Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, August 04, 1898, Image 3

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Tba yearly subscription to tba Olosi Ii t.80,
ii vaiq in savant, i( not paid lu sdvstiot 2
Mil U charted, a fxncil xamtk lroBnd this
notica Indicates that your anbaonptlon baa x
pirsa. riMH renuvr prunutljr.
g; ' i nrii
A Mldaummar Wish.
Thins iHiDtacrdayi,
In barnliii haaa,
1 rattiat Willi
I war flub i
, Or. aay, a itng
In soma wat bof,
With uaaahtto da
Tba lon( day through
Btttaoak and croak,
Andoroak and aoak.
Ilarpor'a 0uar,
Mn. P, H Betphenaon ii on thf lick
II at Hill week.
John Walkar maris final proof on 160
acraa o! land Tueadajr.
Mlai (Iraca RaMIng la visiting att the
aaimaja ranitn una wa.
Mr. Martha Older made final proof
on Dor liimiwtteail last Baturilay,
Mlaa Kate (irrWr, of Mavvllle, was
Visiting Irlamla In town eunilisy
Mlaa Kialla Darllna: vlslteri liar litter,
lira. 1', H. Slf plmnaoii, tlill wrrk.
B'cvle riding In the mooitliulit la what It la cracked opto he
llarvatltnt It In full Ittatet In Oilllam
county, and the yield It reported g at
C. 0. Wilson, of Astoria, fornicrlv of
thit plat. It here thlt week visiting old
Ooo. A. Bobbins, drammer for i
I'onUnd grocer hoass, wa In town
Carjntart are now at work on J. F.
Itt-lrai'tiri't new resident on tooth
Main alrwt.
mJr M Mary Mad-Wk It ont to tl.flr
rani it helping wltli the household work
4 u ring harvest,
Mr. R indle Palmer end family re
tnruitl Tutajr fruui a weed'! uullug at
Lritinhcreuirt ranch.
Dr. Ilittfnn will awml a few dart en
loving n online among frleudt at Loot"
U'M-k and Lust Valley.
II. r. H'fith, repretentatlve of the
Maaaaclmartt M'liual Life Insurance
C".. it In luan tide week.
Father Brlod left on M mdav't tla-e
fur Tillamook, w here he will take charge
ol toe Uaihollc clinrcu wii.
F. II. Hieohcnmn left to-lay fr Kn
an, nn tMialueaa connected with the
John Linn vttaia.
There't a hot timt In thit) old town
very nlnlit lately, and each ttux-eedina'
day twins to hut mutually the torrmity.
There a ll he no praai-hlng at Condon
fitunlav morning. Preaching In the
evening l the pastor, rjulijwl, "Oni
nlpiteiii!V." The Christian E idwavor tori at held at
the farm of Mr. Ulles Parman laat Fri
day waa pronounced a tuuce by all
who attemimf.
The La.ll.-a Aid Society of the Con'l
church of thit plain holda it final aocUl
gathering thla (l'liitralay) altemuun at
the home of Mr. Burr.
Prince Blaman-k, for many yaart
prime ndnlater of Uermany, died on
Jnly 30th at hit home In Kriedrlchruh.
The prince wat In hit 88th year.
J. V. R'iaacher retarned la at Friday
from Portland, where he wat called by
theearloti illueaa.of hit alaM-r. tier
condition it not tuntth Improved.
Mr. and Mi. F. II. R-ihineon, of Ar
-ngtn. callnl on their conln, Mr. P,
""if. Stepiienaon, on tiiiiriav
their way home
Dr. Il idaon pacts to r to Arlington
tomorrow to insi hit wile and two lit
tle eon on their return from an n tend
ed viait with frlendt at Toronto and
other Canadian point.
Prodnrera will ph-aa rememlier that
their e hi lita will be taken to the Ore
gon Imlustrlal K position free of charge,
t'tir ahlpping tea: ami Information, drori
a can) to Serrriary lnduatrial Eipoei
tlon, Portland, Oregon.
Mr. and Mr. R. E. Armttrong went
tohhottler Flat Saturday, whera they
will take chaw of the cook wagon for
V. L. Barker' harveating and threahlng
crew. The will cook for the harveating
of about 1100 arret of grain.
There I n- dltconnt on the gorxl
quality of our grain an I graaae. Peo
ple here at home recognit that fact,
lint farmera ahonld aave a few eample
for atranger M ae itHin at the cottl
tug Oregiui Indnatrial Kxptaiiilon,
Word ha been received by the paator,
from tti'V, CepbH F. Clapp, id Foreat
lirove, Hnpi. of Cona-regatioiial work In
Oregon, that he la g ilng to vialt Condon
, thi (all, w4lh a Ooiel Chariot, and a
q't'trwtte of avangellatlo tlngcra and
Jonlan Bro. now rnn a botcher wag-
on, making three tr a week Into the
country to inpply the tty farmer and
threading creaa with beef, pork, mntion,
etc., during harvcat. They rcqneat llie
farmer to do their heat lo pay eaah for
meat or they will not be able to keep the
businea going.
Cba. Plnkham and family retnrned
from the mountain eeveral dart aao,
uiui'li anoner than they expected. The
eanae of their apeedy rotnrn wa the
llltieteof Mr. Pinkham. who mff.-red a
aevere attack of plenriay. Dr. Bhaw
went ont lo Pine creek to tee her Wed
tieaday. JonrtlHl.
O. W. Burr and Syl Palmer are roe
tiing around IhU week getting ready
for a pIcHanra trlptothe high mmtntaln
in Urant innty. They extH-m to atari
rictt iVKindac, and a lii apend three or
fotir w' Vkt in the high altitude, tilting
op on' ne gronae, mountain trout and
nuokleberry ahortcake,
The Roval Bnklng Powder Co. hat
refnaed $I2 0'JO.OOI for lit hntnei.
Tlilt i a treinetidoiit teHlmonlal to the
value of advertiaing. The hnalnea ha
lM'vtYil It np from a inodeat heglnniiig
tff t treeiit glgantln propurtlnna by
tlV Vloua neof newapnperadvertl
iw' ?trtiin. Tlmct-Moitntalneer.
The other day a newly married couple,
Rev, llorlgeklaa and wife, hoarded the
train at Bridnl Veil station, for Portlnnd
on I heir wedding trip. . At the train waa
moving along, the conductor, who I an
acquaintance of the groom, after extend
ing hia congratulation, ald t "Ticket,
pleaae; although the Lord ha made
you one you will have to have two tick
et when yon travel." Tim remark
canaed notch merriment among the
puaiengur In tba car. Evening Tele
gram. u;
while on
from a viait at Lone
Edgar Moor received a letter Monday
irum vor my uouimiaffioiier r. M. 1'iiter
who, with hi children, I pending the
aninuier wun relative! at Mt. Morr
Michigan. The letter contained the tad
intelligence that Mr. Pliter'tagcd mot
erdied thortly after hi arrival at hi
old home, tie expect to ttart lor Ore
gon about the 10th Inst.
Bom Interesting Hem " from Rock
creek, received thi week, are not put
Halted, for the reeaon that the writer
failed to Igtrlrte. name to hi corr'
apnndence. Correspondent! ttinst lgn
their name to communication In all
caaet. not for until cation, hut aa evi
1 1 . ... .. '
nence ot goon taim. st attention can
oe given to nnaigned correaponilence.
Ed McKlnney waa down from the
mountain for a few daya the Aral of the
week, but the heat wa too much for
him. and be returned to the iv va
ol I tildes yesterday. Ed, report the
thecp doing Unit-rate and the weather
one. tiaoie I plentiful and the hov
do not have to eat mutton only when
they get tired of venlaon and bear meat
That darkey preacher, who I allege
to have iteaorltaM hell a a region
Intemie cold, on the ground that the old
rheumatic, lociiilart of hi colliiregatlon
won M want to go to a warm place when
leaving tnit worm, tnouiii not oa at
lowed to preach such doctrine during
the preaeut hot tnell. U might do it
calculable harm (out now. with the iticr
enry at 100 in the thade.
John A. Walker, of Ferry Canvon, re
turned trom a viait to I'eniiieton last
8m day. After leaving Condon Hundav
evening alamt dark hi hor got awav
from him ami, the animal being found
at Mr. Rentier place neit morning,
canned tome nneaainea r.inong Mr,
Walker friend, tie wa all rlnht
Imwever, having walked home, thinking
lit horxe riM'i preceded in in.
Dr. Ilndaon wa called, one day last
week, to attend Mr. T. A. Cod v. who,
with her hnalaiiid and two children, i
living on Paul' ranch on the other aide
if K a k creek, alaiut 10 utile from Con
loo. The W' man had been ick for
aom time and wa in a very critical
condition when the d-a'lor arrivetl, but
since that lime (he ha lawn improving,
and hope of her recovery are uuw enter
J. B. (Joff, of Lone Rock, wat in town
on Dual iiva Noiiitay aim while I ere
made tin olllue a pleaaant viait. lie re,
port hi Miction of country a bein- In
a prorperou condition, anil the people
correspondingly nappy ami niiiienieii.
One new churcli niiui ta ta-tng erect
at L ine ttouk thi umoier by the
Aletlnailat trougiegatlon, which, when
complelvl, will be the fluent churcli
bun-Hug lo the county, it will coat.
cooiplete, aiiont flZJU,
Edaard Dariiy, of Huntington, hat
reiuriie-l from the Klondike country.
nd reHirta a bad condition ol affair
there, lie ear thousaud of men are
in dutreae at Dawoii thi iimmer
Darhy la the man who wrote to hi home
paper laat winter that "The Klondike
la Die (ail country on eartn to die In,
Oelng so lar reuiove.1 from the Infernal
region." 11 claimed there wa an
invulnerable armour of 100 feet of frocen
gronud between that country and the
domain of lit rjataioc uiaj'-aly.
Frank Palmer ami 8. V. Moore, with
heir laiuilie. returned laat Ihoreday
from an outing at Fiali lake in the Cas
cade mountain. Having a reputation
tor veracity to suatain, they are Iwtn
strictly uoii-couiuiiital aa to the iiuuilier
of deer, bear, mountain lion ana w ild
cat they slew during the trip, but they
Imlt having caught torn tWh and
liavi ug ha J a good U me. Toe on ly d ra w-
Mica tney euuouulervii wa a acarultv
ol horae fiMel hi toe mountain winch
caused tneiii to return a week or mi
uoner than tbey intended.
Bran ton Bound Over.
The preliminary examination of
Claude Branlon, charged with the in dr
ier ot John Ltuu, took, place at Eugene
oil Monday. Several wllneaae for the
Stale teatilied to having baen approached
by Brauton and offered bribe to wear
thai they had een John Linn weit ol
the mountain afier Juno 15lIi. When
the Ul reaied it case the defense
waived further siainlnalioii and lirantnu
a held without bond to the grand
ury which iCieet next November,
Terms of Peace.
The peace term offered Spain by
President McKinley demand the abso
lute freedom vf Cuba; ceealon of all
ripaniah territiry in West Indies, ex
cept Cuba, to the United State, a well
a one of the Lidrwue islau I. The
future ol the Pniltppine I to be left to
the decision of oooioiiaaloiier appointed
by thi country and Spain, No auawer
a yet ben recelvel.
J, B. GofT made buulnri trip
Condon Monday.
Rev. Frank Bpanlding will preach at
none xk; nest nunoay. 7in,
Rey. Clark, of thit place, I at Foll
asHiating in me camp meeting which 1
in progreat mere tin week.
John M. Brown went to Heppner the
first of the week for the door, w indows
and nature or the new church.
Rev. Warner will hold auarterlv meet.
luaaaiione kick next Tuesday. Uth
bverytxxly cordially invited to attend.
Dr. Lima went to Condon Saturday
He will per hit r take a trip over in
Hherman county before returning to
Lone ltock.
Lost Sunday wa the wannest dav of
me season in thi locality. The ther
innnieter registered 103 in the hade
which I pretty warm for Eastern Ore
Several yonns neonte from Lone Rocfc
visited ine lake np at the Wlneland Raw
mill btindtiy. Herbert Halatead and
lanilly were alio at the lake.
J. W. Connowav. of Wairner. nned
inrougo jyme K'K'K euiiday with i
threshing machine, which he ha
ironght from Hhnttler Fat. It tia.k
four men, twelve home and three wag-
mie. io ntove me ontoi over.
Frank Golden, nf Mavvllle. waa over
here laat week and atuwared la-fore onr
justice oi tne react) with a complaint
reaaroing the ownership of a borne,
After bee ring a statement of thecaae
Mir Juatice J. II. Ooff verv nrooerl ail
vised all partle concerned .i settle the
matter without ifolna" to law. which
thev finally ilbl, thereby saving costs
ami useless ex pens.
trip to
Mrs. C. A. Danneinan made a
Arlington last week.
The inercurv retrlatered 110 In
hade at Clem Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Roliinnn, of Arlington,
weiegnettt of the Pannuuian fain v
There teem to be a W demand for
harvcat hand In thit neighborhood Just
t present.
The Clem Academy, with Mia Carrie
Danneman at the helm, la running
suiooiiiiy, wun a large attendance.
W. J. Edward, of Mavvllle. t.aesed
through Clem last Thurclav with a band
f beet cattle for the Portland market.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, after a
brief viait with their dnuirhtpr. Mr. J.
T. Ifcxlson, relumed to their borne at
Mr. Clav and Mia Halburt have re
turned to Arlington.
Mr. Mote McKlnney visited her rel
atives at Olci laat week.
Mr. M. Fi'k wiahet to tell Ids R a k
creek farm to ha ran take hit atwck to
Ail low a.
Rev. Rrnwn hat been nnder the
weather latelv but I villi camping on
heereek and think he it imptoving.
J. M. Ward ha hi new Cave sepa
rator at Olet undergoing repair lire-
paring to thread fur W. M. McKinney.
A (mall lira ent atarled in Tl.os Ma.
lanophy' tin hide laat Hundav, rauaeil
by ome one throwing a lighted cigarette
or cigar do n. People ahonld lie very
careful of tire during these dry time.
Mr. Williams, reiireeeutina M. L.
Uxrdner, the mail contractor, waa in
Olei Saturday looking for some one to
ke the route. The contract wa closed
Monday by tl. D. Randall rigning it.
The ttage horse will hereafter be
kept at Oiei, Now if the short road
from Oleg lo Clem wat opened nn it
in Id ta very beneficial to the etamt
line ami reduce ipene by shortcut im
the distance.
Last Saturday A. L. Gardner'a real-, on the (arm knoan a the N. ll.
"oggln farm, wa totally consumed by
re. , -verything the old gentleman
ha I waa destroyed. Anion j the nrotwrtv
leatroyel wa a valuable collection of
book worth aeveral linudred dollar.
fheie waa no insurance.
A Protest.
Ol.xx.Oa. J uly 24. 08.
El). Glorr: In voiir taaue ot ine Uili
in ft. 1 notice yoni favorable couimeui
on the action taken by the comity conn
n allowing nepiliy in re lor the county
lerk and slieritr. rieaee allow iiteauace
in your luale isiinmu to enter a pro
test. Vuu say "the wora ol ueithnr ottice
,iil be properly done w ithout a depulv."
Does that f.ict prove that the conntv
ahuuld pay for iiT If, for instance, yon
should contract with a carpenter to put
up a house for yon. would you expect
to pay lor all the help be might needf
1 do not wish to nppoee our clerk and
sheriff in any way; 1 consider them the
proper men for the place, hut, aa tax
payer, 1 think it our prerogative to
kick al sin li display of generoxiiy with
the people' money. The fact that the
otliiv in question have) la-en run for a
hurt time without allowing deputy hire
pi uvc that it can In done, and their
ladug o anxious for reelection prove
thai they had rather do the work with
out deputies than relinquish their oltlcea.
If they are overaorked, there la nothing
to prevent their realgnlig tneir ottice.
I have never talked with but one man
Id William county on this ilij-ct since
i ne county court Hrt allowed deputy
hire, a few year ago, that expressed
himself a you h tve dou, aald it was
right. Bui un the contrary, 1 have
heard doaent of them- condemning the
act. 1 tajlieve it I right fiat we should
iaak out on thi uhj tit; our taxe are
already such a burden that we can
scarcely pay them. The county hews
ptipere devote considerable apace to
delinquent tax salea and formdoanrea,
II our county olllcera, after accepting the
nlflce, cannot do the work (a they
undertake) without extra pay, why
should wa tult'cl only thoae two for
eclnl fuviirsT Am not the rest of
them equally enfitled to a share of the
spoils? Why not give our as, asor anil
Kcliool tnperintendent a bttleettra pnyt
They might be allowed a few hundred
dollars more in order to enable them to
devote more lime to the Interests of the
taxpayer, schools, etc. Our motto it
to let all of them work for their legal sal
ary, at least until tuxpayert have re
coveted (rout the bard time.
H.J. Norr.
The thermometer ha ttood at from
9J to 101 in the oade the laat week.
J. W. Oilman started 4J0 head of Hue
la-cf cattle to fu fade tedueday.
l'hey are for the Portlaiid market.
Mr. Harry Crocker, of California,
llephear of Henry Duuin,of Unite
Creek, left hy lga Saturday inurolog
for Arlington,
J. il. CMyton, agent for the Racine
Fire Extinguisher, also agent for lite
.tliliual PriitecttVv Insurant Association
of Portland, la id loan.
Joalali Thoiupsun, of Cotton Wood,
Is still very lo, an I, eonaidertng tue
extremely hot weather and the ae of
the patient, it will req lire very careful
nursing to get him out of bed at au
eaily Oate.
A team left Fnstil Tuesday for
Arlington for the purpose ol bringing
out Air. C. il. Urowu, of San Francisco,
l!l., wlm will visit her brother, Cue i.
ttaruanl, ol tin place, and other rel
ative in tins vicinity the balance of the
W. W. tldnver and family, L. C. Kel
say and family and other will leave the
last of thi wee for D solution laae,
where the men will hunt ami liah, w htle
the women will g ttiier and can buckle-la-rrie.
They expect to be gone about
one mouth.
B. K. Searcy and party patted through
town the Hrst of the week from an ex
tended hunting and Hiding tour. Tney
boast of having liagged one antelope,
four deer and bhla.of ilsh. U. K. uooaed
(or the party and atatea that the crowd
dlour consumed on the trip of tiflceu
daya the following ratloin; ituo-n, U0
Ihs. ; Hour, h hiili. ; ooltVe, il lbs. i tea,
5 llwj beans, 69 lb., beside the game
workt a hardship on the bnycrt.
Capt. Nelson haa hla new gatollne
boat completed and hia new gold wash
ing machine Installed. He expect to
start np the rivtr In a abort time logo
to work. Hi boat ha a very comfort
able cabin and otherwise fixed np for
the pttrpoae for which it wa built.
No More Lieu Land.
The Indemnity school land, known a
"lieu land," hat been exhausted, and
no more application lo purchase nch
land can be approved by the state land
department. A hill wa before enngres
anthorlxing the nae of tome 40,000 acre
of land In the Cascade tlmlwr reserve a
a further bate for inch aclectiont, hut it
failed to become a law, and notice to
that effect ha lasen received by County
Clerk Frazer from the State Land De
The University of Oreirnn irradnalpd
laat Jnna Ihe Unreal rlnaa in its liiutnrv
The class numhtrd thirty. The fall term
will lieifin Septemla-r 19th. Sindemr
who have completed the tenth grade
branches can enter the
elase. No examination are reauired for
graduate of accredited Reas
onable equivalents are accepted for timet
of the Inquired entrance al tidies. Cat
alogue il he sent free to ail appli
cant. Person desiring Information
mar add re the Piesfdent. Secretary
J. J. Walton, or Mr. Ma A. Plumb
all of Enaene, Oretton.
The courses offered are those of a Bond
university. There are department of
modern and ancient Ian if oh ires, rhetni
try, biology, geology, English, elocu
tion, advanced engineering, astronomy,
logic, philosophy, iycholii(V, tnath'e
nintlca, and physical pilui-aifon. Mnsic
and drawing are also langht. Thetnl-
mn la fleet. All at 'Hen t ttay an inci
dental fee of leu dollar yearly. Board.
Irxlfing, heat and light in the dormitory
coH2..10 per week. i21-!7
Coyote Bounty.
A meeting of thoae interested In the
payment of scalps wa held at Arlington
Jnne 27, '98, for the pnrpose of devilling
means hi ronect payment, it waa agreed
thatlehonld nse my Influence to have
those indebted to the Union to pay np
at once hy cash or note. Therefore, all
those Indebted will please come forward
and settle within30day Irom thediiteof
this notice and aave 'costs. We have
1505 on hand and $400 outstanding which
should Is? a small item in this connty
with 130,000 thecp. W. Rum,
Dated Joiy 9, 1808. j!4 21
Teachers' Institute.
The Gilliam county Normal Institute
will open at Condon, Ore., on Tuesday,
August 16. 18"8, and continue in session
aUnit ten day. The Oreirnn school law
require the superintendent and teach
ers f attend regularly, prof. W, A.
Welxell, of Portland, will conduct the
excercfaea, insuring a profitable institute
W. W. Krnnkdv,
j 21-22 Superintendent.
Ml and PhIII Hervlres," t Thos. .
Hsndford. A wonderful story ol a fl'irtons ca
reer. Over 1flt) l. rnrtlant paxes. IHO-mxrh.
rareenirrsylnya. Klctieat. hl-mi iat nrt nni.
Sft'lrtrsist "tilsfl.tnfie Imm.Ic" tmlill.hMl Ontv
I -'. Commission, m per rnt. l:rtlt alven.
Frltit pMlil. Oniflt free. Prop all trssh and
plfsr :0 month with the wi)v tm ant rood
'lit Ml.tine bnok." 'Address THK D'IMISIDN
COM PAH V, Pept , va VA Deartwro street.
Cblcaxo. u,yH
Teachers' Examination.
A leachera' examination will be held
at Condon, Or., on the econd Wednes
day in August. 8t8. cioiimencina: at
o'cha-k P. M.. for teachers' certificate
and stale educational diploma.
W. W. Kekvedv.
j28-2l County School Sopt.
Timber Culture, rtnal Proof.
LKDOrric(TTx Dxu.k. Ok. July 11,
Notice Is hpfehv H,n Ih.l fMmA. v n,. .
heir of James a. Downer, dee., has AWi no'li e of
inwn vm m itmr niinl proof before If. N. Fiasur,
counijr cier. ai ni onice In Condon. r., on
Thuraday, August 25, 1898.
on tlmheretittiire apfllcatinn Ko. 3019. for the
y""- nwvjow inn sw) j sm-m, to 4 s,
rcit.n. h. He names a wltnesw: a A
Thompson, J. w. grrtrner, J. A. Mi Morrlssnd
n. i. ouwner, an oi tonaon, urexon.
JH-23 J A, f. MwiU, Bealster.
Saddler md Harnessmaker
Carries a Complete and Well-aalected Stock of
And everything usually found
In a first-class harness shop.
In the building on thi corner, opposite Barker's store.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Lsn Orrice at Th Otuas, O., July II, '.
!olre Is herehr alven ttist Ssmll E. tlln.h.w
formerlT flarah E. K'wers. has Mled notitv of In.
lennon io make mini proof before H. N. Fraser,
couui) ciera, at Ol oniv In Condon, Or., on
Friday, August 20, 1808.
ontltntsrr miltnre appllratton No. SUja.'for the
nsw nwsssim sw-4 nehi, see 17. tpfts.
rilie, . M. She name a. rtneae-. K. E.
emi n ana Aaam rmiin, or Msyrilie; F. Jl
Kprlnrston and J. A. Koavrs, ol Condon. Or.
H-J J AD. F. Mooai, Kegiiter.
Z. F. Moody's
Brick Warehouse,
; Prepared to Handle Con
signments of Wool This
Year, as Before, at
Arlington and The Dalles.
Your Interests are Ours.
Your Business Entrusted to Our Care Will
Receive the Most Careful
S.G.HAWSON, Arlington Agent.
While Everybody
is Talking War
Is Busy Getting in Supplies for His Customers. He Carries a
Full Rtinnlv of
Iardware, Builder's Materia, " Granite and Tinware.
Furniture, Paints and Oil, Glass and Crockery,
Stoves. Picture Frarres. Fishing Tackle,
Bedding. Canned Goods. Ammunition.
Undertaking Goods.
He will make yon hot rice oil Bnildin- Material, Barlaxt Wire Etc.
Call anil see him when yotixiiiie ft the county aeat.
Interest charitfd on arv't after 40 lav.
O. Earhart,
8. V. Moors.
Summit Saloon,
Mia Mtml UcriiK 1 visiting her iter
at tin place.
Mra. R II. Rililnaon I visiting rel
ative at L me K mk thi week.
The waathar hi bwn lot hr (or
several ilavi int, Mnf about the 100
mark most nf the lime.
Ahnttt aevcntT-Hve Arllngtnnlte went
to IWiiiHvillf iMt Sit nl iv ti enj it the
cHil air of the Ca'cmin mnttntaina. '
The L. C. Dm. Co. put In a
new aii'ta (niintniii thi week. It la one
nl the Ht ("it main In the stale ami
weljth 4000 lb.
The wheat crop la lnrircr than wa
xiifi'lH.I, Almost evtrv tlfl'l is making
two tn tn'ir hn-'lifl tnnre lo the acre
than wa ex;cteil.
Wool littver are ntTi-ring 10 anrl 11 ct.
for wool. The heepmen are in a posi
tion to hold their wool tbi year, whicb
Uiijes, Ijquors aid Q$ars.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars.
Billiard aijd pool Sables.
First-class Goods Our Pride.
Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught.
Main St., Condon, Oregon.
piic Job prirtir$ at tl?e CipB0fke.
We have added a Jewelry Department to our
stock of General Merchandise and W. L. To
bey, who is a strictly first-class watch-maker,
is prepared to do all kinds of watch and
jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and
guarantee satisfaction.
Tobey Bros.,
Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes
Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc.
Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of VphiHp
Cheap. Call and see for yourselves.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large Xew Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
-First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Mrs. S. A. Maddock
Table Supplied With the Best in the Market.
General Merchandise
Are better prepared than ever to supply the wants of their
Their trade is constantly increasing and their Block has in
creased with the trade.
You are welcome to examine their stock and get prices at any
At the ( Dealers in V South of
Old Stand,
General Merchandise.
Condon Hotel.
I offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of
flooring, ceiling, ruttic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lum
ber. Careful attention given to b lis of special sizes and
. dimension stuff.
LOST VALLEY, - - - - - - - OREGON
lie liOff years 6W."';
' 1 lttghlurtaTui ii.Jrioi,wero JOBcaOO.
W Ii