-I ? TBS OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPEB OF GILLIAM COUNTY. HAS THESE TUTES THS CI2CULATIC3 OF ANT PAPER III TO S CODNTY. advertising nates. ' - GO ft Gi rURMHHKD KVgSV miOAT T LOAN. P. IHUTT, Kdllar ud Propria!. )0 Profearlonal card,............. ,J1 go per month Oiwequar ... 1 sOpermoDi ' Orj-qniir oolnmu..... ... t M per mailt, Un half ooiann ........i... 00 par mout h Oneoolnntn........... ,.10 00 pet nouU Bonne loci, will be charged t 10 eentt pr lln, lor Ant lnwrtton sad 1 cent, per llo there altar. - Leal advertisement, will In all um b charged to th. party orderlDf them, M legal rale, and paid lor befor affidavit I, runil.hed Suterlptlra Hat. On, yrntr (In advance) ! 1 M If nut iald In advance . , 3 00 l month. ;.,..,... 1 00 'Ilirrw mmitlia. 7o Single otnlea ...... 10 VOL. (5. CONDON, GILLIAM CO.. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 27, 1896. NO. 2. Nl .QBE. I '1 " t S ' I 1 1 IaV 1 Kttternt at tht Pontiff at Cmultm. Oregon, at Hcvnd-tUui mail mailer or run a l uiukctorv. United Statea. '. . . . ' . :. ,.. (iiuivia Ci.ivw.amo Frealdeut Vice I'realilnut ,,..,.... . Swtretarv 0( HUte ,. Sanretarf o( I rowur; Secretary of interior,.,... ,.Aiii.Ai K. mavKKKUN ..,,.. Ki imuioi.nitr ......JOHK tt. UASI.ll.Lg .a. ....l.lluKS HMITH ewireiarjf oi war (touretary of Navy,,. .....,,, LUNIKI. H, I.AMOMT HI1.AKV A. HltnHKUT .Wll.l.lAN I.. WliXlW JllllMlM Hakmum ro.tmaiier-Heu.ral ,.,. Attorney (Jeueral...... Secretary ol Agrleultur. J htsrumii Morton . ' , ' I lata of Oregon, Governor ....,-....i.....,..,..Wll, P. !) Swiretery ol UtaUi , H, ft. KmcAifi Treaearer ....h.Vii. Mrrw hah AUurnuHiminra) . ,,.0. M. IiiLumam Bunt, ol roullo luatmoilon ,,.., ,.J. M. Ikwim Senator. , - ' H; MlTOlutLt OouirwuDtH . IJt ""JJi,"," motor. ,W II. 1.1K1 WfLraKKlH Supreme Jad(M., K. A. M ioaa Scad. . : - tf . Jo.llelal DUtrlct. , : Circuit Jsilf... ....................... W. l luiHAi Fraullii( AlUtrna A. A Javh Mowlwr otat Hoard. H...i....i....n. 0. Will , Gllllain Co unty. .. . , .,, j,, BlHtri Joint niAlr lor Ollllam. man ami Wanco Cuuutlut Jhi1k. ,., .,.., Dl.r Hti.rlir...... . Troaeuror ......... tlft ft... tf. Hi... OommlMionara.. A .h.. (tchiHil HiiiifriutvaUout........ Surveyor i. look lu.pouuir i... W. W. RTla i.. .....i. K. David .....UW. J, MHiMa II. N. KNAZKtt W. I. wn.tox ...... " H. II. BaRXkr U K. Haitum K. M. (;i.TM M o i:lakk W. W. Kknnkiiv ,.., JDiry rianwM fmcu A. Bali Proelixit Officer. roNUON. -the !. ..H. p. HHinrt ...... I). M, KWIMAKT AKUMamK.' 5 " i "' the Pm .....,....- ;0. H. Km . U. A. W. Hahtout Juiltoa ol Cuuxsblt JlMtlC Ol Countable roMi. Jnatloaol tbt Teao. ...... ..am IMmtneon toiUbl........... U T. MuaOAN MatvilLi. ' ' Jmtlce ol the Peace , ). I., Cay L'ouatable ...,.. W. 11. Kau ' OI.IX. . " '-- ; jMtlce of the Peace U. t). Hanoali. Comtable.. Go Henna Jtntlcoof the Pa.,.. .: A.C.Awroao 1,'Oiuiabl.......,.... ....T. i, AMiHKwa TBAU. IrUMK. . Jttlrrt Hit Poatte.. ......,.. W. Whit Cvn.tabl ,.v W. It. P.aaa cmowr ant'K. J mtlc ol th. Pfc .... I II. Hal Couatable , .....,.( hah IIpnti.at ILAUM'K. i : the Peaces ... .,... .......(). Parrihn iHllf. Katm Jaalloe of Conn (able Tolxxi. BOOT AHD GHOEZr.lAKCR - Work or ail Und done to order and gnaranvml. I keep all kindto! boots aad thoM of the boat qnality (or men, women ami children, alto men'a socks and all kinda of rubber Rood, boote, overilioee, ' ladle' boot, and rubber.- braehes, blacking, etc. -Jiuriukla glom at eoit i . . .. . IfirjtnlM Sold DlrtCbeii ni ht m Onlj.f ; ' Uppar End .tin St., ARLINGTON PRCAfl pur new Cotalofrne fc a grand pjrtfolJo of all the latest and tylca o Orjjnna aud Piaiioa. It Ulustratea. describe,. I , fivc tn.aoufaSlurer' Pr,cc on Organs from $35.00 np! 5?d ' lno tnm SO up. ' It tbowa how to bny at wholcMle) 7 direct from the manufacturers, and save over so per cent THE CORNISH ORGANS AND PIANOS 3 Guaranteed for 25 jrra., have been played and praised for nearly , tcMJay they are the tnowt popular inrtnunenU made: ? cur SPECIAL TERMS of GiJlt. fnam tortZtotS. 'iTrJ"''. 1-'""'.. W- to it at etc. m, THE "RUSSELL" COMPOUND ENGINE n - C5'CW IF YOU NEED AM i...i-ii i:' V VXN' " t' ,.. . t J-' " T-C "i- ' ' '-J ''V' '' ; t r'' -." '- " v 1 , ' I iiif, y aktiiaifc-. ii-i. c.. 1',-. vLy'r' ' ,. THE MASSILLON ENGINE & PORTLAND JR. J. jr. tfOOAN ; i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or. . ' i omn Orcton are,, botweea CathotlO Church AUd rwildeiio ol M. P. oiiutU , w. darliso, -' ; t' : rJ ': ' Attorney at Law, .j.; Notary Public and Conveyanc er, '. 'OoBdon, Or.. CollMitloni and lnnran. Term, rrawnable. OOlue (n rear of poatottloe building, Malu itreet. JOUN LYOKH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' " , Condon, Or. r All legal work tiromptly and rareliilljr at ended to,' Collecting and Ab.lractlug a lilaltjr. '.! ; ... g A. D. OVRI.EY : to , - r ; Attorn tf and Counielor t Law II. 8. Commluiloner, Kotary Public. ,,''?$' ;::.'ArHttMift Or : iYlf. Admitted to tiractlce In thecoMrU nl Or.. on and WaeriliiKtuu ami In the V. U. court. , lAkei Hiliiiia aim proof on laud, JJUJIT1NOTON WILJON, y " B. . llantlnirton, Notary Pabllo. H.o. Wllaon. . . n ' i ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' M T Ialloa, Or. (M. V t . . u.ti.H.1 ki 1, u jt a nlriic!flrtlooreiutofl'"lrt National bank. g P. HHCTT, , t Justice of the Peace and Rotary Public, Condon, Or. , Colleclloni nromptlr and carelullr attended K. . s.. . . O. R. M. Co. Tim Card. Train arrive at Arlington a loHowa: N. 1 ernt bouu1 panwiiger VIM A. M. No. 1 .n boil u '1 MUA.iiKor 8 07 a. M No. M-W. bound fieiglit (MeiiKri).f :46 a. M. No. 24 K. boiiud Irvlubr. (ua;nKinil...:l r. u. No. 21 W, bound (might nnwuKiTi.)..6:ir T. tt. No., lit and il will be provided with a coeh and bMKae cr and will eounxit at Willow. J .iiiction with th ltep.nr train. - no. bi win roiinwi at i ne ian witn no. , he Im-.l vaAMiiiier train between Portland auu The D.ilea. , - . , . Farna bv r oat to ran rranctano have been re- dured drat cabin, tl'J; .tMrhae. W. luolaillng meala ami berilia. 'fhrouah tlcketf areaoldlu AruiiKton, w. X. IHNUI.K, Agent. umtif 91 7-' w,rtlnrton. N.J ..' 'TV? Rodgers ill) )udnui ft jr , j l Engine, Thresher or WRITE US FOR CATALOGUE.......; Condon - Blacksmith - Shop O. B. CLARK, Prop. General" Blacksmithing AND WOODWORK t The Only Fint-Claaa Blackami'th and ilomeihoerin the County. MAIN BTRKET - , CONDOR, OB. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE 4 . L. PARKER, Proprietor, y VARE FROM AKMNOTON TO ro.ii......,..,..'...6 00 MatrvillK Am ,.Ronnd trip, $10 00 hllHnA r i r. e no OIlUOll,,..,..... I'lera.. ..... i 00,..... ...... Round trip, 7 50 (Ilex.. 2 00. . w Konna mo, o uo .....Kouud trip, g 00 . Imm, Avtln.tnM ... Mmtln.Alukrf... aented) at 8 o'clock, la due at Condon at S r. a., and arrive at roaatl at 7 r. w. Comfortable ooacne and careful, experienced driver. ,. 0 E. MoNEILL, Receiver. TO THE h 1 OIVBB THE OHOIOC OP TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL OUTES GREAT JSIOH " KGBTKERN BY. : PAGIFII RT. p '. VI r ' via r': ,' . SPOKANE .DENVER MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA -. , 4 AND ' AND - ; ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES, v OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS . .FOR.., SAN FRANCISCO For full detail call on O. R. N. Agent, F. C, Hindle, Arlington, Or, -ob aodresb: f t W. H. HURLBURT, '! i Gen,' Pas, Agent,, , , . Portland, Or. Horse Power . - V .1 A' THRESHER CO, OREGON. ' .... . nr J oifuo llio EVENTS OF THE DAY IP1TOME OF THE TELEGRAPHIC jNEWS OF THE WORLD. a-' -: AS latoiMttna; OollaoUoa ofltanaa frees , tk Two aaaaJaphwrM Pre Mated la a Oondeaeed Form A Large Aaaooat ..M lafonaatloa fa a Basalt Bpac. The Strike of 12.Bo0 Rnrlln tnlnura waa ended this 'week. The workmen have, obtained higher pay and ahorter Tht Britiah oolonial ofHrja ha a Iwwm asked, W ganotion a chartered company to exploit Aahantee. but It la 'unlikely it will oonseni. -:y While iittinif In hia cabin at Eliza. bethtown, N. J.,. Jeff Bailey waa blown to atoms bv the exnloaion of 88 poundi of giant powder. Toetoapa arrest for the embezzle ment of government fund, Frank Mapea, po, tastier of Kanaaa City; Kl; committed anicide at hia real denoe in that city. ' . . , The Anslo-German loan bf 100. 000.. 000 taela haa been tamed at 94, with interest at 6 ter oenL. The oontraot atipulatea that the ctmtoms administra- turn is to remain nnobanged. Accordina- to a renort on the organ ized militia of the United States, lost prepared by the war department, , the United Statea ir case of need, can pat 8,467,894 men in the Held. ; i I The senate of Cambridcre nniveraity, London, by a vote ft 186 to 171, has rejected the propo station to appoint a committee to consider the question of oonferring degrees upon women. - During February, toe exports of gold coin and bullion amounted to 2,183,- 700, and the import ' to 1 1,589,089. For the eight months, the exports were $58,642,992 in exoess of the imports. Two hundred fishermen, belonging to Reval, near St. Petersburg, Bussla, with their horse, and carts, have been blown nnt tn ao. nn flnattnw irw. Thaw 1 had only one day'a provisions with ! them.'.-.-'..'- v- ;.an Ji disastrona oolliiion between . a freight train and a anowplow occurred on the Berkshire division of t'je New York; Sew Haven & Hartford railroad, near Kent furnaoe, Mllford, Conn. Two nRn were killed and - seven or eigbt ethers injured. ,.- .- ' ' A Mosoow oorreepondent of the Lon don News believes it true that theporte has decided npon the expulsion of the British, and American missionaries in Asia Minor. "Such a measure would be consonant with the wishes of Rus sia." the correspondent adds. - ' At the request of the state depart ment at Washington, the United Statea embassy at Berlin baa formally invited all the ; German universities to send delegates to the Princeton ' celebration in October next. Some of "them, in cluding the universities of Goettingen, have accepted. ; ;.:. A terrible tragedy ooourred in Seneca Falls, N.,Y. It was the murder of a highly respectable young girl,' Miss Mary Mansel,; by Thomas Pelkinton. Immediately after the murder, and with the same weapon with which he committed the murder, he took hia own life. The girl received two ballets in the head, and one entered the brain. One hundred students of Muhlen berg college, Allentown, Pa., partici pated in an anti-Spanish demonstra tion. ( They paraded, the oollege corri dors and campus, singing patriotic songs amid cheering, and ended by burning the Spanish flag and hanging General Weyler in efflgy. f " . Lord Dnnraven presided at a meeting held in London of , the Yacht Racing Association. Before the meeting was called to order the question of the ad visability of making a reply to the New York Yacht Club in regard to the expulsion of Dnnraven waa informally discussed, and it waa decided '. that it would not be good taste to do so. The matter was dropped. , i . " 'The Pope Manufacturing Company 'a building, Boston, Mass., was com pletely gutted by fire, necessitating a general alarm. The : loss is between 1350,000 and $400,000. The block was a five-story structure of brick, profuse ly ornamented with terra ootta trim mings. Seventeen' hunrded bicycles and parts were destroyed in the flames. SThe Goulds will not be compelled to pay taxes on $10,600,000 assessed in New York for tho year 1895. Five suits had been filed against the estate of Jay Gould and his sons and daugh ters to enforce the finding of the com missioners of taxes and assessments. Th defendants pleaded non-residenoe. The corporation counsel has announced that' it has been decided to abandon the Buita;:,'..,v ' "V 1,-" il is now generally' thought that the river and harbor bill will carry about $12,000,000 for ' the whole oountry, though it may full below that This Is what the, chief of engineers of the army says it absolutely necessary to properly oarry on the work. Represen tative Hermann say a that, whatever the amount, Oregon and Washington will get their share and perhaps a WOO The Dalles is the Market lor Eastern Oregon Wool : Prices Paid In 1805, i 1-2 Cents a Pound More than anywhere else In Oregon. , . ' V, Water competition by theColumbia River PRICE Avx.iw rix uUts to TH E GROWER IN 1JJCREA8E OF Th8-riWr1?o I i"b J?UI1 ,Qrther reduced this year by the 0PE5ING OF THE BUYERS CONGREGATE IS THE DALLES. ; Having made arjamrements with The Regulator Line for the use of their NEW and COMMODfOUS WAREHOUSE, we are now prepared to offer pa.ron. oT&sSiaS,l w biver tbassporta- ' We solicit a continuance of the patronage aaanra n.trAn. nf nnm HuIm .Kill., -r.w BUU uiuay vj serve meir interests. . , : : We furnish SACKS and TWINE at the LOWEST MARKET RATE.. ,,, ' j ,. 1?" wwwl owners oraers. We make liberal cash advances on clips that owners may desire to hold for better - Teamsters' receipt books sent free on application. ' HAUL YOUR WOOL htsrk Eteh Isek Car of Z. F. M.. The Dalles. larger per cent of the whole 'amount than ever before. - y , " The whole of the republic of Hon duras hss been plaoed under martial law, pending the settlement of the civil revolt in Nicaragua, in which the president of Honduras haa espoused the oause of the Zelaya government against the rebels. The near approach of the contending forces in Nicaragua to the Honduras lorn tier, and the disposition of the president of Guatemala to inter pose f of the settlement of the war, are the considerations that made the step seem advisable of plaoing the oountry under martial law. It la reported that the sugar refiner ies in the vicinity of New York will probably shut down. John A. Searlee, treasurer, said that some of the re fineries might be closed, but that there waa': bo special ; significance in this. Times were dull and it is said the piroe may be reduced again. The Cuban controversy in congress is gtivng the sugar trust some oonoern, for if the belligerency of the insurgents is recog nized the trust may be cut off from re ceiving supplies from that source for an indefinite period, whereas, if the de bate on the resolution is postponed the shipment of sugar from Cuba will oon- tinne for a while longer. ; Frank Robinson, of Spokane, who waa possessed of a comfortable . home, an estimable wife and three interesting children, and who had always borne a good reputation, was shot by Horace Mann, a lawyer, while in the act of burglarizing hia residence. He is dead, but the strangest part of the thing is that the shot fired by Mr. Mann and which took effect in hia right breast, was not the shot that eaused his death. He escaped from Mann's residence, ran two blocks, and was found after day light with a bullet through his brain. Who fired the second shot, which must have caused instant death, will proba bly never be known. ' Two young men, named Montgomery and Fox, rivals in a love affair, fought a duel with revolvers on Birch creek, Alaska. Fox received two , wounds, neither of them fataL . . Complete arrangements have been made by the Princeton Athletio Asso ciation ' to send a team to represent America in the Olympian games, to be held in Athens, Greece, April 6 to 11. A Cain; dispatch says: The Egypt ian trops hkVfl started fot Wady Haifa,' where the entire Soudan expe ditionary force is expected to assemble April 1, when the advance on Pougola will be commenced. , , ' Kid Thompson, convicted of partial pancy in the Rosooe train-robbery, waa sentenoed by Judge Smith, in the Los Angeles superior court, to be hanged at Folsom on May 22, between the hours of 19 and 4 o'clock. The case of the United Statea vs. the state of Texas, involving the owner' ship of Greer county, has been decided in favor of the United States. Justice Harlan handed down the opinion. The case involves 1,600,000 sores. . , : The New York Herald correspondent in Rio Janeiro says that the Brazilian government will present to oongress an agreement with Franoe upon the ques tion of the contested territory in Amapa, on . the border of French Guians'.':,;-i',ii;,i;-';, r '' 1 A powder mill whioh gives employ ment to seventy-five men at Riflon, Ulster county, N, Y., blew up.1 The mangled bodies of An men have been found in the ruins. The same mill blew pp eighteen months ago, killing tour men. . A Paris paper says it has been in formed at the ministry ol the interior that John L. Waller is still in prison, Of enjoyed by no other point es-t of the we have heretofore enjoyed, and can a. . t - - . ' r TO THE DALLES 2. Fa r.lOODY. no order for his release having been re- ' oeivea, ana tnat negotiations between France and the United Statea on tht subject are still proceeding. . " .' In Chicago. J. J. Colvin rtmmi. nent manufacturer of ealvanfzml imn ' cornice, waa superintending the work ua uia now ataiion on me laae-street . elevated road, when the temporary scaffold on which be stood wss struck by a train, aad he was hurled into th : ' street, being almost instantly killed. A San Franoisoo man has teletrranhml from ' Mexico that be haa atrank th ' ' - richest body of. ore yet encountered in 1 toe Vanaeiana mine. The ore runs 30 per cent gold to 70 ner cent ailwnr in value, and ia similar in appearance, - -... , characteristics and chemioal properties " : to tne uomstocK minerals. ' i ' . . The United States an nrfiran nrrrrrt V,a reversed the decision of Jndra Ma of the Texas federal court, in the case ' of Consul Omales. of Mexico. - tot the . extradition of oertain men ' ' claimed to have been engaged in the ' Garza insurreotion of 1S91 and 1893. The decision has the effect of holding them subject to extradition.. Chief Justice Fuller read the opinion. ' Senator Mitchell of . Oresron ia paring his report in favor of an amend- ' " ' mens cotne constitution providing for ' the election of United States senators ' by a direct vote of the neon 1 a. Atira last meeting the committee on privi- ' - tegea ana elections, by a vote of five to four, ordered a joint resolution loot in o. to a change in this particular to be re- X' ported to the senate. It is Mr. Mitch- ell's intention to press the resolution ' lot consideration. - Mayor Broatoh. of Omaha' WpK haa sent out letters to 600 mayors of oities , in the trans-MississinDi vallev. aakina- them to present the matter to the eoun- '' ' cits or tneir respective municipalities, . t and urging the adoption of resolu- tions favoring the exposition that ia to v oe neia in umana during the summer ' and fall of 1898. Dr. Brown, of San 1 Franclsnn. haa . r been acquitted on the charges of im- ' " moraicy ana censured lor unministerial oonduct He eonsiders himself vinrli. ca ted of all . the charges preferred v against nun. Tne Congregational ' oouncil has been in session for the past -' ' three weeks trying the charges against Dr. Brown. " Fire in Clintoh. Wia.. inflicted a . losa of from $75,000 to 1 1(10.000 Tha large stock of general merchandise of Crosier Brothers is a otal loss; also V :f tne . al. rx A. CxtureCSuil iSffldriiit: ings and s toot a bf several other firms." The fire is the second one whioh has occurred recently, and ia haliavAd an have been incendiary in its origin. . nio afuajj. wrm yuuitS Will produce one pound of tea. L; 0. RALSTON OLEX - . OREGON . . ' ' . DBALBR IN . t General Merchandise. ImDlemen's. r.hnir, - . Groceries. Drj Goods, - Bardiire, ' ;. Drngs, Boou and Saoes. Full line, ar r.rria.1 - ' i. , constantly am vin. biock salt, aiacksmith Coal and Feed in carload lots, at competition prices. . It Will DAY alnr-k-rriAn nm A i n.. and get prices before buying elsewhere. ;- ' - (. ! . -.' . '. j .'!', Har and Grata for Tearattere and Qood ! .'Watarlaaj and Camping Aceoaa KV'-;V.'' ." v '"uaodatfoua. ". -. 'KEEP YOUR EYE ON OLEX." i 1 If h .r , i . I ! y-1 i i "- f I S I'i