GLOBE t.. is t i flpsjlM THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1888. the official Paper of qjlliam county. oregon. 4 PLEA FOR THE CHIL- I-'.'".'- JDHEX. ' ) One of the roost important mat i ters that will come before the next ! , epssion of the Oregon legislature - ' for consideration is the revirjiou of the state school law. Our public :hool system is a matter of vital interest to every man, woman and u child in the state, ftnd being such, : it should receive the most careful i attention from our legislature. Ev ery child within the borders of r ; our fair state is entitled to the very 0 beet educational advantages possi- J We, and whenever he is deprived .;..' f such advantages, whether by the carelessness or indiffereoce of ' v, n natural guardians, or by any defect in the school law, he is rob bed, of a heritage that rightly be t Twigs to him. i ' Iu this age of keen competition, f progress, and of everlasting hus - tie, every man, no matter what Lis occupation, Ls in daily need of i a well-trained intellect, and if he ' -vl:cks the early training and the -,V fundamental principals of educa tion which he should have received in the public schoolf in his child hood, he finds himself unable to eipe with his more fortunate fel lows and is gradually forced to the wall. In every comtrunity may i lie found numbers of disappointed, . unsuccessful men, whose partial or complete failure in life may be v N - attributed to this cause, and who can justly make the camplaint that, had their early opjsxrtUnities leen better the final outcome of their lives might have been vastly different. Iet the people of Oregon, through their legislators, soon to I, J .t.t e.t' Ve assembled, Say, that henceforth no child, growing up within the confines of Oregon, can justly make t!ils complaint. Let OUT school law be revised in tuch a way as will make it equal with the best in the Union. Let lis progress in all things, but above all, and over all, let us progress in the education of oar youth. A school system that was considered pood enough 50 or 25, or even 10 years ago is not good enough now. Times are changed. Give the chil dren a chance, w Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have annotated aa aav dasottaa the folloainf fK'raona: " ' W. H. Onlwcll, Arlfnjrton. rY?. K. ToTnaend. Condon. VA A-tfale, ' t K. M. JoBNKOtt, Lone Bock, Mock Icapeetor tor Gillian County, Oregon. WASTEf SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY PER aona In this atate to manage oar baalneaa in thetr own and nearby eoanties. It Is mainly effire work cniidacted at home. Salary Untight 'a a yuar and eapenaea dvfinlte, bonaffde. no ainre, no ! aalary. Monthly 75. Kefereneea. J.iM'I'we at iiddreaaed aumiwd envelope, Her bert E. Heaa, Preat., Dept. M, Chicago. 111. ACTIVE "SOLICITORS WANTED EVFRY wher lor'-Tba Story ot the Philippines" byMurat iiaUtead, eoranisaloned by tne Gov ernment a (imrial HUtorlan to the War De partment. The book waa written In army camps at ean Kranrim.o. on the Paclfle with General Xemtt. in the hoapitaU at Honolulo, In Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila. In the inmirsent ramps with AgHinaldo. on tbe deck ot lue Olympia with Dewey, and in taw roar ol battle at the fall ot Manila. Bonansa lor aae'ita. ttrimful of original pictures taken by '.n'riiT.nt photographers on the spot Ijirge lvii( tow prlcea. Big proAts. Freight paid. i giren. Drop all iraaby anoSlcial war K. . unitit fme. Addreaa, f. T. Barber, See'y., hur iiiaiiranca Wdg., Chicago. Ill WAN rED AGENTS TOR "GLADHTONE. HIS Ufeand I'HWIc Serricea," by Thoa. W. t . liandfnrd. A wonderful story of aglortouaea- reer. Over (tit) large, radiant pages. 100 superb, rare engravings, tiicbeat. Megoat, best and only rndorm.-d "Gladstone book'' puhliabed. Only fl W. Cotnmiwion. &0 per cent Credit given. Vreight paid. Oeltit free. Drop all trash and clear Min a month with the onlv true and good 'Giaditone book." Addreaa THE IKIMl.MoN COMPANY, Dept. 36. ta-i Doarbora street, Chlcajo. 1308 'VT.T A o roi7Ci7Mnnc did yoo say? Well, I guess COMPTON & GEORGE take the lead in that line. Anything from a Nigger Baby-doll Don't fall to see that fine baby carriage and big doll that is to be Given Away Christmas. A ticket with every dollar's worth of Xmaa goods sold. We are Headquarters, jo Arlington, for Gent's Furnishsng Goods, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Shoes and hundreds of other beautiful find useful articles that are designed to supply your Holi day wants to perfection. y Your Wife a set of our elegant China ware and she will love you as ebedidio the old days of Chocolate Creams, Caramels, end Courtship. It's a fact; try it. Mail orders solicited. We are here to oblige everybody. f n, f i '- " . M. J-j Auctioneer. I hrbv offer my wrvic to the peo ple of liilliatn county In the capacity of general auctioneer. Alt tinainpaa eiv truitM to my car win receive the tnoM c re fill attention. Will attend to ad vertising, liilline ami all preliminaries when ilesireti. Will attend sales In any part of this or adjoining cunntirs. Term reasonable. Call on or address Gso. I.. Nralk, tf Condnn, Or. Land Applications, Proofs and Aostracrs. H. N. Fraxer. County Clork, (tive special attention to abstracts of title, and is also prepared to receive U. S. government land filings and proofs, aa well as applications tor the purchase of forfeited railroad lands and state school liitida, at Ills office in Condon, Or. Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1898.J Rough lumber, pine, flO.OO per M Bough lumber.ffr, 12.00 " " Shi plap, second clasa floor ing, rostic, ceiling and snrfaced, 15 00 " " First class flooring, ceiling, rustirand. finishing, 22 50 " " Slab wood, per cord, .75 All bills discounted 10 per cent for spot rash. Sana price and same die- con nt to all. . lUftRT Halotiad, Lost Valley, Or. NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who lives on meat was ever known to lick Ins wife, or ask for a divorce. A vegetable diet woman is as cold and clammy as a turnip. If yon want vonr srirl to have mav cheeks ami vitality in her motion, feed her on beef steak with occasional closes ot nr. ttaw son'a Tonic Bitters. Sold everywhere. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Feb.. 1. 18!)7. will he paid on preren' tai ion at mv office. Interest ceases after this date. SB. Barker, Treasurer of (iilliam conntv, Oregon Dated at Condon. Ore.. October 26. 1898. Notice of Final Settlement. In tbe Cnitnty Court ot the State ot Oregon, lor Gilliam OoHntT. In the mailer of the estate ot Walter U Rlne hart, derated. Notice ta hereby riven tbat the nndonrlmed ha riled her flnal account ax administratrix ot the estate of Waiter U Ktnehart, aeceaaed, and toat Friday, January 8, 1899, at the brmr ot i o'clock p. m. ot aatd day. at the Slce of holding aatd County Court, at Coudnn. illiam t'onmy. Oreron, baa been act aa the time and place (or bearing oblectirms to said 6nl account and the final settlement thereof. All neraona Interested in tne anitl estate are mere- tore iiereu. uwiici w uw incir uujt.-.i.rii iw ul.t final atoHiit. if any they bare, on or before Ella N. Kikkhaiit AdminUtntrix. NOTICE FOR .PUBLICATION. Timber Caltura, Final Proof. n a I.ixn Omcz. Tna Di.Lr. Oa.. Dee. 12. 189. Notice Is hereby given that Frank Ward, of Hardman. Or., has Hied noth-e oi intention to make flnal oroof before J W. Morrow. Ij. 8. Commissioner, at his office in Reppner, Or., on Friday, February 24. 1899, on timber citltnre application So. S09o, for the nwU, see 58. tp I s, r 23 e. W. M. Be names as witneaaea: John T. Tarler. of Hennner: Josenh O. Magga. Tbos. Parmau and George Pannan, of Gooaeuerry, Oregon. dld46 J. P. Locas, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Cultnre Final Proof. P S Lasd Omcg. Tm DaLlks. Ok.. Dec. 1?. IMS. Notice is hereby given that IMila D. Boyert. of Rood Klver, Or., has filed notice nf Intrntion to mke flnal proof before S. A. P. Gurler. t. B. Commlrstoner, at his office In Arlington, Or., on Thursday. January 2S, 1899, on timber culture application So. 3738, for the sei, see , tp 1 s. r 21 e, W. M. He names as witneaaea: Jsmes F. Thomas, of Arlington William E. Reed. George B. Ilanna and John Mikkalo, of Olez, Oregon. dl5-la Jat P. Lccas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasb brWt At Tag Dallkh, Ob.. Dee. 12. Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention lo make final proof in support of his claim, and mat saw prooi win ne maoe rjeiore n. rraxer, coHtity etura ot uiuiara county, at uonaon, ur. on rrraay, January z, lew, tu: ROBERT B. POAG. of Condon, Hd. E. Ko. m&, for the nw'i. see 22, ip 4 s. r 23 e, W, M. Henames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cm ti ratios of aaid land, vis: J. W. Miller. Fred H AUen. W. L. Barker and John Hanley, all of Conion. d3-l5 Jat P. Lccai. Rgister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAKoOrncg at Thb Dalles. Ob., Nov. 80, lag. Aottce is hereby given that the following' named settler haa filed notice of hia intention to make final proof Inaupportof bis claim, and that said proof will be made before N. 1. Hale, U. a. Com., at lone, on bataiday, Jan. Is, 1st), via; WALTER a CONNER, of lone. Bd. E. No. 6934. for the eU se4 rw'i see 29, ana nw ne-4, see u, tp i s, t a e, w. x. h names toe following witnesses to Drove blcon ttnnotu readence npon and cultivation of said lano. vis: jonn a. wtinams. waiter xtoiin, Jacob Bortaer and JCrven Blake, all of lone. d(t- Jat P. I-ccas. Kegister. Subscribe for the Globb. to a Steamboat. ton Cash Store "HGE.Propr's, Arlington. H. H. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. orriCtS AT CONDON AMD FOSSIL, OaEQOH. Careful attention to office ronnnel end court practto. V.111 be In hia ofl'c Ht Condon vn Mumiav mid Tarwlay ol cm-h wk ttll farther notice. Hit date at Kosall are Ttiarstlaya, Fri days and tiatimtavt. Thvre will be a clotk and notary tu hia oft at troaatl In hta abavm-a. ' tyf M. BOBYS8, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Arlington, Oregon. Will Draetlca tn all th Court, nf the State. 'nllvctiona and Probata Bualuess lvtn carvful attention, Doubt What to buy as a Christ mas present for your wife, sister or sweetheart, hus band, brother or lover, as the case may be? A bottle of fine perfume in any one of the dottn pop ular odors, which I will take pleasure in showing you, will be sure to please, be cause everybody likes good perfumes. J. H, Hudson E CONDON. OREGON. 5 C. S. PALMER, f rtisti Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ftround. CONDON OREGON. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tbe County Conrt ol the State of Oregon, for OlUlain counts. In the matter of the estste ot Noble G. Bay re, deceased. Notice Is nerebT given that the nnderalgned has filed his final acconnt as sdtnlniatrator of tbe estate of Noble G. feayre, deceased, and that Tuesday. January 3, 1899. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. at the nlareof holding ssid Conntv Coart at Condon. oilliara CoHnty, Oregon, haa been set for the time and nlaee of hearing ohlecttons to said final aeconnt, and the final settlement thereof. All persons interested tn the said estate are there fore hereby notified to file their objection to aaid final account .If any they have, on or before said aate. in tne manner nroviaea D? law. Dated Nov. . lim D. r. icitaia. tt. H. HuNDatcxa, I Attorney for the estate. I Administrator. II I0-3D KOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Orrtri at Thi Dalls. 0a.. Kov. 80. IS!!. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler hat filed notice of hia Intention to make final proof In sntiport of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before V . Crawford, coHnty clerk of Morrow county, at Hcppner, Or. on Saturday, January 14. lifl, via: RL'Fl'S A. FARRENS, of Gooseberry, Hd. E. No. tflg. for the nwW. see 83. tp ? s. r 23 e. w. M. lie names tne lotiowtng wiinessea ir nrove hia conlinnotit residence noon and culll vation of aaid land, vis: Joseph O. Macga, John K. Stanley, Jonn w. opicanau ana tnaries n ara, au oi txooaeDerrj. d8-M Jat P. I.ocas, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION."" Land Orrtci. The Dallsa. Oa., Nov. is. 1898. Notice la hereby given that the following named eeitler hss filed notice of his Intention to make flnal proof to snpportof hi. claim, and that said proof will be mane before Vawter Craw ford, comity clerk at Heppner, O -. on Thursday, December 29, WM, vll; ERIK BEKG8TROM of Gooseberry Hd E No 6W7, for tbe lots 2, t and 4. see 11. tp 3 s, r28 e. W. M. He names tbe following witnesses tn prove hia rontinuoas resilience Hpon and cultivation of said land, vis: Jake Brown, Olnf Bergatrom, Geo. Parmao and Win. Ward, of Gooseberry. r. Jat P. Lccas, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Laud Omcg at Tna DAixaa, Oa., Nor. 16. 1898. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before H.N. 1'raser, county clerk of Gilliam connty. at Con don. Oregon, on Friday, Decembers), lo!.!, vis: WILLIAM J. RUSSELL. Hd. E. No. 361ft, for the n f'4 and w' seU'. see 17, tp i a. r 22 e. W. M. He names the following witnesses to piove his conilnHons residence upon and cul tivation of said land vis: V . J. bmlth, R. H. Poag, Jacob Blebl and M E. Hammers, all of Condon. Oregon. Jat P. Lucas, W4-42 Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Orrirr.. The Dalles, Oa., Kov. 17, Ifttt. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlerhas filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be mule before H. N. Kraser, county clerk ol Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon, on Thursday, December Dt, lH'Jfi, viz: CABKIE PCLLEX, 0 Lone Rot k; Hd E. No 40W, for the swlf neli wU se"J and ne'4 teU. see 2. tp 5 a, r24e. W. M. bhejimmea the following wit nesses to prove her contluuons residence apon and eultlvailon of said land, vis: M. O. Clarke and Al Henahew, of Condon; P, L. Ham and C. L. Canon, of Lone Rock, Oregon. na-2 Jat P. Lccas, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orrtcg, Tag Dalles, Oa,, Nov. I, IMS, Notice la hereby given that the following named settler haa filed notice of hia Intention to make final prool In aupport of hisclaim, and that said proof will be made before H, N. Frazer, eoHiitv elerk of Gilliam coanty, at Condon, Or., on Tbunday, December 14, IW, vl: GEORGE W. bCHOTT, of Olez, Hd. E. No. 4303, for the ul4 nn'4 sw!4 nwJi and nwj aw', sec , tp 3 . r 20 a. VV. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: P. K. Caaon. J. .1. Walker, Jean Lebous and W. B. Binith, all of Condon, Oregon. nlO-40 Jat P. Lccas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Orrtcg At The Dalles, Ok., Not 29. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler haa filed notice of hia Intention to make flnal proof in support of his claim, and that mid prool will he made before H. N. Krazer, eounty clerk ot Gilliam county, at Coudon, Or., on Tharadsy, January 12. 1HW, rli: EDWARD B. COMPTON, of Lone Rock, Hd. E. No. 4m. for the awU, sec 24. and n'4 n)i, sec2. tpS s, r23e, W. M, He names the following wllneaBMi to prove his contlimnna residence nKin and culilvation of said laud, vis: George W. Madden, O. W. Boone and New Mad den, of Lone Rock; M. O. Clarke, of Condon. dS-44 Jat P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard OrricE At The Dalles, Oa., Not. 29, ifm, Notice la hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of hia Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and thai said proof will lie made la-fore II. N. Fraser, county clerk ol Gilliam connty, at Condon, Or., on Tlmraday, January 12. 1WU, vis: GEORGE W. MADDEN, of Lone Rock, Hd. E. No. 4932. for the sw'. sec 2, Ip 6 a. r 23 e, W. M. He names the following wihicases to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of aaid land, vis: Kdwaru B. Comptou, . W. Boone snd New Madden, of Lone Rock; M. O. Clarke, ol Condon. dfr4 Jav T. ivntt, yuptUst, lAre You iln 25 Per Cent Discount. -JL Any Overcoat Any Jacket Any Cape in the store at a reduction of 25 per cent. Other inducements in every department of our big store. We must have room Stock which is now purchased. Our store is full of HOLIDAY GOODS; send in your Mail Orders if you can't come yourself. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. IvORD & CO., ARLINGTON, Of Arlington, Or., No. 3918. i Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States; and Europe. Interest 1 8 FECIAL ATTENTION CIYENTO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS' D.M.FRENCH. Pra.ld.nt! W. W. 8TEIWEH. Vlc-Praeldant) FRANK T. HURLBURT, Caahl.r. v DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH. W.W. STE1WER, Wt-ORD. L. C. ED WARDS AND J. H. PUTNAM, ssass DEALER 1 1 1 ! GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, Gent's Clothing, Furnishings, Mitchell Wagons and Cheap. Call and CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE "ssOR TRADE. asassjav Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. W. LORD, Manager. Wasco Warehouse Co. General Storage and , Forwarding. WOOL STORAGE A SPECIALTY. HIGHEST PRICE P ' ID FOR WHEAT, HIDES AND PELTS. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement. Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood "'- Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHINGLES. 02.25 FEU M. Office in Warehouse - - - Arlington, Oregon. Suits for Men Suits tot Boys Suits for Youth Suits fOr Children 'All Reduced 25 Per Cent. for our Immense Spring OREGON. Banking Business.; Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. A. C. HAWSON. ? iinnnjviAnnnjTjviAnjxrinnnnnjvinnnnjinjT OREGON. Boots and Shoes Neckwear, Etc. All Kinds of Vehicles see for yourselves. r FRANK ALDRICH. Arlington Agt TIIA!il(SGIVII!G PROCLAMATION. You will find rich, elegant and in every part o live of the wintei proaching. Quality proclaims3 itself from every corner, style from every sholf. Our counters are laden with choice fabrics and general merchandise, and the voice of value is heard on every hand. Call at the old stand you know to well, or write for prices on any line of goods we handle and BE THANKFUL Address All Communications to Firm Name. SHURTE & WEIR CO. SUCCESSORS TO JAS. W. SMITH. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON. DROP IN AT COB'S Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, whan you faal Ilka anjoylng flrat-claat CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. The "DELMONICO" RESTAURANT afitii ' tha plaoa to f ' j- First-class meals at all hours of the day, from 25c up. The only Short-order house in Condon. . NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION FOR LOOCERS. Bread, pies and cakes on hand for sale,- or baked to order. Chickens dressed to order. Butter and eggs bought and sold. TVT. JORDAN, - Proprietor. R IN EH ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no found iu this country than at HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN. CONDON MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal of first quality. Chickons, Eggs, Butter, Fruit and Vegetables bought and sold. We handle only first-class meats and our prices are reasonable No credit giv en. It takes money to buy fat beeves. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, H. G.JORDAN, Propr. W. A. DARLING, Painter and Paper-hanger. l,ooo Samples of paper to choose from at from G to 80 cts. per roll. Your Patronage Solicited. O f'W Job Pnr;tivat The president and our governor have reinrndud us that tbe season of fruit age la here when we can And ample cause for thanksgiving. Although one of the youngest firms in this coun ty, we have enjoyed more of your confidence and patronage than we had anticipated. For this WE are thank' fui. ; ' our full line of reasonable goods iur store sugges- wAROii now a, bettor accommodations can be this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c Through Tourist Cars to St Louis. A totirlat letlnK car will Irava port IanI evi-ry Momlay vis Mo. lue. and fvt-ry WHiii-hIhv vis tha BorllnBton IlouieHtSP. M, via th 0. It, A N. tlmuiiih Hull Lake snl Dfiiver without vhnutt lo Kt. biula, and undor the tn f rvlrtmi nf vX'nrlf hwd fondilrlnra. No i Iihiikh of can tu the i-itiea, Kansas City r HI. Louli. Keep this ifrvln In mind whn vlnir Khhi and couialt U. U. & N. HK-nta or aiMreui, W, H, IllJIll.HUKT, Ofnaral Paasanm-r Aifent. Portland. (). tr;e ClOB OffKc .Q -I