Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 05, 1897, Image 3

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Ths yearly eHbucrlptlnn to the 0 MB li $1.60,
it p Id In ilvmice. K nut pnid In advance 02
will bechanced, A piinoll murk around tbli
PUMPS Illdiratva tllut vmir unlnnrintliin h.. i.
PU'Hib rtnuw ftromitlv
Our city election wilt be held on Tues
day, March 21. i
Don't forget the meeting of the sheep
men's. Union at Condon on Saturday of
ttiia week. -
A H-lb daughter on born to Mr. and
Mr. Geo. Khpx of Lost Valley on Thnrs
layj last week.
iT: Ualrer City girl with two suitors,
named Mann and Mouss, very properly
decided to be a Mann.
There tine been considerable sickness
in this section since the late cold snap,
from cold, la grippe, etc.
The total tas levy In Lane county
this year It 15 mill, which I the lowest
of any county in the state.
A beautiful 1200-ponnd 8-year-old
borne for tale cheap, or will trade him
for wood. Inquire at this ofllce, -
J a mot W. Smith of Arlington hatdone
(26,000 worth of business with the firm
of Allen & Lewis of Portland in the patt
iz momni,
F. M. Mcllrlde, assistant postmaster
at Salt Lake City, and a nephew of Ken-
ator Mcllrideof Oregon, it thortln hit
accounts $4000,
Mis Frankle Parson, one of tbe moat
aocompllahed young ladlet In the ttate,
returned home to Twickenham thit week
from an extended vUit with relatives at
V W'ni. Donlap thlt week moved hit
ktroith thop from the old location
fain street, opposite Johnson's II v
ery ttable, which It an excellent location
lor a Blop.
At a dance In Lane county the other
night, gentlemen secured partnera by
taking hold of a yarn paused under
curtain with a lady attached to the
other end.
Mr. II. B. Millard and MIks Bote
Hansen were married in Lane county
this week. The groom was recently di
vorced from Mia Annie Ogleaby, form
erly of Fossil.
February la the shortest month, but
it hat Washington' birthday, 8t. Val
entine'a day, ground-hog day, China
New Yeart, and it sometimes responsi
ble for leap year.
Read J. W. Smith's largo new ad
Thit I the best evidence in the world
that he want your trade. The beat way
to build up any kind of business it to
advertise in the (iuug.
An interesting letter from A. N. 8.
Cnttin of Ferry Canyon, en old super
visor, on the change of road districts,
reached us too Into for thit Issue, but
will appear next week.
Iiev. John of Fowil will preach at
Condon next Sunday, owning and even
ing. Mr. Johns, assisted by Rev. Horn
i brook of CjoMendslo, it conducting an
enthusiastic revival at Fossil.
We learn that Frank Bclliard, who
moved to New York luat summer with
his wife, intends to -return to his Ferry
Canyon ranch again thit spring. City
life dovt not seem to agree with him.
Anv business man whoalrnggles along
, without advertising aayt plainly to the
public that he doc not want their cus
tomand ho seldom ever gets it, either,
No danger of getting bilked by dealing
i ' w ith the business men who advertise in
the Globs.
Charley rinkham and family of Pine
creek visited their relative at Condon
the laat week, Sheriff Wilcox and family.
One o( the l'ln It hi m children, 8 months
old, it dangerously tick with bronchial
pneumenia. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Caven
came over today from Pine creek to help
wait on the child.
At a school nieeting laat Friday it was
decided by a vote of 74 agina,t 68 to not
levy a tax. It I a deplorable fact, es
pecially at thit aeaaon of the year, that
we cannot have a school. Then, attain,
taxet have become 10 eronormous in
Marahfield that property holder have
to unite for economy or give their prop
erty a ay and leave town. Marshfleld
In our rush to get to press last week a
mistake wa made in giving the name
of the new ollleers of the I. 0. O. F.
lodge of this place. II. B. Hendricks'
name should have appeared a secre
tary, Instead of that of P. H. Stephen-'
on. Some people might think that
printer are proof against making mis
takes, but right here ia a good place to
add that they are not.
The following appear In The Dulles
Times-Mountaineer of Saturday, nnder
the headingofLandTrunafers." "Nel
lie E. Uarnnrd and husband to F. Mo
Beth, parcel of land in Antelope, $1,150."
"W. li. Silvertootb, guardian, to W. E.
Barnard, parcel of land in town of An
telono. 005" "llatlie and Arthur Cof
fin to Emma Thompson, lot 6, block 25,
Bigelow addition to Dalles city, 1.!'
A dispatch from Washington saya:
Senator McBrlde ha reported favorably
from the committee on public lands,
Senator Mitchell's bill, extending the
time for payment by settlers on forfeit.
ed lands.. It is expected that the bill
aii nuns both houses at this session. It
will be sinned because the interior de
r nartment hna recommended it, and lias
; anspanrlod entrle on the lands pending
I the passage.
An exchange remarks : It was record
ed that Noah was the first advertiser.
lie advertised the flood and it came
through all right. The fellow who
laughed at his advertisement drowned.
Ever since Noah' time the advertiser
has been prosperous while the other
fellow had been struggling to keep hi
head above the Hood of disaster.
The attorney for B. Glede, defendant
In the Strickland-Glede sheep trespass
caae, have succeeded in carrying the
case to the state supreme court and the
case will come to an end al Pendleton at
the May seaaion of court next spring.
The witnesses and Juror no doubt think
their fee are a long time coming, hut in
case of thl kind there appear to be no
other alternative but to wait until the
suit I ended.
A rer advertleement. Ed Smith of
The Dalle organised a dancing school
atCondonlaat Saturday evening. Un
til further notice he will teach the ladies
every Saturday afternoon In the hall
from 4 to 6 o'clock and in the evening
all who deaire to attend the achool gen
tlemen and ladies are Invited to atvqd
This is an excellent chance to learn to
dance and goodness knowt some of
them need it. . -
A number of the cltlaen of thl dis
trict met Saturday and voted a 6- mi II
tax and also mill to pay the inter
eat due on bonds, making a total of 734
mills. This tax will bring in about $U0,
a the taxable property in the district
amount to about $80,000. A there it
considerable Indebtedness Incurred, we
believe it would have been better to vote
a 10-mill tax while they were at it, but
it is too late now.
A private letter from Hon. J. E
David at Salem concludes thus: "The
hold-up still continues, with no pros
pect of any change. I am torry for the
taxpayers, for I thought I would be able
to so on record a voting for reduction
of expenses, which meant to ourcitixent
equally at much a to elect a senator.
While it i one of the highest duties of
the legislature to elect a senator, it is
equally of a much importance to have
an economical administration of state
affairs, and neither can be done if mem
bers-elect refuse to qualify and proceed
to business."
Believing that it would not be to the
beat interests of thit county to annex
any portion of Grant county to Gilliam
several parties last week circulated
remonstrance against annexation and in
a couple of day received the signatures
of a majority of the taxpayers and legal
voters of thl county, and this without
going over much more than one-half of
the county. It is firmly believed that
fully nine-tenths, if not more, of the
taxpayers of this county are opposed to
annexing anv more territory. Theconn
ty is just the right size the way it is
Sherifl Wilcox took the remonstrance to
Salem the first of the week.
Reform in the school laws is urgently
needed and is being demanded by every
one connected with the public schools,
Most strongly urged is a change in con
nection with teacher' certificates and of
this there Is greatest need. As the law
is, an inexperienced candidate need only I
reach the rediculously low average of 60
per cent, and manv fall to 40 in some
branches, and still' I licensed to teach.
Even the dullest pupil, coming fresh
from his books cannot 'Help passing.
Having nothing to recommend him he
oilers to work at any price in order to
get a start and some small district which
desires to have as much school aa possi
ble rinplova him in the belief that hie
'Certificate ia evidence Tf hi ability to
teach. This county now ha teachers
receiving f 12 and il6 a month hardly
enough to pay lioard. The experiment
mav be a success, but it rarely is, and
in three months a poor teacher does
more harm than a enod teacher can cor
rect in a year. In fact, wrong teaching
can never le entirely corrected and will
continue to hamper the pnpu tnrougn
ottt his lifetime. Better no teacher than
a poor one. Forest Grove Hatchet.
Arlington Items.
8. O. Haweon is able to I about again.
Mrs. It. 11. Robinson i improving
slowly from her attack of typhoid fever.
The snow fell lo the depth of i
riches here last week but ba all gone
. . . . ..
Mis Rick I recovering irom ner m
to take her
ickneas. but i not able
place In the office yet.
Wm. Snell and wife were visitor In
the city most of the week. Miss Lillian
Snell accompanied them. ,
R. II. Robinson was laid op several
day thit week with a light touch of ap
pendicitis, but got it broke op witnoui
much trouble.
Several boys of the Gun club went op
to Castle Rock last Saturday ou a rabbit
hunt and bagned about 150 and bad
great sport. A J San lord ol 1 ne uaiiee
accompanied them.
Mr. Morrison, who brought down a
raft of logs from up the river laat week,
reports it rather cold work standing on
raft all day witn tne inermeier humiu
around tbe zero mark.
Tbe ferry boat wa taken into winter
quarter last week on account oi me
cold spell, but has been put into service
again. There was a great deal of Ice
running for several day.
The school entertainment, advertised
to come off this week, has been postpon
ed until Feb. 13th on account ol un
avoidable circn instances. The proceed
are to be used toward buying a library
for the school.
Mrs. Jayne and friend gave Mr.
Jayne a surprise party last Friday even
ing in honor ot his birthday. I here
were about 40 present, who enjoyed the
evening in a game of drive whist, after
which a fine lunch was served.
Ed Smith and wife returned last week
from a two months' visit with hi par
ent in Southern California. Ld ay
there is quite a contrast between there
and here, especially at this time of year.
They have all kinds of ripe fruit and
berries down there now.
Friday night the Woodmen of the
World will give an entertainment at tbe
A O U W hall. A good speaker will be
present and a fine program will be ren
dered. Music hy the Arion club. o
admittance will be charged.
During the cold spell, by some book
or crook, water got into one ot the
cylinder. It caused the company to
boy a new pump, which was put in the
first of the week. It looked like old
times to see men hauling water about
town in barrels toaupply thecity. They
are very heavy pumps, a they have to
raise the water over 2U0 feet to tbe res
ervoir. Laat Monday evening the K of P lodge
of thi place gave a fine sopper, to which
their wives and friends were invited to
attend. After the routine work of the
order was gone through with, the even
ing was spent in playing whist and
other pastime gauiea nntil time for
lunch, when all quit, to partake of the
many good things that they (the wives)
had nreDsred for the occaeion. By
unanimous vote the evening entertain
ment was declared a grand success.
Alder Grove Officers.
Owing to the absence of the installing
officer, Mrs. F B Stevens, the semi-annual
installation of officers of Alder
Grove No. 24, was deferred and a special
meeting was called for Jan. 28th, when
the following officers were dnlv Installed:
Worthy Guardian, Mrs. J H Hudson;
Adviser, Mrs. II N Eraser; Great Magi
cian, L W Darling; Attendant, Mrs. H
O Strickland; Inner Sentinel, MisParl
Fitzwater; Outer Sentinel, Mis Carrie
Danneman; Banker, Mr. H. B. Hen
dricks. All ha passed smoothly and pleasant
ly during the paat ix months since the
organization of our order, and we hope
the same pleasant relation may con
tinue with an increasing interest.
Ball Prizes.
L. C. Edwards of Arlington will give
from his mammoth stock of jewelry
nice waist set to the beet-dressed lady at
tbe Calico Ball at Condon on the 22d.
Thi ia no josh. Over 100 to elect from.
He will also give a solid gold scarf-pin
to the best-dressed gentleman at the
same ball. 100 different design to se
lect from.
He will also give a nice bottle of Or
ange Flower Cream to anyone who will
call for a piece of jewelry that be hasn't
in stock.
Edwards at Arlington will pay stage
Charges on all orders from his drug
store, except patent medicines.
A magnificent new 160 organ deliver
ed at yonr nearest Ry. station for $75.
Apply at thi office.
Edwards is carrying in connection
with his mammoth stock of drugs at
Arlington a full and complete line of
iewelrv and you can find anything you
want in that line at price that will sur
prise yon.
A meeting of the Sheepmen's Protec
tive Union of Gilliam county and others
interested will be held at Condon Feb.
6th, at 12 o'clock noon. Important bus
iness, and a full attendance requested.
w. kettie, rresineni,
Wakelee'e Squirrel Poison 1 gross
on hand at Arlington at tbe drag store
of L. C. Edward, who Is agerf.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice ia hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all person who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of tbe schools ol
this county, the county superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination
at Condon. Oretron. February 10, 1897,
beeinnimr at 1 o'clock p. m. of that nay
And continuing until Friday. Appli
cants for state papers will be examined
at the same time and place.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1897,
School Supt., Gilliam County, Oregon
Of Interest to Settlers.
All persona desiring to acquire title to
anv lands in the United States or to
purchase school lands, school lieu lands.
will make no mistake by calling on L
S. Commissioner S. A. D. Gurley atAr-
lington, Oregon. ,
Make oney JavlngMt
-Before Buying Elsewhere, Call In and"
.Inspect My New and Choice Stock of.
m In Order to Encourage a Cash Trade I Make a
- ' Discount for Cash. Take Advantage of It
Mrs. S. A. Maddock
This Large New Hotel Is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur
nished Hotel In Gilliam County.
FirQt-r.lass Accommodation and Low Rates
The table is supplied with the best that the market affords.
Feed and Sale Stables,
All those defiring to eobacrilte for the
San Frandsco Eiaminer ahonld remem
ber that the best way to do it is through
the special agent at the Globe office. If
yon want to win prize yon should not
forget this. ,
Lone Rock Rumblings.
Our town can now toast of one gentle
man of leisure, in the person of Pete
The weather is the most changeable
ever expcr'(m''ed in this locality. It
will rain awhile, then a dense frost fog, j
then a little snow; but principally fine
warm weather like spring time.
Dud Flynn came over from lleppner
Monday, where he had been receiving
medical treatment, on account of being
pawed by a horse on the side of his head
a few days since. Dud' head Is badly
swollen vet and had a big hole in his jaw.
A gentloman by the name of Nuckola
with his wife and little girl arrived in
our burg last week. John Bowlen gave
them employment for the remainder of
the winter in hia restaurant. We are
pleased to note that there ia quite a
cIibiibo in the code of morrals about
this establishment since their coming.
Dr. Howard was over to attend the
youngest child of J 11 Bennett the first
of the week, and pronounced It a case of
scarlet fever. Everybody felt pretty
acary for a few days, but every precau
tion possible is being taken to keep the
disonse from spreading. Quite a num
ber of persons are ailing with sure throat,
which ia quite severe.
A petition is being generally signed
here asking the county court to change
tho road districts back the way they
were and allow a supervisor for each
district, so na to have the work done on
the roads when moat needed. There is
no great objection to paying their money,
hut thev want some one in their own
district to expend it at tbe proper time ;
Twickenham Twitchets.
Feb. 1st. i
Stock of all kinds are doing nicely and
areas fat as butter. , Grain and fruit
prospects are also moat flattering.
The climate on the river is the finest
in the world just like summer all the
year round. This is troly a paradise
when it comes to climate.
We do not know" of a taxpayer in
Southern Gilliam who favors the change
our county court has just made in the
road districts. What in thunder has got
over our county court? It is next to
impossible for the taxpayers to pay their
countv. school and state taxes, without
saddling such unnecessary burdens onto
them as this road tax and coyote bounty
tax. For goodness' sake, let n work
out all the taxes we can; we are all
stout and don't care how hard the work
is. There is general dissatisfaction
about this matter all over the county.
If the taxes must be increased and cash
paid, the people over here prefer letting j
it go towards building a court house at
Condon. .
We regret that the remonstrance
against the annexation of a portion of
Grant county to Gilliam was not circu-
lated in the south end of Gilliam coun
ty, a every voter and taxpayer, with
few exceptions, south of Fossil, onld
gladly have signed it. The people over
here are unanimous against the annexa
tion of any more territory tothiscounty.
Grant county is almost bankrupt' by the
criminal element in the very section
of country that wants to be annexed to
this, and the same fate await Gilliam if
it is taken In. The fow people in this
county who favor annexation can not
conceal the real object; it ia so trans
parent that any child can see through it.
The same "sneak" was attempted two
yeara ago but failed, and we hope it will
meet the same fate this time. J. H. P.
For Sale or Trade.
D. A. Dodson of Hay creek has nine
bend of good yonng stock hogs which he
will sell or trade for a good cow. Call
Large New Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates
A share of the public patronage is regpectr'ally solicited.
I have given Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a fair test and consider it one
of the very hest remediea for croup that
I have ever fonnd. One dose has al
ways been snftieient, although I nee it
freely. Any cold my children contract
yields very readily to this medicine. I
can consciously recommend it for croop
and colds in children. -Geo. E. vvolff,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Femdina,
Fla. Sold by druggins. -
Herbert Stephenson desires to inform
the public that they can save many a
dollar by trading with him and tting
the benefit of Ins large discount tor cash
Treasurer's Notice.
All county warrnnta registered prior
to Jan. 1. lSfto, w ill be paid on present-
at on at mv olhce. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
S. B. Barker,
Treasurer of Gilliam Count v, Or
Dated at Condon, Or., Dec. 21, 18H8.
James W.' Smith has the largest line
of agricultural implements to select from
in Gilliam county. Oliver plow and
extras a specialty.
GEO. W. RINEHART, Proprietor
The public will find that no belter accommodations can be
found in this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c.
Mr. Ward L. Smith of Frederickstown,
Mo., was troubled with chronic diar
rhoea fr over thirty years. He had be-
ramie fullv satisfied that it was only
question of a short time nntil he would
have to aive up. He had been treated
bv some of the hest phvsicians in En
rope and America but got no permanent
relief. One dRy he picked tip a news
paper and chanced to rend an advertise-
mem oi imnmnerinin a uonc, i. i-
and Diarrhoea Remedy. He got a bot
tle of it. the first, dose helped him and
its continued use cured him. For sale
by druggists.
800-acre Ranch for Sale.
Situated on Thirty mile; 2 miles of
rnnnina water all the year; sheepshed
2H0.30 feet ; box house, and orchard all
under fence; best sheep range tn tne
county. For particulars apply to the
proprietor on the premises.
Joseph Whyte.
Hon. W. J. Bryan's Book
ALL who arc interested In furthering the sale of Hoii.
W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond im
mediately with the publishers. J The work will contain
An account of his campaign tour
His biography, written by his wife
His most important speeches . .
The results of the campaign of I896
and In the proper places.
An eKchange gives this sure remedy
how to kill your town "Always pat
roniste everybody and everything else in
preference to your home people; send
your money out of the country for every
thing you buy, whore it never Amis its
way back again; toll evorvbody yon
talk to that jour homo business men are
all robbers and encourage them to send
away also for what they want. This
policy never was know n to fail in killinyt
a town as dead aa a door-nail,"
Fowil, Or.
ft. B. HKNlaU'K9,
Condon, dr.
Crttul M ten lion to othoo ronnwl and iimcttpe
IiihII the courts. also coiuiiiel by eorrvuvonilene.
Wo wrltu DwUb, l iens, Wills. Timnwrtptt,
alwtrncis, etc. Kin? insurance in tbe bent eonipn
nles extmit. Also attention in Collisions and
ljind 1jiw Notary I'uHie in each oftice.
A review of the coiiticei situation
announced his intention of devoting
one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of
bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor
mous sale. Address
W. B. C0NKEY COMPANY, Publishers,
- 341-331 tV.nrlinni St....CiaUC-0. '
County Warrants at Face.
I will take county warrants at their
face value in trade at my store in Con
don. S. B. Rakker.
Whi ran think
of tomit aimpi
tiuuitto patent
Wantechftn Idea
ITotcce vonr titcna t they mny br!
ty, Waaii'lnnon, 1). o.. tor their at 0 prima offer I
aad mw IM ut out tkotttaud iBtaUoas waalMi
i am
S m
. r.
i. kiss. -3k Mem frri tj :ut m-?-' m
trl J H Ml M V. E-V 1J
mm it
!PiS? ft, and Plana I
Tr Our new Catatnotie ii- a prand rjjltfollo of all the latest an.i
best Styles of Organs end Pianos. It illustrates, describes,
and eives manufacturers' prices on Organs from $23.00 up,
i from $ 1 50 up. It snows how to buy at wholesale
tbe manufacturers, ana save over 50 per cent.
naranteed for 25 yrs. , have been played and praised for nearly
1 yrs.; to-day tbey are the mosit popular icstrrments tnatle.
:V : ;. W-.irfl ail SPECIAL TSilbK ai Ci-Mltt. framaii to f.iiHh
1 omtmb this gmti book ia sent ? Write tor H ai ssa.
F-$16l'W.SCOIWISH & CO. (Bstab. naily 30 yrs) WesMr.n. W.J.
n'4" . 1 1 t dnii f 1 " Wr r am