Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 14, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1808.
The rrlr Mtwfifli(ii.ii iofhai)BKli( f 1,80,
will MclMiiNd. A profit murk imnil thin
nntv Inrtfrtn that ymit Mtmcnprkm hat
pirn. riMwir timttiMlr,
Burr are visiting In
I hnvlnft a well
J. R. Clark flnUlmd digging I1 H
thin week.
R. nd Mrs.
P. H. PtpliKnon
dug on lil rcmlii.
V, L. Vlro I having a new barn
built thin k.
Mr. Hlcp'f nfHt niltmn on tlie writ
lite of town I dlxjiit fiii,tMf l.
Qui lt ( wimiI whn ioM In The lallrt
lt we-k for 18 ''tit r pimml.
Mn. Wiling hd'I chiMrpfi wiyU to
I'lne cwk Hnniliiy to vlnit rt'lntivi.
RfV, JntinN, of Foll, will ftrfnch
htnnxt 4'KnUy iiwrniiig, July
at tl oVI.H-k.
Mr. Pi'hiilt, of Olrx. wmi) in town Hut
nrlHy, the nurd of Ml daughter, Mm.
T. J. Johiimm.
J. W. illitk l. lt (nut TlmrntNT for
Omnlm. and Wvomlnir polmit, expH-ilntr
to t in until Kf iitfinlr.
Hniw Pnn.liiy, July 8, 1808, to Mr.
and Mr. B. It, Ommw, a on,
V H. Wxthrr and child Mint wvll,
0. (I. Monv, who hitd rlim-if of the
piibllc celiiNil of tlil iIm for a riiilt'
v( yrnrt, In town tlif Hrnt of On
week. II In Hi prrient t-ngHgi-ti in It'll
Ing h'IioiiI inppllca,
J. R. FrKir, of nmr Ime Boric,
In tan nn huHlne Sntnrlny. !!
peoU t't llrlniT III fit mil V hprH till fill1
In ordr to give M children the bent Hi
of good tchool iirlvilcgfi.
TU nlv lntnlM olllcfra of the
T. O. O. V, Ijmlgv of thl filNii n, C. 8
Valuer, N. .', 8. I). FlHchnr, V. II.;
II. L. I'l-opm, 8er. ! K. W. Moore, I'er.
Bvo.; H. N. Fmwr, Treat.
0. W. While, of Trull Frk. wtnrn.
ButunUv evening from CMi-ntC", wtiw
ha markcli'd a train loal of nmtt'iii
aheep. He found the n.Hrket fairly
Mltfitrtory I ml gradually (wiling, j
J. E. Juhn"n. of near Lone IWk ,
wat In town Hiiiiirdav with three Out
draft horite whirh, we ondHmtand, wciv
for eul. The animal whiiihel 1410.
1420 and 14 N) (muml respectively,
Count Clerk Vrnwr hat appointed
J. R. Fruanr, of Ime Rock, a hi dep
Oty for the enniiiT term. The appoin
ts I wfll qialiltfd f,r the woik of lie
office and i detervekng uf ilia appoint
ment. Corllea Merrelt. late of Portland lie
m-eelcd Oil ltteron a edilor of Hr
Iteppncr Unn-ito. Mr, - t'alterann will
duiu hi new dutif h receiver of the
U. 8. Und Oitti at Tho D.illoi aboui
Aogilnt let.
Jiweuh I'arrlao ha moved the hnildinv
which lie ha been outnpylng a a rn!
dunce to lota recentlv pnr-hatel of E. A.
May at the hrad of Mln tlreet. I !
pecuti build an addition to bit resi
dence later.
C. T. Plnkham, of Foil. ha been
ptxilnted deputy In Sheriff Wilou'r
olth-e. He was sworn In Momtae, Mr
I'inkham ha had lar eapfrlence at
clerical work and will doubtless n. a kt
an eicelleut deputy.
The following new officer were In
atallcd at the lat meeting of the WokI
men Camp of ihl place : H.N. Fritter.
Consul Comoiandrj H. A. Pattlmn, Ad
vlwt-r l.lciitenant i W. M. Duulap, E-Norl ,
W. A. iM'lln, WNU'hinan tl. L. I'roptt.
Sentry; E. W. Moore, Munagur.
Charlia llabesohn, the brick and ton
maeon, ha been tmildinir a number of
flue lately and I prepared to do ah
kinds of work in hi line on short m-tice.
Itrlck, lime etc. kept on linn. I. Call o
him when you need any uiason work
Mr. Win. Dunlap met with a vert
erlon and painful accident nn Thursday
morning ol last week, by stepping nn an
upturned nail and running it almost
through her frnt. The nail wa a 20
penny, and lnfli'ted a painful and what
might have been a very serious wouwd.
R. B. Poag wa initiated Into the mys
teries of Wi-odcrafion Thursday eveninv
of Inst week. The Woodmen Camp ir
growing right along thl summer, new
application being received at every
meeting. It I one of the bet fraternal
Insuranne organisation in existence.
O. J. Caven wa in town Saturday
from Pine creek with a loud of as flue
cherries a were ever marketed in anv
country. They weie of the Royal Ann
variety, oeuiiewhat maUer than orange
and sweet- a the nectar of the gil
Mr. Caven Imd no trouble In dlspoNiiiu
of In entire loud at 10 cent per pound
Mr. Mitchell, hi daughter, Mm. II.
Qour, and her three children, and Ml"
Mitttla llarrigan, all of Lexington, Mn.
re visiting the family of Mike Hum
mere, and other friend In thl vicinity
tbi suiiimer. Mr. Qonr is an rid school
mate of Mcsdauie Cooner, Smltti and
Rusrell, and also of the Summer boy.
8. V. Moore and Frank Palmer, with
their families, left yesterday for a sum
iner out inn In the OthiIo mountain
Their deatinatlon I Clear lake, where
is Sii I to ! I iui) 1 the Un-st trout fiiii
I nit in the West. Thev will travel in a
Concord coach and four, and are sure to
have an enlovahle trip. They will be
gone about one month.
The connty curt decided to allow the
clerk ana sheriff ileputv hire for thl
vear. tlm former receiving tflitO, and th
latter t liOl) for that pnrp me, Till acti m
wa riichl. The work of neither olll.-e
can lie prnperlv d ine without a deputy
and it is rlirht and proiier that the noun
tv should iiiv reitsoimhlv for ait-li aerv
lee. No county can alfird to have lis
work poorly dona or It olliuer over
Otl Patterson, of the lleppnerOniotta
nd Js. II, McKihhen, of the Portland
Senator, brightened our sanctum lor
few moment last Saturday with thulr
presence. Mr. Patterson I making
tour of the Interior town visiting olfl
clally thedl(Ttrent K. of P, lodne. being
Grand Chancellor of that order in thl
tate, while) Mr. McKlblmn, whose pa
per ia the K. Pa. oryrn n in Oregon, Is
with him for the pleasure of the trip
and to meet the brother of the various
loduet. The gentlemen are both all
right newspaper men, of the kind who
will always receive the glad hand at the
Qwia otCoe. Call gtu, guDtlciiicn.
John Linn Murdered.
riie people of thl vicinity were shock-
, on Tlinrndiiy of lnt week, hyreuiliuK
in the Uregoninii an iici-otint of the inur
lr id John LI n n at ' Alder Hpriugs, near
tlie mioimil i f the Csscmle iiiounliiin,
on the Iftdi of June, the murder beiti-
ommlttvd by Claude BmoMii. folio
Inn is the Oregoniau' account of the
"Kuifene Ore.. Jul 6 Officer here
have joM learned of a mur-lcr at Alder
prion. 80 mile ent of Engi'iie, on the
VlcKinsie river, June lo, Courtlnri'1
ureeu end Clmi'le Braiilnn acre coiiiiiin
ai-rors Hie iiionutNin with Jon n Lino, ol
onilon. with a IihikI of horses. Lion
and Branton Imd trouble over a settle
ment while camped at Honaw ereelt,
irook connlv. Thev arrived at Ahler
prlntrs June 15, Hint corrHleil their
ore. Linn lav down hv the tire.
Ireen v oon eflr. w hile lie whs irel-
llng wimuI, he henrd the reH,rt of a pis-
lie loukeit rou nil, lie save, anl
aw lininioii stunilltiK over LI nu mini a
"inokliiit revolver. Lino wa shot, thro'
the lieml. Oreen jvi he does not ki ow
what wa done with the IhhIv, as he and
Urn ii ton went to Weltervilie the next
Iiiv. Branton told a friend there ol the
hootinw of Linn. OihVer were Inter
Informed, end are now seHrchlng for
flranbiii. IVimHv rrovecntina' Hiirri
and Coroner Cheshire left for .Alder
tirlnifn tonliftit, Linn whhIvmii 60 vear
of ir. Branton and Ureen are young
The Eiifene R'-gister lve a more
lelalled account of the murder which I
lonflrniHtory of the report given alive
It eems that lireen waa frightened by
the cold blooded deed, and Wn so much
ifr id of flranton that he did not peak
f the murder to any one until the story
lekod nut, after their arrival at Walter
vllle, from remark made by Branton
Moo-elf. Ureen then told the etory to
lil uncle, who at once started 111 m to
Eugene to notify the proper olflcere.
Krnton left the horse at Seavey' place,
near Waltervllle, In a pasture, and came
Imck across the mountain to I'rinevllle.
Liter he returned to the Valley, visited
in uncle at Pleasant Hill, and the last
een of him wa on the nlifht of Julv 31.
t Crewll, Lane iKinnty, where be wa
waiting for a train, presumedly with
the Intention of going to California. He
had declared hie intention of enlisting
In the srinr, end all olflcerr are especial
ly requested to watch recruiting station
or him.
A late report in the Evening Telegram
Hates that officer who were eearehine
for Linn' hod found only the bone
and a few lorn remount of hi clothing,
Linn wa well known in thi section.
aving been resident here for 12 or H
veer. He wa of economical habit ami
had accumulated ronidereble inonet
and alo owned a latiid of horse that
ranged In the Ferry Canyon section.
le worked for different dinner and
tockmen In thl section und wssai-
nnted a giNxl hand but of a omew hat
peculiar disposition. He waa alMitit 45
vear of age. Branton came here last
fall from Walteiville, Lane connty, will.
hi mother, and the family resided here
luring the winter, Mr. Branton e-
nrd a divorce from her husband at
the April term of court, here, and it i
nmored around town that Linn wa a
ultor for Mr. Branton' band, and one
tory wa circulated that after the paity
left Condon in June, Linn and Mr.
trantou left the other and went to
A'aahington acd were married. Tbi
torv lack confirmation, however, and
i given for what it I worth.
Young Ureen also came here from the
Weltervilie country and worked for Pat
ikelly during the spring. The three
nen, Linn, Branton and Ureen, left
here on the 5th dav of June with a Imnd
f Linn's horse for the Valley, and Mrs.
trantou left at almut the rame time.
Linn wa a memla-r of Condon Camp
Voodtnen of the World, and carried
t'300.) policy on hi life in that order.
trawn In favor of hi legal heir. He
ad no known relative on thi coeet,
but is enppoaed to have a sifter liv
ing either at Ualestiurg or Alla-rton, III.
Linn made hi home with the family
if John Palmer, of Ferry Canyon iimsi
d the time for the' last 10 year. Ed.
Palmer, who perhaps knew as much ol
.inn's business as anv man In the coun
try, informed the Uuea that Linn took
hi trunk, which contained all hi pa
pers, letter etc., with him or rather, eent
it In the wagon In which Mr. Branton
went. He ws moving bis horses across
the mountain for a hotter range and
imd arranged with Claude Branton to
run the band on share. , He had f 1500
lue him nn July lit as he ha t promised
E l Palmer to let him have that sum
on that date to Invest lu cattle, tie ex
pected to return to Palmer's about the
llmt of the month and spend the Fourth
there. Ed think he bad perhaps $120
with him when he left here. -
Late advice from Eugene addressed
to P. H. Stephonson, in response to in
quirles made by him, are to the effect
that the coroner and prosecuting attor
ney have returned from Alder springs
after holding an inquest over all that
remained of the body of John Linn
The body had Wn cremated in the
camp-fire and so carefully had the Horn!
isli hutcher accomplished his horrible
tusk all that could he recovered by the
ntllcer wa a few charred bones, buttons
suspender buckle etc. A eectlon of the
skull, portion of lower jw, toe Joint and
some teeth are all that can Im positively
Identified a having belonged to a hu
man being. The nepender buckles
found are of rather large site and bear
the word 'GLADIATOR" on middle
har. An ax, found beside the camp
fire, stained with blood, had evidently
been used by the murderer to chop the
hod? of his victim into small puice to
facilitate the work of cremation.
Taken altogether It wias one of the
most cold blooded and etroclous crime
ever perpetrated in the state,
Latkr. Conrtland Ureen has lieen
arrested at Eugene a an accessory to
the murder of Linn, and placed under
I7.B00 bond to appear before the grand
jury, lie it In jail. Branton ia still ut
largo. Au officer ha gone to San lfrau
cleco t look tor Mm,
Antelopo Wiped Out.
0 ir neighboring town of Am lope,
in Wttnot county, W.H hIumM Mully de
slroyd by fire la-t Hunday night. The
lire originated in Condon's howling al
ley from h lump explosion. Every hiil
iicpS Iiouhp in tin tomi wa horned with
l he except ion of Irving' store, iJicki-n-ww's
livery stable and the Emeka ho
tel, L estimated at ffiO.000, insu
rance (25, 000. The town council ha
lieen fooling along for mouth discos'tnu
the water work question but hive fail
ed to do aiivthlug and when the fire
came the town was utitrepii"red. Con
dou mIm mi l I fearn a leeson from the mis
fortune uf her neighbor.
. ' CLEM.
8ui'h , weather! I I
Mi Carrie Danneman commenced
leaching school at Clem Monday.
J. PeMilte is in the neighborhood look
ing up well digging, with whet aucces
we have not learned.
U ihlke broke off one of his front teeth
Saturday while chewing on some of
dover's cherry pits, making hi in (if pos
sible) look worse than ever.
A. S. Thomas and family called at
Hover' Sunday evening to admire the
liowers. cherries, etc. Ahhv think the
-herrie far ahead of the flower.
Hum Baxter came down from Condon
awheel Sunday and "laid over night at
the ll.iiiiieiiiao ranch, returning to Con
don Mondav in company with a long
haired tatok agent, who was also awheel.
Charley Wester ha returned from the
Vallev, where lie ha been with a maple
if carload of horees. He i-eein to le-
well pleased with the eales. though he
hIh v have fallen off some in fl-b, as lie
loen t look a though he weighed much
iver three hundred pounds now.
We understand that one of our popular
voting ladies wna obliged to flee to the
mountain on account of too much at
tention from the vonng men. Blood.
you ought lo be ashamed of ynnrelve.
vVe admit she is a heart cruaher, yet vou
ought to allow her the pleasure of her
own company for at least a part of the
David Bowman, onr blacksmith, tell
us that Uorg Welahon ha fallen heir
to a steam engine, and that he I think
ing of gelling Ueurge to go in partner-
hip with him in the liti-koiith hni
nes. I'HVid propoee putting the tleam
engine In the shop, get a steel turn
ing In I he, and turn out horseth'-e nail.
rqure barrow teeth,' etc., and David
ihink eventually be can turn Ueorge
into father-in-law.
Valuable Canines.
Ed Dunn recclvnt it comdgnmeiit of
valuable u,rinef all the. way from "old
Mleaonrr," tuie day lait week, and since
that time ha been buying his beef
ateuk etc. lit job lot. The enliiiiil are
of (lie hound variety, and that they ere
ihoroiighbred in evidence by their wealth
if ear, Voice an I appetite. The ah-p-mentcoiisisted
of an entire family, pater,
mater and two email puppies, but one
of the latter enevnnided lo'the dincooi
fori ol (he long Journey, change of cli
mate, etc., and, shortly after hi eriival,
turned np his little da and pnred on
to that place to which all good little
logs are aupposed to finally emigrate,
I'he outfit cost about' tHK) laid
dow n here, exclusive of medical attend
ance and funeral expense for the little
one lhat "so quickly pasaed away," hut
they are considered cheap dog el that
price. They were imported for the pur
(one of making the coyote, which are
it iiiimeron on the sheep range, hard
to catch, and it ia lielieved that one well
ilirected howl tired into a pack of these
iroubleaome btnte will fi ighlen ont of
the country all that are not annihilated
m the spot. They are built on a p!n
iinili-.r to the 13-inch rifles with which
the buttleehip Oregon I armed, only of
oualler calilier, and throw an expamove,
'igar-ehaped projectile, f-ompHed of
did howl w hich will do deadly execn
'ion at a distance of eight and one-half
mile. Mr. Uuun wihe to have it
understood II at he la not the owner of
the dog, hut i only, acting a receiving
agent for his brother Jim, Ed Mi-Klnnev
and Din' Brown, who ordered them and
who, he say, are really the guilty par
tie. It i considered rouiewhat range
that it was possible to find a man in
Vioiiri who was willing to part with
o many dogs at one time.
Some War Siorlea.
War storie are in order, so we will
tell one about an old cottiitrvuuin w ho
came Into a small town In Arkanvas
about a week or two ego, lie lived in
the wood, and hi lat viidt to town
had la-en made at the close of the Civil
War. The little country place wna then
frill of soldiers, and now after thirty
year the first thing the old man saw
was a militia company marching to the
depot on their way to the en
campment. He looked in amnxement
and muttered audibly; "By Goali, them
domed liars told me Lee had surrender
ed, an' here's that dratted war still
a gain' on I" Ex
"And did you see Edgnh In camp?
And what was he doing?"
"Frying bacon."
"What! Elgnh? And didn't yon see
him doing anything ele?"
"Yes saw tilio holding an officer's
horse." '
"Nothing else?"
"1 believe I saw him keeping the
flie off a mule."
"Dear, dear I In't war junt horwid?"
Cleveland Pluindealer. "
l.ife and Public Kervlcei," bt Tho.
Haadfnrit. A wonderful ittry of a glorious ca
rver. Over WKl large, radiant pege- Vienperb.
rare etnrrnvlna. hlchent, lit -icvst, het and nttlv
enrfomed "ildtoiie book" publlnhed. (inly
fl. AO. Oommmd'.n. 50 per cent. Credit Riven
Frli?'it pild. Outllt free. Prop all trb nd
clear t i(K) a month with the onl trie and (rood
lilidntnne book." Addrew THE DOMINION
(OMPANi'AUtpt. 36, iM S56 learbura (treer.
ClikKi. Jau-2
Preaching next Sunday at O'ex.
Fred Chapman spent the 4th at The
Win. Key returned from Portland
Lot of drummer have been doing
Olei lately.
John Btrthold wa doing business In
Ole Tuesday.
L. O. Kalston and family are taking
their ouiing in their grove on Kock
W. Rltle makes a good proposition
for payment of scalp romntie, and we
hope all sheepmen will come to hi as-Nistance.
There wa a smalt tea party at B. T.
rfuell'n taat 9 itnrdav evening, the oc
casion being in honor of Mr. M. E.
kVeatherford. It' a boy.
Mr.O. ii. Morey ha Just retnrned g. Q. H AWSON,
tnre in Sherman conntv. He report
he wheat nroapect hetter in Sheruiati
than in Ullliam. "
Z. F. Moody's
Brick Warehouse,
Is Prepared to Handle Con
signments of Wool This
Year, as Before, at
Arlington and The Dalles.
Your Interests are Ours.
Your Business Entrusted to Our Care Will
Receive the Most Careful
Arlington Agent.
Jo. Frixxell returned Sunday from a
huaines trip to Condon.
A. A. Andreson and Joe Bover are
hnv hauling in logs to the Lost Valley
We now have a new post-office with
call bone, and waiting room for patrons.
A "tore Kept in connection.
Having ha lost begun here. Proe-
peet were never hette r for an abundant
rop of all kind of grain and hay.
Merritt Frixxell, of Trail Fork, who
wa badlv hurt bv a lotd ot w-ad inn
ing over him, about ten day ago. ia
again able to walk around.
Arthur Slonn and hi sister, Mrs.
Hattie Reed, have moved to Eugene
where they will reside in the future.
The Lnat Valley saw-mill la doing a
big business this summer if we are to
judge bv i he large amount ot lumber
passing daily.
Al'iert Smith gave a Magic Lantern
entertainment at lien. ak' on the
evening of the Fourth. Cuban war
scene, noted general ol the U. 8. and
Cohan armies and the Maine, before
and after the exploalon, were shown.
A iilesxaut. dance followed the enter
tainment that lasted until morning.
Frank Palmer ha purchased the resi
dence property; now occupied hv E. W.
M'xire, ol J. W. make, consideration
Married Sunday evening. Jnly 8.
1808. at Ureelev, Colorado, Mr. Roland
II. Waring and Mi Jesale M. Smith
were united in marriage, Judge Smith
ofthiit city performing the ceremony.
Mr. Waring is one of Ureeley's 11
known young business men, and the
bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
K. E. Smith, formerly of this city. The
bride' many friends here will unite in
wishing her much hiippines.
While Everybody
is Talking War,
la Busy Getting in Supplies for His Customers. He Carries a
Full Supply of
Hardware, Builder's Material, Granite and Tinware,
Furniture, Paints and Oil, Glass and Crockery,
Stoves, Picture Fraires. Fishing Tackle,
Bedding. Canned Goods. Ammunition.
Undertaking Goods,
lie will make yon hot prices on Building Material, Barbed Wire Etc.
Call and see him when you come to the county seat,
Interest charged on acc'ts after 40 days.
T. O. Earhart,
3. V. Moore.
Summit Saloon,
rDRAf.Eft IS-
a w ms
Saddler hp Harnessmaker
Carries a Complete and Well-selected Stock of
And everything usually found
In a first-class harness shop.
In the building on the corner, opposite Barker's store.
We have added a Jewelry Department to our
stock of General Merchandise and W. L. To
bey, who is a strictly first-class watch-maker,
is prepared to do all kinds of watch and
jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and
guarantee satisfaction.
Tobey Bros
Gent's Clothing, Boots and
Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc.
Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles
Cheap. Call and see for yourselves.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,!
Large New Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Condon Hotel,
Mrs. S. A. Maddock
Table Supplied With the Best in the Market!
Coyote Bounty.
A mpptinn of thope InterortNl in tlif
pnvim-nt of Men I p. wxg helil hi Arllnvtn
Jiln' 27, '08. fur th im ptw of (levininn
nipunx to rollprt payment. It h RitrttMl
tliHt I Klmnlil ne iuv inflnpni-p t Imvp
l In we Imlcliti-fl to the Union to pay up
Ht nntf hv phhIi or ret. Thpreirp, nil
thoe iiiilt'btpit will plexi'e pome forwunl
and pltle ltlinS0tyii from theilnteof
I lit" notice nwl fovp rostn. We I'Hvp
f5Uton ham) nnl t-tOOontxtHiiillnti w hich
vhonlil lie r siiihII item in thix county
Willi 130,000 sheep. W. Kkttik,
IHtpil Julv 0, 189S. J14 21
Uir;es, Ijquors arpd Qars.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars.
Billiard arjd pool Sables.
First-class Goods Our Pride.
Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught.
Main St., Condon, Oregon.
P. Iv. H AM,
Painter and
l,ooo Samples
of paper to choose from at from
6 to 80 eta. per roll.
Your Patronage Eoiicite.
P. H. Stephenson,
Dealer in Fine Merchandise.
General Mechandise
War and Drouth
are having a decided ef
fect on all staple good
Will Still
Divide With You by Making CLOSE PRICES on All Goods Sold.
Call and
See Them.
( Dealers in )
(General Merchandise.)
They Will
Treat You White.
: Oregon.
I offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of
flooring, ceiling, ruptic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lun
ber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizs ao4
dimension stuff.