THE GOIlDOil GLOBE. FRIDAY. JULY 17, 1890. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREGON. DEMOCRACY'S CHOICE. ' The democratic national conven tion at Chicagu last week named Win. J. Bryan, the silver tongued orator of Nebraska, as candi date for president. Since silver was given the most prominent feat ure in the national platform, and is to be made tbe leading isBue of the campaign, no more logical can didate could have been named. His position on the silver question is clearly and well defined. He favors the free and unlimited coin age of the white metal at the ratio of 16 to 1, independent of all other nations. In the fifty-third con gress ho made a record as a silver advocate not second to that of the patriarch silver agitator Bland, and iu-ing his tour of the Pacfic coast last year, acquired a reputation as one of the foremost silver orators of the nation. He delivered sev eral speeches at Portland and Sa Itm during the state fair that were considered the most brilliant and powerful ever heard on this coast. Bryan's nomination, will as a matter of course, not prove satisfac tory to the radical gold wing of the democratic party, nor would any pronounced silver man have been, but he will likely be as satisfactory to the silver republicans and popu lists as any democrat could be. and if they consent to allow silver to pe made the one and only issue they will endorse his nomination at St. Louis on the 22d. Harold A. Sewali of Maine, also strong free silver advocate, was nominated for vice-president. All eyes are turned now on little Curry county, where an election contest over the office of county judge bid3 fair to have far-reaching results, as it may make a change in the legislature and defeat Tongue for congress. Numerous evidences of fraud in counting the votes of that county have been found and there is no doubt but what a re count will develop some astonish ing results. Some miners in Ohio refused to help celebrate tbe 4th of July be cause they say tbey did not want to endorse tbe Declaration of Inde pendence, which they consider a iamd and a lie. The great trouble with this country is that too many such cattle as these have the right to vote here. It is now said that Cecil Rhodes and Barny Barnato,- the great South African mining kings, will turn their attention to this country and British Columbia. Their experts have already examined the Ross land district and they claim the prospects far surpass anything in Africa. A Skowbegan, (Me.) woman, be coming indignant with her husband testified that the pension drawn by him was not doing him any good, and the department cut the pension off. The man went on to the poor farm and died there and the widow lost $12 a month during life. , Our next lecrifcliiti'irA will tut asKea to reduce the legal rate of interest from 10 to 6 per cent. Even some of the money lenders are advocating tbe change, Old time democracy went to the Atlantic coast for a president and occasionally come out to the middle West for a vice, but this year the system has been reversed. George H. Love, a Georgia melon I planter, has booked an order to ship two carloads of watermelons to Seattle, 3000 miles. The freight charge is $350 per carload. GTsina may now proceed to pay : an ioelallment to Japan out of what sh made by selling firecrack ers to the United States. Five hundred republicans a Spo kane have signed aa agreement to vote and work for free coinage. Dr. Prfc&'sCream Baking Powder Awardad Gold MW MiiwiMtr Fair, tua Frmdaca A San Francisco woman tent her husbaud to a gold cure, bat it fail ed to reform him. Then she aband oned gold and plugged four small pieces of led into his system, by means of a pistol, and he hasn't drunk a drop sinpe. NOTICED A number of the people of Gilliam county having demanJeii thai the salary of deputy comity clerk h aholiBhed, ami being now without pay for it deputy, I will hereafter he unahle-to attend to the numerous inquiries not pertainingto my official duty as clerk, Biu li aa newesitate correspondence searehinjr theccorda, etc., without a reasonable compensation for the same. I am ansiotis to comply with all rea sonable requests and wish to he accom modating to the public, and in order to do so 1 am compelled to employ help. I therefore auk ' nst thnee wishing ac commodations from this office, outside of my official duty, such as searching the records, answering correspondence, etc., to enclose with their request a reasona ble foe for the work and time necessary to comply with same, and I will give it attention. In thia way I hope to he able to employ the necessary help to do the work in the office and accommodate the people as has been done in the past. If a fee sent should he more than the work is worth, I will return the overplus and if not enough, the partv will be so in formed. Tension work for old soldier excepted herein. Very respectfully, H..N. Fraer, County Clerk. Auction Sale of Cattle. The two 2-year-old estray steers that came to my plHce near Condon last fall and which I advertised and had apprais ed, as required bv statute, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, at the liverv btablo of Johnson & Wilcox in ConnW on Saturday, July 18, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. m. A. J. Mookk. HARVESTING MACHINERY James W. Smith has the largest and lu'Kt. ftHRnrt.mpnt. nt hnrvPRtintr innphinnrv to be found in Eastern Oregon, at prices I . .. .; mi . i ii tower limn same are soiu id me uaues. Give him a call. PHOTOGRAPHS. Richards & Shnrte, the Condon artists, are prepared to make all (sizes of photo graphs from stamps to enlargements. OnierB taken for crayon, water colors or liutia-ink enlargements, with or without frames. All work will be finished at our new gallery just north of the drug store at Condon. We guarantee all work that is pain tor wtien taken. Notice. buys max Hi, nu (and some times girls) for (1) ordinary service at wages; -) upon indenture, to work, at tend school, and be brought up some what as your own; mid (3) children may be had for legal adoption. Ad dress, W. T Gardner, Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid So ciety, Fort land, Oregon. Herbert Stetihenson desires to inform the public that they can suve inunv a dollar by trading with him and getting the benefit ot his large discount lor cash. Yon should see the Jones CHAIN MOWER before vou huv. Simplest, longest-lived and lightest draft mower in the world." .Never oat of repair. No gears to wear out, no noise, nothing to make the farmer "cuss." Chain Power runs the great Ferris wheel. This proves its strength. Bicvclea are Chain Drive. Why? Light draft! At Sburte Bros. County Warrants at Face. I will take county warrants at their face value id trade at my store in Con don. 8. B. Barkeb. James W, Smith's new spring and summer Btock of gents' furnishing goods, boots and shoes, dry goods, etc., will all oe in tiy Marcn 1st. Mia goods are bought direct from the East, at prices tnat aeiy competition. James W. Smith baa the largest line of agricultural implements to select from in Gilliam county. Oliver plows and extras a specialty. BUSINESS LOCALS. Books ot all kind. L. W. Dnrllns & Co. Dishes and glusawarc at L. W. Darling & Co.'i. The best lemon extract for flavoring, ) us tar rived, h. W. Darling & Co. Have you sten our ni'W display of toilet snaps? ouiuvujuig uvw unu tiling i,. , . variing at .t,, Buy choice bird seed, now reduced to 10c a package, iron) u vv. Darling &uo.,nd your bird The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soup" the best In the world for the toilet and for sharing. For sale far h. W. Darling 6c Co. The freshest, pnrest and beat Btock of nrescrln. tlon medicine in the country can be fotrnd at rneurtigsiorem u w. imrung t a., I orxinn. Remember that Liverine iaa first-clans remedy for the liver, and one of the very 'best for constipation. Liverine is an Oregon remedy. Patronize home in dustry by huying'a bottle of Liverine at L. W . JJarling'g. Wood! Woodll I have purchased a first-class wood saw and will be prepared to furnish the peo ple otuiiuain county with all the wood they need, any size, and at prices that will make it worth your while to see me before buying elsewhere. At the old Lone Kock sawmill site. - , J. 8. McKifWEY. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Offics at Tag Dallzs, Ob., July 9, 18. 5Totlcei hereby given that the fnllowlng-nnmed settler ha riled notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that tuld proof w ill tie made before H. N. Frazer, county oiarii eioijiiam county, at Condon, Oregon, on August jW, iWJii, vli: FlIKWE E. DOWNING, Hd. M7, for the eVt nw4, nelf w and rvi vVt roe n tp 4 of r M e. fche name the following witnes ses to prove her Ronttmiuwa residence uikjii and cultivation of, said land, vis: ii. (.. Nenle. T. E. Crulkphank. M. J, Seale and Besaie Fitzwatcr, all ot Condon, Oregon. J 1 J AS. F. Moon I, Register. Last bummer one of our grand-children was sick with n-sevpre bowel trou ble. Our doctor's remedies had failed. then we tried Chamberlain'sColic, Chol era and Iiarrhoca Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. We regard it as the .nert medicine ever pot on the market for bowel complaihts-Mrs. E. O. Orpg ory, Fredriokstowo, Mo. This certainly ill tbe best medicine ever nut on the market for dysentery, summer complaint Bi;no ana cnoiera intantnmlrj children. It never fails-to give prompt, relief w hen nsd in rensoii'ible .iii4 nnd thu plain printed direcjiors-B-e fi'loed. ;Many mothprs have expressed tftfttr sincere gratitude for the cure it tiaa effecttwl. For gale by si J drnggiitF. qnnvwuvuvuxnjvtri M ir-'i i w -v 1NCW UUUUb! NEW GOODS! AT THE JAIU1E8 W. 81K1IT1 - IN ARLINGTON. lOur new summer stock has arrived and is I being sold at Hard Times Prices. i: v Vry goods, ladies furnishing goods, cloth ing and gents' furnishing goods, over coats and duck-lined t goods, bootB, shoes and : rubber goods, mackintoshes and slickers, blankets and comforts, varns and fancv notions, hats and cans, cloves and mittens, hardware, stoves and tinware, groceries of all kinds, lime, j sulphur and cement, harness and saddlery, lumber and shin gles, paints and oils, glass, crockery, wall paper, win dows and doors, school books and stationery, machinery of all kinds, Studebaker . andt Old Hickory wagons, ' ; ' Oliver plows, ; Etc. ... STANDARD, ACME AND McGORMIGK MOWERS, REAPERS AND HAYi RAKES. HODGES LATEST-IMPROVED p.ntviF Afjn oft mm prip.fs WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE, CALL FOR. mtrtnAnmtruifuinnnjxrumnj WAMTED-500 TO BUY M AC H lOFi SHURTB BROS., ARLINGTON, OREGON. ' WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR" Wagons, Buggies, Mow ers, Rakes, Etc, Latest Improved Headers IJYERS PUMP, ETC. IN - FACT - AIIYTIIIIIC - USED - ON - A - FARM. Administrator's Notice. Alt persons having claims sKsinst the estate of ffil.u Urown, ductrshvd, will pN nse prt'sent them, with the iiropt-r vouchrrs, wttliln tlx numtlis from the dntu of this notice, to l. ft, Urown of Condon or Wm.C. Urown of !am Hock, OilllHin county, Oregon, nrtiiiinlKtrtitors of uild osUtio, Dalert, this M duy of Jaue, ! i. S. Browm, V. (',. Brown, JS-17 Administrators. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants reentered prior to June 1. 1804, will be paid on present ation at my office. Interest (-capes on and aftr this date. S. It. Babkkr, Treasurer of Gilliam County Or. Dated at Condon, Or., Jinirt 20, ISIJfi, Mitchell wagons lead the world ; atrontreiit and best made wagon on earth. At Shurte Hroti. Anything yott need on a farm at reas onable prices. Where? At Shurte Bron. The Opnnau-A mcrican Insnrniice Co., of New York, one of the most reliable companies In tbe world, has established an office at Condon with I.. W, Darling as nuent. Mrs. Rliodie Noah,, of thin p)ac was taken in the nigUt with crampini? piiina and the next day diarrhoea net in. Mlie took half a bottle of blacklxrry cordial but got no relief. She thn Mtnt to me to nee if I had anything that would help her. I nenl her a bottle of Chamber Iain's Coiit!, Cholera and Diarrhoea,' Remedy and the first dnee relieved her. Another of our neighbor, had been oiek for about a week and had tried different rciriedicc for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I ent him this fifui,o remedy. Only 4 doses were required to eure blm. Iler.ys he owes his recovery to this wonderful remedy.Mrn. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich, for Bale by alldrnpgiatis. Notice. Trains No., I i 2, Went and Eftft botiud passenvers reepectively, now run by the way of Walla Walla, and arrive at Arlington a follows: No; "2" . East bound 12:3 a. m No. VJ" - West bound 2:47 a. m. v. 1'rair. No. "2" leaves Portland at 7 p. ro. .'; ' T. 0.,,Haj)i,AfflB;iT, v : ' . '. Arlington, Or. - i & STORE OF STEEL FRAME HEADERS. WlEtJ! THEIR INER Y NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. , Land orrici it Thx Dalles, Or., Mm? 2ft, m. Notlie Is hereby given that the following, nnmeil settler hits tiled notice of his Intention to make Hiial priHif lnsiiiiiort of his elulm and that said proof will he made before H. II. llciiilHcks, U, S. Cum. at FomII, Dr., on July lit, IMS), vis: WILLIAM M. BTKWAKT, Hd. IBM, for the nl$ nw4 nd wl4 'e see 2M, tp 11 of r i e. He nurnes the followlnit witnesseii to prove resldenec upon and cultivation ol snld land, vir: tteorgc K nox, .IhkIs HtJ'cm, Iia. vld HpaldliiKaud David Ilardlu, all of Lost Val ley, Oregon. jft-n Jsa.jr. Mooki, Iteitjster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture Final l'roof. U,B.LNDOmrETnii Dallkk, Or. June 11,1mm. Nollee Is hereby (rtv!n that Fremont Ward has filed notice of Intention to make llnal proof before II. N. rWcr, county elerk, at bit office tn Condon, Oregon, on Tuesday, July 28, 1896, for the n rie! and t nw'-i see II tp 4 s of r 21 e. He Humes as wltnesiMis: (I, K. Claik, O. W. Ward, Job ri Knox mid i. A. Klser, all of Coudon, Oregon. ' JHH : 3ku F, Moore, Bcgtstw. Choice Lots For Sal. Two lots lying within one block of tbe school holme in Condon will be sold if applied for soon, for (50 (for both) that eold for (75 four years ago. Plenty of water within ten feet of the surface. Most favorable residence location in town. Easy terms. Apply at this office. To The Public. I have taken charge of the Cunning ham livery ntables it) Arlington and hope my friends from everywhere will remem ber me when they come to town. My rates are very moderate and the Very beet care is t aken of stock left in my care. Give nte a ehanee. J. F. Tiioma. CHARLES FIX, Proprietor of- LIVERY, FEED STABLE Si CORRAL, Lower Main St., Condon, Or, Hay and rln ove.r ritphr, nssti, Me; hay only, easfh, 2fic; stdllrnnm. ier span, ettsh 2Jie, Camp hoHHW with eook'Stove free to patrons wlm fur nlxh their own fuel, Price for welKhlnir hay, ?:riitn, vrnduee ot all kmds, Jin; flock, etc., on iitvo stales, a' u draft; bu'k valdhlri free. A lllxirel reduetlmi on enotraet vwipUUm. T VS. r). mull for I.n Bnek leaves my lurn every mntnbiK. exeunt flnndavM, at6o'clnrk. 1'iisatn. Iters will iileflD iiivi) notjee tho nlglit pnjvlotis. A st'tru (I tl)(. itroisuc is solleiUid. dPCnntctinuery store find so''8 fewUin, R. II. Robinson. ROBINSON BROS. IS THE PLACE TO GENERAL M ERCHAN DISE FRESH . GROCERIES, Tobacco, Confectionery, Stationery! Etc., FOR CASH OHLY, AT UNION BLOCK. MEW STORE NEW GOODS m now rady for bualna .with m brsm-nnw dtocK of. MERCHANDISE AND GROCERIES AND EVERYTHING NEEDED BY THE FARMER, STOCKMAN AND MECHANIC " I hava markod my prloaa to low that t on 1 - and will not do any oradlt bualnaaa...,, p. h. stphenson CONDON, - inruuiruiruinnjvinrinnnnir i . ..iai .1 Of Arlington, Or., No. 3818. Transacts a General Accounts Kept Drafts sold on all the principal cltlos of the United States and Europe. Interest SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO COLLECTIONS, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ; D. M. FRENCH. Praaldantj W.W.STE1WER, Vlea-Praaldanti FRANK T. HURLBURT. Cashier. niDrpTnRS..n. m. FRENCH. W. PERRY L. HAM'S Genr'l Merchandise Store AT LONE KOCK. OREGON, a now In full blast with a ii- ntirti-Tii r'ti rt ' - Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware BOOTS AND SHOES. ALL STAPLE ARTICLES A SPECIALTY. ' 1 In fact avarythfng naadad by tha r TmrrTr. atookman and T"""'" I BUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH AND MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. FLOURI .FOR CHEAPEST AND DEST FLOUR ON EARTH APPLY TO SMITH & ROYAL OF THE FOSSIL MILLS. DROP IN AT COE'S 5Roojk. Lower Main St., Arlington, Oregon., when you faol Ilka enjoying a flrst-olass- CiCAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER Oil DRAUGHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. COME TO THE GLOBE JOB ROOMS FOR ARTISTIC" JOB pIfJjIfJQ, )CC lIi)D5. Only JobOffice F. II. Robinsoh.. GO FOR BARGAINS BEDROCK PRICES. ARLINGTON. OR. : - OREGON. AmiA.Ini r A f f Banking Business.! Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. .av W. 8TEIWER. E. B. MoFARLAND. L. C. EDWARDS AND A. C. HAWSON. g FLOUR I! THE, in Gilliam County.