Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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FRIDAY, APRIL l, 1897.
STh yoarljr urcrltlou to the Oim Ii $1 ,BO,
ispow in advance, lfnotpnlit In mlvmiiw 92
will I chnria-d, A pencil murk around tlil
notice lndlcarri tliut your ubM.'iitlon liua ex
plri'd. Vi m renew promt tly.
The (itonK in it n will pay yon more
ty crlp. Don't sell until you two dim.
Dr. Jlotfttn ii trcHting D. 8. Urown for
tad cu of tonvllltia.
Chartajr Hoye will bugln touching the
luVi (!li(Ml next Monday.
J. VV. Itlaka arrived home Monday
irm bubitu'M trip to Chicago and
Salt Luke.
Martin Gllllhan, formerly of Lout
Vitlloy, now of fcaiivlna Inland, Itj in
town tlil week on court buitinuaa.
N. T. Booth of Hulem, Agonl for the
Mammchuimta Mutual Life Iimurance
Co., haa been In town all week. '
Chaa. Kelghtly, a young man from
llardman, wan here last week nnder Dr.
llognn'a treatment tor toimilitla.
"Uncle Tommy" Watiion of Fossil
came over today to pay his taxes and
nee the "Jnmice mill" grind awhile.
J. G. Btevenion has purchased the
Dunn place in Ferry Canyon and he
will move his family to their new home
.next week.
A good many thousand head of lambs
will soon add their voices to the munic
made bv the larks and robins on Gilliam
Emily's hillsides,
F. M. Lacey, the well-known sheen
and cattle buyer, is In this section again.
Jlo expects to ship a train-load of sheep
to the Kaal in June,
Durrant, the notorious mnrdercr, has
been sentenced to hang June 11th. But
will he hang? "There's many a slip
Hwixt the cup and the lip."
Geo. Bchott and Kay ilenson, whoxe
cattle are ranging In Malheur county,
are over to Gilliam tor a brief stay.
vThey ere both In town this week.
A Condon philosopher says that the
hard times have made him feel like a
hoy again, because he experiences such
joy when he gets a nickel to spend.
C. K. Brougham of Mt. Angel, owner
of the diseased horcea near Clem, lain
town, lie intends to make a large vat
and dip ail of the horses, just like thecp.
Wiley Miller of Looking Gloss, Doug
las county, arrived here neveral days ago
and will remain for a white looking after
the needs of his line farm north of town.
Charley Hliurte, the rustling machin
ery man, has been in town all week try
ing to trade funning machinery for
horses, with what euccess we have not
Miss Naomi Strickland, who has been
-visiting the family ol her brother, J. ii.
Miller, of this city, returned to her home
at Koseonrg last Sunday nigni. ftied
ford Monitor.
Brown Bros. (Bill and Jim) have sold
all of their cattle except one and 2-year-old
heifers, at very fair prices but not
at an averago of f 19.50 per head, as stal
ed in the Journal,
Harry Canatt, formerly a photograph
er in this city, will in about three weeks
move to Arlington, where he contem
plates permanently locating. Golden
dale Agriculturist.
T. J. Cart right, Gilliam county's
first aaseesor, died at Hpoknne on the
8th of this month, of heart trouble, lie
had many friends in this county who
will be grieved to learn of hia untimely
We learn that Herman Wipper has
-old his ranch near Mayville and that
ho will soon move with his family to
.Marion county, near Hulem. He is a
.good honest citizen aud we regret to
see him go.
Crook county is in a mnddle. The
'itock inHeetor has been arrested for
issuing a permit to move diseased sheep
find though discharged by the commit
ting QiagtHtrate, will lie interviewed by
the grand jury next May.
In renewing his subscription this
week, Kd F. McConnell of Sylvan Grove,
Kansas, (formerly of Mayville enya that
it would be nn utter iin possibility for
t.t.i. In nut a1.,.i. twill.... it ttitt (U
Millinna of ol !ir finit It, the ftaiiin mnv.
E. A. Crawford nud son Bert of May-
ville ere prepared to furnish first-class
dry wood to the people of Condon from
now until Mny let ut (5 per cord tor 4 -ft
and f(i for Id-inch wood. From that
lute until winter the prioe will be 00c
A smitll family can find a good home
Iiy applying nt once to Mr. and Mrs. -fl.
Billing, 3 miles south of town. They
are old tnd helpless and need some one
to look Hfter tl em and their ranch and
will give a man with a small family a
irood Layout if annlied for soon.
J.IA McFarhtnd done n neat job of
jminiiiikt last week on Itiuehurt'a res
taurant, He in trying to talk the Ar
mory Hail Co. into the notion of having
the hall painted, and we hope he will
ncceed. as u building that sixe without
Missi'eurl Fittwater began teaching
Inst Monday in -the Rpringslon district
on Truilfork. Mlas Gruoe Fitxwater has
tn engaged to teach in the Lost Valley
ilf.rlci, commencing next .month, and
Mini Mahul HaUtead the upper 30-mile
avfrool, eommeiM'iug aliool. May 1st.
Mrs. J. H. Clark, whnse health has
been very poor for some time with lung
trouble, appears to lie gradually growing
weaker, and her husband has concluded
to place her in the St. Vincent hospital
In Portland for treatment awhile. She
will probably be taken down next week.
Little Oro Blake has been very sick
for several days from the effects of a de
cayed tooth, which almost resulted in
blood poisoning. Her jaw and throat
were frightfully swollen, but we are
pleased to note that she is now on the
road to recovery. Dr. Howard of Fosil
has been over to see her several times.
John Lyons has just received official
notice from Congressman Ellis that he
has been a pointed postmaster at Con
don by President McKinley. His ap
pointment will give general satisfaction
to the patrons of the office, and it is
hope that be will appoint a deputy
postmaster who will also be satisfactory
to the patrons.
We learn that Hcliool Supt. DagKett of
Arlington Is dangerously sick with a case
of blood , poisoning, caused by a rusty
nail penetrating his hand several days
ago. It was thought for awhile that in
order to save his life one arm would
have to be amputated, but we are glad
to state that it will not have to be done
and that he is improving,
W. C. Stillwell has traded his resi
dence property, barn, etc., at Mayville
to A. J. Hlielton for the Jas. Moar farm
near Mayville, giving $100 to boot. Bill
says he doesn't want to live in a place
where he can't even keep a pet goat
without having it painted in such a
manner that the more he scrubs and
washes it the brighter the colors show.
Mrs. C. B. Bears and Urs. W. J. Ed
wards were in town Monduy circulating
a sulmcription paper for the new Union
church at Mayville. Within a few hours
they received (19 5 here, making in
all alout 450 that is already subscribed
in caah, beside over r0 In work. The
good people over there need a church
and it will be a welcome addition to the
Otis Patterson, editor of the Heppner
Gazette, is one of the applicants for the
position of internal revenue collector at
Portland, a snap worth 110,000 or 115,000
a year. Otis has done lots of hard and
faithful work for the party and deserves
recognition at the hands of the adminis
tration. YVe hope he will get the ap
pointment, as he Is "one of the boys" in
every sense of the term.
S. I. Stratton returned Monday from
.Mnnmomh, where he rind his wife have
been attending the state normal school
a couple of years. Mr. KtriUton gradua
ted from that school last February, but
his w ife docs not hope to be so fortunate
for another year at least. She is still
attending the school and there will be
no vacation before next June. Mr.
St rat ton is now on the lookout for a
school to teach. Later. He has just se
cured the Keys Flat school, commencing
next Monday.
Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist of
The Dulles, arrived here Sunday even
ing and has been kept quite busy attend
ing to many of our people, lie certain
ly comes well recommended and his
work gives satisfaction. The doctor will
remain with us until Saturday or possi
bly Monday, when he leaves tor Fossil,
to remain there aliout one week. The
people of Fossil w ho need the doctor's
service should have no hessitancy to call
on him and have their eyes examined.
The doctor will again visit us next fall.
Olex Explosions.
Lonner Hnlston, Jr., has started to
school in the Woodlund district.
Elijah Hendrix was in Olex Monday
on his way to Condon. He is still court
ing. W W Weatliertord and B Kiley met
the Judge at Olex Sunday and were ex
cused from attendance at court.
G 8 Smith is going sheepshearing the
latter part of the week, commencing at
McCreedys, across the Columbia.
Supervisor Magnire Is working the
Cunningham hill and bridge this week.
They finished up on 8-mile hint week.
The Judge and attorneys have Wen
passing through OW thicker'n hops, on
their way to Condon to attend circuit
A J Coe, one of Arlington's popular
young business men, paid Olex a visit
Monday while on his way to attend court
At Condon.
Harry Clay and family have returned
to Olex, Harry from St. Paul and Mrs.
Clay from Portland. Miss Boyle, a
couHin of Harry, en me witli them.
The grain in this section of Gilliam
never looked more promihiug for a crop.
The usual acreage is in and if the June
winds do not scorch too hard, Gilliam
county will I all right again this year.
Work was commenced last week on
the railroad from Biggs to Wasco. Why
not start one from Arlington to Olex or
get the Biggs line to come down Grass
Valley canyon to mouth of same on
John Day, thence op Hock creek to
Olex T This would be a prolUuble and
easy route.
The entertainment given last Satur
day evening by Locust Grove school nt
the close of a eix months' term with
Miss Grace Cooke as teacher was a do
elded success. The program was de
lightfully rendered. Competent judges
decliircd the performance would have
done credit to aey school in the state,
whlcli speaks volume for the teacher
and pupils of Locust Grove school.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
April term, 1807.
Present : W L Bradshaw, Judge: A A
Jayne, district Atty.
Attorneys prpsent: fl W Allen ot
Portland, W II Wilson of The Dalles, II
II Hendricks of Fossil, SAD Gnrley
and 3 M Johns of Arlington, T It Lyons
of Heppner, II B Hendricks, John Lyons
and L W Darling of Condon.
Grand jury: Al Henshaw, foreman;
Josephos Martin, A C Herndon, It M
Johnson, Ira B Carter, A J Stahl, T O
Bniliirs: Court bailiff, G L Neale;
grand jurv bailiff, II C Strickland, court
jury bailiff, Geo Scbott.
State vs Jack Glascow. cattle stealing;
went to trial Monday evening; case
given to jury Tuesday at 9 pro. Jury :
11 Foster, 8 D Fletcher. F C Doerfer,
ChasLillie, 8 8 Cole, Geo Hansen, B
Gaffney, Zim .Ehbert, 8 A Foster, J E
Johnson, W B Smith, W A Darling (last
five drawn on special jury order,) Ver
dict of not guilty returned by the jttr
at 11 o'clock Wednesday night. t -
State va Wm Kenny plea of not
guilty; on trial, with the following jury !
Chss W Brown, C J Qulnn. CT Scogein,
Mike Dnkek, J B Kerrick, J M Caldwell,
Frank P Watson, Henry Wilkins, CA
Danneman, (j Schilling, JAW Bcoggln
and L D Colby. Testimony is all in
and arguments are being made as we go
to press at 2 p. m. Thursday.
Stale vs Andrew Harper, burglary; a
true bill of indictment. Pleaded gnilty.
Will lie sentenced tomorrow morning
(Friday) at 9 o'clock.
J W Smith vs Geo Tatom and Thos
Young judgment for want of answer.
Coffin Bros vs Fred Hensel default
and judgment.
N S Rtnggs vi Wm Head default and
Jos Putnam v John Madden motion
allowed to strike out part of complaint.
Refered to L W Darling to take and re
port the testimony.
Coffin Bros vs Chss Huntley dis
misfed on motion of plff.
It L Sabin vs L W Darling and M E
Summers default and judgment.
G S Smith vs C II Proske settled and
S B Barker vs W L Barker and Annah
Barker demurrer overruled nnd allowed
nntil Wednesday to answer. Answer
filed by deft.
Sterling Staggs vs C M Walker de
fault and judgment.
Matter of asiignment of John W
Brown continued for term.
Butte Creek L L S A L'Co va Couture
Bros continued for term.
T D Cuyler etal vs C D Bennett etal
confirmation of sale granted.
Arlington Natl bank yt N RBaird etal
cohfirmallnn granted.
Arlington Natl bank Vs Dan Cameron
etal confirmation granted.
Jas Pringle vs R E Lindsay etal con
firmation of sale granted.
A A Hyatt vs L J Goodrich etal con
firmation of sale granted.
Herbert Halstead vs W C Caldwell
etal -ettled and dismissed.
John Pennypacker vs J F Turner etal
confirmation of stlj granted.
Butte Creek L L A L Co vs J T
Whitcomb continued for the term.
Jnlia A Niefcols vs S S Thomas etal
default and decree of foreclosure.
Edwin Oddievs Chris H Reis etal
confirmation of sale grunted.
Martin Gillihin vs Joseph Frizzell
default set aside; refered to F D Hill to
take and report the testimony to be pre
sented in vacation.
II Heppner v A J Cochran settled
and dismissed.
J W Smith vs II C Myers continued
for service.
W E Swentzel vs Byron Mnrch etal
default and decree in foreclosure.
Su?an Bash vs Frank Bush decree of
divorce granted.
Elizabeth M Wileon vs E Pencense
etal settled and dismissed.
J WBarretnlvs M E Summers set
tled and dismissed.
Isabella Whyte vs Joseph Whyte
demurrer overruled answer filed, in
junction order granted against deft.
American Mortgage Co vs Ira W
Sperry etal default and decree of fore
closure. C M Trnpie vs Edwin 8 McKinnoy
continued for service.
WWSteiwerve R E Lindseyetal
default nnd decree in foreclosure.
M M Hendricks vs Elisha Swift etux
settled and dismissed.
F N Schneider vs J M McKinncy
continued for service.
Hannah M Smith vs Geo S Smith
confirmation of sale grunted.
The jurors have just been discharged.
Balance of proceedings next week.
To the Hon. Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, county of Gilliam, for the
April term. 1S07:
We, the grand jury, have !een in ses
sion three days; have found one true
hill; have examined nil mutters that
have come before ue, anil find that tliero
is a wave of good will and brotherly love
predominating in our conntv at present.
We have examined th'. iiooks of our
different officials nnd find Hint they are
kept in a systematic and scholarly man
ner. We also find our county M)or well
provided for.
We find our county buildings inade
ouete for conntv unriinses. and would
j moat earnestly" recommend that the
j proper olllelii Is take Immediate steps
i towards building u court honae and jail,
which will he in keeping with the dig-
nitv of Gilliam county.
And now having no further business,
and having completed our hiUr for this
' term, we ivspectfuilv ask to be dis
charged. Al Hens-haw,
I - J-oieuian.
Get your county scrip Cashed at the
(h'KH office. We have made arrange
ments to pay the highest cash price for it
Hon. A. 8. Bennett IsinNorth Yakima
this week attending court, lie is attor
ney in several important criminal and
civil eases, one of the latter in which
nearlv halt a million dollars are mvolv-1
ed. His old stenographer, Fred D. Hill
of The Dalles, who is in town this week,
Informs ns that Mr. Bennett has the
largest law practice of any attorney in
the state, averaging something like 20,
000 a year or more.
Lone Rock Rumblings.
Mrs. A Sprowls and Mrs. Coleman vis
ited the county seat the firstof the eex.
Planting garden seeds, spuds, etc.,
seems to be the order of the lay up here
jubt now.
W H Colwell came up from Arlington
last week and took his teams down for
the purpose of moving his outfit np here
this week.
The Sheepshearers Union of Lone
Uock met last Saturday. The boys all
seem anxious for shearing to commence,
and feel very sure that tiie sheepmen
will have to dig np a cent more on the
head this year than last for shearing.
Last Friday while Ervie Bernett was
coming from Heppner with a load ci
flour for P L Ham he got to Rock creek
about dark aud found the Ktream on
fordable. In a short time three women
came along on their way to Lone Rock
and as it was very dark the four remain
ed there by a camp fire all night. As
none of the outfit had any bedding it
was a pretty chilly roost. The ford
there is washed out so badly (hat it is
almost impossible to cross with wagons,
thus showing the great need of a county
bridge. It ia a very dangerous crossing
in winter.
Don't sell your county scrip until yon
see the Globr man, who is prepared to
pay the highest cash price for warrants.
Declared In Force by Commlsslon
' era of Klickitat County.
Representative Herbert Baker's sheep
bill, recently passed by the Washington
legislature, was declared in force on the
9th instant by the county board. Quar
antine has been placed on all counties
in Oregon opposite Klickitat county.
The result will be that 75,000 Oregon
sheep will be deprived of regular sum
mer range in aud about Mount Adams.
A!o the revenve, in the way of assess
ments, of Klickitat county from these
migratory sheep will be cut down more
than 1500. Goldendale merchants will
find a falling off in spring and summer
trade because of the absence of Oregon
visitors, On the other Imnd the frienda
of the bill contend that the protection
givfii local wool-growers will be an in
ducement to them to increase their
flocks. By so doing their profits would
I spent at home, and thereby Klickitat
would be gainer in the end. Rumor is
current that the sheepmen ofSheaman
and Wasco counties will U'6t the validity
of the act.
A Dangerous Practice.
Ed. Globe :
If the gentleman in charge of the drug
store at Condon will explain through
vour paper by what right he has to till
physicians' prescriptions (other than.
his own) when he has never complied
with the law in regard to securing a
druggist's license he will relieve the
anxiety of a great many people in this
county. Only registered druggists can
legally fill prescriptions, and the ques
tion is, why does he persist in openly
violating the law in this matter?
Waldbok, Ok., April 7, 1807.
Mr. 11. N. Frazer, County Clerk, Con
don, Oregon.
Dear Sir: Will you please send me
the two dollars I left for marriage Ii-1
cense. I can not get my girl just now ;
and don't know w hen I will.
Yours truly,
Jons II. Tilly.
! Dr. J. T. Tutu, one of the leading den- j
tists of I'orllund and tin Pari tie coast, j
expetTa 10 iiihkv r luur ui r.mri 11 mi
gon this sprinjj and will be in Condon
Home time in April to remain a few days.
This will be pleasing news to those need
ing (irst-elasa denial work. Dr. Tate is
a graduate of the New York College of j
Dentistry and has lieu! lngn positions
In the Portland Dental Society and the
Oregon State Dental .Association.
Patroniie home industry nnd build up
the resources of our state. Buy the Sa
lem Woolen Mills clothing. See P. LI.
Stephenson for samples and prices.
For Sale at a Bargain.
The imported Clvdt'sdnle Stallin
"Bute," No. 4273, weight atxmt 1000
pounds. Address nie at Olex, Oregon,
or call at my ranch on Eightmilf.
C. D. Sknnktt.
Notfce to Sheepmen.
I nm prepared to rroeive and care for
bucks dnrins the suniuu-r of 1M)7 mi my
excellent range at the fork" id Bncktmin
and Ittmverdam creeks. Mv sc pa rat in a .
corral will he at Uro. Knox's ranch. Ii
will make one delivery of hocks at Con-1
don on the 18th of Oetolier and the re-:
maimier at Luiie Ruck mi the 25th nf
October, 1807. 1 will charge one dollar '.
per head for all bucks placed in my care. ;,
Kd Common, Lone Hock, j
thing to patent? Protect. cur ideas '.llicymay
brln you wealth. V.'rltK JOHN VKDDrit
PUkN As CO., I'moiit Attorneys, WinUiiiguia, ;
ii. O., for tlwir yrtae offur. ,
AY 4
Make Money by Saving It
Before Buying Elsewhere. Call In and
! Inspect My New and Choice Stock of
'In Order to Encourage a
.Large Discount for Cash.
Jim Corbett has Thrown up the Sponge
Al Henshaw is Still in the Ring
Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glas3, Windows, Stove 3, Gloves. Wall
Paper Window-shades, Furniture, Undertakers' Goods,
Canned Fruit3, Crackers, Sardines, Oysters, Etc, Etc.
Call in and see ine and get prices l efore huyinfc elnewhere.
Keuiemher lhat a dollar caved is a dollar romle. I can get t
von anvthinir from n Hteiiiiihoat to a tothfir.k. Trv nie.
Condon H o te 1 ,
Mrs. S. A.
Regular Board and Lodging per week, $4 and $5.
Regular Board per week, $3. Beds 25c and 50c.
Table Supplied With the Best in the Market.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on Sorth Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
GEO. W. RINEHART, Proprietor.
The public will find that no better accommodation? can he
found in this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 2oc.
Lower Main St.,
when you feel like
All kinds of first-class
The feslllon Engine & Thresher Go,
160-166 Pront St.,
Cash Trade I Make a'
Take Advantage of It.-
- Oregon.
Arlington, Oregon.,
enjoytnar a first-class
liquors on hand.
Portland, Oregon