l3iatias(!MMKi-'" THE GOHDOii GLOBE FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREGON. ATE IV COUNTY BOOMERS. Now that the legislature is about to convene the never-failing "new county" boomer is abroad in the land again, worse than ever before, and nearly every crossroads village in the state wants a new county struck off so as to make it the county seat. A correspondent writ ing from Mitchell to the Prineville Journal last week, 'bleeves that Mitchell would make a good coun ty seat, if only a new county were formed around it, including all of Gilliam county south of Fossil. He presents the very good and picturesque argument that with Mitchell as county seat, many a dollar would be spent there, in the saloons, etc., that now goes to Can yon City, Prineville and Condon. Loaded with a gripsack fulT of such argument, the new county boomers will ask the legislature to grant them this "long-felt want." We do not believe that there are half a dozen men living in Gilliam county south of Fossil who would prefer crossing the treacherous, unbridged John Day river and im passible mountainous roads to go to Mitchell as county seat in pref erence to Condon, which is only half the distance and good roads all the year round. Besides, Gil liam county has not an inch of ter ritory to spare and has no desire to be divided. There isn't a county in the state with the seat of govern ment so convenient to all of its people as in this county at present. The following sensible advice from the Oregonian will prove in teresting reading to the new coun ty boomers and rain-bow chasers: The legislature will make no mistake if it persistently refuse to consider the schemes for county division that will be urged upon its attention by enthusiastic repre sentatives of towns aspiring to county-seat honors. There is not in the whole state of Oregon a county that would be benefitted by being dismembered, nor is there a section that would be made more prosperous by assuming the burden of a separate county organization. There are already several counties possessing but a small population and not enjoying" a sufficient reve nue properly to support county government. They were created because of the great area of the counties to which they formerly belonged, and the necessity of re ducing it so that the people might live within a reasonable distance of the seat of government. This condition does not exist now iu any locality where there is a suffi cient population to maintain a sep erate county organization. The proposed new counties consist of territory already within reasonable distance of. the present county seats and enjoying fairly good com munication by rail. The demand for pew counties is made solely for town-booming purposes, to give towns added importance and the extra business incidental to a county-seat It is not worthy the at tention of the legislature, when so many important matters demand its consideration. Let that body give careful attention to the assess ment laws, the employment of con victs, the reduction of salaries, the better government of our state institutions, and other matters of general concern, and give new county boomers a cold shoulder. . A , California exchange says: "There is a probability that in the next legislature a bill will be in troduced, and possibly passed, to abolish the grand jury system, which is claimed by many to be a useless expense to the counties." Washington already has such a law and Oregon should hasten to avail herself of such a measure. , It! would save the state thousands of Cubans purchase any war equip dollars now spent on an old worn ments in this country. out Jaw. 1 Bert CuuKh Hyrup. TMt Gooi Use I I ! J 1 Intlnm. fold brrtrorfttMn. I I Efforts will undoubtedly be made to reduce the expenses of the vari ous judicial districts. The addi tional judge in , the third district, the creation' of three new districts in Eastern Oregon, do not seem to j be confirmed as wise by experience. This was to be expected, for the! changes were opposed by practical men familiar with the conditions. Senator Steiw,er, a merchant and a practical man, resisted the creation of added districts in his section, and similar protests came from the third district. One judgeship could be abolished in the district of Multnomah county. It will be time enough to restore it when the work has resumed its former vol ume. Oregonian. It is difficult to understand why Morrow county was cut on irom the ah district, as our joint senator, representative, circuit judge and district attorney were all opposed to it. Our readers will remember that something over two years ago a man was arrested, charged with horse stealing, and at his prelim inary examination before the jus tice of the peace at Condon the case was dismissed. A terrible howl was raised by several parties who were prejudiced against the complaining witness, because the costs were not taxed up to him by the J. P. The following, clipped from the Oregonian, will be of in terest to them: "Judge Eakin de cided Saturday that a committing magistrate has no authority to im pose costs upon a complaining witness in a state case; that the only remedy a party has who claims to have been wronged, is a civil action against the private prosecutor." . A reader asks: "What is the trocha, so frequently referred to in the dispatches from Cuba?" It is a military defense or barrier, inclu ding a barbed wire fence and ditch, extending entirely across the island of Cuba, its purpose being to pre vent the insurgents passing from one province into another, or from massing their force for a given movement The average width of the island is less than 70 miles; in some places it is much narrower than this. It is therefore possible for Weyler with his 200,000 soldiers in Cuba, to string a line of men en tirely across the island, and have them so near to each other that theoretically it would be impossi ble for any considerable number of insurgents to cross the line. The state board of equalization has completed its work for the year. The board .raised assess ments $9,413,293, making the gross equalized value of property in the state $151,863,114. The ex emptions are $8,684,699, leaving the net taxable property of the state $143,175,515, or $1,269,911 great er than that of 1895. The ex-, penses of the session were $3,840. 97. As there is only $2,925. 70 on band to pay the expenses of the board the coming' legislature will be called upon to make up the de ficiency. The board raised the Gilliam county assessment from $1,355,579 to $1,372,658, an in crease of $17,079. Judging from reports a great deal of money will be used at 8a- tlemin the senatorial contest this month. A big part of the republi can campaign fund sent out by the national republican committee was held back from disbursement dur ing the June campaign and is in the hands of those who will know how to use it during the senatorial fight It is said that Corbett, the Portland millionaire, will spend $100,000 to secure a seat in the United States senate. Spain is buying horses in Texas for the use of the Spanish army. Six hundred were recently shipped from New Orleans, and another in voice will follow. But Spain al most goes into spasms when the - --- - What has become of that $45,000 danme suit of Clarence Cole of Portland against the Oregonian? It seems to have been lost in the shuffle. NEW GOODS! NEW AT THE JAPJ1ES W. S IN ARLINGTON. lOur winter stock has sold at Hard Dry '. : goods, ladies' furnishing floods, cloth- ing and gents' furnishing goods, over coats and duck-lined goods, boots, shoes and rubber goods, mackintoshes and slickers, blankets and comforts, yarns and. fancy notions, hats and caps, gloves and ' mittens, hardware, stoves and tinware, groceries of all kinds, lime, sulphur and cement, harness and saddlery, lumber and shin gles, paints and oils, glass, crockery, wall paper, win . dows and doors: school books and stationery, , machinery of all kinds, Studebaker and Old Hickory wagons, ' Oliver plows, Etc-; ,; .. ; STANDARD. ACME AND McCORMICK MOWERS, REAPERS AND HAY: RAKES. HODGES LATEST-IMPROVED COME AND GET OUR PRICES. WHAT YOU DO HOT SEE, CALL FOR. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci at Thi Daixis, Ob., Dec., M, 180. Notice lahercby given thatthf following-named settler hut filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof in support of hi. claim, and that Mid proof will be made before H. N. FruT. comity clerk of Gilliam county, at Condon, Oregon, on February 13, lmm, vU: LEONARD LAFFERTY, Hd. 6557 for the se4 sec 18 tp 4 a of r 22 e. He name the following witness, to prove bis continuous res ilience upon and CHltlvatinn of, laid land, via: E. A. May, G. 8. C lark, O. Schilling and J. J. Fortwood, all of Condoti, Omron. Jl-47 Jas. F. Moore, Register. -GO TO THEg s NEW. DRUG STORE AROUND THE CORNER, WHERE YOU MAY QET Drugs, Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries of all kinds. We are putting in a new fresh stock and will soon be able to supply all comers. PRICES - AS LOW AS IN ANY OTHER TOWN IN EASTERN OREGON. The progressive ladies of Westfielil, Ind., issued "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing: date of April 3, 1806. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a co'rres pondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance of their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bron chilis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Con nil Remedv. For family oee it has no equal. I gladly recommend it." 26 and 60 cent bottles for sale by druggists. ri. B. HKMCBK'KS. H. H. HEKDRtCKft, loneion, ur. foa.ii, ur. H. H. & H. B. HENDRICKS, ATTOI1KEY8 AT LAW, OFFICES AT CONDOM AMD FOFHII., OSBOOM. Careful attention to oflice rnnn I and practice mall tne courts, also counsel ny eorreffponaence. We write Deeds, .Miks. Liens, Will.. Transcripts, abstracts, etc. Fire insuranceln the beat com pa. niea extant. Also attention to Collections and Land Law. Notary Fubllc In each olftce. County Warrants at Face. I will take county warrants at their face value in trade at mv store in Con don. S. B. Barkkk. Herbert Stephenson desires to inform the tiiiblic that thev ran save tnimv a dollar by trading with hint and getting the benefit of Ins large maconnt for rflxh .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION; Li kd Office at The Dalles, Ob., Nov. 17, 106, Notice la hereby given that the follow! un named settler ha. filed notice of hi. Intention to Diakennal proof In support of hla claim, and that auid proof will be made before M. A. U. fiurlcy, V. n. commissioner, ai Arlington, ur on Jan. v, 1897, vis: GEORGE W. CHAMBEflLAIN. Hd. fiftS, foi the nw'4 sec IS tp 2 s of r 21 e. H names me following witnesses to prove his continuous lesiaenee upon and cultivation f, mi 1.1 liiti'l, viz: 1. P. Thomas of Arllnutcn. Charles Bell, Hurry clay and Albert Miller of Hint. Oregon, naMl .Us. V. Moore, Kiiglstcr. To The Public. : I have taken charge of the old Hod con livery stable in Arlington and hope my friend from every wherewill reiiiem tr mt when they pome to town. Mr rates are very moderate and the ver'v bent care is taken of stock left in invcar;. Give me a chance. J, F. Tuoha. GOKDOH BLACKSMITH SHOP G. 8. CLARK, Proprietor. CENTRAL BLACKSMITHS AND WOQC WORK. The Only Firft-c!as Wackundth and Horsoslior r in the County. MAIN STREET, CONDON, OREGON. GOODS! STORE OF arrived and is being; Times Prices. STEEL FRAME HEADERS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La go Office at Thi Pallim, Ok.. Dee. 28, vm. Notice la hereby Riven that the following named .ettler hat filed notice of hi. intention to make final proof in support of hi. claim and that antd proof will be made before H. N. Krnr, coun ty clerk of (illllain county at Condon, Oregon, on February IS. liw, vd: ISAAC M. SMITH. Hd. 5037, for the ni tteif e' ne ee 20 and nw'-i nw!- aec21tp&.of r 24a. He name the following wltne.se to prove hi. contluuon rc.ideitce npon and cultivation of, .aid land, vli: N. thanlnl Scott, O. II. Neel. Henry Ferry and Q. II. C. Earliart, all of Lone Hock, Uwoii. Jl 47 ' Jab. F. Moor., Register. CHARLES FIX, i i Proprietor of LIVERY, FEED STABLE & CORRAL. Lower Main St., Condon, Or. Hay and grain over night, cash, SOc; hay only, cash, 2.V; stallroom, per span, cash 2Ac. Camp hone with cook-stove free to patrons who fur nish their own fnel. Price for welifhlnc bay, firuln, produce of all kinds, live stock, etc., on nnce scales, 25c a draft: hack welKhliiK free. A liberal reduction on contract webhlng. The U. 8. mull for Lone Kock leave my burn (very mnrniuir, except Hundays, atfto'chxk. Passen gers will please Hive notice the night previous. A share of the patronage Is solicited. jrjCe('oufctioiiery store and sods fountain, tobacco, cigars, pool table, etc.. In connection. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE REED, BUCKINGHAM & NIVEN, PROPR'S. r FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fostll (GO mites).... 00 Round trip, 110 00 Mayvlllc (A3 miles).. 5 00 Kound trip, 900 Condon (ilff miles).., 400 Round trip, 700 Clem (20 miles)...... 800 .....Kound trip, ft 00 01ex(l miles) 200 Kound trip, BOO Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 0 o'clock ; Is dHe at Condon at 3 p ra and arrives at Fossil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches and careful, ex perienced drivers. ao vcAits tXPERIENOI. - J TEfABK MiKL t. DISIONS, COfVIIOMT o. Anyone senrllng a sketch and description may Quickly wKwrtaln, free, whether an Invention la protmtuy pittental)e. CotiimiuitmtliHia atrl.-tly coniluentl'iL Oldest airenej forseTiirliig pntente In America. Wa have a WasliliiKtnn ofrlrn. Patenu taken througb Muun A Co. receive pecial nottoe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully lllnsrratHd, lnrgeat ctrrmlatlon of anr scientific Journal, weekly, terms I.IKI a yean tIMvx months, rliwclnicn copies and iLuin ituciK OH 1'ATitNTS seut free. Addrau MUNN A CO., Ml Ureweway, Hew Terlb r V-' It. II. Robinson. ROBINSON IS THE PLACE . TO GENERAL MEGHAN DS FRESH GROCERIES, Tobacco, Confectionery, Stationery, Etc., FOR CASH ONLY, AT BEDROCK PKIUtS. UNION BLOCK. ARLINGTON. OR. Of ArlinRton, Or., Mn. Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States ; and Europe, interest anowea on umo SPECIAL ATTENTION CIYEN TO CCCTJONS. WE SOLIClt TOUR BUSINESS, j D.M.FRENCH, PrMkUnti W. W. STEIWER, Vlo-Prtldnt FRANK T UIIBI RIIPT. rs.hlar. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH, W. . , Ci EDWARDS AND jinnnnnnjwinAruuvrui Iv. O. Ralston, OLEX, - : - OREGON, DEALER IN .mm General Merchandise, Implements. Choice Groceries, Drygoods, Hardware, drugs, boots and shoes. ---- Full lines are carried and new goods constantly arriving. Stock salt, blacksmith coal and feed in carload lots, at competition prices. U will pnv stockmen to come to Ole KEEP - YOUR - FLOUR! .FOR CHEAPEST AND BEST FLOUR ON EARTH -APPLY SMITH & ROYAL OF THE FOSSIL MILLS. DROP IN 5R00f Lower Main St., whn you fl Ilk njoylng m flrtt-olaM - CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUCHT. All kinds of first-class UqiTorS on hand. COME TO THE GLOBE JOB ROOMS IfoI ARTISTIC JOB piIf4jIJSfCi, fZZ r)b$. Only Job Office in w... riffe iriyiiwmi.i .....tiiii'iiiiiiiwml: i&m US I Jt. 2tttT f atal"P'e best styles of Onrani and Vive tnBni.f,.Yn. i fti m uu viaiia iruiii ja,oo un. and Manos from ijo up. It sliowa how to buy at wholwX direct frnm tha itiin,i,Cnnt.. ,i ' . airect from the mamifncturerii, and Save over so per cent THE CORNISH ORGANS AND PIANOS Guaranteed for yt., have been played and praised for nearly t n - a- 'CORNISH & CO. tmmmmtnmm ,,M ,. F. U. Robimow, BROS. GO FOR BARGAINS, 9Q18. Banking Business. Subject to Check. W. STEIWER. E. B. MoFARLAND, L. A. V, liawsun. ttr EYE - ON - OLEX. FLOURII THE TO- AT COB'S Arlington, Oregon., Gilliam County. 3 Kpd portfolio of tU the latest and and Piimr. it ni.,.,. j A.-. a-.r'i"""' (Etal nenrly 8U m.) U(..ki...- Z , tm win nibc. wrrtim wnr jr n mm g - ,, - ,,,.,.. liMiia-tt. t in