Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 32,t8e.
i"""' "notice."""""": ' .
Tbs rssrlr sntirtittin lo ths Cluiss Is II. M),
(r fld In advsmv. H not M In sdv.tuw,
III b rlidmnl. A tint mil mark sruuiid
IU bailee IlKlfostr IhMl fimr milwiltitloti fc
Bummer again. ,.
Bushels of ruin fell hers Motidiiy night.
Ueo. Vaugnsnet wm In Condon Mon
dsy. ,
8. A! 1). llurley was In Condon Mun-
Sheep shearing it in full blast at Ken
' nvn ,:".
The'Grove are to organise Thursday of
this twk.
la Condon going to celebrate- the 4th
' thl yMrfv ' ,;
Edgar W, Moore made trip to May
vllle In at Cnnday.
K. W. Daggett was in Condon Tuesday
lest, shaking hand.
Ed Dunn made a business trip to Ar
lington lait Friday.
Clare 0. Morey left Tuesday for Ar
lington, on business.
(len. Cotey the eommonwealer apoke
t The Dalles laat Thursday.
. J. W. Blake and Urlder'a eheep at the
"fepaulding place are being atiorn.
Dell Rice moved hla mother from the
Hill house oat on the farm Monday laat.
Charley Fix had a horae to choke to
death laat Saturday night In hia stable.
Teacher's Institute will be held in
(iilllani county aboot the middle of July
at Condon. ,
Mra. Heiiehaw, haa been under the
weather thla week with la grippe, but
ia Improving. "
Mr. Geo. Knot ia reported at Fossil aa
dangerously aick, and bta daughter Ban
a being much worse.
Politic are aa dead a Jullons Caesar,
and nothing short of "fuseing" ur "fuss
ing" could resurect them.
C. W. Shurte, candidate for county
clerk waa in Condon last Monday, 8e
notice In another eolumn.
J, 0. Port wood eft laat 8unday with
the big hand of cattle being driven from
Gilliam county to VYyoininit.
The Win, Farrarcrew of sheep shear
ers of 14 dieu are shearing for The Dunn
& Burr Bros. In fclcoits Canyon.
Mr. E. W. Daggett accepted the noml-
nation as candidste for School Hupt. on i
the Republican ticket on the loth int.
llallot boxes and tlckeU will he dis
tricted among the several precincts by
sheriff Wilcox the last of this week.
Grandma llalstead and daughter niov
ed out to Frank l'liter'a on Saturday laat
where they will spend the summer.
8 John Perrln and Ed Stlnchfleld passed
through Condon with two 6-hore loads
of wool on Monday bound for The Dalles.
E. E. Smith and W. A. Darling left
Sat. to attend the Grand Lodge of the I,
O. O. P. which convened Wednesday at
Astoria. . ' 7 w'
Mrs. Rose E. Brown, who has been
serioualy III with erysipelas (or a long
time la, we are glad to chronicle, conva
leectng. Big I and little u candidates who turn
on the X raya will be surprised to see
the alphabet all caps and email letters
after election. - 1
Kasie Ed Din, Shah of Persia, wse as
sansinated on May 1st. His second son
succeeded the throne, which is an abso
lute despotism.
A deadly cyclone swept over Grayson
county, Texas, on the 10th, destoying
1500,000 worth of property and killing
00 people, Injuring 100 more.
Clare G. Morey, democratic nominee
for School Bupt. haa withdrawn hia
name as candidate for said office. . Truly
poll lies makes atrange bedfellows
Chaa. Earhart has been quite ales at
Gene Smith's house : with pneumonia
fevjr, but ia peat all danger now, Dr.
J. J. Hogan has been attending physi
cian. Mias Bessie Fitxewater made a flying
trip to Fossil and back Saturday last.
The wbynesa of her hurry waa tooth
ache. Bartholomew Kiely went over
with her.
At the laat stated communication of
the Eastern 8tar Lodge (O. E. S.) Sat
urday last, il. B. Hendricks was elected
as secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Fremont
Ward appointed sentinel and warder.
The Condon, Glome says the Govern1
went pays $000,000 for the weather bit
reau, and thinks It a big price tor the
weather they get In Oregon, We have
always thought the same. Hanta Clara
. Journal.
Charles W, Shurte. In plain language
tells the voters of Gilliam county what
they can expect of him If elected county
clerk : I e, that he will run the clerk's
office for the salary, which Is $1500 per
year. Charley Is "True Blue."
' V B- P. Bhutt, editor of the Guma Is
"(int on bis back" with a serious attack
' of pneumonia this week, and if the
Gloss is not up to dnte thla issue call at
Hendrick's law ntf) and see If li. B.
don't dig up a hill or complaint ugainat
. you, your sisters, cousins, aunts or your
great grsnd uncle, and If he don't make
ft out of whole cloth it is bccsuiie, you
don't help htm.
Gen. Weaver at Condon.
' The silver tongned orator, snd stand
ard la-arer of the Populist psrty, (Jen. J.
I B. Weaver of Iowa, delivered a two
hours speech in the Armory hall Wed-
' titk au-l a U ' In m a. , ,1 I. . u a 1. - m.l I
.landing room. The General said he!, m l"rh returned
was iimking his second canvass for hie ifrom ''rt,"nd'
party through this slate. ' His first tour Kev. Moore lectured in We nner.'a hall
-was made in 181(1. lie said that the j Saturday night on "Komsniem.
different parties were all on the equality j The United Artisans completed their
h far as honesty was concerned. The j organisation here lust week.
ueneral male an eloquent plea lor ins
party.' 8 pace forbids further comment.
Public Speaking.
Messrs E. II. Dnliirsnd J. II. Cradle-j
batigh, the former nominee for joint sen-1
stor and the latter for district' attorney !
on the democratic ticket, diauusaed the j
important issues of the hour in the Ar-j
mory nan, ou tne lam, aa per ttieir pre
vious notices. These gentlemen were
Introduced to the audience by prof.
! Clare G. Morey, in a formal and cour
teous manner- Mr. Cradlehaogh, speak
ing first, said he was not a political ora
tor, that he had naught but kindly words
for his apponent; that he hoped his op-
houent would be elected, provided he ;
wasdeeated, that be was a John 11. . H, Dofur J. H. Cradlehaugh randi
Mitchell man (a. for a. circumetsnoee jjp foe district attorney and joint sen
would permit him to be,) that his father . , ... .wr..!,. .it were here
fought in the Rebellion in the Union
army, and received wounds which after- j
wards caused his death. He also paidj
vAVu-Ltva trlhnta tit Marvv Rt-iiLfa "Hum :
of a thoiuand strlriBs' touched noon ;
thaatlix, miMltnn Mr tliidtr then
spoke at considerable length, although !
not so fluent aa hia colleague, showed 1
..... . ii u ...-.h h i. ,h-
hls.rv m,,A atiiiua i.l thm fnu ailvori
i . i . i 11 , . '
quesnon oi wnicn uom csiia.usies ar-,
dently support. '
Olex Explosions.
W, II. Moore and Mr, Hosford psssed
through Olex ou their to Lone Rock,
They spesk in Olex on gat. May 21.
Hon. E. B. Dufur is billed to spesk in
Olea Friday afternoon at 10 a. m. 22d.
We noticed Tom Johnson on the creek
last Sunday. He acted like he might be
hunting for a prisoner. He might get
"Bchott" If he don't look out.
There was quite a populist gathering j
atOlexschmd house on Tuesday last.:
A Mr, Bulla being the orator. He deliv
ered quite a good sdte and says he
will lecture here 1st 8at. after the June
A flour man from Mitchell was talking i
roller process for the Olex mill this!
week. We hope he may succeed in lo-:
eating heie ' as a roller process mill
would be a paying investment for all
A stock book for the Columbia Por
tage & Transportation Co. ia open at
Olex. Parties desiring si ares in this
company can get accomodated at Olex
It should be well patronised as a reduc j
tlon in freight is what we need and
must have.
The Last Day of School.
Last Friday was the last dsy of Prof.
Moray's and Edith Taylor's nine months
school the best conducted, and the
best attended school Condon ever had.
There were recitations in the afternoon
by the primary and in the evening by j
the grammar school. The house in the
evening waa crowded, many having to
stand. 8pace forbids us saying any
more than the recitations and songs were
good and appreciated by the patrons,
and visitors present -
Mr. Walter Moore of Moro, nominee
00 the Republican ticket for Joint sena
tor, Hon. J. E. David, of Gilliam Co.
and J. B. Hosford, Atty. at Moro, arriv
ed in our town Wednesday. These gen
tlemen address the people at the Ar
mory hall on Thursday at 2 o'clock p.
m. from a republican view of the issues
of the day. As we go to press Thursday
morning this time we will comment on
the speaking next week.
Max Putx of Mitchell, Crook Co., Or.,
was iti town Monday on the lookout for
a griBt mill location. A meeting conven
ed at May vllle, Saturday last to discuss
the matter of petitioning op a grist mill
there. They meet again Saturday next
to further discuss the subject. A rust
ling committee was appointed lo take
subscriptions and see what the famera
will do. They meet again Saturday.
Putts says some great fish stories have
been told about Condon water, dry wells
etc. He offered to erect a grist mill at
Mayville for a bonus of $1500. Condon
should w ake tip, tor we are sorely in
need of a mill here.
'. A new townaight plat was accorded at
the county clerk's office in Gilliam Co.,
on the 14th Inst. The name the place Is
Twlnkenham and Is situated about a
mile above Contention at Parsons dwell
ing on the John Day river. This newly
born town promises to be a rival to all
other towns In the county. We note 7
lots changed bands last week, in this
new town sold by J. H. Parsons to A.
Helms for the consideration of $.1. There
ia nothing very small about Mr. Parsons,
and he is giving great Inducements to
this new town as It will take a slice off
of his excellent (arm. The John Day
hotton is almost a mile wide of the river
at Twickenham, with good prospects for
water power, and not very far to. timber
which extends to both the river bunk on
the north side and conld be easily rafted
do 11 to Twickenham, the city of destiny.
Arlington Items.
. Hnndsy was a bright day.
Mr. Benedict Is clerking in the hank.j
. 1. Hweetin is minting the I rout ofj
Smith's store, i
The populist candidate for
congress, j
Qtiinn, spoke liere last Wednesday.
The Baptist entertainment laet Wed
nesday night was qnltes success, -
C. W. Khurte democratic candidate
for clerk, went to Condon on the 1 Stli.
Wm. Grant crossed a large hand of
horaca from the Washington side last
week,'' '
A hand of 1300 head of cattle from the
southern part of the county, parsed
through town Sunday en route i to Mon
tana. . ? "''
W. 3. Kd wards, populist candidate for
the legislature, and Mr. Davidson', pop-
nlist nominee for sheriff we-e liotli here
gt week
jonftnndny en rounte to the Southern
j part of the covnty. , '
Mr, Cooley of Cleveland, Wash., is
here or treatment;
having heen severe-
IV SCSl'tetl iHSt lall Willie flipping Slieep.
'ndortor last Wednesday res.,rt-
6,1 10 tn r tin ,n or,,fr V,
wonnd. CK)leylsconvales. ing.
The monument to be placed over
the I
1 3J Vrf.,... n.Ai.lMv txi this !
W. U. W. camp, is tiers and was piaceo
in position last week. It weighs J00l
pounds. EverylMMly is invited to he i
: present to wituess
the exerc ses which ,
begins at 2:30 p., in. June 7th, when the
monument will be unveiled.
.... .. .,. .',., A '
Arlington tamp sso. oo w.u. v. sv ,
its regular meeting last W ednesday j Cotiipellel to resigd the same for the fol
elected the following officers for the en-! lowing reasons:
suing term : Commander, 8. A. I). Our- 'ir;t-I1li',. not "k the. offl.-e and
i .j i .- i. ... l now feel that it would. If elected, per-
ley; Advisor, h. W.Daggett; fccori, C. ! nap, mijUte g8inet my ,nceeM ,
8. W'enner; Sentry, C. W. Shurte; , teacher.
Watrhman. O. 8. Ehi : Physician. J. A. Kecond Mv present apponent Mr. E.
Oeiaendorfer t on board of managers, V.
C. Hindis
o i. di i
Lone ROCK HipletS.
A mob of Ixme Roi k sheep shearers
started for the John Day county last
Dr. Honlork's baby has heen very
sick for a tew days but ia better now.
Also Jack Andrews' boy baa Jieen!, very
There was a "cheap John" show in
town last week. The managers were of ,
the dark makenp. The attendance was
Our old saw mill man, Ed Wineland
haa purchased a new boiler for his mill,
and will soon put it in and start his saw 1 b the pledges made for me in the Re
to runnine publican County Convention at the time
I received the nomination for the office
Hon. J. E. David, Moore, and Mr. of onntv clerk, relative to pay for con-
and Mr.
neoDle of
John iinnford. addressed the neonle of
Lone Rock last Monday on the political
ait...., I. .M TK .... MM. ... ll.NMl(ni.l
combination to listen to. Aa our peo
ple are such quiet kind of folks every-
thing passed off tine. The speakers are
well posted and good talkers
Mr. Dufnr gsva us a good waking up
speech here Isst Wednesdsv to a lartre
... . ' ii ,
His remarks were well cho-
sen and to the point he has many friends
here. - . .
r w j ;, :
v. . ouurvr
vallrv tliii week. Mia wife is visitinir
" . - - ft w U.o uitowu ,!, I v., 11,. i... iv. 11, A " i- '
their old friend Mr. snd Mrs. Cnlwell, 'sell th property hereinafter deocrtbed, fr the
Charlev of course made a trip or twolpnxneofiatlsf1iiKtheJndKementoftheplln-
.1. u .1.. .... ,.f ui. 1 Unln anldeaiwefnr the mm of Sws.15. with In-
through the country with some of his henion t elgh, nmim
very best cigars as an inducement to get (rom tht m dliy f Aprli, .nd thB further
the boys attention, to read their conn-! mm of l5attorny's fee, and the coats and dt-
tenances as to the wav thev were going i bnnement of ald sntt taxed at lis. 1 hen-tore j
. . 1 In romplianee with aald exeentlon and order of
toV0t9' ' lelwUlou
Silas Brown, one of our oldest audi Saturday June 20, 1896. j
tuost respected citisetis passed from this at the hour o(l o'clock p.m., atthe.rt house i
t . , .,., . , il. Idoorln Condon. UlUUm Oonnty, Orejton, tell at 1
world to tne next last lueeoav, lie, t , ,u , w ,..
I pnhllc aiK'Uoti to tlie biKhext bhlder for cosh In
was about 70 years of age, and is the fa- j Umli tor the pmvom of tuf).ig the Jadcment
ther of Dim; and Billy Brown of th is, and decree above mentioned, the following ie-(
countv. He and his wife came to this scribed Ismts and prvmlnon, to-wlt: The vert
county several years ago and li ve.1 , on
. . ... . . ,
Koc crcea tor a long lime, ano some iti:
year ago moved to iine Uvea.. tllS;outh of ranae 22enat of the wlllan.elte mcrl
wife died the 1st of Januarv. SO one bv dln; sxceptina ten ocie In oquare form in
one our old friends leave us. He was
everyone's friend, and all mourn the loss
of this good and faithful friend. The
deceased leaves quite a fortune which he
haa accumulated since in the countv. '
Examination Report.
The auccessful teachers who passed
the examination last week received the
following grades:
Lenora Coleman
Belle Coleman '
May Davidson
Florence Davidson
Argie M. Jones
W. H. Ixinirly
Mrs. May Edelmsn
Katie Kiely, Birdie Uenshaw, Iua
Uorton, Ethel Hnlstead.. t.eo. Edeluian.
Trains No. 1 & 2, West and East
bound passengers resjieclively, now run
by the way of Walla Walla, and arrive
at Arlington as follows:
JSo, "2" East bound 12 :f8 n. m.
No. "1" Westbound 2:47 a.m.
Train No. "2" leaves Portland at
7 p. U. F. C. lilNDLK, AUKNT,
Arlington, Or,
The Roselmrg Review and the A. P.
A.'s are great friends now ! But don't he
A. I E.'s. ; -
For Congress, 2d District.
A. H. liennctt. of The Dallea.
: Presidential Electors,
; W, W. OnlcHby, J. J. Whitney, E.
I Kilfeather. 3. M. Carroll.
, Supreme Judge, i
j John ,. Burnett, of Henton county.
Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dlst.,
;J. II. Cradlcbaugh. of The Dalles. J
Joint Senator, oilllam, Sherman and
Wasoo Counties,
E' B. Dufur, of The Dalle. j
uikkiniii vvuiii i iivnitii
' t) . Representative, '
I C. Edwards, of Arlington.
W. L.. Wilcox, of Condon.
Clerk, . '
C4)irlcg W. Shurte. of Arlington.
2 rM. fj. Weatherford, of Olex.
Treasurer, ,
f Pf II. JHefilienuon, tf Condon.
Ed Horn, of Contention.
Justice of the Peace, Condon Prec't,
,8.. P. Khutt.
IVtn. C. Caldwell.
,;. Notice.
Owing 'to late decisions' of the su
preme court of the state of Oregon show
ing the ineligibility of ladies to hold the
oliice of ("ountv Hupt., I withdraw my
name as Republican candidate for same;
but would not foriret to thank the people
who honored me with the nomination.
and all those who tendered me their
. . . .A ,,0
the same
extended to niv enn-essor
, ? Man. I'.iii.iak K. Htbchkwh.
' -.'
w ma uemouriii; tiewoia ui
'Gilliam County.
While thanking the party for kind!?
coiiferinic uiion me its nomination for
tl1nerintendent of schools. I am now!
! w- very anxious for office,
as to hsve shown hiinse f wilhng s.
for the sake of obtaining it, and I do not
wish to be the straw in his path to this
great ambition. Cuhr M. Mohkv
To The Voter's of Gilliam
' Oregon.
(ientlemen: Owing to a rumor now
being sititated in this county by my po-1
litical upponente, 1 deem it my duty to
sayW my friends that it wss my under
standing when I. accepted the nomina
tion for county clerk from my party,
Mutt I would run the office for the salarv
if elected, and 1 unequivocally stay with
that, proposition, C. W. 8hcbtk.
Notice To Voters.
I wish to stale that I promise to stand
I ducting the office, ai d that the State-
! u'enU u' t,'e ffwt ,h"t have ne b('k
H. N. Fbaxkb.
Xotlce In hereby siwi that n exwntlon snd
onli r ot ule wm Imhm oat of the rirrm; rourt
nt the fltnte of Oregon, fortiilllam county, on the t
19th day of .tny, 1M9H, upon decree thetrln ten-
i dert'd on the 13th day of April, 1S9S, tn favor of
?. '
! Hll k, Emm Hawk. M. I. Ahuit, and also K. K.
j Smith and Charles Perrtn, partners, doing bnri-
1 irwwHnder tlie firm name ol Smith A Perrln,
d,fcBllIlfc which Mid cxM.tionnd order ofi
:.,. . . a .,.,hi... . !
"""'" ..... .-.,..-.
' 'e' ot northwest quarter and northeaat quarter of
uthweM of section , town.hip s
I northwest corner of ooldweat half of south went
Condon Oregon, May 19th, 18M.
W. U Wticox.
: MierlfTOIIIIini Comity, (irei! n.
Born, to the w ife of John PortwroV on
the 20th a 12 pound boy. The new con
er has been christened Weaver, i.fter
j ' B- hie neighbor says,
and the voting Meneral doing well.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
' Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
i wo l own ivOts
Fronting 50 Feet on Enst Side of
Main St., Condon.
' '7' V-
-' "swaaaBfc
Also 50-foot Front on West Side of Main
Street the Best Business Stand
now to be had in Condon.
Li bera 1 Terms, or Will Trade'fof
;:: iHorse, Cattle br Sheep; ' "
Paints, Oils, Crockery, Building Material, Fur
niture, Stoves, Caskets, and All Kinds
of Undertakers' Goods, Etc., Etc.
Ten per cent interest on accounts running: over 30 days.
When you come to ths county seat, drop In and Bee me.
Condon Hotel,
Mrs. S. A. '.Maddock-
This Large New Hotel is the Most Comfortable and Best-Furnished
Hotel in Gilliam County.
First-class Accommodation and Low Rates.
The table is supplied with the best that the market aftbrd.
T. O. Johnson.
-raoeaiKTOKs nt
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on North Main Street, "
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rate.
A share of the public patronage i respectfully solicited.
Condon, - Oregon.
GEO. W. RINEHART, Proprietor.
The puhlio will find fhat no better accommodations can be
found in this country than atthi house. Meals 25c; beds 25c.
W. L. Wilcox
.& Wilcox,