Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 14, 1898, Image 4

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; The Dynamite Cralser Vesnvlns May
BevolBtlonls Naval Warfare.
The naval authorities of the world
ara anxiously watching the dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius, that tiny craft whoso
pneumatic guns did such terrible exe
cution at Santiago. The Vesuvius la in
a class by herself; there Is no other Tea
6d like her to the world. This Is the
first time In the history of warfare that
high explosive have been used In pneu
matic guns and the success that attend
ed the trials of the Vesuvius Bit San
tiago wHl In an probability revolution
ize the construction of warships. With
a greater range of fire, which K Is be
lieved by experts can and will be ob
tained by Improvements In pneumatic
gtms, the Vesuvius, or a vessel carry
Ing similar guns, would be more than
a match for the best battleship afloat.
The Veeuvlus was built br Cramps
at Philadelphia in 1886 and was accept
ed by the government and placed in
commission four years later. Its ar
mament consists of three pneumatic
jriro a, whkh are In the forward part of
the vessel. The guns are built Into the
vessel, which acts as a movable gun
carriage. Their muzzles are carried for
ward and project above the deck, near
the bow, at an elevation of IS degrees.
They are made of thin cast iron, are 15
Inches in diameter, and are 54 feet long.
They are not rifled, the vanes upon the
projectile being relied opou to give the
desired axial rotation. The full-sized
shells for the guns are 14 Inches in
dlajneter and about 7 feet long. A tail
Is fitted at the end of the shell with
spiral vanes, which secures its align
ment and rotation. They are designed
to carry a charge of 150 to 200 pounds
of dynamite or guncotton, and the ef
fect of the latter charge the results at
Santiago attest. Experts say that If
one of these giant shells exploded with
in twenty feet of an armored vessel, a
large section of the hull would disap
The shells are hurled from the guns
by compressed air and so powerful Is
this force that they can be. sent with
accuracy a distance of two and a half
miles. The air is compressed Into res
ervoirs containing a large number of
wrought iron tubes. Each shot that Is
fired at a mile range takes 150 pounds
of air. '
The guns are loaded and handled
with ease. Under the rear of each gun
are two "revolvers," each containing
five chambers for the shells. When the
7,.?K t
gun Is to be loaded the breech Is unfas
tened and falls on a pivot at the ex
treme rear end. The opening in the gun
comes directly In line with the lowest
chamber In tie "revolver." A hy
draulic ram pushes the shell forward
luto the breech, which Is at once swung
upward, completing the continuity of
the barrel The "revolver" is thus turn
ed forward one division so as to be
jvady to supply the next shell. Hydrau
lic power is used to execute all the
maneuvers. The complete armament
of each gun is ten projectiles.
' when the gun is to be fired the air is
admitted to the chamber by means of a
valve. The distance that the she will
be thrown depends upon the amount of
air admitted Into the pneumatic tube,
which Is controlled by the valve. The
firing can take place as rapidly as the
shells can be loaded into the tubes. ..
The Vesuvius is particularly 'Well
adapted for blowing up mines by ex
ploding dynamite shells In the mine
fields. A shot from one of her guns, it
l,i estimated, will set off every mine
within a radius of fifty feet from the
point where the shell explodes. The
t-ri at weakness of the Vesuvius lies In
Us armor, which Is but 8-10 of aa Inch
thick and could easily be pierced by a
Hhoii. The impact would be liable to
f.-t of? tlio dynnuiKe on board the vessel
and t!mt wou!'! le the lost of the Vesu
vius nnd the nervy men who man her.
Tiio tliftrojvr Is d(-:i'-d principally
Tr r-vi't a It tK-us. stealing up under
nv. f (f t! s (l i'IiM',", liol'iolcfwly (lis-
i ,i' ft f "a- t '.i. "i ftP'l tTn-n riwhlng
' . p.- a ! ' !i r' -1 of spi-",!, out of
i '"-"i';,.
oun vessel vnsuvsus in
Spain to educate Its people by Sunday
bull-fights. The following statistics
have been complied from Spanish
"Ouerrita is the king of G tore
dores. lie earned $01,200 during the
season of 1807, from April S to Oct 80.
Next after hltn came Keverte, with
(23,700; Maaiantlnl, with $20,000; Bom
bita, with $25,800; Algnbeno, with $23,
000; Puentes, with $10,500; Mlnuto,
with $15,000; and Villlta, with $10,000.
Premier Canovas salary was $5,400 a
year. There were during the season
438 performances, In which 1,218 bulls,
worth $300,000. were killed. Over 0,000
horses perished In the fights. These
figures include only high-class bull
fighting at the most important cities.
In each of the smaller towns they have,
every year, one or two fights In which
the number of persons killed or crip
pled always exceeds that of the bulls
Went Ashore at Santiago, TraTeted 72
Miles, and Fpted Cervera's Fleet.
Lieutenant Victor Blue, whose bold
tour of Santiago de Cuba Bay won for
him high praise from Admiral Samp
son, has taken his place beside Ilobson,
Rowan, Fremont and the other young
men who have distinguished them
selves In the war with Spain. Blue
made a tour around the bay of seventy
miles, and counted the four armored
cruisers and the two torpedo boat de
stroyers of Cervera's famous armada.
Young Blue had no lack of exciting ad
ventures after Sampson's ships got into
Cuban waters. He was in charge of
the Suwanee (the transformed May
flower) when hostilities began, and he
accompanied the Gussle on her expedi
tion. The Suwanee, backed up by the
gunboat Newport, tried to entice the
Spaniards Into a fight, but they refused
the bait Blue's boat ran on a reef near
Cape Francis, and would have made an
easy prey for the Spaniards. She did
not get away until after twelve hours
had passed. Blue ran the gantlet of
five Spanish gunboats, and reached the
outposts of General Gomel, where he
planted the American flag. On his re
turn from hie hazardous expedition
around Santiago Bay be brought with
him a copy of a Santiago newspaper,
His daring trip Into the very homes of
the Spanish set at rest the fiction that
the Cape Verde fleet was not bottled up
in the little bay.
Beautiful Tropical Plant Which Grow
Offtha Coaat of England.
. The breezy Isles of ScIIly, Just off the
Cornwall and Devonshire coast of Eng
land, are almost an eighth wonder of
the world In regard to the remarkable
way In which tropical plants flourish
on them. In the spring London Is bur
led under the daffodils and Arum lilies
from these fragrant bits in the sea, and
the flora of Australia, New Zealand,
Algeria, Mexico and South Africa is
lavishly represented In the northern IhI
ands. Tree ferns, the curious eucalyp
tus and groups of flowering dracaenos
abound, but probably lA foredgn plant
reaches a higher degree of perfection
than does the toll aloe, which is partic
ularly beautiful about the quaint old
church on Tresco Island, where the lord
proprietor has hjs borne.
lMsproved tha Blander.
There is a Mexican bull fighter El
Curlta whose enemies have made tho
statement against him that he bad
been beaten by a woman. He denied
this and notified the local newspapers
that the actual facts Were that be had
knocked tho woman down four times
with a chair. Moreover, be had been
sentenced to Jail, but his elgbt-day
SitniU'riee hud been commuted on tho
t'T "t of n flno, which he conntruod
, - . Mini t.-i.-j rt-
r . 'V n
Joet Chandler Ilarrla Began Life aa a
Printer' " Devil."
Mr. Harris will always be known,
first and foremost, as the author ot
the "Uncle Remus" tales. Few men
make two literary hits In one lifetime.
It was genius that Induced this South
ern newspaper writer to give the world
the negro folk tales which he had
heard as a boy about tha wide, old fash-
loned fireplace. It was literary Instinct
of a high order which enabled him to
reproduce so perfectly the dialect of
the Southern negro and at the same
time make It clear to one who never
lived in the South. Since "Uncle Re
mus" gave Harris a world-wide fame
be has written many stories, ail of
which are marked by perfect simplicity
and clearness of style snd by admir
able character-drawing. One long story
he has essayed, but It was not a suc
cess. It will interest young writers
to know that Mr. Harris' favorite book.
when he was a boy, was "The Vicar of
Wakefield," and that he read Gold
smith's story so often that even now
he can repeat many pages of It He
began life as a printer's boy at 12 years
of nge, and It was at the printer's como,
like Ben Franklin, that he first felt
the Impulse to put bis thoughts Into
Famous Old 6wlaa Who Piloted Many
Traveler Over tha Alpa.
Of all the guides who have helped
American travelers to love the Alps
the chief, perhaps, was Christian Aim
er. He was the king of his tribe. Ho
enjoyed his calling, and pursued It from
boyhood with the zeal of an artist
Until he was quite an old man the
famous old Swiss was actively engaged
in "guiding." His eye was keen, bis
foot sure, his Judgment unerring and
his delight In crossing the most dlflk-ull
of the paxses and mounting the steep
est of the peaks was great long after
most guides have retired to the cblm
ney corner and given their business up
to tbelr sons. Aimer lived at Grlndel
wald In Swltaerland. . He was photo
graphed there a year ago with his wife
on their golden wedding day. He died
Xhe Soldiers' Good-Uy.
She bravely biule her Horace good-hy,
That girl with the auburn hair,
And smiled through the tear that dimmed
her eye,
That clrl-wlth the auburn hair,
And she klned him, and kiHscd him, and
kissed bim,
That girl with the auburn hair,
And kissed blm, snd kiwscd him, and
klxned him.
And kiMwd him, and kiwied him, and
kissed him,
And his soldier comrades bad to lt him
To leave that girl so fair.
Chicago Tribune.
; Another Powerful Anaesthetic.
According to the British and Colonial
Druggist a Russian chemist hns discov
ered a most powerful anaesthetic. It
Is several thousand times more power
ful than chloroform, volatilizes power
readily and acts, when freely mixed
with air at great distances. Experl
ments are being made nt St. Petcrnburg
to see If It cannot bo Inclosed In bombs,
which would have tho extraordinary
effect of anaesthetlclslng Instead of
wounding the enemy. ,
Where Wonv n Go I'ardiea led.
In Mexico women of every rank go
hnrpheadd. .
j ill 1 i iii
America' Greatest Madlclna Con
quers Disease and Suffo ling.
Iimm re blood is the foe of mankind, tho
cause and promoter of scrofula, unit
rheum, boiln, tores, pimples and erup
tions, catarrh, rheumntiam, dyi'p1,
malaria, and that tired fueling. Hood's
SarsapArilla overcomes these ilmeum's by
making the blood rich ami pure.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It America's Greatent Medicine. $1; six lor I.
Hood's fills iir ludlRoatton. W rents
' A Modish Idea.
In treating the tin summer fubtics.
says 6t. Paul's, the up-to-date modistes
have hit on the happy plan of closely
tuoking the upper part of the skirt
from tlx waist to above the knee,
whence the material hangs full and
free round the feet. The stylo is well
expressed In green and white foulard.
the top of the skirt vertically tucked,
tbe hem finished with two narrow
plnked-ont ruches of white silk. Tbe
bodice, something of the shape of a
tness jaoket, was entirely tucked, and
opened over pretty vest of white silk,
domed with green ribbon embroidery.
Tbe sleeves of the green and white
foulard were tucked from shoulder to
wrist, and ended with bell cuffs lined
with white silk.
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or ttitht shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tha feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet,' blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Tea thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it Imfay. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c Sent
by mail for 2."ie In stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le
Roy, New York.
Tbe most ancient coin in Europe,
tbe ducia, was first struck in tbe mint
of Venice in the year 1284. Tbe build
ing is still in existence.
Tha new Improved Btoufthton wagons
stand the rocket. Three more car loudx are
on the way. It pavs to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. - JOHN POOI.K.
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port-
laud, ur.
Not within living memory has there
been known so abnormally snow less a
winter in European Russia as the past
Dr. T. H. TTblto. No. 871 K Morrl
son street, cor. Fourth, Portland, Or.,
Is tbe only representative in tbe Pscifio
Northwest of the patented system of
Crown and Bridge Woik, invented by
Dr. L JL White, of San Franoisco. By
this method yon do not have teeth ex
1 1 acted because they are decayed to tho
gums, In order to have new teeth in
serted. Instead you can bave crowns
put oa old roots, restoring the same to
natural conditions and artificial teetb
Inserted where they bave been re
moved. These operation! are performed
quickly and painlessly. Dr. White,
by the use of electricity and other
methods, fills and extracts teeth with
out pain. -.
Opium eating has become a habit
with the Kaffirs in South Africa. The
Chinese are the chief purveyors of the
riTt renoanmitly Cnred. e fl In or norTonmes
tie after A rat y's os of L-r. Kliue'n on-at
Nerve Roslorar. Senil Sot fUM SS.QO trial
bottle and traitla IR- B. U. KldliiL Ltd.. tuu
An atnet, fUU-deimi a, Pa,
Cobettdi Vacs explored the Gila
river country in IS35, and reported
that the natives were dressed in cotton
garments. .
Plso'sCure for Consumption is ths only
WUII 'II' ll't upu II , I JVHI . j,
Albright, MillUnbnrg, Pa., Dec 11, 1806.
. The highest waterfall in the world
is Cholook cascade, at Yoeemite, Cat.,
which is 2,686 feet high, or Just half
mile. - ' '
Try ScbtlllDs's Best tea and baking powder.
Centennial of Electricity.
A centennial of electricity will be
celebrated at Como, Italy, tbe birth
place of Volta, from May to October,
1890. It is understood that everything
pertaining to the advancement of elec
tricity will be represented. At tbe
same time an electrical congress of the
world's prominent electrical enginoen
will be held.
A new German antiseptic, called
protargol, Is a compound of silver and
protien. A one pel cent solution is re
ported to destroy the bacteria of an
thrax and enterio lever.
A French Journal states that among
the recent nsei which have been dis
covered for acetylene gas is a motor
which has special advantages for use
in automobile vehicles.
Clocks can be accurately leveled by
a new shelf, which bas s fixed wall
plate supporting a pivoted, adjustable
shelf, with lovels in the top, to be set
by thumb screws on the under side.
, The Japanese have a gigantic coloni
sation schema on foot In Mexico.
"-XA.f. L..,-L.-..l.,.,.. "......i L. '. .. g
Hatches Without Phosphorus.
The Belgian government has scat
tered broadcast over tho world an an
nouncemnnt that prise of 50,000 f.
((9,650) would he awarded to ths orig
inator of a scheme by which matches
may be made without phosiiliorous.
Tho competition is internntiunnl and
the matches must ignite on any snr
face. It Is open until Jammiy 1, 1800,
and competitors must hirnish a quan
tity ot the material as well ns 10,000
matches. All communications and
packages will be addressed, to M.
Woests, state minister, . president of
the committee, department of imhiRtry
and labor, No. 8 Rue Laterals, Brus
sels. TIiohu communications and
panknges can be forwarded any time
from now until the Hist of January,
181)0. Tho inventors whose mntalios
fulfill the aforesaid conditions under
title B will have to give proof that tho
Industrial manufacture of said mutches
is practicable They must pledge
themselves to the manufacture of at
least 1,000.000 matches on Belgian
territory, in some place designated by
a gi com cut botween tho Inventor and
the committee, and in the presence of
the committee oi a delegation of tho
RccsuneoMrO'inent rains In Cnhs malnrlnl
levers sre a common ailment there, pint as
they are In ninny nectUmsnl I In) l'nltii Stales.
Ailments ol Hi ink lull, no matter in what irt
ol tln globe they occur, are quickly cured with
liosteitcrs Blomacn inner, nesiavs nemu m
kih'oUIc for malarial tronhlea, then littler
also make pure, siron nerve and
muscle, ami firm, healthy llenli. They have
no equal lor dyiuisl and conatlpatlon,
Loniral Trolley Ride.
Tho longest oleotrio railway In tho
world Is said to be that operated be
tween Kenosha and Waukesha Uouch,
both In Wisconsin. This line is 63
miles long, and airangonieiits have
been made by tho Milwaukee Electric
Railway and Light Company to run
chartered cais from Milwuukeo to
Waukesha Beach. Commutation
tickets, sold at a lower rate than the
regular steam roads, and othur induce
ments are oxpneted to bring a heavy
traffic. " -
Beware of Olntmenta far Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy tho sense of
smell and completely dcrauge the whole sv.
tcui when enterlnii it throuith the mnwin ur
face. tfuch articles should uvver be ued ex
cept on proscription from reputable phyal
cln, as thedamsre they will do la leu fold to
the xood you can poatlbly derive from thorn.
Hull' Caiarrh Cure, maiiiilartured by F. J.
Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contain no mercury,
and I taken Internally, eel lug directly upon
the blood and mucous surface of the syltuin.
In buy ln Uall'i Caiarrh Cue be aure you net
the Kenntne. II I taken internally, and made,
lu Toledo. F.J. Cbener i Co. Teii
monlal free.
r-old by riruKKlit. price 7.1c per bottle.
uaii s ramuy run are uie ueb
Paper was first manufactured In the
East, and was introduced into Kuropo
by the Moois in the eighth century.
X Established 1780.
celebrated for more
than a century u I rji
delicious, nutritious, r
and flesh forming
beverage, has our ?
Yellow Label ?
on tha front of every c7
package, and our V
Iraile-m-rk,"!, Pelle j
CliocolaiiiTe,"ou the
CatTT " S
Dorchester, Mass. j?
42& ar3tfra3aa33r333ra!S
Bishop EcQUaCita'Tir
A Ittxtrdtiisi nd I my Hchma for tvy..
JHIIlUiry rllMipUn h ftmrirn of V. A.
Army otHttyr. I'rimary, prftwrkiory
ni AttuW-mlfi dt-fiatrlmftiU. MmiumI
Trlnmg or Hloyd hmn reiitly bt-rn n
tlivl. Hoyii nf mcm rvcHvtxt.
Htrlnl limtrutlun In ninnlo, mo1rrn
UriKiuiiics, BtriMrssphy. TliroiiKh eot
lfC ir'jnirtiuh a Ri'itilty, ('kiaIukuc
on lapiilfyutloo lo the nrtndiml, J. W.
UlLL.M.t), P. O. lrwer 17. Port
In n1. Or.
Is it Wroni
Get It Right.
Keep It Right
Moore's Revealed Bemedywilldo It. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
horn Stewart A Holmes prnf Co., Seattle.
OUY the CEr.uir.i-
1. 1 t'DsnllM
8topM-d stonce
Pa. J.C. Ilurraas, Vii Isabella IIMk, ChkaKo.Ill.
top drinkin
Make money by succosful
peoulatluiilnCiiioaKo. vve
bur aul ll wheat oa mar
Kill. ftVjrllliwt. havA lin
rr.ailo on a una! I tioa-liiiilii hy trailinirln tu.
ture. Write fur full panliiuiart. () ri.
re nca Riven, fcevmal jrearf astairiaiKie on ths
(. iii' ni'O nir'l of "1T..1R. sin) a iimrnitiiti know.
At liuriiiiKitnie, foil muieo couniy, viu..
Is one of tliv most tlitiMtiKli, cnrvful itnd
..Mnil.,.1 utr.iii.,uil,t j, Km fniiiwl on
the Pnclite Coast. Accredited at unite and
rituiiford Universities. Tliuroiixli prepnra
tlnii for business, Hum! for cutulouuo. Ira
(1, Hoitt, ph. 1)., lrliiulal. lto-opens
aiik. liui,
Modern Method In tha Old World.
Tho lighting of the tombs In tho in
terior of the pyramids and (he outlln
in. of tho tops of the pyininlds with
arc lumps hits brought homo to Western
minds tiio fiint that electricity is rapid
ly being adopted in (lis fur EuNtvrn
vountireii. Th Western Eleotriolnn
In a recent Issue states that electric
linlitliitf, Bnoinlly for liousoliold pur
poses, is rapidly progressing ' in l'.tfypl.
It Is offered at clunp rates, mid is fur
pieferable in the Egyptian olliimto to
tho very ordinary quulity of gas sup
plied by tho gas company at Cairo,
which has been granted a concession to
simply electric light Only two trains
on the government luilwny are nt pros
ent equiiipcd with electric lights, but
other installations are tn-opoaod. The
gas company mentioned 1ms contracted
to light all Cairo by electricity in lit u
of gns, and it is confldontly expected
that Alexandria will soon adopt tho
same method.
Burglars, by boring a large hole In a
door of ths courthouse at Impcndhl,
Nntal, giilnod admittance, smanhml
open , the safe and carried oil 700
pounds sterling of native hut-tux money '
jubt oolluctud. Natul Moicnry.
No parental cars nvoi fulls to tho lot
of a single member of the Insect tribe,
in general the eggs ot an Insect aro
destiiiad to bo hatched long after the
parents are dead, so that most insects
arc born orphans.
..Great Removal Sale..
Draw Immense crowds and is bringin' in mail orders at a rale that hi s ncccs
titated the employment of a largely increased clerical fore.
Half a million dollars' worth of good MUST be told before we move Into our
new store, and only .
' ...Greatly Reduced Prices,.
ob the entire stock can bring about this result.
All mail orders -filled at Removal Sale Prices.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, J. C. Hubiiigcr Ilros. Co.. of Keokuk, Iowa, have
J..l.l...l ... 1IVP A WAV K.,.iSf.,l :h ...i, ..... l .... ..I
UKtmnU hiviim i. m ni .. ,.
atafvh ai.lil. 1'hi&e nrvai'nla
Icoufifu! Pastel Pictures
They are 13x19 inches In iljr.and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
1 4aw - . ,
mm MiMS or fio tf
Rt0WWWa, WmtMLjf
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned psatel artist',
R. LeKoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced In all the colors used In the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit.
One of these pictures Wat I JP a I
:& r'u Elastic Starch
purchased of your grocer. It is the bent laundry starch on.1 he market, and
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a
beautiful picture.
firr uniiBln.
UvrfiUM YJ (lllfHlliiliM
f - J atria turt, of ni n n i
or ui i ,si,,ua
fv..i .i, ' PninluM, .rut unt aNtlla.
Mltlll)HKi'l 0o, St o ulmuous.
f.'KCHMTi.O-f J RiM,
Two Lottors tcf Mrs. Plnkhom.
Mrs. Joiiji Wim.umm, EnglUhtown,
K. J. writes i
" Drab Mns. TinkiUm: I oitnnotb
gin to tell yon hot I ufTircd bufora
taking your rcuu'dlcs. I was mo weak
that I could hardly walk across tins floor
without fallinir. I bad" womb trutiblo'
and such a bourlng-down fcultng also
suffurod with my buck and llmlm, pnlu
In womb, Inflammation of tho bladder,
plica and Indigestion. lUiforo I had
taken one bottle of fiydln K. l'inkhnm's
Vegetable Coiiiiound I felt n giHMttdcul
bettor, and afUir t.'ililnjf two and one
half battles and half a box ot your
I.lvor I'llls. I was cured. If uioro would
take ytmr mcdlcino they would not
have to suffer so much."
Mm, JoNKl'll rKTKHWlN, Rl 3 Eltat fit)
Warren, l'a., writes!. '
"Dkab Mna. I'inkiiam: I have suf
fered with womb trouble over UfUiou
years. I had lullummittlon, cnliirgo
mont and dlplavement ot the womb.
I had ths baekacho wnstantly, also
headache, and was so dl.xy. I hod
heart trouble, It scumcd as though my
heart was In my throat at times chok
ing mo. I could not walk around and
X could not Ho down, for then my heart
would beat so fast I would hid as
though I won smothering. I had to
sit up in bed nlghla in order to breutho.
I was ho weak I could not do any
" I hare now taken several bot
tles of Lydla K. Pinkham's Vcgutablo
Compound, snd used three puck
ages ot rianative Waah, and can say
I am perfectly cured. I do not think
I could have lived long if Mrs. I'ink
barn's modlclno had not helped ma."
- .,...,.. , -1 . .. . , .iim ,nii im.h y,
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