Ja kn to at to B; r th tb b ! la A ' ti ' w to I. bi c CO rt M m I la- H i (r b tl V ti ti t! ti I 1 -o n b o 7 c n I i I I 1 ( I C i ' .r."" I, 1893, T ..(.'ASDAy, DEC! HE OFFICIAL PAKW OF O ILL! AM COUN'Y. GHECON. II Oil TO BUILD TGtlW'S. OREGON The bet.t way to build p ft town fs to staod by every man in the place wbo does right, eays the Ore-1 gon City Press. V henevcr a man fs doing ' well, di? not tear him! down. All residents should be partner!, not opponents, ; In all livelihoods the more business your rival does the more you will do. ETyery business man who treats customers honestly, courteously and fair will get his share, and the more business that can be secured ty united efforf the better it will t fot all., WbetJ s town ceases to f row it begins to die, and the more jieople- try to kill each other in their business the more readily will utter ruin come to all. Stand together for the advancement of every citizen. If a man shows ability to prosper, do not pull him back through jealousy, or weight hi in down by a cold indifference. Portland, and Oregon, and the entire Pacific Nortbwest for that matter, have reason to feel proud of the wonderful performance of the foVpedo boat Davis on her recent trial trip. The craft was built to attain a maximum (speed of 22 J knots, but she exceeded that and made the phenomenal record of 23 knots, reaching at one time 23 knots. Oregon is all right whether she undertakes to build ships, raise wheat or produce fruit, bops, beef or mutton. Glorious -OregoI 't An Irishman, in order tccele Irate the advent of a new era, went out on s little lark. He didn't get home until 3 o'clock in the morn ing, and was barely in the house when a nurse rushed up and, uncov ering a bunch of soft goods, showed him triplets. The Irishman looked Bp at the clock which said three, and then at the three of a kind in the nurse's arms, and said: "Oi'm rot superstitious, but thank heaven thot Oi didn't come home at twilve." -Ex. ' It is alleged that Brigham II. Roberts, wbo was recently elected to congress from Utah, is an avow ctl polygamist. If such is the case it begins to look as though the plural marriage phase of the Mor mon question was not altogether settled when Utah was admitted to statehood. Congress will probably take some action in the matter, and a general rehearing of the Mor mon question may be expected. Senator M. 8. Quay, of Penn sylvania, has been indicted by the grand jury for conspiracy and the unlawful use of State money which was on deposit in his bank. This makes a somewhat embarrassing situation for Matt, and also for the TijeDohers of the legislature of his state. It remains' to be seen wheth er politics or common decency will get the best of the scrap. WANTED SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY PER aons in tbis state to manage our bHalneaa hi their owa and nearby eountiea. It la mainly etticework cond acted at borne. Salary atraight SnoO a year and expeuaes definite, bonalide. no r-.ure, no lesa salary. Monthly 175. Keferencet. fcnrioee aelf-dreaaed stamped envelope, Her bert . Ueaa, Freak, Sept. M, Chicago. IU. XMAS PRESENTS did you say? Well, I guess COMPTON & GEORGE take the lead in that line. Anything from a Nigger Baby-doll to a Steamboat. Don't fail to see that fine baby carriage and big doll that is to be Given Away Christmas. A ticket with every dollar's worth of Xmas goods sold. We are Headquarters, in Arlington, for Gent's Furnishsng Goods, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Shoes and hundreds of other beautiful nd useful articles that are designed to supply your Holi day wants to perfection. Buy Your Wife a set of our elegant China ware and she will love you as 6he did in the old days of Chocolate Creams, Caramels, and Courtship. It's a fact; try it. Mail orders solicited. We are here to oblige everybody. The Arlington Cash Store COMPTON& GEORGE Ai a joint nutii)g tit the pence com (iiissimi at Paris, on Monday, fte Spun- ( ish foiiiiiii8ionoi8 HntmuiuTtl thsir o repliinro ( the American di'Uiands, nn rondiiioualljr, and Buffed to ci'Ju the Philippine and the Siilu islands, and to sell the Caroline islands to the United StaU'. They do so under protest, how ever, and claim that the eoiicrt'ssion in mude only beenuse they are obliged to milmiit to a superior force. Tne European powers are aaid t le mnch displeasvd over the tiiial arrangi- uient, and lo bitterly resent ttmlior aoquisiU not territory by tl.e Amer c ills'. ACTIVR SOUCtTORS WAN fed k.vfuy whore lor ' The Slory ot the riilliilm" by Murat HaM'il, (smnnlm-toiuMt by tin' UoV' erninrm as oliiiiul Historian to HieWrlK" partmonl. The book was wrliU'ik iu nriny cmpt, ftt moi I rnu'Ki-o. on tne rio-int who t,eierui Merrltt, In the hosiitnls Ht Honotuln, in Hong Ron, in the Aimui'uti uvin'hos Ht wanna, in the inmirvi'iit minim with AitiiinuKlo, on the lwa of tho olvmpia with Krivcy, mid iu tlx; roar of lmtt!e at the lull of Manila. Hunmiu lor agents. Brimful of origlnnl v't""'" taken by Rovemnient phottirMpherii on the njtot. Mnee book. low price. Bur prorlu. Kn-leht iwiil. Credit irivan. Prop all lrshy Bnollieinl r books, timrlt frve. Altrw, K. T. Burber, Sec''., bur IiMnrance BUift., ChU'NKO. 111. WANTED AGENTS FOR "GLADSTONE. HIS LUe inl PHhlie Service," by TIk. W. HundforJ. A wonderltil story of a glonoat ca reer. Over SOU Urge, radiant page. 1U0 anpern, rare engravings. Kiehent, biggent, best and only endoned "tiladntone bonk" punlihed. Only ComtmsMOii, 50 per cent. Cwllt given. Freight paid, lliitlit free. Drop all trarh and clear I.KW a roonlh with the only true and gtul -tiladMlnne book." Addresa THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. 86, Sii-iia Dearborn utreel, Chicago. jWX Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. H. N. Fraxer, County Clerk, give special attention to abstracts of title, and is also prepared to receive U. S. government land filings and proofs, as well a applications for the purchase of forfeited railroad lands and state school lands, at his office in Condon, Or. Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1898.) Rough lumber, pine, flO.OO per M Bough lumber.fir, 12.00 " " Shiplap, second class floor ing, rustic, ceiling and ' snrfaced, 15.00 " " First class flooring, ceiling, rustic and finishing, 22.60 " " Slab wood, per cord, .75 All bills disco on ted 10 per cent for spot cash. Same price and same dis count to all. Harry Halktead, Loot Valley, Or. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. AH partie are hereby warned not to purchase or negotiate any of the following notea: One for fXK), given by K. F. Monroe to J. A. Lion; one by Chaa. Baker for 140 to J. A. Linn; one by D. C. Henry to J. A. Linn for 1 10; one by J. G. Stevenson to J. A. Linn for (105; all of Con don, Oregon. These notes were taken from the penon of J. A. Linn at the time of his killing by Claude Branton, June IS. 1898, and their present where- abouta are unknown to the legal representative of Bald J. A. Linn. P. H. STErHenraM, Administrator Estate John A. Linn, dee'd Condon, Not. 2. 189. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for uuuam louiuy. - In the matter of the estate of Noble G. Say re, deeeased. Notice is hereby given that the nndereiirned has Hied his final aeeount as administrator of the estate of Noble ti. bayre, deeeased. and that Tuesday, January 3, 1890. at the hoar of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. at the plaee of holding said County Court at Condon, Gilliam County, (iregon, baa been set f"r the time and place of hearing objections to said nnal aeeount. and the final settlement thereof. All penions interested in the said estate are there lore hereby notified to file their objection to aaid final aeeount if any they have, on or before aaid date, in the manner provided bv law. Dated Xov. 9. Vm. H. t. TexKta. H. if. Hkndbiikx, ( Administrator. Attorney for the estate, t nlO-.fJ Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the following persons: W. H.Colwell, Arlington. L. B. Townsend, Condon. Fred A. Hale, Fossil. JK. M. Jovwfiox, Lone Rock, Stock Inspector forUilllam County, Oregon. Auctioneer. I hereby offer my services to the peo ple of Gilliam county in the rapacity of general auctioneer. Alt hnninenH en traated to luy care will receive the mutt careful attention. Will attenil to al vertising, billing and all preliininarip when desired. Will attend cales in ant part of this or adjoining counties. Terma reasonable. Call on or address Geo. L. Xealb, tf Condon, Or. Propr's, Arlington. ' r i ivukii.1 rw v- OrrU'gH AT COSIHIN AND fWKlU, OHItOOS. rareful attention to ofNce eoaiitel and ronrt praeliee. Mill tie in Mw tnre at tondon edi Moimav antt Tmwlnv ol each wovk lid further notiee. Illariatra at Fowll are Tlmradaya, rrl- UMyrt and Satnnlava. There will be h clerk and notary in Ida orltv at Fiwsil In lil alwenrv. f II, IXlBYXS. Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Arlington, Oregon. Will practice In all the 4'otina of tlie SiH Collections and Piobate Hiiflnws slveii earelul intention. ; j tvvtnnnjmruTjariJVUnjirin ruu vinnn Thprp.'s no "SOFT SOAP" about this talk. It's a plain, straight, business talk, about the very best kinds of soap ob tainable. We keep them, you should use them. Why use nasty harsh laundry soap in your bath when you can get the best brands of the toilet article at our store at moder ate priceB. A dozen brands to choose from, all good. J. H. Hudson CONDON, OREGON tirtrij ninnjvnjTjnnnrv C. S. PALMER, J,rtistK Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts, Razors honed and re-Rround CONDON OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Lasn Omrt, Th Dali.is. Oa., Xov. 16, 1W8. nttr is herehv aiven that the follow ine- named aeitler has riled notice of his iuteuttou to make nnal Drool in atimairt of his claim, and that said oroof will be made before Vawter Craw ford, county clerk at Heppner, O on Thursday, ueeemrjer a, , via: ERIK BERGSTROM of Gooseberry Bd E No6R87, for the lot 1 2. S and 4. nee 18. to 8 a. r ii e. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cumvaunn oi said land, via: Jake Brown, Olaf Bergstrom, Ueo. Parmon and n in. W ard, ol Uooseberry. or. nJ4-2 J at Y. LfCaa, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxb Ofhci at The Dailkx, Ob., Kor. 1. Vfm. Notice is hereby srtven that the following- named settler baa Sled notice of tils intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before H.N. r raicr, county ciera ot oiinam couniy, ai uui, don, Oregon, on Kriday, Uevember 30, 1S'J. via WILLIAM J. RCS8ELL. Hd. E. No. 3646. for the n1 swVi and wt seii. see 2T. tn s, r 22 e, W. M. He nitniea the following witnesses to prove his eonilnHous reinnce upon and eni tivation of said land, viz: W. 3. cmlt)i, R. 11. I'oag, Jacob blebl and il E. Sum men, all of Condon. Oregon, jit r. ucts, xl-U Kealster. XOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LAKDOrnca. Th Dalle. Oa.. Xov. 17. IK. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has riled notice of her intention to make filial proof in support of ner claim, and that said proof will be made before H. N. Fraxer, county clerk of tiilliam county, at Condon, Oregon, on Thursday, uecemoer a, vm, via: CARRIE PL'LLES, of Lone Rock; Hd E. No for the w! nei m'4 se' and ne rVt, see 2S, rp S . r .'te Vv. M. Knefnamea the following wit nesses to prove her continuous resilience upon and cultivailon of said land, via: M. (. Clarke and AI Henshaw, of Condon; r. L. Ham and C. L. ( nnii, ol Lone Kock. Oregon. n'JI-i JaV V. I.ita, Register. tiOTlCE FOK PUBLICATION. Lasd Orrice, Th Iai.lk!, Oa., Nov. 2, 1M. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hlsclalin, and that said proof will be made before H. N. Fraxer, comity clerk ol (Ulltain county, at Condon, Or., on Thursday, December IS, via: GEORGE W. 8CHOTT, of (Ilea, Hd. E. No. 43TO, for the D'i nw!4 sw1 nwi and nw1 sw, sec 29, tp3s, r e, . f. Henameathe following witnesses roprove niscoririnHotis residence upon and cultivation oi said laud, viz: P. F. Cason. 1. A. Walker, Jean Leboua and W. B. Smith, all of Condon. Oreeon. niato JaV P. I.PCJla. Register. OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornci at The Dalles, Oa.. Oct. 27, Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make Until proof in support of his clulm, and that said nroof wilt be made before II. N. Frazc-r. county clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Or., on Tuesday, December 13, thus, via; MICHAEL E. HUMMERS, Hd. E. No. 4160, for the e',4 seW sec 4, and s'j swi sec St, tpSs, fJ3e, W. M. lie names the following witnesses to piove his coittiuHou. resioence noon and cultivation of said laud, via: Jacob biebl, Mike Whtte, Harry Hay and w. J. Hmltb, ail of Con don, Oregon. n:J-3 i?Y T- xmi B'tflnter- KOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Timber Culture Final Proof. IJ S Lakb Orpicg, Th DALi.aa, Ob., Oct. 26, lHflg. Notice la hereby given that Frank M. Pllter, of Cotillon, Or., baa tiled notice of Intention to make final proof before If. N. Fraxer, county clerk, at bis othee In Condon, Or., on Saturday, December lO, 1898, on timber culture application No. 2AH2, for the nw sec !, Ip 4 s, r ! e. W. M. He names as witnesses: John A. Mi Morrls, It H. I'oag, G, Schilling and A. 8. Thompson, all of Condon, Or. n.i-m Jay P. Ldcam. Register. 0'rICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. 0 8 Laud Office, The Dalle. Or., Oct. 2, ((. Notice Is hereby given that John A. McMorrls. of Condon, Or., has itled notice of intention to make tinal proof before H. N. Fraxer, county clerk, at lilsofllce in Condon, Or., on Saturday, December lO, 1893, on timber culture application No, WJ7, for the sw , wa, tp 4 s, r 22 e, W. M. He names as witnesses: Godfrey hchilling, F. M. Flit- r, J. E. Downer and F. G. May, all of Condon, Oregon. n3-3 Sht P. LV('h, Rcgliter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. V 8 Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Oct. 2fl, '98. Notice 1 hereby given that Godfrey Schilling, of Condon, Or., has filed notice of Intention to make II mil proof lielnre II. N. Farjer, county clerk, at his oltiee in Condon, Oregon, on Saturday, December lO, 1898, on timber culture application No. 2710, for the nw Vt. sec 21, tp 4 s, r 22 e, W. M. He names as wltm-snes: Joim McMorrls, F. 0. May, W, L. Duiker and John Hanuy, all of Condon Oregon, h3-S!) J, P, Lpcas, RegUicr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LNn Office at The Dalles, Or., Oct. 11, ( Notice la hereby given that the following nam ed settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make final pooof In support of his claim, and, that said pi oof will lie Home lieforn X. A. 1. ur- ley, i . o. commissioin r, at nn oince in Ailing ton, )r on oaturday, December 8, 1W, vix: HESKy WILKINJ, of Clem, Hd. E. No. 4214, for the sw sec . to " s. r 21 e. Vt. M. He mimes the following wltncsse to tirove tits ciintliiiioiiK residence upon auiKeiiltlvatloii ol sal i land viz: C A. Daniieinan. James Larch and L. P, Conrny of Clew; T. C. Mobley, ol (ilea, Oregon. o Jv P. Lvc, Ksfinvr. SuinrtimiwruTJ y ou'esee it ffycUrUTlOH'- AVW Of ThMMKSOSAwf We Have in Stock- All Goods Marked LORD ARLINGTON, av fcv 4j) av 4j) 11 ' PJi tall lllllll Of Arlington. Or., No. 3918, ! Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States' and Europe. Interest ; SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS- D.M.FRENCH, President; W. W. T. HURLBURT, Cashier. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. WARDS AND JuvurLruvvrviJxriJirinn J. HJUTIIAM, GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes ' Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles Cheap. Call and'see for yourselves. CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths: Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOU SALE mm n n tr-rr m Largo Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. W. LORD, Manager. Wasco Warehouse Co. General , Storage and Forwarding, WOOLSTORACE A SPECIALTY. H1CHEST PRICE P ID FOR WHEAT, HIDES AND PELTS. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood ' Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHI.1CLES, $2.25 PER M. Office in Warehouse. - Arlington, Oregon. s This Way. There are ninny things you need to make you perfectly thankful on Thanksgiving day, Some of these aro comfortable Clothing, Underwear, Shoes.Hnts and BlanketB. some of the substantial goods for keeping you warm when the days are cold. You'll be sure to appre ciate theiu and then you are sure to be thankful. Our line of Fascinators, Hoods, Jackets, Capes and Ladies' Wrap pers is complete. We carry the largest stock of Groceries in Gilliam County and all the good things that go to make up a Thanksgiving dinner are complete. . We have just put on display an elegant line of Stamped Linen, Carlsbad Chinaware and Library and Hanging Lamps. in Plain Figures. & CO., OREGON. JirmnJvuuxrijTirip Banking Business.; Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. STEIWER, Vlce-Pr.ldnt FRANK ! W. STEIWER, W. LORD, L. C. ED A. C. HAWSON. ? FRANK ALDRICH, Arlington Agt ,"A JIaiMja.i I IIAriKbUIVinU HKUULAMATIOH. 1 You will find rich, d( gant ni ' in evrry pail tiveof the wind proaching. Quality proclaims itself from every corner, style from every eliplf. Our counters are laden with choice fabrics and general merchandise, and tho voico of value is heard on every hand. Call at the Jd stand you know so well, or writo for prices on any line of goods we handle and Address All Communications to Firm Name. SHURTE & SUCCESSORS TO ARLINGTON, - DROP IN AT COB'S 5R00fj Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, whan you fl Ilk enjoying a first-class CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil ORAUCHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. The "DELMONICO" restaurant ia?uro:t.otohr:i afn ' th plaos to g0taW a First-class rnenls at all liours of the day, from 2Gc up. The only Short-order house in Condon. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION FOR LODGERS. Bread, pics and cakos on hand for sale, or baked to order. Chickens dressed to order. Butter and eggs bought and sold. T.J.JORDAN, - - Proprietor. R IN EH ART'S Condon, GEO. W. RINEHART, PropV. The public will find that no found in this country than at HEAPqUARTERS FOR TRAVELI1IC MEN. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE BEST WHEN BUYING GROCERIES? IF YOU ARE IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO CONSULT WITH P. H. Stephenson, BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. Dealer in Fine Merchandise. Condon, - - - - Oregon. A. DARLING. Painter and Paper-hanger. l,ooo Samples of paper to choose from at from 6 to HO cts. per roll. Your Patronage Solicited. The president and our governor liavo reminded us that tho season of fruit age is tiero when wo can find ample online for thanksgiving. Although ono of tho youngest firms in this coun ty, wo have enjoyed more of your confidence and patronage than wo had anticipated. For this WE are thank-ful our full lias of ri')Mlll lo 00 1 4 ir stoic sug?e'8 'itnon i o r np- BE THANKFUL WEIR CO. JAS. W. SMITH. - - OREGON. RESTAURANT Oregon. better accommodations can be this house. Meals 25c; beds25o. Through Tourist Cars to St ' Louis. A tnnrlst aJprplnir Mr will leave Port hin.l f vt-ry Mmi'lny vtn Mu. 1'hu, nnd t-vt-ry WHiHH.lMy vl l In- Hnrlinijtiin It. Die at 8 J. M. viH I he O, H. A N, ihrminh Null Lnke Mini IVnvor w itlioui cIihukc In HI. hiMila, siul nnilcr the hii icrvislnn iif fximrlpncfd i-niidnctor, Nn i'Iimiiki. i,f cHm In the cltioi, Knusaa City r Ki. I.iila. Kfi-p HiIh ai-rvlo in mind lien f"lnw Ehsi wild emii-ull O. K. A f, iigeiita or Hddimi, W. II. Unm.siiRT, Oeuural rui.enpr Aysol, Portland, Or, V f