THE OFFICIAL AMD LEADING PAPEB HAS THREE TIMES THE CIRCULATION OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OF ANT PAPEB IN THE COUNTY. SLOAN P. SHUTT. II II II I I 1111 IIIXS.1 HttMffl C II II M . i mm i ff i "v I si tt ma m i v i trt-it mm 11 mm vm mm mm mm i i Professional card.... II 00 per month One nim 1 SO POT month One-qnaiter column...., ...... ..... 1 60 per month One half colam n................ 6 00 per month One colomn...................,..........10 00 per month Buriaeu locals will be charged at 10 cent, per line for first Insertion ud 6 cent per line there- after. Legal advertisements frill In ell canes be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and paid for before affidavit is furnished VJV1 NJU'Vl N W VJ JLW JLJ'JLL. s Subscription Hatee. , One year (In alancie) , ..., ...$1 M ' II ntt. M In ..Iuiumi 2 Ml I VOL.5. CONDON, GILLIAM CO.. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 18. NO. 48. Knttred at the Pattofflet at CoruUm, Oregon, at ttrtiiut ctiut mail mailer OrriCIAt, UIKKCTOKT. United states. President (Ihovsb Ci.ivrlamd Vlns WhsIiImiiI AD1.AI K. HiavaHso" Hnoretarr nf State Ki hash Oi.sY heoretarjr of Treasury... .John ii. Caki.isM Bxxiretary of interior Hoaa Hmith SenreLaryof War In mm. ri. I.amont Secretary of Nay Hilary A. Hkhhkxt Postmasier-Oeuoral William I,. Wilso A tuiruer-Uenural JiihsuhHahmoh Secretary of AgrlaMlHire J otksuhu MuktoN State of Oregon. Governor..... Wn. P. Loan Seeretery of Htale. H. K. Kihuaio Tressurer fMil, Mktsi:ham AitorueyMeiiersI 0. M. Iii.iiah BupU of ruullo lustraotlon U. M. lawm a....!,... Uirauuu. Senators.,.., j. w, j)i,rH. IB. HSKMAMM Oougressmen Jw, H. K1.1.1S Printer .-..W. H. f.saus !(!. K. WoLTSaTOM P.A. Mnoas il. H. BSaM. SevonthTudlelal District. Clroalt Judge W. U Bradsiiaw FrasMiiitliiic Attorney., A. A Jayhs Member Stele board W. C. Wills Ullllam County Joint Senator for (Jllllsm, Hher- man ami Wasco oouiillvs W. W. StkiwiS lUmraseutatlve J. K. UaVid JniW W. J. UAttiKsa (;i,r ,. II. N. KsAiaa Sheriff...., ..W, is, Wim;os Treasurer.,,... ... ....,.. H. Bahksr I J'. K. RaUtom Commissioners.,, K jk. ('iraa Assessor .'.M O. CLaski Hohool Hiiiwrluumdeut W. W. KsnmkdY .Surveyor ....... m.....JWv Baiii Ktook lnjector .rri" K""D U'"t Preeluet Offleers. ronwiK. Justice of tlx fesoe . H. xiurrr Coustablv 1). H. HIHSHAKT AKL1M0TOR. Jtiallce of the Peace 0. B. l Constable .........H. A. W, Bsarour rossiL. Jnstlmof the Peso,.. 8am Doalioi CoiisUtble .....L,T. Moboaii MATTILUI. Justice of the Peso... J. U Cast Constable ..W. 11. Fkaklis ot.KX. Jnatlceof the Peaoe ...H. I). Kahdall Constable Ko llURKR UlNK ROCK. Justice of the I'uace ....A. Crawford Cousiable t- Ahdrrws TRAIL SOUK. Justice of the I'wue W. Whiti Constable W. II. Parks CROWN ROCK. Justice of the iVao L. H. IIalr Constable - ...Chas. HumtlcT RLALOC'K. jMstlceot the Peace ......O. parrish Constable - Twos. Uatrs ItR. J. J. 110(1 AM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Condon, Or, Office Oregon are., between Calhollo Church and residence of H. P. bhutU It il expected that tba battleship Oregon will hare ber official trial some time in the latter part of April or early in May, and immediately after that she will be ready to be oommiMioned al flrit-olau battleahip of tbe United Btatei. All that remain! to be done ii to place the armor plate of the after, turret and mount the two 18-iuoh breeoh-loading gum it ii to ibelter. The Mexican International Exposi tion Company expeoti tbii week to con clude arrangement! with the govern, munt for national exhibit, and a na tional committee to co-operate with the expoHltlon manager! will be ap pointed. The land on which the expo lition will be held hai been formally conveyed to tbe New York syndicate organized to carry out the projeot. Gondon - Blacksmith - Shop G. I. CLAItK, Prop, General Blacksmithing AND WOODWORK Tbe Only Firat-Claia Blacksmith and llorHealioerin tbe County. MAIN HTItBKT CON HON, OB. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE L. PARKER, Proprietor. PACIFIC NORTHWEST Items ot General Interest From All Sections. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS PARK rKOM AKI.INOTON TO Fossil...'.....,, Msyrllle Condon Clem (Uei , . no ,. 6 01) , 4 00 .. 8 00 .. t 00 ....Round trip, 110 DO ...Kouiid trip, 00 ...Round trip, 7 60 ....Konnd trip, loo ....Hound trip, ) 00 Isvfs Arlington every mornlns: (Sunday ex cepted) at 60'clork, Is due at Condon at I r, a., and arrives at Fossil at 7 r. H. Comfortable coavnes and careful, experienced drivers. W. DAKIJNU, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Condon, Or. Collections and Insurance. Terms reasonable. Office In rear of postoltlce building, Ualn street. tOUN LYONS,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Condon, Or. work promptly and carefully at Coliectluf and Abatractlu a AU lesal ended to. specialty. gA.u7ViFRLICY Attornsj and Oounielor at Law V- B. CoutmUslouer. Notary Public. Arlington, Or, Admitted to practice In the courts of Oregon an 1 WashhiKUm ami In the 1). a courts. Tskes 01lii(s and proofs on land. II UNTIN0TON A WILSON, B. 8. UuiiHitKtoii, Nolsry Pabllo. 11. 8. W ilson. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Dalles, Or. Ofllce-Flrst Nslloiial hank block, Second Bt, entrance drat door east of First National bank. jj P. Biit rr, Justice ot tbe Peace and Hotar; Public, Condon, Or. Collections promptly and carefully attended In. faf-Tyliif Marriage KnoU a specialty, or 11 in hi. day O. K. N. Co. Time Card. Trains arrive at A rllllKlon SS follOWS! Nit. 1 West bound iMUstMiKor ViM A. at. No. 'J Enst bound iAMlKr :07 A. M, No. a-W. bound ficislit(passiiers).7:ia a. m No 'JA . It hollnil f.nlsht (ll)liiir)...5:l P. M No 'ii W. bound fralKht (DiitHi-'r)..5:lS r. m. Nna mud il will lie nrovldnd with a coach and baasaxe car and will couiiccl at Willows Junction with the Heppner train. Mo mi will conuect alThe Dallos with No. I, ho locnl puscuaer train between Portland ana The I)ul In. Fares by tost to 8n Franolsco hsve been re duced nrst osliln, 912; steeraae, Id, lnvladliiR meals and berths. Through, tickets are sold tu Arlington. F. C. HINDUS, Agent. 1TT Ltlo MCNEILL, Receiver. TO THE EAST GIVES THE OHOIOE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL OUTES BREAT UNION ORTHERN RT. : PACIFIC BY. VIA VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS ..FOR.. SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on O. R. & N. Agent, F. C. Hindle, Arlington, Or. OR ADOREBB '. W. H. HURLBURT, . Gen. Pan. Agent, Portland, Or. All tbe Cities and Towns of the Faolfle State and Territories Washington, County Immigration conventions are all tbe rage in the Evergreen state this month. A resumption of the operations of the paper mills at Everett is a matter of oomiderable importance to that town. A consignment of Kaffir corn will soon arrive from Kanaaa and an effort will be made to induce Adams county farmers to give it a thorough triaL Specimen photographs of Whatoom county timber have been forwarded to an Eastern polytechnic- institution, to be nied in the regular course of study. The people of Puyallup are rejoioiug in the mildness of its climate, which fact is evidenced by the presence of blooming roses and chrysanthemums. Another large batch of land has been patented by the Northern Pacific rail way. It consists of 695,818 acres lying in Yakima, Walla Walla and Frank lin counties. - To this state hai been secured a sep arate district for river snd harbor im provements by tbe authorities at Wash ington. An engineering office will be established at Beattle. Tbe Bitzville farmers and business men are very joyful on account 01 tbe bright prospects for a good year. Bum mer fallowed ground is permeated three or four feet with moisture and a good crop is almost assured. A good suggestion has been made to build flatboats with a capacity of ten or fifteen tons, to be loaded with ore at or near Fairview mining camp, B C, in the Osuoyoos division upon the Okanogan river, and float them down to Wenatchee The Pacfio County Bar Association has taken steps to prevent Oregon law yers from practicing in the superior oourt in the district which comprises Pacific Wahkiakum and Lewis coun ties. The last legalature passed a law allowing only those lawyers from other states to practice in Washngton courts whose states granted the same privileges to Washington lawyers. It appears that Oregon laws do not per mit lawyers residing in this state to practioe there. Two carloads of machinery have ar rived from tbe East for the Seattle firm that successfully bid for two of the new warships. The buildings are now all in readiness, ..including the building wsys, which are covered by a roofed shed 200x75 feet, giving am pie room to build both the torpedo boat and the revenue tug. Not the least significant of the recent extensions ii the shop for steel ship building which is now completed and ready to receive ts machinery and tools. Koal estate agents 01 Spokane are jubilant over the increase of their stock in trade of alluring inducements. The bank clearances for the week end ing January 26, exceeded those of Seat tle, Taooina and Helena. It may also be noted that the railroad traffic shows a remarkable inorease, and the hotels and restaurants are filled with more strangers than at any time for three years previous. This inscrease, to gether with ten big mines working in the Coeur d'Alenes and a lengthening list ot shippers in the Slocan and Trail Creek distriots; with wheat advanoing until it is worth about SO cents per bushel more than last year; with new enterprises guaranteed for this city, and with the other signs of new pros perity, Spokane has no complaint to register at this date. in circulation which cannot be accen tuated with the opening season. The Willamette river seems to be steadily deepening every year and also increasing in volume of water. In places the channel has an entirely dif ferent course than that remembered by the oldest settlers. It really seems to be going back to its old bed of prehis toric times. Such radical changes have taken place in tbe channels of other rivers, but the cause of which hai been juit as deeply involved in mystery. A short time sinoe cannerymen were complaining of a slow market for their wares, and those who bad not packed fall fish were railing against those who had. Of late there has been a brisk demand for salmon, and all tbe fall paok has been sold and shipped, and there are only a few small lots of chinook left on the river. It is stated on good authority that more salmon has been shipped from this section dur ing tbe present month than during January of the five previous years. Tbe demand is principally from the East, where many new markets have been opened up. It will be remem bered that the pack of fall salmon was very Luge, and it has found favor and has been sold for a good price. TELEGRAPHIC RESUME Events of the Day in a densed Form. Con- OF INTEREST TO ALL HEADERS Items, of Importance from Domestic and Foreign Boarees Croana of tbe Dispatches. C. W. Smith, of Ban Francisco, has been named as a new receiver for the Atlantic & Paoifio railroad. The American board has received word from Erzeronm, Turkey, that through the relief money which is sent, bread is given daily to about 1,500 persons in that city alone. But appli cants for relief are nearly twice that number. ; March 25 the German reichstag will celebrate in an elaborate manner the signing of tbe preliminary peace of 1871. Three members ofTthe last Ohio legislature have been indicted for A t a nrant mMtino of th atate hoard ; " "- of labor commissioners of California i 140 'efc in San Francisco reports from Professor Tbe Liberty bell, which has been on Hilgard of the state university, who ' exhibition at the Atlanta exposition, was anoointed to test the relative been returned to Philadelphia. merits of building stone from different ! Its arrival there was announced by a sections, were received and discussed. ; salute 01 lorty-nve guns. This report was secured for the pur-1 Charles Arimus, who murdered pose of selecting tbe best material for ! James Greenwood September 21 last, the new depot building, at the loot 01 , died on the gallows at Kalama, Wash Market street Samples from the state of Nevada, California, and from Pio neer quarry at Yaquina were sub mitted, and the Oregon stone was found far superior to either of its com petitors. If tbe stone for San Fran Cisco's big depot, which will require 10,000 tons, is selected upon its merits it will be taken from tbe Pioneer quarry la this state. This stone is the same that was used in the building of the famous Parrot block on Market street in San Francisco, which is pro nounced the finest of its kind in the United States. Idaho. The late Goddard murder case cost the county of Nes Perce (7,524. A shipment of 70,000 fruit trees was recently made from Moscow, to Camas Prairie. A snowslide carried away the mill at the Vanderbilt mine, two miles south of Hailey. Another payment is due the Nes Perces in February of 1150,000. It might be very bandy these dull days to be an Indian. Development work on the Black Hor net has suspended for the present Tbe owners will put up a ten-stamp mill for reducing and saving the gold. The machinery for the new packing company at Idaho Falls has arrived and is being placed In position, uon tracts have been made for a large num ber of hogs, so that slaughtering may commence at once. The Boise mining exchange is start ing off in a business-like manner. Tbe members seem to be in earnest in the matter, and filled with a determination to score a success. The exchange promises to be a areat benefit to the mining industry of the state. Some Indiana citisens desiring to oome West have written for offers and inducements as a bonus for their start ing, a wood-pulp milL It would re quire considerable soft wood, such as Cottonwood, linn, buckeye, eta All things being favorable another desir able industry will be started in Idaho. Jolxn BOOT A FID SHOEMAKER Work of all kind done to order and guaranteed. I keep all kinds of boots and shoes of the bent quality for men, women and children, alao men s socks ana all rnhher irooils. boots, overshoea. ladies' boots and rubbers. bruBhea, blacking, etc. buckskin gloves at cost. n rr 1,1 1111 tit I v ii- i.iiir- ir" li Everything Sold Dirt Cheap ind for Cssh Onli. Upper End Main St., ARLINGTON V 11 oitaflM and Rives manufacturers' prices on Organs from $13.00 up. V and Piano from $i50up. It shows how to buy at wholesale fL direct from the manufacturers, and save over 50 per cent. T THE CORNISH ORGANS AND PIANOS 3 Guarautced for 25 yrs., have been played and praised for nearly ! 30 yrs.; to-day they axe the mont popular instruments made,' LSscurs our SPECIAL TERMS f Ci tdit, framed to tuittht timot. .1 R$mmbr thi grand book it $ont FREE. Writ for it at mcs. JCORNISH & CO, (Eitab. nearly SO yrs.) Woahlnqtsn, N.J. ft , Cur new Caralmm ia a vrand ruirtfolln nf all the latest and A tat j I kShaS Oregon. A new steamer for the coal trade is soon to be put on between Ban Fran oisoo and Coquille City. A mining and coal-shipping corpora tion has been started at Bandon, with a capital stock of 1 160, 000. The building of the Astoria rail road has already oonsumed $400,000, whioh is at the rate of $50,000 per month. A rabbit drive fad is now being in dulged in by tbe oitisens of Lake view, and thousands of the animals have been killed. It is estimated that the wool crop alone sold to snoh good advantage that $600,000 was disbursed in the vioinity of The Dalles last year. Benton oonnty, whioh now has six flouring mills, is soon to have another. The new mill is to be of a complete roller process and is to contain modern machinery. The farmers around Bosebnrg have been oashintt up their wheat, taking advantage ot the prevailing advance of the market value of that oommomty; the result is much coin is being placed Montana. The diptheria epidemic has died out at Belt and the publio schools have re opened. . Billings' latest enterprise is to con struct a 1 10.000 opera bouse witn a capacity for 600 persona. A recent fire at Helena destroyed a $30,000 milling plant ot the Montana Lumbering & Manufacturing Company. A brewing concern has just finished a fine cold-storage house and are pre paring to put in bottling works in con nection with their establishment at Belt The assessed valuation of Montana is $194,076,685. B0, while its indebted ness is only $3,798,080.83. For a state that is only six years old, Mon tana is doing remarkably well. The business of the Anaconda post- office is too large tor its present ac commodations and as there is no suit able buildiuK. it probably means the construction of a new block. The postoffioe inspectors are in the city looking the matter up. The municipal authorities of Helena, under authority of a popular vote to that effect, tried to dispose of about $000,000 worth of bonds recently, bear ing interest at 6 per cent. There was onlv one bidder, and the matter wai postponed for thirty days. , There is a movement in North Ad ams, Mass., to make the town a city. With a Donulation of 81,000, it olaims to be the largest town in Amrioa, with tbe exception ot Watervliet, . x. His last words were: "I must die; am all right; the sheriff he good man; one bad man, I, must die. I'm all right" Whittaker Wright, an Australian yachtsman, has offered a $500 cup, to be sailed for during the Riviera season, and with the object of bringing about a meeting between such big yachts as Britannia, Batanita, Ailsa and possibly an American yacht The Japanese legation in Washing ton has received an important cable gram from the foreign office of Japan with a direction to make it publio, by the terms of which the rich island of Formosa, which Japan acquired from China, will be opened up to trade and 1 commerce. Tbe Blue Jay, Silver Bow and Gray Rock mines, of the Butte & Boston group, in Butte, Mont, nave cioaea down, and over 800 men are thrown out of employment The pumps have not been withdrawn from the mines, which shows that the shutdown is only temporary. In view of the report circulating in the United States that William K. Vanderbilt is shortly to announce his engagement to Miss Amy Bend, Vanity Fair, published in London, this week asserts that William K. Vanderbilt will shortly announce his engagement to an English duchess. Lord and Lady Sholto Douglas have abandoned their theatrical tour through California and returned to San Fran cisco. Tbe lord attributes the failure of the trip to the heavy rains and the fact that hia advance agent left htm in an inopportune time, j He says be will try it again shortly. The London Observer says: "We have good authority leading us to ex press the belief that Germany recently invited Russia and other powers to 00 operate in a plan hostile to England's continued occupation of Egypt Ac cording to our information and belief this proposition was declined by Russia." 3 Emperor William is firmly deter mined to carry out the project of doubl ing the size of the German navy. A high German official says be has had re-1 peated conversations with tbe emperor on this Bubject during the past three weeks, and he asserted that during the coming summer the plan for the reor ganisation of the navy will be drawn up. A terrific toronado, accompanied by floods, occurred in North Queensland, attended with great destruction of life and property. Many vessels are miss- ins as a result of the Btorm. Tbe rain fall during the tornado amounted to 33 inches, and it is estimated that the damage to property will amount to $3,600,000. A large number of per sona were drowned. States senate committee's attitude on the Cuban question. They declare that the insurgents have fulfilled none of tbe requisites by international law or ussge for the recognition of belliger ency. Tbe government organs, with a view of pacifving the publio irritation, point ont that President Cleveland, his ministers and the federal authorities so far have preserved a perfectly oorrect and friendly attitude toward Spain, contrasting strongly with the popular sympathy and assistance the insurgents have obtained from the American people. Lloyd Montgomery, tbe self-con fessed murderer of bis father, mother and Daniel B. McKercher, has paid the penalty of his crime by death on tbe gallows. The prisoner exhibited con siderable pluck, considering bis youth. snd did not flinch upon tbe scaffold. The execution took place, as required by law, in an inolosure in tbe jailyard at Albany, Or. An hour before be went upon the scaffold be wrote out and signed the following statement: I did it I am guilty. O God, have mercy on me. Take me as 1 am, a poor sinner. I am sorry for what I have done. God, do have mercy on my poor soul; for my sake, do, and forgive all my sins, each and every one of them, and forgive those who sin against roe. Oh, God, help the preci ous souls to see the way of life for my sake. Do help them and guide them through this life." Colonel W. P. Thompson, president of the National Lead Company, died of pneumonia in New York. The Chicago city council has passed an ordinance prohibiting any person from engaging in the traffic of horse meat It is announced in London that Justin McCarthy will resign the lead ership of the Irish parliamentary party at the next meeting of that party. The unprecedented rains in the lower Mississippi valley the past ten daya have caused all streams to overflow, and the lowlands of Tennesse, Arkan sas and Mississippi are one vast sea of water. Word comes from Brazil that rain has fallen in such torrents for the last tew days that it has caused the falling of many houses in the cities. Yellow fever is increasing and one man on tbe Italian cruiser Lomardi has died of the disease. ' The storthing has been opened. In the speech from the throne, King Oscar said he hoped that tbe meeting of the committee on the condition of the union of Norway and Sweden would tend to an agreement for the happiness of both nations. The United States minister to Tur key, Mr. Terrell, has demanded an in demnity of $100,000 for the burning and pillage of the American mis sions at Marash and Kharput He also asked for the immediate granting of firmans for rebuilding them. The celebrated case of Dr. Arthur Dues trow, the St Louis millionaire, who has been on trial during the past month for the cold-blooded murder of his wife and baby boy, two years old, has ended, the jury returning a ver dict of guilty in the first degree. After a six months' search through anoient and modern history the patent office has issued a patent on 'bloomers. The man who gets tbe credit of invent ing this up-to-date article is Thomas H. Royce, of Brooklyn. In the future the new woman will have to pay Royoe a royalty on her nether garments. The forthcoming monthly state ment of the government receipts and expenditures for January will show that aggregate receipts will be approx imately $39,237,670; expenditures, $33,696,430, leaving a denoit for the month of about $3,459,160, and for the seven months of the present fisoal year 01 about f la.sis.STO. receipts from the oustoms during the present month will amount to about $16,380, 796; from internal revenue, $11,041, 401 ; from miscellaneous sources, about $1,815,472. This is a decrease of about $1,000,000 in reoeipts from the customs as compared with January, 1895, and an inorease of about $2,000, 000 in receipts from the internal reve nue. ; ; - A dispatoh to the London Standard from Madrid says: The papers here protest energetically against the United Developments show that Lee Sellers, lynched in Knoxville, Tenn. , ten years ago for the supposed murder and rob bery of $1,100 from Edward Mainess, was innocent Lime Hickman, on her deathbed, confessed " that Ike Wright, a notorious character, was the murderer, lie is now being pur sued by tbe officers. Tbe federal council has authorized the president of the Swiss republic to accept the proposal tendered by tbe governments of Great Britain and the United States that, in the event of a disagreement as to a choice of arbitra tor for the Canadian sealers' claim, the president of Switzerland shall desig nate the arbitrator. An agent of the Chinese government has oome to the Pacifio coast to place an order for 60,000,000 feet of lumber. Most of tbe timber is intended for the construction and repair of government buildings. The agent says the indica tions are good for a healthy revival of the lumber trade throuhgout China and Japan this and next year. Andrew H. Davidson, ot New York, who is greatly interested in securing the release of Mrs. Maybrick, oonflned in an English prison on a charge of murdering her husband, says tbe next attempt to secure her release will be made by the Masons and Roman Cath olics, and that the effort will be made on the same lines as those in the past The congressional delegates from the Paoifio coast are making quite a push in the matter of the additional revenue cutters for the ooast If Squire's bill should go through, the possibilities are that one will be sta tioned at Puget sound and the other in the Columbia and adjacent waters They will no doubt be built on the eoait