' the go: :bq;i close. THURSDAY, JUVY 1. ISSi- 7H2 OPHCIAC PAPBB Or OIL.Lt AM COUNTY. OREGON. County Court Proceed ings. July term, 18. LAW. A"n1nw PlmT. siH)eet ol Queen Victoria, dinittcd to fait clttsunshlrv ' riiOQ.VTE. In trie matter of the white of XoMe 0. Saves, iewaaod. order lor sale of teal estate. In t!tr''irt.fernf fi-eaarate of Imb Johnson, Seceaserl, order (or the sale of real estate. nrrh.Tmittpt nf the eatate of J. A. Soanl Una, Seeeased, order for the sale of reaTestate. In the itt'rof trie eiitate of .1. IT. Nelson, awranseft, final wi'nt fllMt; Snal h utlivgwt lur Sept 6, lw. end notice to be pnbllhet. In tha mafarof the eata'e of .Ton f irnn. dmmK: elurn nf n. r.. de for ;f4 aim interest an appeal allowed by eo-irt. Tn the mutter of the estate of SUnev W. Walton unit minor heir of Bvron ami Jcrn.hu U Wal'nn, 4rait. W. L. Wltcos ap pointed fwMtn, with bond lUed m! I 0. In th seatter of fw eat of OavM F. Ml. 4t-el : bnitd ot A. B. Lamb, adra.. approved. I tv the nutter of the eara'e of Phil Hr-ppner. deceased ;' order made to eell certain notes. Comity toed Ko. . pettttoaed for bjr Abe ' Moyer e el ordered "penet. Petition of R. ft. MHIt et 1. foe a ehanee tn entntvratd Nck t granted, aiU rovl ordered' efiened. Iterrv Heenac minted to F.S F. Horn end A. , Belme Jr., near Twii-kenbwrron John Day river. Thenlflrtsl bond, of A. H. Rnedy, coroner. R. '. Pms-r. eonnrr t-lerk end W. L. Wilcox. toonfT eiasstueri eud epproved. In tiie mat'r of nVmtv eonntr elerk. Six nnnrired dollars (WW additional n the1500 lrrk'asalarr pr annnm Is herehv allowed the Clerk lor the purpose ot assisting Htm in em ploy ing necessary depity belp. In the nutter of rlepnty sheriff, Five hnndred dollar (.ini additional tn the tUtn herift salary peranaxm ie hereby allowed the sheriff for i he pnrpom of aa-tittug him in employing necessary deputy help. . Apnllcarlon of Jams W. Smith tor rebate on tejes continued. Tn the mat'er of" the petition ol James 0. Bennett et at for a ronntv nail No. 101 C. C. Clarke. J. L. Blalork and E. D. Spanldlns ap pafntwl viewera. and . W. KenneUy aurveyor. to meet Septniter S. WJ. Retrnfe nf 13.75 allowed Stelwer, Carpenter 4 Co. for 18te taxes. M. O. Clarke, aaseaeor. era n ted an extenrion of one montn'a time in wblch to complete meiit roll for !. R. IT. Johnaon appointed itock lncpeetorfor me ensuing year. . Rebate nf 7.22 allowed 9. Bledsoe for 1895-1396 saet'toment. ' Ednarrt Monran appolnteiUiutlee ot the Peace Kr Mayriue prwincu Time extended for the expiration of right of wav lor telephone, bv the Itilnud Ttleplioue 4 Telegraph Co., on til eVpL U IKK. Rebate of 117.73 allowed la favor ot Was. C. KamoU ou taxes. CLAIMS ALLOWED. W J Wurfner, Co. Jndge'a salary, t mo. .$ 83 33 JmF fyer, Co, eom.'a fee. in J G Stevenson; damaaya by road Ko. 99. . 35 00 T L lvora. roan due biU S4 S7 8 V Hfoore. same 10 00 N P WaUarc, woe...... - 8 SO J V Bair, same 2 to Tlurenee criitenaen Refoire Home Aid a per order In Mav term) UMI.. . . 22 A Grviar- cenaVdne bill M 00 W A ItarfinK. repair and plntln jail .. 3D i CffveT.arpeitni dt Co., road due bUls, 60 vS Id F Horn, road rtite bill 10 UO ti r A (,Kl. road due bills to 50 Hmei, road due bill Ilk! 00 Geo. latum. 1. P:. aasiatiuK In canvass of antes 8 0j , O S EW. P.. same 3 00 J H Bow,n. road due bills 140 uo Dunn Bros., same - 4S 22 W m. Keya i eon. aame 23 25 Vi VV HwiYer, same ... 99 On J Qui mi, tame 24 2s Hoover A )ate, same "A 00 Brn.-e Enyart,aame 25 47 f-teiwer. Carpenter it Co., aame 35 o E.I Morgan, aame 21 0 (ieo. MteTenaon, road due bill l 7 Ed tt alter same ... 8.S 3 T L Devore. road due Wis 14 Frank Clarke, road die WU ? f1 B Rnrker. road die bill 107 WJ Parraso. roadd'ie bill 27 7 W n ldUaea. rmuj due bills. 36 2 lllltlH.BM... 41 1? 8 V Nwn, nuh' ....... 27 fct Al Henahaw. aame . Mo 10 . I 8 Brown. jHdge of election On Geo. Tafom. same ... . 0r f Ward, aame 00 C O Portwood. clerk of election.... . . On O V Klivhart. iwme Ou Wm. I ooner. indee of eloSlioa..... SOD Geo. Huni-en. aame . .. 0 J A Walker, aame 3 On V !4horh. 1' Hire of election, and mileage, 5 no O " F.t4, aame I4 f W P . wraa 00 J G Mevenwin, clerk of elertion 3 00 R T Cos. idee of election 00 A W SharranL aame ) W H Colwell. clerk of election. , 6 00 W 1 Fletcher, aame 00 W R Bkr. ywiee of election i 3 0I ClatCClark, same .... 3 00 J A Mnllh, clerk of election 3 00 31 E 4vre, aarae 3 00 T 0 Woodland, iudce of election 00 H J Nott. aame "0 II 1) Ks'idall. same ' f 00 J O Mck'lnnev. clerk of election, and Milmee 10 40 Jerry Keilv, dk of election 00 W it Pierce, Judge of election, and mlle ae J W rtcrlrner. ndre of election Thos. Morris, same ... ..... , Gen. Blake, clerk of election.: Chaa. Rovae, aame S D Kle'cher. Jndeecif election G Schilling, jube of election, and mite air F II Allen, jnrtire of election J A Me Morrl, clerk of election II f. Pmpwt. aame H Perrv, Jndsre of election J R KnHnn, same .- John Madden, judge ot election, and sniloaea Motrin Want, clerk of election J M rt'itT. aane F B Btevena, judge of election, and mile- m- ... , Frank Cotey. Jiidare of election... . .... r H WnnVni.niae Join (imm. clerk of election. J R Fraanr. enme . X A WinctilMd. ltd of election, and mtlae .... I B Prtr, t'Htee of election ... W J Fiwaa. aame T C l.lvlnriton, clrk of election X A "-C-llfV. M1M w l Ttiomnaon. J Hite of election W W Ff.Kvvr. a-tme C'has. ! 'Klns'e.aame Jna. Wrmrl, clerk of election . U F itot. clerk of election, and mileage, J W oilman J 4e of el'1on Max larai'ty, J ide of election, and inua J H iviw a (Ktee of eletnn BfP ifeldtman, clerk ol election . id rnm, ;wi. Bvly liilipe of election.... ...... . Cbas. K'ugea. same ... .. J Ci Cu, jidga of election, and mile- F A H ile. clerk ot' eiecOon T A Krios. same Ale V v. nd due bill W t W'ifcn, aarae. J A Ward, same Pnnn Bros. , road die bill K'i Citmmlnea. road due bill .. C A Mot, same Jno. H f 'lrtaon. same ... J (i Stvenaon. sama Iftaee HHom. same tirant Wa-te. same T D XweHn. eoastal-Wt fees, inq"t Jaa. Hull W J KKkLind. road due bill Wm. I.lvlngaton, road work K A NclHon. aame I) I ward Iinn. an me lr. K M oritna, room for election, June . xft . O 9 F'rf. pitting iipe'ectlon booths 0 3 FM. corouer'a fees, at inquest John Mlon W II Cnlwril. arx-cial constable. Inquest, John Cnnriiughant. Juror F W Toty, SNine . .. ............ M J Cantr, aame I, C Rewards, same HAP f)iirli-v. same - Kou Bearlnloy, same.. 7 00 3 00 3 00 3 no too 3 oo 4 2ft no 3 oo 3 no 3 oo 3 00 T 00 8 00 t 00 t on 8 oo 8 no n on too 8 no 00 00 00 6 00 00 fi on a no no 10 oo 8 00 10 no 8 oo J no t oo 8 no too AO 8 On 300 5 00 1 Oil 8 70 13 45 12 00 9 7.S 11 00 103 1 frO 22 47 2 W 81 M 2 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 1 00 800 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 Remainder of proceeding will appear in next lean. -c,RVTt FOR "f.Ai8T)NR, HI V Mie and P rl lic ervlce." bv in as. w. llnndfrd. A wond-rfil Htory of a atom-is ca rt., r i iver .sitfi ltnx. radiant na'raa. 130 amvrh. r ene-avt'ia, HU-h?nt, MiiiC b3, and ottlv .,,(.),... i ,f!mltoMe book" publihtd. rinly tfi v tvim'Ti-t!"n . ter cr-nt. ('edit, riven. f . vt timI. 'iitflt ir a. Omu clt trah and f ; a. '(".cii with the onlv t?ne and -rood i " THE DOMINION .v A yonrtst, iuy, whn U';icht?s in a ; mission Sunday school, tells of Dew?y experience she hd with tv younger mukiag his first appear- ; k. a . . a anw; che had put mm inronsn a ftrtlf hour or more of instruction in thft rudimentary-" principles, for he was entirly lacking in infor-' niation on that pofnt, and to test him was reviewing her work with him.;- v' "Now," she said, "tell me acain who made the world and all that is in it?" "God did," replied the boy with commendable promptitude. God can do everything, can't he?" she asked again. The bov hesitated a moment. "I don't believe he could lick Dewey." he answered' at last, and hia teacher sat silent between her religion and her patriotism. It wasn't her time, to say anything, if she didn't want to lose that boy trever, and she had wit enough to let it go at that. Washington Star. . Let your motto be: "Lie. Steal Drink and Swear." When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams. When you drink let it be nothing but pure col J water,.-When you steal let it be away from immoral associates. When .you swear, swear that you will patronize your home paper, pay you subscription and not send your job work away from home. Ex The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE. Daily Line. of Steamers, Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and all points on the Washing ton side. The Slenmerj Dalle City ami KegnTatnr leave Portland every ninrntna (eicept San-lay) at 7 and The Diillen at 8:30. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt, Foot of Conrt Rt. The Dalle, Or. WANTED. Enercelie. hnllinit yonntt man tn rep. resent Keystone Watch Uo. Uood oj- portnnifv tn rijfht partv. o Experietice Nce--Mry. Keystone Watch Cn., Portland, Oreg, SLAB WOOD FOR SALE. I have a fine lot of elnh wood for ale at my m mill, one-half mile from Loet Valler jioeti.mce. Will I "ld i-heati. Call on or add rew. Harby Haitead, ff lyet Vallny. Ore. v SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cnnrt of the Slate of Oregon, for theCmintTOf Ollliaro. Thomas J. Jnnlan. plalntifl, Ta Emma Flor ,nr Jfinluii rtcfpndant. Tn Emma Florence Jordan, tlie aboT9 named riefpnrtant: 1 n the name of the state ol uroron and in pnrsnance ol the orderof snirt Court, marie on the fith daT of Jwl . ISKt.dlnHrtlmt rv. iof this anmmons be pHi.licallon in the Coa imih Gui'ia, yon are hereby nqiiired to appear and answer the eomt'laint fllet aKatnst yon In the above-entitled snit within ten days from the dale of the service of this summons npon yoa. II served in fni'l liiiliam County. OTeaon;nrif served within anv other connty In the State ol Oreuon then within twenty days Irom the date i.l an, h service nnon von: or If server! bv publi cation, then ,n or before the Hrat day of the next regular Utm of Ibis court, to-wtt: Monday, September 19, 1898. Yon are beiebv fnrther notified that If yon fail to anriwer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within sld time, the ph lilts' will ap plv tn the com t for the relief demanded In the sifd complain), which is that the bonds of matrimonii existing between yourself and the pI'ilntitTbe.- f.irevtr dissolved and that the plaintiir hare the en-to.v and care of tbe minor chil I of vn'irlf and the philnMtT. Dated tiiis iiith day of June, Ida. I.. W. DtBLI. 114-23 ' - Attorney for the Plaintiff KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. LsHDOmct stThx Dam.k, Ob., July 11, 'M. Notice la hereby eiven that Jam E. Downer, heir of James S. Doarner, dec., baa fll;d no-ice of Inten ion to m ke final proof lj,;!ore If. N. rraser, county elerk, at bis olhce in Comlon, Or., on Thursday, August 25, 1898. on tlm icr c ilt ira application .Ho. 8019, for the ,i sw nvr'i w and tvt'i nw4. M U, tp 4 s rili. tv. f. He na nes as KtineHses: 8. A. Thnmpaon, 1. W. Br'rlvner, J. A. MuMorrisand If. F. l)?wncr, ell ol Condon, Oreeon ti Jau. K. Mo-ikr. Rettlstcr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. tt Omci T Ths Dti.LM, Ob., July II, '08. Notice Is hereby given that Bamh E. Hfnsbaw foriiitlv naiaii K. HiateM. h.ia tileil notice nf in- Umtlon to make final nroof before H. S. Frar, couut clerk, at bis office in Con:)'n, or., on Friday. August 28, I898, on timber cnlture application No. 800. for the 11U aw'i nwli ae'iatid sw5i ne1!. see 17, Ipsa, rwe. W. M, rhe namea as witneaacs; K, K. Smith and Adam emlth, of Mayvllie; F. M dp'ltmton and J. A. R rj rr, of ;on Ion, Or, 114-Z4 rfaa. r. mookk, ivKi.ier. KOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Laud Omen. Tn. Diuiij, Ob., June 7, VW. Notice la hcrttr? inven that tne lollowluif- named sitlerhaa lilrnl notice nf her Intention tn mnke hnal pro,f in support of her claim, and that said priaif will lie made before if. N'. Frasur, o'ltitv cie'B ot irWtain cnaiitv. at uunuon. or.. on rniay, jniy zs.iti, vu: BAUAH TAVLOK, (formerly Sarah Wintcnrled Hd. K. Ko. 4185, for the sc i nmV, and lots 2, and 4, sec l, tp b rvwe. w. m. Mie num-s tne iniiowing wit nessea to prove her coittfintoiia residence andcnllivatiouof said land, vis: (. W. npo Kin in ne- bart, of Condon; Ocorite A until, VY J, Taylor inn r.ua mueuari, 01 ayvinc, iirion. jf-li Ja. F. Moork, Hetrlater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ' Lam Orricr. r Ths 1ai.ls. Ok.. June W. 189S. Notice Is ht-rehy given tliat the foliowim? namwl -t!iir has Kiel notice of ber Intention to make final prif in support of her ittafrn, and that rai l proul will he made liefore II. N. Iniwr, c utn'i 'ik of lilillam ( O'liitv.atCoiiiiou, Ore goo, us Kiiday, JiUy 21, Ifja, Vi1: VAKTHA E. GRIDEB, lid. E. No. KA, lor the fU 01 i sd nw nel4 awVf sec 12. tp 4 a, 21 a W, "l. Phe numes the fiillowlna wllneaaes Sn prove her continaoiis rcsldenr-e upon and col Wvaoii ofanld land, vis: K. W. Cike, J. F. Coon u. H. & Totwy and Aba Mover, all ol Condon. Or )- .. XiA r. Moons, tLegtitv. H'XI'lttCKo, fA H.HKKtmH'K. Condon, or. rowll, -r. H. H. A. H. B. HENDRICKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. erril A. vt'lMSlMN M) M1.-MI.. OlIKailN. Caivful Htleiitiou to nine coiiiiael and practice In all tin coiirla, uImiio'iiim'I bvi'i'cat oiKiCMte. We write rfnj, Mtjis,. I.Una. Wills, Transcripts, atwtntctN etc Flra Insuranee) In the beat com panies extant. Also attention hi Collrx tlous and Ijitid Lawa. Notarv Ptlble In each tiftlce. jnnnrurvruvuii rirutruuutriuu'ia i All the Sundries iUsuallykept, ,...... As well as all the iPatent Medicines,; Are to be found at H. Hudson's CONDON, OREGON. tmrl ruinnjmrtmumrtnnJTJvnirtre C. S. PALMER irtisti Barber. Sleelc Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ftround. CONDON - - - - OREGON. Notice to the Ladles. Mr . E. M. West, latent I'lirilnnd. haa opened a fine line nf millinery hcmkIs in tht riami lust south of Condon Hotel, Latest style iii I, at, trimmed and tin trimmer. ANn triminiiiir done to order. LhiI anil see her. REDUCING STOCK. Selling Out at Cost Onr large? stock of tii-keta to the Eaot ifinnif at iniiuensely redaced rates, tall on or write to F. C. Hindu;, Agent, Arlington, Ore Deputy Stock Inspectors. Is, I have appointed as my deputies the following peraons: n. n. cnisreu, Arlington. L. B. Tnwnuend. Condon. Fred A. Male, 'osail. K. M. JnnnroH. tone Roclt. Stock Inspector tor Gilliam County, Ongon. Treasurer's Notice. All ronntv warrants rcifiptt-red prior to Nov.. 12, 18!3. "till he paid on presen tation at niv ollii-e. Interest ceafes after this date. S B. Barkf.b, Treaanrer of Gilliam omntv, Oregon Dated at Condon, Ore., Jane 3), 1808. "WAR" (in rates.) Write qnick tn the undersigned and en !it in the army of passengers lakitisj advantage o the rnt rates to the hunt F. C, UINDLI. Att'tO. K. & N. Co.. Arlington, Ore, The Wasco Warehouse Co. has wool ancks, fleece twine and sack tw ine for sale at Arlington. Through Tourist Cars to St LOUI3. A tourist aleepinii car will leave Port land eer Monday via Mo. Par. and everv Wedneadiry via I lie Bnrlinirtn Route at 8 P. M. via the 0. R. A N thrnnirh Knit Lake and Denver wilhinit chanire to Pt. liiinia, and nnder the sn pervieion l eaperienced eondiii'tors. N rhange of cars to the cities, Kansas City or R. Lonia. Keep this service in mind when goimr East and coneultO. K. iN agents or address, W. H. HL'Kl.fll ET, General Passenger Aeent, Portland, Or. Volnnteers wanted at opcetorallnn or write tn the nndereitined for informa tion relative to the KSORMOUH CUT in ticket rates to the East. F. C. Hindle. Ag't O. R. 4 N. Co., Arlington, Ore. NON-ALCOHOLIC. An man ho lives on meat was everJ known to Ink his wife, or ask for a divorce. A veifetahle diet woman is as cold and clammy aa a turnip. If yon want yoar eirl to have rosy cheeks and vitality in her motion, feed her on la?ef Steak with occasional doses of Dr. Haw son's Tonic Bitters. Sold everywhere. Notice to Wood Haulers. Bids will he received hy the nnder signed between now and July 16, 1898, for the delivery of fifteen (15) cords of fi rat class, clear, two-foot wood at the school house in Condon, Oregon, wood fo he delivered on or hefore October 1, 1898. P. H. Stephenbon, Clerk, There la no danger of anyhody being troubled with dyspepsia, sonr stnuini-h, niifliMnures or ill teinfier who tines Fos sil floor. Nothing ruins the health so quickly and snrely as had hread, and nothing creates so mnch harmony and cheerfulness in a family aa gtaid, light bread and biscuits, "the kind yonr moth er baked." The only way to accomplish this Is to nae Fossil floor the best and cheapest in the world. Fru 1 1 Trees I Fru It Trees I Wm. B, Neidemeyer, agent for The Vancouver Nnrsery Co., is making a thorough canvass of this section of Oil I i h in county in the interest of his firm. If yon need fruit, shade or ornamental trees, small frnit, ahrnhhery, etc. ynn should reserve your order until he calls. J30-28 Of Interest to Settlers. H. N, Frazer, Connty Clerk, at Con don, Oregon, continues to give special attention to U. 8. government land ap plications, filings and proofs, lie is also prepared to receive applications for the purchase of state school, lien school lands and forfeited railroad lands, at hi office. TO THE PEOPLE OP GILLIAM, GREETING: We are pleased to announce that we have pur chased the James W. Smith stuck, of general mer chandise, at such figures as will enable us to make prices low enough to cause the old stock to mover Our new goods are on the way and will soon bo on display in our store to be distributed at bedrock prices. We will aim to carry a complete line of the best tobefoundin a general store. . Our motto will be "Live and let live," our aim, one price to all, believing every man's money to be as good as his neighbor's. Trusting that we may be favored with a share of the patronage of the good citizens of Gilliam , county, we are v Yours to plea.se, at the old stand. SHURTE & WEIR CO. Union Block, Arlington,. Oregon. ?tiiiiuuuiiiuauiinuiuiiiuauiiimiifb Of Arlington, Or., No. 3918, . Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States i and Europe. Interest 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. D.M.FRENCH, Presldenti W. W. T. HURLBURT. Cashier. ' DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. WARDS AND L. O. Ralston, General Merchandise, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Hardware and Implements. Our latent Spring and Summer Staples and Novelties are now in and ready for inspection. A fine line of Glassware and Crockery just, recieved. Ladies will find many new designs in Dress Goods, and our Shoe line for ladies, gentlemen and children, from eastern and coast fac tories, is now opened up. Come to Olex, ladies and gentle men, and you will be surprised at the fine quality of our goods and the lowneas of our prices.' L. O. RALSTON, CHARLES FIX, fnnnii mM Feed Stable Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. POOLROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED Large Scales, price 2oc a draft; Tbe U. S. mail leaves my place for day, at 6 a. m. and W. LORD, Manager. Wasco Warehouse Co. General Storage WOOL STORACE HICHEST PillCE PAID FOR WHEAT, HIDES AND PELTS. Barbed Wire, Nails, Flour, Feed, Salt, Sulphur, Lum ber, Lime, Cement, Cedar Posts, Pine, Oak or Fir Wood Always on Hand. BEST CEDAR SHINGLES, S2.25 PER M. Office in Warehouse. Banking Business.! Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. STEIWER. Vlo-Prssldant) FRANK W. STEIWER. W. LORD, L. C. ED A. C. HAW9QN. nnjvuinnnjvvin. Olex, Oreg., OLEX, OREGON. and Corral, IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE reduction on contract weighing. Lone Rock every day, except Sun arrives at t p. m. FRANK ALDRICH, Arlington Agt. and Forwarding. A SPECIALTY. - - - Arlington, Oregon. GROCERIES and OILS. It will soon be time to lay la your lTarvest Supplies and it is always best to buy Standard Articles In th Grocery Line. They are more reli able and can be depended on. We only handle the Dost Standard Qualities, other kinds being too ex pensive, even though they sell for s less, because they cost us customers; DO YOU ALL GOODS MARKED 111 PLAII1 FIGURES. LORD ARLINGTON, DROP IN AT COED'S 5iiooj. Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, whsn you faat UK CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE DEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. The "DELMONICO" RESTAURANT sSai Is the pUc to gth First-class meals at all hours 'of the dav. from 2Hr un The only Short-order house in Condon. mirtLi-fUMaisntu KUUM3 m UUNNECTION FOR LODCEhS. Bread, pies and cakes on hand for sale, or baked to order. Chickens dressed to order. Butter and eggs bought and sold. ICE CREAM SERVED WITH SUNDAY DINNER. JORDAN BROTHERS, Proprietors. RINEHART'S Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodations can be found in this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c. HEADQUARTERFORTRAVELIIIC MEN. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGON. -afcSTRONO ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL COUR8ES4 Well Equipped Training Department of nine grades, with 230 children. Bcgnlar Normal Course of thrf. vrars. fifnlor yrar wholly pro ffsainniif. Graduates of ai-crnilite.l High tsuhools and Colleges ad mill.d rllrectly to priitfaslrinal work, . Tho IJiploma of the School Is rt-vognlsed by law as a lift cerllticat. to tsach. The ifrsilnaies of ths Bchnnl are In dematvl si fpschars. Light Espr-nssTha vi-iir for from $120 00 to tlOO.OO, J1L llcHiillfnl and hfaltlifnl Ici-atlon No Halnons. The first term will npt-n Tuesday, September 20th. 0at.ofi!r-a, (fivlng full dcialls nf mirk, chferfiillv st-nt on application, lihlrcss P. L. Caiii-iikix, President, or W. h. Waiin. 8ccretan of Faculty. NOTICE FOK I'Ur.LICATION. ,hvn Orric At Tin Daixkk, Ob,, June 1, Nollie Is liun.hy ulvmi tnnt tlia followlns nam i-d sotllcr has flli'il nillr(i uf hla lnti'iillon In miiko rliuil irnnf In aiiiKirt nf his rlulm, arid thai snlil finaif will ha muila Ix'fora II. N, Krniar, oniinly rlrk of flllllaui r'oimly, at ConJou.Or., ou Tuesday, AHKUat 1, 1WW, vis: JOHN A, WALKEB, H4. E. No. 8923, for Hi tml4 W, fp S s, t 'X s, W. M. Ha norscs the folliiwlna witnesses to prove his pniitlimmis rcaliWiii'e iijiiiii anil cultivation of tal'l limil, viz: T. 11. lohnaon, W. II. Muiltli, ('. Y. .Ntijsuu awl S. II. Coulutv, ail of Conduit, Orcvrni. W 2u It.. . Uvuu, Btsjlsb.. 0 USE OIL? i5" There are many Oils of varying grades, good, bad and worse. The rcilaers don't make one grade of oil only. We sell the Very Best" grade to be had. We find it pays. Our field .Is the grocery buBincJ and you can save considerable mon ey by sending your orders to us. & CO., OREGON. enjoying flrat-claaa RESTAURANT NOTICE FOHjrUDUCATION. Lani Orncs, Tn. Dam.ks, Ob.. Jan. 7, IMS. Notlr Is tlftrtihv alviin itlat tha frtllnwlna nam. ert suttler tins A'leU notice of his Imnnilon lo oiasa unai prxKii in support oi nil claim, and thai said proof will fi. mails before H, N.Krasrr, rotinty clerk of Ollllam rnunty, al Umdoo.Or.. 0U I'liursitay, July i, VW, vis: ' JOHM W. MILLER, fid. K. No. tKl, for the sai see 2), fp 4 s, r M e, W. It. He names the following wlint'aara to prove Ills continuous rualdrtit'e upon and cultivation ol said land, vis: John J. l'orlwomt, 8. D. KluUiher, W. M.Coruvtt au'l f sra A. Mur, all of Condon, OrtgDri. 1