THE COilDO'l CLOBL THU RSDAY, MAY 26,J60 NOTICE. Ths jratrly labMrtptton to th. Owns In 81.80, II paid In advuiM. 1 not pntd In idrittios 92 III tNOh.rawl. A ponoll mark argand tb( nollcs InrtloiU'i that your ubmriptlon fats plrrd. flMM iwn.w proinptljr. -LOCAL NEWS. v V It's fine growing wither, Isn't UT Neat Monday will be Memorial day. A. Oral ner, of May villa, was In town the flratol tli week, the wheat fields art getting a decided move ou since the rain, Mra. 3. P. Lacaa, of Arlington, li vlalt Ing friend bare this week, Ookti Monday, May 23d, to Mr. and Mra. David Uussell, a daughter. Mra. T. J. Young wai In from the ranch Bundny and Monday. E. 1'. Weir and B. K. Searcy, of May villa, were In town Monday, Wool hauling la the order of the day In Qllllain coanty at prevent. E. P. Weir, of Mayvllla, waa peaaen ger on yesterday's north bound atage. Fred Wilaon will aUrt with hia aheep In a few daya tor their summer range. Clerk Fraier made a buaineaa trip to Arlington lait Saturday, returning on Tueaday, No more vessels of any nationality will be allowed to pais the blockade at Havana. Dunn Broe. are preparing to move their aheep to their an miner range near Prairie City. Mr. Btinchflold and wife, of Mayvllle, paaaed through town Sunday on their way to Portland. jfK i F. Horn, of Foiall, waa a paaaenger on Monday'a atage, homeward bound from a vlalt below. Mr. Geo. Ooflln, the well-known fruit grower of 80-mlle, la quite aerloaaty ill, we are aorry to learn. John W. Miller, of Matney Flat, baa filed notloe of hla intention to make Anal proof on bla bomeatead, 0. W. fllnehart returned Sunday from Lost Valley, where be visited bla daugh ter, Mre. Herbert Ualatead. W, A. Darling returned Monday from Itoaeburg, where he went aa a delegate to the 1. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge. Meeare. Ilawaon and llaoklna, of Ar lington, atopped In town a few boora Sunday while on their way to Foiall. An Intereatlng eerie of meeting were held in the Congregational church laat week, and are being continued tbla week. J. R. Clark la having a well aonk at bla new realdence, In the weat part of town. The realdence le alinoat com pleted, Thla eectlon waa bleaaed with a good, otd-faabloned toaklng rain laat Saturday. The benefit to growing crop, etc. le In atlmable. Jordan Bros, now hare plenty of beef, pork, mutton, etc. on hand and will be fitly prepared from now on to eerv the public with aame. J. A. Kieer baa a arew of men at work on the new 10-mile road. lie eayalt will take at leaat another month' work to complete the road. The Arllugton-Condon telephone prop osition la atlll alive and the Glob a hopea to be ablo to give aome Interealing new regarding It nest week. W ,L. Wilnos drove over to line creek laat Saturday to bring boma hie family who have been makiug a brief vlalt at the bone of the Caven family. Bert Well it nortlng a badly Injured foot thla week, cauted by being thrown from the hurricane deck of a wild and woolly bronco a few daya ago. Karbart A Moore bave bad their Sum' tnlt aaloon newly painted (liialde) and papered lately. Ueo. Fletcher, aaalited by J. D. McFarland, did the job, Subecription tor the San Franciaco Esamlner taken at the Own office Save pontage, time and trouble by lub- acrlbing bare. tf. Portland now rank aa the fifth great- eat wheat center In the country. During the year 1807 12,009,553 buihela were abipped from that city to foreign porta. Wm. Maoa left a few daya ago for Portland, where he will enliat in the O. N. O. We have not learned whether be la on the way to the Philippine or not. Connolly Broa. are going to take the Dillon aiieep to the mountain in Grant county In a few day. Tbey will each receive (50 per month wagea during the time they are In the mountain CO. Portwood la out to the Dunn ranch thi week helping F. C. Cornett with aome fencing, etc. May be Oacar will gain a few pointer white out there on bow to raise augar beota. The residences of Al llonehaw, Mra, Brandon and Mia Mable Halstead, the laat named being occupied by Stephen V. Moorf and wlfo, have been enhanced lately with a freih coat of paint. The epring term of our publlo achool will close tomorrow with an entertain ment given by the pupil. Th term ha been a aucoeaaful one under the direction of Mia Mabel Ualatead. W. K. McKlnney and J. M. Brown .i .left thl week for the mountain with their aheep. The Globk will follow th poi Milr ahe thvX vt0 their seclusion and keep them '"I NIT oa 4n the new of the outside world. DEATH OF WYATT PUTNAM. The ad newa reached Condon laat evening of the death of little Wyatt Putnam, on of J. II. Putnam, of Foaail, by accidentally ahootlng himaolf while playing with a 44 caliber revolver. The andden death of thulr child la Indeed a aad blow to the parenta, and they have the heartfolt ivmpatby of the whole community. Pie tuclal tomorrow (Friday) evening at Armory hall, given by the public achool. All contributor wl'! pleaae tend pie, coffee, augar, etc. to the hall Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock or later. S. G. Itawaon, M. 8. Johnaon, 0, A. Danneman, 11. N. Fraxer, M. 0. Clarke ; and K. It. llanklna wont to Lone Rock yeiterdny to look after republican luter eat in that comer of the vineyard. Lumber I on the ground tor a new ichool home on Matney Flat. William Cornett haa donated the district one and one-half acre of ground for achool pur poaet. Th new building will be 2630 feet. Mra. Shutt la (till offering the re mainder of her furniture at prlcea that will aatonlib you. AIo will aell the Fitiwater property for $320 caah or 300 on year'a time with aecured note, bear ing 10 per cent Intereat. Having opened a meat market in Con don we will pay the highest caah price for beet cattle, veal, etc., with which to lupply our cuitomer. Wilt buy atock either on foot or dreiaed. Johdan Bko. E. E. Smith, who wat formerly In the roataurant builneea bare, I now con ducting a tlmllar eatabllahment at Greeloy, Colorado, and la doing well, which fact the Globi la pleated to chronicle, On Saturday of laat week W. A. and 11. K. Weat, two young men from Sher man county, purchased from L. W. Dar ling 820 acera ot farming land, con alteration $1000. Mr. Darling reaervea the crop now growing. J. F. Keisacher baa turned out In the neighborhood of 40 new itock aaddle thi ipring and 1 atlll aa bnay at ever. Mr. Reiaacher turn out only first-class work and enjoy the reputation of being the beat workman in hla line In Gilliam county. Numberless change are being made on the GiOna mailing Hat lately, due to the large number of aheepmen who are going to the mountain for the tommer. Tbey all declare that camp life would be too utterly lonely without the Glor (or a companion. Fin Thomas, Arlington' popular livery man, waa in town Monday night and went on to Mayvllle and Foaail Tueaday. Mr. Thome drive Arst-claaa rig, and boraea entruited to hi care at hi Ar lington barn alwayt come out looking beiterjthan wben they went In. S. B. Howard, of Minnesota, addrce- ed the people ot Condon, on the political laaue of the day, in behalf of the Union ticket, on Monday evening. Mr. Howard la a logical (peaker, and alt who beard him agree that be presented the Issue of the campaign in an entertaining aud able manner, from a ailver aUnd point. A republican meeting waa held. in Armory ball on Tueaday evening. Mile S. Johnaon, ot Portland, the principal apeaker of the evening, discussed the political laaue ot the day from a gold ataudard aUodpoint. H. S. Wilaon, of The Dallea, nominee for circuit judge of thla diatrlct, and 8. G. Hawaon, ot Ar lington, candidate for representative, alao add r eased the meeting. Afairalaed crowd wai in attendance. Mr. Gardner, the Arkanaaa contractor wbo took the Arlington-Fossil mall route from the government at ruinoutly low figures, we are pleaaed to etate ha not a yet found a tucker In tbeee parte to take It off hit hand, and it la probable be will forfait bit bondtand let th route go back to the government. In that event the present contractor, Reed A Ogilvie, who bave given eplendid tatie- faction to the patron of the route, will probably be employed by the govern ment to cootlnue it. Foaail Journal. J. B. Gou, one of Lone Rock'a best known citiaent, bat been awarded the contract of carrying the U. 8. mail from Condon to Lone Rock, from Lone Rock to Hoppnor, and from Lone Rock to Foaail. On the Condon-Lone Rock route a daily service will be maintained, and on the Lone Rock-Ueppner, and Lone Rock-Foail line the lervice will be trl weekly. New rig and atock will be put on all of the line and a atrictly first' claa service will be maintained. The contract will take effect July lit. The Woman'a Edition The Dallea Tlmea-Mountalneer haa been received It ia an excellent number ot 24 page, eaolutive ot the cover, gotten up in magitine form, ably edited and present a neat typographical appearance. The object the ladioa had In view when they undertook the work waa a benefit for the publlo library ot the town, and they are certainly entitled to a large share of eucceti at a reward tor the excellent character ot their work. - The public tion should be a eourco ot pride to the ladle who undertook the work, to the management of the Tlmea-Mountalneer and to every clllzon of the town. Some weokaago, D. P. Ketchura, tock buyer, of The Dalle, contracted with H. B. Barker, of title place, for 6000 head of aheep, consisting of 8000 year lings and 3000 two-year-old wether The Drlce attreed upon was 12.50 for yearlings and 12.90 for two-year-olds, and a payment of 11500 waa made to bind the bargain. Since that time the price of sheep has fallen to aoch an extent that Mr. Ketchom decided to forfeit the money advanced rather than take the sheep. The sheep told were from the band of S. B. Barker, Lewi Barker and J. M. Cameron, and these gentleme are now making arrangements to trail the sheep to an eastern market. The eheep will be in charge of Lewie Barker J. M. Cameron, Elgin Myert and Lewi Couture, and will be atarted on the! long journey In a few day. LONE ROCK. P, L. Ham returned Sunday from a bualnea trip to fossil A delivery of cattle It expected to be made at thla place the latter part of thla week. W. H. Col well and hla alitor, Mr. weney, or Arlington, are visiting iriendt tbeir old home. Wool haullnir haa begun In thi (ac tion, tome being hauled to Ueppner and aome to Arlington The republican speech delivered here astweek by lion. C W. rulton was highly appreciated by tboi who heard it. Charley White took 800 head of fine mutton sheen to Portland last week and lao delivered 100 head of cattle at Uepp ner. The weather prophet predict a de- led chanse in the weather and a very windy spell about the time the county candidates get around here. Sheepmen and aheepihcarer have been roaring and kicking for the past couple of week about tbe cold, windy weather, but the nne warm rain me nrat of the week teema to have pot every one in a better frame of mind, a rain aa badly needed. Gene Oilman passed through town last week with a large band of horses. ill hi own. which he bad gathered over n tbe Foaail conntry. lie ie gathering n to Cama prairie. It will take several week to gather hi horse, a there le 200 or 300 head ot them, and tliey are pretty well scattered over tne range, We are Informed, that about the 25th Inst., the road worker were to quit the Lone Kock grade aud commence work farther on. making a cut oif by Joseph Whyte's place. Ihla will shorten the road considerably from Line Rock to Condon, and the road will alio be on better ground and where tnere it plenty of water. NOTICE. , All periont knowing themselve to be Indebted to me for blacksmith work must call and eettle forthwith or the! accounts will be placed with a collector and coat added. I mean business. G, S. Clark, Condon, Oregon, ro23 14 May 25, 1098, Z. F. Moody s Brick Warehouse, 8. B. Howard apoke at Olex ay to a large audience, in bebai! i Union ticket. OLEX. The Nott achool boose baa been moved one mile east of its former location. Frank Baker, of Blalock, accompanied Miss Edith McKlnney to ber home in Olex last week. Hon Monda otthe Warren French and Guy Nott atarted out last week with a boot 100 head ot farmer' horses to keep on gras until harvest, There will be preaching at Olex next Sunday, and after ervice publlo bap tismal rite will be held at the creek, below the bridge. Several are to be baptised. . There la quite an epidemic of pinkeye mnng the Olex children, and aome adults are tufferlng with the same die ease. Last year tbe chickena bad it. What next? J. W. Phillip and II. J. Nott attend ed the graphophone entertainment at Olex last Saturday evening. They are talking ol purchasing a machine ol that kind abortiy. Last week L. O. Ralston purchased. through H. P. Vermilye, agent for tbe Northern facinc Lnc uo., tne greater parttf three sections of land in the Mc- Guire and Vining district. There wat a large attendance at Locuet Grove last Sunday. Quite a number ot people in that locality nave protested Christianity. The revival meeting closed Knndav afternoon, Dave lhomaa and wife, of Arlington, and quite a umber of Olex i tea being among those to witness the closing meeting. The roads in that locality are in a fearful condition, arreat rocks being in the road nd sage brush hitting one in tne lace at almostevery torn. L. O. Ralston and familv, accompanied by mi as t'arrisn nd Mlsa Snell, while returning ran aalnst a large boulder and broke the buggy tongue short off. Roy Edmlnston tntllv assisted to wrap aome boards on the tongue with the halter ropes, and borne was safely reached Arlington and The Dalles. Your Interests are Ours. Your Business Entrusted to Our Care Will Receive the Most Careful Attention. S.G. HAWSON, Arlington Agent. REPUBLICAN SPEAKING. HON. FRANK HOTTER,. OF PORTLAND Will address the voters of Gilliam County on he issues of the campaign at the following times and places: Subscrptlon Agency. Subscription for all the leading news paper and periodical, inciuaing ir.e Evening Telegram and the Examiner, taken at the postofllcc. . Mbb. J. F. Biisachh. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrant registered prior to May 1, 1806, will be paid on preseu tatlon at my oflice. Interest closes after thi date. 8. B. Barker, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon Dated at Condon, Ore., May 3, 1803, FOSSIL MEAT MARKET. 1 have juat purchased a fine lot ot the well known Hereford breed of cattle, from W. Smith, of Thirty-mile, which will be killed for beef. Meat for ealo at wholesale or retail. Free delivery to Condon. Mail orders solicited. tf J. W. McCaixi'Mi Volunteers wanted at once location or write to the undersigned for information relative to the ENOR MOUS CUT in ticket rates to the East, F. C. Hindu:, Ag't O. R. 4 N. Co., Arlington, Ore Notice to Taxpayers. The dolinquent tax roll for 1807 will be made up Jnne 1, 1808. No interest will be allowed on county warrants, re ceived for taxes, after that date. Condon, Oregon, V. L. Wilcox, May 18. 1808. Sheriff Gilliam Co To Home Seekers. I have for sale fine residence properties in Condon, and Fossil, together with barns and out housea for each residence, Alao aeveral fine farms and stock ranches. none better, near Condon, Clem, Ole and Arlington. Term very reasonable II. B. Uknubicks, Box 136 Att'y, Condon, Or, Of Interest to Settlers. II. N. Fraxer, County Clerk, at Con' don, Oregon, continues to give special attention to U. S. government land ap plications, filings and proofs, lie I aluo prepared to receive applications for the purchase of state achool, lien achool lands and forfeited railroad lands, at bis office. ATTENTION VOOLGROVERS! 11 S B. BARKER, .DEALER IN GE H'R'L MiERCElAtJDIS CONDON, OREGON. Prepared t() Handle Con- STOCKMEN'S; SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS sign men ts of Wool This Year, as Before, at A SPECIALTY. J. F. REISACHER, I Saddler mo Harnessmaker CONDON, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF LEATHER GOODS MADE TO ORDER. '.Carrie a Complete and Welt-selected Stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKETS And everything usually found In a flrat-claaa harness shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a call. In the building on the corner, opposite Barker' atore. NOTICE. We have added a Jewelry Department to our stock of General Merchandise and W. L. To bey, who is a strictly first-class watch-maker, is prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and guarantee satisfaction. Tobey Bros., ARLINGTON, - OREGON. J. H. PUTNAM, -DEALER IN- FOSSIL, MAYVILLE, CONDON, OLEX, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JUNK 2, JUNE 3, JUNE 4, JUNE 4. 8:00 P.M. 2:00 P. M. 1 :00 P. M. 8:00 P.M. Mr. Motter is an able speaker and all are urged to hear him. He ia familiar with tbe issues of tbe campaign. Ladies specially invited. Wallace McCamant, George F. Steel, Cbr. Rep. Congressional Com. Chr. Rep. State Com. GENERT MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. WAR WITH SPAIN! -AL. HENSHAWw- Is Busy Getting in Supplies for His Customers. He Carries a Full Supply of Hardware, Builder's Material, Granite and Tinware, Furniture, Taints and Oil, Glass and Crockery, Stoves, Picture Frames. Fishing Tackle, Bedding. Canned Goods. Ammunition. Undertaking Goods. He will make you hot prices on Building Material, Barbed Wire Etc.' Call and see him when you come to the county seat. Interest charged on acc'ta after 40 daya. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles . Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OF T. Q. Earhart, 8. V. Moore. CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, MaaamFOR FINEST BRANDS OFBbjb, Uipes, Ijquors ar;d Qars. Livery, Feed and Sale Large New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Condon Hotel, CONDON, OREGON. Mrs. S. A. Maddock PROPRIETRESS. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. MOTTO: LOW RATES, FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS EARHART & MOORE, CONDON, Prop'rs. ORE. ARLINGTON SALOON, 0. V. BARR, PROP. Fine Wines and Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aijd pool Sables. First-class Goods and Courteous Treat ment to Customers, Our Motto. Main St., Condon, Table Supplied With the Best in the Market. P. Iv. H AM, LONE ROCK, ORE., DEALER IN General Merchandise "AT SUCH LOW PRICES THAT WILLAST0NISH YOU. CET MY PRICES BEFORE C0INC TO THE RAILROAD. IT WILL PAY YOU. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE BEST- WHEN BUYING GROCERIES? IF YOU ARE IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO CONSULT WITH P. H. Stephenson, BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. Dealer in Fine Merchandise. orego"- War and Drouth1; - DUNN BROS. a decided ef taple good Will Still Divide With You by Making CLOSE FRICES on All Goods Sold. Call and See Them. Condon, ( Dealers in ) They Will General Merchandise.) Treat You White. Oregon. Condon, Oregon. HARRY HALSTEAD, ..DEALER im NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who uvea on meat waa ever known to lick hla wife, or ask (or dlvore. A vegetable diet woman la aa cold ami clammy aa a turnip. If von want your girl to have rosy cheeka and vitality In her motion, feed her on beef steak with occasional doses of Dr. Haw son's Tonio Bitters, Bold everywhere. Notice to the Ladles. Mra. E. M. West, late of Portland, has opened a fine line of millinery goods in the room just south of Condon Hotel. Latest styles in hats, trimmed and on trimmed. Also trimming done to order. Call and see her. "WAR" (in rates.) Write quick to the undersigned and enlist In the army of passengers taking advantage ot the cut ratea to the East. F. 0. HuiDia, Ag't O. B. A N. Co., Arlington, Ore, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. I now have on hand about250,000 feet of Lumber sawed in '97 that is thoroughly seasoned. My stock includes flooring, ceil ing, rustic, surfaced lumber, ship-lap and all usual dimensions of rough lumber. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFFICE, LOST VALLEY. - - - - - - - OREGON mint immw iu iria worsCTS Till 7? lit wmrri t (fit tine