lilt UUiiUUil ULUiiL THURSDAY. APRIL 23, I8SS. NOTIC. Th y.rlr BHtworlpttott lo tli. Qujm It SI.SO, II paid la idniio.. 11 not paid In advunut 92 wilt MclMrgoa, A ptnell murk around ttila notlr IniUcniM that jrotir ulMcnptlon bu ex pirrd. FliwMrtMsw pmmvMy. UDCAL NEWS. J. V, Blaka vlilted Ueppner and Port land last week, Mm Mnu 1 Evana, of fuiall, li vlaitlng in Condun tblt wek. Mrs. Younj hat gona out to their ranch to spend tha ainuiur. MIm Mary Volton and Mn. Jaa. Brown vera vlaitlng (rlundi In town Sunday. T. U. Johmton, Oaoar I'ortwool and S. A. Pattlaon returned Sunday from a visit to Portland, Mrs. K l McKlnaey Is assisting In the kitchen work at the Condon hotel during Mrs. Maddock'a absence. ' Kov. Johns, o( Fossil, will hold services in the church at this place next Sunday, morning and evening. Win. McKlnney was in town Monday morning with a load of early vegetables from bis Uock creek ranch. Any man who is consumed with a desire to fill a long-felt want in this life can do to by starting a meat market iu Condon. Harry Hutu toad and Mrs. Herbert Halatead, of Lost Valley, are in Port land having their eyes treated by an oculist of that city. Darling and Mcfarland repapered the court house this week. They have also secured the contract f ir p tluting the building Inside and out. Mr. Robert Wilson, of Michigan, father of the Wilson brothers here, arrived In Condon last week and will remain with bis sons during the summer, U. II. Noel has commenced an action against Oeo, Karbart for trespass, in Justice Tatotn's court. Trial set for May 6th. Another sheep trespass case. Subscriptions for the San Francisco Examiner taken at the Uuma oflke. Have postage, time and trouble by sub scribing here. tf. Edgar Moore and J. W, ltarrhave been elected delegates from Summit Lodge Nn. 130 I. 0. 0. F. to the Grand Lodge, which meets neat month at Bosebnrg. E. P. Weir, Ueorge Gibbons, F. B. Moore and B. K. Searcy were among the Mayvllle delegation who took In the Odd Fellows' celebration here Tuesday. Some very neat silk badges have been turned out from this oflice lately for admirers of various candidates. Yon would better order tome (or your favor ite. Call In and see us about it. Mrs. J. W. Oilman, and family, of Fossil, stopped in town Sunday night while on their way to visit their old borne In New Hampshire. Thoy expect to be gone about four 'months. John Grass was kicked by a horse one day last week and seriously Injured while employed on Chas. White's ranch about 12 miles from town. Dr. Shaw, of Fossil, was summoned to attend him. Will Searcy, of Beochor Flat, roturnod to Portlan 1 on Tuesday, for further treat ment. He had been at homo only a few days but found he had not recovered sulTljIeotly lo leave hit physician, E. B. and F. D. Cornett, of Linn coun ty, are here visiting their father Win. Cornett, of Matney Flat. They are fa vorably impressed with this country, and one of them, at least, may locate here permanent ly. Gentle Spring was made to tremble In her tllppers when the cold wind and aleet storm of Tuesday strnck the coun try. Her ladyship should provide herself with a seal skin tarque and arctic over shoes before tackeling Enstorn Oregon. , W. W. Sleiwer. of Fossil, and Mrs. J. F. Relsacher, of this place, returned Saturday from Portland., Mrs. Roisacher went down expecting to bring bor sister-in-law, who is an invalid, home with ber, but found bor unable to stand the trip. Mrs. E. Hoxter, of Portland, was bare last week in the Interest of the Florence Crltltenden Refuge of that city. The Refuge la a home for homeless and un fortunate girls, aud It a worthy Instltu tlon. Mrs. Hoxter collected about 125 here. The lumber for the new parsonage has arrived at Arlington slid those who have subscribed hauling can bring their load, and others who are hauling wheat and have no load back are Invited to bring a load of lumber and help the good work along. ' Walter Foster, who has been employed in Fix's bowling alley, met with a serious ancidonton Thursday of last woek, by stopping on a rusty nail and running it almost through the ball of hit foot. The wound was belter Monday morning and Walter and his young sister, Ethel, start ed for Portland whore their sUtor roaides. The atate encampment of the 0. A. R. will meet at The Dalles on May 17, 18 and 19. A number of veterans in this vicinity have alrendy signified their In tenlion of attending. Spanish toast will occupy a prominent place on the bill of fare and will bo served hot sixty times a minute during the encampment. All veterans and prospective veterans should attend and acquire a taste for stewed Spanish which will aUo be served hot. ?i Mr. II. B. Honor ckt desires to sav , through the columns of this paper, to . those who received their quota of free ) distribution of seeds sent by IT. S. Sena tor Hon. Geo. W. McBrlde, (distributed by Mr. Hendricks) to pleaso hand him, at your earliest convenience, a report con cerning the success, or otherwise, that you have had planting your garden with these seeds. We learn there has been tome fine vegetables raised from these , seeds in this section; but n report Is what It wanted by the department to ' V voiify this statement. ouiiiiiiaiy ui Uiut War luwo. Harbor of Havana blockaded by U. 8 fleet Spaniards iu Moro Castle Are 10 shots at our fleet without effect, ships remaining silent President issues call for 125,000 troops Submarine cable con necting Havana with Madrid cut by U. S. dispatch boat, Mangrove Battle-ship Oregon reported safe and in position to take care of herself Eleven Spanish vessels, so far, reported captured by onr navy Socretary of State Sherman re signs and Is succeeded by W. R. Day Oregon Is called upon for one regiment of Infantry to be recruited from O. N. tl. Fire In Ferry Canyon. On Wednesday oi last week Angnst Seckamp's house and the entire contents therel u were destroyed by Ore. Besides the household effects about 000 sides of fine bacon went op In smoke. Mr. Vaublair, who was staying with Mr. Seekamp, also lost everything he bad. They hod to fight Are pretty lively in order to save the barn, which would have added several hundred dollars to Mr. Seukamp's loss had It burned, as his threshing machine, engine, etc, are stored therein. We have not learned whether the honse was insured or not; if not, the loss of course will be more koenly felt by Mr. Seekamp. I. O. O. F. Celebration. The members of Summit Lodge No. 130, 1. 0. 0. F. entertained their friends and the public generally on Tuesday, the occasion being the 79tb anniversary of the establishment of the order in the United States as well at the fourth birthday of Summit Lodge. The lodge entertained their visitors with aneletrant dinner, served at the Rinehart restau rant, where dinnor had been ordered for 100 guests. Visitors were present from all the neighboring towns and set tlements, and everybody seemed to have a good time. At 2.00 p. m. the crowd assembled in Armory ball, where an excellent program of vocal and instru mental music, speeches, recitations, se lect readings, etc. was rendered, which was highly enjoyed by all present. The festivities of the day were closed with a grand ball in the evening, which was well attended, tifty-two numbers were sold and the dance lasted well into the wee sum' hours. Midnight supper was served at the Condon hotel and at Rine- hart's restaurant much to the satisfac tion of the hungry dancers. OLEX. Mr. A. L. Gardner is on the sick list. Chas. Martin ia at Arlington strain doctoring. Those green straw hats at Olex store are just the thing. - R. 0. Vetto is colon to move to May vllle for the summer. B. Lane, formerly of Olex. is now lo cated at John Day City. Road Supervisor J. A. Riser It attain here leveling down the hills. J. W. Masuire bad a horse buyer out to Olex and vicinity last week. There was a lame attendance at church Sunday. The house was crowded. S. A. Pattison made Olox a friendly call last week while on bis way to Port- land. II, P. Meade, a blacksmith, from New Era, arrived In Olex Monday to remain I permanently. J J. E. Redmond is a-nlna to tear down the Short house and barn and rebuild at his residence. Dull Reed's father and mother staved in Olex one night last week while on their way to Arlington. News is setting scarce. Somebody had better do something to get their name In the Olex column. Jess Lewis says he don't like for Brick Morris to be boarding at S. A. Foster's. Chops are high siuco war broke out. Mrs. Fred Hanna read the item in the Guna about Fred coming to church ail togged up, and came borne post haute. Mrs. II. J. Nott left for the Valloy Tuesday to visit her relatives. 11. J. is now figuring on the price of a new cut away coat. French and Guy Nott are soliciting horses to lake to the mountains to graze ontil harvest, at $1 ahead. They have about 160 contracted. Mrs. Brown delivered two very Inter esting sermons at Olex last Sunday. Re vival meetings have been held during the week, with good attendance. Mr. A. II. Holcomb. of Seattle, pur chased a car load of horses at Olex last week. Ho will be back in about one month for some more. Notice will be given ahead and then the horses can be brought to Olex. This would be a good way to advertise Olex as a horse center. If the horses are not ail purchased that are brought In it will be a way of lotting the outside world know that we have good horses in Uilllam and if they will pay enough they can gat them. The teachers' quarterly examination will be held in this city on May 11th. Yesterday at noon as Frunkie Mad dock was startinz a fire at Joe Wilson's camp on Six-mile, an explosion occurred which burned his lace very badly, lie rode home alone and at this writing it resting easy. $5 Reward. Lost or Stolen From Arlington about the 15th of Augnot, 1807. Une vol low and white cow wnn vonnz calf. Cow Is branded M (with half circle over) on hip, crop and under or nnnor bit off each ear. ranze on uoca Creek and Hay Creek. The above re- wnnl will be M il (or the return of cow and calf or Information as shall lead to tiie recovery of same. Anyone detaining this cow aftor this notice win be prose cuted. K. A. w. IUKK00T, . . ' A2HngtonJjC)re;, Interesting Items Gathered by Live Correspondents Ln all Quarters of the ounty. ARLINGTON. Whestsold here on Tuesday at 80 cents per bushel. Rain Is needed In this section of coon try. Although crops look well at pres ent, they will need rain toon to insure a good yield; The DeMost. Family are doing this part of the country They save a con cert here last week to a good-sized and appreciative audience. Some of our political friends are shak ing hands as though it all depended on the amount and quality of handshaking done within she next month. John Madden was In town the first of the week taking subscriptions to finish the Lone Rock road. He succeeded in raisinz (275. which will pot the road in good order. Jsy P. Lucas received an order to re port at The Dalles on the 20th. he being a member of the O. N. G, We hope to see Jay return from Cuba wearing the insignia of a high officer. The Arlington Water Co. has applied for a receiver totake charge of its busi ness and sell the plant, there belnz some dissatiitfaction among the stockholders. The city of Arlington has a large share of the stock, but according to its charter it cannot own stock, so can do nothing with the working of the company. CLEM. The fields and trees are putting on their deepestrgreen. James Larch has inst finished sowinz barley. He thinks the sowing late but will get there, just the same. Miss Mary Danneman has been on the sick list lately and hardly able to smile on the old bachelors who call for their mail. Tho candidates are all wearinz the deepest wrinkles on the front of their heads and snaking hands to beat the Dutch. J. F. Wade is rapidly recovering from his late illness and is able to get about though he is still rather weak. We hope he will toon regain hit usual health. The usual crank meeting was held at Boyer's last Sunday, and all the topics of the day from planting potatoes to the lUban revolution were discussed. ' David Bowman and Chas. Wester have ust returned from Arlington with a oad of blacksmith supplies, etc. Now our people will bear a kind of anvil chorus. A man owning a well-digging machine has been lookinz the country over, but as yet we have heard of no work engaged, though it might be a great benefit to the country. LONE ROCK. Mrs. Hoaan wat over at Ueppner for a few days' visit this week. R. G. Robinson made a business trip to Arlington last week. Rev. Johns and family are visiting friends In this locality this week. Grass Is growing fast, and stock of all kinds are In fairly good condition. Several of our slieepsheerers have zone down on Rock creek to commence shearing. The weather to mod cold and rainv on Tuesday, but at this writing the weather is as one as one would wieo lor. A gentle rain fell on Wednesday morn ing of last week and the benefit it has been to the growing crops can already be noticed. Dr. Looner, of this place, had a bad case to handle this week, it being bis own head that-wat trying to go to pieces with neoraigra. There are several hundred head of fine beef cattle for sale in this locality, and the stock ratners are all wondering what has become of all the cattle buyers. Last week P. L. Ham bought Henry Neel's town property, which consists of two lots, a neat dwelling house, new barn, out buildings, etc; consideration f500. Henry wilt embark in the sheep business shortly. Our mining expert, Andy Sprouls, is over in Grant county prospecting. His atttention has probably been attracted by the recent big gold discoveries in that section, where they whittle gold out of the decayed quarts wttn a jaca-nnue. Jamcs'Gilcs, the war borse of Oregon, is now ln our burg. He is trying to raise a company of soldiers to go over and give Spain a good drubbing. Cpt. Jimmy it right at home on the battle field, and he will always be tonnd in the (rant rank fighting for the honor of bis country. A fire broke out in J. R. Ralston s dwelling one day last week, caused by a bed having been placed too close to the stovepipe. The bed clothes caught tire and were ball burned up, out fortu nately plenty of water and sullicient help was at hand and the fire was extinguish ed before any more damage was done. FOSSIL. J. C. Meek visitod his sister, Mrs. J. II. Putnam, this week. W. W. Steiwer returned last Saturday from Astoria, Salem and other points in tho Valley. Geo. Hamilton and son Preston re turned Sunday from Salem, where they bad been visiting a couple of weeks. Miss Cora Brown, of this place, started Sunday to visit her uncle in Southern California. Cora will be missed, as she was a general favorite. Mr. Danneman, of Clem, was In Fos sil Saturday and Sunday delivering cat tle, and shaking hands with his numer ous republican friends. We understand Mr. John McCallum has sold bis butcher shop and store at this place to a couple of men by the name of Allen and Davidson. The entertainment given here last Saturday evening by the Fossil school was it most decided success financially and otherwise, as people from all over the country attended. sthaws SHOW HOY THE VIIID BLOWS. Here are a Few Quotations Fioru the Reliable Pioneer Merchants, of Ueppner, Oregon, MINOR & GO. They Raise the Wind in the Way of Low Prices. You Reap a Whirlwind of Close, Money-saving BARGAINS. These Straws Point Out the Quarter From Whence the Wind blows, and How and Where YOU Can Save MONEY. PRICE LIST, 100 lbs. Gran. Sugar t 6 50 100 11)8. A. Sugar 6 80 1 bbl. Peacock Flour 4 25 41b. Wool Sacks, each 30 No. 1 White Resns, per lb 3 No. 1 Lady Wash'n W. Beans.. 2 No. 1 Pink Beans Wi Rock Candy Syrup, 6 leal, kegs 1 75 Extra Honey Syrup, 6 gal ... . I 63 2 il. Rock Candy Drips 1 00 1 Keg Pickles 00 Coal Oil, Star or Pearl, can 125 Stock Salt, per ton 14 50 1 Case Tomatoes, best: 2 25 1 Case Corn, best 1 Box Fairbank's Soap 10 lbs. Best Lard 35 Bars Soap 3 Cans Frsser't Axle Grease. , 3Cns Babbitt's Lye , 15 II. Japan Rice, No. 1 20 lbs Raisins, good Pice Tobacco, per ping. Even Change Tob., per plug. Battle Ax Tob., perjdug 8 lbs. Arbackle Coffee Alfalfa Seed, per lb 3 lbs. Fashion Tobacco $ 2 25 I 25 I 00 I 00 25 25 100 , 1 00 25 25 30 . 100 8 00 Markets nnsettled. All prices subject to fluctuation. WRITE US FOR FULL INFORMATION. MINOR& Co. Heppner, Ore. Wall Paper! I Wall Paperl 1 Make selections at yonr own home from the famous Alfred I'eath 1808 art wall paper. Over 500 new patterns to show you in my sample books, the same papers as will be sold in New York and Chicago this year. New and beautiful designs at from 3 cts. to 40 cts. per roll. Orders taken for a single room or for your whole bouse. Estimates furnished on psper hanging. Consult me before ordering elsewhere. Wit. A. Dabuno, Authorized Agent. To Home Seekers. I have for tale fine residence properties in Condon, and Fossil, together with barns and out houses for each residence. Also several fine farms and stock ranches, none better, near Condon, Clem, Olex and Arlington. Terms very reasonable. H. B. Hkkdbickb, Box 136 Att'y, Condon, Or. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my dopntica the following W. H. 'dwell, Arlington. 1.. B. TowfMeiiri, Condon. Fred A. Hale, Fowl. K. it. JonnfOK. Loo Rock. mock Impector (or Qlillam County, Oregon. Town Property for Sale. For sale, five-room dwelling honse in Condon, on Main street near the center of town ; good well, barn and outbuild ings; young orchard In good condition ; five lots all in one enclosure. Alfo the dwelling honse known as the J. II. Miller residence, on Msin street, containing six rooms, good well, barn and outbuildings; four lots in one en- closure. Either of these properties will make very desirable homes, and will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apply to or address Man. t. A. Blake, Condon, Or. WAR WITH SPAIN! -AL. HENSHAW- Is Busy Getting ia Supplies for His Customers. He Carries a Full Supply of Hardware, Builder's Material, Granite and Tinware, Furniture, Paints and Oil, Glass and Crockery, Stoves, Picture Frames, Fishing Tackle, Bedding. Canned Goods. Ammunition. Undertaking Goods. He will make you bot prices on Building Material, Barbed Wire Etc. Call and see him when you come to the county seat. Interest charged on acc'ts after 40 days. Fifty Years Undisputed Supremacy in the WORLD'S COMPETITION. oop'5 5jteEp Dip. Increases Yield of Wool, Enhances Value of Flock. Cheap, Safe Handy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless., Recommended by Manufacturers, Dealers and Scourers. Sold by LORD A CO., C. O. ROBERTS, Gen'l Ag't Arlington, Oregon. 217 Ash Street, Portland, Oregon. S. B. BARKER T. Q. Earhart, S. V. Moore. CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, IFOR FINEST BRANDS OFJ Uirjes, Ijquors arpd Cars. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. NOTICE OF SALE OF HORSES Notion In hereby; given that th unnVnltrmxl nilmlntitnttorof tha ettate of Hiram F. Kulaon deceitMMt, will sell to the hlglitt blitdor forcnh, or approved numrlty, nil of tho hornoi belonging to iwld citato, bolng about 00 head ol range horaei snd 8 bund of broke bones, on Saturday, the 14th day of May, 1868, Ht Condon, Oregon, Six months' time will be glvon on all approved account over (10. FlUNK PaI.MRR, Admlnlatrutor, I)MoJ April WW. At the same tlmo and phtco 1 will ofl'ur lor isle to the hlghoiit bidder for cash, or approved leonr tly, about ttheud ot mnge hone. Slxmonthe'. time will be glvon on ll approved roonnt over 110, i. W. CLAiias. Dated April 35, 1313. Do You Know the News 9 You can have it all fur Per Month kH Per Month In the Evening Telegram, ot Portland, Urotton, it ia the larwat eveninir news paper published in Oregon ; it contains all the news of tho etate ana of the na tion. Try It for a month. Sample copy tree. Auureas Tha Telegram. Portland, Oregon. EARHART & MOORE, CONDON, Prop'rs. ORE. J ARLINGTON SALOON 0.W.BARR, PROP. Fine Wines and Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard ai)d pool Sables. First-class Goods and Courteous Treat ment to Customers, Our Motto. Main St., Condon, Oregon. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE BEST- WHEN BUYING GROCERIES? IF YOU ARE IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTACE T3 CONSULT WITH P. H. Stephenson, BEFORE PLACING YOUR OROER. Dealer in Fine Merchandise. 'DEALER IK. GEIi'Rl MERGHAHDIS CONDON, OREGON. i: STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINLf A SPECIALTY. J. F. REISACHER, Saddler an Harnessmakei CONDON, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF LEATHER CGDDS MADE TO GF.CER. Carrie, a Complete and .Well-eelectod Stock of." SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKET.. And everything usually found In a first-class harness shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a cal. In the building on the corner, opposite Barker's stor. NOTICE. We have added a Jewelry Department to our Btock of General Merchandise and W. L. To bey, who is a strictly first-class watch-ma ' ker, is prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and guarantee satisfaction. Tobey Bros., ARLINGTON, - OREGON. J. H. PUTNAM," -DEALER IN- GENER'L MERCHANDISI FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoe; Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and AH Kinds cf Vehicle Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OF. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Large New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLE CHABGE8 VEBV REASONABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Condon Hotel, CONDON. - OREGON. Mrs. S. A. Maddock PROPRIETRESS. MOTTO: LOW RATES, FIRST-CLASS ACCGMMGDATiCfc Table Supplied With the Best in the Market Condon, Oregon. P. Iv. HAM,! LONE ROCK, ORE., " DEALER IN 2 General Merchandise AT SUCH LOW- 7 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. I CET MY PRICES BEFORE COIKS TO TKE RAILROAD. IT WILL PAY YCU. I Spring Announcement!! Now is the time to cull and examine our Spring Stock ami get our CUT PRICES in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Underwear, Notions Etc. Latest novelties in all kiuds of Fur uishing Goods for ladies and gentlemen. Special Bargains IN CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. DUNN BROS. HARRY HALSTEAD, rFAI FR IM , ROUGH AN D DRESSED LU M 1 J E R I now have on hand about 250,000 feet of Lumber sav. d in 'f)7 that is thoroughly seasoned. My stock includes flooring, cil iug, rustic, surfaced lumber, ship-lap and all usual dmitrtiHoiijt of rough lumber. MILL. ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFFlCr. LOST VALLEY, - - OREC