' v n lit t HUHSOAY. OCTOBEK i7, 1898, ("LfBiE lor tt 8eC,-,n t.'r'n, s( l" Eastern yuuu Oregon is concerned, if, daring the next four years, he 18 successful n netting tho obstruction to naviira- THE OrMCIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM J ,jou aboTe The DaHe8 on tne Co COUNTY. OREGON. . J ,u.., ;., K "jlnhiml Empire competitive routes COST OF PEACE. . Tho peace commissioners who lire patching up pence jvith, Spain in l'aris are citing the people of this country a pretty penny. It will prove to be the most expens ive "junketing trip" on record. President MtKinley was determ ined that the commissioners phould travel in a style proper to the dignity of the country and tho im portance of tho mi 3km th&l they hare to accomplish. ." - Despite thee fad that to some extent at least the peace commis sioner will be the pnests of the French government, it is expected i that it will cost the United Mates a quarter of a million of dollars to negotiate the treaty of peace with Spain. The French government j has placed the celebrated Salon des j . Ambassadeurs at th disposal ofj tho commission as a place in wb.eh to hold their meetings. This courte sy haa relieved the commission of one item of expense. Det-pite this, however, it is said,, that the ex-jnes- of the commissioners and their staff will amount to some thing over $1000 a day during their stay in Paris. From a reliable source of infor mation it is learned that a daily allowance has been made to the various member of the commiS' sion as a dav. to Secretary Moored $75; to Assistant Secretary Mc Arthur. $50, to Dis tributing Officer Brannigan and Chief Translator Rodriguei, $25; to each of the nine interpreters, attaches, stenographers, etc., $10, and to the two messengers $5 per day, making a total of $1025 per day, or for the- 90 days that they are expected to be away, a grand total of $92,250. This is for the personal expenses alone of the vari u members, and does not include any salaries. It is expected that Commission ers Dy and Reid will be given a fee of $23,000" each for their work to the seaboard. Moro Leader. H. K. HKNIIRU-KK, H, H. HKNDKH K, I'OMiton, Of. Kiwll. Or. H. H. & H; B. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFrlCKH AT HMHIN ,VM I'OHIL. UKKllON. Cnri'lul tuleitttoti U orttw cohiik1! ami v"k"' In Hll ll ouitrta. Mko cwuniwl bv t-orivfponUeiH'e, We rlw IXtntii. XltKt., l.ii'im, Willi, TntuiwrlpU. fttMUmt't, oto. Kiw IniturHioe In the liel cum- tuiox eximir. Ah o munition tu CoIIwIIuuh mill and Lw. Notary ruble It) VHch ollU . Summary of Assessment of Gilliam County, 1S93. Knmtier.' ' Yslue, Acre tillwMe lnml, 98909. 48 $221802 Acres iton-iillttblelsml 18t.0So.5-2 'JS'-HKHS Imp's on lioedfd Inmi, h55l3 Town ami city tts 8rs7 Imp' on t'n ml cy luts 48151 imp's on land not d'Jeit, 18012 Miles HiulrtMut 44.70 liitKSSO Kttilrort.l roliiujr st'k 2059t Miles telV'h and tl'.'e 05.05 5148 Mr rvliauilUe vte. 604-". Earm iiiiiiWiiieiits etc. 8S840 Steam engines etc. 811)0 Money S9375 iwiifs and accounts MiO HuasehuM furnitnlie etc 23S40 Horses slid unites 8052 021'. HI Cuttle 7008 78514 Sheep 1U444 131(272 fwine m 1776 KM tier pensl property 385 Pulhuam i'al. Cur Co. Slit) ajvmnjruuirin.r Gross value Eieinptiuns ' Total taxable property li 13820 3i3d 12540J1 $100 Reward. I will pav Itm alov tt-ward for the reeoverv of 4U0 head tit itlieep, kt (rom in hands at Hie head waters of the John Dav river, go netime la-tween the t c. I Mi. I. ..ni ( k-ttil-wr tn , , . J ..Hies 11 oejueilliwr vtn n" ' foUOW8:, TO. each Ot tne toga Purtufxheeii I'Wt ""' ranilei : , m J. t .rT ' . I n a. u in 111, ann pan were nrann.-. id H pav 25 cts. head for all ! , .w-'vered. 8. B. Karker, Condon, Or. w. H. WILSON Attorney and Counselor at Law, The Dalles, Or. WUl attend to legal batlnesa lu, all eotirU In the stite. . Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed a my deputies the lollowlnc peraons: W. H.Colwcll, Arlington. . L. B. Towniwuil, tonilon, Fred A. Hale, FomI. ' . K. M. Johs0!, Ine Rock. Stock Inipeetor lot OUliam County, Unison lee of zj.wa eacn lor mr wur j n A DD A 7fl on the commission-, and thatSecre- J Y . J. r AnKAXU, tary Moore, uprtn whom much oil the work of preparing the diwu ment in the American caw has devolved, will receive a fee of $20. 000. Mr. Corbin, son of Adjutant General Corbin, who accompanies the cotnuiiemoti as an attache, will probably get $1500 as a recompense for his services, jr The American government is paying the expenses of the ladies who are members of the party, and it is calculated that the !tem of transportation alone for the 35 persons in the party by sea and rail will amount Uat least $25,000. The special expenses of the com mission in Paris for entertainments, etc., will probably be not le68 than $15,000 or $20,000. As the government becomes more complicated and burdensome thasitisto be seen it is possible for the few to draw from it excess ive amounts for extravagant living, which the struggling many are called on to provide. Extrava gance in government threatens the mass of men and soon exhausts the resources of the workers, thus I weakening ireo uioliiuuuhd hi making popular government a failure. East Oregonian. prtistiQ Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON OREGON. The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION GO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE. Senator Simon has a chance to make his calling and election sure Daily Line of Steamers, Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and al points on the Washing ton side. The Stealers Dalles City and Regnlator leave Portland every iiiorninn (exrept iSnndavlal 7 and The rjille. at 8:31). Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt, Foot of Conrt St. The Dalle. Or SOUTH AMERICA!! SILVER. (SOLID) AM ENTIRE REVOLUTIOH IN TABLE VMRE. 0 PLATINC TO WEAR OFF. WILL LAST FOREVER This is an absolutely pore an l solid metal, composed of P ire Sterling Sil ver and Alaminam. It is the ssiue meul thronijhoot n pUtinjf-every piece bearing the trade-mark "So. Am. Silver, Solid, snd is fnlk guaran teed for 60 years. Buy here and secure a complete lineof this handsome Ware ABSOLUTELY FREE. With all cash purchases yon will receive coupons and when the itmonnt to $2D.O0 you may have yoar choii-e of any of the following. 3 lee-ert Knives 3 Dinner Fork 3 De-sert Forks 1 Chi l I'm Cup 1 Eich Silt and Penper Shakers fiTes 8poons r 6 CoflVe Spoons 4 Oranite Spoons 1 Set (tt) Nut Picks and Crark 1 Eac:h, SV'r Spoon and B'l'r Knife 3 Hoip or Dessert SpJons 3 Tattle Spoons 1 Child's set (Knife, Fork, Spoon) 4 Fruit Knivia 3 Dinner Knives and Napkin King 3 Pickle Forks 1 Berrv Rjmmio 1 Gravy Ladle 1 Sonp Ladle CUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS, THE SOUTH AMERICAN SILVER CO., N. Y, This Offer is a Special Discount for Gash. Prices are as low and in most cases lower than elsewhere and the quality the best Soliciting your patronage, The Arlington Cash Store, COMPTON & CEORSE, P33PJ11ETD33. Dealers In Dry Goods, (jents' Furnishing', Notion, Boom, Shoes, Granite ware, Hardware, Glassware and Cutlery. ARLINGTON, OR. CONDON MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal of first quality. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Fruit and Vegetables bought and sold. We handle only first-class meats and our prices are reasonable. No credit giv- .. , ... i It lakes money to buy fat beeves. , ' "' Your patronage is respectfully solicited, K. G. JORDAN, Proor. Cll vnjinnrutnxiAAnnr There's no "SOFT SOAP" about this talk. It's a plain, straight, business talk, about tho very best kinds of soap ob tainable. We keep them, you should use them. Why use nasty harsh laundry soap inVour bath when you can get the best brands of the toilet article at our store at moder ate prices. A dozen brands to choose from, all good. Talking About Hats. Ja t You- will find our New Fall Hats Absolutely Perfect. J. H. Hudson CONDON, OREGON. xrul Auctioneer. . . I hereby offer my services to the peo ple ol Gilliam county in the ra parity of geneial auctioneer. All Imnineea en trusted to iny rare will receive the mott cartful attention. Will attend to ad vertising, hilling and all preliminaries when desired. Will attend sales in any part of this or ad joining counties. Terms reasonable. Call on or address ' Geo. L. Reals, tf Condon, Or Price List of Lumber. (Adopted September 1, 1898.) Rough Inmber, pine, f 10 00 per M Rough lumber.tir, 12 00 " Shiplap, second class floor ing, rustic, ceiling and surfaced, 15.00 ' First class flooring, ceiling, rustic and Hnixliing, 22 50 " Slab wood, per cord, .75 All bilU? discounted 10 per cent for spot rash. Same price and same dis count to all. HABRY HALtTfAD, Lost Valley, Or. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Nov.. 12, 18, will tie paid on prenen tation at mv ollire. Interest ceases after this date. SB. Barkeb, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated at Condon, Ore., June 3i, 18tl8. Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. 11. Nr rrazer. County Clerk, gives sei'ial attention to abstracts of title, and is alao prepared to receive V. S. government land filings and proofs, as well as applications for the purchase of forfeited railroad lands ami state school lands, at his office in Condon, Or. Settle Up Notice. All persona having accounts with the Condon Meat Market are respectfully requested to call and nettle, the same without delay. 1 must have money to carry on my business. (1. G Joan an. The hat market is full of trash, and even trash sometimes looks well, but it will not wear. You'll have to look else where for trash, however, we don't keep it. Our now soft and stiff hats are of such style, character and finish that yourself and your friends will show your knowledge of what's what by wearing them. We are showing a fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and Capes, at bed-rock prices. Call and examine them. If you are in need of anything in foot-wear, we have it for large or small'feet. We also have a complete assortment of children's misses', ladies' and men's underwear. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON. A A aV -tt4ttttfc'tt Of Arlington, Or., No. 3918. I Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. ; SPECIAL ATTENTION CIYEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YCUB BUSINESS- D. M. FRENCH, Prealdant; W. W. 8TEIWER, Vlo-Pr.ldnti FRANK T. HURLBURT, Caahl.r. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. W. STEIWER, W. LORD, U. C. ED. WARDS NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man ho lives on meat was ever known to lick his wife, or ask for a divorce. A vegetable diet woman is as cold anil clammy as a turnip. If yon want your tfirl to have rosy cheeks and vitality in her motion, feed her on heef steak with occasional doses ot Dr. Ilnw nn'a Tonic Hitters. Sold everywhere. WIS TED HEVERA1. TKUHTWORTH Y PER totiM in ttil. tHte tn m .nnve oir b iMint. in tnrlr own ant nearby fmiiil ri. II I. innlnl, fitntt work conduct! t home. HHlitry I'rHigitt I'.HM yearatut eKteniieii .l'niiltt, bonntt'le. no innr, no 1m wilnry. Monthly 7'"i. Kcfprencp., Knflrwe wlf-a'Mreit.ed .tinuetl enrlopp, Uer bvrt E. Heal, Pro-t., Dept. M, Chic. mo. III. WASTED A0F.ST3 FOK "(5LAT)W(E. HIS Life am) piihllc Servltw," bvTi.on. . HMnttfnnl. A wonderful Utry of a ftlortoHM ch. rtnr. ver Mllame. rHfllHiit pitvn. loo iiMTt( rure emrrm ln. Klchent, Muitm, bet ami onlv n looiH 'GI(,itstone book" u!iiithel. hlv 11. SO ('(imrai,Kin,.W per cent. Credit Klreti. Krc-Ulit pil l. Outnt (r.e. Drop nil traiih anil elenrfitt) a month with the onlv true and irHi ilndton hook." AiMre.. THE IiOMIMuN COMPANY, Dept. 38. "i-a50 lliairborn stf-wi, Chicago. J: N(riCEFOIt PUBLICATION, , LaoOrricBATTHB I)M.r. Oa Oct. n. liw Notice ia herebv alven that the following nam ed pettier ha. filed notice of im Intention to make final pooof In support of hit claim, and. that ftilfd priKd will . e lllaoe Iwfore A. A. !. liur ley, L'. 8. 1'omiiilwloncr. at hl oftlce in Arling ton, t)r.t on Hatnrday, Decembers, la94, tit: HESUY WII.KINA, of Cl.ro, lid. E, No. 4.14, for the '4 cc . p , r 21 e. W. M. He names the follouiiiic wltiiH)ie- to prove hl eontnoiono residence itfain andf cultivation of Hal land vis: C. A. Ihiuueman. JumeH Larch and L. P. Conroy, of Clem; I . C. Motley, of (ilex, Oregon. oi;t-;i6 Jay P. Li'Cah, Iteglster. SHERIFF SALE. NOTICE M HEREBY filVEN TfTAT AN execiitfon and order of ,nle waa faaiied ont of the Ciieult :onrt of the Mate of iireuon, (ill ham Conntv, on the Kith day ot October, lH'W, Miarn a decree therein rendered on the tfrth dHy of nk'ptemfier, 1W.IS in favor of The Oregon Mort KaKe Coinpaiiv, I limited n forporatinn) plaintiff, and afoiltoit Kinma Oile, H. K. Cole, Jay Brown and lotaiMia Blown, defenilant., which ld eX'-entloti and order of nale U In nie directed and ettttmmndlng me to 'll tin- property lierei nutter diwriljed. for the p'lrpopte of n iti.fying the J'hIk ment of the plafitttffM in mild catinc for the unrn of Ko'.ir Hotidreii and Fitly Dollarii (Ii.Vmkij with lniereat thereon at 10 pet cent per annioii. from the Hint dnv of July, 1M. and the coKta and dtmirmeiit of said .tilt taxed at 110 ami (75 attorney', fee.. Therefore, in eotniiiiance with aid xeciitiou and order of mile, I a 111 on Saturday, November 19, 1868, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M at the Court HoiiMe door In Condon. Olllhini County. Oregon. 1.11 tit public a'iction to the lilulicut bidder for i:Hh In hand, for the purpoie of aotfafviiife the Jmlxment and decrue awive inetitlotied, the tollowinirdeiieriiafd piotiertv. to-wlt; ifiewmth. went Otmrter (iSWhi) of Hectloit Tliirt -two W2) In Townnhlji Two (2) Norlh of Hmiikb Tweritv-two (2-J) Kotof the Willaniettc Meridian, In Olillam Cuuotv, htate ot Oreifon. containing liiOacre.. uau; tin. ii ut day ol uttoDer, l W. L. Wllf ix, RDS AND A. C. HAWSON. P L. O. Ralston, Olex, Oreg., General Merchandise, Hardware, Drugs and Patent Medicines. Full line of Agricultural Implements. Our clothing, ladies' and children's woolen furnishing goods and all other fall and winter goods have now arrived, Come to Olex and inspect a nice, new, complete stock of goods. L. O. RALSTON, - - - - OLEX, OREGON. CHARLES FIX, Feed Stable and Corral, Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOLROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOU SALE Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. THAT'S TRUE Hut there's a little "if" cutnes in right here. "1 T' ho huys of us. Of oourne we moan in propor tion to hts sixe. HAVANA is suffering from heat, but cold weather Is c1ub upon ui. It will pay you to drive MILES to purchase tho warn, goods we have to protoct you. They have the power of SAMPSOH to keep the cold from you in such it SCHLEY way that you will always be pleased with them and with us. Remember these fall evenings or the early mornings are likely to be very DEWEY and it will pay you to purchase a good Macintosh, Mack inaw, Sweater or Leather coat We have them; also a full line of seasonable warm goods. If you live . , FARR away it will pay you well to see our stock before you buy. Address All Communications to Firm Name. SHURTE & WEIR GO. SUCCESSORS TO JAS. W. SMITH. ARLINGTON, - - - OREGON DROP IN AT COB'S 5ipofj Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, when you fl Ilk njoylng flr.t-cl...- , CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. W. LORD, Manager. FRANK ALDRICH. Arlington AgV Wasco Warehouse Co. General Storage and Forwarding. WOOLSTORACE A SPECIALTY. HIGHEST P3ICE P ID FOR WHEAT; HIDES AND PELTS. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Peed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement. Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood ' Always on Hand. SEST CEDAR SHINGLES, S2.25 PER M. Office in Warehouso. - - - Arlin.on, Orer?on. The "DELMONICO" RESTAURANT iruVn::! Kirst-class meals nt all hours of tlie day, from 25c un. The only Short-order house in Condon. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION FOR LODCERS. Bread, pies and cakea on hand for sale, or baked to order. Chickens dren?ed to order. Butter and egg bought and old. T. J. JORDAN, - Proprietor. R IN EH ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodations ran be found in this country than at this Iiouho. Meals 25c; beds 26o. - HEADftUARTERSFTRAVEUNC MEN. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE BEST- WHEN BUYING GROCERIES? , IF YOU ARE IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTACE TO CONSULT WITH P. H. Stephenson, BEFORE PLACINC YOUR OROER. Dealer in Fine Merchandise. Condon, Oresron. f i i A. DARLING. Painter and Paper-hanger. l.ooo Samnles of paper to chooxe from at from q io w cm. per rou. Your Patronoa Solicited. Through Tourist Car to St Louis. A tourist sleeplnn CMr will Icavo Port Iniiil evi-ry Miiiilny vis Mo. I'ho. snd every WeilwmlHy vis (he llnrliniftnn ItnuiestSF. M. via the O. U. A Si. tlirnugh Hull LMke Htnl IVuver wlilumt cliiiiiKf to Hi. IidIm, siiil under the w iervii'ioii i'( txifirleiittfl criiiilui'tors. No i-liiin(e nf chm in the eltles, Krii.hs City ur Si. Lmiis, Keep Itiin servlo in iniml ulien kr-'iiikr Khhi hihI cinicult O. K. Si H. ngeiitw or uililieM, W, II. llUHISOHT, UtUXifal l'ufr-f ' ot, t'u(ta'l 0.