Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 03, 1898, Image 4

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    1 1 Cu Bo Made to
"The Melancholy day have coma; '
! ti,MimUia com -with them It
be made to go right off by the use
f a. Jacobs Oil, Which cure and leave
o trace behind. '..-' . -. J
Mac.roet TriMi Mayonoelae. ' ' 1
1 A delicious way to serve macaroni
's to place it on the same plate with
ettuoe. the mayonnaise doing sauce
Tvice for both. The macaroni is cut
uto thin slice from macaroni and
heese baked the day before. U is
;er ved oold. ' " -
. . . ... . . , C jf T
As Su2t Is Made In Fields, and Not in ractones, oooo ocw
e. T" A.
Important Requirement Uerman vxmsuis jcporu
j Every Action
And everv thought requires an expendl
jture of vitality which must be restored by
Lieann of the blood flowing to the brain
Lnd other oreans. The blood most be
pure, rich and nourishing. It Is made so
by Hood's Sarsaparllla which Is thus the
ijrent etrength-gtving medicine, the cure
for weak nerves, scrofula, catarrh, and all
: diseases caused by poor, Impure wood
U AmwlM'i Greatest Medtolne. $1: mx fot5.
HOOD'S ftH r lndteeatlon. cents.
8twed fvo.1 Is Healthy.
There Is no doubt that stewed trnlt
I is a most wholesome addition to ordi
I nary diet There are, however, many
who cannot eat it. either on
! account of the aoldlty of the fruit or of
' ........ . t .!.
Henry W. Diederich. United fctates J' .Tn beet
tjVuIl J-'lnlitKi uun e. vav. w - -
a IV n all lirnitRftl LO
. . a . I HiWll. in X HLU lt0 saw -
the following repoit to the state aepart- .g movement oll toot
ment. The report win prove or inter- in tfaat t0 increase the tarin on
est and valuo to the farmers oi w imported wed.
-i,.ot tafcino nn the I T),a flrxt-nlnss snirar factories Oi ru
NOrWlWOO, wv i J " - r. - i . , , ... , 1
rrw hnv none Dut me very ut b,.,
irawn from high-grade individual
bound tTeffect changes in various direo- "mother" beets, to distribute 'among
Uona that noone could have foreseen the best growers; thus not only main
none nai nu uuo nininI, the standard of their sugar
a me negiuuuiK - ; """T ' ' ,. .;. hut
loiiBt imDOrtant is the bearing moy win oeeis io ,
ondoSy have on thesngr industry also putting themse W i in a , pos.t on
in Germany and in the united otara. wcompewiu... ",7- v.",
. " . " .1 HvLL.tion world. This first-class seed ts sold and
ff sugar Pa rfoik Puerto delivered by the growers on toard ca
r, ..j u...n in , Prnsa an nrovinoe of Saxony, at
Kton. tna rniiippiuno uu , ... ,
probable In tne near future. With from 8 to JO cents per ponna,
ZZ and Chinese labor In the Orient ; . moderate , price l
3 i ila DaninA th thA stimulus ui 1 in ft i it la&es o
tnl In the 1 it into the market.
me.rri "u!Tr.r";;. n,lM Thrira i. also a second-class
intricate bounties of Europe, the sugar offered for sale in this i country, at from wor(J ,0
,estionhaa become, very complicated , to 6 cents per to eorn , , t
being a seed produoed not fiora , the
1. Ik. ITn twl mA hF MMU. DUI irUIIllllo Ul uo-
used by
.Aift m thA tmiL 11 h i m I) i v uiB mmA aiflRoaraizou. -"" ....... . " . . .
Hk .dvisabUfor those planning tosta.t France HoUand "- -
apt Q Imenere wiui w . uon - , .V 'u L. . n.i.j ci.iu
nf. Vlni th Irmt. In., mini work already Deeun iuww umuuiroi
RrporlPd by Pownlug, Hopklnt k Co., lae..
I(orJ ci Trmle roker, Ml to H CaamW ol
Comuecee building, 1'ortUud, Orou.
The wheas trader's suocosa last week
depended upon the direction in which
he happened to be faced. If he looked
toward the west he made no money out
of the market. The influence of the
lurBPat nrimarv reoelnts on record kept
him off the buying side. He was lucky
if he resisted the temptation to put out
a abort line. The operator who Kept
Bpaln BlliiiuUh ovrlt r
I tit hlmd Without Cuudttlon.
Paris. Oct 89. The Spanish peace
commissioners have accepted the nctm
tlve view of the United Btate commis
sioners toward tho proposed assumption
by the United States of the Cuban debt
The American commissioners have
dimly but courteously declined to
assume for the United States entire or
joint responsibility for Spanish finan
cial conditions, ami uie espaninn
,v - , ,
his eye on the seaboard was the lucky missionors have nnaiiy iummiui, ...
one. He saw there the laigest export effort, and havo agree.! that the Cuban
engagements ever known, about a mil- article of the pr,ol shall, w. hou.
Hon wheat a day. it noumnoi i coixhuuih, p. - -
I ",L .Ah. Dood at the close treaty of peace. Thus Spain agrees to
DVJtli U UlUtlVJ I -
Saturday niiiht it was because ne uas
. . a ilia a! mnemnm WAi-lllfvAfl Art I I a. s..,Aa rA MOT rT
we large quanwy - - . .,, aM1, mnntioned above. 1
make It palatable. anonw ne remem- states ia no so - im n. ,
beied that sugar doea not counteract ago. it ia much too early to be- ferior grade, however, a notj
lidltVol X fruit, It .imply dis- Lme discouraged. While it may be first-class .
eprinkle over it a .mail pinch of car
bonate of soda; this renders the dish
mora wholesome, and certainly more
tasty."; ; ' " '
And thia is the
... . . . t . i i l. a AAm ir mv nnrv if l i-iaii
. . s nhntt iii inn viirK irMMin wiiv a uuoiu J J
coni'.nue. - - r. .... ,,. l onttlno
i .v.. avaoi in tne unueu sneniiua w o iui.Miw v. B
SuleTiUlefor the culture of the only the kn
no aptitude for tho opportunities.
Chicago was inclienu to ue .Bvpticai
of the export figures. It.was not doing
much itself, but the wan wno who
closest to tho Bhlpplng position knew
that Duluth was, qnallty and ireiguis
considered, ohoaper than this matkot.
and that the seaboard also had grain or
its own bought on cheap freights that
could be sold ahead of Chicago offer
ings. The beat export authorities
agreed as to enormous sales abroad.
Consequently there is no room wr ae
for nrotense that it Is largely a
matter of exaggeration. Lohrke, whose
be accepted in this matter,
interview yesterday, said tne
business accomplished during the past
fortnight was on a scale probably never
exceeded. This authority, when asked
as to the probable pormanenoy oi ine
foreign demand, in an interesting ex
planation showed how tne ioreigne
themselves were so uncertain of the sitj
nation they weie not venturing to specu
late any on the bull side.
The wheat price this year ia jo no
matter of mood the mood of tht tann
er the World over. H It were to be de-
rclinqulsh sovereignty over any claim
to Cuba without either terms or condi
tions. , ,, .
It should be snld that the adjust
ments already accomplished will stand
in the final treaty, unless opposing
Views and positions on the Philippine
question should develop hereafter and
bring to naught tho efforts of the
future and, at the same time, tho ro
aulta already obtained.
All differences, if any existed, re
garding Porto Kico and the cession of
the island of Guam wete also arranged
by mutual understanding, and the
commissioner found themselves well
nigh touching the Philippine question,
which will be taken up next woes.
From iht BfpMIin, V'tftatUt; fnl
The Tucker o! Versaile. Ind., like
all fond parent, ate completely wrap
ped up in their children. Their
daughter Lucy, in particular, ha given
thnm mnch concern.' 8he i fifteen,
and from a strong, healthy girl, three
year ago, had become weak and kept
falling off In flesh, until hf became a
mere skeleton. Bho seemed to have no
Uie at all. Her blood became impure
and finally she became the victim of
nervou piostratlon. Doctor did not
help her. Most of the time she was
confined to bod, wa very norvons and
irritable, and seemed on the verge of
Bt. Vitus' dance.
"One morning," nld Mr. Tucker,
"the doctor told us to give her Dr. Wil
liams' Pink rUH for Palo People,
which he broimht with him. He aid
he was tTeatinil a similar case wim
those pills and they were curing the
iuear-beet be continued, as thia can be In my opinion, those American Bwer elde, b ,he faot ag t0 .0ppUe, the
T" i iK.Li.n,.,.Ktha bar chean grades Of ,. , wnnhl need
v ttnnwhnld is comntete without a bot- . ... L . kuninintinnLwl mutd a sreat mistake.
- : . w it-..I...... i sn0 meu dbidk wiwuio w . .
tleortneiamouBjessewoore r:."f , J, '.u ,t of our ol soed have a natural
riTJ eraawriOy ConO.
w aner nm
la a pure and wholesome aumuiani ro
ommtnded by all pnystcuma. jyou v uo-
gleet thia necessity.
Ifanri Mr la in the North Island of
New Zealand are being tattooed by
Urewera tohanga for 18 apiece.
jr'i dm of t r. Kiiu' Om
bmtl and trvottm. l'B. B. U. KUQUit LhL, sa
An Enelish ohysician has discov
ered a war of producing local anaes
thesia without the loss of consciousness
or the use oi ether or cbolroform. He
. naea moderate currents of electricity
-' -r- r.r. Cold la Oa Dar
Oniiiine Tablets.
All dmpgieti refund money if it faila to
care. Zoc.
1 The rate at which Zulu can travel in
an emergency i astonishing. Borne
will cover aa much as 60 miles in six
hour. Eicht miles an hour i an or
dinary pace. "J
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all size"
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Mormon
street, Portland, Oregon.
All kinds
tendenoy to
asieeo. uiwuu...r-.- - ..." r- .u. ht
experiment itationa in various siaw, oegeneraw. :, ,.!-
Kh a. to yield ot .ugar-beet. and also seed I ment oned above w,l. not bring
tn th atand
as to their sacohanne quanuee, -. - r - - -
"nnot but admire the wonderful prog- d of the original or "o'h,bee''tt
made In this new industry within will .how a loss ot to Ij ptc-n
a few year, and to congratulate our ot .agar wm.
thalr macess. I vnnaratiion of aeed
TOT "in the sugar fao- more than a. much .gain, and lose
ia imrjoasible to pay too much atten- a small amount when considered by it
tion to the cultivation of beets con- self, yet it is .uffloleut not only to turn
,inlnff tha hiebest proportions of the profit of a ugar factory into a
uffar. and. at the aame time, with the
largest tonnage per aere. In order to
produce such, tne selection oi
ii -limits, the rainfall, and
- . ... .
lencth of season, the fertilising, plant
ina. but even to drive the conoern i
th aull.
To illustrate this: Factory A slice.
nn ono ton. (Bhort) of beet, wnicn
would yield about an average
of 15.6
The horse, when
entirely by the nostril
proper food, and blind horses are never
known to make mistacea tn ineir uie..
ing, OU.v...u8 lnft ln ,ha molasses
these are very important ihommb. ... uouu -
Se most important of .11 i. to .Urt .nd in other waste, tin. would leave
. .v.. Uao. Ahtainan in: lor anont ia net cent o.uw
DDI WIIU mo uoo. - -l,lr,h .t
good eed. after all, is the lounaation granuiateu, "-jr "
of successful sugar industry. If I may $50 a ton wou d net 1338.000.
expresa an opinion, based on my per- Factory H slice the ame amoum oi
tonal observation, it ia that some of our beets, grown from eeond-clas seed
beet grower, should insist more th.n which, at a fair average have about 13
tbey have npon getting none out tne per cent u8.
best of seedT no matter what the price After this material hai i also gone
oest oi ., thronch the Drocess of refining, there
may do. . . 8fin tnnlln
. . Tna n.niir, 1 1 i 1 1 1 u. ... v. w.ww -
i Win nut euwr - . , . . . ,
ay W v a mu
,.inr onided the origin and development of the beet marketable sugar, which at
? i tfllho?onf seed Kor will I dwell upon the dif- would net $292,600.
i' 'Vt.C.b.i III Sa ,.rifltie. and their merits. 1 It will be seen at a glance 1
11 ansar-nrodncinS
"iJS'Jh. i. TiiW.t one dreaded dlseaw world. With the accumulates nowi-
lu been able to cure in au ia
ferent varietie and their menw. win u mu .
have had occasion to visit several of both factories use the same amount of
.iK..,wt nrman stock larms. material, ana nvo mo .u.K'""
i i,t u enld to for labor, fuel. eta. there J diner-
rwrnntriM ni nnna in tna kwudo icicu'vo
. J .A-tnnam n a MtYltlirV fit 111
. - J tk.i laxafarrh. HliH'lLlUirntnrfJ ""O" . M
. lzrzv ,;-rtihA mKrAi NraHiHtrfttinn. with an lnTestmen. oi
it It!
ijTiY'a. r-i.rrh 4?iirA (h taken internally, lurtlnff
directly upo th blood od iduooo rorfftw j
ol the ayHtom, thby destroying the founlv
tn of Uie diwM, dn.1 giving tb.puent;
nrwiyuh by tmtldlnc op the (constitotion and
I in at i
AfiArmr.uii cATiitai. ana wun m vhs
of sclenoe and skill, energy,
nd labor, their methods of producing
a nure and high-grade seea are as per
feet and suoceaarni
.n nAHira in doinff 1U work, ine pri . . . a 1 J rt
r,m"tor have o mot 4 faith tn Its curative ployed in tne raising oi uua uicou. -
iH)wer, .mi " : r r .1 1 norse. anu can.o.
tout lor lu4
j.HT an yM that It ialla to cute.
. j.-ChnIT CO, Toledo, O.
' Bold by aroKWU,7ao,
KU a titai.y i-iiii are the beat.
Zoologists say that all known specie.
of wild aniraala are gradually dimin
ishing in size.
In the fall Cleanse your system by using
fr. Ffuuuere Oregon tsioou runner.
Mis Dorothea Elumpke ia trying to
.how the authorities in Pari that the
study of astronomy is a suitable career
women.' Mis juumpke nas,
through the patronage of Admiral Mou
rdPit. been nlaoed at the bead of a new
department at the Paria observatory.
Ehe is in charge of the bureau of meas-
; crementa and i now engaged
ducing a huge photographic
the heaven and compiling
lar catalogue.
Tha hlch-arade seed grown in tni
country is now in the lead everywhere.
Even France U beginning to import
German beet teed, thereby conceding
its superiority. I know that one Ger
man firm alone shipped 80,000 ack of
seed to Prance. I feel safe in saying
tared suizar amounting to f 32, 600.
Factorr A bought 66 ton ot flrst-
clasa seed, at 1180 per ton, 0.900;
factor B boueht 66 tons of second
nl.aa al. at 120 oer ton. $6,600. It
will be seen that faotory B wanted to
buv "oheap" and to make money fast.
are those em- It did, indeed, save $3,300 at the start;
but factory A began by planting me
very best seed obtainable, and came out
at the end of the season with 29,200
cash ahead of it competitor, and was
in the position of declaring a handsome
Like so many other things in life,
the cheapest beet aeed are the dearest.
It pay to get the very best, ana oniy
that altogether not lesa than 100,000 i the very best is good enough. Let the
goou wora ot eaporjiucu.iug, .u
of sugar-beet culture continue, in order
to learn exactly what we oan do in the
face of fierce and growing competition,
but let American grower determine not
only to try different varietiea of seed,
but also to plant none bnt seed of high
grade and pure pedigree.
moot at German beet seed were bought
by Frenchmen last season, in spue oi
the 80 francs (15.97) custom duty
which they had to pay on every 100
kilogram (220 pounds). 1 am in
formed that most of these order have
been duplicated for next season, and the
amount in many case doubled and
boll, to have any
to make his purchases on tne very
weak day. Every authority 1 agreed
that the world' harvest last Mason was
the fullest ever known, and witn mat
alone ln mind the speculator mignt
make comparison with the low prioe.
of the oth year of great crop.
rortland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 63o; Val
ley and Blueatem, 659670 per bushel.
Flour Best grades, a.o; granam,
13; superfine, fa.26 per barrel.
Oata Choice white, BUuc, cnoice
gray, 8738e per bushel.
Barley Deed barley, 3i3"; Draw
ing, $23 per ton.
MillstulT tlran, lio.ou per ton. miu-
d lines, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $16.00
per too.
Hay Timothy, iugn; mover. ?
10; Oregon wild hay, $9 9 10 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60(g65o
seconds, 4045o; dairy, 405o tore,
Cheese Oregon full cream, 11912c;
Young America, 12)o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultrv Chickens, mixed, $2.6098
per dozen; hens, $3.00 9 3.60; springs,
$1.2593; geese, $5.0096.00 for old,
$1.505 for young; ducks, $4,009
6.00 per dozen; turkey, live, 13X
I2c per pound.
Potatoes 50 60c per Back; weet,
22c per pounn.
Vegetable Beets, 90c; turnips, 75e
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bane. 1191.25 per 100 pounds; cauli-
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnip, 76c
rr sack: beans, 8o per pound; celery.
70975c per dozen; cucumber, 60c per
box; peas, 893Xc per pound.
Onions Oregon, 7&c(?l persaca.
Hops 11916c; 1897 crop, 697o.
Wool Valley, 109 12o Per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8i:ic; monair,
25c per pound,
Mutton Gross, best sneep, wetnera
and ewes, 8io; dressed mutton. 7c;
spring lambs, 7 t per lb.
Hobs Uross, cnoice neay, . io,
light and feeders. $3,009 4 00; dressed,
$5.606.60 per 100 pounds.
BeefGro8. top steers, .ouSi. o;
COWS, f, ainwu uoti,
66Xc per ponnd.
Veal Large, 6$90c; small, oj(
tC per pound.
Claah Batweea rorta Itleani
and Bpanlih Soldier.
Ran Jnan da Porto RICO. Oct. 20.
Full details of the Areciho incident of
Sunday, October 9, have been received
here. It appear that the trouble bo
gan in a row between wine Spanish
soldiers and a number of oonntrymon.
The soldier, fired upon the crowd, kill
ing four men .nd wounding many.
The crowd, to the number of 800, se
cured machet and rushed through the
streets, the soldier, recreating to tne
barraoka. The people then cairicd
their wounded to the house of the Brit
ish consul, where they found several
United State officer, and soldiers,
from whom they asked Justioe.
The same afternoon, a party ot 40
Porto Kioans completely destroyed the
business house of a well-known Span
lard. During the affair an American
was killed. During the night, 17 dif
ferent fire In the surrounding country
were counted from the housetop ot
Arecibo, and on the following night 24
fire, were counted.
the Board
Two Locations Selected by
of Army OAeers.
' Havana, Oot. 29. Thi afternoon a
note wa delivered to the American
commission by the Spanish, saying
that on the day the protocol wa signed
.11 the mines at the harbor entrance
wete removed. They assert also that
there were never any other.
The board ot army officer appointed
to select camp and landing place for
the United Statea troop baa definitely
selected one site for a oarap east and
another west ot Vento aqueduct, close
to the spiings. The camp site, will
accommodate from 13,000 to 15,000
troops. Six million feet of lumber has
been ordered, and each individual tent
will be floored. Warehouse, will be
put np, .a well aa shops and all neces
sary outhouses, and arrangement will
be made for a sufficient water supply
by pipe line. ' 4 ,
Daughters Should ba Carefully
Guided In Early Womanhood.
What .offering frequently result
from a mother'. Jgnor.ncei or more
frequently from a mother', neglect to
properly Instruct ber daughter!
Tradition aya "woman mustauffer,
md young women are SO taught
There Is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration in thia. If a young
vomaa suffer, severely she need,
treatment and her mother should see
that she gets it '
Many mother hesitate to take their
daughter, to a physician for examina
tion; but no mother need healtate to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. Pinkbam and secure
tli most efficient advice without
charge. Mra Pinkham's address is
J.,ynn,' Masa. ' - i(
f The following letter from Miss Mabii
TP, Johxsoh, Centra.Ha, Pa , shows what
neglect will do, and tells bow Mrs.
J'iukham helped her I
h "My health became so poor that I
tiad to leave school. I wa tired all the
time, and had dreadful pains in my
ids and back. I was also troubled
with Irregularity of menses. I was
very we&kt, and lost so much flesh that
friends became alarmed. My
mother, who la a Arm believer In your
rcraadics from experience, thought per
haps they might benefit me. and wrote
n tn, bA !. I followed the advice
ffIln. and nscd Lydla BJ. pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as
fi!r,.tefl. aid am now aa well aa I
evot was. I bae gained flesh and have
a pood color. I ftia completely cured of
The state of Oregon has attached the
Loewenberg stove foundry at Salem to
secure a claim of $36,267.13.
One of the apple orchards of Southern
Oregon has this season paid $100 an
acre clear, and this ia only the second
year of bearing of the tree.
The Commercial Club, of La Grande,
Or., Is sending out s little booKiet, ae
scnptlve oi the new beet-ugai factory
at that place.
Good prioe for sawlogs have bad the
effect of stimulating activity in tni
industry along the Lower Ooiumma,
and a recurrence of last year's scarcity
1 improbable.
The aiovemor ha ordered a special
election iniMultnomah county, Oregon
November 15, for the purpose of elect
ing; a state senator to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Joseph Si
T. W. Lee arrived in San Francisco
last week from the Hawaiian islands,
whither ha went recently to Indge busi
nesa prospects. He declares that the
field in Honolulu is already too fully
The Fulton Engineering & Ship
building Comoanv. of San Francisco,
baa brought suit aeainst the Alaska-
Yukon Transportation Company to es
tablish two liens, one for $12,223. 13 on
tha steamer 2. W. Scammell. and the
other for $8,608.88 on the steamer H
J. Barling.
Tha American schooner. E. K
Wood, sailed last week from the wharf
of the Bt. Paul 6? Taoorna Mill wni'
nanr. with a full cargo of 666.000 feet
f fir lumber for Bhanizhai, China.
The vessel has been in the Pnget sound
Chins lumber trade under her present
skipper seven year, v
The $10,000 Issue of Park bond, re
cantlv advertised for sale at Spokane,
baa been purchased by W. E. Bell, of
tmt Mtv who figured a premium of
The Chilkat river, in Alaska, ia full
of salmon; tbey are so thick they can
not all keep nnder the water. Tbey
are there bv the ten of millions, and
tbey make aucb a noise splashing tnat
they sound like a storm. The river is
full of the big fisb from tne moutn to
the source snd the silver-tip bears sre
bavin s rich feast while the run con
A new eold strike has been reported
on the Dalton trail, less than 100 miles
from Skagway. and the story that
come back I that five men who were
wintering on the trail washed out in
five day over $400 in coarse gold from
bench claim, utilizing only pica,
shovel and nan. The dirt from which
this a-old was washed bad to be carried
from the bench to the creek bottom,
where there was water. The new gold
find Is in American territory, about 75
mile from Pyramid harbor.
Tha halibut season of 1898 on the
Flattery banks is nearly ended, and
most of the fishing sonooner are on
their way to Ketchikan and other
Southeastern Alaska points to remain
during the winter. Probably the last
boat to leave for the norm whi oe tn
schooner Alcedo, which will make one
more haul off Flattery and then pro
ceed np the coast. The Alcedo brought
in 18.000 pounds of halibut on ner last
trio and the Pilot 15.000 pounds. This
has been an off year In nsmng, anu tne
catch has not amounted to two-thirds.
The Astoria Progressive Association
baa decided to co-operate with the Ore
gon Road Club, of Portland, In a cru
sade in behalf of better roads through
out the state.
Word comes from Dawson City that
Commissioner Ogilvie will issue a
license to saloons, but not to gambler
or dance balls. The gambler and
dance hall will be allowed to run a
Inns as thfiv conduct their plaoes in a
nnlet and orderly manner. Gambler
Seattle Marhots.
Tomatoes, 20960c per box.
Cucumber, 10915c poi doz.
Onions, 85990c per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $10913.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnips, per sack, 60965c.
Carrots, per saok, 65o.
Parsnip, per sack, $1.
Beana, green, 298a
Green corn, $1 9 1-25 per lack.
Cauliflower, 76o per'dos.
Celerr. 40 9 500.
Cabbaire. native and California
$1.2591.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 50c 9 Hoc per dox.
Pear, 75c$l per box.
Prnnes, 60o per box.
Peaches, 75c.
Plums. 600.
Butter Creamery, 27o per pound;
dairy snd ranch, 1820c per pound,
Egga, 80c
Cheese Native. 139130.
Poultry Old liens, 10c per pound;
chicken. 10c; turkeys, 16c.
Froah meats (Jtioice oiessea neei
steers, crime. 6MM7C cows, prime,
6Xc; mutton, 7ic; pork, 798o; veal.
Wheat Feed wheat, iaao.
Oats Choice, per ton, $22923.
Hav Puaet Bound mixed, $9,609
10: choice Eastern Washington tim
othy. $18.
Corn Whole, $23.60; cracked, $24;
feed meal. 823.60.
Barley Kolled or ground, per ton,
824 0)25; whole. $22.
Flour Patent, per uarret, sa.ou;
straltfhts, $3.26; California brrnns,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.76; graham,
ncr barrel. 13.701 wnoie wneat nour,
83.75: rye flour, $1.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped teed, $17921 por
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
aa Vraaelaoo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 11914e per
nound; Oregon, Kaslern, lUffliao; vai
lev. 15 17c; Notthern, 9911c
. Millstuffs Middling, $17931.00;
bran. $15.009 16.00 per ton.
Onion Yellow. 80940c per ack,
Butter Fancy creamery, 380;
do seconds. S527c; fancy dairy, 219
22c: do seconds. 2024o per pound.
Eggs Store, 18(22o; fancy ranch,
$09840. t ?r (
Oovarnor Otora Keaows His rioa rot
Washington, Oct 29. Governor
Miguel Otero, of New Mexico, in bis
annual report to the seoretniy of the
interior, vigorously renews his repre
sentations lor the early admission oi
New Mexico to statehood, and portrays
the undeveloped resources of the terri
tory awaiting capital. He estimates
the total population of the territory
now at 283,100. including an Indian
population of 25,900. Of the 1,100 offi
cers and men from Now Mexico In the
war with Spain, at least one-half were
national guardsmen.
The report lays special stre on tne
possibilities of irrigation, snd ay all
tha water nseleaily tunning away short
ly will be utilized to the highest de
gree. Meanwhile, inuivniuai enter
prise is erecting s moltitude of wind
mill throughout tne terntory.
Dltntutd Their Pauahter't QiMfer ITimrt.
natlnnt. We hecnn giving the pill
and the next day could lee a chango for
the better. The doctor came and wa
surprised to see such an Improvement.
Ho told us to keep giving her the medi
cine. We gave her one pill after each
meal until eight boxes had been used
when she wa well. She has not been
sick slnoe, and we have no fear of the
old trouble returning. We think the
cure almost miraculous."
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 38th day of April, 1897.
Justice of the Peace.
These pill sre wondet fully effective
in the treatment of all disease arising
from Impure blood, or shattered nerve
force. They are adapted to young or
old, and may be had at sny drug store
Tela ts Croat State.
A great many people want to know
how large Texaa is in area. They look
In quite a number o( alleged statistical
abatraots snd never nno tne same ug'
ores In two of them. The official fig
area oi Texa's ares sre 853.696 squere
miles equal to about 8.9 per cent ot
the entire area ot the United State and
territories. Texas is six times larger
than New York, aevon times a large as
Ohio, and 100,000 square mile larger
than the eastern and middle states, in-
nlndinff Delaware and Maryland. Com
narad with the countries ot Euiope, she
ha 84,000 square miles more than the
Austrian empire, 63.0000 more than
the German empire, and nearly 70,000
square miles more than rrance,
The only two animal whose brain
are heavier than that pi a msn are th
whale and the elephant
While Van Sloop,
Do not have too much air blowing
throuuh vour room at night, or neural
sia mav creen mon you while you
sleep. But If it comes, use ni. jucoi
Oil; It warms, soothe and ouies
promptly. '
Imitation lvorv Is now being exten-
Jean Paul lllohtoi: Men, like bul
let, go farthest wtisn they fare smooth
est. " V
"Washington Irving: Mon aie always
woolug goddesses and marrying mere
Wl.nn rtnoanvnlt tlllll for BOVOMlOr
hi ranch experience will prove Invalu
able In rounding up voters.
lt..nrv Waid Briochei! Tho real man
is one who alway finds excuses for oth
ers, but never excuse hlmsulf.
Frederick. Nietzsche! All concetto
men"! have found good actors. They
play and wish that folk may Ilka to
look at their playing.
Tho khalifa traveled so fast on his
camel that tho English could not ovw
tuko hlra. Evidently his camel must
have got a hump on Itself. ,
Bradford! It Is a characteristic of
many men and a few women not to
nnm m tliftnmnt ves till they have gone
to everybody else and worn- out tholr,
Honor de Bulsaoi It Is absurd to
pretend that one oannot love tho same
woman always aato pretend that a good
artist need seversl violins to execute a
piece of mnsio.
Mareus Aurellusi I have oftan
wondered how every man loves himself
more than all the rest of men, yet sets
1 value on his own opinion of hlin
lult thau on the opinion of others.
The largest room In the world ia at
St. Peteishurg. It I 00 feet long by
I an font in hreadth. It bus been used
for military displays, and a whole hat
tallon can completely maneuver in it
, Richard Crokor, the master nioohanlo
of American politics, is learning to
swim. It has boeu generally under
stood, however, that aruorig tho floating
voters Richard Welslead Crokor has
slways been in the swim.
Captain D. C. Woodrow, 01 the uuit-
States navy, has in ins p""-
Elcht Were Leal.
Rochester, N. Y Oct. 39. A spe
cial to the Herald from Hod us says:
The three-masted schooner St. Peter,
of St. Vincent, sank this afternoon
about five miles northwest of Sodas,
on Lake Ontario, with all on board
save Captain John D. Griffith, who
was rescued in a precarious condition.
The captain's wife wa lost, also Mate
McLaren, of Kingston. Eight persons,
at least, perished. '
It a thouaht the Bt. feter lost ner
rodder and that the heavy seas caused
her to spring a leak. The vessel wa
bound from Oswego to Toledo with 7UU
ton of coal.
It all war to Lake Atlln.
Victoria. B. C. Oot. 89. The offi
cial gazette give notice of the intended
construction of a railway Irom rortn
Vancouver to the Lake Atlin gold
fields, via Bridge river and Lillooet.
There is said to be strong financial
backing behind the scheme, , snd work
will be pushed immediately.
Ko reapers Wantod In Santiago.
Santiago. Cuba. Oot. 29. The
French consul here ha written to Gen
eral Wood protesting strongly against
the older prohibiting the landing of
negroes from Hayti. General Wood re-
plied that he could not allow any more
paupers hore, aa tbeie were too many
of them already.
In a recently discovered Roman tomb
I the skeleton of a woman was found
whloh had a complote set of false teeth
beautifully wrought In pure gold.
On tha Trail of Old Bo..
Walker, Minn., Oct. 29. Doputy
Marshal Morrison will start In the
morning to round up the renegade In
dians. Deputies Talman and Warren
in s day or two will Join lft the hunt
for Old Bog snd adherents. Bog has
been seen by many Indians, so there Is
no doubt be fa still alive. His home
Is empty snd furniture removed.
Tacoma. Wash.. Oct 29. J. A.
Carlson, an employe of the Western
slvely manufactured from the fruit of
palm-like shrub called Phytelephas
macrocarpa, which is sliont the siae of
an apple and possessot a hard Interior
kernel. .
-When coming to Pan Francisco ao to
Brooklyn Hotel, 2W-2I2 Bush street!
Ameruan or Kuropean plan. Room and
board 81.00 to 81.60 per day; rooms 60 eenta
to $1.00 per day; slnale meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chaa. Montgomery.
It has been demonstrated that the
explosive power of a sphere ot wster
only one inch In diameter Is sufficient
to burst a brass vessel hsvlng a resist
ing power of 87,000 pounds.
With Ceueaelaa Honors.
Tin Loy, a prominent Chinese mer
chant of Giasa Valley, died the other
day, and at his funersl was honored as
sre few Chinese In this country, a
brass band headed the prooession, and
the pallbearers were white men who
knew the Chinese In bis lifetime snd
hsd business relations with him. He
left s family, the daughters of which
hsd been highly educated in Amoilcan
sion the flag floated by the Vlrglnlus
on its Ill-fated filibustering trip to (San
tiago In 1878. It wa taken Irom tns
vessel by tho captain himself, Decem
ber 20, 1878, Just before the Ship ank
white boing brought twos; to itmorioa.
Thirty dollars or slaty days; hava
yon anlhing to say!" "No, your hon
or," said 'Boston rote, -unie u u
to synthetically remark npon th dual
ity of the cause snd effect m your op
tional commitment. Like yowr honor,
I ahull take judloial notice that time is
money. I hsve spoken."
What Cube's toa Means le Spain.
The loss of Cub mean to Spain th loss
ol th very snstenanos of th nation. In
the same way the Ions or your appetite
. e a A
meaue starvation to your rxMiy, u any
reader of this notice wants to fully enjnv
hearty meals, weean rw'tmtmeiia mw
ter s Stomach niltert. ft cures indiges
tion, dytpepMa andeiiUiatloii.
The female brain commences to de
cline in weight alter the age of 80; th
mala not nntil 10 years later.
Ju.l the Tloio.
This Is Just ths time of, the year we
feel the muscles sll sore snd stiff, snd
then I Just the time to use St. Jacobs
Oil to relax them .nd to core at ouoe.
, flow Orapoa Can Ha Kept
Purchase a lot ot small bag and get
s ball of twine. Pick out jKirfeot
bunches of grapes, handling them as
little as possible and being aor that
they are porluotly diy. Remove any
nonr tborrios carefully and plaoe each
bunoh In a paper bag. Tie op each bag
and then place In s shallow box In a
oool room. The grapea must not ba
ripe enough to drop Irom tho stoma.
Only one layer of the hags must be
placed ln a box. Concord grnies can
be kept nntll Christmas In this way.
It I well to examine tha bag every few
days, and if theio are any damp ixt,
open the bag and remove the decayed
duit. Ths Housekeeper.
Plan's Cure for tWiminptloit Is the only
oniivh niedWilne nwd In mv house. I). O.
. . . m . .. ....... . .. laj
Albright, ftilimmiurg, re., in, n, "
Konta Crowned. Hrld-e Made,
i'alnloaa Ulllna and eatraotlua.
Dr. T. H. White, VZX
Eatatrilabea I7M.
Bend lor Catalofue.
will I fixck co.
celebrated for mors J
than a century a a
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh-forming ,
beverage, ' has our
well-known t .
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package, and our
trademark,"La Belle
Choco1atlere,"on th
Dorchester, Mass. '
Buy Direct
... n raeaviis
lull ... miadlnm.n'. nmfltl. Men's Ane tail.
or-mada iilin.tii.t.'itotU. Fit (naranterd. Cata
logue, amulet, all-aieaiiurement blank, ate.,
mailed Iree. Ad.lrrM ). I.ANDIOAN, McKay
butldliif , Portland, Or. Mention thli paper
. Moore's RoveaUd Remod? will do It. Three
; doses will toako jrouleel better. Get It Iront
your dranhrt or anr wholesale drur home, ot
from BMw art a Uolmes Drug Co., Seattle. . .
IIm Hit M (at unnatural
di'lirjfft( Inltamitintlunt,
IrrlUtloiii ur ol'.r.Mntii
of iducoiii niftinbr.iiM.
miuln, I'alnlcM. ml not utrla.
iTHttAltWtai(iino, " or poiwmoui.
swnwiiri.o f '1
I Bold a Uraatlate,
IJ ffJt X"T.- spwin. tot
VI (UK), or Imlllin, fi w.
m Ulroular .nt
an reuaat.
N. P. N. t).
MO. 4(t-'S.
EN wrltlna
mention this
to advertisers
W ritrry In "tiicV a larcra supplf of the above conveyers, both right and led, whloh we will
tell at Html ly reduced prion. A1.0 all (ltes Of elevator bueliela auu liolui.
Write lor prlee-lUit and dlaoounu.