THE CONDOII GLOBE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1898. NOTICE. Th yearly HlMorlplluu to till) Ouini la 91.80, l( paid lu ailvauoe. it nut paid In lvuo. $2 will Im nliancwl. A iwnnll mark around lliii nolle ImlluatM that your atilrw: ri itluii huax lrtd. I'lt-iue reiivw promptly. LOCAL NEWS. Turn Johnson vlsltod llcppimr during tlio week. 8yl Palmer ruturnoj front PjrtlunJ yt-sturiluy. Sheriff Wllcnc la st Arlington this wok on busliiuas trip, , Mr, I'uttvr, I lie ongiiml locator of the Cuiulon In town. D. 0. Diwncr ml. I COO of Iambs I t at wovlc m $2.0o pur hunt. J. K. Flttwstt-r old Aaron Bravsfluld 21 head oftsttle lt wei-k, ' Tom Mnlinophy has sold hi ranch, near OI, to F, W. Tultey. Frank filter ha ill hi twnd of ahesp to A. Binyths, of Arlington. I, II. KtupliHnsoii' hnliy whs quit sick ths pMt wattle with pnHtiiiionf, L. U. T nssril, of K-Kik crrrk, la in town working on tits Mason Wi building. Mr. Mary Brown has jnat couipletl a Una retliloime on bar ranch on It ck crook. Mr. R ililnson, of L me It M'k, vUlted liar niece, Mr. I. II. Htetphenson, till week. Hob Paulson I clerking for V, 11. EU-plienaon during the Utter' r.henue at Engtn. Work on ths Mftwtnlo building I programing rapidly. J. A. MvMorrl it the boas carpenter. Condon business nifn all report Imsi- its Improving rapidly, Now i the time to (iihacrllw for the Uuins. Charlie Ud lerwoid, win) haajuatgor the btt of a tussle with typhoid fever, wil In from PaprfMck Saturday. A marriage license wa lusnrd on Monday to IUIph Q. Aspaugli and Maud K. Smith, both of near Arlington. Mrs. D. C. Downer ha been on the ick list for the past week or so, inffcr lug from an attack ofdropsy. The shwp are coming- oat of the mountain now by the tiiumt and business Is getting better every day. Frank Kprinirstnn, the genial sheep man, of Trail Fork, will take hi family to Southern California (or the winter., The old saying that "all sign for rain (ail In dry rather" i being proven literally true in Kxstern Oregon this fall, A welcome shower visited this section last Saturday, "but If the storm had been stronger, our song would have been longer." Henry Wilkin, of Clem, ha been apK)lnted administrator of the estato of J. A. Cruin, deceased. Ill bond is filed at 110.000. A survey of the pipe line for the water main of our new water system wa made laat week. It will require a Utile over one mile of main for the job. (ieo. Angell came in Monday evening from the uioniitain. where ho baa been alt mmmer camp tending, lie will spend the winter jn Condon, Arlington I one of the bitslest town on the U. R. A S. eystom this fall for the reason that that I the shlpning point for Gilliam countv' products. Dr. It. F. Ni tt, the well-known dentist of Fossil, will be lu Condon in the near futttre prepared to do all kind of work in bl line. If you have any dental work wait for Dr. Nott. ir R. M. Johnson, the efficient slirep Inspector of (iilllam county, was Jn town Tuesday morning, having started on hi eml-Aimual round among the sheep camp. II. ft. Hendricks ba sold biirealdence property to John Dyssrt, the considers tion being f 675. Mr. Hendricks and family eipect to remove to Hay City, Tllluniook county, In the near future Rert Piersol, who has been looking (tor Mrs. Mary llrowo's band of .sreep in the mountains this, ha r- turned and will get hi (it,"HSj and other mail matter at the Condon poatolflce during the winter. The (act that "stud poker" U aicnin becoming the popular form of amuse' inent around town is pretty good rvl denes that the money in trkat in loosen ing up. Htnd i not. a popular game among "broke" men. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Relaacher received wairmload of furniture mat 8aturiiiv (or their new teaiileiice, and Jdin line . since been reveling in the delight of stretching carpets and other litftit forma o( amusement Incident to "getting set tled." The Ladle' Aid Pocletv will give a social In Armory hull nest M-mduv even inir ( tlnlloween). There will b a iiro- frain rendered and a lunch served. The unch will constat of sandwiches, cake and coff-'a and will coal IS cents. All re Invited, Dr. Itoiihmn, The Dalle dentist, will lie In Mavville Nov, 10ih, and in Con don Nov, 15t,h. Do not have tivlini priK'ticf on you, lint wait for Dr. Hon bam, who Is a graduate of a reputable dental nolleite anil ha hnl year ol ex O. W. Burr is having the well on hi Summit street property deepened and wnllvd. Cid. Mike White, the veteran well builder, I in charge of the work. It Is In the air that Condon I to have a first-class dramatic club this winter, the object of which will' be tn Improve the condition of the public school build ing. A worthy object, and one-which will doubtless receive the heurty sup port of everybody. 8. U. Darker returned Bnturday from a trip to the mountains, where he wont to look after hi sheep. Mr, Darker had the misfortune to lose 401) head id sheep this fall, the animal straying away from the band and the herders being unable, to recover them. Chaille White is back from Nebraska, where he went a few week ago with ii trainload of sheep. Nt finding Up market satlsdicaory, he did not sell, and will feed the sheep this winter at Fre mont, Nebraska, lie will return to I he Prairie stale nc Hi week and Mr. White will accompany him, ., ' The Uloiik family have been busy getting moved and settled in new quar ter (or the past week, and any short coming in the paper may la accounted (or in that way. We hope to get down to business again by nekt week ail I give our readers a better paper than ever. John Palmer, D. B. Trimble and Tug Wilson left last Thnridav (or Eugene, where they were called a witnesses fur the l me in the trial of Claude llrsnton, who is on trial this week (or the murder of John Linn, V. tl, Stephenson Is also at Eugene on the same husines-i, but he wasdetainod in starling until Hxturday on account ol the serious illness of hl baby. There is not worse lot of faker nn the road than the DeMoa family, aay the Milton Eigle. Toey have b"u traveling uver this western country fur vears bilking the people, and it I sImmiI time they were presented to the people in their true colors. They claim to lie singer, but there I not .one among them that will average np in point of melody with the Arkansas canary Uncle Klam once owned. Win. Comett, the veteran farmer, of the Matney Flat tielj;!.lorh"od, present ed the (Jum family with a quantity of potatoe yetterday that should have heed sent to the Portland ripsitinn. riiey are big, smooth and of escnlli-nt quality and have to be cooked In see- thmi an account of their viae. Mr. Cornell did not cultivate the crop in the least and it i well that he didn't ir they would have been too large to handle without stiuui derrick. Mr. C. A. Dannf man, w ho I spend ing the w inter at Corvallik, where her I milters are attending school, writea Mrs. W. M. Dunlap, id this pli, that her eldest datiiihter, Mir Carrie, ha been dangtrously ill with an attack tf tueaaela, and that She Is threatened with blindnes a a result of Ihedisease, She wa some better when the letter wa written and the doctor hod that with guod care her sight would beaaved. Our rustling and wide-awake neigh bors at Lone Itnt-k have scored a Mtint ahead id Condon, having ju-t had com pleted telephone Hue which connect" with the lines of the Inland Telephone Co, The Glohk moat heartily congratu late It friends in that aection on the improvement and would rise to Inquire w hatha become of the Condon tele phone line. Had we not better get a move on and do something? Co nipt-in A Oeorge, the enterprising Arm of general merchants, of Arlinaton. have an attractive, new advertisement in this issue of the Ui.oiik. The induce ment offered cash purchaser is weil wm-th the careful attention of every buyer, as there ran be no doubt of the good quality of the ware offered. The gentlemen composing this firm are wide awake, progressive business men and, the (Slosh Mieves, will command their share of the trade of Gilliam countv lie sure and read their "ad." Mrs. Ilenabaw inform a (it, .as re porter that her recent trip to Portland and other points in the Vallev wa a moat enjoyable one. She left her daniih ter. Miss Dinlte, comlortalilv settleit at the Portland University, at University Park, where she will complete her edu cation, paying special attention to thorough course in music, in which ac complishment she ha already shown marked progress. Mr, llenshaw i warm In her praise of the university, a an educational institution, and thinks she could have m ida no butter selection anvwhere on the const. porience in In the prod-salon. tf LOTT On October 10th, hetween Loat Vallev saw mill ami lluhnell's Lake, a burlap sack containing clothing Finder will please leave same at the White ranebww Panersack. or notify fW. F. White, Canyon City, Ore., nm receive reward. i27 !13 Borm Monday, Oct. 24th. to the wifi of W. L. Darker, an eight-pound ihioirh ter. Mother and halie are reported as doing nicely, but W. L. I said to he worrying somewhnt a hoot the trim hie he i iikelv to have in the future In selecting sulta hlo aoria-ln-law fur tils half dozen daughter. To he a policy' bolder In the Muss Mutual Life Ina, Co, not nnlv mean ti be insured but in addition, to be a mem her of a well known business or Iranian tion where each dollar of profit is divid ed annuailv with all member. II. Booth I the special ageiit of this com puny In (iillliim. county, OLEX. The sick o( Oiex are Improvenar. ncurly all being out of danger. A small quantity of eed rve can be had at Olcx at 1)6 cts. per bushel. W, H. fnell and Geo. Neal arrived In Olej Monday with band of cattle from Hhermau county. Elgin Cables has leased the farm of I'li-is. Mitliinnphv and will be a resident of Ole from now on. Mr. Win. Flovd. of Tho Dalle. ba leased his In rite fur m and moved bis family to Beattle. Mr, and Mr. Win. Key, of Mavville, paid Ole a plenaaut vialt on their re turn from their hriilal trip. John J. McDonald and II. O. RoWt. of Sherman county, have leased 4H0 acres of land of L. 6. Ralston. J. W, McKinnev has leaned the old French Chnrlev farm, which, liv the w av, Is one of the finest farms in Gilliam ourity. Mat Ward Is threshing Geo. Cham- twrlaln's grain (hla week. This Job will wjud np the threshing season. W. II. DeWilt Is Imtiroving the re - deuce of Mrs. J. A. Crnm. lie also ha the contract for painting tbeOlex store. Dr. Z, T. Do'Non writes that he baa la-en n the Sick Hut for a mouth paat. and that he will pav 18 cents a ck for some one to haul hi wheat to Arlington. Ln Favette Dav wa appropriately kept in Ole. The school room was nicely decorated, and each pupil con tributed nickel for the monument fund. The reported sale of L. O. RaUton'a Olea store still stands in stntni-quo. and there will be a hot time in the old town, for all dry goods are to be sold at cost for ensh. President E. E. Lt tle write that be will soon make a trip over the route nroimsed by L. . Ralston for Ids- rail road to come to Olest on lie wav t Con- Ion, and consider the donation offered. Ralph Aspangh and Maud Smith were married at Win. Wheeler's residence Tuesday noon. Thev have leased the McGnire farm of L. O. Ralaton and will go Into fanning nn a large scale, a there is over 3500 acre" in the farm. LONE ROCK. Henry Neel went to The Dalle last week on a business trip. Good health in general seem to pre vail In our community of late. G'ain, flour and wood hauling seems to la- all tho rage among our rustling Hople, The pn:!9 all fft back from the Mav ville races fairly solar and pretty-Well satialled with the festivities in general. Most nf our farmers have fjuiahed sowing their fall grain. The ground has la-en wi itry that no fall plotting lias been done vet. The telephone line from Heppner to Lone R-N-k is now completed, and we ran talk to anvUxlv we pleaae now whether they want to listen to n or not. Thl enterprise accomplished, onr rustling people will soon commence reach1 ng after a railroad, and w ho dare av they wont get it? Verily, Lone R--k is strictly in it. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to announce to tho people of Condon, and vicinity, that I am this week opening up a choice line of ConfectionericH, Canned Goods, Cigars. Tobacco Etc. I reHpeetfully solicit a chare of your patronage and attsure you of fair and courteous treatment. Call and get acquainted . and I will convince you that my goods and pricea are just what you have been hunting Respectfully, JOHN JACKSON. ONE DOOH SOUTH CONDON HOTEL, CONDON, 0BEC3M. 9f MILLER "THE REGULATOR. THAT'S THE PLACE TO TRADE. We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO CERIES. We call particular attention to our line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS .which is the most complete line in Arlington. We are also agents for tho celebrated SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located at the old Coffin corner. THE OLD RELIABLE REGULATOR. GEO. MILLER, : : ARLINGTON, OR. FURNITURE! I ! I beg to announce to the people of Gilliam County that I have just put io one of the largest and best assorted stocks of FUR NITURE ever offered in Eastern Ore;on, at prices lower than any former quotations. Call and see my place when in Ar lington; it is a beauty. Get my prices on CARPETS, MAT TING, LINOLEUM, WALL PAPER, PAINT, OIL, '& GLASS. Yours to please, J. H. WOOD - - ARLINGTON, OR. The Reason Why. A good-looking, well-to-do bnchelor nf I-iwa wa heiug teased by the young ladies of the ehth for not lasing married. lie alii . "I'll marry the girl of your club whom on a secret vote yon elect to lie my wife." There wore nine itiem hei of the club. Kach went Into the corner and n-ei great precaution in prepar'ng her ballot and dinguiHlng her hand writing. The result was nine vole cast, each girl receiving one vote. The young man remain a bachelor, the club broken np, and the girls are r- tal enemies, united In the determina tion that they will never speak to the misty man iigslu. Kx. The makers of Schil ling's Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extracts soda and spices , believ-e in their goods to the extent of telling your grocer to give you your money back if you don't like the goods. For Kile by Donn Brothers. FOSSIL. J. V. Oilman was in town Sunday, Mr. C. II. Itrown and family have taken room at the McKentie Hotel. K-l K. Horn has returned to hi home. arter helping J. il. Putnam month in his store. A number of carpenter commenced work on J. II. Putnam's residence Tues day morning. An addition ol I wo rooms, I5k30 f'-et, are. ladng built on. The family of 8. 1', Wallenbnrirer have moved out of the house la-longing to J. W. Oilman, on Mail street, into their ow n lion ne in South Fossil, w hich is al most completed. While Or. Thorns Stewart was aWnt from his ranch this full, for a week in he mountains, some raon or iHrori carried off two or three cords of wonrl which he had hauled just before leaving, tie ha a prettv good idea who took the wood, and in the future they bad hctter go a little slow or thev will land in the "pen." LOST VALLEY. Tim Connolly has htarted for his home range in Ferry Canton with his sheep, i Mr. and Mr. F. V. Conrtwrigbt have reinmed from a visit to the (jrand Ronde vallev. Mr. C. J. Leive, ol Portland, w here the 2 It It inst. looking up the hide and pell business. Hob- L-ioney passed through here the 23rd lost, with some sheep he had pur chased for Bernard Uedy, of Condon. Lout Valley is fast getting out nf the rut. Heaiie. having a grocery store, it has a small dry gooda supply, which is kept al the saw mill bv Harry llalstead. OBITUARY. Oeorge Coffin, one of the early pio neer nf this region, passed away at his home on Thirty-mile, nine miles south east nf Condon, on Saturday, Octolier 22. 1808, at the ago of about 61 years. The disease that ended his life was dropsy, from which he had la-en a sufferer for several mouth. Several week la-fore his death he was brought to town to he nearer medical aid and also with the hope that the change might henel'.t him, but when he fnll realised that the end was near lie re quested to 1 taken home, that he might die there, and also that he he buried near the spot that had for so many year been the home of himself and his family. Mr. Collin was one of Oregon's pio neers, having mine to the state in the early days. During the Btnge conch dav of overland Havel he kept a stage station at w hat is now known as Meach am, at the summit of the HI tie mount ains, lie came to this section about 25 year ago and settled on the ranch that has since been his home, lie poiseHsed a wide circle of ncq iitlnlancca and a host of warm friend all over this sec tion, who will rcgict to learn of his deiitlulle leave n widow, one son, CliHrlie Coffin, of Astoria, and one daughter,' Mrs. Ed McKinnev, who. with her hushaml, reside at the Collin liomeslead. The funeral neenrted on 'Sunday and was largely attended... MOODY'S - WAREHOUSE -Fire-Proof Brick Buildings- Arlington and The Dalles. Highest Market Price Paid For All Kinds of Grain. S. B. BARKER, UfcraK r w a t. ffi m CONDON, OREGON. lApJfll.QE- STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. J. F. REISACHER, Saddler m Harriessmaker CONDON, OREGON. ORDER. ALL KINDS CF LEATHER CGGDS.f'ACE TO 1 -Carrlea a Completa and Velt-selacted Stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, BUKKETS And everything usually found In a first-class harness shop. A SPECIALTY. Give i" tr r"k t r. i KcrAiKiiNu a brtuiAL i i. uive me a In the building: on the corner, opposite Barker's store call. T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OF. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large New Burn on North Main Street, Condon, - Oregon. ii sjfC ' HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT (AND SOLD CHARGE VERY RKAhOK ABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is reectfully solicited. Grain Sacks For Sale. Seo Us Before Disposing of Your Crop. S.G. HAWSON, Arlington Agent XT9 PEACE HAS BEEN DECLARED, -wAL. HENSHAW- A N 0 Finds he has a complete stock of the following goods on hand and uiore coming on every train. Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining. Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. Hand bags, Undertakers Goods. Furniture, Pilankets, Stoves, Trunk, Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. J. H. PUTNAM -DEALER GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. I FASTED-BEVKRAL TKfSTWORTHY PER. VV mum Ill tmx tnli- to lniiiiiiKU our tmi-hii- Fine Bucks For Sale. til thi lr own Mint in-Hrly cniiiilli-n. I- In mxlnly f I'll r tics iHlim fliif I, mu wml IH-lntic oitln woik -,iiulni-U-.t at hiimp. iNihiry Hlnilitlit ,,i,.t;( frre fiiiiii rinkli-s, will do well ;wu )-nr mill i-in-iii'iiviuiuv, ibhwiiihb, ho i , . r-,,,.1, ut I .. Ii..b in.mi. im !.. ..ilmv. Miinlli v JT.i. ti- t rmii-.-ll. I l" "n Ht '.V t B'M'K Tlie fver-p esent 'Iriiiiiini-r, lht tx-ver-quit lift liisitrnnm" mull iitul utlifr It liter Htilsnhn prefer live, priisperini -otii-nimiitles t.n dead, Btunniint mi-s, hnve been strongly In evidence til Condon the Kiii-lim-hi-li-rtit lrt-MM it HtiimiK-it triVt-tnm Uiir- twrt K. lltiw, 1'rvtt., Dept. M, CIiU'ik. 111. its i nave 4U lieail ol the snine now nn sale. Tliev Hie in tine i-nnilitinn nnd are friint the Cliarlt-s t!iinnint;liaii) fl-M-k nf Itiu-ks. Thev are all one vear old tint llAKTKIV-AOKKTS) Ktlt "t'.t.AJMTXR. ntS ' erv lariri-. Will al-i sell 12 liead ol ii,.:,.ithV i u.,,.v..rV.t : .;, ;. Vi. i....,;.:i "',, t r-r. ttveriksi lum,-, rwltant 'iwnfn. miiierb, years in my lutlid nf sheep, mropnisriivluie. la-'lum, hl.-m.i, tt and only I'm lies puivlin.-iiiif I'lii-ks ran leave tn-li-ht twll. t millt free, limp all traali snd ; of i-luirue, Mr, H M. Jiilin-ni will itive rlwii month wltli the mlv true mnl mwl i ltl iiiliirniiition and price when I am 'lU'tawttine imou. .iitin-MH inr. ii.,iiiin.-i I , . u t'OMFANV, Dcyt. 3ii, 3.VJ ;iiO tluarborn street, j ""' ' ,,, ,, ciiicugo. jau-isi o!3 S3 W. 11. Cola'cll. Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to culer to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial tovelerg, and others desiring the comfJrC?& hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor. P. HAM, LONE ROCK, ORE., 'DEALER IN. General Merchandise AT SUCH LOWb PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. CET MY PRICES BIFORE COIKGTJThE RAILROAD. IT WILL PAY YOU. ' DUNN BROS. Have again increased their stock of Clothing, Overcoats, Mack injoshes, Caps. Gloves, Overehoes, Socks, Underwear, Blan ket, and Winter Goods of all kinds. The ladies have not been forgotten; we have the finest line of Wiuter Dress Goods in totva. Call and see them. V At the Old Stand, Condon, ( Dealers in i (General Merchandise.) South of ConJon Hotel. Oregon, HARRY HALSTEAD, SwDEALER IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. I offer a complete stock of 6ne surfaced Lumber, consisting of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lum ber. Careful attention given to b'lls of special sizes and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILS SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, - - - - - - - OREGON INGTOH S ALOON J ARL JEAN LEBQUS. PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard arjd pool Sables. ' " 3 First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon. T. O. Earhart, S. V. Moor. CALL AT THE S u m m it Saloon, i-TT FINEST BHANDO OrjBZUmmmm ' Uif)es, Ijquors aid Qars. - FINE BILLIARD AMD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. EARHART & MOORE, Prop'r COMDQM C