Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 22, 1898, Image 1

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    J....Jtctt,aiaiaannBaanBMaanaa .- ,,.i4---)'.-.-i". -,-.. .-
or AWT PAFj iMrr,2 cc;; rr.
- - ri'nHKn svkmv rmtiAt r
...... a. pattison:
... . . , KAItnr and Proprietor, .
Prefenstnal fi.,...4I 09 wr
Ouetqaare , , 1 SO per nin g,
One-q.naiiereolnian.,. ( W per aiowii
(iMlilll "'"" I, i, , I Splri
One , P 00 per atoms
ulnem locale wtll becharfed si IS Mat pe
Dm tat flm Uuwrtina tad Mali par Una ther
flat. .
Legal advettieeBenta will la all Mm be
aharged M the party ordering these, at JeraJ
MM, sad said for balm afldaTtt la foralaied
fat year (in advance) -.i-...,.....H (W
If nut 'M lii Irani; , . a M
III mniiilm ,.., .. i Ot
inr mon!M,.,. ..,, ,.,.
ilftlt SOploS II,. M, (.,...,, .,,4l, ..
NO. 28.
HhWMWU'.l'-. - - - - - - ' ' I I I I M jfi"'""1'''1 III'' M iimmmmmiwmbbww.
'? Omul, fWpea, a
tumidtw mill ewfter
. It. N. Go. Tlina Card. .
iaiiMeron, rmwiON, ,
rrlaii'i"" t'r(1, takl" 0''",l Bun(,llX. Fetirt.
In. -Vla HnntliiKiun, leave,...,,
go. 4 V la Hiiukaiie, It-avtM
No. SH-Looaf irolglit, leave..,,.
want Souse,
No. I-Piirlland, lavi .......
ho. S-'I'orilaiiit, pv ,., .
No. i -Local Iroluhl, loaves
,l:fjf$. m.
7 ; p. m.
,);'p. m.
.13:4? a. m.
i. 4:10 a. in.
,11:. ut.
jr. !. HINDU, Agent, ArlltiKton.
.. ..
Omi-ef)rcim ev., between Catholic Church
and realdenve of M, p. Hiiutt.
Attorney at Uw,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Condon, Dr.
riilltn'lliitin1 In.nranre. Term reaennable.
Oltlre In rvar ol oauaie building Malu struct.
a. a, l. Uiiricjr. W. II. tMbyna.
Attornnyi and Condition at Law'
ArllnaUa, Or.
IT. B. rnmniluliier and Notary Publta In
(iflliw. I'ru ii In all ilia .lata and fi'.lrrxl
omiruol ir.'..n and Waahliiilinl. All kliuU
uit). . Ian I and Inifal bu Iiium Irauatolod.
ii. hkcd A.o.fKiiniK.ritoruirroiia
; t Ytv hum Arlluglim t. :
FiimII fm mlloat .. I- i llmiml lr)p.,... t 00
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Ulca (IV utlko) 1.60 Uound Ul a.;o
Ria Inarra Arlln(lonrir7 tnnrnlnK(Hiindair
aioaptiul) at i u'clm'li; lndii"aU.'undun ai 1
p. in. and arrtvrn ai ruull al 7 p in,
I OinlortalilK omh Iic and carol ul, el perlaneed
drlvara. . , ,
If llULrW,
mat kooco.iiom mus in ut hour
IThe Eldredge
j "OSO.'OO
ITIie Belvidere
I Superior to all others Irrespective
ot price. Catalogue tell you -
wny. write tor one.
Factory ,
Naw York.
O. R. &. "M,
j..gai-.. ' , " ll.--.-aiS1;,": , ssnrrpessiCT.-'rjca
DarA.r TlI ICHCDUUt Arnitva
roa . f raai Arllajlaa. rauM .
Kat Hall Mka, ncnur, Kant
Mall H.Wortli. Omaha, Mail.
I:iiu p. m. Kati (Miy, hi T:i!oa. in.
1jiI, :hloto,
and Kat,
Hikana n'atla Walla, 8po- Spokane
Klyer kani, MIiiiio.iki- Klyr
t:Mip. m. II", Ul. I'ani, (in- 10:4 a.m.
Inlli. Milwaukee,
' t'lilcaKO and Kam
I Ml p.m. Oeaan Ilaaaiihlpi 4 .00 p. m.
fie Pariland.
All allln " datra '
uliji'i'i ii'Ihhi(,i.
Kor Hho KraiiplMHH- ' '
Call Kci.l. I, t, II,
in, ai, A
I.Win, in. ToAlaaka A:(Wp. in.
Htipt. 17.
' .. . '
l:0Dp.m. Columkla Hhrar . 4 :00 p.m.
Kl.Numlay klaam.ri. K. tiunday
1U:U0 p. in. ToAttnrlaand Way
:00 a. in . lllaaitlla Rlvar. 4 :! p. m .'
ICi, Sunday K. Sun, lay
Ori'iion City, Naw.
Iwrg.HaUnn di Way
t i.ainiiiini.
' 7:00a.m. WlllaaiMta and Viae t:M p. ni,
Tu.i , Thur. . hill Mveri. Mn.. Wud.
and Sab and Prl.
Oregon City, Day
U , Ion, A Way Laiid-
' . -Illga. ' "
S , r
'e:00a,m, Wl;ltaill Rlrar.
Tuna.. TUwr 4 TiiPi., 'I'luir,
. and Hal. Portland to Cnrval- and Hal.
; Ha k Way Land-
i ' liiiia,
l. Illparla Inaka Rlvtr, I.v.lx'wlnton
l:4Aa.ui. (:45n. in.
Dally niparla to Lowlntpn Dally
Il.Baturday . K. Krlilaf
f. 0. niNDLB, Agent, Arllmton.
' neral raHr AbI, Portland, Of.
What Has Happened In the
Civilized World.
Com plat Review of the Naw of tha
l'aat RoTen Daya In Thla nd
All rorslgn Laoaa.
Fonr Qtillllyote Indians diml of the
blniik ineMslus Inoimiluy In l'uynlliii
viilloy and w(ilte liop-iiokrs are in a
state of tuxror.
It Is understood that Prosldent Mo
Klnloy Jiua docidod to offitr tlin poet
of nmhamndor to thu court of HI. Jhiiics,
made vnoiint by the niiointiii('tittt Mr.
Jlay as sovratary of atnto, to Bonaloi
Hoar. The DrosldAiit is very anxious
to have him acwpt the iot..
A Manila diapslcli anys the Inaur,
Rnnts have evnouuted tho suhiirba of
Manila. Thoy did bo In a grnnd march
in which Hourly 8,000 men took part,
carrytiift riflo. with colors wavinir,
bsmls playing, and adorning "Viva
Americanos" and "Viva Pilippinoa
The war and navy departments
strongly assort that Duwuy lira nvuf
asked tor help. Nitwapniter rcorls to
the contrary wero all OHiinrds, ami much
annoyance has Im-uii cauatul by thuir clr
eolation. The GorniHns are not pio
paring to ronke troublo at Jlunilu, any
tho dopArtmnnt oflluiala.
Tho Turkish govornmont has sont a
circular to the powers, claiming that
tho British provoked tho recent disor
ders in C'andis and refilling to witluhaw
the Turkish troops from Crete. Tiie
circular has made an linprraaion. The
tisshi baxouks have coueutel to disarm
provided their arms arc dclivorml to
Turkish authorities. ,; , ,
The fate o( the movement of the an
nexation of Jnmnioa to the United
Btstcs is scaled, anys the Klngalon,
Jamaica, correspondent of the New
York Times. A movement has boen
inaugurated In Juinaica having (or Its
ehjoot the annexation' of the island to
tho Dominion of Canada. A change of
nationality would thns be avoided, and
Jamaica's troubles brought to an end.
Three poisons wore killed out right
and several others badly injured in
Wichita, Kan., by a Itock Island pas
senger train, which struck a carry-all
at the Douglass-svcnuo oiosalng. In
tho vehicle were IS petrous on their
Way to Buffalo. The carry-all was go
ing at a rapid pace, and the driver
could not stop when he saw that (he
train was upon him.
Admiral Walker, president of the
Nicaragua canal ooinnilwlon, has in
turned to Wsnhington. Tho admiral
says that about 850 men are at work
along the line of the proostd canal,
and they will stay there throughout
the rainy season. Admiral Walker is
confident that the commimion will be
aide to report to congrets at the ap
proaching session. He thinks the
project will bo shown to be entiroly
practicable and worthy of execution.
' The Madrid senato . hns definitely
adopted the Iliipaoo-Amerluan proto
col. .
Forty out of every 100 ol the Fifth
regulars at Santiago are reported eiek.
Five deaths have occurred among the
Immune from malaria.
Aside from tho loss ot her colonics
and the sihps destroyed in buttle, the
war has cost Spain about i:iN4,H00,000.
Information to this effect hits been re
ceived at tho navy depm tmont from
the naval attache of this government
The Cubans aro out In a new mani
festo, and the necessity for oi gnu I ac
tion of a now party is set forth. The
document appeals to all Cubans having
the progreas and welfare of the Infant
republic at heart to Join with tho
nationalists in putting the government
on a stable basis.
Tho Spaniards appear to ho in no
great rush to leave Cuba, and the gov
ernment has been nrved to take vigor
ous measures to accelerate their move
ments. The charge is mudo in certain
quarters that tho evacuation is being
delayed so that tho HpanUh govern
ment may continuo to collect Cuban
revenues for a time. '
The cutter Hear, with the govern
ment relief expedition, is buck from the
North with the crews of the whalers
which wero crushed In the Ice. Three
ships were wrecked. Tho Oioa and
Freeman wore lost lust full and the
Koaario last spring. Alt the crews
were saved. 8omo of the men were
rescued by the Dear whon on the very
verge of starvation. The Dear had a
nairow escape from destruction In the
loo off Point Harrow.
The navy department has arrived at
what It regard as a fulr and satisfac
tory Settlement of the quevtion of
awarding ' the contracts for tho con
struction of th threo battleships. The
Cramps, the Newport News and the
Union iron works, of San Francisco,
will each socuro a big fighting ma
ohlne. The latter two companies will
bo naked to amend their bids to conform
to the speed requirements of J8 knots,
as set forth In Cramp's plana. .
Minor New a I tenia.
The banking department of Low's
exchange In London lias suspended.
The olootrlo locomotive hendllaht in
vented by L. J. Wooley, of Springfield,
III., has proved a success and is now in
use on the Dig Four, New York Cen
tral, and other railroads. '
M. It. Todd, cashier of the wrocked
bank at Preston, Minn., was lodged In
jail after a mob had gathered to lynch
him. Hia defalcations are now said to
mount to 1115,000.
A Jesuit priest has boon shot fir per
juading rebels to desert Aguinaldo.
At the com inn nieetinu of rebel lead
ers at Mttlolos, the majority, it Is said, I
will vote for autonomy under the pro
tection of America.
An edict has been published extend
ing the postal operations throughout
the Chinese empiro, and. replacing the
present system of government couriers.
Coasting steamers aro trading with
the porviiicca under Spanish role.
Aguinaldo demands SO per cent of the
froight receipts ol steamers trading
with the rebel province.
Prominent hop dealers estlmato the
hop crop of Washington at 88,000 bales
18,000 In the westorn part of the
state and Ifl.OuO in the caatern. The
hops ate reported to be in excellent
condition. , (
Sagssta, at a council of milliliters at
Madrid, drew attention to ti e desire
of the Duke of Vvragim, as direct de
scendant, that tho remains of Christo
pher Columbus be removed from Ha
vana to Spain.
Tho foimer rebel chief, Is.-tbclo Arta
cho, who was condom lied to death by
Agulualdo for troachery in May, and
was reprioved and escaped, is leading
15,000 men against Aguinaldo. ; Arta
cho is backed by priests.
Secretary Long lias directed that the
battle-ship which is to be built by the
Union lion works, San Francisco, shall
be named the Ohio. The Cramps will
build the Maine, and the Newport
News Company the Missouri.
Hope are entortaipod that the sunken
Hpanislt cruiser InTanU Maria Teresa
can he saed. It is reported that her
bottom Is' (Irmly fixed on a rock and
the wreckers have been doing every
thing in their power to repair the holo
so that she can he floated.
Tho steamship Gloucester, which ar
rived at lionton from Daltimore, re
ports that she collided with the Ulou
cester schooner Alice Jordan off Mar
tha's Vineyard, and that nine of the
Jordan's crow were drowned. Seven
of the crew were saved by the Ulon
ouster. The insurgents are reported to have
changed their plans, and instead of
evacuating all tho suburbs, of Manila,
as exiwcted by Otis, have moved from
Krmita to Sautuna, where they appear
to be concentrating. It is reported
that Aguinaldo ordeiod this place held
at all costs.
' Joseph F. Villier, a stroct-car motor
man, his 3-year-old child and a woman
named Nellie MoOuffln were found dead
in a room in a hotel at Louisville, Ky.
From notes found, left by the woman,
it win Irnrned that she had given Vil
lier and the child morphine in wino,
but finding this would not be effective,
had shot him through tho temple and
then turned tho revolver upon herself,
death being instantaneous in ' each
oose. The child was already dead from
the effect of the drug. .
' Secretary Long has issued ordeis dis
banding the Eastern squadron.
Creation of the grade of vloe-admhal
and its bestowal noon Admiral Dewey,
is to be recommended to congress by
Secretary Long. .
With tho dutnehmont of Commo
dore Wateon from command of the
Kasturn squadron, all work in connec
tion with the raining of the Spanish
cruiser Criatobal Colon will oease.
Orders have been sent to Chaplain J,
C. Mclntyre, formerly attached to the
battle ship Oregon, who, it is alleged,
aeveruly otiticiaed Hear-Admiial Samp
son and Captain It. D. Evan in an ad
dress at Denver, Colo., directing him
to proceed to Denver to await trial.
George M. Hunter, company II,
First Washington volunteers, has ap
plied for a pension for disability in
curred while in the service in the war
with Spain. Mr. Hunter recently re
turned on a furlough, and Is staying in
Salem, Or. His application is proba
bly tho first one growing Out of the
Spanish war. -
Mujor-Goneial Davis, ai Camp
Meade, has disapproved the fi odiums of
the court-martial in the case of Cap
tain Duncan, Twenty-second Kansas,
who was convicted of tameiing with
tho graves of Confederate soldiers at
Manassas, and ordered the captain ro
leilsod fiom arrest and icstored to duty.
Tho stoamor Disoovory, which has
just arrived from Skagway, Alaska,
brings advices from Dawson up to Au
gust 87. It is stated that the Cana
dian polioo have completed a thorough
investigation ot the food supply for the
coming winter. They report that the
amount on hand is more than suffi
cient to carry the camp through the
Tho boundary dispute between Chile
and Argentina seems likely to develop
into a great South American conflagra
tion. It is belie veil, as a foundation,
that flolliva has signed a secret treaty
with Argentina to make common cause
against Chile. In case of war, how
ever, Peru would cheokmatQv Bolivia,
leaving Argentina to the care of Chile.
This attitude of fern is said to bo due
to tho fact that Chile has wiped oft
10,000,000 from the ransom for the
provinces lotainod by the protocol.
Chile is now completing her naval and
miliary preparations for a hostile cli
max to the negotiations with Argen
tina. ' Fresldont MoKinley has received a
letter from the Thirteenth club, ot New
York, congratulating him on the fact
that he signed the peace protocol oil a
Friday and proclaimed It to the world
on the 15th of the month.
The world's record for high kite
flight was broken at Blue Hill, Mass.,
one of a tandem of kites, reaching an
altitude of 19,134 feet above the sea
level, a height 327 feet groater than any
ktto has ever been known to have
reached heretofore.
Spaniards Will Leave Porto
Rico in a Few Days.
Eeaenatloa mt Cuba Will Ilequlre
A boot rie Moathe' Time To
Embark la Rpanlah Veeeele.
San Jnnn, Potto Itioo, Sept. 20.
The preparations for the embarkation
of the Spanish troojis are rcportud to be
com pio to, although the American com
missioners have . not been officially ad
vised to that effect. Two ships of the
Compauia Transatlantica lire expected
to arrive here on the SOth jnst. Five
vessels will be required, to transport
all the baggae and equipment. The
Porto liican troops are to be landed
near Cadii.
Tho United States commissioners
have agieed that such troops as desire to
icmaiii here may do so, and oil the
volunteers and some of the regulars,
whose families and interests are here,
will remain.
If the necessary ships were here,
the island could be evacuated and
formally in our possession within three
The American commissioners are
highly gratified with the spirit shown
by the Spaniards. Tho unexpected
has happened. Where it was expeocd
that opposition and delay would be
encountered, none lias been found.
Iu cood faith, tho Spanish commission
ers have met the Americans and ar
ranged with them the terms of evacua
tion. Our commissioners expect to see
the American flag hoisted and the
Spanish flag hauled down forever with
in three weeks.
Will Nat Be Completed In Leee Thaa
flee Mentha.
Havana, Sept. 30. Rumors that
have been put in circulation to the
effect that General Wade, president of
tho evacuation commission, is ill with
yellow fever, may be denied absolutely.
General Wado is looking tho picture of
health. Tho general health on board
the steamer Itesolote is good.
An official meeting of the Spanish
commission was held last night to con
sider the form of evacuation by the
Spanish troops and with the object of
acquainting the Amerioans with the
positions and numbers of the Spanish
soldiers, and the best method of cm
barking them.
This afternoon there were sent on
board tli o Resoluto .scaled documents
supposed to contain the statement of
the results ot last night's conference.
It is understood that it is proposed to
start the evacuation from east to west,
embarking" the troops at the points of
Gibara, Nnevitus, Cionfucgos and Ha
The official statement of tbe number
ot Spanish soldiers in the island is
said to place the aggregate at 100,000,
and it is understood that it is proposed
that the men ciwiy with them their
arms, ammunition, material aud equip
ments. It is estimated that the enj of Feb
ruary will have come before the evacu
ation of tho island is completed. Tbe
soldiers most erubaik in Spanish ves
sels. It is suggested that this will be
an advantage to both countries, the
United States having an opportunity to
not I i mate its men during the winter
months, and it is pioposed that the
American government shall land troops
to occupy . each port simultaneootly
with its evacuation, not leaving any
post unguarded at any time.
A difference of opinion between a
Cuban and a Spanish officer iu a prom
inent cafo here this morning resulted
in an exchange of abusive language
and a free fight followed. The dis
turbance was promptly quelled by tiie
police, and tho ringleaders wero ar
rested. Tho disorder is said to have
been provoked by the Cuban. '
A secret meeting of the officers of
the Spanish warships now in ort was
held at tho govornor'a palace. The
object of the meeting is supposed to
have been consideration of the ques
tion of returning to Spain, whiuh ves
sels and a portion of the arinniueut
should be taken and which left.
Eruptloa of Veauvlna.
Naples, Sept. 30. -A state of gloomy
apprehension prevails among tho popu
lation regarding the eruption of Vesu
vius, which ia hourly becoming more
active and menacing. Streams of biv
are spreading in every direction. The
most threatening of these flows through
the Vedrino valloy, which is almost
filled. The observatory, which origin
ally stood at a height of 610 meters, is
now only 87 meters above tho Bea level,
owing to the sinking of tho ground.
Seven new orators have formed around
the central one, and this has not tend
ed to diminish the fears formorly felt,
which wero based upon the eruption of
stonos and scoria similar to that which
occurrod In 1803.
Tonrtat and Guide Killed.
Chamounix, Sept. 80. An English
man named. Binns and a guide who ac
companied him, while making tbe as
cent of tho Aiguille de Charmoso, full,
and both were killed.
Chevalier M. l'rvakowlta.
Fort Wayne. Ind., Sept. 90. Chova
tier M. Froskowita, acting chief consul
of Austria-Hungary, at Chicago, " lost
hia life in Fort Wayne tonight,. while
en route to New York. He was a pas
senger on the Pennsylvania limited.
The consul was restlosa, and walking
through the train. He did not notice
he dining-car had been cut off. He
stumbled headlong just as the baggage
oar was being pushed back ou tho train,
mid was ground under the wheels, both
legs being frightfully crushed.
Faaaed Away
at a Narraa-aaaett
Narragansett Pier, It. L, Sept 30.
Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of Mrs.
Jefferson' Davis, died at noon today at
a hotel bore, to which place she came
as a guest in the early pait of the
pier's social season. She had been ill
for several weesk.
Mrs. Davis had watched unremit
tingly at her daughter's Dedside, and I
she is now bowed with sorrow. The I
physicians of Mis. Davis reports flie is
holding up with great calmness in her
affliction, and no fears are at present
entertained of her health yielding to the
Miss Winnie Davis, the "Daughter Man,,,a' e Philippine
of the Confederacy," was born in the ' f8' "''y was inaugurated at
Confederate executive mansion, at ' Malo Los yesterday with great en thu v i.. ittfia w ..i. , "asm. There were thousands of visit-
ncated principally at home, owing to
the troubles surrounding her father and
the publicity which attended all move
ments of the Davis family. -Miss Davis
attained her maturity at BesuvoirJ
Miss. Hore she assisted her mother
in various ways and took her place in
the many social functions of the place.
She was her father's constant compan
ion. She assisted him in all his wotk,
and much of tiie information which
was required lay Mr. Davis in his writ
ings was secured for him by his daugh
ter. Her strong character was marked
from youth. She was engaged to Mr.
Wilkeeon, of Syracuse, N. Y., but
shortly after her father's death the en-
..o..., -. i.t, .,.,.
,,i,- ,,: . , winch had set the historic example of
puollo explanation of rupture wa ,., . - , , , , , V .
given, it is well known that it was fo, 'lbert' "nd h """ d" '?-
the purpose of maintaining her father', ' fen ,f.ace-fi , f ". Agtiina do
name. She received the name I uJm Tl' '
"Daughter ot the Confederacy" iu,?8' l, tovT.,t ..B'i ? ?""
- r riTtlna anil 1 n v.Lrrwl tltA ''anivita nf tli
1880, when her father made hia famous
trip through the Sooth. Mr. Davit
being unable to appear, Miss Winnie
was brought before the thousands at
the different points
ii i " n 1 1 . i
me daughter oi
and introduced as
the Confederacy."
All Hat a Few Sick Spaniard. nr
Left Santiago.
Washington, Sept. 30. General
Lawton reports to the war department
tonight that all but eight of the Span
ish prisoners have been shipped from
Santiago to Spain. Following is
text of General Lawton's dispatch:
"Santiago do Cuba, SepL 30. Adjutant-General,
Washington: All the
Spanish prisoners have been shipped
except eight, one at Baraooa and seven
at Guantanamo, sick with yellow fever.
"LAWTON. Major-General."
. Captain Alljo Capron Dead.
Washington, SepL 30. Captain Al
lyn Capron, First artillery, died at the
his home near Fort My or, Va., today.
When General Shatter's corpB wool
to Santiago Capron accompanied it.
and his battery did notably fine work
in the battle of Santiago. During the
first day's fighting before the city, Cap
tain Cupron's son. Captain Allyn K.
Capron, of the rough rideis, was killed.
Tho death of the son preyed upon the
fatliei's mind, but he never sweived for
an instant from hia duty during the
tenible days that followed. The seeds
of disease were sown in his system dur
ing the Cuban campaign, and he re
turned to his home at Fort Myei, neni
this city, only to be stricken with ty
phoid fever
Tbe Sultan Glvee In.
Caudia, Island of Crete, Sept. 30.
The sultan has ordered Edhem Pasha
the military commander in Crete, t
aooede to the demands of the Biitish
admiral, Gerard Henry Noel, for dis
armament, thus complying with the
whole ultimatum of the admiral.
A British detachment today occu
pied tbe entrance to the fort, and it is
rumored that the Ottoman troops will
be withdrawn and a British force will '
occupv mo town.
Among the prisoners already handed
over to Admiral Noel aie two who arc
accredited with being ringleaders iu the
attack on the British camp.
The Spanish ft'eaee Coinnilaalou.
Madrid, Sept. 80. The official ca
lotte publishes tho announcement ol
the apKinmont of Senor Monterc
Rios, president of the senate; Senoi
A bit nu M, Senor Garniga, Genera)
Cerero and Senor Villaurrutia, as tlx
Spanish peace commissioners.
Senors Du Bosc and Arauguoren.
formerly secretaries to the Spanish le
gation at Washington, have been trans
ferred from St. Petersburg to Vienna.
The supremo council ot war has de
cided to suspend Admiral Montojo and
Major Sostoa, director of the Cudit
arsenal. '
Iho Arehblahop'a Vlewa.
Manila, Sept SO. In an interview
with a press representative, Bishop
Dosal, of the Philippine islands, said:
"I earnestly hope the islands will
not remain Spanish, because tho rebels
are now so strong that such a course
would inevitably cause appalling
bloodshed. The reconquest ot the na
tives is impossible until after years ot
the most cruel warfare."
4 ha nee for an Argument.
London, Sept. 30. The Daily Mail's
Madrid correspondent says a long con
ference was held between Senor Sagas
ta, the premier, and Senor Montero
. V. . I ! .. 1 .111..
SoTVX. which le!!!!i-i r
the decision that the peace commission
shall strenuously defend the retention
ot the Philippine islands by Spain.
' Cretau Imperial Guards.
. Yokohama, Sept 80. Advices from
Seoul say that nino Americans, nino
British, five Germans, thtee French
men and two Russians, who wore en
gaged at Shanghai as imperial guards,
have arrived there.
" The Anglo-Oernian Treaty.
Berlin. Sept 30, The Vossiche Zei-
a --.. iL 1 1. At. A l
lung ueciarea u.u um r . ..K.U- .
German agreement. Delagoa by ,
ceucu to r,.u. oouiuiiuiiy
and not politically '
.ueiauiiug WO r Ydrty
Aguinaldo Says the Islands
Are for the Filipinos.
Declare for Nothing Bat Ab.olate la.
dependence Teara ot Flht
Ina for Freedom.
Drs from tbe provinces, and a great dis-
1 play was made. Aguinaldo, at 9
; o'clock in the morning, entered
in the morning, entered tbe
'hall of
the convent recently occupied
tl,e SPaniah, ,00f'. "'".
is sn extremely plain room, adorned
only with some religious pictures.
The insurgent leader was in evening
trees, according to the Spanish custom,
'he others wore ordinary costumes.
Aguinaldo, who was received with
?heers and also with cries of "Viva
America" by the large crowd of natives
inside and outside the hall, read a de
cree convening the members, who in
oluded several Spaniards. He next
rP"u " Bo eulogizing toe army,
land 'thanking tho friendly nations
read a message eulogizing tbe army,
. martyred Filipinos."
The asremtly then adjonrned lor
the day. A .Spanish delegate f ug-
r e.l iL.i I : .A 1 aI..
' Afternoon, but a Filipino objected, and
BCCU9ed the Spaniard of attempting to
undermine the constitution. To tins
the Spaniard replied that he was a sin
cere republican, and that his own de
sire was the welfare of the conntiy.
Whereupon, the Filipino apologized,
and the proceedings terminated.
During the afternoon many Ameri
cans and Europeans arrived, and Agul-
j oaldo was kept busy receiving visitors,
including the American consul press correspondent had a pri
vate interview with Aguinaldo, who is
extremely unwilling to compromise
himself with the natives. He said
that a majority of the Filipinos had
been struggling for freedom for years
and centuries, and that they now be
lieve that their object has been at
tained. Aguinaldo professed entire
ignorance of the autonomous system in
vogue in the British colonies, of pro
tectorates and of American, autonomy.
He said be was unable to understand
the idea, and only understood "ab
solute independence." Personally he
believed a protectorate for the Philip
pine islands was unnecessary, but he
feared that the people would be disap
pointed in this. He had not studied
I political economy and knew nothing
about the various formsof government.
He inquired whether Australia was an
American colony, and said he had
never heard of a Malay protectorate.
Continuing, the insurgent leader
said theie was no need of protection
for the Philippine isiynds. because the
Filipinos were able to cope with any
army. He admitted that he had never
soen a foieign army, with the eicep-
i j tion of the garrisons at Hong Kong and
Mngapore, ami nc nau never seen luese
troops on parade.
Aguinaldo declined p discuss the
American army and protested his un
dying gratitude to the Amerioans.
lie said they had ooine to the Philip
pines to right the Spaniards only, and
now that they had finished the tusk, it
wg to be expected that they would re-
turn to America. He was unwilling
to believe that the Americans would
demand a reward for an act of human
ity, and he declined to admit the neces
sity of a quid pro quo.
The Filipino leader expressed him
self confident that the newly founded
government would build a navy ulti
mately. In the meantime he said,
the great nations should protect and
aid any young nation, instead of grab
bing her torritoiies. if the Americans
should refuse to withdraw, the national
assembly, he said, must decide the
policy to be pursued a policy which
he declined to forecast.
Fuither conversation was prevented
by the strains of a brass baud, but
Goneial Aguinaldo was interviewed
also by a doaen American journalists.
A Spaniard, supposed to be an officer,
ununiformed, traversed the town,
sneering at and denouncing tbe princi
ples of the Filipinos. On his resent
ing a friendly remonstrance, he was
placet! under arrest
Several Filipinos assured the cone
ipondent that they have personally
witnessed honible tortures at Iloilo;
the feet of natives held to a caudle
flame for hours, electric currents ap
plied to the most sensitive parts of the
body and various unuumeable atrocities
all intended to . extort confession.
This is siarcely credible, but there are
numerous alleged witnesses of such
outrages, and several who show sores
I oi recent origin ana unneaied. some
the Spanish officials, It is natural
that there should be a yearning for re
venge upon the Spanish prisoners at
Malo Los, but these are not maltreated.
The Captured Meniere.
'Washington, Sept 19. Tbe war de
partment has directed that the Mausor
rifles, about 5,000 in number, which
were 'brought to New York, having
been captured from the Spanish tro'q s
in Cuba, be turned over to the ord
nance department. The lattor in tnrn,
ordered them shipped to the armory at
Springfleld Whm, They wi U
thoroughly overhauled and if possible
j, , orJor ether or the e f
our own troops or for sale.
- t'lghlh distrtct,
Whatcom Edward
American Commleelonere Take Their
Iepartnre From Weahlngtoa.
Washington, Sept. 1 9. The peace
commissioners left Washington this
afternoon without any ceremonies.
The commissioners were accompanied
by a considerable staff of attaches, and
Savoy, the faithful and trusted mes
senger, who has stood guard at the
doors of the secretaries and assistant
secretaries of state for many years, and
who in Paris will still be on guard at
the doors of the rooms which the com
missioners will take up aa their head
quarters. Before leaving the state de
partment Secretary Day held a recep
tion and said farewell to all the em
ployee individually'
Captain Bradford, chief of the bureau
of equipment of the navy department,
was notified at the last minute that the
president desired his attendance upon
the commissioners at Paris in the ca
pacity of an expert, for no one in the
United States navy is so well informed
as this officer as to the needs of the
navy in the matter of coaling and naval
stations. He will follow the commie- .
sioners on the next steamer.
Bpanlaa Peace Commlaeloa. '
Madrid. Sept. 19. The Spanish
peace commission has been appointed.
Senor Montero Rios, president of the
senate, will preside. The otiier names
are withheld until the queen regent
has given her approval. Duke Almo
dovar de Rio, the foreign minister, and
Senor Moret, ex-secretary of the colon
ies, are engaged in drafting the instruc
tions of the committee. , '
The queen-, regent has signed the
joint bill passed by the cortes, author
izing the'eession of national territory
under the terms of the protocol.-;
General Anguetin, ex-captain-gon-eral
of the Philippines,-accompanied
by his family, arrived . today at Genoa,
and is about starting to Spain.
sight of flpaln'e Iletnrnlng army
faiiated the feeple mt Vlga.
Vigo, Spain, Sept 19. About 700
people besiged the house, of General
Torsi today, demanding that the troops
which arrived here yesterday from San
tiago de Cuba on board the Spanish
steamer Leon XII be- immediately
landed. They proceeded to the quay,
cheering tbe troops, and were with dif
ficulty dispersed by the soldiers of tbe
garrison. Afterwards a crowd of about
1,500 returned to the quay, and when
they saw the soldiers landing barefoot
ed and nearly naked, they became in
furiated and surrounded General Tor
al'a house, hissing and stoning the
building. Eventually, the Spanish
general succeeded in escaping to the
Leon XIII. On learning this, the mob
gathered on tbe dock and stoned the
steamer for half an hour. The Leon
waa obliged to leave the place wheie
she was anchored.
Five steamers are ready to transport
the returning Spanish soldiers and civil
officers, with the archives and muni
tions of war from Cuba, but it is be
lieved it will take tout - months and
cost 80,000,000 pesetas to bring the
troops back to Spain.
Newa Fran Daweoa.
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept 19.
The steamer City of Seattle arrived
from Skagway with 15 Klondikers, who
left Dawson September 3. The amount
of -dust brought out is variously esti
mated at between $150,000 and $200,
000. Leonard Winbolt, purser of the river
steamer Linda, committed suicide by
taking morphine while the steamer
waa on its way down the river. He
waa a native of London, England, aged
The following deaths occurred at St.
Mary's hospital, Dawson:
A. Butan, Canada; Thomas Tonnett,
London, Kngland; James Sheehy, Vir
ginia City, Nov.; James Keys, San
Jose, Cel.
The recently organised Miners' As
sociation held its first meeting August
39 and drafted a letter to Sir Wilfred
Laurler, appealing to him for the ap
pointment of a commission of inquiry
to inquire into the manner in which
Gold Commissioner Fawcett has con
ducted his office, and also making spe
cifio charges against him and other
Tho Salvation Army has just com
pleted largo barracks at Dawson, and
has already oommonoed the work of
taking oare of the sick and relieving
their distress.
Tale Not Half Told.
Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 19. The
recent hurricane was undoubtedly the
woist visitation of the kind exper
ienced by the West Indies during tho
century. Two hurrioanes swept along
the island chain from Barbadoes west
ward to St. Vincent, and thence north
west to St. Kitts, where it was last
heard from. ' Barbadoes suffered mostly
from the rain, which destroyed orops
and roads as it did at St. Lucia and
other islands, while tbe center of the
storm swept over St Vincent and
Guadaloupe. Details received from St.
Vincent show that great destruction of ,
life and- property took place there. .
Out of a population of 41,000, 800
wrote killed, and 30,000 Injured and
rendered homeless.
Bloomfield, Neb.. Sept 19. A dis
tinct earthquake shock, lasting several
seconds, was felt here this morning, at
about 4 o'clock. The shock waa accom
panied by a deep rumbling.
Fear of Aa Indemnity.
Madrid, Sept 19. A painful impres
sion baa been,, caused here by a stale
mont made by the Pais saying the
United States intends to demand $20,,
000,000 indemnity In behalf ot Ameri
can citizens who have suffered through
the insurrection in Cuba. The Span
ish peace com rnU? loners will strongly
oppose this, it is claimed; butfour.
prevail that tbe United States will bl
ooms pitiless and press Us aJvanl.'
to the utmost,
4 "".""" riavn aorveit 1hf venra f,i t
"possessed ol suycrijuwun tienglh. ' t
..f'i jil f-r efr?iv.