ii TUB OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPB OF GILLIAM COUNTY. AS THMI TIJIE3 THI Ct JLAT! ' OF AWT PAPER IH TH8 COC.VT X . ' ADTBBTHIKO RATKO, - rviumiKu vkv mini ir .....A. PATTI30N.... Editor and Proprietor. NDO N GLOBE. FrefaMlftnal sarda... On annar ,41 OS PS nentti Oac-quaiter eolnmn... 1 00 or aionta I so pr aiootd S 00 Mr nsanth vna aau comma,. One oolumn. ... .10 00 Mr won la tVimOHirTIOK ItATKi.1 uloaai local will b. oharrsd at 10 oaasa pm Una (or Sm Inaartloa aad I oana par Unt Ur after. Letal advartUaasnts will In aa eases t sharsad ta tbe party ordrln Una, aa lagai Sales, sad paid for talors aadavlt la taralsked Pn. fir (In advance) , If not pels la a trance. , !l moittlia ,,,, hrus lnciiUis... ......,.. limit vejtti.'a .....II M ? 1 W ft VOL. VIII. CONDON, GILLIAM' CO., 'OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898. , U NO. 13. GO Knttrtrt lU till iHutoJhl at CWKttM, OrtgOU, ( itnmiMo'i mail matltt O, Hi K. !h. Tim tlurd. .Ill I.NOTI M, OKKOON, tlmu I'llltl. tnkliiu uffuul Hiinilnv V.il.rn. KeW my l.'H hi " Af tl(IXD. No. 2 No. 4 -Via lliiiilliiKUui, Iimv..........1 ;M . tn. No, i -j i KiuikniKi, l.'nvoi , i;M p, m. Unl Imlitht, leave ,...,.7;1W p. m. wast miio. I'lirilnrul. Ikuvm m Nn. 1. No. II tN", 161 rorilHiiil. lenvi-a ....,..; 4:M. m. I..wal IuiIkIiI, 1hvi',., 11:60 ft. m. . K. f. IHNOi.K, Aiieni, ArlliiKUin. JJH. J. J, IHKIAN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. mihn OmiKiii svn,, between CMliollc Church mul ri'ni.k'iii'u u( H. i, Himit. IW. PAULINO i. Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Coadnn, Or. Cullerl lima and Insurance. Terms reannaM Onirti lit ur hi imi.UiIIU'o bulliIuiK, Main street, lllll.KV & DOliVNH. U a, A. I). Oiirley. W. II, Dubyna. Attorn yi and Counselors at Law Arlington, Or. ', A, Cnnimlniliiiinr nd Notary Piiblle tn nil , rmi'iii'ia in in the mt and lvli-ral ..,irlol (iriKiin mul H"htnKHl. All kind, tut'. H. Inn I tiil tenet lm iik'M ireiKwluil. ARLINCTON-F083IL ...STAGE LINE... II. ItKI'D A A. C. (HilLVIK, I'ltOI'HlKTOIlS Kara trm Artluxton to Foll m tn I lr) ... Itotmil trip..., Milfl(Axiiiilet lot Hound irlii..., .9fl . ott t omliiii (: Hillv.j, d im Kimiitt lrlp...... i tit m inlle.).., Ski Round trlp..... am H (! ullliii).. l.aj Kolllld tttp...,w. 2.40 ftsire leaves Arlington every tnnrtilnit(Ri)ndar eani'pled) i six oVIm kj I. dtetal tHinduD l I p. m. anil Urdu-, at FiubII nt 7 p m. i 'umtiirwlil. oiilii'iiil cri!iJ,i;crliu'jl driver.. WoBateWHCCI C Tool MILLER NODE ONE 201 KILE I IN 132 HOUM The Eldredge JtJVaVI'Vr' IThe Belvidere i $40.00 Superior to all others Irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. Write for one. NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO, J3t UHOADWAy. rKtnry, N.wYork. DRtVIDIiRB, ILL. O.R.& TIME ICHEOULES f r.rn Arl nin. Akrivi K-IH runt Mm! :iU . m, Hult Luke, Pniiwr, Pat Mall 12:47 . m. rt.wiirtii, "mail., KmiMM I lly, Ht l iilili, ChkuKO A Haul. - rrmkiinc I'lvur 7;Wp.m. 8 OKI p.m. Walla WiAla, H kano, Mlimcapo. Ill, Ht. 1'aiil, I'll' liilh, Mllwaiikno, CIiIckk nnU Kl tlpnkan. KI yer 4:Wa. to. Oe.an(t.aiilil.l imp. m. from rorlland. AH nallliiR rlolcn For Han KriH'lri- Hall .hnii'M.V, 11, 1A, IH, -il, 'it, 77, DO. 1.U0 p.m. To Alnaka JunT,2B. t:U0 p. in. :im p.m. Kx. Hunimy Celtimbi. Ilvar tt.amtrt. 4.(10 p.m. Kx. Huuday To Antorla anit Way MiiiuiiiKa. (1:00 . m. E. ruuday IIUm.lt. River. Ori'gnn City, New. btirx.Haluiu 4k Way Lamlliiiia. 4:HI)p.m. Kx. Sunday 7;(KI . m. Tn. n.. Tlmr. ttiiil Hal. Wlllamall. .nd Yam hill Klvirl. B:30p. m. Mun., Wed, ami Fri. dri'Knn rllv, Hay. lull, A Way Law li im u in. Tiim., 'I li ir ami Hut, Wlil.mtll. River. I'lirllaiirt tu Corval 11k Way Lam I .ln,i. 4:M)p. m. Tiki... Thur. and Hat. J.v. Klpinla t :4ft m. Mini.. U.I. ninl KriuB.v Inakt Hlv.r. Itlpurla to Lowl.lon Lv. Lwlton A:4Aa. in. 8iin.,Tmi, aud Tb ur. C. IIINIH.IC, At,nt, ArllnittoD. W. H. HURLDURT, (it'iuinil I'.i'.i imwr Agvnt, l'ortland, Or. DOINGS OF THE WEEK What Has Happened In the Civilized World. GIVKN IN TUB I'KKSS DISPATCHES A Complnt He v law of tha Kbw of th r S.ven Car. la Tbl. and All feralKii Land. A Worlil Iliintnh from Mailrld says: Hpnln will jM( no torritory, end will not IIhU'ii to ihcii ovurturcis on saoh a bants. ' ';. The snhoonor Jnne Gray, whluh left Pcoitlp for Kotxcbue minrnl with a party of protwtor, on boanl lnn Ihmjii Witickoil off Objio Flattery. The converted yaolit Wap reports IisvIiik (tone Into Cionfiififo Imrlior and siKhUntf tbiee 8hiiIhIi oralsors, probably ot Oerveta's fleet. rlotirotary Algur, In a loiter to con Kress ssys that 16,000 or 20,000 troops will go to Cuba at onco and be follow ed, as soon as poxsible, by 60,000 more. The run on the gnvonmeiit's bank lias assumed formidable proportions, and is steadily inureaNing day by day. Kpain Is gradaally drifting to a paper bnsis. The Flori Ja expedition Is now safe with Oorciu's array. A letter has been receiol in Key West from one of the American members of the party, which was written after the binding was made. 1 An ansnoresnful attempt was made by two Spanish toipcdo boats to des troy the shiirs of Bohluy's fleet, but tbny were repulsed and took shelter beneath the guns of Ihe forts. This engagement, it is ssld, was the first hostile movement oil Santiago. The war department is maasing ra tion, for 80 days for the front, aitem bled at Jacksonville andor Ihe com maud of Major-General Lee. Officials decline to say how many men are to lie concentrated there, or whether they will stay at that place for the full 80 days for which rations are provided. Amid the mnaio of a hundred bands, the cheers of hundreds of thousands ol people, the blunts of many whistles and the waving of innumerable flags, tie trans-Mi(sisippi exposition was formally opened in Omaha. Nothing oouaired to mar the occasion. Presi dent McKhiluy addressed the assembled multitude by long-dlstanoe telephone, touched the ntngio button and tho ex position was dedicated, Jacksonville, ' Fta., Is Sikrly to bo made the base of operations aguinst i'orto Rico. General Lee will open headquarters there Immediately. The anti-Dritish demonsi rations at Manila are intensifying. The qtnx-n'e portraits are insulted anil all forelgnera are preparing to take refuge at Oavite. On Decoration day a big gathering ot Americans proceedod to tho tomb of Lafayette, . in the Pypua cemetery, Paris, and the tomb was decorated with wreaths and mutual flags. The British battleship Renown re ports buing chased by an unknown stenmer while on her way from Iter muda. The nationality or the pursu ing vessel could not be learned. Tho secretary of wai has authorised tho governor of Nebraska to raise a teg Imont of Infantry, under the prnai. dent's second call. William J. llryan will be colonel of the now regiment. Advioes from Cadis say all the guns of both batteries and forts are being re placed by heavier guns. It is reported that the departure ot Camura's fleet has been delayed by duftcts in the torpedo boat. In the campaign against the Span iards in Cuba, tho aimy and navy -will act together. No decisive blow is likoly to bo struck by either. branch of the service until tha other is roady to co o pei ate. It is stated that thero ia a poasihil ity of Adolph HAto, t?an Franoisoo'a ex-mayor, partly recovering h!s health, notwithstanding that his physi cians have pronounced his montal and physical condition Incurable. According to late Manila advices there is serious sickness on board the United States cruiser Boston. It is be lieved that Ash tarnished tho vessel at Manila had been poisoned. The Span iards were caught trying to strengthen their defenses and forced to desist, The captain ot the British steamer Laughton, who saw the Cape Verde fleet in Curacoa harbor icporta the Hpanlsh ships in fair shape, but coal was quite low with them. All the Tea sels took on enough to carry them to the next port. The Viscaya and Maria Teresa also took on large qwtntitios of provisions and other supplies from lighters. As a result ot the Investigation tho treasury department has been making Into tho question of a tariff tor the Philippines to be levied as a military cotrlbution during the occupation ot the Islands by the United Status foroes, Ihe administration have practically de ' elded to enforce the existing Spanish schedules only, with such changes aa circumstances may make necessary, Minor News Uam.. Maj. Henry T. Htanton, the widely known Kentucky poet, diod at Frankfort. 3. C. Fickes, of Bteubenvillo, O., has constructed a boat propelled on the bi cycle principle, Mis. Frances Hodgson Burnett, an ther of "Little Loid 'Fauntlmy" aud other novels, has been granted a div.iroe from Dr. (Swain M. Burnett, wilt purmiHiion to use her maiden name, llodgsun. LATER NEWS. A Klnsstnn. Jamaica, ilhinulnh inn 18 warships have been sont to teinforce cicrveia at oanuago. A Ht. Petersburg dispatch says the now Russian cruiser Sveitlana, 8,829 tons displacement, has been ordered to the Pacific, ' The steamer Brix Just arrived in Seattle brings news of a severe hurri cane at Dutch harbor. The schooner Helen was driven ashore, but not seri ously damaged. Tho Point Barrow relief expedition has not yet started on Its way. Two volunteer regiments will em bark at Han Francisco this week. The troops selected to go immediately are the First Colorado and Tenth Pennsyl vania Infantry. The coming campaign at the Philippines is being carefully mapped out. The movement against Porto Rico la likely to be launched immediately. Hchloy'a warships are to bo left to ills pose of the Santiago matter, while the military forces will at onoe begin the campaign of conquest at the island further East, The Pais, a prominent republican organ published in Madrid, says it is rettorted that the United elates fleet made a second attack upon Santiago, and that the Americans forced an entrance into the harbor. A special from Port an I'rince confirms the news. The steamer Albion, from Copper river, reports second heavy slide on Valdea glacier, Alaska. A number ot pack animals were buried in the snow, but no human lives were lost. The glacier is now impassable and traffic for the season is said to be at an end. Major-Goneral Merritt has been or dered to hasten the departure of the Manila expedition- Tho administra tion Intenda to get the entire Philip pines expedition under way at the earliest practicable moment. Measures have been taken to render Manila bay Impregnable. The auxiliary crnlser 8t Paul, Cap tain blgsbee commanding, has arrived at New York. Kigebee says he had plenty of target practloe off Santiago and that Cerveta is bottled trp. While cruising before Santiago he went in so close to the harbor that he was able to make sketches of the fortifications, which were sent to Washington. Commodore 6ohloy'a official report ot the Santiago fight has been received by the president. He saya there is no reasonsble doubt that Cervera's fleet ia inside the harbor, that hia firing was to team the strength of the enemy 'a battories, and was In that respect en tirely satisfactory. None of his vessels were hit and no casualties occurred. . A French correspondent at Madrid, saya he learns on the highest authority that Cervera is well on hia way to Manila. The vessels in Santiago har bor, he says, are Viliamil's torpedo boats. The Cape Verde squadron ia due at Manila shortly. Cervera's or ders are to destroy Dewey'a fleet, and to intercept and capture or destroy the American transports en route from San Francisco. Madrid newspapers maintain that Cervera's fleet is sailing in the direc tion of the Philippines. j The secretary of war has sent con gress a request for appropriations amounting to $53,870,860. These ap propriations will be used for the equipment and maintenance until June 1, 1800, of the 125,000 volunteers re cently called for by the president. Santiago Is to be invested by a land force. Government officials think a ni'vul attack alone might not bo effect ive. Haste is essential, as the prospect ot the early approach ot the cyolona season wke, Schley's stay in the open sea perilous. Secretary Alger intimates that the invasion of Porto Rico will promptly follow the fall of Santiago. Tha state department and the attor-nay-general, by direction of tho presi dent, are working hard in the prepara tion of a form of govomment for Cuba after the Spaniards are driven out. An effort Is being made to have a complete plan for these operations ready to be pnt into effect as soon as peaoe is de clared. Loaded with wealth but deserted and starving, John Rochel, once a well known manufacturer of 8iouxCityKIa., peiished last April on the trail between Dawson and Dyea, Alaska. The news of his death reached Sioux City in a letter to hia widow by Richard Hen drickaon, from Seattle. He was aban doned by his comrades and left to die. In the engagement at Santiago tha 8panish flagship Cristobal Colon waa struck twioe by shells from the Massa chusetts and the batteries were badly damaged by the firing of the cruiser New Orleans. . , Three hundred shots were fired by the Americans. No American vessel was hit and no one on the ships Injured. The Spanish loss was not heavy. j Chas. W. Post, who has Just re turned from Hong Kong, saya that pre vious to the battle of Manila, Admiral Dewey had a social passage at arms with Prince Henry, a brother of Em peror William of Germany. Prince Henry slighted tha United States at a aeries of toaita tendered at a banquet, and was made to apologise to the hero of Manila, The apology was written. It ia reported that Bishop John P. Newman, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will soon retire from active duty because ot ill health. James II. Muad.one of the oldest the atrical manage! s In America, died suddenly at hia home in Now York city. Ho was 08 years old. Belgium has been caught in a de liberate violation of neutrality law. She permitted the steamer liavenna to load at Antwerp with war munitions, supposedly tor the Spaniards. , A NAVAL COMBAT The Dispatches Report a Battle Off Hay- ( tien Coast. VANGUARD OF CADIZ FLEET Thr apaalsh and Kuur Anarlean VS . l. Knga(d Tha Lattar Probably Scout A Mpanlah Torpedo-Boat Ilaatrorer Sunk at Mautlufo. Cape Haytlen, June 7. The United States troopship Resoulte, formerly the Yorktown, under- convoy of the tor pedo boat destroyer Mayflower, the convertd Ogden Ooelet yacht of the same name, arrived at Mole St. Nich olas Saturday and departed shortly after. Advices from Mole St. Nicholas say that Saturday, some distanoe off Jean Rabel, a port on the west , coast of Hayti, half way between Port de Paix and Mole St. Nicholas, a combat took place between three Spanish and four Amerian warships. The American ships are said to have withdrawn from tbe combat. One ot the Spanish war ships entered the harbor of Jean Rabel for water. Officers of ships lying at St. Nicholas Mole were extremely reti cent Jean Rabel ia an insurgent seaport, and there ia no telegraphic; station there. It is thought possible that the Spanish ships encountered were the vanguard of the Cadis fleet. .The names of the American ships were not ascertained, but It ia believed here that they were probably scout boats. Troop.hlp Pursued. Port an Prince, June 7. According to the latest advices from Santiago de Cuba, there were not mote than 17 ships in the offing all day, and it ia believed there that the three missing vessels have gone for provisions and munitions of war. At 6 o'clock this evening, the steamer Nouvelle Voldregue arrived here from Cape Haytien, after touching at all the porta along the coast 'She reports that yesterday, at Mole St. Nicholas, she saw the United States troopship Resolute awaiting instruc tions. The vessel was under convoy. It was ascertained from passengers on the Voldregue that the Resolute had been puisued, between Jean Rabel and Mole St. Nicholas, by two Spanish coivettes. From the same source, it is learned that Admiral Cervera'a squadron ia not, in ha entirety, in the port of Santiago de Cuba, but that only a cruiser, aupiiosed to be the Colon, one torpedo-boat and two auxil iary cruisers are there. A dispatch from a government source at Port au Prince says: A Haytieu informant, now in San tiago de Cuba, say; tbe destitution has greatly increased since Ihe bombard ment began, and the military comman der has been forced to reduce the ra tions of the soldiers, among whom there is much discontent." ftpanlah Da.truyar Suuk. Kingston, Jamaica, June 7. A dis patch from Port au Prince says a ves sel that has arrived there from Santia go de Cuba tepoits that the Americans sunk on Friday night the Spanish tor pedo-boat destroyer Terror. The assumption, based on dispatches from Madrid, has boon that the de stroyer Terror, after leaving Fort do France, went to Porto Rioo, and it ia possible that the Port Antonio dis patch confuses hot with her sister de stroyer, the Fnror, aa has several times been dune in dispatches from other points. CHARLES V. GRID LEY. Ieath of tha Commander of tha Crnlaev Olympla. Washington, June 7. Captain Cbas. V. Qiidley, commander of the cruiser Olympia, and one ot the heroes of the brilliant vlotory at Manila, is dead. The announcement of his death waa re ceived at the navy department this afternoon in a cablegram from Pay master Gait, ot the navy, dated Kobe, Japan, June 4, and directed to Secre tary Long. The dispatch contained thia simple statement: "Captain Qridley died today. Tbe remains aooompany me on the Coptic." Captain : Charles Vernon Grid ey is the first American officer of great prom inence whose death ia a direct result ot the existing war with Spain. Aa tho commander ot Admiral Dewey's splen did flagship and one of tbe admiral's chief ad visers, Captain Grid ley achieved distinction at the battle ot Manila bay and added to his previous laurels by winning high praise from his superiors for distinguished gallun try and ability. He fought his ship from the conning tower, while Ad miral Dewey directed the movements of the squadron from the bridge of the vessel. It waa not known for several weeks after the engagement that Cap- taiu Gridley had suffered from It, and even now the precise nature of hia trouble ia not disclosed. Accident oa the Baa Franclaeo. Provinoetown, Mass., June 7. -A fatal aooident occurred last night on the cruiser San Francisco. By the full of a whaleboat from the davits, Claua Wessel, coxswain, was drowned and Seaman Stevenson sustained a fractur ed leg. Wessel was 80 years old. Hia body waa recovered this afternoon. , Great Britain's marine steam tonnage ia today 6,730,708 about as much aa that ot all other nations added together. MUST MOVE ON. No Koom fur Mentmant Carta ixa In the Dominion of Canada. Washington, Jnne 7.- Steps have been taken by which Lieutenant Car ranza, who has conducted the Spanish spy system at Montreal, with bis asso ciate, Senor du Bosc, the former first secretary of the Spanish legation here, will be expelled from Canada within the next few days, unless they adopt their own means to leave before an in ternational question is raised as to their presence in Canada. The Car ranza letter, defailing bis spy system, was communicated to the British am bassador, Sir Julian 1'auncefote, to gether with all other information bearing on the operations of the Span iards in Canada. The ambassador w:is quick to act in tho matter, ami. with out awaiting the slow process of the mail he cabled the entire matter to the foieign office. No don lit is entertained as to the speedy action of the authorities at Lon don, now that a specific case has been made out against the Spanish ofllciHl in Canada. They would have taken tbe initiative, had there been mote than suspicion as to the operations of Cat ranza. But the Carranza lcttei was proof positive, and the British officials will move quicklvjandjof their own voli tion towanl securing adequate redress. The state department has not cabled Ambassador Hay, not deeming it nec essary to do more than simply lay the facts before the British ambassador here. It ia excted Lord Salis'mry will call the attention of tho 8 punish government to the undesirability of having Carranza and do Boso remain in Canada, as their actions are so obvi ously hostile to the United States. Bay. H Wrote tha Letter. Montreal, June 7. Tonight Lien tenant Carranza admitted that he mat tbe author of the letter made public yesterday by tho secret service, and that it was the one stolen a week ago from his residence. "It is a translation," he said, "of the letter I wrote to my cousin, hot it is not as I wrote it. Words have been changed , and whole seutei.crs yes, even paragraphs inserted to make it suit tbe ends ot the United States gov ernment. ON BOARD THE SOLACE. Wounded and Sick Are llroucht Bark Prona tha Front. New York, June 7. The ambulance ship Solace came into port today, hav ing on board 64 wounded and sickr, some of whom had been transferred fiom the American warships in Cuban waters and others taken from the hos pital at Key West Her after-deck had been tented over with canvas, and in swinging hammocks lay half a dozen of the more seriously ill of the pa tients. The convalescing room was the backing place of a score or more of the poor fellows who had not given up the right without a stiUKgle, while the piivilegeof the decks was accorded all those who were able to move about or anxious to watch the green hills as the good ship moved in Bhorewaul. Tho Solace anchored off Tompkins ville early thia morning, and the was boarded by press repieseutatives. She left Key West Wednesday afternoon, and came through to New York with out incident until Satoiday night, when the gale tumbled her about to some extent, and made things uncom fortable for the patients. But the sea voyage was a tonic to the men. They had left behind the sweltering seas of the tropics, and the exhausting winds for refreshing breezes. Some of them had gathoied together in little groups on the voyage up many a time and told again the story of a brush with the Spaniards or the nights on watch at the blockade Four of tbe heroes of the Nashville and tbe Mar blehead were among the patients on tho Solace, Robert Volta, of San Fran cisco, and Hairy Hendriokson, Joo Davis aud Kuohmeister, of New York. They are tbe wounded of that gallant band of volunteers who cat the cable at Cienfuegos nearly a mouth ago. It is a tale that has been' told before. The effort will live in historv, side by side, with - the Merrimac's journey down Ihe narrows at Santiago. The Solace has on board 64 patients removed from southern waters. . BURNED AT THE STAKE. Negr Fiend a Victim of Hob VeBaTeanee In Texaa. Dallas, Tex., June 7. A special from Shrove port, La., says: A thousand people gathered at Doyline, on the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific rail way, aboat 18 miles from heie. to wit ness the burning at the stake of Wil liam Street, a negro who brutally out raged Mrs. Parrish. The crime was committed May 80. Tho people erect ed a post near the railroad truck, near town, and had the light wood and kindling saturated with coal oil, pre paratory to chaining Street to the post. The flames were started at 1 o'clock. It was a sickening sigi t, which lasted 10 minutes, when Street was a charred mass. Well-known lawyers made speeches warning the crowd of negroes that such crimes wonld not be tolerated in a civil iaod community, Anxious for Peace. Washington, June 7. The belief is growing in the best-informed govern ment circles that Spain is sincerely anxious to make peace, and that even now she la seeking a favorable oppor tunity to make overtures in that direc tion. Numerous evidences of this have come to tho attention of the authorities heie, but np to this time no actual move has been made toward ascertain ing on wbnt lnsV the United States would consider i-- MERRIMAC SUNK Blown Up by a Spanish Torpedo in San tiago Harbor. TRIED TO FORCE A PASSAGE Bpanlard. Allowed Iter to Cro First Defense Line Number of Victim Mot Reported Fleet Renewed Bombard meat of Fort and Squadron. Cape Haytien, Hayti, June 6. The American fleet, according to advices re ceived by cable from Santiago deCuba, the cable being under Spanish control, opened fire again at 8 o'clock this morning on tje fortifications and war ships. The cannonade waa well sustained nntil 4 A. M. One of the American auxiliary cruisers (well armed) attempted to force the passage into the harbor. The Spanish allowed the cruiser to cross the first line of torpedoes, but before s'ie arrived at tbe second line, they discharged a torpedo, which broke great hole in her aide and caused her to sink almost instantly, bow first. One officer, one engineer and six sail ors were made prisoners by tbe Spaniards. ADMIRAL SAMPSON'S FLAGSHIP, THE NET YORK. 10:26 A. M. A dispatch from San tiago says that the vessel sunk ia un derstood to be the Merrimac. Only tbe extremities of her funnel and two masts are seen above water. The Mew From Port aa Prlace. Port au Prince, Hayti, June 6. This morning at 8 o'clock, the Ameri can squadron began the bombardment of the fortifications of Santiago de Cuba, and a lively cannonading ensued for two hoars, which silenced the Spanish batteries. An American vessel, the Meirimac, described in the cable from Santiago as an auxiliary cruiser, made a dash to force tbe entrance, succeeded in passing the first line of defenses, but waa tor pedoed about 600 feet up the channel. She went down "perpendicularly." An officer, an engineer and six seamen were taken prisoners. The number of victims is unknown. Only the funnel and mastheads of the sunken vessel can be seen. There is great excitement in the city. A part of the population assisted in the fighting on tbe heights. Every body is astounded at the audacity of the American' vessel. The American squadron was cruising 11 the while in the offing. (It 'will be noted that there is an im portant discrepancy as to the time at which the bombardment is said to have begnn this morning between the dis patches from Cape Haytien and Port au Prince, the former saying 8 o'olook and the lattei 8 o'clock. It is possible that this arises from a confusion be tween the figures 8 and 8. The San tiago advices in reference to tbe sunken vessel as an auxiliary cruiser is prob ably a mistake. The Merrimao is a collier, and has always been a collier.) Navjr Department' Advice. Washington, Jnne 6. Notwitstand- Ing tbe rather positive statement com ing from Jamaica to tbe effect that the second Spanish fleet from Cadis lias crossed tbe Atlantio and ia about to join Cervera at Santiago, the officers of the navy department refuse to be frightened at what they declare to be a bugaboo. It appears that the basis of their confidence is a telegrapbio re(ort of as late date aa yesterday, declaring that tbe Cadiz fleet ia still at Cadiz. Moreover, they know that there are not aa many as 18 ships in that fleet. London, June 6. According to a dispatch from Madrid, EI Heraldo, with regard to the situation at Santia go da Cuba, says: "It is one more disonchantment which proves that there ia no remedy tor Spain's misfortunes. Cervera'a squadron at Santiago ia of little advan tage, either to itself or to what it rep resents. It can neither hinder the Yankees' expedition, nor strengthen the defense of Havana. Spain was never before led through auch a strsit road of perdition." A GREAT FLEET. Sampson and Hrhlejr Have JolneTt Their Force. Off Santiago de Cuba, via Kingston, Jamaica, June 6. Hear-Admiral Sampson, with tho cruiser New York, his flagship, accompanied by the battle-ship Oregon, cruiser Mayflower and the torpedo-boat Porter, joined Com modore Schley's squadron off Santiago Wednesday morning, and their com-, bined commands have Ihe Spanish flout securely locked in the harbor. Admiral Sampaon left tho heavy monitors and light gunboats off Car denas Monday morning, all danger of the appearance of the Spaniards from the eastward having been removed with the definiled information that Schley had hunted them to their boles, and under command of ConunoiUiie Watson, the monitors and gunlHiiti returned to reinforce the blockade un the north coast of Cuba. Admiral Sampson did not ussnine command of the amalgamated squad rons on his arrival. Each sqnailion retains its separate entirety, and Com modore Schley has his siiiglo-staricd pennant on the Brooklyn. Tbe American fleet off Santiago now numbers 12 fighting shipa, two colliers and a cable-cutting ship. , Neither the Solace, the hospital ship, nor the Red Cross ship State of Texas, which tba diapa'o'i boat Dauntless passed on her way here, has yet put in an npienr ance. The fighting ships are tho New York, Brooklyn, Iowa, Oregon, Ma-ea-chnsetts, Texas, New Orleans, Marble head, Dolphin, Mayflower and Vi n, and the torpedo-boat Porter. - There ia every indication that active oicraitiutiS will begin at once. The cable which binds Cuba to Ma drid and tbe outside world was cut to day. Pending tbe execution of Admiral SampMin'a plan of campaign, our ships form a cordon about tbe entiuueo of Santiago harbor to prevent tho iiti ble egress of the Spaniards. Communication has also been had with the shore. The mountains and hills which surround Santiago arc in full possession of the Cuban insur gents. The reconnoissance made ,' by onr ships, principality the smaller ynchls and torpedo-boats, w hich are a Mo to creep close inshoie at night, has pictiy definitely determined the local inn and character of the defenses of Ihe h.ulm-. Several new batteries have been thrown up on the high ground on each title of Ihe entrance, and it is evident the Spaniards are prepared lu make a strong resistance. NOT A SPANISH VICTORY. Collier May Have Been Sent In to llloi k- ade the 4'hanuel. Watdiington, June 6. The IVt says: 1 here is absolutely no doubt in the minds of tbe naval oflioiala in Washington that the 'ending of tie collier into tbe harbor was a prear ranged move on the part of Ailn h.,1 Sampson. The use of a collier, the un usual hour of the morning, the iiee,, sity of blockading the channel so as 10 relieve some of the ships of thu niu.nl ron from remaining stationed oft San tiago, tho importance of riUt'ovuiing Whether the mines wero eiTcctive-i-ull these make it certain that the Men i- mao was deliberately sent lo her do- Btruction. It was not a Spanish vioioiy it was a cleverly arranged kcIh-iuo ui the part of the American Admiiul, and it was successful. Tbe eight men in a Spanish P'i.-oii are the real heroes of the war. if tho Merrimao went in under her own crew, it is interesting to know that her com plement of officers consisted of Com mander J. M. Miller; Lieutenant W. W. Gilmer, exeoutive officer; Knsigna J. R. Y. Blukely and J. M. Luby, and First Engineer R. K. Crank. 'Miller is from Missouri, Gilmer from Vir ginia, Blakely from Pennsylvania, aud Luby and Crank from Texas. It is expected that report will he re ceived today from Admiral Sampson which will give details of the Muiri- inao's destruction, and tho names of the eight men who have been cap tured. John V. Smith Indicted. Port Townscnd, ' June 6. The steamer Farallon, which arrived here tonight, from Alaska, brings news that in addition to the indictment ol ei-ht customs officers, the grand jury at Sitka has brought lu two trim bills against John U. Smith, ex-Unid' I States commiaaioner at , Kkagwuy, .i charges of extortion and accept i -biibea. Smith has been an est e I, whom WHr. flMnwa -a? e' i S , J' nne tu hi woria'S tsif "tour; " " 110 o