THE COIiDOll GLOBE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1808. NOTICE. The jfpurljr aulmcriptlon to the flimr In 81.50. II J." Id In mlVMUcn, If not uld In nnlvtmce 92 I tw etmmml. A twntfll nmrk .round tltl tie I lid lentil that your iilim'rliitldii hn cx- lilrt'il. riinffl renew iroiii).tly. GLOBOSITIES. KJ 1'ortwood and wife visited thoif relatives at Arlington several days this week. The cold snap of the IhmI week wan knocked in the head yesterday by the appearance of a chlnuok. Owar and Tom 1'ortwood went to Ar lington today to vivlt thoir sister, Mrs. John Stephen, who la very nick. Myrtle Downer of Kock creek Is stay ing at the home of hor aunt, Mra. E. A. May, and attending onr school this win ter The Weston Leader says that Jim Bra.sfleUl won a valuable gold watch that waa rallied off in that place a few days ago. A large number of yonng folk enjoyed a pleasant dunce at the home of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Myers in Ferry Canyon Friday night. JoBoph Adams, of England, declared Ida Intention before the clork last week to become a cllisen, and filed on a lid. near Scott's canyon, below Clem. Wm. E. Itlnehart, oldest aon of Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. Rlnehart of Condon, baa moved with his family to ftkngway, Alas ka, where be will go into business. ltll,ar,l an.l M T T.t.,,., Pnll, , .... w . t. j v. w n ronntv. are mnnlnvpil at irut Tniml. T j , , , - - - n well mine, near Juneau, Alaska, the flret named being fireman, Dallas Itemizur. A big 10-lb boy waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downer on Rock creek on Jan. 6th. The little follow will please e tcuse us for not noting his arrival soon er. Miss Grace Fittwater of Condon, Jas. Larch of Clem and John Ilanley of Mat nay Flat all mado final proof on their homesteads Haturday before the county clerk. George and Harve Blake and thoir wives purchased about 1000 acres of lieu land, lying 7 or 8 miles eaxtof Condon, laot Saturday. The land is to be uned for sheep range. At' the spoclal school meeting here Hnttirday, a 6-mili tax was voted for school purpose. Not a great dual of interest was taken in the meeting, only 15 having attended. Mrs. Honsor, wife of U. ft. Marshal Zoeth Housor, died ftuturdiiy night at Pendleton, of paralysis. Nelson Jones of lleppner, the wealthy sheepman, diod Saturday night also. We notice the name of Wm. Dyer among the lint of passengers who sailed for Alaska from Portland lat week. Whether or not this was our Wm. Dyer of Mayville we are unable to say. Elmer Angoll formerly of Eugene, is in Seattle preparing to leave fur kng way, whore he already has a position awaiting him. Guard. We preaume this is a brother of our Geo. Angoll. I Charley Richmond informs us that throe families from The Dalles are com ing out to locate in this section in the spring. Let thorn come; there is room here for hundreds of other good citizens. Elgin Myers and Wayne Grlderwill give another grand ball in the Armory' hall at Condon on Monday evening, Feb. 14th. Good music and order is guaran teed, and a largo crowd is expected out. John Knox hint week bought Geo. Ta lom's i Id. right, adjoining bis place on the north. ,SJ mile east of town. John is a rustler, and ling always at work, has no occasion to complain of hard times. Miss Nellie Connolly entertained a ,nuinlwr of h'cr friends last Monday even ing, tho occasion being her birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent in fames, music and singing. Portland lispatcb. Wm. Mock went ovor to Morrow coun ty this week to look after his gold mine, fifteen miles south of lleppner, that he filed ou lust full. Some old minors think there is lots of the yellow metal in the hills over there. Billy Colwell of Arlington and bis mother, Mrs. A. llnrdio, stopped at the borne of thoir frionds, Al llonshaw and family, in Condon one night last week while on thuir way to her homo on Trail fork, Mr. Colwelf stopped in town again last night, on his return home. Don't full to attend the basket social at the Armory hull on Saturday evoning of this week. A largo crowd will be present, and more fun than you can shake a stick at. Tho baskets will bo sold at 50c cbcIi, by G. L. Nettle. No colfou will bo served. A large number of their friends and relatives tendered Mr. and Mrs, K. K. Summers a delightful surprise party at their home on Matney Flat on the night of the IOlIi Inst., iu honor of their first year's wedding anniversary. Dancing, music and games were the order of the evening. Tom Johnson's largo 8x1 1 -foot well in front of his livery stable was finished, "t a depth of 18 feet. Two very strong veins of water were struck, allowing wutor to run in at the rate of 11000 gal lons a day. He will have a windmill erected over it, and perhaps run pipes to his residence. , The dwelling of J. M. Coney burned Hundsy at Goldoudule. The most of the hotimthold goods were removed from the horning building. The fire started from the stove-pi po which went through the roof. Fortunately the wind was in the east, or the two houses east of his house would also have burned, as there Is no tire ping hi that end of town. Sentinel. J. M. is a brother of Frank Couey of Trallfork.J August lienroid of Walla Walla, whose wife has been visiting at the home of her brother Steve Fletcher on Matney Flat for some time, arrived here last week and Intends to take op a claim and locnte In this section. A great many new settlers are exported to locate in this section this spring. It is the best portion of Oregon. Dave Dunne, of Kelly, Dunne & Co., Portland, has just been appointed rev enue collector at Portland for the dis trict of Oregon. This 1 the $15,000 a year plum Otis Patterson of lleppner was after, and the Portland Tribune says that Mr. Patterson will now make an effort to be appointed register of the laud office at The Dalles a snap worth 13000 a year. While the Do Moss Family were show ing at Grass Valley the other night some devilish boys removed a Up" from one of the wheels of their large coach, but it waa discovered before any accident hap pened. The Journal of that town says: "There is murder in the heart of any one guilty of such a dastardly trick and it is now the right time to put a full stop to such fiendish pranks." While riding rapidly along Main street the other day, B. F. West's borse broke through the covering over a sewer and Mr. West was burled violently to the frozen ground, but luckily escaped with only a few slight bruises. A defective sidewalk recently cost the city of Spo kane 110,500. Here is an object lesson by which Condon may well profit. It Is better to pay money for good sidewalks and sewers than for broken litubs. Oscar Ms ley met with an accident last week that almost cost him bis life. He and Wm. Meek were bunting wild geese on tho John Day river, west of Ajax, and when Oscar rode into the river to get a goose they bad shot, bis horse foil on top of him in deep water and it was almost a miracle that he escaped with bis lifo. lie nearly froze to death before reaching the nearest house, which was ton or fifteen miles away. And, to make it all tho worse, he didn't get the goose, after all. Quarterly Methodist conference was held at Condon Saturday evening by Rev. J. VV. Flesherof lleppner, assisted by Rev. F. L. Johns of Fossil. Preach ing services were conducted on Sunday, both morning and evening by these rev erend gentlemen and enjoyed by large congregntions. Rev. Flesher was one of Colorado's most noted divines and came out to lleppner a year ago for a change of climate, lie is ouo of the most agree ablo and polished gentlemen we bave over met. C L Richmond has just returned from Portland, where he was summoned as a witness in The Dalles Military Road Co. suit. What he know about the case was learned while he was state land inspector at Salem, which position he was ap pointed to by ex-Governor Pennpyer and held for two years. Mr. Richmond has just rented for two years the R. K. Wil son place on Matney Flat, where he will continue in the Btockraising business. Mr. Wilson expects to try his luck for awhile in the province of Alberta, Can ada. The populist state central committee met in Portland last week and decided to hold their state convention at Port land on March 23d tho same date tho democrats, silver republicans and union party will hold their conventions. It was also unanimously decided to fuse with the democrats, silver republicans and union party, the only dissenting voices being J no. C. Young and W. 8. U'Ren. But as these two traitors were shown np to have been promised big pay it they succeeded iu preventing a fusion of sil ver forces, they were relieved of thuir leadership and fired out of the populist party. George L. Noalo of Salem (no relation to our Goo L Neule) made final proof Friday on bis Rock creek timber culture. Mr. Neaie gave in his testimony before the county clerk at Salem and the test imony of his witnesses Geo. Blake, and Alex Dtithie, was taken here by County Clork Frnzer. This law makes it conven lent for claimants living away from their claims; but proof of this kind can be mado only on timber cultures that were tiled upon before September 15, 1887. All timber culture claims filed after that date must be advertised, the same as homesteads, and proof made at the place named by the registers ol land ouiues. j. W. Blake returned home Monday from Mountain Home, Idaho, where he bought 3000 head of lambs, of them ewes, the other wethers, for which he paid t'2.05 n head. He is having them wintered there on fine alfalfa hay, that cost him $3.50 a ton, and it will require 1 15 tons of it. Sheep in that section are no higher than hero, and are worth 25c a head more, ou account of being that much nearer the Eastern market. While over there, Mr. Blake paid Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stanlleld a visit, and says Jim has grown wealthy in the sheep business sod has one of tho finest homos in Idaho, A line little son wos born to them the other dav the first event of the kind In their family, and it is seven years Bince they were married. Mrs. Stanflel maiden name was Shutt, and they wore married at her home in Neodosha, liana. ARLINGTON GEMS. Supt. Daggett will hold teachers' ex amination at Condon, beginning Feb 0th We notice that R T Cox was elected one of the directors of tin Pendleton Savings Bank, election of which was held last Wednesday. George Washington Montagno, agent for the Singer sewing machine, made a trip up through Morrow county last week. They say G. W. is a rattling good agent. Thn tAti.nnnnil yiii.ali-i'lttullfl At (Ipa Miller's store ill Arlington burned out on Thursday evening, Jan. 20th. The time consumed in burning whs 230 hour and 45 minutes. The winning guess, 240 hours, was mado by Mrs Clayton Slinne, near this place, the prize awarded her neing o in muse. The guesses rangea from lljfj to 720 hours, and much interest was manifest in the contest. Albert Carnine, who had been in tbe employ of VV L Barker near Condon for several years, arrived here last week with a bran-new wife, whose maiden name was Miss Rogers, whom he mar ried at hor home in Cowlitz county, Wash., on Jan. 12th. The groom has rented the J W Smith farm of 2000 acres on Shuttler Flat, where they now reside. Their many friends wish them much joy. ins brother Hubert came up witn turn also from their old home in Cowlitz county. i.' Henry W. Ilartm an. who lives near Condon, met with a considerable loss at this place Saturday night. He was returning from a business trip to Cali fornia, and on arriving here he imme diately took his trunk outof thebuggsge- room and left it in front of the depot. After carrying his valises to the hotel, ne returned with a pushcart for his trunk, but found, to his dismay, that it was missing. Citv Marshal Carlisle was no tified and a vigorous search waa institu ted, which resulted in trie trunk being found about 200 yards west of the depot. It had been broken open, and the thieves, with their booty, bad fled. Hr. Hart- man save about 100 worth of new cloth ing and silverware were in the trunk, all of which was taken. Hwre is no doubt that the thieves wereniobos, who will try to pawn the silverware as soon as they deem it safe. Citv Marshal Carlisle is searching diligently for the thieves, and it is hardly possible that they will make good their escape. The Bank of Goldendale went out of business last week, and posted conspic uously on the front door the following notice to depositors: "The management of this institution, having decided to re tire from the hanking business, hereby gives notice to all local depositors to call at the side door and withdraw their de posits in full and without delay. Dated Jan. 20, 1808." The tirst National bank was started about ten years ago, and in 1896 went into voluntary liquidation and was suc ceeded by the Bank of Goldendale. The retiring of the present bank leaves Klick itat countv without a bank, which is re gretted by many business men. It is sure to Increase the business of our Ar lington bank. "It is an ill wind that blows no one good " FOSSIL FLASHES. Wm Higginsof Thirtymile is very sick with something likequinzy. Wayne Hamilton and N B Hastainare among the Globe's new subscribers here this week. Most of the stock in this section are being fed, but bay is scarce and sells at Klondike prices. Carl N Wagner of Wagner Is in town and reports some five inches of snow in tbe Haystack valley. ZTKeyes left Wednesday for Crook county to look after bis sheep, of which be has several bands. The noted race horse "Steamboat Bill" is wintering in the Haystack valley pre- , paratory for the early spring races. Geo. B. Tedrowe, who formerly ran a saloon at Fossil and lleppner, is now in the same business at tho new mining town of Suuipter, Baker county. Jas Morrow of Cottonwood started Tuesday for Dyes, Alka. lie says he doesn't intend going farther than Lake Bennett, where he will build boats. Charles Colby of Burnt Ranch, Crook county, has just arrived from the month of Thirtymile, where be had been trying to make a deal with R E" Graham for bis fine river ranch. N B Hastain says no one here is better able to judge the quality of the "tender loin" he took to Mitchell Inst week than is the writer who called attention to it in the paper, who sampled a b I i oe of it. A good many hogs bave been butcher ed in this neighborhood lately. They get so fat over here that they have to be prodded with a sharp stick to hear which end the sqneal conies out of, so as to know where to shoot thorn. E A Crawford and E I French of Mayville will also join the army of gold hunters in Alaska this spring. They propose to go In by way of Spokane v. ith pack horses and do Borne prospecting on some of the unprotected streams between there and Klondike. If all who are talking of going to Alas ka this spring go, there will hardly be enough men left to take care of the wom en and children. And If I don't miss my guess, many of them will return so poor that they will not be able to cross a free bridge, and so thin that they can't tell a bnckacho from a bellyache. Charley Clarno has leased his place on the John Day river, including the ferry boat, to Frank Malone for one year. If at the end of this time Mr Malone wants to retain it at the price of tho first year, $:(X), he can do so for two years longer. Then if Mr Malone wants to buy it be has first chance for $1500. Charley has been there a long time and lieen a very courteous public servant, and many of his old friends will miss him, but Mr Malone Is hInou good man and is deserv ing of success, OLEX EXPLOSIONS. J E Reynolds is in the county looking for cattle to pnrchase. Prof. Nott made a business trip up to Gilliam's capital last Saturday, One of the stage horses took a spin around Olcx Monday, breaking np bis harness badly. The dance to have been given at Locust grove was changed to Olex Feb 1st. Geo Smith floor manager, Jess Lewis super visor. There was a very enjoyable surprise party given at the home of C II Reiej last week, the occasion being Mrs Peck's j bi rthday. A lot of Olex bloods and their huxie duxiea took a sleigh ride to Geo Smith's last Sunday night. Two sleighs got badly demolished. Don't forget the sociable at the chnrcb this Friday evening. This is for the benefit of our school and should be pat ronized by all. Wanted 100 lbs. of good lard. In quire at Maddock'a hotel. Judge Bradshaw has gone to Portland to visit his father-in-law, Dr. Littlcfield, who has just returned from Skagnay. J II Putnam of Fossil has ordered di rect from the factory a carload of Mitch ell wagons, which will be here for the early spring trade. Charles McAllister, a prominent wool j grower of Croy, was in the city Saturday and has gone to Portland on a business trip. Times-Mountaineer. The republicans of Condon and vicinity are billed for a business meeting to lie held on Saturday, Jan. 20th, at 2 o'clock p. in. The object of the meeting is the annual election of officers and for the election of delegates to tbe State Rep. League. The meeting will be beld in II. B. Hendricks' law office. Subscribe for the Examiner at the GixiiiB office and try your luck on win ning one of the many big prizes this year. The capital prize is a $10,000 bouse and lot in San Francisco; 2d prize, $3,500 worth of government bonds; 3d prize, a $1,100 gold nugget, and hundreds of other big prizes. Now is the time to subscribe. Subscription price, $1.50 a year. Every subscriber is presented with a fine large picture worth at let 50c. For Sale or Trade, 700 good ewes before March 1, 1898. Will trade for yearlings. Apply to Jakk Bibbl, Condon, Or. Dr. J.C. LannerberR, Specialist, office in the Vogt Block, The Dalles, will lie in Condon during the spring term of circuit court in April. Consultation free. Glasses, fitted by tbe most scientific method known. Of - Interest to Settlers. H. N. Frazer. County Clerk, at Con don, Oregon, continues to give special attention to U. S. government land ap plications, filings and proofs. He is also prepared to receive applications for the fmrrhase of state school, lien school rtnds and forfeited railroad lands, at bis office. Lost, Strayed or Stolen From my ranch in Kerry Canyon, one laree roan cow with ln brand on left aide ami JEfctin-n,H-hl) on riRlit hip ami kIso un aide, aud car marfca, with WHttlc on loft Jhw. AIho hor calf, aire two year, color red, with whltr fnoe, two amiill red apote lr. face; left ear aiilit; branded JN (connected bucklrarda) with half square over. I will pay o ivward ($J.M ahead) for Information fowling t their recovery, or if stolen, M for the conviction of the gHilty partioa. IA V KK AKUMIH, VllIlUOH, TVKUI1. Lost, Strayed or Stolen From mv ranch near (Hex. one 2-yesr-old red heifer, diamond brand witn bar In center on left hln. ear mart and nmlerbtt and crop on both earn, with dnlap on brisket 1 will pay &50 re ward loriuiormauou icauina u oer recovery. w. s. fHii.i.irs, tnex, .tt. There is no danger of anvbody being troubled with dyepsia, sour stomach, nightmares or ill temper who uses Fos sil flour. Nothing ruins the health so quickly and surely as bad bread, and nothing creates so much harmony and cheerfulness in a family as good, light bread and biscuits, "the kimi your moth er bBkcd." The only way to accomplish this is to use rosstl Hour the best and cheapest in the world. NOTICE. All persons indebted to or having claims against the estate ot L. Lanerty, deceased, are hereby requested ro pre sent the same to me, or my son, John W illiauis, for settlement. Mrs. Sophia Lafferty. Condon, Or., Dec. 20, 1S97. THE DELM0NIC0 Reptanrnnt. next door to the furniture store, is the place to get first-class meals at all hours of the day, from 25c np. Call once and von will be sure to come hack Rgain. Bread, pies and cakes on hand lor sale, or baaed to order. Jordan Bros, For Sale. I have for sale several well-improved ranches, situated in Gil liam county, Or. Parties wishing to purchase a "good ranch on reasonable terms, are respectfully invited to call at the National llsnk in Arlington and see me before purchasing elsewhere. F. T. Hnrlburt, Arlington, On NOTICE. I have placed all my accounts at Con don and Mnvville in the hands of Atty. 11. 15. Hendricks nt Condon, and those owing me are requested to settle at once, C. C. VVfLsoH, Astoria, Or. U'liaii vfm Bra in Vinliin ftnH fool likA enioying'a fine cigar or a good cool glass of beer, drop in at the Arlington sa.oon, 1..1 L', ......I ;f T n nn t knn.a mitui Ob., an,, 1 1 x mil iii'i. av hviuc, vuu will always rind my latch-string hang i ngout. Respectfully, O. W. Barr. If yon want a jiinno or organ, be fnre to write to the Jaeobeen Book and Music Co., The Dalles, Or. Cntnlnpne free. The Wasco Warehouse Co. has wool sticks, fleece twine and sack twine for sale Bt Arlington, County Warrants at Face. Twill tnke county warrants at their fucu valuo in trade at my otore in Con don, S. E, Bakkkk, S. B. BARKER, -UKAI.EK IN. GEN'R'L MERCHANDISE CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. J. F. REISACHER, Saddler so Harnessmaker CONDON, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF LEATHER GOODS MADE TO ORDER. 'Carries a Complete and SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKETS And everything usually found In a first-class harness shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a call. In the building on the corner, opposite Barker's store. A. W. SHARRARD, Sharrard & Tobey, ARLINGTON, OR. ISSSBsa GENSdMERCHAi?DISE A Choice Groceries. FINEST LINE OF SHOES IN THE CITY. Don't buy until you get our prices. It will pay you. J. H. PUTNAM -DEALER IN- GENER'L MERCHANDISE FOSSIL, OREGON. Gent's Clothing, Boots and Shoes Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. Mitchell Wagons and All Kinds of Vehicles Cheap. Call and see for yourselves. Condon Hotel, CONDON, - OREGON. Mrs. S. A. Maddock PROPRIETRESS. MOTTO: LOW RATES, FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Table Supplied With T. G. JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR " Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Large .New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. CHAROEM VERY REASONABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. RINEHART'S Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodations can be found iu this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN. DROP IN 5R00H- Lower Main St., Arlington, Oregon., when you feel like CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class Highest price paid Well-eelected Stock of F. W. TO BEY. N D" the Best in the Market. RESTAURANT AT COE'S enjoying; a first-class liquors cn hand. for scrip at this office