Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 04, 1896, Image 3

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te-iii i . j
, th yturljr iohtohptlim to Mis QloisIiH.M,
If paid In iitvinc. II not paid In kItiiim, W
i will bo eluded. A blut pencil nark' urmind
thli nolle Indicate! that your itilncrlptlon x
ylrcfr nq-thln tnuf, I'ltnwt renaw promptly.
P. II. Stephenson desire ui to an
nounce that he hm (or lalua Urge quan
tity of May vllle flour.
Oliver Nelson mads final proof on tiU
Ferry Canyon homestead Saturday be
fore the county elerk, '
W. J. Bryan will earn ft larger salary
thli coming year on tlie lecture platform
, than if be had been elected president,
Ed Tortwood will open ft ealoon lit
Mayvllle aUnit the 10th of next month,
See hi petition (or liquor license lu thli
A. 0. Scott, the Home Range collets-
tor, It in thli section again collecting
the (mail balance yet due him In title
Aivot. Lnwaon, ine unpnai minister oi
ayvllle, will conduct revival at Con
don next week, commencing Monday
The leveral newly-married groom
gave ft free dance In the Armory hall
here Monday night, which wai enjoyed
by number of young folk.
Kit ufrinitjll that Thm Halloa C.UrnnA
" - . i v v ,nt i v . v ... .t
.1 again one of the beet-edited and
brightest paeri on the coast. 1. II,
Cradelbnugh ii editor of It again.
Mia Louella Mnddock left Tuetday
lor Pendleton,, where he will take a
course in the 8t. Joseph academy. Her
mativfrlends here will mlu her.
Jukj.Uer cliangt ha been made In the
0. E N. time table. The westbound
train now arrive at Arlington at 2:42 a.
tu. and the eautbound at 12:28 a. ni.
. The equal suffrage amend men t carried
in Idaho, which make four states In
which women can vote. The throe oth
er are Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.
Rev. F. L. John of Foaill request oi
to announce that he will preach at Con
don next Huuday, morning and evening.
All are cordially Invited out to hear him.
A grand ball will be given at Foaeil on
Friday night of Oil week, to which all
re Invited. Itesides the dance there
will be other amusement that will be
very entertaining.
' Mi Palsy Downing, who I attending
. the UU) normal school at Wealon, ar
. rived here Tuesday of last week on a
v eit to her (oik and remained until
Tuetday of thi week.
A young man in Portland ha invent
ed a machine for darting e. lire in the
tnorniutf without getting out of bed.
The (tLom would like to take a (ew of
4 I. A in An all iMaMtrt (tit St II ' , .
It seems that the colder the weather
the more marriage take place. Had
the cold imp lamed (ew week longer
it I thought all of the young (oik would
have committed matrimony.
Several day ago Jack Glasgow caught
in trap an eoormout eagle, seven feet
acroa the shoulders, including the
wing. It wa dead when be found It,
and it stuffed akin now adorn the
Summit eutotm.
Her friends and (ollow-atodent will
regret to learn of the lerion illness from
consumption of Mi Nora Wealherford
t her home in 'Gilliam county. Mia
Weatherford attended the Normal school
lait winter, Weton Leader.
In several of the eastern etatc the
legislatures are about to pars a law nmk-
lug football playing ft felony, the mine
ft prle fighting. They believe that one
is just a brutal and degrading a the
other, and are going to put ft etoo to it.
During the winter month a change of
stage borte will be made again nt Olex
and Condon, a formerly. Since the
preeent management took charge of the
line eeveral month ago, but one change
whr made on the 60-mile route, that be
ing at Clem.
An attempt will be made in the near
future to organize telephone company,
with headquarter at lleppner, (hat will
tap the whole Interior country, and
; eventually, connect u with the "Long
. Distance" at me plaee in Gilliam
. county. Hardman, Lexington, lone and
other point will be reached. Heppner
At tho shooting match here Thursday
the following peron won turkey:
Will Searcy 2, W. L. Wilcox 1, B. K.
fiearey 1, Plied Grider 1. Mr. Grider
aleo won the of lieef by the beat (10-
yd off-baud shot. Sheriff Wilcox made
a remfttkable shot, putting a bullet
through a turkey' head, ft diatom of
200 yards, the first shot.
The Weston1 Leader last week made
the announcement tlmt Prof. Hiram
' ' Henry wa going to be married at Con
don on Thanktgiving. This lit mil
take, hi the professor i itill enjoying
Ingle cuiindness a uiuch a he ever
did. " But he I liable to be run througl
the matrimonial mill any time, a he la
quite favoritu among the fair aex.
Editor . M. Shutt of the Antelope
Herald doe not propose to get left oil
aceonnt of being late, hence his peti
tlon to be appointed register ol the land
offiVe nt thi place I already out. Mr
Bhntthn had considerable experience
in land mutter, and the way he "whoop
v ed "ejiu np" lor McKlnley entitle hint to
i aeognillon.--I)Ue TIoies-Mountaineer.
Traveling men and residents of this
county who frequently vlnit all the
neighboring town say that Condon It
the livellett and beat little town In the
state. They all ay alio that the Globc
I one ol the best country newspaper
In the date,' which account (or the
town'i present high date of prosperity.
Wherever you find a good newspaper
you will find good town.
Wheat Ii looking op and it la now
claimed that seventeen million bushel
will be required monthly by Europe,
from now until next July. A it i Im
possible lor oh year' crop to overcome
year of short crop and at the tame
time make a surplus, the outlook for
good price I very bright. It i toler-
bly certain that next year' wheat crop
will not tell below 70 cent a bushel.
A the time for making cash entry on
the forfeited Northern Pacific railroxd
land expire Jan. 1st, 1807, the boil-
neat of the land ofhVe I picking up, and
there will lie quite a mah of business
from thi time until that date. There it
no probability of the time being extend
ed, no demand having so far been made
for It, and nil desiring to make proof
intiat do so during the year 1806. Dalle
The intense cold weather on Thanks
giving a I moat prevented the game Of
football coming off at Condon, but the
boy were all on baud and played any
way. A wa expected, the rossll team,
which wa in excellent practice, won
easily. Two Inning were played, the
Fossitites scoring one goal each inning,
making two goals to Condon's 0. It was
lively game and greatly enjoyed by the
large crowd of spectator.
Notwithstanding the fact that Thanks
giving wa one of the coldest day ever
experienced at Condon, a tremendous
crowd came out to attend the ball, for
which 08 number were (old. Had the
weather been a pleasant a it usually is
the latter part of November, there I no
doubt that at least 150 number would
have been void. The orchestra wa
comprised of Jeddy Brown of Fossit,
Prof. Henry and 8. P. Shuttof Condon.
Fin supper were prepared at Mad-
dock' hotel, Rinehart and Smith's res
Frank Nelson, an old bachelor who
has resided io Ferry Canyon for the last
nine years, engaged in farming and rais
ing horses, died Monday night, after an
illness of several week. The burial took
place nt Condon Wed need ay . The de
l-caned came from Illinois to California
during the gold excitement of '49, and
remained there until about ten year
ago, when he came to thia county. He
leave no relative In the West that we
know ol. Of the property be leave
there are about 100 bend of horse and
eeveral hundred acre of deeded land.
Paper all over the Northwest are no
ticing the arrival of Arctic or mowy
owls. They have been seen at man
places all the way from the boundary line
to the California line. One paper say:
Thi owl travel southward with the
docks, the companion it I generally
found with." Owl and duck do not
travel together unless the duck Is inside
the owl. The duck come down from
the north every winter, bnt the snowy
owl does not migrate unless the winter
north Is unusually severe, and hit food
supply is shot off. The last time these
birds were seen here in number wa in
the hard winter of 1881-82.
Our city council ha very properly
concluded to assist our cornet band for
several month, to the amount of f 10 a
month, which will go towarda helping
to pay our instructor, Prof. Henry. The
member of the band have been mt to
great deal of expense, beside the time
devoted to practice, and it ia bnt right
that the town nssint them a little. .All
other town do the Mine and feel that it
ia money well spent, for all must admit
that a band is a great improvement and
benefit lo a place. Before the council
made this allowance, however, a peti
tion waa circulated and the name of the
taxpayer of the town secured with their
approval. , '
Wedding Bella.
Married, by Rev. Weathenlon, an En
glish minister, at his residence in Port-
bind on Nov. 25th at 2:30 p. m.. Mr. P.
II. 8tupheneon and Mis Goldie Darling,
both ol Condon. The happy couple ar
rived home Friday and havealrendy be
gun housekeeping in rooms in t lie rear
of bis store, which have been elegantly
tilted up and furnished for the occasion.
The groom ia a prosperous young mer
chant of thia place and the bride is one
of the most accoitfilished young ladies
in the country, and their many friends
Imlieva that, a better match could not
have been made.
Married, by the Congregntionnlist
minuter, Rev. Curtiss, in The Dulles on
Nov. 2ttth, Mr. 8. B. Couture and Mis
Clara Lambereon. They have already
gone to housekeeping at the groom's
comfortable home in terry Canyon, with
the best withes of their many friends.
Married, at Condon on Sunday even
ing, Nov. 29th, Mr. Ed Portwoed and
Mrs. Alma Sayre, of Arlington. The
liitppv young couple will soon move to
Mayville, v. here the groom will engage
In (mainens, They have a hoet of friends
who join in hearty congratulations.
Married, at the home of the, bride's
narents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Curl, near
Mavvillo on Nov. 2Hlb, Mr. Win. Ram
say and Miss Annie Curl. May their
voyage o'er the tea of matrimony be a
aiooth one.
G. MUlett of Junction city the other
day sold'7,500 bushels of wheat for 75c
bushel. Thi man only few year ago
wa renter without a dollar, while now
he I worth $35,000 and he ha made
every cent of thia money by farming.
He i a practical farmer, and claim to
day that raising wheat at 50 cent per
bnshel I the best business In the world.
Engen Guard. -
The weather ha moderated." again,
butalllast week wa the coldest ever
experienced in thi country during the
month of November, and about fta cold
a ever felt here at any other, season of
the year. Several morning the mer
cury wa forced down to 15 degree tie-
low xero, and aevernl of our people look
ed desperately at the spot where tiieir
woodpile ought to be. The cold snap
bas been general all over the country,
but no one predicts a very severe winter
from now on, except our friend Hick,
who believes the winter 'will tie a little
more severe than utual. We have not
heard of any dock or sheep suffering
during the cold snap, but it is safe to
conclude that those who have plenty of
bay are resting the easiest just now. .
The witnesses and juror who served
at the time the sheep trespasa case of H.
C. Strickland vs. Giede ft Homerfield
was heard in justice's court at Condon
a year ago will soon begin to think that
the case never will be disposed of, and
they cannot be blamed for wanting their
fee, which should have been paid when
the service was rendered. The sixty
day' time in which a bill of exceptions
should have been filed with a view to
Carrying the case to the date supreme
court bas expired, and it seem tons
that all that i left to do now is for Mr.
Strickland to proceed to collect the
amount of hi judgment and coat from
the defendant. The wilnetee and jur
or can rest assured that, although the
case appears to be everlasting, it will
come to an end toiue time and they w ill
get their fee.-
Arlington items.
Squire Ebi had hi bob sleighs out for
the firtit time in several year.
The infant child of W S Farr died last
Saturday evening and was buried Sun
day afternoon. ' '
The box social given last week by the
A. O. U. W, was a grand success socially
and financially.
Skating ha been the absorbing topic
for several days. It bas been the best
for many yen re at this place.
The geese have nearly all gone south
since the cold snap, leaving the sports
in the rear to shoot jack-rabbits and tell
bow many geese they can kill.
The R R between here and Portland
i blockaded and the snow plows are at
work cleaning the track. We have had
no Portland mail for several day.
Alex Crawford of Lone Kock moved
hi family to Arlington the first of the
week on account of Mr. C health.
Their son Wm. i (topping with them
for a few day.
The Arlington Gun Club held its reg
ular election the first of the week and
re-elected all of the old officers. They
will try and have the game law amend
ed so that hunter will not be allowed
to hunt and kill geese on their roosting
Last week snow fell hore to the depth
of 6 inches, and the Coldest we had was
5 degrees lielow xero. At The Dalles
the snow waa two feet deep and 3 and 4
feet several1 hundred miles east of here.
Rough as it was here, it was mild com
pared with every other section of country.
Some of the hobos got to making too
free use of the city's coal oml the mar
shal concluded be would take them in
and give them a stove to burn it in, but
when be put them to work fixing op the
city park grounds and other little jula
thev skipped out and left Carlisle to do
it himself.
The band entertainment was openetl
by 8 A D Gurley, president of the band,
by au able address, setting forth the ob
ject of the organisation and benelit it ia
to a town to have a good band. After
the entertainment the floor was cleared
and about 100 persons enjoyed them
selves until the small hours dancing.
Thanksgiving day passed of quietly
here, owing to the cold weather.. The
Gun Club had its clav pigeon shoot.
Walter Coinptoii walking oil with first
prise a five-dollar hat. R I Cox and
W H Coiwell took second and third
places. A lot of turkey were shot fort
by some of the crack shots and some
that were not to crack.
Bill Crawford, brother of Geo. Craw
ford, the politician, came through here
last week on his way to Southern Ore
gon, looking tor a new location. Mr.
Crawford has been interested iu a mine
tnnt he found near Spokane, out of
which the aix partners have taken $76,-
000 within the hint two years. He has
sold his interest and will take life easy
for awhile.
Hey, Beef-eaters!
Life is scarcely worth living unless
you have good health, and nobody can
enjoy good health without plenty of
good beef. The delicious, juicy steaks I
keep will do you so much good (hat yon
will forget all your troubles and debts.
Call in and buy some, also engage your
poultry from uie.
, Frrd Cornett,
Only u simple question! Why send
away for n (evting machine when you
can get one of the "Late9t Improved"
and guaranteed for 5 years, from Shurts
Bros. IMce- from ,15 to (60. .
Lone Rofck Rumblings.
. Our protracted meeting seems to be
well attended, considering the bad
Some of our sheep men have been
feeding their aheep for several daya on
account of the frost on the grass.
How do w always know a' gold stan
dard lady by light op here? By the,
color of her spectacles, of course;
Rome parties got so badly tangled up
here last Thursday that it ii thought
they can never be separated again.
The road are in sucli bad cobditlon
tbat it Is almost imposfible to go to any
of the neighboring town with wagon.
' "Mr. John Bowlen will soon have his
store running in full blast. Good fires
and comfortable seat for bums, a spec
ialty. The protracted meeting i still in
progress and much interest is manifest
by the large congregation that attend
each service.
Dud Flynn got back to the "land of
smiling damsels" last week. Dud is
quite a favorite among the ladies, who
are delighted to welcome him beck.
James Vickers, who live four mile
sooth of town met with ft very painful
end serious accident last week by Tailing
on the froxeo ground and fracturing hi
hip.-- .'.vf ', r ... '.'. V
Dr. Hunlock sold bis residence here to
Henry Neel and moved bi family to
lleppner a few day ainre, where be
will follow bi profession for an indefi
nite time. ;
The ususual cold weather ha froxen
the content of most of the cellars a boot
this burg, and the bogs that were butch
ered before the cold spell are froxen so
hard that you con't tell the meat from
the bone.
Thi ha been the worst Novernlter
weather ever experienced by the inhabi
tant of this country. The thermometer
has ranged from 10 to 15 degree below
xero for the 'past ten day. At present
it itchinooking.
Every one np here ia cranky about the
frosty, cold weather. It is about the'
most disagreeable weather we have had
for years and everything i froxe up
tighter than iome of the politicians got
just after the election.
Our burg' is badly in need of some
peace officer' that will take the hoodlums
in hand who are in the babit of domag
ingonr public school property by break
ing the bell, etc., as well as disturbing
the peace unlawfully. What'a the mat
ter with onr directors?
Married, at the residence of Mr. An
drew Neel on Nov. 26, Henry Neel and
Miss Mattie Davis, Rev. John officiat
ing. About 50, most of whom were rel
ative, witnessed the affair and partook
of the wedding feast given in honor of
the long-looked-for event.
. Olex Explosions.
There wai quite a dance at Locust
grove last week.
Andy and Will Wilkin left the date
for California last week.
Say, did you ever hear tell of what
"liverwort" did? Ask Clarence Scog
gins. He is on the shelf.
'J. F. Hayes was in Olex Tuesday. He
is making arrangements to winter bia
beep on Rock .Creek thi winter.
' Navigation is rather sluggish toward
Arlington. J. J. Wasson broke the
tongue out of his wagon Tuesday while
crossing Rock creek.
They say history repeat itself and
tlmt thi will be the hardest winter
since 1813. Stockmen better be laying
in an abundance of feed.
Snow 4 inches deep at Olex and ttill
enowing. Thermometer - has been from
2 degrees to 14 degrees below xero at
Olex and within ten miles. .
We hope Win. Stewart, who was re-
j enlly injured in the stage accident, will
soon be able to handle the ribbons agein
on the route, ae he is a very accomodat
ing driver.
,' Harry Reed, the stage man, was in
the city during the week looking after
stage interests, repairing broken axles,
putting sleighs in order and changing
the stock from Clem to Olex again.
We are pained to chronicle a very sad
accident, which hapened lust week.
Mr. Wm. Smith, living at the mouth of
Hay creek on the John Day, while re
turning from the burial of his sister Ids
team' ran away, killing one horse,
smashed up the rig and bruised the oc
cupants but not seriously.
The bond papers not being properly
drawn up and signed by the Supt., the
new school house will not be built this
winter. But thanks, if this weather
keeps up and we get snow enough, we
will mine wheat enough to enable ns to
erect our own buildings and not be com
pelled to call upon anyone to help us out.
Estrayed Sheep.
About Oct. 12th, 40 or 50 liend of lost
or etitrnyvd shep cam into my an
near Susauvillp, They ore all old ewes ;
have a crop off both ears and some of
I limn are branded with something tike
an H with a bar thronsh the renter.
I others with an X Riuineveral with a K.
Owner ran have same by proving prup
erty ami pitying expense's.
. " Fkko Monroe, Condon, Or.
Of Interest to Settlers.
H. N. Fraxer, County Clerk, at Con
don, Oregon, continues to give special
attention to U. S. government land ap
plicalions, filings mid proofs'. He is altd
prepared to receive applications fur the
purchase .of forfeited railroad Ifcuile,
tste, auhoo! snd lion lands, ai his atfioa.
S 0 1111 ETH
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators.
Make Money
, " Before) Buying Elsewhere, Call In and 1 1 ' :..
im lit 1 My New and Choice Stock -
"In Order, to Encourage a
. Large Discount for Cash.
Condon Hotel ,
M rse S. A. M ad dock
This Large New Hotel Is the Most Comfortable and feest-Fur
nished Hotel In Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates
The table !b supplied with the beet that the market affords.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on North Main Street
Condon, - - Oregon
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is recpect fully solicited.
GEO. W. RINEHART, Proprietor.
The public will find that no better accomniociatiohii can he
found in thia country than at thia house. Meals 25c; beds 25c.
by Savins It NEW PRICED
Cash Trade I Make a"
Take Advantage of It;.