THE CBHDOH-.CLSB .- ! 7 khiday, march 4, igob. "" 7 '"""notice. Tbit yviirly mtlirieiltit Inn In this Ol 1 (PI.50, II ).nlil III imHiuku'. Jt not pi'M In U'lvulut SC2 will I rluirKi'il. A I'tiut'U imilil m'outid tlilf tmtlrC Jli'lUllfH "'"t join l"'l''lll'UWI Illilil'X- l.ircil, iimiiw renew promptly. GLOBOSITIES. Thtt fftrmtiri have Vci buny plyivin and HiuJIiijji Inedy, M. U. I'uhnor, our popular barber, linn n imul nil In tbi istaw, J'.uimrciti'ii have lmn' In Mwm In! Uillliiin rounty for alumni a week, Mra, H. U. Hawvon, of Aidin'iiu wu reported datij;en.ig!y ill hint ' uit. JiimcK Ihton made btirtinetr' trip to the H'Jtl eh'oU awti'im liiiit Fi iday. Mr. J, F. Reinnehef pjumt A few dayH vivitiiiK relntfvew !;i last wtsit. lr. J. II, llndiion liana neat now ml in this irt,io. It will pny ymi to reud tt. Tho lrM band Isold it ;rattlco meet iiij; lust Sunday. Woor (iibbonu, of dp-V Mayvllk), wa on our HtrnotH iattt rhimkty. l.Mr uHirchiuit am K''Ufri In ttow good almost eveiy day lately. ' A ntmiborol ottr eitiwin are prepnr 114! to ;tit out fruit tirK tbbs tiptit'if. ti. h, lttnehart tins boon on the fdok lint, for wretal .b'.yi-part. rdterili' Wi!eo. trammeled Imulfiwi nt Arlington last tsturdny find Sunday. T. K.ulnut viitltel relatives and frioitlH, in tho i.0110 Uoek country litis week, Employera who aro in titled of men. or itn-u tfcoliiinj; etiiploymuitt, htnU! '! jtt thi' Peimoiiu'y roittaitrant, Condon. Myrmi Cliiiho 11 ha vi n. a weil nnk on "hiH jimftftrty, liiHy Uviisg'itou ia d'dnjf the work," liowc-Moiiday morning, Feb. 28, H'Mi, to tho wife of K. It, Corhett, of Msituey lit. an 11 pound aun, ffi-l, Utiiuolt, of Matney Flat, iti fitriuw tin IiO has already made some (tardea, linut c'im.iUi tliiw. FfHtik Whit", u !io livon with l.iHrand fiitlmr, VV'ilkinMoi) Whio, ott T raiitovW, tna twcn tnuuhly til muiiy, t. W. llinohurt inoK n run down to Arlington TliniUyt rc'iunsiiig 011 Hut urday. TI10 D'dmriinwi rfsUuraut will not giv rt ntidiiilit Mii'i-ftr Ivr tin) ball lunn I'.roa. hnve ' tkn advurtls-ina hii- in tit" 'Gwhk wliich will li well vi;li u.iiinif Mrit wwk, J, A. Uii'Jiffl'.i'd wftt i.'i tuwn lat't Sat urday it ud vU':'.3 .Ucre hiul his tum il.itd 011 t! l Owikb ul (?:; r ; : liet. l.snra Jkrco in: -rfhsi.-d the jdtint ( low iii.rUi li'jfii'it: Vu-!iii9.'i and iiwiW' jtrojjrH't-jr w;dl iwonito; ot tiiftt :ub!icauni!. i'lfiy-lwo d-.'w isf tho ' ih&UK-ouU C'tift yu .1,B0 rn7tai)Ml to turn' iy Mietf v.'itMt-ii-ii .tti.-ii.t witaitry fnvr. Try t vmii'k titt,:rf(iiio.. llon't l'ili?i t tliO !uii tit Artwrv liail Friday itiitt, Mif!j 4!h. t:tn uud V.'nyno (iridrr sst'j j'v!:)),' ii, Hf'.d thev eimrantvo .1 4 lift if. X.g your j)iU t'!.r mid tnjoy ynur '!. Todiiv,.tiiu(''n, or t5io vrv firnt limv yuu tr(t in f ti i!l 1 p. iicudid timo Ij Niilwi'tilic or renow your stiiit.-ir!t:on to tiio .unu. Oiity ?1.W per yur il paid in ndvaeco. J. A. Ki.T, wit" ti'i" charijowf lb riml wofk f.'out Ttttfly JlitCiw to tl ri-v'f, btnilvd Mill liit't Vi.-ifdiiv, i,u Irl ojtrijvr Cftij (H'ii,;ii. Ii(t wilt wotij in lin vifiitity of liitilw U. Tho jitibtfiiw O.-ii-j have Ncn m narm fttnl spring-likt it !ih '.iuh1 Urn to-arf 011 lltii tat!i I" tio s Mtddcn t.turt, fan! sixin tho t'i'-VIl ooivs wi'i ha ahlt; to gi'l a rimiyc (! :, i-5r. J. Cititi!U!I, who fptiit tli winter 01 VxtfU Ctuoiilrt'ii'e )Wtm tl.rtt'. n.i oh iiottli (it town. .HHrtAl v;ti wi-k tor hur iicn.o at A,nror;t. IS), ficr iitm Inuid will runt .tin to-ro with his UroUur, T(Tii will t-o no rirfiicliiiii? tint KoA ilsy, as the Kv. lirr, will ( In t'i cotutlry lonkiPK wfU-r otbe-r nt'ily liold;). I'rnovhiiv tm wk i.m Son day , Morning und evuitin. " Kvory li"dy itivlitil. Tho cltwinj; wrtuwi of fit CondW ptil.iio Bi-hool ;J1 VAi-.i) tit tin1 ittdiool li..U '0 0't 1'vi i;iy vt'nitiR, .Wixruh 4th., U mm o'clwit. Aii 1'fu'ndH nnl putfotiaul the Buio.jl nro itaitod tol-jtrosont, Marilial An-lcri'sn btkI wtfo now (: ntipy llit! r!st'!ottri j'!t Kiel? id tho IHd !ii..iiicri ri)utirnnt.. Tisnv will rc;it unntttor lioneu niornconvotiRintiv tot au .1, hu wion Kiliool wben therct v. ill piobaliiy Ihj Homo vtirtint tor r.;iit Mosbm. French, 'Kno, S-tovctw, U li mit n. Zitcliftry, r-itrtmr-l w banKoy, woll luinviti r.ittU 1111111 01 tltnTltirty Milt diytrict. lotvo fold tlntir v'"(-r U) tin CU:ft- rn boyor ut If20, .'425 nuii )0, for one, two it nd tliroo-ytfitr-oldfl, Mr. and Mm, Vjiii lilarloon, n-tto livo nt AntntHt f-'cokiiitf.) a p'tux- tn I'orry yon, brotight thotr .htl.lo IS montliH old Iwiv to town Thiimdsiy toconiiiltH phvitifinn. Tiio child wiia tjcrionj-ly ill from tut ttttui'k of toitt-uitia rintont'e l)aixi',H. nn mitidoyfio of U-.o umolwi mill nl IvmUt'ion. mot with a ni;rh t tv tio- 1.. r. ilii.- cliii ivbo tit'VOf ullti-.v liiCir rii If Hi.ti)Uon in-onttt to tp-t ntuoli In arrears a rtlusij ibut nil onliiiiOiots liolitdtt to honor, r Jio you ktmiv any iv-iuiof liiinritii.g iitl tnsirH, bit'tlm, tVioliB, ftincritii"ii,' t'tranwoiH in town, citizotm out of town, vhit-ir", i-hiiroh !i'j,v-a Or rjocii'lv U'ti'V.v l It you do vmi will oonfer tt favor nn tl.n ii.'liK bv '-i vljii.' tins ni-w ciditcir n "tin." It's iiotrottlihi, only u ft-' word of tiio fiiclM ton! wo vv ill (irraii);i! tho item rei'tdy fur tl.t' oiiirU;r. i ft t. n out friijitdw." Joint Mock Ktmiiitd to llopnniir Tut-- day morning; fi-otu Kunth H. 1'ioii, here it- Into ln.'iMi sioiliirmn a Oiilld r.f r;ioi:p. lis ri'i't nt until aprlng, wbt-n lift null fi-iitt tskt t liHi-joof a Iwntd of fh:-p t'.nd start 011 bit! liir.'f journy otOit Hr-l ovsr t!n- Uidf.---!!cpintf J mitts. Mr. M(-t'it in a roKidunt of thin iih(:t ari-1 iiJ wo! I known to mo:;l of our voinlooi. t'ontiiin-ooi- .1. F, l;oi-ini;bor. i;.inftiii- nlnlen Mtmo osti-tihlvo iuiptovjm:iita in tot oinc in Hit- nesir futura. A'-mtfutt tit of lurk bom-.! will OP tittt to, mi'l rninio:cntti will K-coitiolotud by wbicli Al-JLiNGTON CLmH. Ffnnk Aidrli-lt k It!iv;rt one ofj.'fir roi'd (.M'-lii'lit (iliintfj put hi at hi btdvi in(; Hilcy. I'r. fit-outing Attivrtoy Javuo of thin ilimrkl upmtttH'vuml day 9 here tit'? first of tbc :!; on hiici uw, Ji, il.. llobitii'on aitd Ji'it'l found hvi boiij,i.t u job jtrintinontr.l it'l'lic IaiHhm. v.-bic'o li.'C-y will j. lit in ltd t i 1 1 Oiiii:'.. 1 Tin.'v timy fi!i huh I a !' loiro in a j fi.- .v v, l -M !-.!. ' I Tliorc Rt iiiori; f injooVCHicot;; lining ! Inaibt ii'-m tiiH h 1 ri riy titan i it i vnrul I yi-'tiv. it 11' only OKitt-'t -of tinio i.i'ii j Arlington will bu tlo; iiOs5 town i Ivmt-1 oni .ri-pon.' j ' Our liftr.jhnl oftuybt a hobo giving j wlibil.oy to an Indian lu-t It. w : iiw-iilow to say tfiut ho cuio-n.t.l this I hoho In and tin nu I tdio ovor to iK-puly (. S. M-ir.4tal Otrlitt'i-, who tool; hi at to t'onland Monday. ' Tim pow,-!li:o tit I'-i'-dyk wat bf.nt into (t.tio night inct '("!: jtnd tstwtHl iii(Hi!OH -tolcn. tho iKr.rt nay two toon :.njai r nrairiXi.:-, nnsinnnnafisiva Vatchvord i,ho crime, mid wfrobrotti'ltt U this jiltf" for ft b';arili5f, which f;iv'ti liit-io Mori dav, I, ft. Marrbal C-mlii-'u tot.k in churiio. l.!tdi H0111 no. h.l'!r of iook Ifo-t'sit Mfill I ftidf to cof- wore, arr-.-itted at Wat-cochrp,.Hl tla-ir infill ut anv bonr 01 tbo oav or ninbt. Mr. ltiai'b(o' ylvpa ovid.-nca ol lioirii,' the right ooin in' too ri;;iit piat. Mr. CM, Walker rwu-lord Vr!it;tjion Kurtdy, ftftur n or.ttidi-.d lr!prnronb Honihoin On'snn. Mr. Wftliior baa tmoiii arriitn.i;0!iio!it!i with au I'.riy'.iih eornpaoy by wiiii'h h: bt to tsko f if 1 con lmn lrod lie-id ol bo f ott! Ui l)a tt.jn City tho I'ooiing ww, tt"d i'd twri from biro tiM.itt ttnj hri-t ol Jot.i - for. nii.t)r fnrdior inform "a that bu ill employ ix 111011 to if 11 with him nnd pn-fi-rsj to tilko motj front ihiii fionnty, imut that In.' tuivvs win provo r'nut-Hoiiny ouu run- nblft. Arlington liword. U!!ton;rh 'ho (Inolift now mijnvs tho lvict cnUafplton Hn id tiny paper I r Utljtatt o'ijtily tin ro nwy bo si.tnc rM donisof tloi (.'C-ui;ly who lor nanus roasoti nr ntbnr tpt not take the puttnr. To ail tomb wo w ill m.v that the proriont is a in-t-rtv't tioio to'iitbtcriUf. U'o aro Imre to uivo you llit now", and hn'p di vulop tint resmotw' ol tiilliriin county and we want tiio cr.opC!KtiO!t Of ovurylnxly in t!m work. If voit don't laUo tho i touts call at tho ofifon next timo you arc-in Vtwn and irot a sainplu copy. " An orrot crop into oor udi'plionfi itom last wcok, thiotnoi uvt ovurObt. Tb piopoiiion madf by lite vdcphonfl o'.iti paity that they will build a lir.o (rem Arliti-toti to ('endon nnd Foutrtl if tho pt;opio of thu t'i(,-tifin ii-'-cn-i'tod wit bnultuo tioioii, wtro an 1 oumr tna- tt-rlal ttrvdod f..r tho work, from Arling ton. Tho it.,1 in in hut tem) MtuO'd tbat the iteoulo woo Ktt;d to "fnnuMii t;w tniio-finl, wdiiidi mado tho propi.-iitiorj- o tlto item sifipoar sontewhaf. rldieulotiH. Thyorror wn-i'iiot r.otlrcd ontli ibo if?iw WtlfSiooro (Into half pHntod, ami Ml (ovr.iiou U o.tulo iu -ardor, to htraijthti-n tho miiiu-r out. Tl.o i'L'i'J TY of my iirri(?t and rbemifais ;TL; ACCUIiACY . .villi biuii my ptovxrip'.-imiH nre ro:iiiOui;'l''d tint! Tito .STABILITY of ml my p-cpa."aiiont aro tlits hUrlhiK rjiifclltU'S that I prid? inysi if att ombx'k'd in nil 1 ;-" p. Mv fciliumtive v.tock of o!.i;t.,icr,lM, t'g-;thcr wbh my ASSORTED VARIETY of loii'.'l. nrtidiw and dratr!c'' wr.nOr'n.'S at;?.!.'-.'!) too to oii'or to th;s ptihllt: piti'.OB that can bo fa vorfibfy con.j.itretl with tb'.---o of tiny dnijj utiWibUdnmcni. in tho country, I dofy I Invito cornp i'JUon. inopacf. ion. CALL A NO SEE ME. i II. 44 n i P. R V, - 3-' 5 CONDON, OREGON. rm" -ftw w " and H'-nrv Wiikiriit had a law Kuit bt r last t' ook ovr cn ! c! old t'C'o'int. Ih'indrirfr't wa phdntill'i ( and had A. A. Jayoo of T-io to i i biitidto hin cast:, Uurlv-y & lKibymt up- j d ' pwtiits; for the dtd.;tiw. flcr-drii-V- v-on c; Jj-jo, 1 1 , HUQSOn the tjf'l wbidj v;as trhid bv a jorv l-cdoii-; f 1 ' Jodtjc tbi. ' CONDON, - OREGON. J mo 0,011 wore itTro-.'tf 1 lioro iVtott'iay Bhntaod wilh thn vm thM r-ort-i fl(H-W ti.o sir bi.tki.t- to tho ot.atno on ot.e, f tho O. II. A Co. t tniuiH whiiol Btandint? at AriiiiKton Inst Snnda nii.l. It ivppeiirs that tho ImWj bf.vo taken a mom etri'ak lutoly. rmmy iwy nrc mad btionrux," tliiH vyA wcathor iinni'i 0:1 no lontf, a f-iT.pit) do not k-i'.l iiku l,: i- ing tooin in gootl woaliier. fh Ktwmora' Instltuto held bcr-i on I-'olv 2Htli tunl March ltt tvs a grand aticcoflti, Poveral very ritieipc..-)i'tt were made i tho iuVTwt of (rood farmine. 1'. rl. l'aiff.B told un why h wuid not ralf.Tivs make woat!;er to suit mi ol 111 at ! tu tamo time, ami nioo vn ir-t too no vantage Orw-m hau ovtr ricurly mr F,!'t; in the Union in rc-gard to its fr foot weather condi'.ionii. . lie cti-lniiied tiio worki.'psof the Oregon Wettitr-r Uu ri' itn nnd the -'"J il &"dtfn tho farm tu ami le ftttiU at large, 'llm. Arlt:g toti Uornct V'.and wa-ir,l(,tii-e Uth iity and diwoorwd ori lire it.ot'c for (he ooeaxioa. Tho ftical eri er" t'. . i'ltioto, I'rof. H. . Ktutich, Dr. V.'iti.iy eotiio. en. (iooihiie and A. D. Cordh.-y. r-trrirr rr--r ' nr? at t irvnno A SPECIALTY. by as Harnessmaker CONDON, OREGON. AIL K.KB3 OFBTHE SOODS P'ADE T0 mm. Carries a Cornnlt-to and Woil-seleotcd Stock of if ? 0 trjrt nmircwnnnnnAtwiuuvrLrua j icysr PALMER " prtistit; Barber. S I e e 1c S h aves and Hair-cuts, Fia?.ors honocJ and ro-Kround. SADDLE3, HARM ESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKETS And evorythlnsf usually found Ir. u fir&c-ciaiis l.arnoM ehoo. ! REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a call. lo t.l-.s t-uli'-Jtncr on th wiser, orOH!ta B&rl rs store, "'...'! tl. 1U tfliSI'.H KS-, H, H H. ft H m a 10. LONE HOCK HUi'dTiLiHGS. A Card, .lecrber Hit. Ore., Feb. 22, '(. I'iji'.ondi. JTiK: It t-ceuin that ll p- -ido Inu'e bwnd ,1 romoriij the e!Tet that i Imvi- pee Intck ti the Jlvietbiir-w parly, nr..! I deem it toy doty to ot my nit skraifcht t.n.-ftra Ut .otmimt.iiity. I uavo tint irtir.e btvk it the K"publiefui pnrty, h'lif. am ready to v.!t.'.Vomt that party ft loot it eomet back to m. lam j't.'t whut 1 havis bi-tti abaiooo, n ttl 10 1 toivor man, arid tut ad'ocat. of a fcrfst m.'tnv other rof,riut Una arc d"ow lit till O-'illlUit pi-Li .fiU. i."v:j-K t.lti. . is. a. 6uav. B. HENDRICKS, AT TOrfNfc.y A t LAV, ;'-v r-.jsfni;- ami ro-'iii , oKx'i-iw. . 0 i "-...0!':i l-v f-,-1'---- i-'i'J r-K- l ,i -v.: t rr flUx :-ilIl-ri.-t'.., ij'-l-i, VVi.ti TrlMf'TH,:, CALL ON- '-- 'l '.Ik, '( '.-1 Hi 1.1 1 t.-1-.t .1. l-i issWr;- i- i:i.:'1r"i."! in in i.m-r.:!-i:i ti C-'r'i jit tr, oae'r. i;s ii coin .Pin nt.ii I hrouKh Cars to St OLEX EXPLOSIONS. tiia-Si- lor art ,tk tmrriblti deutlt V ednenday illiiu n ritoiaiy n.-vuivma 1 ,. ,.i,...u Blttift, Id tho mill, Ho wu-i 22 years old ,., 010 .,,,,1 i,iMii u'iln and one child. ho dnnco at Olo. F. II. Merrill, of North Unknfn was In thin vh'iniiv Iaist wwk buying tdioon to obip to hinVtuto. He oecnred abont &000 of mixed oivea and wetbera for wliieh be nahl ifii lr bfad. (ioo. 1'orry of Lone Uok atHiled him in bttyitin. frt..i. tViv.,U M niln.init-.r:it.or of rfiimiu -i,.v-'-, . tiieestitto of John Moitoat), dvaed, on law, Saturday aold 1450 head of ;took Prer'ara'.toi-.a ore ouim addiUun to ti;e i.'Ius. fWto. Tnete will bo rt.-aetiai atO'eH Ui! eottdti; ;-:umby. Ail are 1-ivttu I,. 0. Hnltston oold 10 had ol w huMfi hi Mr, Frank JUy bartt tftstiweok. They win he taken to fonUivt-l. Mi. 1'avid !V;ovit'iitl, an u.Toii.j.hi'n d b'me!-mt!h. ha-t in Oi.'x, tot. t low man ta r-ix-r-;!y from too Vuiloy. ' Mr. Cspen, of Hie d'lipen Khoe Co-, hi had mi -A L, O. b;iii.-iu.m';- 2n leaif ; out for th pa't on an interior tr;-; , Liib llendrir.he tstitvl Henry V.'i',i,i s h-l-t S.'.tnr.fav, lui'r.: Jo.Hi.:.'' EM I ft A'r- iloS'W.u and got jstdoment fur i'.f ami eoyt.'i. ' . March li!ii not performed m of yore. l-ihv. did not rotsm lo iii;e a imu, Imt toie may mi out ihat way and tho lam n be sacrii.ced, - - John llundnll returned from Men- ITIOllttl hl't wfi'K, Wiii'OO hO PUB U--,'.!l Kohitf to e.bool Hits 1 ttftt w irttnr. John Ittii'-t ttilw ouittilry U'ttor titan lie Uoes j W'el-foot. . ! lioad ifi''ivtsrtr KJscr has a force if men )iiowt;tu lit roao arminn nes u esei'lient advantage. T!m roada up tied lown Rock ereeh are in laid eoiiiiitiiot, Itut Mr. ICaktfcr will soon Jt'O thent in iinfi slotpft. We k-urn wilh repn-t that S.r. 1 Slmtt hat. ti; niow-d of tho U units plant, aul letired fi'om tho aiea- of peltupiit nnd ti-iti-oru. He is like an eld nhou tho longer wu know him the x-U-or e like hint. We wieh f ' tb.e paw pvtiiiii-s-tr the proMpetity steoded to the o', and hot paKT til do the just u tm H n tiuw-Npnoor isotn. He bi8 a ft'iod hotd lo work in and expand. The lino of dry Roods. Indn, fttftiiiihinii't, etc. that isan o'er boon aeon io Oit-x will idii.i tiy arrive ; itl-'o a very liiw I stock of iroittlemen't', ladier and hildren'a itvurvdav and drtid bos( both from Oregon and liaxtvtn faetorKH. I'aruoH float rtnft; to pnrehaM phouliheao no.,1 tnapocl tltei-e (la..t rwi"o porenm, ing ob'-w here, for they will bo old fit Oor public tiehool will cIom) next Fri day. . ' The farmers of Hits kv.'.iilv an? Vur-y idowiiiit a-sd wtttioi in i"''do, mm-t id uic lats-l ir in.' in t'tm (.on-iiiion, Uov. Clark comm.. ix-ed o',i.'-J tne-t-ingis at Jiardmnw tuft first; of the- week. Hottio of our p.;(ipi w-)st oyer to fttttsnd Vi:e toi-'.sou. . Jaeit Fro.u wa rjiillo risible Tae.tdsy lEotsiio;:, out the Wftno ?.f ti-.o a HO'. lit t-.l :t lt him old to the Klondike or t-5oi rheic-else. l.aift vmk aremn to tlvt- V-icn on , . ... t, ..1 1- 1 i tot ti? ov h nnntner ot our jmuoiu. no "1 . f . . . .. U , toeol On rOTrriTJU Oi TIWV l-','- .iv:-t-., A iew day ft';e M. U, M, john!vo ,h fro'is !etr btirfo by the bo"--e fall injj dort ti, litif'.iriiJ her very Iwd'.y, and fhe is ili (jnlie Ua.t mi. t.Hia. Vie'i W9 throw-n iron hi- horvn la -1 SaMtrdry nnd wat badly shaken nn. Whi'fi com itnr I row l-'.-trsil .last Me!' Md fcrima Ai,:!.V orr-ie hill e. m -r, ..ind In 'he j fall in tn8 way tn horn of the- sliY& I t-lrnek her in (lie sn'e. Injrring iter vr-ry j eei d!y, f).aw S';ni-i-d f i-.!! -Fo's.-'il to tttrend tor, (od at prenrax j pne ij tuned U'V:ter. ii-v. 1 'arn hart closed hi three weeks' i K.ival 11 iu-l he!1 ket w.nsuhy eve;iir,t,.'! . , .i on 1 yentioman pot in cwyider-j v :.' .'. ' ids timn in Hir- -m lay njc'rrtief; mo vi e in rontitling yn -joni'-'-ood :;t I , 'for vising the word 'rerfnerat' in t!t-f, ti.-ct sou wish bBpufinti i"--t week. Me,-' saivl bo wi.-imd too Cor. to know l!n'tj , j there was no mtcsttato pon-er in bap-1 ( i lion, that it was a .vork or iran t, if you I plett1, hieh the i':ipt!;;t ehnv h pnlt ,- Inn ;w meuinerj toe earn-' na. pi,'te tin i'oir i-ati Id. Weii, ee acrept 1:10 oxpinuntmn. Wo thotiKht it om-f; pure ly lo ; -omo ltenelH to tlms-v who bad ni-K-ad l.-eca haun'r-ipd two er three ti oe; I .v fore, when tle-v went tr.ron.;h thn fMtr-o MOi'i'S'- ai5.dn. Foetus to a) that 1,,'ii're 1.4 not. room for mfiny more braadn on aomo of thorn, . left for ; visit Tourist A tourist !!eepirg ear will leave Fort land every Monday via Mo. Cue. and eve? Vvcdm.s?n' .ist tfcc BorUnt'toc Jl.-:!iiottt81''. ?-!. via tf.-e O. R. A S. Tobey Bros., S'JS2r.S3,S4S 13 SHAHJIAflD & pgJY ARLINGTON, - OREGON. Cloth inR, Gents Furnishine Roods Shoes, Hardware, Staple and Fancy Groceries. OUR PRICES R AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. UitcKiiu ikfi and ytrnvw wnhont change Loni, and un.U-r tl.e o- p-;rviti'):i of e porioitca. ! 'roud ue! "n. --o cham? of caw t-- ti.". vUk-. Kansw City or St." liH. Ke. p t.ois wrvk in tntnd wfcen troiotr f nt!. ;ind eotibult O. It. &, or addrwja, VV. n. Hi.;Ki.rn:BY, tienerai Fawny' Aeent, Fortlan-jhOr. J fl 1'otT.r.oi of Fciwil Las onlern! li- roet from th faciorj- a carload of Miteh-: I PUTNAM I y r, S-'C S 4 Mmii A i. t, 4. J it. jtJs,. a. ii FOSSIL, OREGON. I vre'mty, ;riy i-peifij wtjif.h ! trade wiii he hero for Use -Cf Jrtersst to ttJers. II. Fritssor, llksnnty Ulerk, at On !i, O- aoii. v.r..iitue? to ;ri sp6ek! ;snt'..n to 17. iiovfrnmeiii i:-.rd o- leaiioes, Wny and rarovfa. iparo:! io rett-ivo rn, it.T.u ot ,mitv eon.ji. Gent's Clothing,-Boots and ... Furnishings- Neckwear, D'ISE Slices 1 tc sr mrt iove endrf arn o;ee. He i. a'-:,o ill fci- the ien whoo! forfciie-.l railroad laadi, at je Condon Mat Ma'kot. Mitchell Che Wagons Aii Kinds of Vehicles a p. Call and sea for yourselves. 1 1 - -i-.'.t 1 -rs; .-a-! i A :-on : w-;i;-. it-iVI h " R. i.j.L:i-.-: . '! I, a n-1 ). Kf. liriii.i ii: Livery, 31 S :f! rr:o--' Condon, c ji -wi Sale Bern c-;i Curtis Main Slfit, - - Oregon. The i.-', Wrsw. Warohonse "fi'-c.e ti"i..i anil s: A'-iii.e'.'-r!. TIo-to i;i no dateior of anybody bete? .-jb'c I v.-si's dy'-p. pHta. fosir s:atterin ht-nar.' -r iil temper who ns-js I'o--- r-il fiO'tr, ivotuit-:.' town tue m-ann so .i ;: a-.! -ai'( ;y a:- ind ' . h and ttothtn nreatff ; nineh haiieooy and rh-vrfillmw in a familv !a : -'Hi. bieut lit-.'i.l and hifutt?, " vr Di.htd," Iho oi" vsay to aeemnp th;.' i to upc ! ..;t'i iioiirtho Lest fjtratisst in tlo rvor'd. Flr3t-clas3 : A Kan& GIIAIM s Afwsys on the ki BOUGHT - AND SOLD. iro !.a;-'-cr. .ib;.e. Very Reasonable Rates- re;-ic.drtili' si-;!e;:,e(!.' o and 3i. N. Vrtwvr to l'orUa-id. Hharii y Fix i to bntM n bonding; alley in the Rtahiu aJjoinim; hia nr?. lie will raise tho r.ppor floor 2 feat and put io a nev eeiShi, shies, mt-'a and Ihior, in fact, he vt :H;e the whoic baiidiityj a neat noortimij-etort. t'lin-c more I si!l af!. al! tbo-;e vho ,i,,a ir,.t.vl t, . tr, H, -I Knil i'-'iU AOcl ii-uh ! dh'ty to call an-1 uettle imtnoilialciy and nave mrtiiiir Kxe, 1 . i-. t niuisooo. Rcpubflcfin Oot'nt.v Commlttoo M levins'. . A nnMjtisitt of tho RopnMirnn Oonnty r.'istral Committee will N lso.d at t-on "M. The Ih NOiie, (,"iii-u' Dr. J.C. Lanner'cc!'?, .-OilO!.-t,. O'.iiOe 1(1 (.'IP V T oi-ri. lie.t, wrtl! be in Condon dstring tho t.i-j-m -,.( citenii- e.-t; t in Ap-il. ition free. Uhswe? tHied liy the iK.flt 5-e n-titiii : method known. ii L a 1 m y 11; Il I - . Graven. S I L. ii ti U i U Condon,. GEO. VV- RIM EH ART, Prop'r. Tiio luthUo rri'l find that- no letter. at'W.woilatkitis can be ioumi in tills country than f.t this house. Meals 'iC-cj beds 2-jc. don, Oregon, on V.'tiijije'-'isiy, JUnrlt s). IS!1?!, at '2 o'eioek n. m. for the purpose ol calliro; the lb' publican rrimorh s mid County Convention. A full atiembsiiee ia earnestly refptosfied. M. ti. H ltvsov. Ohfdrman. x Lost I'rne.w nipnt WAS a ileelitetl aneeefS. toot in T.iiete when it eomea to pivinij good entertisin mentn. Manv r.eopic eauie from long dii,t.ant.'e!i--dr. Huti, Ora Yininu, l,nn- ner Wheeler. Mr. liutebor and iiuitoti number of other Arltmtonitesj Mf. Klt-i luirt and tester, Mr. Uurtult, an.! ttnto a ( mnober whoso mtu.i-tt ive out not learn Came from C(ndon. Come again. J, E. Redmond, ho live.a four miles M'JN-ALC0HOL(C. Ko !".nn who lieoi ee west wsp ever known to he!; 1st:) wie. or aVtt for a dlv;-ree. S. vOu'C-fphlj diet- woman i ft0,1 e.-i-l at..! chiiniry fl-i a wriep. H yon j mt' your trhl to have o?-y thinks and I 'iti'.ht" in lo-r nii'tioit, foe i he- on N-e!' j !h.-:.h ji',i wrashmal dosma of Pr..!iav-I soi.'s 'i'o'd-- I'-iM-eve. ecM e.vervtvhere. S 1 1 HEftDOUABTEfiS FOR TSAVEUllS 4i.iSa V.' " I VN'arr arka, llewt twine ahiol .Ai!!i-::ton. Itouse Ce. and pack !ia wos tudce for I- y- s & j a i.- a T Blioop, and some other penional propertv 'potithottMt. of Olox, oilers a reward of 1')0 at the A. A. Oarother ram-h on Koek jr rmvU.tjttM ,uul $20 for iiiioniiati.m creek. S. 15. Barker of tbot place bought 0B(ii,, t.o tho arrost of parties tami.ur- tbi Hheep, tho prieo" paid bem! .heU per inf idli hi" et-el'. Mr. I.'odnn-.r.d ban head ilnnliln norvico was held at. the ,-tiiirt'h nit Hnmhiv ovonltitf, Il-ov. W. II 1 iiiuiiihof hi? time with Hov, A. lb Moore, of Montana, who in vinitini,' rcl- Ik t t 'IIU III thin noiehborbood at nresent 1 nth tri'iitltmirn r-poko Pidertainirndy pod I'tehl t.liH undivided attention of thn their jpito tiniun.-it, tho owimr, but lol neiut 01 norwea in ine paat ynr, A low diivt tern he found toie bore with a wire ijront.d its aukle, and an tightly tadiitnd it eonld not have (rot there oni.v with hands nnd pinehei'i. tine ean loirdlv iinn llaae nnv ono niouml t)lex that would pnuieh hloek to vent ttir. ooiK't'o.wuim. Mr. Ihirtmnn, who Uvea a con pin ol nut of tow 11. ttniova ine aiBuimwoit iiiL'tlie Io-hi sjtilw-tiber, to dr-poMt it,., n. , ,nnl. of a eur'n !Mjn,i.:ript)t.'ii won b netv editor, Mr. lUrunan h one uf Popuiist Primaries. tfcn po.Hlis.:n a! (iUHim coanty atttn-qnettttrl to mti-t ui t'.te nn. i lint; vtacs. ta t he diiR-wttt pti't'tnels oil Miuoh 1-1, t.M, ut 2 .lif t-n li 1". H. 4u.! tiliX'io.'l. Kiit-it to tho p-ifitiltnt County n e vuntlon, wlili !i in eaUeil to tm-.-t r Con. ton on &itara.v, Man-h 1;', tW, at loo'elock A. M-, to wlaot Ji-Uiraa-ii to tl tBt e.mventlon, wl-ir.h tiiw.'in at, lotttiiaii on March as.'; mi1' e-rasij-otlior IhimI'iom Unit tnuy pr-iiiurly ivane hernro the i-onvotiUoa. FmoIi yiiiM-imiUm'iitltO'O' ta i:uo il'.-li Kul" it-tuiii en for cvory lt iu! one tor ovory tnuitlttn ot 8 or ev.-r, tlte opixirtlon liiont lii'liii! mti-hi iroia the vote vast ttvo ymtrtl ivi-i, (or W. 3. lidwuntd for ropm-itttlntlvc, n fob Ited.nond in POillUve that ltianv Of hnj ; hor-ies on the ratiice have loii nii.ned, Henry -Wilkin ban also bwt about 12 head of lioriK-H in a oiudhtr maniu't. We hopi' the parlies will late, warning and ipiil, holitre they yot into wiirmu tieulih-i. lowrt: (oti.ion ... .4 lian-.i Cwk ., bono Uoek 3 Knck Cmek. , MnyviHe 6 Ferry Canyon Ktwi Creek 1 Mn'.ney Ti-ulUovk. 2 Arlington'. ... ii htok , . . . . 1 Ci ow 11 UiS ....- a Coot? Advlco. fHnj't let. whiakv pnt the let. -f you, but if von vrtuit" the l.e-.;t of whisky, wines, beer, li.pjer. and cipar?, the pme t tol'iiiithnm i? at theNi'e eU .S.noon, io f) e old di'M,t t't-we hnildin?. A line ( p;X.i aod t'U'iaid pai lor in roTme.-tioo. ' !hn in find for yourmdu'S. The j fimsst boo of "wet srootls" in tim rily. j poputy Stock laspeciors. I 1 h-tv jH-riii- ai'.iitilttte'l list my dt'ietUi' Artiio i tiio folloivhis j I 1 i 1 1 3L IN RI7 & ,i,, LOME R0 lierehanaise ' SUCH LOW- PEICES THAT -WILL ASTOHISII YOU. i a set m pniccs sefjs: 3.iscA3.' frvr.urAYYes.- .1. fnlwii!. 1. 11. T-vii- m i-ft..l A. 1 1n U", T;.;-'i -ion. lion. . ,ii-ii-ii?evt r',;'il!!v.-'i 0 I,.im OT'.-!!.!! A lil-a !.-i.'l;l, Totnl All potntli"U knt nrel lo aslentl Uu' i-rimnrius I'sal f-Oiu j.ait In t!i tekerlmi of n.-fnwn'ttire IHM.nlliiN it 'h-li'i-.'t'-i., totrt nli-a bt'-iti no 011.VW., nr.- HwO teitttttiit tlt.x-oriv-'ii'ii'-.s l'i t" , . .1. V.. Oi. ,hk, tjinoiinim HtvH'lt IllMH CloV The V- ioh'o W-tre!iou.-;e t 'o. baa wool snnka, lleeee twine and eacis twine fur :t'o tit Arlirisrton. V''-oi iio '.ft Coil-ion and tVt ooii-vhic'a fino ehrar or it 'rood e: el id ler, drop in at the Arlington saloon, ,ivi;nti St., and il" f am n.tnt home, von 'will always ilnd my UieTi-et.rir,!j haoi' inj ottt. Upspootialiy. O. W. Ikirr. To Trio PuMio. I have (akan oharjxo of tho old lod- Ui,) son ovt-i.v stames iu ,rnn::ioo ;iim ,!,,,v,- mv irtem!.-t troin evorywn.-rew in r.oivo--bor iw; when thi-v nvme to l-mvn; My rab'i are. voty hik! .the very hesi ea.t- i; hiken ovlnek Vif io o-ye-fa. 1 iuo use a t h.mee. S. F. Tmoi THIS SPACE RESERVED TQl tr , . ''4 1 k i W vt kV cop an 4T en it ' next week, j: