October, 1-Amertcsn snd Spanish Pence Commis sioners hold their first session, 4 American Peace Commission receives the renort of Gen. Merritt In Paris. 18 Formal ceremony of raising the United states nag over can jusn tu puice.,.. American Commissioners refuse to aa some any portion of Cuban debt. 24 Geo, Ortega, with the Inst of the Span ish soldiers, sails from porto tueo ror Soaln. 20 Spanish soldiers captured at Manila during tne war are rcieasco uy uuueu States. ' 27 Spanish Peace Commissioners accept condition of the non-assumption oi vu ban debt by United Slates. November. 28 Terms ot peace accepted by Spain. December. 10 Treaty of peace with 8paln signed at "' Parta, - GKtBRAL CHROSOLCOT. i Record of Events that Have Occurred During the Past Year. January. 1 Oflleers of the Cuban provisional gov- .i,mn i.nm la. 281 x persons burned to death at Jersey n. M. J. 8 Thirty persona killed by collapse of Itmir In cltv hall at London. Ont. 'r Theodore Durrani hanged for murder a St. Quentin prison, California. 8-Slx men killed by explosion of an Ohio . River towboat near utennein, .,., Fifteen men drowned off Bauduc by foundering of a French steamer... .Six lives lost In a mine explosion near Pitts burg. Kan.. ..Death ot UaJ. Moses P. ll.n.lv 12 Forty lives and 11,000,000 worth of prop, erty destroyed by a tornado at Fort Smith, Ark. tanarh of Hon. Btnl. ButterwoTfh, Uni ted States Commissioner of Pateots, at Thomsarllle, Ua. ... . l A .. Vt. iw rtrvaa riuia ui n'",,uni 20 Fire loss of (600,000 at East Grand . Forks. Minn. 22 Marriage ot Rev. T. DeWItt Tsrmage and Mrs. Col. Collier Destructive " storm over the West snd Sooth. 23 Many persons burned to death In a con a.rratlnn at Snokane. Wash. .. .11.500. v 000 worth of property at East St. Louis, 111., Including Union elevator and Bur lington freight depot.-destroyed by fire. Timmarv wheat sells for $103 In Chi cago. .. .Steamer City ot Duluth lost off St. Joseph, Mich. 29Sererl persons killed In s smash-np on the Maine central Kauway at urono..., Ten men killed by esvlng In of North West land tunnel in Chicago, February. 1 Six Uvea lost by burning of the Alvord House, Gloversvllle, N. V. .. .Schooner Brlggs wrecked oft Little Nahant aud eight lives lost. ii.viO.oOO fire loai la Winnipeg. Manitoba. nHix neraons killed In railway collision : near Boston.... Fir destroys tZio,UU0 worth of property at Bcrautou, ra. 4 Seven killed In railroad wreck at Glas gow, scotianu. i.v.000 fire at Albany. lad. ...Holland. American steamer Veeudam wrecked la mid ocean. 9 Adolpb L. Leutgert sentenced to life Im nrtaoninent for wife murder In Chi- cago....Aasnsslnstlon of President Bar rios of Gnatemola... .250,uot fire loos at Fort Worth, Texas. 10 Thirty-eight lives crushed ont by fall In, walla at Plttabnrc. 11 Nassau Chambers in New Tork burned; loss, I500.0UO.... French ship Flachst f oes down off Canary Islands; 87 Uvea ost. 17 Fire damp explosion In a colliery st Hammeerly, Prnss'a. kills l0 persona. ... (100.000 fir at Pittsfleld. Mass Brit ish steamer Legislator burned at ses. 18 Death of Miss Frances E. Wlliard In New Tork City.. ..Large Are at Pitts burg. 20 New wharf and custom house at Tarn Pico. Mexico, burned; Us. I!!. 000.000. 25 National Tobacco Company's works st Louisville, Ky., burned: loss, (2.000.0110. 26 Nine lives lost In a tenement bouse fire at Charleston. S. C... .Seven persona killed at Blue Island, III., by the collis ion of a train and aa omnibus. ... ten persona killed and five In lured by an explosion and fire in Mall Bros, laoora torr at Kalnmaioo. Mich. 27 Death ot Wm. M. Slngerly, proprietor of the Philadelphia Record. March. 2 Six men killed by boiler explosion near Brewton, Ala. 8 Nine drowned by the foundering of the S'hooner Speedwell off tbe Florida coast. 7 Fire causes (l.VUKK) loss In Brownell A Field Co.'s building at Providence, l(. I. ....5,00o,00 firs loaa at Manila, Pbll Ipplne Islands, ll-Deatb of Gea. W. 8. Rosecrans. 13 Eleven men burned to death In Bowery Mission, New Tork. 16 Death of Aubrey Besrdsley. tbe artist. ....Msny persons killed la a fire It 213 Wabash avenue, Chlcsgo. 17 Death of Blanche K. Bruce, Register of the Tressnry. 19 Six convicts killed In a mine at Pratt City, Ala. 21 Several persona killed In a hotel Ore at Ilutte, Mont. 22 Forty lives lost by sinking of bark Helen Almy off San Francisco. 25 Death of James Paya, English novel ist.... Death of Truman P. Handy, ot Cleveland, Ohio, oldest banker In United States. ...Wisconsin Industrial School ' for Boys at Waukesha damaged (100,000 by fire. . 23 Forty-eight seslers of steamer Green htnd perished on Ice floes. 26 Seven persons burned to death at Kent, Minn. 27 Death of Congressman Slmpklns, of Massachusetts. April. 8 Fifty Hves lost In flood at Shawnee town. 111. 4 Fifteen men killed by explosion of pow der near San Vicente, Mexico. 7 Sodden death of Margaret Mather, tbe tragedienne. 11 Oxford Junction, Iowa, visited by (100, 000 fire. 12 l'ena glass works st North Irwin, Pa., burned; loss, (750,000. 15 Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at Belt, Mont., suffers (260,000 fire loss. 17 Fire, following a dost explosion, de stroys grain elevator at Boston; loss, (000,000. 19 Death of George Parsons Lsthrop. 21 Postmaster General Gary resigns and If succeeded by Charles Emory Smith..., Death of Senator Walthall, of Missis sippi. 25 Secretary of Stats John Sherman re signs. 26 Wm. R, Pay sppolnted to fill the va cancy.. ..Glasgow, Scotland, visited by a (750,000 Are.. ..Powder mill st Santa Crux, Cal., blown np, causing toss ot eleven lives. 28 Atlantic Powder Co.'s works st Dover, N. J., wrecked by an explosion. 80 Heavy damage done by tornadoes In Nebraska, Kansas, lows and South Da kota. May. 2 Thirteen persons killed by tornado at Jerlco, Mo. 8 Schooner Crown wrecked off St. Johns, N. F and II men drowned. 6 (125,000 lire loaa at Cleveland, 7 Three hundred persons killed In a riot at Milan, Italy. 8 Duluth, Minn., suffers s (100,000 fire, 11 Wool warehouse burns st Ballardvlllt, Mass.; loss, (.vjO.OOO. DON'T DELAY.... Tn securing th C!fI,rjlMrilIA AOCNCT for one day's delay may resnlt 1. your Sompetitor getting it. W r th n1y bloyol bon having delivery point In th Kovth wesi. Prompt delivery of all orders assured. Dealer who handle th COLVHSU and HAttTfORtt lln will hsvs sdonble advant age oVr others wbo do not. W bar Im proved tba quality ol onr products, while our Increased output enable ua to rsduc our prloes, followat Columbia Chainiess .,...... ,.., (71 00 Columbia Models 7-M AO OP Columbia Models 46-4, ' pattern, ' lm Brovcsatat .....,........ ......... ..,.. 40 00 POPE f.1 A N U F fsavemsf Orsfea. Wssfclasl. Usatsas sal Idas siviM'iiiriiuii.i'lfjauii'i.l.!i.'S"5 wnV lou In Chlcairo. 14 Thousands killed by cyclone on Sum- bawa island, Malay ArcinpeiBKo. .. ward Henienyl. violinist, falls dead In a Saa Francisco theater Ball Bros.' lass works burned at Muuvle, lud.i Inaa. SOM.V0OO. - IS Flint mill of Mining A Mill Co., at East Liverpool, Ohio, burned: loss, (luO.OOil, 17 Great damage doue and many people hurt hv rv one In NvtirasKn, 18-Biisluess section of Atlleboro, Mass., destroyed by lire, .. .Destructive cyeioue sweeps through Iowa, Kansas, Illinois and Wisconsin. 10 Death of William R. Gladstone. a'.'-Keath of Edward Bellamy ... .Mine (Irs at Zollern, Prussia; 43 miners perisu. 2S Italian cabinet resigns. 81 New cabluet formed lu Italy. Jo'ie. . 1-Death of tragedian Thoa. W. Keens,... TransmlsslppT exposition opeus at Oioaha. 4-Dcath of Capt. Chns. V. Orldley, of the cruiser Olynipla at Manila. T Plant of Burgess Steel Co., Portsmouth, Ohio, hnrneil! loaa. x-IISl.tasi. ll-Cse Power Building In Detroit burned, 13-Collspee of Joseph belter's wheat deal, liV-Resignation or tne r rencn m.uisiry. ouFir.i o.riv cutilnet formed in Japan. 20-Formutlon of th Pelloux cabluet In Italy. July. 8 Strike of etereotyners causes Chicago papers to suspend ror rour days. 4 French liner La Bourgngne goes down alt S.hl lalsml with 553 nassetigera. 6 Hawaltnu resolutions adopted by ths Senate. v 8-Steelvllle, Mo., stmost obliterated bv a waterspout,... Cougress adjourns sin 11 Hamate ministry In Spain resigns.. Eleven men Killed in water tuuuei at. Cleveland. Ohio. 19-Powder mill at Oakland. Cal., blown Up bv a Chinaman and seven urea lost. 80Dcatb of Prince Bismarck, Anguat, 1 Martin Thorn executed at Sing Sing, N. Y. A niamarck. N. D.. destroyed by Are. . Death of Ueorg M. Ebera, Kgyptologlat ml novelist. 12 United State flog officially hoisted over Hawaii. 18 Twenty Uvea lost by cloudburst In Haw kins County, Ky. . . : iit Heatanatlnn of ministry at Lisbon. 20 French steemer La Coquett sunk off PiCWtOUUUIBUQ- OJ IU nvi.r, v lost 21 Seven persons killed In railway collision r Nnimn. aiaaa. 22 Eight laborers kfTted by foltaps af a wall In Carnegt tuapef. Pa Carter- ' vine. III., vtaltcd by a (3(10.000 Or.. . .809 miners orownen at rieoe, nnesra... Death of King Malletoa of Samoa. ei.trnetlv fire at Leaansnort. La. 25 Ex-Oov. Claude Matthews stricken by Ivala at Meharrv's Grove. Ind. 28-1 ie tu ot ex-Qov. Claud Matthews of Indians. . . SO-Smsll pox breaks out St Put-In-Bay 1st .nL T.ake ftrle. 81 Wllhelmln becomes Queen of Holland. ....Confession and suicide of Col. Henry, principal witness against CapL Dreyfus, tl pans. , ,. Fentember. 2 Pres'dent Wllford Woodruff, of th Mor mon church, died at San Francisco.... The British captured Onidurman oppo site tvuartonm, m tne duuqbo, a Rrltlih trooos occupied Khartoum. .. .M Cavalguac, French Minister of Wsr, re signs, 6 Twenty eight people killed la eotllslon ot train with trolley car at Cohoea, N. Y. ....Gen. Znrllnden appointed French Minister ef War. 6 Wllhelmlns crowned Queen ot Holland at Amsterdam. ...Thirty men killed by falling of a bridge over St. Lawrenc River, near HL Regis Ionian ruiage..,. Many killed In riots In Crete. .. .Opening or u. A. It. national encampment at via. elnnarl. 10-Assssslnatlon of Elisabeth. Empress of Anstrli, by ss Italian anarcmai at Geneva, Bwltserland... .(100,000 fir at I.lvermore Fails, u. 11 Fir wiped out New Westminster, B. C. snd Jerome. Aria 10-rieath at Jndire Thoa M. Cooler at Ann Arbor, Mich. ...Hurrlrane on Islsnd ot St. Vincent. West Indies, killed 800 per sons and deatrored much properly. 14 Lorenzo 6now chuteu bead of th Mor mon ehnrch. 18-Deatb of Dr. John Hall. ...Death of Miss Winnie Davis. 20 Ten persons burned to desth In sn de velop lire In Toledo. 22 Thirty-six men drowned by sinking of French bost Vlllsde Fecamp on recsmp. 23 Fifty miners entombed la coal sbsft at Brownsville. Pa. 24 Several persons killed and much prop erty destroyed by windstorm st Lima. O. 20 Tornado destroys oronertr at Tonawaa do, N. V.. and kills five at Merrllton. Out. ....Death of Mis Fanny uavennorc. 27 Clnreniont. Minn., destroyed by fir. 28 Death of ex Secretary Thomas F. Bay. srd....Rlot at l'soa, 111. 29 Death of Queeo Louise of Denmark. Su-Hondreds of Uves lost by flood Japan, October. t Great Are In Colorado Springs, Colo. 2 Fierce rale on Sooth Atlantic coast. 6 In attempting to quell the rebellion ot the Indians at Rear Lake, Minn., several soldier were killed and wounded. 8-Orest Crt In Sidney, N. 8. W. 8-1200,000 fir at Atlantic City, 1. J. lo-Great fire at Dawson City. Alaaka. 20 Seven men killed by boiler explosion on torpedo boat Davis near Asioris, ur, 23-Ten men killed 111 a race war at Uor oersvllle. Miss. 24 Fire on the Brooklyn, N. Y., water front: loss, (418,000. 25 French cabinet resign. 81 New French cabinet formed. .. .Japan ess cabinet resigns. November. 5-Kleven men killed by collspse of new Wonderland theater at Detroit. .. . seven men crushed to death In a ailn near Wllkesbsrre. Pa. 8-Canitol at Wsshlngton wrecked by ga explosion.... Death of David A. Wells, economic writer, f Resignation of th Greek ministry. 8 General election. 9 Organization ot Japan's new ministry completed. 10 New ministry formed In Greece.... Pres ident Masao snd secretaries of Cuban re- nubl c realgn. 11-Hsnk at Klrksvllle, Mo., robbed of I32.MW. 17 British ship Atslanta sinks off Oregon, coast; za urea iosu , 18 Desth of John W, Keely, th Inventor. ....Twelve laborers killed by train at Uarkenssck Meadows, w. i. lODeath of Gen. D. fl. Buell. ' 23 Burning of th Baldwin bote) snd the ater in nan Francisco. 24-26 Great storm sweeps ever the coun try: many lives lost at sea. 27-Ieatb of Actor C. W. Couldoek....8!x persons killed by boiler explosion near Fourteen Mil Slough, Cal. 28 Dynsmlt explosion In Havana kill 15 persons ana injures zo otnera, December. 5 Opening of Congressional session. 10-Deatb of William Black, novelist. ll-Deatb of Gen. Calixto Garcia at Wash Ington. 15 Desth of ex-Senator Calvin 8. Brlce.... Six persons killed In railway wreck at Madison, FIs. 16 Six persons killed by a train at Allen wood, N. J., ...Department store ef G. ' llartsteln's Sons burned st Milwaukee! loss, (00,000. ' 17 Death Of Baron Ferdinand James d Rothschild In London..., Twenty lives lost In steamship collision In th North 19-81,000,000 flr st Terr Haute, Ind. And now a Boston man claim tbe cen ter of tbe stage long enough to sdvlss that, so far as tbe annexation of the Phil ippines is concerned, "celerity should be cohtempercd with cunctatlon. IJ Hung Chang lias been sent to wstch the overflow of the Yellow river. This, we take it, Is the polite Chinese equiva lent for saying that be has been sent up Bait Itlver. Columbia Mod! 49, 4' ,...(M 00 Vedsttes, Strictly Cp-to-Data. U s Job blcyol sundries. Writ lor terms and discounts. JO Wl ACT U R I N Q CO., 182-81 illti tit fortlud, Of 97 Two Lottera to Mrs, Flnkhfun. Mrs. Jotm Wilmaus, English to wti, N. J., write ; " Dear Mrs. Pinkbam; I can not be- (fin to toll yon how I suffered bo fore tuUltiff your remedies, I was so waalc that 1 could hardly walk across the floor without fulling, I lmd womb trouble and such a bcarlnff-down fccllug ; also suffered with my back and limbs, pain In womb, Irtfltiinmiuion of the bladder, piles and inillpofitlon. lie-fore I had taken ono bottle of Lydla E. riukhnm a Vegetable Compound I folt a great deal better, and aftnr taking- two and one- half bottles aud half a box of yonr Llvor Tills I was cured. 1 f more would take your medicine they would not have to suffer so much." Mrs, JosKPii Pktkhhoh, 513 East St, Warren, Pa., writes; 'Drar Mhs. I'inkuam: I have suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I bad luflammation, enlarge ment and displacement ox tqo womb. had the backache constantly, alno headache, aud waa so dizzy. I had heart trouble, It seemed as though my heart was in my throat at time choking- mo. I could not walk around and I could not lie down, for then my heart would beat so fast I would feel aa though I waa smothering. I lmd to alt up In bed nights in order to breathe. waa so weak I could not do any thing;. ' I have now taken aevcral bot tles of Lydla E. rinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and used throe ptek- agca of Sanative Wash, and can say I am pcrfootly cured. I do not tttnk I oruld have lived long if Mr, rink ham'a medicine bad not helped ma," The olenliant has 'more mtisclus In its trunk thnn any other creature poa sessea In its entire body, tholr nomber being no feweer than 40,000. The Most Common ef All, The most common of all ailments from sports ol all kinds are sprains and bruise. The most common ana surest Ome of them Is by the use of St. Jacob Oil, which Ii prompt in Its action. Transparent leather ia made in France. I aball recommend Plan's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mr. Mulligan, t lunisioau, rtcut, 4aus;iii, o, w. The woman of 20 asks. "Who la he?" the woman of 80, "What Is lie?" the woman past 80, "Where Is be?" Heail thyilappy Girls often, from no apparent cause, become languid And despondent in the early day of their womanhood They drag along; alwayi tired, never hunorv. breathlcii and with palp.tM.no; heart after tliht emciie to that merely to walk up itaJT. 1 exhamtiPfj. Sometime. A ihort.dry- uupli .... . . , Arc 'going mto conumptionr They are rj,na!rfiic.doc- ' tor tell them, vthith means that they Have too little ' blood Atc you like that Have you too little blood More Ansmic people have been made tttong, hungry, eneroetic men and women by the ute of Or. Williams' Pink Pillt for Pale People Are the best tonic m tne world. Miss Lnla Stevens, of Gaaport, Niagara Co., tl. Y.,hsd been eery beaithy girl until about a year ago, when tbe grew week and pat. She tost her appetite, was tired In th morning as on retiring, and lost Arab, antll ahe became so emaciated that her friends hardly knew hwr. The do, tor declared tb disease anatmla, and gave ber np to die. A physlclsa wbo was visiting In fsport prevailed npoa her to try Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Psle People. She did so, snd wss benefited at one. 8b la aow well sad strong th very picture of health. n (Jt. V.) Ctmrltr. The genuine Are told only m package, the wrapptr eWy, bearing, the full name. For ale by alt drug fiiit ft or tent, postpaid, by the Or William Medicine Company. SchencctAdv. H Y., oft fexelpt or price, fifty . . tx . -. e t ....... cent per do, uobk oi . A SWORN statement: I. C. R. Rollins, M. D , ot Orsss Valley, Or., voluntarily mak th following statement! After hsvmg my teeth extracted I hav bad five sets mods at fotervalsol shout nine inonlha, tliree In Portland, mi In n Franelsco and on In Hpokan. W lib nslthar of the hsv I twsn aide toest a mssrs vieinsis or even an ari" ')" i- '" VS " i v." '.! " ,V,., ilith sat made bv D. Strytter, 1. 4), o. f, Temple, glr.t and Alder, Portland, Or., and wlthla twenty minute after the lime they war put Into my mouth I was slit to est acomioon hard winter apple and a piece ol dried venison, and at tills tuns, December lath, hsv ain every meal since with th greatest comfort and with no tronbl at alt. They ara iwrtect fit and I.. ...... ,..,,,.. Koferei'ce.: French Brr. Psnk. Tli IUes, Or. Sherman Co. Bank, Wasco, Of.i Wm. Holder, HharlB ol Hherman Co.l lrs. A. 8. Nichols nd Brolhsr, I'ortlsiio, Or. talawribed ...d .Wor to Mora m. Ibis Poolla Or011. v A. MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Blinps sjid Farms; fltei'i r gjng slid HolMlnjJCnglnesjJ , Tooth ''il!V.T?".iZ!S f ATUM&BOWEN J7 to Kt First atreot Portland, Or. ; 1 84-a Frumoiit Stroet, Ban Francisco, Cut Ratei- Woodard, Clarke A Co., V.TCIiTgBS.W YOUR LIVER la It Wrong? Get it Right Keep It Right Moor BvalsdKomdy will do IU Thra done will uak you leol better. Get It from your druggist or aay wholoaal drug house, or worn Stewart A Holme lirng Co., Beattl. It not a Crowned. ! ridges Mode. . rlol illlln and xtraotliiaw Dr.T.H. White, Mrdr diet 111 IlitrtHti l. ' .. - 1 ' and bring II to thl linn they return. While leprosy Is uumu i. Ireadivil, llier are a thoiiKatid times ss innVi 'tenuis to tomatih dlwnters and blood diseases, but there. I a cure hirthein In Hosteller's Hmmaen, lllttiirs, tlllisr common sllmeiiis that lb Illttevsars aspc-uine tor are malaria, lever and ague. Sold at ail drug stores. - The bent pineapples rvow u ens tern Cuba. Tliey are very easy to cultivate, only lllrle capital is tcqulred, and pio vlous oiporloiioo Is not abauluUy oa- soiiliiil. ' AGKNT4 W iNTKI, DIATOMS Vegetable" and matnllln, tresk ol nature, noted as Urn best I'ISH In lbs world tor silver, gold, brasn, cut , sunt In quan tity sulllmeut lor vesr, toe aft t'suls J'. O, stamps. It Is Infusorial and eraeks In stovss nmy lie. repaired Willi It, Addrcar.H. II. HAI.I lNUEll, Mil Mutual Idle HhllbnffiSvattl,n ssh. The polar fox ohnugos lite color ot Its oont. In summer it la always blneki In winter It Is so white tlmt the anl mill onn stmrcoly be semi as it loampen over the snow. A Short right. The damp autumn nights and mora ings stirs up solaticn, and then comes a tmiot pnln. Use bt. Jacobs Oil, and then eiinici a tns.tociira It. It Is a Sort fight and the otiro is sure. If yon wantThe"wt wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ol all sloes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN l'OOl.K, foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. The halt ot rnubils nml other animals in Iiunsla Is converted Into bowls, . dishes and plates, wbloh are valued for their srength, durablliiy and iignitiesi. The artieloi liava theappeiiranceot var nished leather. DKAFNESS CANNOT Ct'BBD By local applications, as they cannot reach the lUeawd portion ol lb ear. Tbr Isoniy tin A fuataxuasil t.i iflli way toeurdealus,and that ia b eonstltu- llonsi renienie.. jviim- fumed Condition ol the miKHius lining o the Ku.taehlan Tulw. When Ibis tub In flamed t oo have a rumbling sound ot imper teet hearing, ami hen Ills entirely Hosed deafnena Is lh remit, and ntilesallitliifiauiui. tlon can be taken out anil thla Inliereai td to Its normal condition, hesrlng wlllbedesiroysd lureveri nine eases out t W-B reiisitl b eatarrh, which I nothing but an Inllara eondlilon ol the mneoiis ''aa. M . Wwlllglv On Hundred lollrs (or ny , esse ol He mess (caused by eatarrh) thai eaa not lie cured bjr Hall's Catarrh Cor baud let circulars, lrr. J. CIISNKY A CO.. TaUdo.0, Sold by Prugglslo. 1M . Mall's FamUy Plus are th ht, , The most active volcano in the woild IsMt. Bangs?, 17,100 feet liigh, alto ated on the eastern chain of the Andea, South America. It haa been in con slant ernptlon since 1738, and the lonnd of Ha explosions is sometime heard at Quito, a distance of 1&0 mile, 167 having been conn ted In an hour. . ....i...1 i MP tON. , than by Any other meant They n ui vo. $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS 1899 BICYCLES "NhI Wheel oa Krth.n ISM Ideals fa SO, fJi, ('. Send for cstslof o. Lirs agents esuted avsrywher. rKKH T. MKKUII.L CTCLK CO., PORTLAND. Si'OKANE. TACOMA. ilisy ara pertect fit I t . K. KUI.I.l.Ml. M. 11. SEEDS RUPTURE CURED. Ws guarantee tn fit every esse w nndertsk. Don't put It off; writ for particulars at one. ). H. WOOD It l 4IO., Kaperl Truss Fltf rs. HO Hecund Htrnet, Portland, Or. CURE YOURSELF! Il Sll Of for annaturnl dl.eliaismi, liitlsmniailimiL Irrltationa ur air.rstieu) V' rosouut ni.it,t,r.i,, fshdtiM. ana .mi. i.. rr)i gam or oious, 4 Wold by Ilrarolata. , Of Mnl In .1.1. . . . ' t "?. Sfspald. for ....-., , . noiiie., fj,7n, Uroular Hen) nu Mqiaiit, n. p. w. v no, i-w'ue, a- i please neuron ttals papas, 71 wersramouaysarssgo their ramslv 1 1 grows awry j-wii a. u ommIs 1 1 most lo bs relied on as always ' J the beat. For sal l.v leailn, I I dealers everywhere. lvs o- liu V Mtr paiier and always worth It. i tnstat on having tiirm. Hun no riak buy Ferry'. I X inuM Atinnallstrs. S 1 V s SJ. FFHIr V A 4'Oe . 'SS.te.t, HMP y imHri.l J 0ur.nt-4 U av M Mi a cirUi.r., r-Her.Tnt. mkihImi. ?SlTMl(VlOntMlRtl " , OtMCIttSjaTI.D -IT