CONDON GLOBE. SUPPLEMENT. 4' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1898. h LOCAL POINTERS. y ; : fi S, V, Mow made flying trip to Ar 1 'iiiigtiitl Irt-I week, - , , ' ..' ; Hoodie 1'almer visitrd Arlington n (nullum Xt week Tllg Wll-oll, it. IJ. Trimble J ibn Calmer and Fred Monroe returned from Kugene MoinUv. , , 1 , t Ten m inmiMf were recently re-i cirived Into the lNViriK!ttl'iul church j till plan-. . , County 0."iiitili'iMi,r,j Frank l'litr, J returned , ln I'rl Isiy from a toilnvm irlp tit lluppnvr. , , I Mi-Cull? mi In urn' i( hi nrid- ' vlii ! KiMtll t;it r'.itiirdiiji-, re- j (iruing Hiiii.;i .-, ! Ili-iU rl Mi'iIii-ii-.hi ri'lMHU'l la't Frl- j da ffniM Kilji'tti, rtlivre It Ikvii I (r two itk aiteirliiig court, t:..... ... fii.ti. . ... itoni nt.4.1 ....... -rr '"j. . L .1 ft t. f iiwwti ny mi1 u, it ii mi ,i Miit), lite -W , A.Il'l'Ut, fr.ltlHi'll. , ! Frank M I'M .'k Mi Ul wk lur ; iidiiimr, Ml.l.U-tn. win-re he will t- i.d M h"il ( if me iiwk t year. ," i riuii niter utti .ld toe uilincn of , ..l -IHKp, ti tij Itr-tiit. lujollll 1 lur-' ilD'iii, l 1 .1111 r-llillC. j t. A. Vjiiiu, of iUkvuvuii, hi low II .11 III. U). lllle little ll puruliamjd I II0 lUMil Ml ilfl IrUlil Klllllil ilf n, junry iiarlmaii lm bvUlit 4 lul n k I' vliurcn Ihm'1 wJ jotiilnjf tivorge I'aluiu.- If prupruy mi l wilt build aco..y residence s, thureoii tins tall. if, L. vV. Ruling ttnd wife, t'f Condon, are hi the uity vuituig ilinr daughter .... alio me alien ting cuool lu-rtt. lliu iMne Chiuiilcie'. ''" 1 A now iiivtiiii u( y nii li (jI.iiik Iihi 1 llvfli iimi:vJ uur tliu wiT utl M4I11 -ti wi l ImUi'i-H llto l oiiil.iil ll.jl'.'i Mint m UliiifUu ru I'fuperty. ("1 It. t. J Mr la 11 in iTOriliit; a ni build rt:t mi hid It iL tu.vt lltlllll t'.liiM ' lltiril Itl tui!il n ml nmikel. t'lm k ntut f Livinisntijii mv Jul 11 1 tli murk. . Hill I.I v 1 111rntt.11 ! remiiiimllilu (nr ttm Hell till. lilttlt. Bit luu..l lit t J.It , VH W VIIAHW HHIVIIIJIIWH i juuus ui 111a jrBr iuw. auinvripiiun 1 uiJ up u J ait. 1st of tlit yei , " Mr. U. K. Nott, the well-known dentUt I ,, I-'umiI, will tw iu Ciiiiilon ovamW 1 , prejmiW to do all kiutUot work In I f hue. Tlioon duvirliig donul work t fUtiould cll early. tf St n At a upecial mfctlnu of the city coun cil on Monday au vrdinance wa panned requiring property owner on Bmuuitt treet between ,Mln and Oregon to grade the itret to uniform grade from the corner of Hendrlcke' law office to Main etreei, ; - Mri. H. V. Thompson of Matncy Flat, left 011 Saturday for Central Point, Or., tu Join her liiulmiid, w lio went to that plare two wettke varlier t undergo trrnl- inent lor eunwr. Itelore leaving, Mr. TItoiii pnoii rented their furui to tiodfrey Sciiillmg for a period of five year. Ilob I'attinoii lint Iwen apHiluted city inunilial, vice Augum Audertuu, renign d. Iu addition lo. the dutie of the uieriihal' olflee lie. wilt have charge of the water work when they are com pleted, W.T. lUiikiu. an Oregon City boy, who lute berii in the mountain Iu ctmrgtt of Frank I'liu-r'a tiiuup all uin- iiut, uaitie in M.mday and lelt for a visit at hi lioiua yeirday, tie will prob ahly return to tiilliaiu county in a (e w-ek. Mr. an l Mr, il. (J, ,lritkliid left Tuesday lor t'ortlun I, -where they go for the purpo of plaoiug lliuir littledatigh ter lUni'l In Hie hopital for treatment. Tney i pre t to remain for a couple of Meek and during Ui it time will viit friend at othar p ilui in Hie Valluy, Their many friviiiU lioru will hope that lUii-l will rtiiru i-ompleiely rentored to liealtli, . .. PUBLIC SALE. Having dl9Hjnd of my ranch, a ud wiliingto retire from Ijuniiifn 011 account of III health, 1 willnt-ll, at public auction, at my ranch 011 Trail Folk, about 12 mile outhent of Condon, on Friday, November 11, 1898, The foilowing domriU'd properly: 1") head of work nud taddle home, 6 head of cattle, farming implementa, wagon, back, houitt-huld and kiudien funiilurv including a limt-clnn or gan, a large quautlly of canned fruit nd other article too nuinerou to mention. Term of tale: One year' time on all approved account over $10.00, 8 per cent dlecount for ch. Bale will begin at 0 o'clock iliarp. U. L. Nralr, ) Fhamk Si-aiNoirroN' Auctioneer.) if1