Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 21, 1898, Image 1

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...... A. PATTISON....
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ilttd ol M Potinflot at Chads, OrnM, Of
MRmdWaw nwil mutur
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rreMdent ,,.
William McKitiley
tlarrcil A. Hubert
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rwcrmsry ol Trea.nry
... jiiiiii Mierman
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..Cornelius N. IIIIm
,.kusMU A. Alsur-
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I'lwiiuaiiiiir-dKiiBral ...,.
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beorotaryol Ahtk iilmrn
...Jnlin II. Ming
James A. nirv
..Jowph Mckenne
....Jalnn H Hkoii
tat ol Oregon.
.In. P. Uirt
Nfi'reiary of Stale... .
Treasurer.,,,, ,
... II, II. Klni'alil
Phll. Mi'tM'hau
C. M. Idleman
bupi. u I'ubllv Instruction..
ft, M. Irwin
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hupreme Judges j'""""""
., W. k. Klllt
,...Thn. W, TutmiM
W. II. I.el
,... K. Wolverton
,..,.. ,.F. A. Miira
U.K. HVan
Oltllam Comity.
Jcilnt Kenatnr for tillllam, Sherman and
Wsm-ueoiimtes K. II. IMifiir
Itctiwteiitatlve. .... J. K. Ianl
Jih1ko. , .,W,J. Mannar
tiers ......,... II. N. Vrrt-
Hlinritt M V. I. W ll o
Iriiaaurer,..,, ......,.. H. II. Markar
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HNftTt,K, nanHiM,
Naw llmaaani, taking eltwt Kunilar, Fobrtt
rylllih; K4Vr (OI'MII,
No, SVla Hmii-Kton. Ieri,..,..,,l -M a. m.
No. 4 Via KHikai'., lrai ..1 rv p. ra.
Nu. 24 teal lnllil, Iti.iM'. ....7..H p. ni.
wmrr ixii'Mi.
No. lPurllanl, li-avn .. ,. ,13:47 a.m.
No. --rorilainl, Ipavv. , .. 4:l a. m.
No. 2 Lm'al lciilil, l. avra ll;.a. in.
r. f. IIINIU.K, AkwH. Arlington.
R. 1. I. II Mi AN
Voailita, Or.
firni-nrcijim av,, brtwcan t'alhnllerhnrch
ami n-UWiK' til H, I'. hliull.
i. .
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public and Convayartcar,
Onndoa. Or.
- rnlWltontaiid lii.iii'afii'a. Tprrhi rraatmahta.
OrtliKt ill rvar ol HKiumf ktillUliiiti Main ilrwl.
itmiay DonvNs,
H. A. II. liurli'y. W. H. IKibjita.
Attorn'ji and Oonuielort at Law
Arlli tton, Or.
V, 8. roinmUalnniT and Nolarr Pulilln In
riffle. ITwIira In all l lie Mata and laderal
ronrmnl iimnon ami WaalilnKlnd. All kind
oil), t. lan t ami Inval hl Iuh traiuMutvd.
Fara from Arllumon to '
Fonil (M mtlr.) t!M Hound trip ,. rm
Mallla(Almllaa) 4I Itiuind trip . 7 NI
t ondou lit inllr.). Ml Kmilid trip ........... a l.l
CIimii (. milr.... 't HP Kimnd trip a .10
(lit-1 (IV in Ho.) 1 ; Riiiiud trip 1M
Hiaitr laarra Arllnmnnavary mornliwKundair
itvptdi at i o'flwki I. do at Conduii at ii
p. in. and arrlvri at KimMI at 7 p. tn,
mnfortabla aoaulimand carlul,rprlaured
. VIA .
Oregon, Geo. W. Elder and City of Topeka
Leave Portland Rvery 5 Day, lor
Ocean Btcamera Leave Portland Kvery 6 Dayi
Rtcaruen Monthly Irom Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, in con
nection with the O. K. A N.
For fttll Information call on 0. R. A N. Afrent
P. 0. H1NDLF, Arlington, Or., or
address ., ... , :
(leneral l'i)imer, ARuiit, Portland, Or. .
Gen. AHU. Nor, I'ao. 8. 8. Co,, Portland, Or.
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All the News
of the0VH-
President's "Message, in
the Cause of Hu
.paln'a Armlatlre Ilaera Raportad
Wltlloat Itaoomfuaadatlan Basof al
tloa of t'ubaa Indapandanca Itaelarad
ta 111 Uawarrsntad aad Inaipadtaut.
Prtiiil'.'iit McKlnley Monday tent the
Idlowing meaaag. to the congrem of
tli. United Ktatc:
UbfdUnt to that precept of the conatl
tut ion which commands tha president to
five from time to tlma the congress In
formation of the stat of the Union and
to recommend to Its consideration such
measures as he shall Judge ncceaaarjr and
expedient, It beeomee my duty now to
addreaa your body wit It regard to th
grave condition that haa arisen In th
relatione of the United States and Bpaln,
by reaaon of th warfare that for mor
than ttir years baa raged In tha neigh
boring Inland of Cuba. 1 do so because of
the Intimate connection of th Cuban
question with the slat ot our Union, and
becaua of th grave relations which ths
eouraa which I Incumbent upon the nation
to adopt must needs bear to the tra
ditional policy of our government, If It
Is to accord with the precepta laid down
by tha foundi-re of the republic and re
llgloualy observed by succeeding adminis
trations to the. present day.
The Cabaa Mevolatloa.
The present revolution Is but th suc
cessor of other similar Inaurrectlona which
have occurred In Cuba against tha do
minion of Bpaln. extending over a period
of nearly half a cautury. each of which,
during Its progresa, has subjected the
United Slates to great effort and expenae
In enforcing Its neutrality laws, caused
enormoua lone to American trade and
commerce, caused , Irritation, annoyance
and disturbance among our cltlsena, and
by the exerclee of cruel, barbaroua and
uncivilised practices of warfa-a, shocked
the sensibilities and offended the humane
sympathies of our people.
Since th present revolution began. In
February, JfM. this country haa seen th
fertile domain at our threshold ravaged
by fir and aword In the course of a
struggle uneeualed In th history of the
Island, and rarely paralleled as to the
number ot the combatants and th bitter
ness of th contest by any revolution ot
modern times, where a dependent people
striving to be free have been opposed by
the power of the sovereign state. Our
people have beheld a once proaperous
community reduced to comparative want,
Ita commerce virtually paralysed, lis ex
ceptional productlveneas diminished, Its
fields laid waste, Its mills In ruins and
II a people perlahlng by tena ot thousands
from hunger and destitution.
Darnaae Aanerleaa latereeta.
We have felt ourselves constrained. In
the observance of that strict neutrality
which our laws enjoin and which the laws
of nations command, to polio our own
watere and watch our own seaports tn
prevention of any unlawful act In aid of
Cuba. Our trade haa suffered; the capi
tal Invested by our cltlsens in Cuba has
been Isrgely lost, and the ternper and for
bearance of our people have been so
sorely tried as to beget a perilous unrest
among our own cltlsens, which haa Inevi
tably followed Ita expression from time
to time In the nstlonal legislature so that
taattes wholly external to our body poll
tic engross attention and stand In the way
ef more close devotion to domestic ad
vancement that becomes a self-contented
oommonwealth. whose primal maxim has
been the avoidance of all foreign en
tanglements. AU this must needs awaken
and has Indeed aroused the utmost con
cern on the part of this government as
well during my predecessor's as dur
ing my own administration.
A Prevtoaa Kffort to Reatore Pear.
In April, ihm, the evils from which our
country suffered through th Cuban wsr
became so enormous that my predecessor
mnde an effort to bring about peace
through the mediation of the government
In any way that might tend to an honor
able adjustment of the contest between
Bpaln and her revolting colony on the ba
sis of soma effective scheme of self
government for Cuba, under the flag
and sovereignty of Bpaln. It failed,
through the refusal of the Spanish gov
ernment then In power to consider any
form of mediation or Indeed any plan
of settlement which did not begin with
the actual submission of the Insurgents
to the mother country and then only on
such terms as Bpaln herself might see fit
to grant, : ;."
Weyler's lakaaiss .Policy,
The war continued unabated. Ths re
sistance of Insurgents was In no wlss
diminished. The efforts ot Spain were In
creased, both by the dispatch of fresh
levies to Cuba and by additions to th
horrors of the strife. Tha new and In
human phase, happily unprecedented In
tha modern history of civilised Christian
people, the policy of devastation and con
centration, Inaugurated by th captain
general's ban of October U, IBM), In tha
province of Plnar del Rio, was thence
extended to embrace alt ot th Island to
which ths power of th Spaniards was
able to reach by occupation or by mili
tary operations. The peasantry, Includ
ing all dwelling In the open agricultural
Interior, were driven Into the garrisoned
towns or Isolated places held by the Span
ish troops. The raising ot provisions ot
all kinds was tnterdloted. Fields were
laid waata, dwellings unroofed and flred,
mills destroyed, and, In short, everything
that cou.u desolate the land and render It
unfit for human habitation or support
waa commanded by one or tha other con
tending parties and executed by all ths
powers at their disposal,
By ths tlms the present administration
took oltlc a year ego, reconcentratton
so called had been effective over, the bet
ter part of four central and western prov
luces. Santa Clara, Matanias, Havana
(and Plnar del Bio, Th agrl,ul"al pop.
ulatlon, to th estimated- number of 800,-
MO or mors, was herded within tha towns
end their Immediate vicinity, deprived of
ail means of support, rendered destitute
of shelter, left poorly clad and exposed
to th moat unsatisfactory conditional.
- InVerla. of Reeoaceatradoa.
As the scarcity of food Increased with
the devastation of the depeopled areas of
production, destitution and want became
misery and starvation. Month by month
th death rat Increased In alarming ra
tio, and by March, MM, according to con
servative eatlmstes from official Bpanlah
sources, tha mortality among tha recon
centradoa from atsrvatlon and the dls
asa thereto Incident exoeeded M per
centum of the total number. No practical
relief was accorded to the deatltute. The
overburdened towns, already suffering
from tha aanaral dearth eriuld lvj nn 1
aid. Bo-called xones of cultivation, estab
lished within the Immediate area of effect
ive military control, about th cities and
fortified camps, proved Illusory ss a rem
edy for th suffering. Th unfortunates,
being for th most part women and chil
dren, with aged and helplesa men, en
feebled by disease and hunger, could not
hav tilled th soli without tools, seeds
or shelter, for their own support or for
the supply of th cities. 1
Heconcentratlon adopted avowedly as a
war measure, to cut off th resources of
the insurgent, worked Its predestined re
sult. As 1 said In my message of last
December, It was not civilised warfare:
It waa extermination, and the only peace
and th grave.
Proems of th War,
Meanwhile the military situation In the
Island has undergone a noticeable change.
The extraordinary activity that charac
terised the second year of the war, when
the Insurgents Invaded even the hitherto
unharmed fields ot I'lnar del Rio and car
lied havoc and destitution up to the walla
ef the city of Havana Itself, had relapsed
Into a dogged struggle In the central and
eastern province. Th Bpanlah army re
gained a measure of control In Plnar del
ltlo and parte of Havana, but under the
existing condition of the rural country,
without Immediate Improvement of their
productive situation. Even thus partial
ly restricted, the revolutionist held their
own, and their submission, put forward
by Spain as .the essential and sole baais
of peace, aeemed aa far distant as at the
outset. In this state of affairs my ad
ministration found Itself confronted with
the grave problem ot Its duty. My mes
sage of last December reviewed the sit
uation and detailed th steps taken with
a view of relieving th acuteneas and
opening th way to some form of hon
orable settlement.
agasta'a Vat a Promise.
The assassination of the prime minis
ter, Canovas, led to a change of govern
ment In Spain. The former administra
tion, which pledged subjugation without
conceealon. gav place to that ot a more
liberal party, committed long In advance
to a policy of reform Involving the wider
principle of home rule for Cuba and Porto
The overtures of this government made
through Ita new envoy. General Wood
ford, and loklng to an Immediate effective
amelioration of the condition of the
Island, although not accepted to the ex
tent of admitted mediation In any ahape,
were met by assurances that home rule
In an advanced phase should be forthwith
offered to Cuba, without watting for the
war to end, and that more humane meth
ods ahouid thenceforth prevail tn the con
duct of hostilities.
Incidentally with these declarations the
new government of Spain continued and
completed the policy already begun by
Its predecessor ot testifying friendly re
gard for this nation by releasing Ameri
can cltlsens held under one charge or
another connected with the Insurrection,
so that, by the end of November, not a
alngle person entitled in any way to our
national protection remained tn a Spanish
The Relief Xsreant.
While these negotla tlona were In progress
th. Increasing destitution of the unfor
tunate reconcentrados and the alarming
mortality among them claimed earnest at
tention. The auccess which had attended
the limited measure of relief extended to
the suffering American cltlsena among
them by the Judicious expenditure,
through the consular agenclea, of the
money appropriated expressly for their
succor by the Joint resolution approved
May M. 1197, prompted the humans ex
tension of a similar scheme to that great
body of sufferers. A suggestion to this
end waa acquiesced In by the Bpanlah au
thorities. On the ttth of December I
caused to be Issued an appeal to the
American people. Inviting contributions in
money or In kind for the succor ot the
starving sufferers in Cuba.
Following this, on the 8th of January,
waa a almtlar public announcement of tha
formation ot a central Cuban relief com
mittee, which had headquarters. In New
York city, composed of members rep
resenting the national Red Cross and the
rellgloua and business elements of the
community. The efforts of that com
mittee have been untiring and have accom
plished much. Arrangements for free
transportation to Cuba have greatly aided
the charitable work.
The president of th American Red Cross
and representatives of other contributory
organisations hav generally visited Cuba
and co-operated with the consul-general
nd the local authorities to make effective
distribution of the relief collected through
the efforte of the central committee. Near
ly taut.OOQ In money and supplies has
reached the sufferers, and more is forth
coming. Tha supplies are admitted duty
free, and) transportation to the interior
haa been arranged ao that the relief at
first necessarily confined to Havana and
the larger cities la now extended through
most. If not all, of the towns whers suf
fering exists. Thousands ot lives have
already been saved.
The necessity for a change In the con
dition of the reconcentrados Is recognised
by the Bpanlah government. Within a
few daya paat the ordera ot General Way
ler have been revoked, the reconcentra
doa are, It la said, to be permitted to re
turn to their homes, and aided to resume
the self-supporting pursuits of peace; pub
llo works have been started to give them
mployment, and a sum of 1600,000 haa been
appropriated for their relief.
tpala's Cease Hopeless.
Th. war tn Cuba Is of such a nature
that, short ot subjugation or extermina
tion, a final military victory for the other
side seems lmpractiuable. The alternative
lies In the physical exhaustion of the one
or the other party, or perhaps both, a con
dition which In effect ended the 10 year'
war by the truce of Zan Jon. The proa
pect of such a protraction and conclu
alon ot the present strife is a contingency
hardly to be contemplated with equa
nimity by the clvlllaed world, and leaat of
all by tbe United States, affected and
objeotod as we are deeply and Intimately
by its very existence.
Aa Offer ot Mediation.
Realising this. It appeared to be my
duty, In a spirit of true friendliness, no
lasa to Spain than to the Cubans, who
have ao much to loss by the prolongation
of tha struggls, to seek to bring about
an Immediate termination of the war. To
this end I submitted, on the 37th ultimo,
as a result at much representation and
correspondence through the United States
minister at Madrid, propositions to the
Bvanlsh government looking to an armis
tice until October 1, for the aertttto
of peace with the good offices ot the
president. ,
In addition, I asked the Immediate revo
cation of the order ot reconcentratton, so
as to permit the people to return to their
farms and the needy to be relieved with
provisions and supplies by tbe United
States, co-operating with the Bpanlah
authorltlee so as to afford full relief.
Ths reply of the Spanish cabinet waa re
ceived on tbe night of the list ultimo. It
offers as ths means to bring about peace
In Cuba to confide the preparation there
of to the Insular department, Inasmuch
aa the concurrence of that body would
be necessary to establish a final result,
it being however understood that the
powers reserved by the constitution to the
central government are not lessened or di
minished. As the Cuban parliament doea
not meet until the 4th of May next, the
Bpanlah government would not object, for
Its part, to accept at once a suspension
ot hostilities if asked for by tha Insur
gents through the general-ln-chief, to
whom It would pertain In such case to
determine the duration and conditions of
the armistice.
The propositions submitted by General
Woodford and the reply ot the Spanish
government were both In the form of
brief memoranda, the texts of which are
before mentioned and substantially In the
language above given. The function of
the Cuban parliament In tbe matter of
"preparing" peace and the manner of do
ing ao are not explained in the Spanish
memorandum, but from General Wood
ford's explanatory reports of preliminary
discussion preceding the final Conference
It Is understood that the Spanish govern
ment standa ready to give the Insular
congress full power to settle the terms of
peace with the insurgents, whether by di
rect negotiation or indirectly by means of
legislation does not appear. With thla
last overture In the direction of Immedi
ate peace and Ita disappointing reception
by Spain, the executive was brought to
the end of his efforts.
Recocnltloa Kst Warraatea.
In my annual message of December last
I said:
"Of ths untried measures there remain
Recognition of the inaurgents as bellig
erents, recognition of the independence of
Cuba and Intervention to end the war by
Imposing a rational compromise between
the contestants, or intervention In favor of
one or the other party. I speak not of
forcible annexation, for that cannot be
thought of. That, by our code of mor
ality, would be criminal aggression."
Thereupon I reviewed these alternatives
in the light of President Grant s message
in the words uttered in U75, when after
several years of sanguinary, destructive
and cruel barbarltlea In Cuba, he reached
the conclusion that the recognition of the
Independence of Cuba was Impracticable
and Indefensible, and that the recognition
of belligerence was not warranted by tbe
facta according to the texta of public law.
I commented especially upon that phase
of the question, pointing out the Incon
venience and positive dangers of recogni
tion of belligerence, which, while adding
to the already onerous burdens of neu
trality without our own Jurisdiction, could
not In any way extend our Influence or
effective offices la the territory ot hostili
ties. Nothing has since occurred to change
my view In this regard, and I recognise
as fully new aa then that the Issuance of
a proclamation of neutrality, by which
process the so-called recognition of bellig
erency is published, could, of Itself act
unattended by other action, accomplish
nothing toward the one end for which we
labor, the instant pacification of Cuba, and
the cessation ot the misery that afflicts
the Island.
A Precedent Cited,
Turning to the question ot recognising
at this time the Independence of the pres
ent insurgent government In Cuba, we
find aafe precedents In eur history from
an early day. They are well summed up
.In President Jackson a message to con
gress December II, IKtoi, on the subject of
the recognition of the Independence of
Texas. He said:
"In all the contests that have arisen
out of the revolutions of France, out ot
the dlsputee relating to Portugal and
Bpaln, out of the separation of the Amer
ican possessions of both from the Eu
ropean governments, and out of the nu
merous and constantly recurring strug
gles far dominion In 8panlsh-Amerlcan
countries, so wisely consistent with
Just principles has been the action of our
government that we have under the most
critical circumstances avoided all censure
and encountered no other evil than that
produced by a transient estrangement
ot good will In those against whom we
have been, by force of evidence, com
pelled to decide.
"It haa thua been made known to the
world that the uniform policy and practice
ot the United States la to avoid all inter
ference In disputes which merely relate
to the Internal government of other na
tions, and eventually to recognise the au
thority of the prevailing party without ref
erence to our particular intereeta and
views or to the merits of the original
controversy. But In Oils, aa in every
other occasion, safety Is to be found In a
rigid adherence to these principles. In
the contest between Spain and the revolt
ing colonies we stood aloof and waited
not only until the ability ot th new atatea
to protect themselves was fully estab
lished, but until the ofcance ot their being
again subjugated had entirely passed
away. Then, and not until then, were
they recognised. Such was eur course In
regard to Mexico heraelf. It la true that
with regard to Texas the civil authorltlea
of Mexico had been expelled, Ita invading'
army defeated, the chief of the republic
himself captured, and all present power
to control the newly organised govern
ment of Texas annihilated within Its con
fines. But, on the other hand, there la, tn
appearance at leaBt, an Immense dispar
ity of physical force on the side ot Texas.
The Mexican republic again Is rallying Us
forces undsr a new leader and menacing
a fresh Invasion to recover its lost do
main. "Upon the Issue ot this threatened In
vasion, the Independence of Texas may.
be considered as suspended, and were
there nothing peculiar In the relatione be
tween the United State and Texas, our
acknowledgment of Ita Independence at
such a crisis could scarcely be regarded
as conalstent with the prudent reserve
with which 'we have hitherto held our
selves bound to treat all similar ques
tions." Thereupon Andrew Jackson proceeded
to consider the risk that there might be
Imputed to the United States motives of
selfish Interests In view ot the former
claim on our part to the territory of
Texas, and of the avowed purpose ot the
Texana in seeking recognition of Inde
pendence as an Inoident to th Incorpora
tion ot Texaa In th Union, concluding
"Prudence, therefore, aeems to dictate
' that we should stsnd aloof and maintain
our present attitude, If not until Mexico
Itself or one ot the great powers shall
recognise the independence ot the new
government, at leaat until the lapse ot
time or the course ot events shall hava
proved beyond cavil or dispute the ability
of the people ot that country to maintain
their separate sovereignty and to uphold
the government constituted by "them.
Neither of th contending partle can
Justly complain of this course. By pur
suing It we ar but carrying out th long
established policy ot our government, a
nollcy which has secured to us respect
. and influence abroad and Inspired eonfl
denee at home." - -
These are the word ef Andrew Jackson.
They ar evidence that the United States,
In addition to the test imposed by pub
lic law as the condition of ths recognition
of the Independence of a neutral state,
to wit, that the revolted state shall "con
stitute In fact a body politic, having a
government tn substance as well aa Jn
name, possessed of ths elements of sta
bility," and forming de facto "if left to
Itself a state among the nations, rea
sonably capable of discharging the dottes
of a stat, has Imposed for Its own gov
ernance In dealing with case like these,
th further condition that recognition of
an Independent state Is not due to a re
volted dependency until the danger of
Its being again aubjugated by the parent
state haa entirely passed away." This ex
treme test was. In fact, applied In the
cace of Texas.
Ths congress to whom President Jack
son referred the question as one probably
leading to war. and therefore an appropri
ate subject for a "previous understanding
with that body by whom war can alone
be decjared, and by whom all the provis
ions for sustaining ita perils must be fur
nished, left the matter of recognition of
Texas to the discretion of the executive,
providing merely for the sending of diplo
matic agents when the president should
be satisfied that the republic of Texas bod
become sn "Independent staie."
It was so recognized by President Van
Buren, who commlsslaoned a charge d'af
faires1 March 7, 1837, after Mexico had
abandoned an attempt to conquer the
Texas territory, and then there was at the
time no bona fide contest going on be
tween the Insurgent province and Its for
mer sovereign.
Coba Not Rla-htly a State.
I said in my message of December last:
"It la to be seriously considered whether
the Cuban government possesses beyond
dispute the attribute of statehood, which
alone can demand the recognition of bel
ligerency, in Its favor."
The same requirement must certainly
be no less seriously considered when the
graver issue of recognizing Independence
Is In question, for no less positive test
can be applied to the greater net than to
tha leeser, while on the other hand the
Influences and consequences of the strug
gle depending upon the Internal policy of
the recognizing state, which form Impor
tant factors when the recognition of bel
ligerency Is concerned, are secondary If
not rightly ellmlnable factors when the
real question Is whether the community
claiming recognition la or Is not independ
ent beyond peradventure.
Recocnltloa laeiaedleat.
Nor from the atandpoint of expedience
do I think It would be wise or prudent
for thla government to recognize at the
present time the Independence ef the so
called Cuban republic. Such recognition
la not necessary In order te enable the
United States to Intervene and pacify the
Island. To commit thla country now to
the recognition of any particular govern
ment In Cuba might subject us to em
barrassing conditions of Interest obliga
tion toward the organization so recog
nized. In case of Intervention, our con
duct will be subject to the approval or
disapproval of such government. We
woald be required) to submit to Its direc
tion and to assume to It the mere rela
tion of a friendly ally. When It shall
appear hereafter that there Is within
tbe Island a government capable of per
forming the dutlea and discharging the
functions of a nation, and having, as a
matter of fact, the proper forms and at
tributes of nationality, such government
can be promptly and readily recognized
and the relations and Interests of the
United States with such nation adjusted.
Possible Alternative.
There remain the alternative forms of
Intervention to end the war, each as an
Impartial neutrality, by imposing a ra
tional compromise between tbe contest
ants or as th acttvs ally of the one party
or the other. As to the first. It Is not to
be forgotten that during the last
few months the attitude of the
United States haa virtually been one
of friendly Intervention In many ways,
each not of Itself conclusive, but all tend
ing to the exertion of a potential Influ
ence toward an ultimate pacific result.
Just and honorable to all interests con
cerned. The spirit of all our acts hither
to has been an earnest, unselfish desire
tor peace and prosperity In Cuba, untar
nished by differences between the United
States and Spain and unstained by the
blood of American citizens. The forcible
Intervention of the United States aa a neu
tral to stop the war according to the
large dictates of humanity and following
the historical precedents wherein the
United States has Interfered to check the
hopeless sacrifice of life by Internecine
conflicts beyond their borders. Is Justifi
able on national grounds. It Involves,
however, hostile constraint upon both par
ties to the contest, as well aa te enforce
a truce as to end the eventual settle
ment. The grounds for such Intervention
may be briefly summarised as follows:
First In the cause of humanity and to
put an end to the barbarltlea. bloodshed,
starvation and horrible miseries now existing-
there and which the parties to the
conflict are either unable or unwilling to
stop or mitigate. It Is no answer to say
thla is all in another country, belonging
to another nation, and is therefore none
of our business. It Is explicitly our duty,
for-iWa right at our door.
Second We owe it to our citizens In
Cuba to afford them that protection and
Indemnity for life and property which no
government there can or will afford, and
to that end terminate the conditions that
deprive them of legal protection.
- Third The right to Intervene may be
Justified by the very serious Injury to the
commerce, trade and business of our peo
ple and by the wanton destruction ot prop
erty and devastation ot the Island.
Fourth And which la of foremost im
portance, the condition of affairs In Cuba
Is a constant menace to our peace, and
entails upon this government enormous ex
pense. With such a conflict waged for
years In an Island so near us snd with which
our people have such trade and business
relations when the Uvea and liberty ot
our citizens are In constant danger, their
property destroyed and themselves ruined
when our trading vessels are liable to leis
ure and are seised at our very door by war
ships of a foreign nation, tha expeditions
of filibustering that we are powerless to
prevent altogether, and the irritating ques
tions and entanglements thus arising all
these and others are a constant menace to
our peace and tend to keep us on a war
footing with that nation with which we are
at peace.
' The Mala Incident.
These elements of danger and disorder
already pointed out have been strikingly
Illustrated by a tragic event which has
deeply and Justly moved the American
people; I hava already transmitted to con
gress th report of the naval court of In
quiry on the destruction ot the battle-ship
Maine in the harbor of Havana during the
night of the 15th of February. The de
struction ot that noble vessel has filled
the national heart with Inexpressible hor
ror; 168 brave sailors and marines and
ofSoera ot our navy, reposing In the fan
cied aecurlty ot a friendly harbor hav
been hurled te death. Grief and want ar
brought to their home and sorrow to the
nation. .
The naval court ot Inquiry, which, It Is
needless to say, commands the unqualified
confidence ot the government, waa unan
tmoua In Us conclusion that tha destruc
tion ot the Maine was caused by an ex
terior explosion, and also by a aubmarlne
mine. It did not aaaume to place th re
sponsibility. That remains to be fixed. In
any event, the destruction ot the Maine,
by whatever exterior cause. Is a patent and
Impressive proof of a state ef things In
Cuba that Is Intolerable. That condition
ia thua shown to be such that tha Spanish
government cannot assure safety iy
curity te a vessel ot the Ameri"
In the harbor ef Havana or'
peace, and rightfully jr'
j nectlon la made to recent diplomatic cor
I respondence.
I A dispatch from our minister to Spain
of the 26th ultimo contained that, ths
, Spanish minister for foreign affair as
sured him positively that Spain will do all
that the highest honor and Justice re
quire ill the matter of the Maine. '
The reply also referred to of the' list
ultimo aleo contained an .expression ot
th readiness of Bpaln to submit to arbi
tration all the differences which can arise
In this matter, which I subsequently ex
plained by the note of the Spanish minis
ter at Washington of the 10th Inst., as
"As to the question of fact which
springs from the diversified views between
representatives of the American and the
Spanish boards, Spain proposes that th
fact be ascertained by an Impartial In
vestigation by experts, which decision
Spain accepts in advance. To this I have
mad no reply."
Another Precedent.
President Grant, In 1875. In discussing th
purposes of the Cuban contest as It then
appeared, and the hopeless and apparent
Indefinite prolongation ef such event, said:
"I am of the opinion that other nations
will be compelled to assume the responsi
bility which devolves upon them, and to
seriously consider the only remaining
measures possible mediation and Inter
vention. Owing, perhaps, to the large ex
panse of water separating the island from
the peninsula, the contending parties ap
pear to have within themselves no depos
itory of common confidence to suggest
wisdom when passion and excitement
have their sway, and thus assume the
part of peacemaker."
In this view in the early daya of th coa
test the good offices of the United States
aa the mediator were tendered In good
faith without any selfish purpose In the
Interest of humanity and sincere friend
ship for both parties, but were st the time
declined by Spain with the declaration,
nevertheless, that at a future time they
would be ind'spensable. No intimation has
been received that In the opinion of Spain
that that time has been reached: yet the
strife continues with all Its dread horror
and its Injuries to the United States and
other nations. Each party seems quit
capable of working great injury and dam
age to the other aa well as to all the rela
tions and interests dependent on the exist
ence of peace in the island; but they
seem Incapable of reaching any agreement,
and both have thua far failed of achieving
and auccess whereby one party shall pos
sess and control the Island to the exclu
sion of the other.
Under the circumstances the agency ol
others, either by mediation or by Inter
vention, seems to be the only alternative
which must sooner or later be Involved
for the termination of the strife.
In the last annual message of my im
mediate predecessor during the pending
struggle, It was said:
"When the Inability of Spain to deal
successfully witis the Insurrection has be
come manifest, and If demonstrated thai
her sovereignty la extinct In Cuba, for all
purposes of Its rightful existence, and
when a hopeless struggle for its re-establishment
has degenerated into the strife
which means nothing more than the use
less sacrifice of human Hfe and the utter
deatructlon of the very subject-matter ol
the conflict, a situation will be presented in
which our obligations to the sovereignty
of Spain will be superseded by higher ob
ligation which we can hardly hesitate to
recognize and discharge."
In my annual message to congress De
cember last, speaking to this question, I
"The near future will demonstrate
whether the Indispensable condition of a
righteous peace. Just alike to the Cubans
and Bpaln, as well as equitable to all our
Interests, so Intimately involved in th
welfare of Cuba, la likely to be attained.
If not. other action by tbe United States
will remain to be taken; when that time
comes the action will be determined In the
line If Indisputable right of duty; it will
be faced without misgiving or hesitancy
In tbe light of the obligation this govern
ment owes to Itself, to the people who con
tided the protection of their Interests and
honor and to humanity.
"Sure of the right, keping free from all
offense ourselves, actuated by upright
and patriotic considerations, moved neith
er by passion nor selfishness, the govern
ment will continue Its watchful care over
the rights and property of American cltl
sens, and will abate none ot Ita efforts
to bring about by peaceful agencies a
peace which shall be honorable and endur
ing. If It aha lt hereafter appear to be a
duty imposed by eur obligations to our
selves, to civilization and to humanity,
te intervene with force, lt shall be without
fault cn our part and only because the
necessity foi such action will be so clear
as to corrmand the support and approval
of the civilized world."
Intrrveatloa the Only Hope.
The long trial has proved that the ob
ject for which Spain haa waged war
cannot be attained. The lire of Insur
rection may flame or may amolder with
varying seasons, but lt has not been and
lt is plain that It cannot be extinguished
by present methods. The only hope of re
lief and repose from a condition which
cannot longer be endured is the enforced
pacification of Cuba.
In the name of humanity. In the name
of civilisation. In behalf of endangered
American Interests, which give us the
right and the duty to speak and to act,
the war In Cuba must stop: in view of
these facts, and these considerations, 1
ask congress to authorize and empower
the president to take measures to se
cure a full termination ot hostilities be
tween the government ot Spain and the
people of Cuba, and to secure in the
Island the establishment of a stable gov
ernment capable ot maintaining order
and observing Its International obliga
tions, Insuring peace and tranquillity and
the security ot Its citizens as well as
our own, and to use the military and
naval force of the United States as may
be necessary for these purposes and In
the Interest ef humanity, and to aid In
preserving the lives of the starving peo.
pie ot the Island I recommend that the
distribution of food and supplies be con
tinued and that an appropriation be mode
out of the public treasury to supple
ment the charity of our cltlsens.'
The Issue Is now with congress; It Is
a solemn responsibility; I have exhausted
every effort to relieve the Intolerable con
dition of affairs which is at our doors.
Prepared to execute every obligation Im
posed upon me by the constitution, and
law, I await your action,
Spaln'a Last Sabterfnae.
Yesterday and since the preparation bl
the foregoing message, official Information
was received by me that the latet decree
of the queen regent of Spain directs Gen
eral Blanco, In order to prepare and facil
itate peace, to proclaim a suspension of
hostilities, the duration and detlla?
To l Tm. fao.ywtr.v.JyT"c.000 ber sawed iq '97 "
m consideration will, i jtrsoned. My stock includes flooring, ct il-
your careful and Just , . , , . , , ,, , r
solemn dellberatlonnlCCci lumber, 8U1 p-lap and all UBllttl llUll'l!;ni,B
sS..?u.Tr-- " of rough lumber.
Lee Accused Spanish Officers
of the Work.
Two Row of Torpedoea Placed Aero,
Havana Harbor Eat-ane With
in the Past Two Months.
Washington, April 16. The testi
mony taken before the senate commit
tee on foreign relations in connection
with the investigation into the relation,
between the United States and Culm ,
w:ts made pnblic today. It constitute,
a book of about 650 pages, and include"
not only the testimony taken since the
disaster to the Maine, but also much
that was known before and rnnning
back for year or more, .,
The statement which contains great
est current interest is that made by
General Lee on the 12th inst. In his
statement Lee say. he was informed
on very good authority that tli. Span
iards placed two rows of torpe !og just
at tbe month of Havana harbor within
Die past two months, or subsequent to
the Maine disaster, and that switch
hoards are in a room in Monro castle. .
"Had you any reason to soppuee the.
harbor was mined at all before the
blowing rjp of the Maine?" asked Sena
tor Kiye. .. y:.,,.
"No, sir. I had no reason to suspect
anything of that sort up to that time.'' ,
He then went on to say that the
writer of a letter to Pantos Gasman
had led him to believe mines might
have been placed there previous to the
Maine inoident, and he said this sup- .
position was strengthened by a tele- '
gram from Weyler, of which he hail .
cognizance. Upon the ' whole, he
thought the Weyler letter (the Lmina
letter) was a correct copy of the genu
ine letter. Tbe telegram to which he ?
referred was addressed to Eva Caneta, "
a uoted Spanish woman ami admirer'
of Weyler, and to Senor Gusmaii, ami .
it read as follows: , , . v
"Grave circumstances caupe me to
auk yon to destroy the letter of Fehrn
aty 12.". ". -'f;Vf,
Lee said this telegram had never
before been published, and he found in .
it strong confirmatory -evidence of the
genuineness fcf the letter. : .'
With reference to responsibility for j
the destruction of tha Maine, Lee said;
"lam satisfied the explosion . was
from the outside. I have always be- n
lieved the Maine was not blown np by .
any private individual, bat by soma
officers who had chaige of mines and
electrio wires and torpedo in the ar
senal, who thoroughly understood their
business, for it waa done remarkably
well. I don't think Blanco had any
thing to do with it. I don't think ha
had any knowledge of it. I was sit
ting in my room at the hotel when I
heard the explosion, and saw a great
colnmn of fire go np in the air. After
ascertaining that it wa9 the Maine, I
went right, down to the Palace and
asked for Blanco. He came in at once.
He had jnst heard the news and vat
crying. Tears were coming not of bis
eyes. He seemed to regret it as much
as anybody 1 saw in Havana, j think
It came from some snhordinnte officers.
ho had been there tnder Weyler, and
who were probably anti-Bianco any
how, and who had full knowledge of
the business."
Scouring European Waters tar Warships
Mobilising Her Fleet.
Kew York, April 16. Official con
firmution has been given to Hie an
nouncement of the departure of the
cruisers Vizcaya and " Almirante
Oqaendo for the Cape Verdes islands,
where the Spanish torpedo fleet is ly
ing, says the Washington correspond
ent of the Herald. They left San Joan
five days ago, and are expected at their
destination within the next two or
three days.
In accordance with the instructions
given by the Spanish minister of pu
rine, the tiiobi ligation ol the Spanish
naval force at Cadis continues. Spain
is scouring the European markets for
desirable merchant ships which can be
transformed into auxiliary cruisers.
No confirmation haa been receive j pf
the rumored purchase by Spain of the
Saule and Spree, of the North German
Lloyds line. Should it prove true, and
should war break ont within the next
10 days, it can be stated on excellent
authority that the Saale at least will
never fly the Spanish flag, ..The Saals
will arrive at New York on. Saturday
next, and if the Saale has been sold to
Spain there is no doubt the govern
ment would eeiio her nt Kew York and
impress hex into Ute.Amwican navy.
The Spree is in Gtrmaii wa tt ."so
that it will be 'impossible to're.tohjjaey
Besides the rpree,'baaltvl-miannia ;
and Columbia, Germany ha. other mer
chant ships especially built for up(urer
sion into auxiliary cruisers, which' it
is believed here her agent, are inspect
ing, ,,. . -: ' , .. ..' . ;. .
War Risks Advance. - i
New York, April 16. Marine risks
took another sharp advance today.
Kates on vessels sailing tor the south
east coast of South America were quoted
at 4 per cent, or double yesterday's
quotations. .
PnV ,i are Parked.
,JJ LUjV.:. Br,;i
- - - ORECO