Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 21, 1898, Image 4

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    Gocfd Health
At;! to Work Every Da; Sine Tak
ing Mood'e Saraaparlila.
"I wan n great sufferer from stomach
trouble and was not able to retain food.
After taking few bottles of Hood's fcar
siiparilJa 1 was able to eat almost anything
I wished, and I have, been well enough to
work every day. I am now enjoying good
health." L. J. Ferguson, Monroe, Or.
Hood's Oarsaparflla
la America'! Greatest Medicine. $1; tlx for to.
Hooi'e Pills care Indigestion. 25 cent.
Westernisation of the Jap.
Kioto, Japan, formerly regarded aa
the sacred city of the Mikado, ia be
ing thoroughly westernised, having
adopted the overhead trolley and aro
and incandescent lighting. The power
or the operation of the street railway
la supplied by the waters of LakeBiwa,
which are utilised through the agency
of extensive canals, the plant being one
of the largest engineering projects com
pleted by native engineers.
The Gallant Chicago Beglaent Coat
poeed of Irishmen.
"Rallyl All Irishmen in favor of
forming a regiment of Irish volunteers
to sustain the government of the Uni
ted States In and through the war will
rally at North Market Uall this even
ing. April 20, at 7:30 o'clock. For the
honor of the old land, rally I Rally for
the defense of the newl"
This notice appeared In all the Chi
cago newspapers on April 20, 1801.
Five days before Gov. Yates had Issued
a call for troops, and the patriotic fer
vor of the people was at a white boat
Enlistment had already commenced,
Oapt. Joseph Kellogg having begun the
work of recruiting a company on April
Those whose knowledge of war and
war times Is limited to the present con
flict with Spain have small conception
Of Hie excitement that swept oyer the
de-camp, the Chevalier de Fontglbnud,
who relates the Incident in his
memoirs, heard him Boliloqulxlng thus
on the hopelessness of the situation
and the emptiness of glory: ..-.
'Ilablel I have done well certainly.
At my time of life barely twenty years
of age with my name, rank and for
tune, and after having married Made
moiselle de Noallles, to leave every
thing and servo as a breakfast for cod
fish I" Youth's Companion.
Toller at the Furnace Twenty Feel
Below the f orfoce of too Sea.
If a landsman wants an experience
that he will not forget soon lot him go
down Into the stokehole of a warship.
Then ho will realise, Indeed,' what it
rheans to be in the bowels of a vessel,
and, to an extent, what It moans to be
buried alive. If bo con face the roaring
furnaces without shrinking and ehtud
Bad Digestion, Bad flieart
Poor digestion often oauses Irregular
ity ot the heart's action. This irregu
larity may be mistaken for real, organio
heart disease. The symptoms are muoh
the same, There is however a vast
difference between the two: organio
heart disease is often incurable; ap
parent heart disease ia curable if good
digestion be restored.
A case in point is quoted from the
New Era, of Greensburg, Ind. Mrs.
Ellen Colsom, Newpolnt, Ind., a
woman 43 years old, had suffered for
four years with distressing stomnoh
trouble. The aasos generated by the
indigestion pressed on tho heart, and
caused an irregularity of ita action.
She had much pain in hor atoraaoh and
heart, and was subject to frequent and
severe choking spells whioli were most
severe at night. Doctors were tried in
vain; the patient bocame worse, de
oondent, and feared impending death.
One of the Philippine Insurgent leaden ii a
beautiful woman whose lite seems to be
charmed. She has often rushed bravely Into
the very teeth ot death from gum and cannon,
but has never been wounded. Frequently w
tee people In this eoontry who live so long
that their Uvea aeem char mod also, but the
onlr charm about It Is that thev keen on their
atreneth and vitalise their blood with that I
ee'bratcd remedy, listener's Stomach 1
Litter. , . . .
The word "hairbreadth," now used
lor an lntlmteslmal space, was once a
regular measure. It was the width
of 16 hairs laid sido by Bide.
Dear Madam: -
Your bread needn't smell
of soda or alum or lime.
Schilling's Best baking
powder has no lime or alum
or excess of soda, .
It is stated that vast uncovered un
touched beds of sheet mica lie within
60 miles of Kiao-Chou bay, China.
Try Bch tiling's Beat tea and baking powder.
. "hows thist
We offer One Hundred Pollers Reward for any
esse of Catarrh that can not be cured by HaU's
Catarrh Cure.
9. J. CHENEY 4 CO, Propt.. Toledo, a
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
lor the past IS years, and Believe him perlectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations mad
by their firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'sCatarrhCure Is taken Internally, acting
fllrwtlv on the blood and moeoo surfaces ol
the system. Price 75c per bottle. bold Of au
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family Puis -jo the beat.
In Egypt fans were used in religions
ceremonies, made of parchment or
f eg there. - '- "
Flnkham's Advice Inspire
Confidence and Hope.
( ' art
Examination by a male physician la
hard trial to a delicately organized
She puts It off a long aa she dare,
and is only driven to It by fear of can
cer, polypus, or some dreadful UL
Wostfreqnently such a woman leaves
. physician a office,
where she has un
dergone a critical
examination with
an Impression, mora
or less, of discour
This condi
tion of the
mind destroys
the effect of
advice;. , and
aha grows
-JSJ worse rather
than better. In consulting Mr, rina
bam no hesitation need be felt, the
atorv Is told to a woman and is wholly
i . .... ,r r:i.u mAAwn
connuenuai. ain. jr
is Lynn, Mass.. she offers sick women
her advice without charge. .
Iler intimate knowledge of women's
troubles makes her letter of advice a
wellsprlng of hope, and her wide expert-
npfl and skill nolnt the way to health.
k. I Buffered with ovarian trouble for
ceven years, and no doctor knew what
was the matter with me. I had spells
which would last for two days or more.
I thought I would try Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I have
taken seven bottles of it, and am en
tirely cured." Mas Jouw Fobs ah, i
N Woodberry Ave.. Baltimore, ma.
The above letter from Mr. Foreman
Is only ona of thousand.
A b ex nenenotd accountant end salesman Is open
for an engaamnt. Twenty-eve years- eipenenoe
A. Portland, Or.
land, rising nowhere to a higher pitch
than at Chicago when Fort Sumter was
fired upon and the President Issued a
bail for 75,000 troops.
The call for a meeting of the loyal
Irishmen of the city, which was signed
by James A. Mulligan, M. C. McDonald
and eleven other Irish citizens, was
royally responded to. North Market
Hall being thronged to the doors. James
A. Mulligan, an eloquent young Irish-
American lawyer, delivered a ringing
speech, as did several others, and the
work of recruiting the real business of
the evening was begun. No urging waa
required, men presenting themselves
faster than they could sign the roll. In
an hour and a half 323 names had been
This meeting was but the beginning
of tho patrotlc enthusiasm which
speedily seized upon the people, end ap
plications for admission to the Irish
brigade, as the prospective regiment
had been already named, continued to
nour In. not from Chicago only, but
from all portions of northern Illinois,
one body of Detroit Irishmen offering
their services. Within a week 1,200
names were signed and the regiment
waa complete.
The Confederates were bent on tak
ing Lexington, and Gen. Sterling Price
eoon appeared with 28,000 men. out-
In the steel walled pit without feeling
dread, he will be a man of rare nerve.
Sunk In a shaft twenty foet below
the sea, men toll amid fierce fires whose
flames in that confined space lick out at
thorn with every movement of the kmg
stool slice bars that are used to feed the
gaping furnaces, as savage caged beasts
are fed, and, like the beasts, the fires
are raging to kill the men who master
them only by desperate labor. There w
no room to spare on a modern ship.
Therefore the mighty furnaces are so
crowded together that the men who
serve them have barely space to move
to and fro before them. So near them
are the stokers and the firemen that
until their skins are hardened to It they
blister and crack with the hen. The
chance visitor can bear It only a few
That Is a stokehole when the ship is
going at ordinary speed and there are
no especial demands on the stokers and
the firemen. When there comes the
time that a ship must fight for her life,
chase or run, the' stokehole becomes a
place of torment When the warship
goes Into action she calls on every one
of her hundred and more firemen to be
in readiness, and the boilers must fur
nish every pound of steam that they
can give her. The more they give ber
I the louder aro the demands of the en-
A Can of Jltari FailHT.
She waa much frightened, but no
ticed that in intervals in which her
Btomach did not annoy ber, hor, heart's
action became normal. Reasoning cor
rectly that hor digestion was alone at
fault she procured the proper medioine
to treat that trouble and with Immedi
ate Rood results. Her appetite came back,
the choking spells became less frequent
and finally ceased. Iler weignt, wnicn
had been greatly reduced was restored
and she now weighs more than for
years. Her blood soon became pure
and her cheeks rosy.
The case is of general interest because
the disease Is a very common one,
That others may know the meant of
sure we give the name of tho medicine
used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. These pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood ana restore
shattered nerves.
The tomb of Mohammed is covered
with diamonds, sapphires and rubies,
valued at $12,600,000.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner-
vous, and hot, and get tired easily.
have smarting feet or tight shoes,
Allen's Foot-Ease.
It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
wmtlnir fret, blisters and callous SDOtS.
.... p I .-II I " 1
Relieves corns ana ounionsoi an paui nu
gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tcs
timnmnlanf cures. Try it today. Hold by
all druggists and shoe stores fur 25c. Bent
by mailfor 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen & Olmsted, La
Roy, New York.
Twenty words per minute is the aver
age at whloh long hand is written.
r w
if? zfi v jv Mrh ' ;
V VV O MM, if '
Ptvs VerniAiM-nUv Cnred.
ill aAer Srst day's use of !r. Kline's Urrat
limtorar. Svnd tor IU S as.oo trliU
bottle and treatlsn. I'R. B. U. JtXUiii, LbL, aj
Mo flisor nsrvooanee
Nerve lintorr. Svnd for
twttl and treatise. I'R. R
LtcU : net, i'biudelptila, Pa.
The Massachusetts militia will dis
pense with the bayonet
A fins collection of ci)?ar ribbons will be
sent bv em-losing 2S eta. to tilobe Cigar
Co., 1W54 KulUn Bt., 8un Francisco, Cal.
The new Improved Btoughton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the way. It para to have the best.
Write for free catalogue, juuw rtioi.r,.
sole agent, foot ol Morrison etreet, Port
land, Or.
use of Plso's Cure
I helieve my nromtit
evented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
unmet to, Kansas, Uec. 12, ma.
reventeu q
alloce, Mi
humbered ten to one, poorly provision- j glnes for more, and the men must work
. i ....... 1 1, nnnw.BBDiwr auin aurei.
room 17. Lambert blwt , Hlatioa JL, Portland. Ot.
Um unfrr S?Iatt, bit driil)tn",
in foldje Jtreift finmfurtn, in brntn c diJ
6fr no ntcbt fltnue bmn
ruir s con itbt an oil jum 1. Sonuat 18U9
frei on oTic biffcnigtn, aitlAe ftir ko nodjjtt
tohr unlrr Kbonnnten roetbrH two bot
I'ttiai bnfUr. 12.00, jrvt einffttbrn. SKan
IaS fi '.?roDyfutnmern
Gorman Publishing Co., Portland, Or.
iiJT.."" y Irritation or
i , u Mruur. of mocons
for uncfttaral
inilftff) matrons.
or MierftiuDi
aU MBMC-Wa, rfefUlOW, Sktld OlH MttUt
u,,w.-1,-,.ff m
1 F,
m. ot t SotllM. S2.T9.
U-cuUr saut aa raiMsi,
ss a Make mosey by tucceaful
ti it pseulatlon in Chicago. We
i it I buy "d sell wheat on mar.
if kiS .in. r,.,tnnu h .a 1mm
,. .,, :, a n!l begmolus by uadingln lu
!., . W rite lor lull pariicular. Hint ol f
.,f gtveii. '- years' experience on the
i -, i'0 Hoard ol Trade, and a thorough know-t-"ir
ii( the ti!n. Bond lor onr Ire reler
f 'hsi !ara or I rase ni:r,-im. wuv m
lit:... ,d,iuk-un and y ailie,
, M ash.
J '-III or with C r. Tto beat nwlla In tha mr-
I'st'ii y Mti b . Jt or aula ly aU gan-
ersl aiervltattdv s.--ft:,. of Xf
witt mnck co.,
-n Wmt airet.ia yranclaco. Oat.
h it Wrog?
;..t it Richt
Ktrolt Waiit
d and suffering from lack ot water,
CoL Mulligan made determined de
fense. Called upon by Price to surren
der and agree to fight no more on Mis
souri soil, brave Mulligan replied:
"The Irish brigade makes no compro
mise." At length after a resistance that fair
ly electrified all Northern hearts and
called forth expressions of praise from
the Confederates, Col. Mulligan waa
forced to surrender, the devoted Irish
men destroying their green flag in pref
erence to yielding it to the enemy. The
total Union loss In killed and wounded
was 107. Cot Mulligan was retained
as a prisoner of war, but was soon ex
changed. He waa treated with great
consideration by Gen. Price, who, In ap
preciation of his bravery, reiusea to ac
cept his sword.
The heroic death of Cot Mulligan
while fighting the main body of Oen.
Jubal A Early's army at Kernstown,
Va., July 24, 1804, Is known to all who
are familiar with the stirring events of
the war of the rebellion.
"Lay me down and save the nag," ne
aid to those who were bearing him
mnetnllv wounded from the field.
The "Irish brigade fought nobly for
their country; they did more they
raised an enthusiasm that recruited
many thousands of troops and impart
ed boldness to timid hearts. Their gldry
has not yet faded will never fade. To
have been a follower of Mulligan is an
honor which no American disputes.
A Beaslok Hero.
No man is a hero while seasick. La
fayette was sent Dy waHnington ana
Congress to France to ask further sup-
at the flres till they fall. Forced draught
Is the order then, and the stokehole is
practically sealed up that no air may
escape from It except through the fur
naces. The fires grow fiercer and fierc
er, and soon there is no spo In the steel
pit that Is not unbearably bot Mes
watch the Indicators and shout for
more steam. The limp heaps arc drag
ged away to die or to go mad. Relief
Is called to the burning bolo, and still
the open throttles of the ship's engines
take the steam faster than tho furnaces
can make It. What is going on above no
man down there knows. Sometime a
dull echoing shock may toll them the
the ship has been bit hard.
;." ' The Flrwt Polar Explorer.
The hardy mariners who were the
pioneers In polar discovery achieved
wonders, considering that they had
everything to learn about methods of
arctic work, and their vessels and
equipment were very Inadequate. One
of the greatest of all arctic voyagera
was the man who commanded the first
true polar expedition. William Pa
rentis. He sailed from Holland in 1504
on the little flshlng smatk Mercuriim,
and the object of hla voyage shows bow
Ignorant the merchants and seamen of
those days were as to tho navigability
of arctic sens. Barentz pushed Into the
unknown for the purpose of sulllng
around the north end of Nova Zentbla
and fludlng a northeast passage to
China; and so for a month lie skirted
the wall of Ice that barred his way,
seeking lu every direction for a bine by
which bo might travel through the
pack, putting his vckhcI atiout eighty
one times, and traveling back and
Dr. T. a White. No. 271 Morrl
ton street, cor. Fourth, Portland, Or.
lias the most complete modern dental
appliances to be found in the North
weat Electricity ia used in all oases
where indicated, and the result ia
pleasing, and a surprise to patients who
have Buttered unuer me oiu regime.
Teeth without plates, bridge work and
gold crowns are welcome indeed to the
patient who has had the opportunity to
arail themselves of such as are made
bv Dr. White. Painless dental opera
tiona are performed daily. Teeth
filled, cleaned, and where extraction ia
necessary, which ia rare, without pain.
If a disinfectant smells good, it isn't
a good disinfectant
Experience of Phllip'a Fleet ia the
, tor ma of the German Ocean.
In the Century there to an artlcUi on
'The Spanish Aruiiula." by William
Frederic Tilton. After describing tho
defeat of tho Armada, Mr. Tilton aays:
Meanwhile the Butuilards wore speed
ing, crestfallen, over tho Gorman
Ocean, under all the canvas that ther
torn ringing and splintered spars would
bear. For Sldonla's men wore think
ing only of getting home to the warm
suu and sparkling water of theilr corn
Kspaua dear old Spain. Soldiers and
salkira lounged in sullen, silent groups
about tho decks. The flag-ehlp would
not respond to the salute of hor con
sorts. Tho wind blow northedy at
times, but tho duke forgot hla promlao
to sail back Into tho ChaiimJ. Ho
thought only of flight and offered his
French nllot two thousand ducats It
he should bring him safe to Spain,
Soon tho autumn storms burnt, and
tho Spaniards had to house everything
but a rag of sail to steer by. Thick,
black foga often settled down upon
them, so that they could not sec
one another's lUrhta at night One
day. however, they had the melancholy
satisfaction of capturing a fow En
glish iilnnncca returning from their
fishing-ground laden with cod and ling.
Thisone almost " regrets to aay it
was the greatest achievement of the
fleet thnt was to give Philip tho sov
ereignty over wentorn Europe. The
men had been upplkd with clothes
only for a abort summer campaign,
and them North Sen galea froao them
to tho bona "We all expected to come
home rich from Oils expedition," wrote
a gcnUeman on board the flag-ahlp,
na she was floundering paat Scotland;
"but now wo are coming borne In out
shirts, for our clothes got so ragged
that wo hnd to throw them overtHmrd."
To increase the w retched ncm. It bo
came necessary to reduce tho rations
to starving-polut The artillery mulea
and noblemen'a horses, which a wine
commander woilld have kept for food,
were cast overboard to save water. It
waa heartrending to see the wild white
eyes of the poof brutes aa," plimgtng
and snorting, they tried to swim back
to the ship's side.
It seemed Imperative to punish some
body for all this disgrace and misery.
A number of officers were accused of
disobedience or cowardice. Some of
these the duke deprived of theilr com
mands; and one captain was hanged
In a pinnace, which was sent through
the fleet with Hs grueaorae freight
dangling from the yard-arm as a warn
ing to the rest
The weather got ever wilder. The
clumsy ships heaved and rolled, and
plunged their yards deop Into , the
waves. Hulls got so badly atrained
that they bad to be stiffened with
ropes. Strong men nocuea to tne cnap
lalns, begging for their prayers. Many
a poor fellow, losing hope of Bowing
land again, made bis will and Intrusted
It to the ship's priest Men sickened
and died by hundred, sons of Spain'
noblest bouses with the rent Manj
ships got so short-handed that they
dropped lichlnd the main body, And
had to strugglo northward In toulitferJ
groups. Now and ttrcu a rotten kicini
would give way, and the sailors, weak
ened by hunger and slckneaa, bad tc
go aloft In tho gale to house tho tug
ging and bellying sail, lucky If shroud
and spars were not allppery and dan
gerous with tho driving sleet Though
midsummer, it was aa cold aa Chrbtfc
ma. Everyliody except the plloti
stayed below as much as poenlblo tc
keep warm. They were all perishing
with hunger and thirst ami tho IKU
f ckh!" they got was moldy. Thoy might
havo tried catching roln-water in
casks, but the spray would have turn
ed It salt. Calderon, one of the pay
masters, hnd a store of dellci-?loa
nlxiurd hla bulk, and distributed them,
as well as the heavy sea allowed.
among the sick and wounded of the
fleet Tho negroes and mulattoes, II
was observed, nearly all perished with
tho cold. Tho men were now kept
continuously at the pumps. Woe to
the ship when pumps got clogged with
bailout pebbles! It was hard and dan
gerous work shifting tho crews of
'Inking vessels . In the tempestuous
The Doctor Slocum System Has
Proven Beyond My Doubt Its
Positive Power Over the
Dread Disease
By Special Arrangement with the Doctor, Three Free Bottles
Will be Sent to All Readers of This faper.
The Doctor filofnm System,
as the name implies, Is a com
prehensive and complet sys
tem of treatment which at
tacks every vulnerable point
of the disease and completely
vanquishes It. It leaves no
point unguarded; it leave
J 10 phase of the trouble ncg
ccted; It cures, and euros
forever.weak Lungs. Cong us.
Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Consumption and all
Other Uiroa and lung
diseases by atwolutely
ODUteraung m cause.
-af)w- , A.i.awpayf.. B III I
x. .: r:i'r- zzi ' i.-.; '
I , ! ' """"L .aiH
rff " ' 'U -
EorroatAt NoTa.--The Doctor Blocum System Is Medicine reduced to aa
Exact Science by the World's moat Famous Thysician. All readers of this paper,
anxiou reffardina- the health of themselves, children, relatives or friend, may
have three free bottles aa represented in tho above illustration, with complete
directions, pamphlet, testimonials, eavtco, etc, oyscntiinir tnmr iuu Bmres w
Dr. T. A. Slocnra. theSlocnm Building, Nw York City. This is plain, honest,
straightforward offer, and is made to Introduce tho merit of Tho Now System of
Treatment to at nrea, ana w buviko nu auuoror iw m-vi-i ui .,.,.
offer at once. When writing the Doctor please mention this paper. All letters
receive Immediate and careful attention.
If You Suffer
Prom Epilepsy, Epileptic Spells, Fits,
St Vitus' Dance, rallin; Sickness
1 Vcrtlfo, etc, have children or
relatives tbat do so, or know
people tbat are afflicted.
My New Discovery,
Wages of Soldier.
Tho regular rates of pay apply to th
volunteer service, both to officers and
to men, as stated In the army register,
nlthough there Is an Increase enjoyed
by the regulars who have been In tho
army more than five years. The follow
ing Is the monthly stipend of officers
and soldiers of tbo United States army:
Mujor general
Ilrlgndler general ,
.pan oo
. M 83
. M 01
. m oo
. 208 83
. wo at
. ino oo
. IM 00
. 150 00
, liia n
. m oo
129 OO
l.leuuoant colonel
Captain, mounted ...........
Captain, not mounted .......
Kt-glmental anjuuiK
ll glmenial qimrtcr-nsatpr . ..
first lieutenant, mounted ....
Plrat lieutenant, not mounted
H.M.nA nontenant, mntintcd ..
decond lieutenant, not mounted . .. , 11 8T
Chaplain .
Pclvat ...
Mimlclan ' "S
i' .. ......... . . .........
Artflicr . W 00
tii,rm ariltlps QTBirr Aod 111
' ' a St
129 00
13 00
If 1 J fautry) "
plies of men and money for the Aiuer- J furth aonif tbe Ice edge for 1.7W miles,
lean colonies. He soiled from Boston rue ijlihest Ice edge was 014 btatute'
In the frigate Alliance, on Jan. 11, 1775). pjHea gouti, 0f the l.Kho t point reached
, ,
f I
am r
The harlKir waa frozen, and a pnswixe
had to be cut for the ship through tho
lee. . ' ... - ,
OH the Newfoundland banks , the
ship was sssalted by a terrible tempest
.w-I.-.i rtr,.i' '-Hi'tl-dl find I.n-
. ' I . m ,, u - ; ict , rr..
by Nansen, or ft74 mil
Harper's Weekly.
s from the pole.
Tr idlnir wlt'i Thaltr Own lino t
The popnlnllotl of Antwerp liu'ludet
'."lino (J-riiir)ls. vi bo, It Is nl(l, tm.'.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which It is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Cam'obria Fio Sraup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing tbe
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured
by the California via sratrp vo.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of tbe CaLI-
fobnia Fio Sracp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine 8ymp of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far la advance of all other laxatives,
as it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get lu beneficial
effect, please remember the name of
the Company
,f V " ( a vyymf frrf ii''r. JTfbiwr
Pin Hi-mouiit w
iL.,...tii Jafiulnaera. ordnanc SO'
signal corp) "jv
giTifeanls (algusl corps) 45 00
111 siiuent:
Chief trumpeter .
Principal musician
SsO'llcr seraeant
Chief musiciKn
Sftriceaiit major
OiiarlennastRr serReant
Sergeant major and quartermaster
Ordnance sergeant .................
Cmnnilsaarr s-rgeaiit
I'oat quartermaster sergeant
Hospital corps!
Hospital steward
Artlng boapltal steward
Veterinary surgeon (ai-nlor)
Veterlnarr snrgfon (Junior)
rioMpltal matron
82 00
22 00
2 2 00
00 W
2.1 00
28 00
80 00
M 00
84 00
84 00
45 00
29 00
IS 00
WO 00
Kllllna the Habit,
"I see by the papers thnt the cigar
ette habit is dying out."
"What's the cause? People smoking
"No; tho clgorette fiends aro dying
out" Naw York World.
iudklna from tbe Svnnd,
"1K you know thnt an ordinary
piano contains about a mllo of wlrof
"No. I should rather believe that an
ordinary piano contains about a wag-
- j - . - -
Will euro them, and all you are asked to
do is to send for a Free bottle and try it
I am quite prepared to abldo by the
result It has cured thousands where
everything clao bos failed. Plena givt
fall name, AGE, . and postofflce and
express address
WBL H. MAY. M.D- May Laboratory,
" Net t take ear tor M etherwta fetal
! Is U practically conaali shield. " Pine St, HCW TOTl Uty. ,
vtMmwm vnrt -Alt auflarara are aavlaed to sand for Oratoltoos Espert Advice and a Prat
Bottle of this Naw Discovery, which laan Unfailing Cor tor any and alt ot lb frightful forma ol
tpllepsr and allied oervoos disease. Wba wrlllni poetor aiay, piaaw re.m.o. oo. y..,
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers. I. C. Iluhinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to (1IVB A WAV a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
loaaSiful PosSil Picture
They are 1319 Inchca in iiie,and are entitled aa follows:
Lilacs and
,- . m . f ik
T ' wmiartii imim milriii-y
n p rTiimHrrsi ranfYe
Lilacs and
These rare pictures, four In number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest lubjccta
in hia atudio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The plcturea are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpaiiing
them in beauty, richness of color and artiatlc merit
riKHS llastic Starch
purchased of your grocer, it ia the best laundry atarch on the market, and
It sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for thii starch and gel a
beautiful picture.
all mms m? mtm turn, accept 19 substitute
Beat I own
. in iHMi
t All li .l f AILS.
t- n 11
feyriii. I'ant.ia
if A. Car I
Da, J.G, UorrMAM, 4l liialiell III
raa MOlll'tllNB
Slopped atonns
V'l.i ..1
i, I'liinaau,!)!.
Mo. so, 'aa,
1 jllHKM writing to advrtlaertiioas