Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, October 27, 1898, Image 4

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    . The Most f cu.i.oa of All. - .
TSio mM common of ail ailments
from tijtmts of all kinds ) sprains and
i rukou. Toe raot common and surest
ct6 of tiitnn in by the use of Bt Jacobs
Oil, which if prompt in ite action. ,
'. The At f Walkta. U . i
To be thoroughly graceful long step
ftni quick short steps s hoold be equal
ly avoided, remarks a French Woman.
A stiff walk is also very ungraceful,
and that ia the great fault of English
git Is. The walk too tiflly and take
too long stiiilca. 1
tpa.ii ittlt women hare a voiy pretty
walk, natorallv, a also have Italian
country girls and all aocustomed to
carrying weights on their heads.
The French are also Very graceful
walker. Study your .walk, girls.
Take danoing lessons to begin with and
then repeat your lessons before your
long toilet glass. A pretty walk la a
beauty in itself, and every one who will
can acquire this beauty. Do it, then,
at once now without losing another
.day. - v-
1 ,. .; I ml
1 Good Blood i?
kkes:. Health
And Hood's ParsapariUa makes good
blood. That is why it cures so many
diseases and makes so many people feel
better than ever before. If yon don't feel
well; are half sick, tired, worn oat, yoa
may be made well by taking f.,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
j ; America's Greatest Medicine.
Hood's Pills core all Liver TH. gpenta.
Item of General Interest Gleaned
From (ha Thriving rnelflo
' .- State.
(Reported by Downing, Hopkins A Co., Inc.,
Hoard of Trails broker, 7tl to 714 Chamber ol
Commerce butliltiig, Tortlsnd, Oregon.)
A sign before the door of a dentist
reads thus: "Teeth extracted white
yoa wait." ".. ; -v y .
A farmer near Cuttonburg, Ky., has
trained a terrier dog to' remove the
worms from tobaooo plants.
An artist In a New Yoik paper pio
tured the Vesuvius in aotlon and en
shrouded In dense clouds of smoke bom
her neumattc guns. That artlet needs
to be informed .that the Vesuvius uses
only smokeless air In discharging her
dynamite guns.
A little surprise awaited two women
who recently met in the office of a Chi
cago lawyer. They bad never seen each
other before, bot ere they left the office
the discovery was made that each bad
called to begin proceedings to obtain a
-.di force, train the name m'V"1" "
' Kn T,.inqfhrklri is mm nlete without a botr
tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity. r
The beautiful colors seen in the soap
babble arise from the fact that the
bubble, being vety thin, refleots light
from the ontoi and inner, surfaces of
the film. -
r"T Vrmmnwtlv C'ured. Bo Btsornervousil
rile aftvr ttrst Uj' urn er lr. Kllue's Um
firm Hwtrter. Beo(I Hr ISF I ns.oe t
bottle and treulm. nit. B. li. aUU3 1AL,
rui street, rwiaoMpiu. ra
It has been calculated that or id nary
gunpowder on exploding expands about
8,000 times, that is, fills a space this
much larger as a gas than when in a
solid form.
In the fait cleanse your system by ushig
i'r. ITunder a Oregon isiooa runner. f
Try Schilling Boat Ms and ball of powder.
It is said that a striking outline of
-ihe features of Georae Washington has
apjearej ia a knotty pr-oiuberance of a
troe in Portland. Me. It ia not a cher
ry tree. ":,rii
We will forfeit 11.000 If any of onr pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
geuuiiie. Ths Pino Co., Warren, Pa.
Ardent in tmiUT of his 80 yeaiS
Francis Watkins, of Anderson," Ind.,
proposed to Lydia Bethel, a good-look
ing young woman of Bethel, O. She
" aoceoted him and they intended to
elope, but his daughters prevented
Then the seed lover became cool, and
the result was a $10,000 breach-of-promise
suit, which be has just Com
promised for 13,000. '
Mrs. Polly Owens, who was lately
rmirried to William Owens, of White
'"er township, . near ! Koblesville,
liiu.riow living with her 18th hus
band; Sirs. Owens has six children as
tiie frnits of iter former marriages, no
two haying the same name. She is
over 50 years old. She was separated
from the larger nutnbet of her hus
bands. She is part Indian, ber mother
- being a half-caste.
Bo Bays Mrs. Mary Hochlette of
TJnden, Now Jersey, in tni
Ziettor to Mrs. Plnkhnm.
' "I waa bothered with a flow which
wonld be quite annoying at times, and
nthera would almost atop.
"I used prescriptions given me by my
Tjhvsician. but tne
eaine state rs XJ, .ti.
of affaire f
time I was.
taken witb
B flooding.
that I was f
ohlitred to I
' keep my bed.
Fijially. In
dc-pair, I " -
.-T ti, mv Attn
J . w - 1 J
t.r, end began
i. i, and have certainly been greatly
l . Vi .1 htr itJiuse
"t vdUC. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com-
jv- - I hs indeed been a friend to me.
" i i novr ahla to do m v own work.
ii.- .!.tiv!rar wonderful medicine, t
iwnr death I belleTe aa I conld
l. j.o wi -iif thiitmy pulse aca,wsely beat
,, ,.,7iwtiu-t had almost fflven onu
..i.i net hay stood it one week more.
I H,n Bt.u. I sever thought I would
bo soc r
" I
OMS ll
1.,1 1. "
f-.l to a cv medicine.
'I u-.i mv influence wit3 sny
rlnff as I did, to have them
j, I U.'i-Afa'a Vetetbl
t is pnz led aboml
1 1 i .n-e the eynipa
vk m v ho under
r I '!.'. sra gt
a shot,
of a,
This year is a great one for the fish
ermen on the Coquille river.
The total attendance at the Spokane
fruit fair this year was 72,850. .
Steps have been taken at Salem to
contest the Wright branch asylum site
case. .
Lane county's potato crop is short
this yoar, and the farmers look for high
prices. ' '.
Winter apples are more plentiful In
Kittitas valley than ever before, and
the quality is first-class.
There is an unusual amount of sick
ness in Palouse at present, most of the
patients having typhoid fever.
Two men who made avovago from
Lynn canal to St. Michaels in an open
boat have arrived at Victoria.
The run of silverside salmon, in the
Lower Columbia river continues heavy,
and the fall pack will be unusually
large. ' '. r --f-'in'-'f." '
News has reached Victoria of the ap
pointment of C. CL Sinkler, of Nelson,
as gold commissioner for the Yukon
district, vice Fawcett, removed.
On the steamship Doric, which ar
rived at San Francisco from the Orient,
waa brought in opium valned at $370,
000, on which a duty of $100,000 will
be collected.
The value of improvements In Walla
Walla county, exclusive of cities, ac
cording to the revision of the board of
equalization, amounts to 1330, 32 4; per
sonal property, $1,875,882.
The Lincoln connty (Wash.) commis
sioners have fixed the tax levy for all
purposes at 14 mills, on a valuation of
$5,666,783. The levy for road pur
poses wss increased from 0.63 to
mills. v :
The floating indebtedness against the
new town of Kent, Wash., will be paid
off January, after which the oity'e in
come will be sufficient to pay all cur
rent exnenees and leave a handsome
The prune crop of Clackamas county
Oreeon. bag been gathered and mar
keted with very little loss, and growers
are elated over piesent profits and
future erosDecta. At Clackamas sta
tion, 83 tons were evaporated. .
A cargo oMTO,073 Dusneif oi Dfi!v
was shipped from Taoomathe week be
fore last direct to England, lhe oariey
was all raised in Columbia county,
Washington, and being of prime qual
ity, netted the producers a good price
The charter baa been granted for the
bnildina of the Golden-Fort Steele, B,
O.. railroad, and work will be started
in early spring. The contract ior tne
Nelson & Bedlington railway has been
let to Lai son & Foley, work to com
menoe this month.
Controller of the Currency Dawes
has decided that he has no authority to
charter a national bank in Honolulu
until oongrees passes laws for the gov
ernment of the islands. Consequently
Perry S. Heath and San Francisco capi
talists will not have their applications
granted at present.
The Carbonado coal mines shipped
85.000 tons during September, heat
ing all previous records. Koalyn bad
held the record with 80,000 tons. The
Carbonado mines, owned by the South
em Pacific Railroad Company, are run
ning full time and employ 600 men,
averaging $3.29 a day wages.
The Scully Steel & Iron Company, of
Chicago, has just closed a contract for
the delivery of 25,000 tons of steel
plates at Victoria, B. U, to be used in
the construction of five British steam-
shins bv One of the largest shipbnild
ins firms at that point. I ne value oi
the contract exceeds $100,000.
A scheme is on foot to construct a
logging road about three miles in
length from the head of Gray's liver,
Oregon. It will be operated by A. L.
Saldren, who has In operation a simi
lar road at Clatskanie, and will tap a
'strict of 6,000 acres of spruce timber
longing to C II. Green, of Saginaw,
The new association does not con
template any general regulation of
coast . lumber values. Its aims are
simply to control the situation at San
Francisco, where the trade has been
for some time In a badly demoralized
condition. Paget Sound values, foreign
trade or other departments of the lum
ber business, are not affected
Henry Miller, of Cathlamet, Wash..
has contracted to furnish the North
Pacifio mills, at Portland, over 3,000,
000 feet of spruce and Or logs this sea
son. The Astorian says that tblsont
will come from Eulokium, the principal
logging stream flowing into the Colum
bia, w here over 150 men were employed
at logging during the past summer.
According to the Lumberman there
is a good field on the coast for a small
turpentine faotory. There are two
specie of wood rich in tnrpentine and
Hied porducts, Douglas fir and "bull;
pine, wood alcohol, pitch and other
so-called naval products. The yield is
by no means as large as the pitch pine
of the South, but there is certainly
room for a factory that will utilise the
stump and refuse of pitch-bearing
tree on the coast.
Harvesting in the Palouse country
has been completed. Every threshing
machine has pnlled in, and the haul
ing of grain to different shipping points
will be finished by November I, or per
haps a little sooner. So far this season,
the total shipment of new wheat hat
not exceeded 276,000 bushels, most of
this being to Spokane for milling, and
to the Sound. Since the completion of
harvesting, farmers and giaindealers
have concluded that the crop of this
year i the largest ever batvested in
the Palouse oountry. Although the
average yield it less than in 1897 and
several other former seasons, the aggie
fute yield ha been greater.
One feature of the new fishery law
enacted by the Oregon legislature in
special session, i likely to receive con
suls! able attention. It I that "the
person appointed to the position of
th commiusioner shall bold the office
herein provided for for the period of
foot years from the time of his appoint
ment." This would make the appoint-
Since Letter failed the outsider hna
not -been interested in Chicago prices.
The disastrous outcome to the man
with so many millions was a terrifying
lesson to the small bull. Explanations
did not oount Whether Loiter made
egregious errors or not was of little
nsinaannonra Tlio rtfat aftttr VllAr'a
campaign, ot the bull leader wno ior
so long seemed the greatest who had
ever arisen, took the heart from every
one who had believed In his cause. It
Was Only last June that the disaster
took place: about four months ago. It
seems a long interval, but it i roallv a o6
short one, and it would be remarkable . r180n
if it were not still in everyone's mind.
What new bull leader would now invite
the comparisons which would inevitably
be made; what banking oonoorn would
hasard the criticism which would fol
low any favors toward a buying cam
paign in grain? Have the losses of last
summer's collapse been forgotten yett
There must be a good deal imaginative
about any bull deal. Not one advance
in twenty is a mere matter of consump
tive demand or ot actual scarcity.
There must be a great deal of theory
with advancing prices; people must
forget prudonce, become venturesome,
permit more or less exhiliration.
Would it not be li&e holding a picnic
at the close of a funeral to permit much
bull spirit within foar months ot the
Loiter failure!
The present movement of wheat to
market is the heaviest ever known 11,
000,000 bushels received at primary
points laBt week. There was never any
such total as that in six days before.
Is not the speculator doing pretty well
in taking care ot that property and in
also maintaining prices? Is not the fact
that such a volume of gram I financed
and the price sustained evidence that
the volume of speculation is larger than
the very narrow fluctuations would
indicate? '
r-raparatlont tot Wat Continue la
rnnce Kaval Kesorvo in
Paris, Oct. 89. The alleged war pre
naratlnna of France are the absorbing
topio of discussion here. Acooullng to
French papers there were important
1 naval experiment at Toulon last even
ing. A flotilla ot torpedo-boats was
I detailed to make an endeavor to force
the entrance of the harbor ana tne
whole garrison was called to arm and
forts and batteries were manned ready
for instant adtion. The result of the
experiments has not been made public
VIce-Admlral Barrea presided yes
terday at a secret council of war at
Brest, in which the chiefs ot the mari
time forces took part. Confidential
orders were subsequently issued to the
Aurore asserts that five vessels of
the navnl resoives around Brest have
been ordered to bold themselves in
readiness for active service.
M. Del Case, minister ot foreign
affairs, has ordered that the report ot
Major Matchand. as to the situation at
Fashoda, which Is expected at Cairo
tonight, be telegraphed textuallv. Ow
ing to its probable length It is expected
that at least 48 hours will be required
to reduce it to the French cipher oode
at Cairo and to translate it in Paris.
The Bvont
R Benefactress Kind fiet.
. ! IA Fmifoff AV, JMroit, JHf. -
Mrs, John Tansoy, of 130 Baker
street, Detroit, Miuli., is one ot those
women who always know Just what to
do In all trouble and sickness. One
that is mother to those in distress. To
a reporter she said:
"I am the mother of 10 children
and have raised eight of thmn. Sov-
ernl years ago we had a serious time
with my daughter, which' began when
the was about sixteen years old. Sho
did not have any serious illness but
soeraed to gradually waste away. Hav
ing never bad any oonsnmption in our
fiimilv, at we come of good old Irish
and Scotch stock, we did not think it
was that. Our doctor called the dis
ease by au oild name whioh, as I after
ward learned, meant lack of blood.
"It ia impossible to describe the feel
Ing John and I had na we noticed our
daughter slowly passing away fioio us.
We finally found, however, a medicine
that seemed to help her, and from the
SaatUo MarkaU.
Tomatoes, 60 75c per box.
Cucumbers, 10316c pet dos.
Onions, 8590o per 100 pound.
Potatoes, $10(314.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnips, per sack, 60 85a.
Carrots, per sack, 65c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Beans, green, 3 (3 So.
Green corn, $1(31.25 per sack.
t'vliflower, 75o per do.
Hubbard squash, l)o per pound.
Celery. 40O50O.
Cabbage, native and California
$1.25(3 1.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples. 60c 3 90c per box.
Pears, 76c$l per box.
Pruues, 40 50c per box.
Peaches. 50c$l. '
Plums, 60c-
Cantaloupes. $1.25 per box.
Butter Creamery, 2 So per pound;
dairy and ranch, 18 20a per pound,
Eggs, 28c
Cheese Native, 1313c
Poultry Old bens, 1314o per
pound: spring chickens, $394.
Fresh meats Choice dressed oeei
steers, prime, 6H7c; cows, prime,
6,4'c; mutton, 7c; pork, 78o; veal,
A (3 6c
Wheat Feed wheat. $19.
Oats Choice, per ton, $22 28.
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $34;
feed meal, $23.60.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
$21(325: whole, $23.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
straights, $3.25; California brands,
$3.26; bnckwbeat floor, $3.75; graham,
per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour.
$3.75; rye flour, $4.
Millstoffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped leed, $17Z1 pel
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Hay Puget Sonnd mixed, $9.60
10; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $13.
Portland Market.
Wheat--Walla Walla, 60c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 6363o per bushel
Flour Best grades, $3.85; graham,
$3.85; superfine, $3.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86 38c; choice
gray, 84 35c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $31 33; brew
Ing, $23 per ton.
Millstuffs-Bran, $15.50 per ton; Mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $16.60; chop, $16
per ton. ,
Hay Timothy, $101I; clover. $9
10; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60 66c;
second, 4045c; dairy, 4045o (tore,
Cheese Oregon full cream, ll12o;
Toung America, 13 Wo; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3. 60 8
per dozen; bens, 13. 00 8.60; spring,
$1.35 3; geese, $5.00 6.00 tor old,
$4. 60 5 for young; ducks, $4.00
6.00 per dozen; tnrkeys, live,
13 Xc per pound.
Potatoes 55 60c per sack; sweets,
22Uc per pounn.
Vegetable Beets, 90c; turnips, 75
per sack; garlic, 7q per pound; cab
bage, $1 1.35 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 76c per dozen; parsnips, 76c
per sack; " bean, 8c per pound; celery,
70 75c per dozen; cucumber, 60c per
box; pea, 38tc per pound.
Onions Oregon, 75c $1 per tack.
Hops 10 15c; 1897 crop, 67o.
Wool Valley, 10 13o per pound;
Eastern ' Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
36c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wether
and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7o;
spring lamb, 7 Wc per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.76;
light and feeders, $3. 00 4.00; dressed,
$5.506.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60$8.76;
cows, $2.608.00; dressed beef,
66o per pound. r :
Veal Large, 66o; small, t4
7o per pound.
an FrancUco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 11 (3 He per
dound; Oregon, Eastern, 1013o; Val
ley, 16 17c; Noithern, 9llo.
Millstuff Middling, $1731.00;
bran, $14.60 15.60 per ton.
Onions Yellow. 86 50c per lack,
Butter Fancy creamery, 38o;
do leoonds, 25 37c; fancy dairy, 31
22c; do seconds, 2024c per pound.
Egg Store, 18(jj22o; fancy ranch,
Oitrua Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2
Turned Into
reettvnl. .' ' '.
Vancouver, B. O., Oct. 33. Accord
ing to the latest mail advlcea from
China eight subordinate leader of the
Kwangski rebellion have been beheaded
at Wu Chow. They were carried in
baskets through the principal street
as a warning spectaole, amidst the
laughter and leers of men, wotnon and
children. s
Ten thousand people witnessed the
decapit itlon, and made it a gala day.
Little children copied their parents,
who Joked the dying rebels a second
before the ax fell. When all waa over
the children played among the bead
less, bleeding corpse and made sport
with the black disfigured heads.
Mandarins and beadsmen improvised
a sort ot Maypole, and the heads ot the
rebels were placed on top in tiers, the
children dancing around them. The
governor so vised ..the mandarin to
make the beheading a festive aa possi
ble, so as to inspire disgust for the
rebels In the hearts of the people. A
banquet was afterward spread.
The Japan Mail sars a petition hat
been sent to the government by foreign
consuls requesting that beheading be
Money Spent on Cuban
In addition to the $50,000 appropri
ated by congress and distributed by
General Lee for the relief of the people
ol Cuba, the central Cuban relief
committee appointed by tho president
distributed food, medicines nud general
supplies to the voor and sutlering
Cubans-tsWt&iVCaNh value of $331,019.
Of till amount $176,089 wa in oiihIi
contributions and $140,587 in supplies.
Tho total shipments of supplies was
0,942,033 kilos, or 8230 tons, of which
quantity 8,850,8118 kilos were food, 0(1,
753 kilos were clothing. 10,063 kilos
medicines und 4,804 were miscellaneous
supplies. '
The rioldt of Mnurt.. ,
From the field of sport wo go to bed
and got up full of pa inn and aches.
Tbe next night, by the uso of St.
Jnoobs Oil, we are soothod to sleep and
get up ourod.
Smoker are less liablo than mm
sniokers to contract diphtheria and
other thtoat disease hi tho ratio of one
to 28. So says Professor Uajak, of
Vienna, Austria.
Basalt ot
Live Lost ne the
the dele.
St. Louis, Ma, Oct. 23. A special
to the Republic from Houston, lex.,
says: The elcctrio and wind storm
rhioh swept over Texss last night was
very severe In couth Texas, uamsge
to cotton is enormous. At Deer Park,
20 miles from Houston, the residence
of G. F. Adams waa demolished.
Adams, his wife and baby sustained
minor Injuries, while A. J. Cook wa
crushed to death.
. At Pasadena, the residence of John
Stout was turned over and oomplotoly
wrecked. Six occupant were inluted
The wind was so high at Missouri
City, 85 mile west of Houston, that It
blew a number of freight car from tne
aiding on to the main track. The Cal
ifornia express, running 40 miles an
hour, dashed into the cars at full speed.
The engine turned over, instantly kill
ing George Johnson, of Kan Autonto,
the englneer.and badly scalding the tire-
man and injuring the bead brakeman,
None of the passengers weie badly hoit
Three Hand red end Seventy Tons
Beete Bandied in One Day.
La Grande, Or.. Oct. 23. The Ore-
con Suear Company I making a record
The capacity ot it plant la 850 ton oi
beet every 24 hours, but today 80
ton were handled, and there are now
on band 675,000 pound of auger. To
day Bpoxane teiegrapnea ior tnree cars
B. 8. a JS (best sugar on eartn.j
Portland ordered three oars, Walla
Walla one, Penldeton one, Baker City
one. and three nave been soia nere,
La Grande ha been tending I3,uuu
draft about twice a month to Ban
Francisco for ugar. Now this money
Is distributed among tbe farmer and
workmen here. Tbi year' crop will
produce 8,000,000 pound of sugar at a
conaervative estimate. Today' test
howed a greater percentage of sugar
than has yet been obtained from beet
grown in any other country.
JftMf oj Iht Tim Sht Wat OntSned to B d.
first we noticed a uoclded cbango (or the
better, and after three months' treat
ment her health was 10 greatly im
proved yon would not have recognised
her. She gained in flesh rapidly and
icon was in perfect health. The modi-
ne used was Dr. Williams' Pink fins
for Pale People I have alwa-i kept
these pills in tho bouse since and have
recommended them to many people. I
have told many mothers about them
ind they have affected tome wonderful
"Every mother in this lsnd should
keen these pills In the house, as they
are good tor many ailments, particular
ly those arising from impoverished or
iseased blood, and weakened none
There were 16 shocked and angry
maidens in Wbitlng, la., when they
laarned that the young clergyman of
the Christian ohuroh in that little town
wa about to become tbe husband ot j
Mia Annie Bigelow. He wa engaged
to be marriod to every one of the 17.
tie baa resigned from the church. ,
docs rny cake smell so
Too reach soda or per
haps alum or lime. Use
Schillings Best baking pow
"Hunter atones" were seen In the
Rhine last winter. Tbey appear only
when the rlvor ia very low, and the
data ot their appearance i then cut
Into them. They are believed to fore
bode a year ot bad crops. -
nA Knrmn: If vou know o a snlleltor or
cativamuir In jrourelty or elnewlisro. mtiwlally
a man wno IIM HOlimieu ior uowriinnrnn, m-
uraiKie, nurnory toc. books or lalliirln. or a
nmnwliooan noil ocd, yon will ooii(ir a
t...r t.v (iiintf him in mrrettiHmd with us: of
"If unit will Inwrt Ihla (IflllOM 111 VOtir lIIKr flint
tut-n paruwi win em iin in" - - ..
to OS. we may bo ania h, iiiriiiFi. i.-w
loUion In ttielrown sua aiijoiniiig coumica.
The Maledive Archipelago, west of
Ceylon, embrace 14,000 coral islands,
few of which are more than elx fuel
above tbe level of the ocean and only
176 of whioh are inhabited.
A Short Fight.
The damp autumn night and morn
Ing stirs np sciatic, and then oomes a
tug of pain. Uso St. Jacobs Oil, and j
then comes a tug to cure it. it I a
abort fight and the cure i sure.
Miss Daisy Feat ing, the young col
ored woman appointed a teacher in the
Jersey City schools, will rotaln her
place and the school to wblob she has
been assigned, according to the super
intendent, no matter what objection
are raised. the ia a graauate oi tne
tchool, bright and capable. It ha
been stated that tbe residents oi the
district In which her school is-locatod
bad filed protests to tbe appointment of
a colored woman aa teacher.
The oldest (team engine in the world
ha inat gone Off duty after working
130 year. It waa built in 1777.
Insurgents la Control of the
Manila, Oct. 23. The United States
cruiser Boaton and the collier Nero,
which October 6 were ordered to pro
ceed to Hong Kong in connection witb
the recent disturbance at and near Pe
king, have arrived at Amo, in the pro
vince of Fo Klen, the former abort of
coal and the latter with her cargo afire
Well authenticated report bave
reached lieie of a terrible state of an
arohy in the southern Philippines.
The Spaniards there are cooped up in
the principal towns.
The Americana continue capturing
the rebel vessels as they arrive at Ca
vite. Two have been captured this week,
Waved American and British Plags.
New York, Oct. 33. A dispatch i
the Tribune from Halifax says: The
regimental repoits of the Royal Cana
dian battalion of imperial troop were
marked by an unusual incident. At
tbe conclusion of the sport 100 men
the pick of the garrison, formed a pyra
mid by mounting upon one another
houlders and the man at the apex,
fine specimen of the British soldier,
stood waving in one hand tbe Union
jack and In the other the Star and
Two Miners Rilled
Butte, Mont., Oct. 23. Erail Flan
key and Herman Keekkle, minor em
ployed in the Otlsco mine, were in
etantly killed while ascending the shaft
today. Tbe orosshead got bung in the
shaft, and when loosened struok both
men, knocking them from the bucket.
City of Mexico, Oct. 23. El Mundo
announces that n syndicate with $20,
000,000 capital hs been formed in New
Yoik to immliiice r-Htatc in yarlou
'..At you want tiie bust wiiilTmll!, pui
tonka, plows, Wbroiis, Mis ol all
no ii r. eiisinifi. or crnrnu inm-i iiiory,
or write JOHN POOLK, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
A Ftenoiiman, M. Blounard, uses
the X-rays for munsuring the adultera
tion of flour "With chalk nnd sand. ,
When coming to 8in Frnticlso go to
Brooklyn Hotol, 2US-213 Hush streft.
Ainorii-an or Kurotieaii nlnil. ltoom and
board $1.1X1 tofl.W per day ; moms AOct'iits
to fi.uo iter oay; single mrnis ) reins,
Free coach. Chaa. Montgomery.
The Austrian state railway oarrled
6.100.943 passenger and 8,608,641
ton of stood duiing the month of
June, '
I'M Dr. rtiiniirr's Oregon IUimhI 'urlflr now.
Now that it 1 all over, women war
correspondent who were in the cam
paign of Santiago are beginning to bo
heard from for the first time. MUS
Anna Noithend Benjamin, a Southern
giil, is the latest of these, and she I
going to lecture about her experience
to various women club throughout
the New England and the Middle
itatea. She wa actively in the cam
paign, and to judge from the difficulties
he surmounted in gotting to the front
her ailence while there or, at least,
her anonymity waa due to a fear that
she might be lent away. .
flolilen Weddings.
Only one out of every thousand mar
rind oouplo live to celebrate their
golden wedding.
Shall We Keop the I'hlllpplnes.
While public opinion Is dlvldfd loth
wisdom of kenpliig the Philippine, 11 is,
however, all one way In regard l-o the l
doitt of everybody keeping their health.
Knr this purpose liostetter' Htomarh
Hitters is widely used. This medicine Is
both prevent I ve and for malarial
levers and stomach disorders. '
A ton ot gold is worth HI 20,000. A
ton of Silver, lit the present rate per
Ounce, may bo said to bo worth about
410,400. - ' 1 .:
The readers of this i-snor will to
ftsrti that there III t leel ono urraile.l dles
mil soieneo has been ah 0 to uro in alt Its
".tXhaltsosiarrti. llall'sCatarrh f urs
Is the only pnslilve euro known to llie wedlesl
fraternity. Catarrh being aennsiltullnnaldi.
eac ri"iilre a eonsmunnnei immnii.
Hsu t aiarm i uro is h'h ni..i..n..j, ....
dlrrxuly upen the ll'd and nitieons snrfaves
ol Iho syslem, thereby dnntrnylng the fnunila-
1 on OI IHO uiseaiw, mi in, I
Strength by hulbllns np the olltodon end
Maiming nature III dnliig Us work. Tho pro.
prlviors have to tatieb faith In ts eiirsti-s
!,niira thai Ihev offer One Hundred ihillars
or any rase that it (alls to vtuo. tread lor list -
itllttoniait. Ati'ir?"". . .. -
K.J.t 1IHMJH SVU,, 1kmh,u.
ol Kxtlnionlals. l-lris
r, j.i iib?
B,,l,l riniHtiita. Ita
lia!!'! Family Tills art the best.
roots Crowned. Ilrldees Made,
aliiless II mux ami eoii-aetlon.
Dr. T. li. White, Mfr
Buy Direct JfiZtt
. -souths r.WtNwil
And save middleman's profit. Wen's "no tali
nr.uia.lotilis,;uW!oll, rit"ariiiei-il. Cats.
nailed Ire. Address 3. I ANPKIAN. MeKl
buildliig. PoriUnd, .ir. NuMlou this paper
Is It wrong?
Get it RlgbL
Keep It Right
Meore's Revealed Remedy wtlldoit, Three
doeet wilt mak jo tool better. 0t It beta
your druggist er any wholesale drug house, of
fcoia Stewart A Holmes lrug Co Seattle.
made on a small begt
Make money by tuecetf ill
11-orulatiiinlHClilvago. We
ooy aim seu wneei on mar.
Ilia, fortum-s bare been
besinnliit by Iraditisln in.
lure. Write lor mil priu:iiiere. neat ol r
rrenoe given. Several years' esps'lenreon the
t'liireico Hoard ot Trade, and a thorough know
ledge ol ihe buife. Kind be) our free refer
tm book. IloWSINU, IHUKINI A to,
ChleSflJ Hoard of Tra-le broken. QQIoet la
l"orlleuu, Oregon and Seattle. Weh.
$45 $45 $45 $45 $45
Beat Wheel an Rank."
With in per eeni iliacoiint for esH, t8 Ideals
la w, li rwt, with lo per et. dtwoum hit
rath. Send for catalogue. Llrsagonu wanted
tsery where,
nticr, t. MHKitu.t. rtfCLE ci,,
...Willamet Iron Works...
Front and
Everett 8ts.
Manufacturer of Marin and Statloniry Engine and
Boom, Saw MUL Flour Mill, Mining and Drrdgtng
Machirwry, Shall Inf, Pulley. lUngert Water
Whrrls, etc. Agents forth lohnT. Noy Co. Flout
Mill Mathintry. Huntlf y Mfg. Co.' Monitor Grain
Srparatort and Scnurett. DraJm In EaetUor Boiling
Cloth, Mill and EUvator Supplies, Cotton and LAihr
Btltlng, stc
Kind your order direct to us ana get Ih bone
Si of manufacturers' prices.
. STEAMBOAT lit ll.llKUS ... h
iicura 1 SUPPLIES
Cawston & Co,
litcctiion t H. P. angary Ct: '
43 and 50 First St,
Portland, Or.
301 First Av &, .
Seattle, Wash.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturer. I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk. Iowa, have
decided to OIVB AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These preienti are in the form of
Paste! r
Tbey are 13x19 inches In site, and are entitled a follow:
V. tr(J
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it ia
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Srnur
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon j
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. A tho
genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured
by the California. Fio Srnur Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
ponsiA Fio Sruvf Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tbe satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to ullllona of families, makes
tbe name of the Company a guarauty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far ia advance of all other laxatives,
as it act- on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without Irritating or weaken
ing' them, and It docs not pipe nor
nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Lilacs and
and -Marguerites.
V 'fa f ii iitHBH" 1 m at m .
1 ftowmMcoestw'v 1
Lilacs and
These rare picture, four In number, by the renowned pastel artlt,'
R. LeKoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subject
in hi studio and are now offered for tbe first time to the public.
The picture are accurately reproduced in all the color used in the orig
inal, and are pronounced by competent critics, work of art.
Pastel pictures are the Correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit.
BSl Silastic St arch
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for, this starch and get a
beautiful picture. . ' ;
'sTii ur m 1 TU or Tit or o
ffna,if riiwrwfien.
II ft I I 1
m.,;, 4r .J m
r 'fl r'reTft.u Mn)vf knr.
Htm 111. si r...
l.i;liarM, Ina.njiiimlona,
: Irrltatiiiu. n. iil.ri.,o..nZ
of ra a sous rneuibraiios.
Paliilcs. ami rt a.Liin.
IthcEvisi Ohimi'ii rfq, imuoiiout.
1 OHDimt.TI.O . I stold hf nrttgglala.
V. S.A.
or M-nt Iq yhllD wr
1-riiH, ir-iiiil,, tut
1 a twin, ia.M.
r sniit uit nxjuiMt,