THE CONDON CLOBL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1897. NOTICE. The jrcarly iHhterlptlun to the Olohi It $1.80. if lald In dvnc. II not paid In advmioe $2 will hecliurKwl. A pencil tnerk around Dili notice Indicium that jnt ntiMnitlon biu ex (ilrtil. PIiwm renew promptly. GLOBOSITIES. was Capt. 8. H. Mlllorof GoMonrlale doing business at Condon Monday. (Mile Kelny, of Fossil, former Lane county boy, l in the city. Eugene Iteg Inter. . It is Mtntod that the president will appoint E. Jacobaen postmaster at The Dalle. Jesse Vaughn came down from Athena and la visiting ' bia sister here, Mra. Pave Russell; We regret to state that Mra. Lon Moore, uat north of town, baa been very sick thia week. WInna Kelunr returned home last week faom Montana, where he ban been at work all summer. Joseph Wilson, one of our prosperous young sheepmen, made a business trip to Ileppner this week, John Scrlvner and family departed Inst week for Eugone, where they will visit Mr. Bcrlvner's futher. Mra. II. T. 8 noli of Rock creek is visit ing ber son Will and bia family, who are residing in Condon for the present. Pr. J. 0. Lannerborg, the Eye Special ist of The Dalles, will be in Condon In alont three weeks, to remain several days. Charley Busch, one of Arlington's popular young business men, was in Condon soverai days thia week on bust nena. Ray Smith came over from Trout creek this week and will spend the winter at the home of bia brothor Wila in Ferry Canyon. Mr. Mary Brown and family moved into their town residence from Rock creek this week, to remain until, spring for school advantagea. Rov. C. E. Brown baa Just established a new paper at Grass Valley, Sherman county. It starta off with a healthy advertising patronage It pays to advertise In a paper that everybody reads. C. L. Lillie found his boss last week that were advertised In this groat family paper. Miss Myrtle tfcott, a young lady who recently came up from Portland, is mak ing her home for the present with Mr. and Mr. II. C. Strickland. A great deal of rain has fiillen here the last week, causing the dust to settle a thing we would like to see a lot of our delinquent snWrihora do. Ex-Sheriff Ueo. C. Sears of Portland lias Just discovered thai a gold mine of his at Sparta, Baker county, la fabulous ly rich, assaying 2000 to the ton. Gilliam county baa outstanding war riots, drawing eight per cent Interest t the amount of 24,201, and therefore r.iust be in debt to that amount. A new feature ha been added to 0 W. Burr's saloon and hereafter he will liave for sale all kinds of tobacco, sar dines, oysters, cracker, etc. for lunch Miss Tear) Fltzwater is assisting with the work in the sheriff's office this week nd her sister Myrtle has been helping for several week a in the clerk 'a office. The Seml-WoeeklyJ Rosebnrg Review cornea out thia week in a new dress, out and out, and ja as bright as a new pin The Review is one of the best papers In too state. A dispatch from Corvallis to the Ore Bonian Friday states that 11. W. Hall ot Corvallis was arrested and fined one day lst week for running a nickel-iu-the- alot machine. In the Vale Advocate Inst week we noticed the name of Miss Louella Mad' dock, teacher of the Wen tf nil school, who was present at the teachers' institute bold there. August Anderson is building him such a large neat dwelling house on his home' stead in Ferry Canvon that the bovs think he does not intend to occupy alone very long. Mrs. J. F. Reisarher is assisting in th postodlce, in order to "learn the ropes' until her husband's commission as P. M arrives, when the office will be moved into the harness shop. Henry Greenfield, an extensive sheep- owner from Lost Valley, Gilliam county was in Ileppner Friday, accompanied by bis wife. They were laying in their winter'a supplies. Gazette. John Lyon left Condon Tuesday, and after visiting bia folka at Walla Walla several days and some friends at Cor vallis he will sail for Juneau, Alaska, to join his brothor Tom in the practice law. About SOO worth of a fine fruit trees and shrubbery as was ever seen in th country was delivered here Saturday from The Dalles nursery. In a few years there will be more fruit raised in this aection than you can shake a stick at. Mrs, E. Meek expects to leave in a few days for a visit with her daughters, Mrs. E. Curran, at Crockett, Cel., and Mrs. C. II. Ogle, at Penalosa, Kansas. She will spend the winter at the latter place. E. A. May ha traded hi 820-acre ranch on 6-mile to Jack Ilandley for his 0-cre ranch on Matney Flat. Mr. II indley intends to engage in the hog raising busineas on a largo scale on his new place. it Johnny McAllster, the popular young sheepman of Klickitat county, Wash., formerly of Croy, Sherman county, was inarried at The Dalles on Nov. 8th to Miss Grace Urune, an accomplished young lady of that city. 15. F. West, one of our new butchers, and bis wife arrived here thia week and ill open the shop next Monday. Hi partner, J. A. Huxley, is sick at Arling ton and will not bo able to come out be- re next week. See their ad. Mrs. 11. C. Strickland and two little daughters arrived home safely lust Satur day from their extended visit with her parent at Aberdeen, South Dakota. Her busband met them at Arlington with a magnificent new hack that he as just purchased. Stockmen throughout the country are going wild on cattle, and are offering from 10 to 12.50 for calves. If the rush to Alaska continues for a few years they may realize a profit on auch purchases, but if it does not, they will lose money on the cattle bought at these prices. Times-Mountaineer. Statistics received by the 0. R. & N. Co. show that the farmers of Oregon are sowing the largest crop of wheat ever planted in the state. This fall has been good one for plowing east of the Blue mountain and the high prices obtained for this season' crop have been an in centive to largely increase the acreage. Two of the four person who were ex amined here last week for teacher' cer- Ideates were successful W. R. Neal and F. T. Sweeney, each receiving 2d gradea. Supt. Daggett informs n that the question thia time were unusually hard, which no doubt the varloua an- pliranta throughout the state have dis covered. J. H. Giles, who has been herding thia summer for Norman Kelly, wa in town Wednesday, Ho made us a pleas ant call and left us a photograph of himself which we have placed among our collection. Gtlea la one oi uori's noblemen, and ex pect to make hi home n the neighborhood of Lone Rock tbi Inter. Ileppner Gazette. Billy Phillip and Vol Huber, two of the enterprising young men of Olox were Up to the county teat the first of the week, and some of the boy say they came op to Invest in "glory tickets," licensing the in to commit matrimony. They say Abbie Thoina of Clem is also seriously thinking of deserting the rank of (ingle enssedness. Go it, boys; for the Bible say "it i not good for man to be alone." Judge Bralsbaw ha just rendered hi (edition in the case of Emmet Armstrong vs. W. Alallocx, lor tue possession oi steer, which both claimed. The case was first tried in the justice court at Ar ington and was decided in favor of Arm strong. Matlock carncu me case up to the circuit court on a writ of review, and the judge now decides it in favor of Mat lock, which no doubt ends the case. Alex Dutbie returned home Tuesday from Portland, where be had been for a couple of davs, having a portion of diseaseil bone removed from hi leg below the knee. This had been troubling him for a long time and he was afraid that it would le necessary to amputate the leg; but he inform u that the opera tion was so successfully performed that be feels about as well as ever again. Robert Spencer and B. F. Tennis were up to town Friday on bnsiness, the lat ter as administrator of the estate of N G. Bayre. Mr. Spencer feel greatly encouraged this fail, and well he might be, for he hat nearly 10,000 bushels of extra good wheat to sell, which will place him "away ahead of the hounds." Mr. Tenuis says he expect to complete his work up hero in time to eat hi Christmas dinner with his family at Laribee, Cat. Wm. J. Smith, of Matney Flat, takes the lead so far in receiving the top price for sheep. He sold to Jack Biebl last week all of his sheep, 1070 head of ewes and lambs, for 3 per head, but has to furnish them range and hay nn tit next June. Mr. Smith has been very successful during the short time he has been in the sheep business. He informs us that he will buv another band of sheep noxt spring and go into the bust hess again. tf Wo have just received the moot complete line of Men's, Women's arid Children's Shoes to be found in the city, as well as Hardware, Iron and Steel; also a complete line of Building Material, Windows, "Doors, Glass, I'utty, Etc. u Our Grocery Stock is Complete in Every Department. YOU CAN SAVE MANY A DOLLAR BY TRADING ViTH US Don't buy until you get our prices. It will pay you. - Olex Explosions. A tremendous crowd is expected here on Thanksgiving. Three 3 bottom 14 in, plow were sold at Olex last week. Fred Doerfor returned Saturday from a week's trip to the Valley. John R Dimick returned to Olex last week from an extended trip to the Val liv. The fine rain give us hope for good crops next year. Gilliam county la all right. Miss Lillian Snell has accepted a posi tion as assistant in the postoMce at The Dalles, commencing last week. Hon J R Ralston has returned to bis store at Lone Rock, after spending a week at Olex looking after L O Ralston's interests during his stay in Albany. Arthur Stitt, who recently came up from Linn county with hi family, has routed the large farm of C. M. Walker on Rock creek, who expects to try his luck at Klondike next spring. A fine a lot of trees as we have ever seen, arrived last weok at Olex from Weber's nursery at The Dalles. All parties in and around Clem who ordered trees should call immediately and get their trees and shrubs while they are yet In good condition. W. SHAR BARD. F. W. TOBEY. Sharrard & Tobey, ARLINGTON, OR. (SSSSSSEl ENER'L MERCHANDISE -A N D- Choice Groceries. W9 S. B. BARKER rbfiAtER IS. GEN'R'L MERCHANDISE CONDON, OREGON. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. ArllriRton Items. Wheat 08c. Deputy Sheriff Tom Johnson was in town Saturday on official business. W 11 Colwell has been appointed stock inspector for this place and vicinity. The hills on the Washington side of the river were white with "the beauti ful" Monday morning. Born, to the wife of Walter Compton last Friday, a bouncing big hoy. Walt say be will make a goose hunter out of him, sure. J P Lucas arrived here last week and I now visible to the naked eye most of the time behind t tie counters of Lord & Co. Mrs W II Colwell wa taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland last Wednesday morning to remain per haps a month. Little Norman Sturgess, who had his foot smashed last week by a heavy load of wheat running over it, is iccovering and will toon be out again. Ike Hmith, a professional sheepherder, nd Frank Andrews, a practical packer, brought Colwell' sheep in from the Lone Rock country the tirst of the week. Those in a position to know say that all the wheat in Gilliam county cannot be brought to market before the next harvest is upon us. Bob Walker, the ex-sheepman, has bought the Williams ranch, adjoining bis on the north the tirst laud sale made here for some time. The people of tbi place are bothered a great deal by tramps stealing their small boats aud going down the river with them and leavini? them for their owners to bring back providing they can lind them. The Arlington Dramatic Club will soon put the drama "Among the iireukers" befure the people here, and may prob ably go to Condon and give the people of that town an opportunity to see some of Arlington' theatrical talent which is not to be sneezed at. R H Robinson turned on bis first ray of electric light last Sunday evening, to the delight of all business ineu and others interested in the welfare of our town. When the Arlington people say we must have a thing you may depend that it will be bad and they patronize it too. The Oregonian seems to doubt the Hisuibility of an Eastern Oregon boy tilling a Ivnx with rock and a jack- knife. Those Webfooters don't know what kind of boy we raise up here. Why, some of them can even work when they have to. Probably they will doubt that, also. Dall Reed received 10 tons of hay from Grand Ronde last week. Most of the hay used here at present comes from that country. There are four stables here and they use several hundred tons of hay each year. R R llankius has bought 10(1 tous nt bay ou Willow creek, which he will hale and bring lo Arling ton. MiBS Daisy Geisendorfer, sister of Dr. Geisendorfer, who formerly taught school here, was married at her home in Al bany on Nov. 0th to Hon. John N. Davis, a prominent aud wealthy lawyer of Kan sas City, Mo., and left nt once for their future homo in that city. Dr. and Mrs. Geisendorfer were present at the wed ding, which was a brilliant affair. Cant Nelson has his small gasoline boat out, overhauling and getting it ready for the winter work, crossing the river when the ice begins to run, aa the long ferry boat docs not work well in heavy ice. There is lots of wheat in Washington to be brought over yet this fall and the Ferry Co is rushed from morning till night crossing wheat teams. The Place to Get it Fixed. If yonr clock, watch or jewelry needs cleaning or repairing, the best and cheap est place in Eastern Oregen to have the work done is at Bob Watkins' shop at Arlington, one door above the postoffice. He is a thorough, competent jeweler and guarantees all his work. Give bim a trial and lie convinced. HELLO! HELLO!! Jim Corbett has Thrown up the Sponge Al Henshaw is Still in the Ring WITH A COMPLETE STOCK n" Hardware, Paints, Oil, Class, Windows, Stoves, Cloves, Wall Paper Window-shades, Furniture, Undertakers' Goods, Canned Fruits, Crackers, Sardines, Oysters, Etc, Etc. SPECIAL PRICES OH BARBED WIRE INJON LOTS. AGENT FOR FOSSIL FLOUR Call in and see me and get price before buying elsewhere. Remember that a dollar taved is a dollar made. I can get vou anything from a steamboat to a toothpick. Try me. AL HENSHAW, CONDON, ORE. THE DELMOHICO Restaurant, next door to the furniture store, is the place to get first-class meals at all hour of the day, from 25c np. Call once and yon will lie sure to come hack again. Bread, pies and cakes on band for sale, or baked to order. Jobdan Bbos. NON-ALCOHOLIC. No man who live on meat was ever known to, lick his wife, or ask for a divorce. A vegetable diet woman is as cold and clammy as a turnip. If you want your girl to have rosy cheeks and vitality in her motion, feed her on beef steak with occasional doses of Dr. Haw son's Tonic Bitters. Sold everywhere. For Sale. I have for sale several well-improved ranches, situated in Gil liam county, Or. Parties wishing to purchase a good ranch on reasonable terms, are respectfully invited to call at the National Bank in Arlington and see me before purchasing elsewhere. F. T. Hnrlburt, Arlington, Or. If you want a piano or organ, be sure to write to the Jacohsen Book and Music Co., The Dalles, Or. Catalogue free. The Wasco Warehouse Co. has wool sacks, fleece twine and sack twine for sale at Arlington. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Ornca At The Dalles, Ob., Nov. 8, 1897. Notice 1 bewby given that the follnwinit- named aettler bm tiled notice of his intuition to tnuke tlnal peoof In mipjiort ur hi rlnim, and UiHt mid proof will be mule before H. N. Knuer, county clerk of (iillfam comity, at Condon, Or., on December 20, 1KU7. via: CLAt S JOHNSON, Hd. NO. 3792, for the nw'4 eo 14, tp 4 , r 53 e, W.M. He names the following w-HiicuMf to prove bin continuous rtniilunce npon and cultivation of Mid land, via: T. H. Morris, Andrew Anderson. Robert C. Kil bonrn and Albert X. Wilkinson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. nl'.MO Jas. F. Moobk, Register. J. F. REISACHER, Saddler sua Harnessmaker CONDON,' OREGON. ALL KINDS OF LEATHER GOODS MAGE TO ORDER. 'Carries a Complete and Well-selected Stock of- SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SPURS, BLANKETS And everything: usually found In a first-class harness shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Give me a call. In the building on the corner, opposite Barker's store. HARRY HALSTEAD, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF-- ROUGH AND DRESSED PINE AND FIR I If mm PR fS& I am now located in the finest body of pine and fir timber accessible to the markets of Gilliam county, where I have special facilities for supplying all of the finer grades of pine and fir lumber, which will be sold at lowest prices. LOCATION Half-Mile South-east of Postoffice, LOST VALLEY, - - OREGON. Condon CONDON, - Hotel, OREGON. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office At Th IUllcx, Ob., Nov. 8, 1S97. Notloe Is hereby given that the following ntminl settlor 1ms Bled notice ot his intention to make tl nil proof in gnmxirtof his clutm. and that snii proof will rv ramie Wore H.N. Frmer. coun ty clerk of (liliiom county, at Condon, Oregon, on llecemlier IS, 1S'J7, viz: ANDREW J. MOORE, 111. No. 4m, for the e of nw' and el of sw?'4', sec 83. tp S t, (21 e. W.M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence nnou and cultivation of said land, vli: Anion Hnrtman, (,. V. Kiiiehnrt, it G. farman and 1. W. Uurr, all ol Condon, Oregon. jnia-40 Jas. F. Moork. Register. JiOTICE FOR PUBLICATION"." Timber Cultnre Final Proof. Land Officii at Th Dai.lks, Ob.,' Oct 20, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that Frank A. Lnndell of (iooM'herry, Or., has tiled notice of Intention to mnke filial nioof before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his olllce m Ileppner, Oregon, oa Monday, December 6, 1897, on timber culture application So, 27J9. for the se'i sec 35 tp a s, r 3 e, . M. He names as witnesses: John E. I'eterson, Charles Anderson. Andrew Carlson and Andrew M. l'etterson, all of ilooseberry, Oregon. oS-SS Jas. F. Mookk, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 7 l.ANnOFFH-K atTiik IUu.ltR, Or., Oct. 2S, 1S97. Notice is hereby given that the following- mimed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, Hiid that said proof will be made before H.N. Fraser, comitv clerk of Gilliam countv, at Con don, Or., on Dec. 11, 18117, vis: CHARLEY R. UEN'SOX, Hd. 5921, for the seVf sec U tp 4 s of r 20 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: T. ). Johnson, J. A. Walker, P. F. Cason and T. J. Young, all of Condon, Oregon. o2t)-3H Jas.F. Moork Register. NOTICE F.OR PUBLICATION. Land Officii at Thk Daubs, Or. Oct. 13,1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settlor has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that mini proof will I made before II. II. Hendricks, 11. 8. Com., at Fossil, Or., on December 4, 197, vi: W1UJAM RKTTIE, of Miiyvllle, Hd 4436, for the s'' sw1 swMiiw' and nw'f sw' seoH, tp 5 s, r 20 e, VY. M. lie mimes the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Kil. Morgan, A. V. IajwIs, of Mayvllle; J. B. Wallace and An drew Patterson, of Fossil, Oregon. mf-4 J as. V. Moorr, Register. NOTICE FORl'UUUCATioN. Land Offk-r at Tim Dallks, Or., (ct. l.r. istrj. Notice ts hereby given that the following named settler has Bled notice of her intention lo make final proof In support of her clutm, and that said proof will he tuade before J. W. Mor row, county clerk, at his olllce at Heppner, Or., on November 27, ltOT, vii: REBECCA J. CHAPEl., (formerly Rebecca J. Johnson) Hd. No. 4UU, torthenwU see 8 ,tp 8 s, r 24 e, W. M. She names the following v, I to sick to prove her con tinuous realdence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Jay 1. Rail, Thomas P. Orithiim, l,U l,.,rUUM Ch Kl,.m ia mil I, v'r" "ergsinuu ana vumain K. Ward, all of ........... . . 'Kjoraoimn.yreKori, IHIU. , J as. F. MoOKK, Reflate Mrs, S. A. Maddock PROPRIETRESS. MOTTO: LOW RATES, FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Table Supplied With the Best in the Pdarket T. G. JOHNSON, .PROPRIETOR OF. Mayvllle Mutterlng9. Miss Jeseie MuConnull ia teaching Bolioul at Sniption. Protracted meetings will commence in a week or bo by Kov Jjaweon. Every one is lookini? forward to having a grand teuie here on Tlmnkiigiving. Hill and Haley found several heud of their cattle sliot'and killed on the range last week. The Aid Society vsill give an entertain ment and "night cap" social on Fridny evening, 10th. The proceeds will be used in furnishing the church. Come ono and all if you want to have a way-tip time, Mr. Wm. Rtitt haa leased his 320-acre ranch to his son V. J. Stitt. The old gentleman's wife is still visiting her two daughters in Colorado, and taking treat, menl ut ragosa hot springs for her health. I lor son, I'erry Fry (by her first marriage) is there in Colorado also with Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Large New Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. R I N EH ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, PropY. The public will find that no better accommodations can be found in this country than at this house. Meals 25o; beds 25c. LIVERY : STABLE : IN : CONNECTION. RATES VERY MODERATE. DROP IN AT COB'S 5R00 Lower Main St., Arlington, Oregon., when you feel like enjoying a first-class G13AR OR MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. j Highest price paid for scrip at this office