. VOU ' ??! tha rraatett amount of rood In the tuutMwt tlm Mid at (he least expun by taking P!l n. 'rfl ' est Sarsaparilla Th Ob Tm Blood Purifier. All druggist. IL Hood's Pills are easy to take, ess j to operate Of the Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St, Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lamp which appeared in her breast, bnt it soon de reloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two hole in her breast. The doctors soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse 1 1 . that both her' aunt C"1- and grandmother had ' died front cancer he gave the case up as j US hopeless. f ifpf Someone then re-t-iv commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and sever fails to core Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. - Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. Duxbak b the name of the BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINQ that is rainproof and sheds water. It wears like the other S. H. & M.'a and does not turn gray like the cheap kinds. Put it on your traveling and sea-side gowns If your dealer -will not supply you we wilt. Sampltt tfioaing labels and material! nalUifrtt. " Home Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 page book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of tho Ladies' 2 Sc. . 5. 11. & M. Co., P. O. Boa S, N. V. City. FtlAZER BEST IN THE WOHLO. AXLE CREASE In wearing qualities rmsurpassei, actually oaiUatiuf two boxes of anv other brand. Free from Animal Oils. (ItT THK QEMINIC. rOK BALK BY OREGON AND WWASHI.N6TOK MERCHAKTB-tBS and Dealers generally. ASENTS WIHTEfl, Ufa &ta in every town, (or oneof the best selling article! ma.i Used by every man, woman and child, Fredericks fcanitary Tooth Brush with Tongue CleaniBfljr Attbmiit. . Endorsed by all the leading- pbvsiciaoa and dentists. Bend 16c. for sample. Ketailafor 26s andoOe. VILLA FINK CO., eiS-820 Market Street, Ban Francisco, CaL rP? WINCIIIW'C SooTHiwa - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING Par sale y all lnalt, 5 Casta atottla. , FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Feel Well," fef&UVEf, PliLS s the On Thine tons. Only One for a Doaa. Sold by Sroggista at gse. box Samples mailed free. Addreas Dr. Botanke Med. Co. Phil. Fa. t It is estimated that it takes two yean for the water from the Onlf of Mexico to travel from Florida to the eoast of Norway. Tha Daet ' x SmcikInrTAhrnA M4a Cancel1 3 I g fcjMy CLy HihiiUs 0 ' ysjin- ' J" ' WUM Hl'l. mill,, m "; " I The "XUotrSo HtaMl Annie May Abbott, the famous "eleo trio magnet," whose feats of strength created a considerable sensation some years ago, is amusing herself now with the strong men of China and Japan. The Japanese wrestlers, whose physical strength is celebrated the world over, were unable to raise Miss Abbott from the floor, while with the tips of her fin gers she neutralized their most strenu ous efforts to lift light objects, such as a cane from a table. The Japanese papers say this is hypnotism, while the Chinese Journals accuse her of being in league with the powers of evil ir RKMOTK FBOSt MEDICAL HELP, roub: ? essential is tt that yon should be tro 'dd with some reliable family medicate. 1,'otM tar's Stomach Bitters is the best of its cl, remedying thoroughly as It does such common ailments as Indiirestion, constipation and biliousness, and affording sate and speedy help in malarial eases, rheumatism and inac tivity of the kidneys. The Cuban bonds are made payable ten years after the evacuation of Cuba by the Spanish forces. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mullliran, Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895. HOITT-8 SCHOOL COR BOYS Will commence its sixth year August 4th. It is a tlrst-class Home School and pre pares boys for admission to anv Univer sity, or Technical School, or fcr active business. Full information and catalogue can be bad bv addressing - IK A. (J. HOITT, PH. I)., BrjBLINQASlI, CAL. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED diseased portion of the ear. There is only on way tocureaeamess, ana uiat is oy constitution al remedies. Deafness Is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mucous liulnK oi Eustachian Tube. ben this tube seta inuamed you have a rambling sound of Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deaiueas is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be eared by Ball's Catarrh Cere. Send for circulars free. P. J. CHENIY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Ball's Family Fills are the best. SlVl .. 41 - a v w. rr , - Great Nerra Restorer. No fits alter ti e first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 2 00 Ml Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa. Tbt Gkbmxa for breakfast. Gladness Comes With a better understanding; of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef fort gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ked and gives most general satisfaction. . The population of the world averages 109 women to every 100 men. Eight- ninths of the sudden deaths are those of males. The joints endnre much use because they are constantly lubricated by an oil secreted by glands specially adapted to that purpose. t ' Mrs. Maybrick's mother says in a New Orleans letter that she will work for her daughter's release until she dies. ToCa Given Av;oy t this year in valuable articles to smokers of Dlackwcll's Genuine Tobacco . Yon will find one coupon in side each a-ounce beg, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon ana see now to get your snare. V OUR RURAL READERS. SOMETHING HERE THAT WILL, INTEREST THEM, Farmers Should Encourage the Study of Theories How to Make a Good Earth Scraper Crate for Marketing; Produce. Theory and Practice. The successful man who prides him self, on being a strictly practical fann er, breeder or feeder, with "no theoreti cal or scientific nonsense about him," may do considerable harm by the force of his example. The fact that he car ries on his operations intelligently and successfully Is evidence that lie carries them on scientifically. He Is then, al though he may not know It, a scientific fanner, and unconsciously understands and carries out the very principles which scientific men are trying to Im press upon the minds of the Ignorant, ind at which he scoffs. Such men do harm when they sneer at the Idea that theoretical or scientific knowledge Is unimportant. It may be uulmportant to the man whose practice agrees In the main with correct principles, but to the man whose practice la not correct, and never will be until he understands the principles which underlie It, such nn Idea Is disastrous. If all men could or would conduct their work on right Hues it would matter little whether they un derstood the principles or not. But all will not do this. Most of them must know the principle first or they" will not persevere In the practice; some will not, anyhow. Let u by all means en courage the study of the theories and principles which are back of correct practice In agriculture. Stockman. Homemade Karth Per o per. A good substitute for the expensive earth scrapers on the market may be t-v jrr5. fyT!: GOOD IAKTII SCRAPER. made as Illustrated. The material should be hard wood, and the edge In front covered with sheet Iron, after which an old piece of crosscut saw may be fastened beneath the edge and turn ed up at the aides. The Iron straps to which the chain Is attached should go around the back as well as the sides of the scraper, to give strength. For lev eling ridges and filling depressions about the farm, such an Implement Is very bandy. Avoiding BickneM). There Is nothing more essential to the success of a business man than the good health of himself and his family. This Is especially true of the fanner, who must give personal attention to every part of his business and whose family is closely connected with his -work. Anything that Interferes with the use fulness of any one in the average farm home Is a serious hindrance. For busl- nesss reasons, therefore, the farmer cannot afford to have sickness In his household. One of the most common causes of sickness in the country la over work. Many women especially suffer from this cause and do not seem to real ize it, nor do their households. Another common cause of sickness Is neglect of sanitary precautions. The country home is usuallyi well situated to avoid trouble of this kind, but so often have we seen surroundings that invited dis ease that we bave thought a country health Inspector would not be ont of place. It should not be difficult to pre vent the pollution of air, water or food in the country, and if these are all pure there need be little fear of trouble. Box for Marketing Produce. Many a farmer goes to market carry ing fruit, butter, eggs and a number of other articles. A convenient package for his use is shown herewith. The box has a bail for carrying purposes. One side, Instead of the top, Is hinged, disclosing shelves when opened. Fruit, butter, eggs and other small articles can be placed on these shelves, and reached instantly without disturbing PRODUCE CRATE. other articles, which Is Dot at all the case when the .package opens at the top- 2 - The Dock Weed. On meadow land the narrow dock Is one of the worst of weeds. It Is so tena cious of life that even after It is pulled up and partly dried it will grow again when wet by rains and allowed to touch the damp soil. It Is very com monly auowed to seed, and the plant being cut with the grass goes Into the bay, and the seeds are thus distributed In the manure pile. It is In this way that the plant Is distributed in locali ties where none was known before. The seeds are very tenacious of vital ity as they will undergo heating In a manure pile, and then grow quite as well as before being subjected to this ordeal, which will kill most other seeds. The dock roots can be pulled up while the ground is soft in the spring, or from recent heavy rains any time during the summer. But do not leave them on the fences, thinking that they will thus dry out so as to be Incapable of growing again. Old Horaea Still Efficient. A gray-haired farmer named W. B. Anderson In Willlnk, Erie County, N. 1"., drives a pair of mares that, though 84 and 30 years old, are still able to do a food day's work on bis farm or take htm on the road to tha city. Tha team has never had any other owner, and tboy have never bean overdriven. It Is the excitement of too fast driving, which the horse probably enjoys aa well as his owner, which shortens the 3f of most horses. We never knew horse to attain such age as this. Usually the teeth become so poor that they can only eat cut and ground feed, but this is us ually best for all horses that have hard work to do, as It saves unneces sary labor for the digestive organs. . , Pcna for Fattening Pig. Corn is not the best food for young hogs, yet as it Is more generally grown than any other, and Is the cheapest grain feed, It is the staple ration. A diet of pens Is mueu better for making growth. As the peas can be sown broadcast, they need no cultivating, and the crop may own be harvested by turning the pigs In aud letting them eat whiit they will. We kuowa farmer who every year grows three to flvs acres of field pens. lie gets the seed from Canada to avoid the pea bug, but In localities where few peas have been grown the pea bug has so far disap peared for lack of Its favorite food that the pea can be grown for several years without any trouble from this source. Our farmer usually gets 28 to 30 bushels per acre, and says the peas cost less per bushel than the sama amount of corn. He has the peas ground with oats and corn, and keeps some of this mixture to feed his pigs the following suumier, when a little grain feed does much more good than it will In cold weather. American Cul tivator. - Training n Young Cow. Last fall 1 purchased a tine Guernsey heifer' for $'J0 that had become spoiled In milking, says a contributor to tha Country Gentleman. When she fresh ened she stood well until she found the hired man was afraid of her, when she kicked so terribly that we were obliged to put the calf to her again. The calf had been allowed to do the milking until four or five days old, which I knew was a mistake, but tt oc curred while I was away from home, I almost despaired of "reclaiming" that cow for the dairy, but at the end of six months weaned the calf, and, strange to say, had very little difficulty In training ber. ' She Is as quiet and gentle now as any In the herd, and bids fair to be an extra butter cow. A Fodder Hack. When the pasture begins to get abort, the stock must have extra feed, and a feed rack for the pasture or barn yard Is necessary. The Illustration shows such a rack bulit against a fence, which has one Important feature. At the or dinary feed rack the strongest and most belligerent of the stock will course FODDKIt RACK. nlnnir the lencrtli of the rack and drive off the weaker. IWth the one here- with Illustrated all such difficulties are avoided, as each animal uiu.-U keep his ! own place. . ' i Grape Vlnea Rear Karly. 1 Next to the strawberry, the man who s Is entirely destitute of fruit should ! plant the grape vino If he would wish j delicious fruit of his own growing ; at the earliest possible time. We luivc ripened one or two bunches of grapes j eighteen months after a thrift yt vine - was set. The year after that It can f be made to grow four to five pounds 1 of fruit, though it Is better to thin this out to half that amount. There Is no trouble in getting the grape vine to ; fruiting. Every bud left after pruning i will make a shoot, and this will set two, three or four bunches. The chief 1 difficulty Is to prune closely enough to prevent more fruit from setting than j the vine can bring to maturity. Grade Cows, In speaking of scrub cattle, it should be noted that there flows some very good Ayrshire, Shorthorn and Devon blood In the vein of a large proportion of the so-called common cows of this country. Such cattle are by no means scrub stock. When we sec cows giving sixteen to twenty quarts aud producing daughters equal to themselves, we may well su.iport some good thoroughbred ancestry somewhere. " Poultry Pointer. If the fowls are having free range you can stop feeding them moat scraps. Keep the old hen penned In a small but comfortable coop, but let the chicks have free range. , Do not allow the drinking water to be exposed to the sun. (jive fresh water twice dally. Do not set the bens In the ben house, A sitting ben Is a regular louse factory. A cool out building will be much bet ter. . A -. . Did you ever try Jucks? Get a few settings of eggs now and raise a flock. It will pay to raise them for your own eating.. : ,'. , . Have shady runs for the chicks; and no better place for both old and young stock can be found than the or chard. Let the chicks run In the garden If they will. They will gather seeds that will do both them and your garden a lot of good. Don't forget that onion tops and tender lettuce are excellent for young stock. Cannot you spare a little from the garden? If you keep the windows of the hen nery open at night, tack a screen of half-Inch wire netting over the window 0 as to keep out rata, minks and other enemies. . ilB113? AJQ17-CErJERAL BIRNEY. Uses.Palno's Celery Compound In Ills Family, and Strongly Recommends It. mi 0 Major-General ' Birney, who is now, at tha age of 70, praotloing law aud doing departmental work in Washing ton, la a letter to Wells te Richardson Company, says: "My wife has been taking tha Palna'a celery compound for soma time past, and is to much pleased with it that aha wishes ma to express tot yon her high opinion of its merits, j Sha thinks it is tha best remedy sha has araraTied," I General Blrney's hearty aoknow ment of tha great and lasting goot bis family has received from Pi celery compound is repeated, in iqd itinoe, in countless testimonials, writ ten in the sama grateful spirit1) and sent from every part of tha oocntry Don't sit with folded arms and do nothing toward getting rid of poor health. Drive ont all impurities from your blood; build up the vigor of the body with Paine'a celery compound the one remedy that has kept all its promises in the past, The tired nerve and brain need Jast the sort of nourishment that this great in vigors tor is able to supply. Now is the time when Paine's celery 00m pound, sided by the favorable in fluences of the season, fairly outdoes it 9 "Pass Your Plate' IpOJJ. S, mm ; ; i wrif asasX-. Vtiiiarr " - - Prices of have been reduced except tobacco. "Battle .Ax'99. - Low Price; High riavor. ror JO cents you get ; V almost twice as much " Battle I Ax" as you do of any other high I grade plug. ' rryY""'"Y"i AT X nine name 01 woman's Friend. It Is fnl in relieving the backaches.headaches , wnicn ourden and shorten a woman's Oman twrifv tnr i Tt tXI 6LUMAUEB-FEANK DETJO Cj ff'V h iwuu vinip, lit 111 lirnnv tV'ld trf dmfftti. self. It searches ont tha hlddrn cs a tea of debility, neuralgia, rheumatism and those constantly recurring beadaohea. The worn-out nervous tissues are In vigorated. Paine's oelery oompouad is the ona anooeaiful nerve regulator that onrea disease without any possi bility of a return of the trouble. Take Paine's oelery 00 in pound this very day. It won't do to postpone get ting strong jafl well nntil.ynnjtsjr.aay If yon really wsnt to get well,"fSa4" the letters recently published from soon men aa Justice Powers, Congressman Groat, Congressman Meredith of Vir ginia, Assistant United State Attorn John C Capers, Congressman Wilbur of New York, Congressman Bell, Lieut McAllister, Congressman Neil and many others who are fully as cars fnl of what they recommend. Tha perusal of a few of these personally signed, hearty testimonial of Palna'a oelery compound will give any one a dear idea of whet this wonderful rem edy Is doing in every state in tha Union, and in every dry and village. It is making people well. a , . . a M all commodities is up to date. Grade; Delicious TVr ''Tijr?e'fy1ramarkaWe and certain -r 11 nniformlMiv..i. TPHTP 2nd liVT. ess ail "" m. ThnnamL3 v it AnOUSftnajM "-If Hi