TUB OFFICIAL AND LEADING PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER IN THE COUNTY. pum ixnitn irvitiir frjday sy LOAN P. 8HUTT, Kdlir and I'rnprleior. NDON ADVKRTISINQ RATES. Profeatloiial earda.. SI OS per month pneaqnare .. 1 60 per month One-qaaiier comma...... S 60 per month One half col am n ..,.. S 00 per month Oneoolumn .. 10 00 per atonih Bnaineaa locals will be charged at 10 mots par line for 3nt lnaemon and S centa par lias there after. Ual advertlaementa will In all eases be charted to the party orderlDf them, at legal ratea, and paid for before affidavit la furnlabed lie Subeerlptlon Rat. ; Olid yrir (III advance).. ; M II nut m1 In etlvauue 2 no HI ranutlia ,. . 1 00 Three inoiitiia , -5 SiukId voniee . 10 VOL. 5. CONDON, GILLIAM CO.. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 18. NO. 50. GO GLOBE Kntrrrd at the PotUigUu at Cundim, Oregon, at M-iru-i;ti mii maner OPKICIAI. IIIKKCTOItt. United Mtatea. PronlildHl (IKOVKS Cl.leVKI.AMI Vine frtmlilnui , , Benreterv of Hlate Heiiretary o( Treamiry . Secretary of Interior Secretary of War... Secretary of Navy ,. Poatmaatur-iletmral Attorney (lenerel , Secretary of Agrleiiltnre. .AW.4I K. mNVKNMM , Kl IUKI) ()I.N ......John U. Cuni.i.i.K IIOKX HMI1H Da mm. rl. La hunt .HII.AKY A. 1IKHHKKT ..WILLIAM I.. WlLMlN JdlWtJH llAMMOM J Htkhi.inii Mohtum lata uf Or.(B, Governor W. P. KD Secretary of State Trwunrer., , ,v, AllorUHy (.Biminl Bunt, of rubllo luatMUtlou... Senator. ., If. It. KlNCAll) .fun. Mktm.iiar ....(. M. 1 III. k NAN U. M, IRWIN I J. II. MITI.HKI.L J.N. DoLPII. GougreeaniaB...,.., Printer Snpreme 'judgi. tH. Ukhhamm " )W. K. Kl.l.ia ...W. II. I.KKIW (). J"- II. K. WOI.VKHTIIH A. Muvrk B. JIBAH. Seventh .luillcilal Ml.trlet. Clroall JhiIrs W, I,. IIUI.HAW ProaMiiilIni Atliiruy A. A Jaync Memlwr State Hoard W. C. WIMa Ollllam County. Joint rteualor lor (111114m. Hher man and Wauo gounllv W. V, Mtmw a Kmirnuutallva J. K. Wavio lat W. J. Makinkk ....II, N. Kma jnenn , w. I,. Wiu.ii Treaaiirer H, II. Hamkkh Commlulonors It";,";. '" I r.. AI. 1.I.TH Ka Aanmor M U ( LANK a School Hnperliitcadelil W. VV, KknnkiiV Surveyor ...Jkiihv Hk.iwn Stork ln.. lor Kkko A. Hack I'rerlnet Ollleere. I'OKbOM. Juatice of Hit IVace ,., Uon.table.... ......,.,.., AKLIKIITliN, Jnallcenf the Peace Con.teble rrnmiL. Jo.tlceof the peace t'oii.lable , H. V. xmirt I). M. Kimkhart O. . Kl W. lUariKt K. A ,.Ham I)iisai.ii ......I.. T. Moiioam J. : CAT W, It. Fra.k la ...II. I. KtNhAI.L Ku III anK A. rRAWrciHIl T. J. ANI1HKKA MATVII.I.K. Jti.tloe of Iht Heaoe Conetable ftf.Kl. Jtutleeof tha Prat Cona table I ON It MOCK. Juatlr of the Peace.,.. Conatabla . tkil roim, Jn.tlp of the I'uare ....,. Countable .., ckiiwh ium:k. Jiutlee of the I'eaoa ... Conaublo.. W. Wmit W. II. I'ANHa U H. IIAI.R ' ..(:ma. HiiM-ikY I O. Parhikii llllM. llATIU RLAUM'K. Jnatlit of tha Peace Vounlable Jolxn a BOOT AND SHOEMAKER Work oral! kind done to order ami guaranteed. I keep all kin.U of boots and ahoao( the beatriiality (or uien, wonien And children, also nien'e aotki and all k ndn of rnblwr Rood, lioota, ovt'rhotii, Imliea' boot and rubber, bruehea. blackinK, eU3. Hm kakin glovea at cost. ETerjtblBg Sold Dirt Cheap and for C:sh Onlf. Upper Eod HiIb St., ARLINGTON LA ORcar J 1 Our new Catalogue 1: a -IT 7 ' 1 yrKuna aim rianoa. it lllnstrates, describe, and t-ivca mannfurturen' pnect on Organs from $25.00 un andlanoa from $150 up. It .Hows how to buy at hokH!e direct from the manufacturers, and save over 50 per cent THE CORNISH ORGANS AND PIANOS Guaranteed for i$ yrn., have been played and praised for nearly 30 yrs.: trxlnv thev are tho mm - Ifrtv r SPECIAL TERMS of Ct'HmZS. r...an ww. THE "RUSSELL" COMPOUND ENGINE IP YOU NEED AN ........WRITE US FOR CATALOGUE MASSILLON ENGINE & THRESHER CO. HE PORTLAND J, i. 1I00AN PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON. Oonilnn, Or. OITIw Oregon are., betweeu CaUiollo Cliiircb iili rH.ijHiii!v ui n. r. Blllltl. IW. DAM-INO, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Or. Colloctloni and lnnnr.no.. Tmn. rMuni.i OHIce In rear of poatolll bulldliig, Malu atref-L tHN M'ONH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cnndo Or. All leKal ended to. work nromotlv and rirplnltv .1. CollofltliiR- and Abatravllug a . GUKUY Attorney and Oonoielor at Law I!. B. ('omnilalouer. Notary Publla. Arlloftnu, Or. Admitted lo Drantlm in tha nnnrt. nf n,ntn .ui, MNHiiiRiuii .no 111 ine IJ. . ffourta. I ttm itlliiKa and proof, on land. II I'NTINOTON A WILKN, B. 0. Huntington, Notary Pabllc. 11. M. Wiiaon. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The liallae, Or. omcn-Flr.t Nnllon.l hank hlwk JUmhi' a, entrain Brat 1oor a.t of rirat Natloual bank. y P. Hlll'IT, Justice of tbe Peace and notary Public, Condon. Or. Collet'lloiil nromDtl and Rar(iillv lo. ... TaVTyliif Marrlaaa Knt U a anarlaltv. da i iiiani. O. It. N. Co. Time Card. Train, arrive at Arllmioii aa follow.: '. 1 -l.t bound tMWuIIVMr W'3H, a m r.o. z r.aai ooiimi i.aiMiiaer .()7 a. m. No. VI w. bound In. l.ht fniAniif.i Mi. . rio it a. omnia ircimu paaeiiKur)...6:I'i r.,. I... .1 nounu ITBIKOI ("'"' r.)..i:l' r.'. No, tfl and 'it will lie provided with a noaili and lianK.Kei'xr and will cauiircl at Wlllown j.iik'uoi. wnn 1 lie Henimor tram. ho. al will (oiiiim i ai The liallea with No. , i V ' . i'""-ar iraiu ouiwecn rortiana ami 1hl)ll.. fareabv o.l to Han Fraii(!lao have bren re-1iuwl-rrl cabin, I2; MneraKa, ini'UdliiK meal, ami nenli. Tbronah llckeu are aold In Arilngtoii. p. ;. H1SUI.K, AKeuk grand portfolio of all the latest and mount- ai yra.) waahlnpton. N.J. BIOLTIKI ft . Engine, Thresher or Condon - Blacksmith - Shop a. H. CLAKK, Prop. General Blacksmithing AND WOODWORK The Only First-Class Blacksmith and liorseshoerin the County. MAIN STRKKT " . CONDON, OH ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE L. PARKER, Proprietor. SABB ritOM AKI.INOTOK TO r""l . 00 Round trip, f 10 00 Mayvllle..... 00 Round Mi, a in i.onaon 4 ui .......Kound trio. 7 60 em I (io koHiiri trin. m inex.... z uu Hound trio. S 00 I. vm ArlliiKton every mornlne (Hundnv n. eeoied) at 6 o'clock, I due at Condon at tr.it.. mt i rwHnii ni i r. ai. Comfortable coacne and careful, experienced '" l,,4 "" llo MoNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THE CHOIOC OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNIOX KORTHERH RT. : P1GIFI5 RT. VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS ANO ANO ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS . .FOR. . SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on O. R. ft N. Agent, F. C. Hlndle, Arlington, Or. or address: W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland. Or. Horse Power OREGON. '1 EAST EVENTS OF THE DAY EPITOME OP THE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OF THE WORLD. la InUreatlBg Colleetloai of Ituu rroa the Two BemlapharM Preieatea la Coadenaad Form A Latrge Amount f IafoimiaUoa tu a Small Spate. The Cramp Bhipbnilding Company, of Philadelphia has been awarded the contract for building revenue cutter No. 8, for tbe Pacific coast The new cutter is to be 160 feet long. While the American steamer Paris, from New York, was docking in South amton, she came into oolliaaion with the steamer Majesty, belonging to the Isle of Wight The Majesty was sunk, but all her crew were tared. Meager details have been received in San Francisco of a disastrous hurricane on the Tonga islands, in the South seas. The barks Woosuns and West Australia and tbe Samoan schooner Aele were wrecked, but no lives were lost Li Hung Chans and Shaa Yn Lien have been appointed delegates to rep resent the emperor of China at the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, of Russia, at Moscow. Negotiations are still in progress looking to the conclu sion of a commercial treaty between China and Japan. Mangus C. Crosby died in Astoria. The deceased was one of Astoria's lead ing business men, and was twice elect ed mayor of the city. He left a widow and five children. Tbe canse of bis death was a complication of Bright'! disease, from which he had been suffer ing for several years. Through Senor Andrade, its min ister in Washington, the government of Venesuela has notified Secretary Olney that it will respond affirmatively to the invitation of tbe Venesuela com mission to submit all the evidenoe in its possession touching tbe location Of ' the true boundary line. .' . Count Zeppelin, of Germany, has delivered a lecture at Stuttgart in the presence of the king of Wurtembura and the military authorities on a steer ing airship, which, it is said, will cost about 175,000 and travels eleven miles an iour. It is claimed such an airship can remain in the air for 1 days. The Brisbane river in Queensland has been greatly swollen bv flood. small steamer crossing the river with about ninety passengers capsised, and only forty were saved. The oap sised steamer was the ferryboat PeraL The current was very swift and the river banks and Victoria bridge were endangered. A telegram received from Irkutsk. Siberia, says a Siberian trader named Kouchnareff, the agent of Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, tbe Norweigan explorer, who sailed in the Fram June S4. 1893. for the Arctic regions, has received in formation that Nansen reached the North Pole, found land there, and is returning toward civilization. For the first time in half a oentnry the American falls of Niagara practic ally ran dry, by the formation of an ice bridge or dam, extending from Schlos- ser's dock, on tbe American baik, about half way across the river. The water was almost entirely diverted to the Canadian falls. It was possible for a time for a man with a plank to have walked from the mainland to Goat island without wetting his feet Advioes just received from Seoul, the capital of Cores, say an uprising took place there February 11, during which the premier and seven officials were murdered. These dispatches add that the king and crown prince sought shelter in the Russian legation. The king ordered the ministers put to death. Two hundred Russian sailors and mariners are now guarding the legation in that country. Dnring the debate on the address is' reply to the queen's speech in the bouse of commons, Sir William Vernon Har court, supporting the amendment for not proposing self-government for Ire land, pointed out that the colonies, from which there was evidently a iplendid testimony of loyalty to the crown, enjoyed home rule, and be maintained that the policy of home rule could be as successful in Ireland as in the colonies. A giest fire raged in Gusyaquil, Ecuador, resulting in the death of thirty persons. When the firemen and soldiers who were hurriedly ordered ont to help them, finally brought it under oontrol, thousands of panio stricken persons were wandering home less in the streets, many lay dead in the morgue, and property worth nearly $3,000,000 had been destroyed, includ ing the noble cathedral and the con vent whioh adjoined it Milton Evans, chairman of the farmers' committee, of Walla Walla, has received a letter from Washington, through Senator Squire, from W. R. Morirson, of the interstate commerce commission, in whioh Morrison says the commission had considered the complaint made by Evans against the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com pany, alleging that excessive freight rates were charged on wheat, and that tbe commission has decided to make a slight reduction from Walla Walla to Portland, and that an order to that effect will be issued as soon as it can be prepared and printed. A diSTjatch from Tnlrln .Tanan aae. there is great activity among all the naval forces. The Japanese govern ment. is confident that Russia is en count ging the revolt in Cores, with a view to tbe early establishment of Russian protectorate over the kinedom The seat of the Corean government is now in the Russian legation at Seoul, where the king remains guarded. It is said the king of Corea authorised the outbreak In revenge for tbe murder of tbe queen. D. Willis James, of New York, has offered $25,000 toward paying tbe dobt oi tne American board of foreign mis sions. The gift is to be made on oon oiuon tfiat 190,000 additional be sub scribed before March 1. The board members are making a determined effort to carry out the conditions of the offer The 90,000 has been appor tioned as follows: Boston, $35,000; New jott, 80,000; Chicago, $25,000. In spite of the formal declarations of the imperial chancellor. Prince Ho- henlobe, in the reiohstag that Ger many was not prepared at present to is sue invitations for a monetary confer enoe, tbe German bimetalists still lave hope that an International conference will be called. They have determined to resume active agitation both in the reichstag and outside of it They charge Prince Hohenlobe and Baron Marschal von Bieberstein with bad faith in carrying out the reichstag'a in structions of a year ago. i nomas uowes Hinckley, an artist of wide fame, died in Boston. Chicago clothing-cutters and trim mers have ordered a strike, and 20,000 axe thrown ont of work. Members of the Irish parliamentary party have elected Dillon as the new chairman to succeed Justin McCarthy John L. Waller, oonfined In a French prison, has been granted a pardon by rresiaent rsure, due to the represents tions msde by the United States gov ernment in tbe prisoner's behalf. Dr. A. T. Perkins, of Chicago, has patented a process of keeping fruits, meats and perishable products during transports tiun by the use of sterilized sir. His patents extend to the antip- oaea. The secretary of the interior bas ap proved a list of eighty acres of land se lected in Oregon City land distict, Or egon, by the Oregon & California rail road, under its grant The Elioott Square building strike in Buffalo, N. Y., is ended, and a thou sand or more workmen have returned to work. The differences between the superintendent and the men have been amicably settled. A factory for the making of reme dies similar in nature to the proprie tary medicines now on the market is to be started by Chicago retail drug gists. A majority of the city phar macists are interested, and they hope to drive the patent medicine makers from the field. Alaska travel from the Sound is growing to such an extent that tbe Pa cific Coast Steamship Company has de termined to put another steamer, the Mexico, on the route, in addition to the Topeka and Al-Ki, whioh are now crowded every trip with freight and passengers for the North. A leading Spanish newspaper is quoted ss saying: "It is not for the United States government to give Spain lessons in humanity. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Let the United States governnemt put down lynobings before it reads ns our duty to the Cuban insurgents." Hope is about abandoned for the barken tine Discovery, owned by Pope & Talbot, of San Francisco. The vessel is now ont twenty-eight days from Port Gamble, loaded with lumber. She was commanded by Captain Christen sen. There were twelve men in her, and there is scarcely any ohance of them turning up alive. At a masked ball in Lisbon fire broke out and a panio followed. Men, women and ohildren jumped from the windows, seriously injuring them selves. Friends of the revelers rushed into tbe burning building to aid in the work of rescue, and many of them were caught by the flames. Thus far forty four bodies have been taken out Baron Blano, of Rome, Italy, min ister of foreign affairs, authorises the announcement that President Cleve land, having decided to accept the position of arbitrator to settle the ques tions in dispute between Italy and Brazil, a prootoool bas been signed, referring to his arbitraiton all olaims that are not amioably settled by the two countries within two months. Robert Laugh Hn, of Augusta, Ky., who reported bis house burned by mur derers, who attaoked him with knives, and whose wife and niece were burned in the building, has confessed that he was the murderer. The general theory is that he first assaulted his nieoe, and then killed her and his wife to hide his orinie. . He denies this, and says he bould not tell what put it in his ! mind to brain them with a poker while ' they ware asleep. SHOT DOWN HIS WIFE WORTHLESS DRUNKARD'S CRIME AT MARSHFIELO. The Womarn Who Would Mo Longer , Support Hlaa Deliberately Killed The Murderer Wounded by Marahal fclrvd In Maklag the A met. Marshfield, Or., Feb. 30. This com munity was thrown into a fever of ex oitement this afternoon when it waa learend that Carl Albright had shot down bis wife in cold blood. Albright bad been very cruel to bis wife for a number of years, and bis treatment became so bitter a week ago that she left him snd intsituted divorce proceedings. Albright did bis utmost to get her to return, and yesterday said that be would talk no longer, but would kill her. Today, after Mrs. Al bright returned from doing a day'a washing for the family of John Preuss, in South Marshfield, he made good hia threat "' Albright walked np to hia wife and placed a revolver to her back, firing five shots, the first two taking effect After the first shot, Mrs. Albright fell to the ground, and the other four shots were fired after she was down. She waa dead when picked up. When his dastardly deed was com mitted, Albright turned and pointed his revolver at himself, aa if he were going to take his own life, and then took to bis heels, to get out of reach of the officers. William Webster shadow ed him in hia flight Albright keeping him at a respectable distance bv threat ening so shoot Webster pointed out Albright's hiding place to Marshal El rod, who went up to him and ordered him to hold up his hands; but Al bright only held np one and waa in the act of shooting at Elrod when tbe lat ter tired. Tbe third shot brought the wife-murderer to the ground. At first it was thought that Alrbicht would die, but on examination it was found he had received only flesh wounds. Two bullets struck him, one in tbe right shoulder and one in the right hip. AiDngnt is now in tbe hosDitaL The feeling is very bitter sgainst him, and "necktie party" is talked of. Mrs. Albright waa a woman who bore a good reputation in this community. and made a living for both herself and nusband at the washtub and by any work she could get Albright is - worthless wretch, riven to the Zrink. habit, and was drunk when lie killed his wife. " To Search for Kan-en. Chicago, Feb. 20. Recent reports concerning tbe return of Dr. Nansen from tbe north pole has induced a Chi- csgo syndicate to consider the advis ability of dispatching a party at once to the Lena river for the purpose of as certaining the foundation tor tbe so counts received, ss well as to assist, if possible, the returning explorers in their probable march toward either Yakutsk or Irkutsk. Tbe man selected to lead tbe nartv is Evelyn B. Baldwin, the meterolorist of Lieutenant Peary's north Green- land expedition of 1893-4. Much information concerning the re- gion to be traversed, aa well as special facilities for expediting Baldwin on his journey to Siberia, has been afford ed by Monsieur A. S. Savine, Comte de Toulse Lautre, now in Chicago, who ia connected with the Siberian railway. in an interview Baldwin said: 'Barring such information concerning Nansen's whereabouts aa would make the proposed trip inexpedient at this time, I shall go direct from San Fran cisco to Vladivostook, on the Paciflo coast, more than 8,000 milea from St Petersburg. From Vladivostok to Irkutsk, tbe first 450 miles will be by railway and the remaining distance by post Twenty-two days will be oc cupied in msking the transit Tbe time to be consumed between Chioaao and Irkutsk will be about fifty days." BLACK SNOW. The Country About Chleaa-o Treated to Novelty. Chicago, Feb. 20. "Blaok snow" wss a novelty enjoyed by this city to-. night Between 6 and 7 o'clock there was a fall of a couple of inches of what seemed in the dark the staple winter article, but which, on examination un der gas or electrio light, proved to be decidedly not the ordinary variety. The flakes, crystal and fleecy enough, were of a muddy -oolored sort, that at once suggested the Ethiopian adjective. When melted on an extended palm they left each a tiny ink-like speck, in the msss, tbe so-called snow looked like three weeks' old snow. Tbe bu reau of this and other points were at first inclined to attribute the phenom enon to local atmospherio conditions, in common with the smoke and grime of the city. Advices, however, -that the same results were observed at sub urbs thirty-five miles distant upset all such explanations. ' Tranavaal Prteonere Koiea.ed. Johannesburg, Feb. 20. As the re sult of Colonial Secretary Chamber lain's representations, Messrs. Phillips, Fatrar and Fitspatriok and Colonel Rhodes have been released on ball