THE GOilDOil GLOBL THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1808. NOTICE. Th jMirtsr milwcritiMon to the atn It tl.SO, it Ild In (dvaiico. If nut paid In (ivo 2 will tw hat4. A ponoll murk r.mnd thli mU tiili Hti- tlmt your nuUuiniitlau dm e I'lrfd. I'li'nw ri'iii'W promptly. LOCAL NEWS. W : . . - A flmt-claat dunce will be given in Armory hnllon tlieevenlng of April 20th umlor the auHpicei of Summit Lodge No. 130, I. 0. O. P. A cordial invlta lion It extended to the public to attend, end t good time It assured. Proceedi for the benefit of the lodge. aH-0 Note In publinhing the shove notice lot week ml stake mede concern lug the date on whinh the dance la to be given. We elated It would be given on the "2t)th," when In fact It will be given on the 2(1 th. Iteiuerober, the date U Tuesday Evening, April 20th. 8. 1'. fihutt was home on flying visit Inet week. Mri, Muck bat returned from her eautorn trip. Father Briody will hold eervice in the Catholic church next Sunday, Mre. Bchott, of Olex, la vialting her daughter, Mre. T. U. Johnson, thie week. Mre. Henry llilllnga waa thrown from ber buggy Monday ami seriously injured. Mre. E. W. Moore returned Monday from week' visit with relative! at Mayvllle. The stage carried tlx passenger and a big load of luggage out of, town last Sat urday morning. Oliver Darr Is having bit aatoon re papered this week. Parting and McFar. M.l J,.l.. .1.. u iwiu w uuinn num. F. Alspangh, representing R. (1. Dunn & Co.'i Merchantile Agency, wa in thli city last Friday and Saturday Interview ing our business men. C W, Blake, executor of the estate of 8. A. Bpauldlng, has eold the Spauldlng stock ranch, containing 300 sores, to I). C.A1I.F. Downer for 11000. Edgar Moore took a run over to May vllle on bis wheel last Saturday evening) returning Sunday.) lie made the trip home In one hour and fifteen minutes. Subscriptions for the San Francisco Examiner taken at the Quom office. Save postage, time and trouble by sub scribing here. tf. Jim Dunn was In from bis sheep camp Sunday. lie reports sheep doing fine and an excellent crop of lambs about harvested. The per cent of increase Id his flock is 102. 0) W. Banr returned Saturday from a brief visit with his father (n Illinois. Mr. Barr says times are not good In the East and that Eastern Oregon is good enough for Mm. B. K. Searcy returned from Portland on Friday of last week, having taken bis son there for medical attention. He slated that his son wa getting along well when be left. Justice Tatom's court. Monday, April 18th. C. F. Kelson vs. J. A. Richmond, Unlawful retainer of land. Action for damages. Judgement by dufuult. De fendant announces appeal. , Geo, Fletcher made score of 71 at the bowling alley one day last week, which is the best score so far reported. Ho had an average of 44 for the week, ending lest Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. floo. Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wehell, and Wm. Keyes and later, of Mayvllle, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens, of near Lone Rock, at tended the Woodman lecture last FfUlity evening. A. M. Smith, of Mayvllle, called on the Gumn Monday and ordered the pa per for year. Mr. Smith run a band of sheep near the mouth of Thirtymile. lie reports the flock in good condition nd a big Increase of lambs. B. Lane arrived in town on Friday of " last week from Independence, Folk coun ty, and ha decided to locate in Condon. Mr. Lane Is blacksmith and has se cured au Interest In 0. 8. Clark's shop. Ills family will arrive later. The jury in the Donaldson case, last week, were just six minutes reaching a verdict of acquittal. The 'squire was beaming when the verdict was road, and the host of friends who congratu lated him afterward seemed as well pleased a was the old gentleman him self. It. L. Phares, of Fossil, was before Justice Tatora on Friday morning the 15th Inst, on a charge of assault with intent to kill, preferred by C. 0. Powell. Defendant waived examination and was placed undor 12150 bond for his appear ance before the next sitting of the grand The Globe acknowledges pleasant call from Douglas Dufur, of The Dalles, who was here last week In the-capacity of stenographer in Judge Bradshaw's court. Mr. Dufur is a most agroeable gentleman, a crack bowler, and will in , the future keep posted in the affairs of Gilliam by a weekly perusal of the Oi.ohr. Mrs. s. a. AiaauooK, ana nor anugnter Miss f Haggle Maddock, loft on Satur day' stage tor Saginaw, Michigan, where they go to visit relatives and friends. They expect to be absent three or four months. The Gaunt will keep them 'mfiwd ln regard to Gilliam county dur 1" Yielr absence. We wish them a safe ','. nd pleasant Journey, Miss Llxzte Fehrenbachor, the young lady who had been employed In the culinary department at the Condon hotel for the past few weeks, left on last Sat urday's stage for her home In Arlington. Miss Fehreubacher gave exellent satis faction as chief cook, but her services were t longer needed, as the two eldest Madd(,. sisters, Louella and Mary, are (it home to remain until fall and are able to manuge the affairs themselves, Marhikd Wednesday, April 13, 1 808, at Cutlitge Grove, Oregon, Mr. Frank B. Golden, of Mayvllle, to Mis lions, Allen, of Cottage Grove. Mr. Snd Mrs. Golden arrived In Condon Sunday evening and proceeded to their home at Muyvill Mon day, A host of friends will unite in wishing them much happiness, ; Miss Mary Maddock arrived on last Friday's stage from Pendleton, wbore she hsd been attending the St. Joseph's College since last December. Owing to the fact that ber mother will be absent during the next few months, she wss compelled to come home before the close of the term at the college, a her services are needed In the management of affaire at the Condon hotel. II, II. Hendricks, the senior member of the reliable law firm of Hendricks Hendricks, left for his home In Fossil on Friday's stage. Mr, Hendrlck left Con don In a very woll satisfied mood, hav ing come off winner In one of the most hotly contested case of the term. Mr. Hendrlck Is an able lawyer and has In the past been mixed up with the news paper businerts Just enough toentltle him to s good rating among the good looking and wealthy members of that profession. Dopnty Sheriff T. O. Johnson, and Oscar Port wood luft for Balem Saturday morning In charge of Steve Nolan, who was sentenced to six months in the pen itentiary at the last term of court for cutting the rubber hose that connects the air brakes to the engine on one of the 0. R. k N. Co.'s train at Arlington, last month. Oscar may visit the Agri cultural College, while below, and give the students a lecture on "How to raise sugar beets," at least so says Tom John son. - The show given in Armory ball Wed nesday and Thursday evening was all right. Roa Arthur, the "California Magnet" is a wonder and if there is a man in the northwest who can lift ber he can win f TOO as welt a the undying envy of hundreds of other fellows who have tried It and failed. The children Cora and Mas, in their inimitable song and dance acts showed much real talent and brought down the bonne in every act. The show Is clean and entertaining and we gladly recommend It to the pub lic. . Mayor Dunn has appointed a commit tee on water works in the city council which Is expected to bring in a report at the next meeting. It is to be hoped that the report will be favorable for a permanent system of water works that will furnish the town an adequate sup ply of water for fire protection and all other purposes. Such enterprises are what build up good permanent towns, and if the present administration will got the right move on In this matter it will certainly receive the hearty endorse ment of the people generally. Let u have water work. - ' S. A. D. Gurlcy and W. II. Dobyn, the well-known attorney of Arlington, left for home Saturday morning, after concluding a very aalisfactory amount of business in the circuit court. That these gentlemen are well to the front In their profession In this district Is evidenced by the fact that they were interested in about four-fifths of the cases on the docket during the lato term and by the satis factory outcome of a large percentage of their eases, They are hard workers in their profession, up-to-date in their meth. ods, agreeable gentlemen and highly deserving of the success which seems to be coming their way. Woodman Lecture. The lot-turn given, on Friday evening byO. W. Wheeler on the subject of "Woodcraft" was highly enjoved by the large audience present, . Mr. Wheeler is a forcible end entertaining speaker, and the arguments he advanced in favor of fraternal insurance as provided by the Woodmen and kindred fraternal organ isations were both logical and conclusive. The speaker pointed out that it is a privilego as much as a duty that every man should make provision for his fam ily in the event of his death whilothat family is dependent upon him, and that such provision can best be made through the medium of'fraternal insurance, Mr. Whooler went from hero to Fossil, whore be lectured Saturday evening, Republican State Convention. The republican state convention, in session at Astoria last week, had a stormy mooting at the outset, brought about by the Multnomah county factional fight being again carried into state politics, and for a time it looked as though the party would be permanently disrupted, The temporary organisation was finally effected, however, without the aid of either of the contesting Multnomah coun ty delegates, and the report of the com mittee on credentials showed that the Mitchell faction had been turned down and their opponents given a seat in the convention. Tlio platform adopted de clares for the single gold standard, in dorses President MoKinley's Cuban pol icy, favors' retrenchment and reform, demands the abolition of all needless offices and commissions and denounces the union party as an aggregation of spoilsmen. The following nominations were made: Governor, T. T. Geerj Su preme judge, F. A. Moore j State treas urer. Charles 8. Moore j Secretary of state, F. I. Dunbar; State printer, W. II. Leeds; Attorney-General, D.R.N. Black burn ; Superintendent of public instruc tion, J, II. Ackernmn. In this congressional district Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles, was nominated for congress by acclamation. II. S. Wilson and A, A. Jayno, both of The Dalles, revolved the nomination for circuit Judge and prosecuting attorney for this judicial district. $5 Reward. Lost or Stolen From Arlington about the 15th of August, 1807. One yellow and white row with young calf. Cow is branded M (with half circle over) on hip, crop and undor or upper hit off each ear, range on ltock Creek and Hay Creek. The above re ward will be paid for the return of row and calf or information as shall lead to the reeovery of same. Auyona detaining this cow after this notice will te prose cuted. R. A. W. BAnroox, Arlington, Ore. COUNTY NEWS. ARLINGTON. Sheepshesrer are scarce in this section just now. L. W, Darllnz and wife were Arllne- ton visitors this week. Most of the sheep In this locality will I sheared by the first of May. The lambing season is over, and all rejiort a largo increase in sheep. Judge Brndshaw was in town Saturday evening on his way home from Condon. Harry Clay has material on the ground to build a private barn on his property. John Blake and wife nasxed through town the first of the week on their way to Portland. The fruit crop Is not hurt by frost Irt tlii section, notwithstanding the report to the contrary. Wheat Is coining In at the rate of about ton load a day just now. The price is 65 cts. per bushel, Ed Compton killed three large geese last Sunday at one shot with his rifle. There seems to be plenty of geese and cranes just now,. Lord A Co. have their new store build ing well along, and when completed it will make quite an addition to the now large store room, , On pt. Nelson la building a machine by which he expects to work out a fortune from the sands of the Columbia river. It will be run by electricity and is all bis own invention and looks liUo'it would be a success. "It Is not all gold that glitters," was the remark that Snider, the carpenter, made the other day when knocked down by Carlisle. It appears that Snider bad a contract to move a bouse from one piece of property to another, and Carlisle objected for some reason, and they had a little racket, with the above result. Mr. A. L. II off has his new house near completion. When finished it will 1ms one of the nicest residence properties in the city. We are glad to note that the city is growing right along, not only in building but in a businetsa way also. The business of the town was a hundred thousand dollars greater last year than the year before. The Woodmen of The World gave an entertainment last Tuesday evening that was very interesting. There was a wood sawing contest which was won by Frank Tunis sawing off a 7x8 stick of timber with a bn-k saw in 45 seconds. Mrs. Geisendorfor won the nail-driving con test by driving three nails hor2.i:!, ex cept of an Inch, there being but two strokes allowed, tor driving each nail, the eixe of which were lix-penny. OLEX. Georgo Morris bas gone to join the army. Tho. Malanophy returned from Iowa last Sunday. , John Randall has gone out to make some improvement on his farm near Clem. Paul Jones came out from Arlington a few day ago to visit bis niece, Miss Leila Parrish. N. H. and Clarence Scoggin have started the county well at Clem. They are down about 18 feet. . ' G. W. Moore has gone to Willow to visit ome of hi relatives whom he ha not een for many years. Judging from the number of wheat teams on the road one would think that harvest was in full blast. AUys. W. It. and II. S. Wilson, of Tho Dalles, stopped and visited Olex last week while on their way home. Mrs, Fred Henna Is visiting her par ents at Harduian. Fred now comes to church and Huuday school all togged up. J. W. Magulre. T. M. Vinlng, W. T. Settlemire and Mrs. L. O. Ralston proved np on their land claims at Arlington last Monday. Roy Edminston started to Olex Sun day to attend church, and his horse got to bucking and stove himself up so badly thai Roy had to leave him. The proposed new road from Olex to Clem will be a great convenience to the residents along the line, also to light vehicles going through to Condon. We hope to soon ee the much-talked- of telephone line from Arlington to Fos sil, via Condon, commenced. The resi dents of Olex will do their share of the hauling. There will be revival meetings com menced at Olex next Sunday to last for several weeks, to lie conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Brown. The service Sunday morning and evening will be conducted by Mrs. Brown. Judge Bradahaw, Thos. Johnson and Oscar Portwood stopped at Olex last week on their way to Arlington. Tom had a recruit for tho army of the state, with headquarters at Salem. Judge Hradshaw ia again nominated for judge of this district, of which fact his many friends here are pleased to learn. CLEM. t'nder a patch o( bine. Our Tillage (imlthjr stands; And with iinlltts so bland, The smith tie kji : "Top o' tho moruln' to yon," By the way ; we have a first-class black smith now, and he's here to stay, too. C. Obcrreichler went across Rock creek to hunt horses, as ha claimed, but we know better but wont tell. Scogglns & Son are working . in the county well at this place, with a seem ingly good prospect for water. Several of the other old crank were at Boyer's Sunday, and to hear them swap yarns you would imagine you were among a lot of Philadelphia lawyers. Last Saturday evening Fremont Wade was taken suddonly ill and spent the night and the greater part of Sunday in great distress. We hear be is resting easier now. Ills sickness seem to be caused by come kind of stomach trouble. We hear that two of our young men are rivals In love. Of course one will win, the other lo9e. But the loser can console himself with tho Shakespearian quotation: "Men have died from time to time and worm have eaten them -but not for love." Do You Know the News You can have it all for Per Month Per Month In the Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It is the largest evening news paper published in Oregon it contains an mo news ni tne state ami of the na tion, Try it for a month. Sample copy iruu. Auuress The Telegram. Portland, Oregon, STRAWS. SHOW HOY THE WIND BLOWS. Here are a Few Quotations From the Reliable Pioneer ' Merchants, of Ileppner, Oregon, JIIHOR&CO. They Raise the Wind in tho Way of Low Prices. You Reap a Whirlwind of Close, Money-saving BARGAINS. Theso Straws Point Out the Quarter From Whence the -Wind Blows, and How and Where YOU Can Save , MONEY. PRICE 100 lbs. Gran. Sugar ... 6 30 100 Jh. A. Sugar i 6 10 1 bbl. Peacock Flour 3 75 4 lb. Wool Backs, each , 30 No. 1 White Beans, per lb 3 No. 1 Lady Wash'n W. Beans. . 1 No. 1 Pink Beans...-. 3) Bock Candy Syrup, 6 gal. kegs 1 75 Kxtra Honev HyrUp, 6 gat ... . 1 65 2 Oal. Kock'Candy Drips 1 00 1 Keg Pickles 90- Coal OH, Star or Pearl, con. . . , 1 25 Stock Halt, perton 14 50 1 Case Tomatoes, best 2 25 WRITE U3 MINOR& Co. Wall Paper!! Wall Paper! 1 Make selections at your own home from the famous Ai.fhko Peats 1898 art wall paper. Over GOO new patterns to show you in my sample books, the same papers as will be sold in New York and Chicago this year. New and beautiful designs at from 3 cts. to 40 cts, per roll. Orders taken for a single room or for your whole house. Estimates furnished on paper hanging. Consult me before ordering elsewhere. Wm. A. Daiiuno, Authorized Agent. To Home Seekers. I have for sale fine residence properties In. Condon, and Fossil, together with barns and out houses for each residence. Also several fine farms and stock ranches, none better, near Condon, Clem, Olex and Arlington. Terms very reasonable. II. B. Hesdhickd, Box 138 Att'y, Condon, Or. WAR WITH SPAIN! AL. HENSHAW- Is Busy Getting in Supplies for Ilia Customers. He Carries a Full Supply of Hardware, Builder's Material, Granite and Tinware, Furniture," Paints and Oil, . Glass and Crockery, Stoves, Picture Frames, Fishing Tackle, Bedding. Canned Goods. Ammunition. , Undertaking Goods. , lie will make you hot prices on Building Material, Barbed Wire Etc. Call and see him when you come to the county seat. Interest charged on acc'ts after 40 days. Fifty Years Undisputed Supremacy in the WORLD'S COMPETITION. Q00p'5 5EEp Dip. Increases Yield of Wool, Enhances Value of Flock. Cheap, Safe Handy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. Recommended by Manufacturers, Dealers and Scourers. Sold by LORD A CO., C. (i. ROBERTS, Gen'l Ag't Arlington, Oregon. 247 Ash Street, Portland, Oregon. T. Q. Earhart, CALL Summit Saloon, tFOR FINEST Uiijes, Ijquors FINE' BILLIARD AND POOL EARHART & MOORE, CONDON, ARL1I0T0II SALOO 0. W. BARR, PROP. Fine Wines and Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard apd pool Sables. First-class Goods and Courteous Treat ment to Customers, Our Motto. Main St., Condon, Oregon. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE BEST- WHEN BUYING GROCERIES? IF YOU ARE IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO CONSULT WITH P. H. Stephenson, BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. Dealer in Fine Merchandise. Condon, LIST, 1 Case Corn, best $ 2 25 1 Box Fairbank's Soap 1 25 10 lbs. Beet Lord. I 00 35 Bars Soap 00 3 Can Fraser's Axle Grease. , 25 3 0ns Babbitt's Lye 25 15 lbs. Japan Rice, No. 1 100 20 lbs Raisins, good 1 00 Dice Tobacco, per plug 25 Even Change Tob., per plug. . 25 Battle Ax Tob., per plug. ..... 30 9 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee 1 M Alfalfa Seed, per lb 8 3 lbs. Fashion Tobacco.... 90 FOR FULL INFORMATION. Heppner, Ore. Deputy Stock Inspectors. hare npjiolnted u my deputies the following peraorm: W. li.Cnlwell, Arlington. ' ' h. ft. TowiiMm!, Contfou. k'mi A. Hale, Fomil. R. M. .Tohnbon, Lone Rock, Stock Innpector lor Gillium County, Oregon. Town Property for Sale. For sale, five-room dwellinz honse in Condon, on Main street near the center of town: good aell, tarn and outbuild ings; young orchard In good condition ; five lots all in one enclosure. AlfO the dwelling house known as the J. 11. Miller residence, on Mum street, containing six rooms, good well, barn and outbuildings; four lots in one en closure. Either of these properties will make very desirable homes, and will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apply to or aaaress Mm. a. A. i;lake. Condon, Or. 3. V. Moore. AT THE BRANDS OFJ aijd Qiars. TABLE IN CONNECTION, Prop'rs. ORE. 5 Oregon, S. B. BARKER r.EAI.Eft IN mm :: MERCHAIMSE CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. J. F. REISACHER, Saddler m Harnessmaker CONDON, OREGON. ALL KINDS CF LEATHER GOODS MADE TO ORDER. 'Carries a Complete and SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKET: And everything usually found 1 In a first-class harness shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a call In the building on the corner, opposite Barker's store. NOTICE. We have added a Jewelry Department to our stock of General Merchandise and W. L. To bey, who is a Btrictly first-claag watch-maker, is prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing, at Portland prices, and guarantee satisfaction. Tobey Bros., ARLINGTON, - OREGON. J. H. PUTNAM -DEALER IN- GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoec Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicle? Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. T, G. JOHNSON, - , PROPRIETOR "g Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHAEOES VERY REASONABLE. First-Class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Condon Hotel, CONDON, - OREGON. Mrs. S. A. Maddock PROPRIETRESS. MOTTO: LOW RATES, FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION? Table Supplied With P. Iv. ,HAM, LONE ROCK, ORE., DEALER IN- General Merchandise j AT SUCH LOW 5 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. CET MY PHiCES BEFORE COING TO Spring Announcement!! Now is the time to call and examine our Spring Stock and get our CUT PRICES in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Underwear, Notions Etc. Latest novelties in all kinds of Fur nishing Goods for ladies and gentlemen. Special Bargains IS CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. DUNN BROS. HARRY HALSTEAD, ..DEALER IN. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER I now hao on hand about250,000 feetof Lumber sawed in 'i)7 thatia thoroughly seasoned. My stock includes flooring,' ceil ing, rustio, surfaced lumber, ship-lap and all usual diuieimiotin - of rough lumber. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST-OFF ! C ' , LOST VALLEY, - ORE-'-' Well-selected Stock of the Best in the Market THE RAILROAD. IT WILL PAY YOU. i