Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 29, 1898, Image 3

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Thursday, sspra.vua a. iaa.
Tlx yearly mlMnrlptloii in the Om)bk I 91 .80,
II pi In nilvmifB, If not pulil In mlvmicd $2
will ) eliitrgiid. A pound mnrk around tlili
nolle Inrtli'mi'i thai ycmr ulMvritUuil bimx
jilrtd, I'Uw muuw irom tly.
I. A. Un!ernn wa in town from the
Mayvllle oi'tlon t)lurdy,
Jhiik I'olndcitler went to Arlington
Tnenlny on pli-aur trip.
J. K. Fluwater tin completed a line
Urge Imrnon till ranch In terry Canyon.
Mn. fieliott, of Ole, vWlted Iter
lUtltt, Mr, f . O. Jolinoii, tlii week.
J I in Codtl, of Trull Fork, l ft gui-at of
Mr. ami Mr. 1'. 11. btelienuti thin
Until HaUteftd, of Lout Valley, I
Maying witli lior grandma, Mr, 0. VV,
Mayor Dunn went to Portland Satur
day to mreli pit nip, ctuihg, etc. for
the no city well.
The ladle' Hid U to meet at Mr, il. ft.
llendrlek' on Thnrday, October Uth,
I 2 o'clock. I'. M.
Cper I), Hiinmliy, a ton of Mux
Uunmliv, of tlil c"(i in v, died lt week
at Jacknunvllle, itged 41 year.
Tim rllrod rata war l over, piien.
ger rate having been rtord to the old
figure lat Hntiday, Hie 2-5lli lnt,
Fred Wilton, who ha lieen pndliiir
the manner vi.iting friend In Mtehixuii,
returned home lam Hittnrduy evening.
0. II. Thwhttrn ha been HPMlnted
chancellor of lb new coneolidaled 1'ort
land-rugel Mound Motiiolit University.
II. A. Hc'iKittn, of Ferry Canyon, led
Monday niornliiit for Corvalll, where lie
will entur the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Mr. and Mr. I). H. Wright will move
Iroui Condon to Wlnloek, over In the
'corner of Uratit county, In the near fu
ture. Ditto Thnr,lay, Hept. 21, 1801. of
typhoid (ever, tNellle MiCdiii. datiglilei
of Mr, ami Mr. I'. E. MvU'iin, of near
ha liecn quite III
for a few Uy hm
tier home In 1'ort-
Mr. Kit II . rier
t lite Condon Il iuI
tri able to leave for
land on Tueoday,
Mi Orace Crane, o( near Mayvllle,
will attend tlie present term of the Con
don public chool. Hie will board with
the family of K. VV. Moore.
F. M. lIwon, of Mavville, Hurled on
Saturday morning to join hi family In
Mini county, where ihey will upend the
winter. 1'liey will return to (J ml' coun
try about March Int.
The Arlington Ueoord I authority for
the utcuieiit that a gmiguf men aril veil
t that place la.l week to la-gin work on
telephone line between Arlington ami
Condon, 8j mote it be.
Fred llalrd, of Boie, Idaho, and John
ruiudetlwr, of I'rlnevlile, were la-re thir
week euvasing (or portrait buine,
Mr. i'oinduiter i coiiin of Jamer
1'ulndeiter, of thi place.
Unorgeand tllancha Carman have re
turned to Forval Urove, where they e-p-H
t in roninni tlieir atudie at 1'rti lllc
L'nlvi-r.ily. Their parent accompanied
tht'iii a lar a The lullee.
I'rof. U. A. MrCully took charge of
the public w hiHil lant Monday uioniing,
with Mi Mabel Halelead a hi elli
ciiiil aanintant. The m liool marl oil
W illi an enrollment of 05 pupil.
Condon I to have a brick yard. Frank
nd It. K. Armm roiio- have trot thing in
ahape on the Trimble place Jnt went ol
town ami will vhoriiy tegin me inanu
failure of a good Uulity of brick.
Natnralltatlou pKpera were grantt-l to
the followinif ptroii at the lute Hcexinii
of the clriiiii court: liola-rt J. Calmer,
of Irvland; John A. W alker. ( Heotlanu
nd Mr. S. F. Ogilvie, of Knglaud.
Mr. MHil'Imk Inteiiii.-il to write a
letter lor publication Hit week, but
aicknea In the family prevented hei
from ik doing, heme we caiiuoi fullll
the piomiae we made lt week regarding
The Ouihk olllce ha jnat received
Another vwndgiimenl of line tationery.
1'ivve yonr unlnra for neatly printed
It-tier head, envelnH, Ntateinenl, etc
We gimraniee aaiitfavlion and our price
tire all right,
Mr. and Mr. 8. B. Barker relurtied
Sunday evening from an ealvuded vlail
with relative in Maine and Vermont.
While in the E:tt Mr", llarkar purchased
a large etock of (eaemiablv good (or hi
mercantile enlabliHliment
There will lx fine bicvnlu milled off
lit ICarhart A Moore' tmloon Itirtlny
wfinnii) in at 2 o.cliHik. There are a few
chance left vet, and acy one wiehing to
chance n dollar lor a I.1U bicycle hxil
ta-tter hurry up and phire their name on
the lit or they will gel lell.
A man named Underwood, who ha
lieen employed at C. W. White' ranch
breaking home, ia down with lyphoii
fever. Dr. Iloitan la attending him
He waa away from White' place for
aevera week and but lately returnee
nd It I believed he contracted the di-
cane else where.
All monilieraof the Knlahl of Pythian
In tfood ttiiudinK. are hereby eiirneatly
no nested to be preBetit at the nest rea
n In r ineetiinr. which will Im held in the
hall on next Tuemlav evening, Octolier
4th. ltneineaanf great Imporlanee
the welfare of the order will la) trail
cted at that time, Ity order C. C.
A well on the property of John (J,
Barr, at Haleui, ha eeimed giving np
water, and nitead petroleum of a qnal
Itv pronounced bv local i'tdite to lie
fir at elaa N being taken out in qitnnitie
' to itlt. At ".f'w tin ilHit ivjrv I ilea
lined to provide Ha hon wiilia lenrce o
revenue aaide from the bienninl legitda
tlve ipanlon and the annual atate (air,
Tlllainuok Headlight
Dr, Bunhiim, the Inmou Dalle dun
tilt, graduate of Chicago Denial Col
leao. will be In Condon in the near fut
tire. Dr. lion limn paid Condon a pro
fessional visit last spring and ha the
Reputation of being the moat skilled
Vdtytlst that ever viiiled Condon. The
, ; dictorwlll make regular visit to Con
don, and those desiring the service of
thoroughly reliable dentist should
wait for him. tl
Mr. D. B. Thomas ha accepted a
position at the Moody Warehouse for
the wheat teaaon this year, where he
will be glad to meet hi friend and
former customer. . i20'-30
The members of Co. 11, 2nd Oregon
Volunteers have petitioned Uov. Lord
to appoint Frauk E. Edward, an en
listed man o that company, cotnroU
loned olllcer. the petition sets forth
Hint Mr. I'M ward Is "a firm dUciplln-
arliin, thorough student of mllltitry
lence, of large eerii-ni'e, devoted lo
the service and respented and loved by
evry ono of hi comrade," Mr, Ed-
ard Is auu of W. J. Edwards, of
Die only criminal caae on trial at tint
IhhI term of circuit court wa that of
Zcli i i unk t ti h, of near Ulei, who wa
barged by Ham Tboimia, of the same
neighborhood, with the larceny of a
mare, A. A. Jayne appeared for the
state, In tlii case, and H. A. D. Ourlcy
and A. 8. Bennett looked after the In
terest of the defendant. The case wa
taken up Wednesday noon and was
given to the jury at about 0 o'clock
riiurday night. The Jiry wa out
bout three hour and brought In a
verdict of "not guilty."
Mr. Anne Waller McKlnney, Bn Ore-
in pioneer of 1H4I), and the irrand-
null her of Ed McKlnney, of this place,
lied In i'orlland on Wednesday evening
f last week, sited 112 veiir and 2 .lv.
Mr. McKlnney wa born ill Went Mid-
lletown, WaHiiington eountr, l'a.. In
I Knit, and In 1822 was married to Win.
Mi'Klnnev, in Wavtie eoiinlv, Indiana.
In the prinx of 1815 the famllv started
forUregon, tcailiing this state In tin-
fall of the same year, after iniitiY excit
ing ami perilous adventures. They set
tled in Wjhinirton county, where' they
rexided until Mr. Mcklnuev's death, iii
IHHI), after which the widow removed to
1'ortlaiid, where she ha vince realdud.
W. A. Hurling, resident agent for the
Cotter Wall 1'iip. r Mill, of Chicago, bun
received notice from that firm that a
piKil bn lM-en formed, embracing all the
wall-paper mannfitcturer of the conn
try excepting theinaelves, and that
price will be raUnd by the pool fully
50 per cent. The Cotter company, how
ever, are In a position to defy the trust,
and they have decided to reuiilit on
theoutsidu and give their container
the bcneltt. All order (or wall-paper
through their agent during the re-
bualnder of the present year will be filled
at present price, but after January 1,
IH9:l, ihey v. ill tie compelled to advance
the price suirli-ient to cover the Increas
ed cnt of the raw material. If von
need anything in this line yon should
i-e Mr. Darling at once and give him
vour order.
Pulled a Gun on Him.
J. A. Hiehmond. cd Ferrv Canvnn.
eame to Pi n Tot!i"lay afternoon and, in
Justice Meale' court, entered a ehaitre id
aanlt with a deadly weam sitaunt his
ueitfhlior ('barlie Nelson. The trouble i
the outcome ol an old fead between the
arlles in which the ownership of a 'a
lion of land fl-X'ire.' Tne ea-e i fa
miliar to our render, bavlnit heu at Is-
'lie in both the jot!i-e nnd 'in-uil courts
lllilo the hint P-w inontlis. DorltiK
n allereatln la-tween the men on Toes-
lav, over the land, Richmond allexe
Nelson pulled a big gun on him and
threaten-! to kill Mm. N-U'in came to
wn a few moments after ll ehmond
rrived, and wa plared nnler arrest.
lie asked (or a continuance of the esse
until Friday m-i'iilng t i ttiv- him time
to procure C"iinel. The eontinnsnee
was granted, and Nelmm was plaeel
under 2iX) Imll for his appearance Fri-
Isy morning.
Rail noad for Condon.
The following letter haa lieeti handed
to ti for publication. The letter has
lieen withheld from the public for some
time in order to give parties Interested
an opportunity of feeling the puleof
the wheat grower of the county a to
how they feel toward the proposition of
securing better transportation facilities
than they now enjoy. We have been
Informed that almost every wheat grow
er w ho ha been approached on the sole
Jcct I heartily in favor of the project
and will lend it hi cordial assistauce
and support. It Is probable that s
meeting will tie culled soon to ascertain
Just wlui t can lie done toward raising
tiiuds to provide for preliminary survey
for the roa l. The letter follow :
"Wasco, Oregon, July 2il, 1808
Mr. ti. L. I'ropKt,
Condon, Oregon,
Dear Sir:
I am In receipt .of yonr letter of the
24th lust., and Ix-it to advise that Ibis
company's corporate limit extends from
MlggS to I'rluevllle, Oregon, to build
a line to Condon would practically ne
cessitate a new organization at consider
able expense. If, However, your people
are, as you say, in need of a line merg
ing from the Columbia Southern, au-i
are willing to pay for preliminary nrve
to ascertain if a practicable route can be
Had through, or in the direction of yonr
county, I will be glad to coiiiinnnieale
further with you as to details, as well
as amount of subsidy necessary to com
plete the line to emtio point in vom
county, to 1st agreed upon after aurvet
has taten miido. 1
WhalH the are now under cultiva
tion and tributary to a line in the vicin
ity of Condon ; sic nit how many liilit-l-of
w heat do ymt raise to the acre ; what
wa total inioilier of bushel of grain
raised during the last three years, show
each year separated-; what is the pupu
Istloti of Uoinlon, AJayville, toi, al"
of your county: how much stock do you
ship, about how many carload yearly?
Any other itifuriiiation yon can itive iir
relative lo the resource of yonr count!
will if rent I v facilitate matters.
What I the lopngraptiv of the country
between Arlington and Fossil; what per
cent of yiiiircounly i naturally tributary
to Arlington and which we could not
exvtlo handle with a line tltronirli
C'liid'Ht from thrt John Day river at or
near C'ittoiioid T
A railroad to your country nt thin
lime mean a great deal to the farmers.
We ere on the eve of a ipiod bealtln
Isjoiii, w hieli bullies description, and tie
connlry alr-rding thela-st transporiaiiiii
facilities will utidmihtedly reap the
ifreatent la-ncfltj html will enhance in
value front Ave to fifteen Hollar per acre
in two year' after the road le built ; the
country will settle np; improvement
will lot the order of the dav, ami tininet
will lie s-nt more freely. Takinif it all
in all. yonr conn' v need the road, Mini
we are willing that you should have it
and w ill do our part if you will all Join
liatnl aim help out.
Our prevent wheat ra'o from fira-r-Valley
l Cortland is $.'1.5J per ton J from
M-iro, ;l 7o per ton.
Yours truly,
Cres. Columbia Southern Kailway,
Joi. FrixM-ll ha pot tip a nice large
granary Hi is week,
Henry Neel, of Lone BM-k, passed
through tiere this week with a ainall
bunch of cattle.
The Iait Valley Luinls-rlng Co. have
started their mill again, with the Inten
tion to run steady until enow Hies.
Mr, J. U. doff has loen earn in the
mail lie! Keen here mid L-me U n k on
account of hi sun Jesse not being able
let to perform tloit duty.
Dr. Whitier Hamilton, a very genial
gentleman, from Cortland, done this
place the 20' Il inst. ill the Intercut of
Dr. Mulliniitx, M. D .of Cortland.
Qoile a nuiula-r of Iniinlgranls passed
through here this week on their wv lo
thetirande Konde valley, where they
-xpect lo locale and get rich raising
nigar iscis lor ttie sugar reuuery at L.&
Those Who Suffer Should
Not Fail to Call on Dr. Grant.
Dr. Urattt will visit Condon sod re
main one week, commencing Monday,
September 2iJth ; will be found at Mrs.
MaddiN.-k'a hotel, anytime after 9 a, m.
until 5 p. in. Public lectures ench even
ing in the Hall, suitable for men and
women, young and old. This is an 0
portuuity seldom presented. Do not
neglect it, and remember the date.
The remedie that are offered fo the
ifllicted are not the product of the
brain of men who are back numbers,
but are 19th century remedies, that if
used according to instructions are hound
to core, AH classea of curable diseases
readily yield to the wonderful specillc
and constitutional treatment originated
by Dr. Grant. Let not despair enter
the hearts of those who are afflicted,
but take fresh courage and call anil con
sult the Dia-tor during bis stay in Con
don. Wonderful cure are the result of
taking hj remedies, and any and all of
the following diseases are cured by the
remedie tlii doctor offer to the people.
Read the lint carefully :
Nervous affection of all kind ; Nerv
ous Debility, Nervous Prostration, Sem
inal Weakness, Mental Depression, Ex
hausted, nervous Vitality, Impotence,
.Sleeplessness, Despondency, or The
(Hue; Paralysis, Numbness, Weakness,
Trembling, Neuralgia, Epileptic rite, Kt.
Vitus Dance, Hysteria, nervous and sick
headache, Palpitation of Heart, All Or
ganic Heart Troubles, Blood Diseases,
Cancer, Scrofula, Syphilis, rumor.
Rheumatism, lilood-Hiicior, Pimples,
Disease of the Joints, White Swelling, 1 table Remedie,
Lameness, Di 'ease of the Eye and Ear,
from Impurity of the Blood, cmii-lutt
Intl.iiiiiiintinii, Deafness, Discharges, &c.
)ther Diseanes Such a Brnncbitis. all
fiirmaof ICidiiev Diseases, Liver Com
plaints, Dyspepsia, Iudigutlin, Loss of
VpH-lite, Faint Stomach, Constipation.
t'he bane ol the avenue human beings
in existence cured permanently by a
natural pr,K-es; no Mercury, no Calo
mel, no Bismol h, no Arsenic, no Strych-
Permanently Cured by a Marvelous
New Form of Treatment Never
Before Offered to Afflict
ed Womanhood.
Dr. Grant, the Woman's Friend.
If you are Buffering from any of the
Diseases peculiar to yonr sex such as
Ovarian and Tumors of the womb, Pro
lapsus or falling of the womb, Female
Weakness. Irregularities, Lcneorrbtt'S or
White, Painful or DdHcnlt Menses, in
flatuation of the Womb, Congestion,
Ulceration, Weak Back, Hearing down
Cains, Tired and Crostrated Feeling,
Sterility or Barrenness ; Weakness, in the
morning, Cains and Aches, all Disease
of the Genitourinary organs The Rem
edy used in the treatment of this cluss
of Diseases Is of a Curely Vegetable
Nature; will not injure the most deli
cate person, but will strengthen tin
entire Uterine System an that a Perfect
ami healthy action is restored, thereby
correcting all existing trouble, restor
ing completely the most shattered and
broken-down constitutions, and bring
ing buck that Health, Strength and
Beauty which every woman should
possess. Many women prefer to suffer
In silence than undergo an examination
which, to the majority of women, is
repulsive. This is all avoided by Dr.
tirant'i Wonderful Sight Diagnosis, tell
ing yon yonr Disease without asking
you anv questions. Call and consult
this Eminent Scientist, the World's
Benefactor, who will teach you how to
restore the Bloom to the wan cheek,
elasticity to the step and a fresh hold
on life by using hi Wonderful Veg
Wives, Mother and
Datitrhtt-r are specially iuvitt-d to call
and commit, free of charge, with Dr.
Grant, who will visit Condon Monday,
Sept. 26: h, and remain one week. Orfice
at Mrs. MaddiM-k's hotel. Honrs 9 a. tu.
to 6 p. m. Lecture each evening foi
bth sexes. Organic diseases fully il
lustrated. Rememlier the date.
Saddler in Harnessmaker
' Carries a Complete and Well-selected Stock of
And everything usually found
In a first-class harness shop.
In the building: on the corner, opposite Barker's store.
We have added a Jewelry Department to onr
stock of General Merchandise and W. L. To
bey, who is a strictly firet-claes watch ma- " rV "
ker, is prepared to do all kinds of watch; and
jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and
guarantee satisfaction.
Tobey Bros.,
.The Linn Case.
L. T. Ilarrla, altant prosecuting
attorney for Itne county, arrived here
lat Thurwlay from Kitgene, In quest of
evldem-e forthevtate In the Linn ninr
ler caie, which will i-onic op for trial at
Kngene next mouth.
Mr. tlarri had w ith him tomo excel
lent photograph, taken at the me tie of
the criii-l murder, showing the appear
unit of the ramping place when the
nean hing parly fimt viewed It. In one
i shown the remains of the ramp Ore,
in which Linn's IhxIv nppomd to have
been cremated, and also the hlnod-lain-
I ax with which the murderer I up-
po-e-il tn have cut up the body of hi
Iclliu to facilitate hi fiendish work of
incineration. Mr. ilarri left for home
on the atiige Sunibiv morning.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Sept. term, 'OS.
(Cuutliiuoil (mm Ut wot-k.)
State v Zeb lluKkln
Jurv: II (Jreeulleld. Marlon Wood'
fin. Win. Meelteer, 8 I) Fletcher. T C
Ma tinonhv. V Wanl. PC Henry, w J
twanla. J M t ort, r ranx Jiooru. en
1'ort xoihI and M r. Aver.
Verdiol of not guilty.
J A Uiehmnnd v Cha. Nelnn et al
writ of review it-tiled and low en court
11 V Merrill va J K 1'itx water; at luetic
nntlnneil for term,
Unrlev A Dobvn v 7. V Moodv U
Hebillin'g and T I Kweelin made defend
ence In place of Moodv,
W W 8ieiwer et nl v Chloey Morris
continneil for term
T J Jordan v Emma F Jordan di
voree granted
lien. Ilardle va David Rpaulding et al
demurrer to amended t-umplaint ub-
Nancy E Yarbrongh vs A J Yarbrongh
illvorce granted.
Oregon Mnrt. Co. v Emma Colo et al
decree of foreclosure.
Lewi Hroa. v Joi-eph Frixxt-ll, adm
continued for aervice on helrc
8 8 Dement va Ella J Dement al
.Tnnl C. r.rnblin va Ilurrv Grilblie
tlivoree granted.
T J Snillli va 11 V Steer et al demur
rer to comphiint overruled.
O jJ Dennv v ll O Cond m and W A
(luriiUh contlriuatiou granted H to
Lit ID and 17, HI'k tl. ami aaln set name
a' to Lot 18, tll'k 0, Denny Add. to Ar
The grand jnrv' report In anhtitance
I' a follow: "We have beun in elnn
four dava. and have dnlv examined all
caea that have I'een leibinitteil to iih (or
our coiiHideration and all. matter that
have laien called to our attention, we
have, upon tine delilieration, fonntl one
"true bill" and utttt "not tine bid."
We have examiiied the county Jail and
county building and found tln-m in
itood iionilltiont thev are neat anil clean
and kept In good ahape. We have al"
exainiueil the Itook and record In the
clerk. aherilT ami treasurer' ofllce and
Hn-I that they are kept neat and clean
and In a very etDuieut manner."
A. Orkinkh,
Dork Lnn a haa a bran new cart
harne, and it look nobby, t. ,
P. L. Ham made a bnaine trip t
Condon Saturday, returning Sunday.
the weather ha been hot, ramv ano
cold all mixed together the paat week
tJlho Waril ami wile have 1nt re
turned from a couple of wek' rii'lic
ii ting In the mountain near Mi-Iufl'
apring and revort having bad a pica
ant trip.
Iift week Ira Heed old hi dwelling
hotixe ami lot In town to K iNton A in.
Ira I niiw out of the real entale lnt-.ini-K-
in I burg and i a resident of tlav
alack, Grant county.
Mr. Howell, from ovpr In the Winlock
neighborhood, wa In town last week
with Home of the ItucHt taaehei we I, it v.
seen Ibi neaaon. He Nild them at 3 ci.
per lb., and they went like hot cake.
A little rtiitiie ot excitement n,
rauaed in town Mondav umrning. w hen
aome one yiiiumoiieil the doctor and re
tn ir led that Annie Wim-lund wa tmi
Mined, but on iiiVPHllgatiou the d-a-tor
raid no imiInoii bad been taken, and the
young lady still live.
Iliirrittiin Phillip and hi Intended
bride have la-en over here (or a we-k oi
an making necexnarv preiarationa fur
the event of their life; that i the wed-
ling, which i to take place a hon l next
SiiiiiIhv. Hatriaon av if il i aa inncli
I mn I ill, for other folkn to get readv n
he anliced a it I for him he wonder
that ihey ever make the second attempt
to marry.
Horn in IliU ttHt tn DniitAKe our btulnt-t.-tn
tht-lr own hii.1 ni-Mrbv cmintlt. 1'fMmHinlv
wliutK.u.,-,.r ; ,ifH--f work cfitnlitf-tmt at hotnt. teaUrv utraiariT
. .ktfl M rf..., .,vUI.L.a Hi.Hi.lli. ....
ile'i;pnre vegeiaiite ninenieg irnm ; m,IIt.. a i h,( Mury. Mnntnlf 175. Kelrtenr-K
l. .mat Kt.,ruhni,a ,f Kat nm A Mwlow k.-11-dil lre U natntHNI envwot. Hur
tle great blorenome ol galore A E , . , ,
woiiderfnl treatment for all disease of i
VV Ule mul PaMli! nrrvl-." bv Thui
Hioiilfnrd. A il t.ry nl a irlnrinHn ca
rver. Over fan lnnr. m.U-int r,-K-. I'V -nnerh.
Mn-eiiirmvitij". Itl-het, bl-Beoi. bet n-l nnlv
enlnrr.t "tiUiltone brnik'' pitlllhe1. only
1.5u. Commiwlon. SO t-r rent. Ctvdlt ctvn
Krriirlit pii-l. (intttt free. Dmp all tnith unit I
' rltnr 4-tiiil inontti with the nnU' true anit e-o.t
1 i.llttnlB Imnlt." Ad-tr.-M IHK D INIISIiiS
'COMPANY. DvnL 34. Zriito ltrlorn tiwr.
Chicno. yto-X
no Mineral Drug
he Head, Nine, Throat and Lungs.
Catarrh treated bv a Scientirle Methml ;
VIarveloii8 reulta follow, Imtxiai-ible
to enumerate all, but do not fail to rail
uid nee the lWtor who Makea the Won-
b-rful Sight Diagnosis. Consultation
free of charge.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New B.irn on Xortb Main Street, '
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A ehare of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
There I nothing doing In wool at this
Several of our townsmen and fnmiliea
have taken In the Portland Fair thN
week. They "ay it is a good allowing
ol Uregou products.
Captain Bobby mine down from hi
llaberv last week. He brought down
alKiut a ton of amoked aalmon, which be
old out at 10 ft, per In,
The dav for coiil-oil lamps in Arllng'
ton Kccnm to be pt, a moat everv one
I putting in gas machine, which make
iiittcb bctler light than oil.
The wheal team tnonopolixo oui
tn el juxt now. Wheat i eelltng at
18 centi, and a few farmers are aelltng.
but a large iinil inly aio holding for
tMJtter price.
Mr. S. (J. ILiwn left for Salem last
Saturday to attend the apeclal aeaa-'on of
the legislature, Daring hi nbrnce Mr,
I). It. Thoina will have charge ol the
Mo. cly WarcboiiHe,
We had soma rain a week ag i hut n it
enough to Htai t Hie grtiaa growing The
griia i butter than it wa last vear at
tlii linn, but without rain tK'k on the
range will not do well
R A. W. Dirfiot went to lleppner
the tlrat ol Hie week to aell
-Fire-Proof Brick Buildings-
Arlington and
The Dalles.
Highest Market Price
Paid For All Kinds
of Grain.
Stop at
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to caler to the wants of
the traveling public ia an up-to-date
Comaiercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wants.
P. L. HAM.
General Merchandise
to supply the wants of their
Grain Sacks For Sale.
and their stock has in-
See Us Before Disposing of Your Crop.
Arlington Agent
Are better prepared than ever
I heir trade is constantly increasing
creased with the trade.
You are welcome lo examine their stock and get prices at any
At the ( Dealers in- ) South of
Old Stand,
General Merchandise.!
Condon Hotel.
Finds he has a complete etock of the following goods on hand and
more coming on every train.
Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Taints.
Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining.
Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery.
Handbags, Undertake! 's Goods. ,
T. Q. Earhart,
8. V. Moor.
. ....ii i.;
ii nun ma purr i. i . 1 . t a'
tie fuel an offor ol ti for Umii mul 3 Uememberl tie will order anytning, not sepi in siock, on snort nonce.
for ewe, lie eonteinplnte going liiu-k
to lSngiHml lo peit'l m year or no
TUe eitrpehter Imve jnxt eoinpleteil
the hittcher sh'iu iinil Imwlnnt alley liv
putting h it extra tory on eiieh ol tlieni,
wliieli will lie n-'t'il h reiilenee In
Mer Iteilfonl ami Alilrteh respectively.
The piiMii! Ki-hool nt thi plm-e prnn
e to lie the heit. ei-tiool tlint we lorn-
Inel for vear. There are already 100
nun I enrolled, ami there will lie h
lai'iie nninher t-i coiiih In Inter, The
who'll i under the in.iniiKeinent of llnee
of the liel tunuliei In the enmity
There are more people livinx in Ar
lliliit.on tit the preent lime than there
ha heen for ten year. People ale
lii-Binniiitf to realign the fact tlml thi I
hi in nd to lie a lively town " Ioiik a
EaHtern Oregon vtanil al the head of
the itovtt and wheat industry of the
I offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of
flooring, ceiling, ructie, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lum
ber. Careful attention given to b lis of special sizes and
dimension stuff.
Summit Saloon,
Vliijes, Ijquors arpd Cjars.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars.
Billiard aid pool Sables.
First-class Goods Our Pride.
Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught
Main St., Condon, Oregon.
m nnrM ihrm yr-ni- In
.-in .ii..i,,.js-mCTatJ,.&... imi t T f'ir ' In i
iipcriiumun tiei)gh.
V WUf 4VW 1U ' 1