Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 23, 1897, Image 3

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Th rnnrlv nuhnnrlntlmi tn lliitilnufr i. ai in
II tmM In (1vnre, 11 not fwU In mlvHiicr 92
will Iw cbnonxl. A jiewll nmrk uroHiid tlila
nolle Itittlcmoi that yonr iilncrit!m lua ei
lilrwl. I'Ii'hm renew pronii tly.
Coon conntv ha jnnt Ugnn the erec
tion of n (12.0IK) court house.
Circuit court adjourned about 10:30
o'clock Friday morning.
A flrst-clss photo gallery will be at
Condon Blunt April 27th.
Minn Daisy Downing Kft thlt week (or
ter homo at Lawrence, ChI.
Halem tftatetunan : Mrs. John F. Htel
wer, of Jefferson, Ih In the city visiting
1'. C. BufflngUm and daughter Ethel
of Fossil visited friends In town the Unit
of the week. .
Mm Lora Taylor, s school ma'am, ar
rived here yesterday from Liberal, Mo.,
and la on the lookout for a school.
We learn that Judge Mariner had been
pick for the hut two weeks in Walla
Walla. He hai returned home to Ilia
lock again.
Mervln fiworta, the fake money lonner,
i (till doing business in the Long Creek
country. At least hit ad Is mill running
in the Eagle.
Last Sunday was Master and as it
rained that day, according to an old eu-
pertrtition, it will rain every Sunday for
ven week.
Geo. Ulbbont of Mayville has been
' draw n and subpoenaed aa a juror in the
V. 8. district court at Portland, which
convene May 4th.
Joe Lluual len and family moved lint
week from the Burton ranch on Mntney
Flat to tje Byron Murch place In Ferry
Canyon, which he hat rented.
By miatake our type made it nay last
week that Doc Brown wa sick with lon
eilitla. It ahould have read loc Moore,
who i now able to work again.
One of The lallei pholo company'
traveling galleries, operated by Clay
Fulauiii, will lie at Condon next week
and can remain only a few days.
Judge Bennett succeeded In clearing
young (ioetgen of Sherman county, in
dicted for cattle Bleating, whom he de
fended at North Yakima taut week.
Uoldendale Agriculturist: O. D. Stur
ges and fam ly have moved to Arling
ton, where Mr. Sturgess lias ecured a
position in the new (tore tif the Wasco
Warehouse Co.
Ir. J. T. Tate wrilea us from Olei that
he eK'ctn to visit Condon next week
for two or three day. He request
thoie desirlngdcntal work to make early
"U rand pa" Stroud of Portland, state
grand lecturer for the A. F. & A. M., de
livered several lecture to the member
here the first of the week. He left yes
terday for Fossil.
At a forthcoming wedding in this coun
ty the groom will promise to love, honor
nil oliey hi wife, who I a woman suf
fragist and made her "fuller" Mgree to
this proosition.
Mr. J. U. Clark left yesterday for the j
St. Vincent hospital in Portland, where
she will remain awhile under treatment
for lung trouble. Her husband accom
panied her as fur as Arlington.
The farce case of the City of Condon
against Joe Trevett ia still on, at the
city' expense, and haa Ik-cii postponed
until the fall term of court. This i get
ting monotonous to the taxpayers.
Next Monday, 20th, is the anniversary
of tho I. O. O. F., and the Odd Fellow
of (iilliam county will celebrate the oc
casion at Mayville on Monday afternoon.
All member are invited to be present.
A lady teacher recently from the East
wishes to secure a district school for the
ummer. Hhe can furnish satisfactory
recommendations, and is stopping for
' the present at Maddock' hotel, Condon.
The Noothing click of the shecpshears
will soon In) heard In the land again,
and there are thousand of the muttons
in this section that will gut terribly
fleeced within the next couple of week.
The Indeendenee (Polk county) pa
per says: WJ Kirklund writes to a
friend here that he i well satisfied with
bis business at Olcx, Gilliam county.
He says money mutter are easier there
than here.
The wive of two brothers in Mcdford
presented their wives with bahie on
the same day recently and somo ol the
papers are making a great fuss about it,
just a though the babies are to blame
for It. 1ct the.ui alone.
Edwards nt Arlington will pay stage
charge oh ail order from hi drug store
except patent medicine. As he charge
only the price printed on the wrappers,
you can save money by sending to him
for patent medicine also.
John Connelly, a former partner in
the sheep business here with hi brother
Tim, but who ha been at hi old homo
in Ireland for tho last ten year, return
ed to Condon recently and w ill embark
, in the sheep business again.
Dodson Bros, and Wester, of Clem,
will aoon ship bunch of good horses to
Tolk county, where they expect to sell
them. Henry Dodson, who recently had
a cancerous tumor cut out of hi throat,
is recovering his health and will soon be
as well h he ever was. .
Condon needs a drug store ft rit1 riijf-1
gist about as tmdlv hn nnv town on the 1
Pacific coast. There I a splendid open
ing here for one just now. A county
feat ought to have thejlicst-appoiiited
and largest drug store iiithe;county.
A Mint has been commenced in Eugene
to test 1 lie constitutionality of the law
allowing women the right of franchise
at school elections. It will be carried to
the supreme cout and the mutter defi
nitely settled, a it should have been
dune long ago.
Two clip of wool were sold at Hepp
ner Monday, one for 7c and the other
for 8juc. This wool was sold on the
sheep' buck, ami will lie deliverer! in
May, The same clips lust year brought
b'i and 7c. Frank Lee uf Htm Francisco
was the purchaser.
There are people who think or pre
tend to think that a newspaper should
never give an account of anything tiiat
ought not to have happc-Hud. Fortu
nately, (or the freedom of the press and
(he welfare of society, there are other
who do not think that way.
The Uumk force feel very grateful to
Mrs. C. A. Daiineuittu and family of
Clem for a largo box of fine Easter eggs,
some of them colored. It is a pleasing
sight to see the editor of this greet fam
ily paper eat a few dozen of them raw,
shell and all, while holding hi breath.
Amission will open in the Catholic
church at Condon next Sunday ami will
be conducted by Hev. Father Newell of
Portland, a very a hie and brilliant speak
er. Everybody, regardless of the their
religion beliefs, are cordially invited to
attend the meetings, which w ill last a
week or so.
One of A. J. Moote' cow gave birth
to twin calves the other day and one of
them I a freak, having but one nostril,
and that is lo the middle of a long sharp
nose. It will have some advantage over
the other calve whan it run across any
thing disagreeable to smell, such a
skunk, niggers, etc.
The Pendleton East Oregonian truth
fully says: The bad hoy uf today i sent
to the reform school, where he i educa
ted to become a criminal. The old way of
turning him over the knee and applying
"strap oil" is a better remedy for hi
vices than a term in the reform school
at the expense of the people who pay
Jack Parker, who killed liudd Howard
at the same time the latter killed Til
Glaze at Burn, Harney county, ha
been pardoned by the governor, after ;
serving two year of the 7-years' sen
tence. A strong petition was sent in hi
behalf, and hi own good .conduct while
In the pen had much to do w ith the par
don being granted.
Owing to the probability of a war in
Europe, the price of wheat ha already
begun to come up in jump. At San
Francisco there waa quite an advance
this week, also throughout the East, it
having jumped up 5c at Chicago Mon
day. With the outlook for an abundant
harvest and good prices, our wheal rais
er may well look cheerful.
Cooke Bros,, three miles east of town,
will raise a numls-r of young mules this
spring. The other day one of their
inn res gave birth to two of the long-eared
beasts and, strange to say, she refus
ed to own one one of them. The boy
have concluded to play it for a "sucker"
by letting it suck a bottle until it i old
enough to make it own living.
Senator Mcllride ha introduced a bill
In the senate to allow persona to make
claim upon public lands and make
proof thereof before any ollicer qualified
to administer oaths in homesteud cases,
whether the land are in the countv or j
not. At present the making of such
proof must be before an ollicer in the
county where the land is situated.
The Columbia is coming up rapidly
and steadily, but we are not like the peo
ple along the Mississippi, who get
drowned out with a 20-foot rise. It is
not clussed asliigh water here until it
pannes t lie 42-foot mark, and in '04 it
went within a foot of the 60-font mark.
It made some of us move at the hitter
u .. 1 ... . . ... : . -Ti
nirnrv, oui hiivioiiik 01101-r ou ivri is no.
r. -. .. . .
right. the Dalles Chronicle.
Owing to pome funded grievance, old
man Irwin, Supt. of public i net motion,
is trying to get Uov. Ijord and Secretary
Kincaid to uiiHt Hob Hendricks from his
potution of Kupt. of the etnte reform
echoed. Hut all the tint infliction the gov-
nriiiir uml Hfwrptiirv cniua TriL'in Willi to
tell him that Hendricks is attending to
hill biiHiriOHH and giving a great deal bet-
ter satinfiiction than be (Irwin) is. Hob
ia an ideal ollicer.
Tho people of Eastern Oregon will be
delighted to lenrn Unit the O. It. A N.
Co. has put on an extra train between
Portland and Hpokane, making two
trains each day, instead of one, as for
merly. The two trains going west are
duu at Arlington, one at about miduight,
the other at about fl in the morning;
going east, one at about 0 in the even
ing, the other at about 3 in tiie morning.
Murderer Durrani was fondled and
petted so much by some "Indies" and
reporters while lie was in jnil at Sun
Francisco that when he was taken to
the state prison at San Quinten the oth
er day he felt terribly Insulted when the
uuurds compelled him to don a suit of
striped clothes and have his mustache
shaved off. He became so abusive that
the guards were obliged to en IT him into
Insensiliilitv. and when be "came to" he
got even bv saving that be thought they
were "weal mean.
When a boy becomes unmanageable
now-u-ihivs he is hustled off to the re-
form school, -where in the majority of I their farm again, for the Hummer at
ease he l, through the contaminating least.
Influence of association with other bad) Mrs. Ilogm, is expected home next
Isiys, educated to become a criminal, week from her .visit at Can by, Clacku
Formerly he was turned over lo the pa- iimf county
ternal knee and given a lesson in leather 1 Cnttl- buyer here are paving f 12 for
tanning. 1 lie old way evidently i i"e
1 1
bent, for it is moie effective as a reform
atory measure and considerably cheaper,
say the Times-Mountaineer.
(iovernor Lord and Secretary Kincaid
are locking horn in a manner that will
probaldy lead up lo a law sii. The
governor went after his warrant for hi
salary the other day and the secretary
refused to give it. Hot words followed
and the governor threatened mandaiiin
proceeding to compel Kincaid to pay
the quarter's salary. The secretary in-
formed his excellency that he would j
keep him maridiimusing for every quar
ter to the end of his official term. Kin
caid "has it in for" the governor for the
part he took in the legislative holdup.
L. W. Darling was appointed referee
in the divorce case of Whyte vs. Whyte.
Hendricks Bros, were counsel for the
plaintiff and 8. A. D. Gurley for the de
fendant. Taking testimony was begun
lust Friday before the referee in his of
fice here and continued until yesterday
noon, when the case wa postponed un
til May 17th. The testimony for the
plaintiff 1 not all taken yet, and none at
all yet for the defendant, but the attor
ney cannot remain away from home any
longer at present. Divorce sometimes
prove to be troublesome and expensive
Evidently some one has been "stuff
ing" the editor of the Times-Mountaineer.
Read what he says: "Two
criminal cases were tried at the recent
term of circuit court in (iilliam county.
Jack Glasgow wa tried on a charge of
larceny of cattle and wa acquitted, and
Win. Kenny, indicted for larceny of two
calves, waa convicted and fined $100.
The latter case wa somewhat compli
cated, the jury deciding that Kenny had
stolen one of the calves, and rendered
an opinion that the prosecuting witness
had stolen the other. This will proba
bly furnish a case for the next grand
Judge Bradshaw Friday morning sen
tenced Andrew Harper, who plead guil
ty to bnriflary and wheat stealing, to
a term of two year in the penitentiary.
The jury found Win. Kenny guilty of
stealing one of C. Sehott's calves, on
condition that be receive the lightest
penalty provided by tho statute in such
case, and he wa sentenced to pay a
fine of f 100, which he paid. Upon com
plaint of his mother, Billy Stephens, an
unruly hoy, wag sentenced to a two
years' term in the reform seliool. Sher
iff Wilcox, assisted by Gene Smith, left
for Salem Saturday morning witli Har
per and Stephens.
This is the season when the "trunk
merchants" make their semi-annual
raids In this vicinity, ssys the Baker
City Democrat. Many of them are nice
fellows, but onr citizens should not so
far forget themselves as to purchase
their goods. Patronize the men who
pay taxes to the county, who contr bnte
to our schools, who head the subscrip
tion paper for public celebrations or
private misfortunes, and who have an
interest in the county's welfare. The
home merchants "carry" you when you
are pinched give them the benefit of
your cash. Too tunny people "stand
off" the home merchant ami spend their
money with the SHiople carrier or send
it to some distant city.
Tho Eugene Guard in it last issue
burns Dr. Chapman, president of the
state university, into a crisp, having lit
erally roasted him alive. The Guard
say that instead of the doctor minding
his own business, for which the state
pays him $3,000 a year, he noses into
everybody else's private affairs, local
polities, 'public school, etc., in such an
offensive manner as to make himself ex
tremely obnoxious. Although the doc
tor haa been ilraw ing a $3,000 a year sal
ary for years, the Guard say he pavs
taxes oil the magnificent sum of $220,
and suggest that instead of wasting his
time trying to lecture on subjects he
knows nothing about, it would suit let
ter for him to make a specialtv of leet-
uriim on "How to bulldoze the assessor
, ., . , , .
and avoid nawnif taxeo." The doc'or
shocked the Guard force the other dav
! When they '-came to" and betrau to wore -
I ((.r w1Hl, (iev llH(J oe,ter Jo with the
preHoen, material, etc., they learnea that
the doctor meant to atop only hie copy
of it, ho they continued its publication,
as usual.
A Woodmen of the World lodge waa
! o-nlwd at Antelope Inst week, with a
health v
membership to start in with.
We notice that all of the Woodmen j eome time in April to remain a few days,
lodges in the country are constantly re- j This w ill be pleasing news to those need
ed ving new members and that each ! nrst-class dental work. Dr Tate is
, . , . a graduate of the New rk College of
member takes a personal pride in doing , r)lthitrv Bm, h Mll niKh lHwi,ioIIJ
all in his power to make his lodge pros-1 jn the Portland Dental Society and the
perons and enthusiastic, except our own Oregon State Dental Association.
home lodge, which, we legret to note. VMmw honw "n,jHrtrv and build im
appears to be on a stand-still, with more the rtl8(iun.e9 of our stHte; Itay the
of tendency to godown hill than upward. ,em WooU.n mu ,.othing. See P.Al.
Too much small, childish spitework is ; 8lpht,llgun ,r tHllipe. and prices.
aiioweu 10 inieriere very onen h uh
only lodges but business interests of the
town, and, as we have said many times
before, nothing is more ruinous or fatal
to a town's interests. Two or three
spiteful, small-minded men in a town
this siite can retard the progress of the
whole town, to say nothing of lodges,
etc. It is like the "dog in the manger."
They won't do anything themselves but
sulk and act the baby, and try to keep
others from doing anything for the good
of the town or community. Is it much
wonder that every other town in the
country is leaving us behind in the race
for supremacy 7 He men, not .mice.
Lone Rock Rumblings.
W II Colwell and family arc hack onto
ofii'S and ?:.'() f r twos, which is not ho
rocky, alt'T all.
Our farmers are busy putting in their
spring giain, and the prospect for a
In hi ti to bil harvest is very bright.
Last week was the warmest Sfiell of
weather ever felt in this locality during
the month of April, consequently the
gentle rain showers of Monday were just
what was needed.
The sheep men seem delighted at the
prospect of good prices for wool. The
low prices for the last few vears have
,,, ,he thH,p ,1HineHII harf, row l0
hoe, but prosperity now stare them in
the face like a full moon, we are pleaded
to note.
The quarterly meetings of the M. E.
church here Saturday and Sunday drew
large congregations. The service con
ducted by Elder Warner were highly ap
preciated by all who attended. Gene
Gilman brought Rev Warner over from
ileppner Saturday and attended the
meeting. They returned to Ileppner
The Wasco Warehouse Co,
sack, fleece twine and sack
sale at Arlington.
ha wool
twine for
Olex Explosions.
DrTate, the dentist, is in Olex for a
few days. From here he goes to Clem
and Condon.
We are having delightful rain now,
which are very beneficial to the growing
crop. Gilliam will be strictly in it this
Our blacksmith are overrun with
work, w hich show that our farmer
have not given up hope of ultimate suc
cess in farming.
Earl Weatherford's house narrowly es
caped destruction by fire the other day.
He came over to Olex and laid in a sup
ply of terra cotta, to take the place of
the stovepipe.
A road-working crew is at work this
week on the Cunningham hill and the
terrific blasting sounds from here like
the distant roar of heavy artillery. We
dmi lit of they make more none with
their cannons in Cuba and Crete.
Snliscrilie for the Examiner at this of
fice and win a $10,0o0 farm in California,
a $5,000 gold nugget or yonr weight in
silver. Rmeiuber that abuutuilwho
ever won prizes from thi county sub
scribed throngh the Globe agent.
A Dangerous Practice.
Editor Gi.oub:
If the gentleman in charge of the drug
store at Condon will explain through
yonr paper by what ritcht he has to 611
physicians' prescriptions (other than
his own) when he has never complied
with the law in regard to securing a
druggist's license, he will relieve the
anxiety of a great many people in this
county. Only registered druggists can
j legally fill prescriptions, and the quee
j tion is, why doe he persist in oeoly
i violating the law in this matter? He
j boasts that he will "get around the law"
if he has to copy prescriptions sent in by
physicians on his own blank w hich is
even a more dangerous practice, both
for the patient and "druggist."
A Man Hung
Some of that fine wall-paper AI Hen
shaw keeps in stock and pronounced
it the is-st paper for the price ever
brought to the country. Buy some.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. has wool
sacks, fleece twine and sack twine for
sale at Arlington.
A beautiful 1200-pound cow, 6 years
old, fnt enough for beef, for sale or will
trade for R fresh cow. Inquire at this
The Butte Creek Land, Live Stock &
Lumber Company has 250.000 feet of
, , .
! mainnn lumber t
; seasoned lumber at its mill nix miles
above Fossil. The roads are good clear
i t tlie ll,e company will give
larger discounts lor cash trade than tor-1
merly. The lumber, the roads and the
prices will suit you. (.'has. McKenzie,
lr. J. T. Tate, one of the leading den
tists of Portland and the l'aeitic coast,
. I ...... muU u t...l. .f l...UPt. Oro.
; , , , x . (, .
All jiersons desiring to mquire titVe to!
any lands under the laws of the United i
j States, or under the laws of the $tat of ;
Oregon, will do well to take theirbiisi -
ness to United Stales Coinniissicner S.
A. D. Uurlev, at Arlington, Ojvgon.
Good Advice. 1
.Don't let whisky uet the best of'.you,
but if yon want the best of whisky,
wines, beer, liquors and cigar?, the i!ace
to lind them is at the Summit Suli,n,
in the old drug store building. .1 tieie;
pool and billiard parlor in couj'cetioii. r
Drop in unci see fur yours. dv s. Tlve
finest line of "et goods" in the city, f
NEW C30DS Wakeoney JbySwIng NEW PRICES
-Before Buying Elsewhere, Call In and"
.Inspect My New and Choice Stock of.
'In Order to Encourege a
.Large Discount for Cash.
Jim Ccrbett has Thrown up the Sponge
Al Henshaw is Still in the Ring
Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Windows, Stoves, Gloves. Wall
Paper Window-shades, Furniture. Undertakers' Goods,
Canned Fruits, Crackers, Sardines, Oysters, Etc, Etc.
Call in and see uie and vet j.nies before buying eleewhere.
Remember that a dollar taved ig 11 dollar innde. I ran get
von auvthiriif from n ftean tioiit t n toothpick. Trv me.
Mrs. S. A.
Regular Board and Lodging per week, $4 and $5.
Regular Board per week, $3. Beds 25c and 50c.
Table Supplied With
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on
Condon, -
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates
A share of the public patronage is wpeet.ully solicited.
: GEO. W. RINEHART, Proprietor.
Th? public will find that no
found in thirf country than at
Lower Main St., Arlington, Oregon.,
when you feel like enjoying a first-class
)l ninrnn nn HAitmnn
i ?JiisMiil Hii VtllLW hV
All kinds of first-class liquors on hand.
Ths Massillon Engine & Thresher Go.
160-166 Front St. Portland, Oregon
Cash Trade I Make a"
Take Advantage of It
the Best in the Market.
North Main Street,
- Oregon.
better aoeoniu!! ilatinns can be
this! boune. .Meal.2"e; leds2c.
' ...... ! ' ir-f''
-A ,
- w -