Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 31, 1896, Image 4

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j'ni irt 1 1 ' i n' 1 m 1 '.tt .
Resnlts proye Hood's Barsaparllle the best
blood purifier, appetiser tod nerva touto. in tact
h the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; P.
Tbe Best Remedy In the World
.Males People Well.
you rm?'mm
Hood's Pills care all Liver 111. Si oenta.
Iowa almost from the date of ita ad
mission hat been oalled the "Hawkeys
state." Hawkeys was the name of a
noted Indian ohiel
The Elkhart (Ind.) Telephone Com
pany is retailing "helloa" at five oenta
per day for residences, and seven cents
for basincss houses.
The franchise or easy direst Ion -one of the
most valuable In the gift of medical science
con be secured by any person wiwe enough to
ue Hoetetier'i Stomach Bitten, either to cui
press growing dyapepala. or to uproot it at ma
turity. Bilious, rheumatic end feTer and ague
sufferer;, perrons troubled with nervousness,
end the constipated, shoald also eecnra the
health franchise by the same means.
Pure lead has been found some thirty
feet under the grountd near Chester,
IlL . A company has been organised to
mine it.
I never used so quick a cure as Flso's
Cure tor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box
1171, Seattle, Wasn., Not. 25, 1895.
Professor Vaoghan claims to bare
invented a telephone by which conver
sations can be carried on between New
York and London.
The peat bogs of Great Britain and
Ireland are estimated to contain fuel
equivalent in heat producing to 4,000,
000,000 tons of coal.
FITS. All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Great Kerve Restorer, No fltsaftertbeBrst
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,
oa Arcu ou, rouaaeipma. ra.
Tax Gkbmia lor breakfast.
jf j!
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
' rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionaof families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness withont debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
- all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when yon pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
ved and gives most general satisfaction.
Blood Poison.
Contagious Blood Poison has been ap
propriately called the curse of mankind.
It is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; heir mercurial and potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in s total
wreck of the system. '
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent
Jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash-
-. ington,D.C.,says:
lrV .' I was for a lnno
time nnder treat
merit of two o(
- the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the while, not
withstanding the
(fact tnat tney
S charged me three
.M I Vi 11 i H Hnllafsi
My month was
filled with eatine sores: my tongue was
almost eaten awav, so that for three
months I was nnaole to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After had taken four bottles, I
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without s
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life
of misery." S.S.S. guaranteed purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Books on thediseast
and its treat
ment.' mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
In writing to advertisers don't for
get to mention tiii paper.
"4. If I
ssfT.' ; t.
-jswiwi li a mm
Making; Orchards Pay.
The accompanying Illustrations, en
graved from photographs taken at the
same distance so as to preserve the
exact relative proportions of each, tell
the whole story of the difference be
tween., care and neglect of a young
orchard. Each of these trees Is the
best not a representative, but the best
tree to be found In the orchard from
which it la taken, though the larger
(Fig. 1) is more nearly representative
than the smaller (Fig. 2). The tenants
on five adjoining farms owned by one
man, were furnished with a hundred
or more trees to the farm. Thus the
trees were all planted at the same
time, in similar soil, and from the same
lot of trees, so that the only difference
must come as a direct result of the
planting, and after-care received. In
the best of these orchards there was no
stinting in digging the holes. The roots
were carefully spread, and the soil,
mixed with stable manure, firmly
packed about them. Every winter the
ground has been covered with manure
taken directly from the stable, a few
extra forkfuls being thrown close about
each tree, and during the summer the
soil has been cultivated in truck and
potatoes. These orchards are no w
seven years old, and In this particular
one only several trees have been lost,
In spite of the extremely dry summers,
though I know of one of the orchards
which has but twelve trees left and
none of those of value. American Agri
culturist '
A Homemade Garden Boiler.
The illustration herewith shows a
handy garden contrivance that can be
made in a few moments. A sectloa Is
sawed from a round log, and its surface
smoothed. Two round bits of iron rod
are driven Into the center of eaca end,
and the roller is ready to take the place
of the wheel in the wheelbarrow, the
latter being unshipped for this purpose.
The special value of this arrangement
is that no new frame nor handles are
vated shallow and the surface kept
level to fall of yielding a good crop, but
we have seen many pieces half ruined
by running a deep furrow between the
rows Just as corn was coming Into taa-1
seL This exposes a larger surface to j
the air to be dried out, and If any rain
falls it is sure to run in the furrow and
do the least possible good.
needed for tbe roller, and that the bar
row can be weighted to give just tbe
pressure desired.
Growing Peppers for Market.
In every neighborhood there is us
ually a good demand for garden pep
pers about tbe time vegetables are be
ing put up for pickles. We have known
farmers who have made a good busi
ness growing a few hundred pepper
plants, and selling the produce not only
to neighbors, but through grocery stores
In the near-by city or village. Tbe
plants need to be started in a green
house, and unless tbe farmer has one
of these useful conveniences it will pay
him to purchase tbe plants of some
commercial seed and plant grower, who
will sell them by the hundred at cheap
er rates than a farmer can afford to
grow for himself the small number
that he requires.
Shallow Cultivation for Corn.
Nearly all authorities now agree that
only shallow cultivation should be given
corn, and that this should be done so
as to leave the surface nearly or quite
lcveL This Is tbe best way to save the
moisture in the soil for the dry time
tliat is pretty sure to corns when corn
is sarlnf . Ws nsvsr knew corn culti-
Buck wheat After Buckwheat. i
The buckwheat crop la more often I
grown in succession than is any other, !
In part perhaps because it is often put j
on land that cannot be prepared for '
other crops earlier in the season. So ;
there is no alternative when the sod Is j
once broken up but to sow buckwheat j
until the land can be reseeded. Ws I
have known timothy seed sown with . There Is one true specific for diseases
buckwheat, in July, and making a fair j arising from Impure blood and a de
stand when the buckwheat was cut j bilitated nervous system, aiid that is
early In September. On dry uplands Paine' s celery compound, to generally
clover Is sometimes sown with buck- j prescribed by physioisns. It is prob
wheat and gets sufficient foothold in ably the most remarkable remedy that
the soil to endure the winter. But ' the sclent Ifio research of this countrv
wherever the land Is too wet to allow
any other crop than buckwheat to be
grown on It, there Is no use trying to
grow clover. It may make a show in
the fall all right, but will Inevitably be
lifted out of the soil by freezing and
thawing the following winter.
Silver Fpangled Hambnrga,
After twelve years of breeding and
carefully testing nearly all breeds of
thoroughbred fowls as egg producers,
I give my preference to the breed shown
here. I have carefully tested them for
twelve years and In one experiment
they showed their superiority as fol
lows: Ten hens and a cock of Brown
Leghorns, Laced Wyandot and Silver
Spangled Hamburgs were placed in
has produced. Prof. Edward E
Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth
college, first prescribed what is now
known the world overai Paine's oelery
compound, a positive cure . for dys
pepsia, biliousness, liver oomplaint,
neuralgia, rhenmatism, all nervous
diseases and kidney troubles. Fur
the latter Paine's oelery compound has
uoceeded again and again where
everything else has failed.
Street railway rails In Memphis,
Tenn., are being welded together with
molten steel.
Tou will find one coupon
Inside each two ounoe bag
and two coupons Inside each
Durham. Buy a bag of this
eelobrated tobacco sod read
tbe coupon which lives a
list of valuable prsssnts sad
bow to get them.
1 . " ''" '1
' ' ' f
By local applications, as they cannot re' h the
diseased portion of the ear. There l only one
way to mire deaf ucM.aud that is byvonstitntlnn
al rvmedlei. Deafuow is c iird by su liill'imi l
condition of the mucous lining of Kuninrh hii
Tube. When this tubeceis Inflamed you nave
a rumbling sound of lmrrfec;i hearing and
when it is entirely oloMd deHtiiws is the result,
and unless tbe inflammation run be taken oui
and this tube restored to It normil co dltion
hearing will be destroyed foie'er; nine eium
out ol ten sre caused by catarrh, ablaa l
nothing but an Inflamed condition ol the
We will gle One Hundred Pollnrs for sny
I ease of Deafness (caused br catarrh) that cmi
f ttnthMrl h tlall'i Catarrh llii... U..n.t f..r
circulars free.
IT. J. nifKNBV A Oft..T.ilml,i. o
I Bold by Drwtsrists, 76c.
; Ball's family nils are the best.
To be perfectly nrooortloned it is
' claimed that a man should weigh
! twenty-eight pounds to every foot of
his height
At Burlingams, Ban Mateo County. Cal .
la ... t U . . .1 .. I. i . I ,
id uuo ui hue iuuei fc(iuriru)En, carriuf nuu
practical "Home Schools" to be found on
the Faoitta ooaet. It prepare boys for any
, university, technical school, or 'for a tivt
I business; is accredited at the 8tute and
Stanford Universities, and under the able
separate yards, fed the same and cared
for exactly alike. Eggs produced:
May. June. July. : management of x Btate Supcrintciiiletil
2I5 '54 v-,7 ! Ira O. Uoitt. Ph. ranks ainonir the tint
S. S. Hambu.'gs..,
Brown Leghorns ..204 183
Laced Wyandots 125 125 K
The Hamburgs gave more egys per 1
day and during July were becoming j
fat, while half the Wyandots .wanted 1
to sit. The Hamburgs continued to lay, j
showing no signs of broodlaess und ;
laying nearly as many eggs during Sep-1
tember as in May. During the prevl
ous year the eggs from twenty Ham-)
burg fowls sold for $50.35, making a .
net return over cost of feed of $1. 13 per
ben. This is a handsome fowl with !
silver white plumage, each feather cud-,
Ing with a most beautiful spangle.
They are a small fowl and very light :
eaters, consuming only about half ns
much as the larger Wyandots. They
are non-sitters, active foragers
stand confinement better than any
other breed I have yet tried. Leslie
Stewart in Farm and Home.
schools in the Unite! States. Ke-opens
August . -Mtmng ana seienttjie itm.
Mrs. Slawsoo's EconouilM,
"My wife," said Major Slawson, "can
beat the world at economy, but it would
be money in my pocket to have her oth
erwise. Invariably when she bays a
new gown she gets a yard too little at
first, then she buys more stuff, and bus
enough left over for a new waist To
save that, she buys usually a skirt and
sleeves of anothor sort, although she
may be perfectly certain she will have
no use for an extra frock. But that is
not quite np to her economy in ectitig.
We asked people to ta the other night,
and two of them failed to come. So to
save the ice cream and fixiuus they
mM ! ought to have eatou, Mrs. .Slawsou ate
1 vnem uurmu, niu'r 1 aaa reiugeu rue
i Job. The result was five days iu bed,
, with $30 spent for doctor and urnac
and the ice cream was only CO cents a
Best Quality!
Largest Size!
Lowest Price!
!. ... (fmM
.. iv. 11 1 1 'i?!' If. rA
a5- J ft I I rsr-
ivT Yc-' I In
V 'ill
wJt,-i.v.-.-li.a,l.Mii,i it fi'iVt-jfm, 1. iHlMt
The Quaker Bath Cabinet
Tlirkl.ll Italha at IIiiiiib.
Dry Hteam llaltia at Itnm.
M-illcalfU Hath as Homa.
nnipniir Haiha at Main.
Care of tbe Colt'a Feet.
When farmers raise colts they usual
ly work tbe mares more or less during
the following summer, and for con
venience they generally shut tbe colt In
stables. These have usually boa rl tr
cement floors, and tbe bard, unyield
ing surface is often very injurious to
tbe feet of the colt. It does not hurt
the feet of old horses so much, because
they are generally shod, but the colt's
feet are unprotected. A run in pasture
Is always best. If closer
is necessary, some small enclosuro with
an earth floor not compacted should be
provided. , This precaution will 11 (Id
much to the value of the colt when it
cornea to working age... ,
Weeds in tbe Hill.
- Even when harrowing corn over the
surface is done there will be occasion
al weeds that will escape, and by two
or three repetitions of the harrowing
they will be well rooted. Some of these
will be in the bill, where the cultivator
run through the rows both ways can
not reach them. In our opinion it paya
to stop the cultivator wherever such
weeds are seen and pull them out. It is
true the corn may grow nearly as well,
but the weed in the hill will extend Its
roots to the middle of tbe row, and all
the plant food It gets will be wasted.
Hand labor with corn has gone out of
fashion, but it pays to do some hand
labor after the cultivator has done all
It can.
! quart. "New York Journal
I Gnat Egga.
j The eggs of the gnat are arranged by
! the parent insect in tbe form of a raft
j which floats with its concave sirio v.-
i permosL If npset, it speedily rendjtv ,u
; itself and cannot be kept undur tiio
j water. At the proper time a valve in
the lower part of each egg opens and
1 the insect escapes into the water be
! neath. " '
A Digging Fish.
The digging fish is a native of the
lakes and rivers of central Africa,
j When the dry season approaches, it bnr
rows in the mud at tbe bottom of its
'residence to the depth of two or ' three
j feet, goes to sleep and awaits tbe retarp
! of the wet annann.-OhicHan Chrroiir'n
j Scientific, Durable, Cheap, Heat, Light, Portable, Simple.
j Folds into Small Space. A PEBMfcKEMT tXD VALUiELE LWUBI
j SUNT COM I'LKTK with full Instructions on Kccelpt of Hlx Dollars (SO 00)
Local Agents Wanted Everywhere. Liberal Terms.
ui liiiui vi ri uiuiii s r nunu, it lg mimmmm
fol in relieving the backaclie-.headaches ll ' fjO
i which burden and shorten a woman's
women .testily for it. It will give health and strength
The very remarkable and certain
rwuei given woman by JlUOHE'l)
Y has it) van
Uniformly success
and weakness
life. Thousands oi
and make life a pleasure. For sals by all druiroisWSi''",,'Yr T"
BLCMAUEIi-f'liAMi DliUO CO., Pobti!ad. Aeenta! W LJ
Seaside ana Country
.Gowns need j - . ,
Orchard and Garden.
Coal ashes are beneficial to clay solL
Testing seeds will save much time
and vexation. , . 1
Currant and goosberry busbes should
be pruned every year.
Be ready at the first opening In the
spring to set out trees.
All trees should be transplanted be
fore the leaves start out.
It Is best to cover all wounds made Is
pruning with paint er oil
FR AZ E R c Rif ki e
Its wearthgqaalltlessreunnrriasi'el,tttii tlljr
outlasting two boxes of any nther braml K e
bom Animal Oils. r TIIK OlOtJfNK.
and Dealers generally. :
oo roe waht to make mosey? ixz torvBf;:
lug conntry agencies. We sre offer Inn won1 r(nl
Inawtemenls for tbe bsiulllns of the Htiimlitr '.
Sewing machine. Anybady with ,iHitnhi'
sense can sell them at the iri:n
quote, and we guarantee every niHClilite
sold. Wrltll for full pnrtliilnr4. We ftsnt
an agent In every town on the i'aclflc Count. No
Is the time to take up the work, anil yon cmi '
materially to our Income by A "lug o,
dress, Standard Sewing Machine Ho., 1
6th St., Ban Francisco, Cal.
on their skirt edges. It is rain
proof, sheda water and never
turns grey. .
it your dealer will not ',
supply you we will. :
lamplas thawing labels and material) mailed frit.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy." s new book by
Miss t mma M. Hooper, of th Ladles' Horns Journal,
f bis ibat you ? !
Hairs yim e frtllni 1
f wciabt la the
SlanacS-Hlaatlni (
lurrarina Halca
llHof WIlld -Vooilt- i
l"of .Ur. '
Baa Taata la the '
Moatt Is tha Mara.
Im-I'lltalln af
' M,art,i)o,iolla
Una.- a af Stamach
Cankartd Hoatb I
Oaa is tha Bowtla ,
Uoa f lia.fc-.'
IcSIa Apcatlia .
DtpraaHd, Irrluhle
Canilltlas tl Iks i
MlnS- Dlaalnaaa-
Hcadacha Canatla-
uaa ar viarrkaiar
lKf....1?"' Wall,"
are tha Ona Thins to uas.
Only One for a Doae. '
Said by Drurstata at 23c. a box
Samplas mailed free. Addraaa
Or. Bosanko Med. Co. rhUa. l's.
sent for 25c, pos'.ago paid
8. H. A At. Co., P. 0. Box 699, N. V
rssaUbyetlDraawtatfc t !ata a kattta. 1
AGENTS WHNTED, " Cenflemeti,
in every town, for oaeof the beat selling nrtlnli s
maile, t!i.ed by every man, woman ami child,
i frederlcks Mllltary Tooth with
Tongue Cleaning Attachment.
Kndnrscd by all lh leucllniv phvaleluna and
denrlata. Bend 15c. for mmi.le. Kutallsfor 'i&o
sndiVlc. WILL A KINK CO,
Market Street, Han Kranclsco, CsL
''" hi oiiim, nisiiiir rrnirnainf rusi midM mh M
a ar l'mira'1 nt r tti
Bu-HAM.aa'n PI IB BFMfnv. au.n. iL-h.
atNcrba tuuioia. A pflJirlir. oiira. (:imui.t, ,.nt fraa. rrlaa
(usiaia suu. CilUSAWiO, i-hUawPav
This yaa hare
Tlckcr'i Dyspepsia Cablets.
by mall, prepaid, ea recalat af at aanta
"M ARI.ra It.H.rr H.,1.1 l.n,i.i v
' ": .".! ailltcrwl horribly .lvii,,.l. l.
Aikir'ai'nii i.i. I.L...I. . i ... ' ' . ' -.a
i Miwaia.imvacmartme."
, ACKKR UEIIICINECO., 6 18 CksabaraSt, S T.'
r ) ?ij .1 1.,,
nU'TliHtrWHtlir'aTni-St' iAli if-! ft. .
I 4 Bat Co.mli Sirup. TaateaUoud, Caa I 1
i l In time, floii tT1nitia. 15 v.
N. P, , V, o, 000,-8. F, N. V. No. 738